Random Info About You

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Fact: Great house party went on this weekend. Might be doing it again Friday.
Fact: NYC tomorrow. Got tix for The Daily Show. woot!
Fact: Tux fitting sometime this coming week too. I've never worn one before. I always had a shortsighted bias against dressing up in general when I was younger; felt it 'wasn't me.' I still don't like the way a tux looks, but I'm far more open to it nowadays.
Focus that ire a bit closer to home, MoW; Mobil, BP, Exxon, all those multinational corps that were shutting down refineries during peak production times, just so they could drive their gas prices higher? Yeah, those are the real villains. Not saying OPEC doesn't share some blame, but they're not the only black-hats in this equation.
*Slaps Hahvy to wake her up*

Info: Sunny this morning but in the 30's. Scraping ice is never fun but then finding your damn door is frozen shut is just poetic justice for a Monday morning.
Mr Master said:
Finally... FINALLY... caught up on my RPs. It feels good to look down my Subscribed Threads list and see that I'm the most recent poster on all my RP threads... even ones that have been inactive for months.

I don't consider hardly any RPs "dead" per se, but some are less likely than others to pick back up. We'll see how it goes; I certainly enjoy all of them, so I've got my fingers crossed. :)

Ok Ok, I get the hint and promise not to disappear for a year again. XD

FACT: Sleepy Aku is sleepy...
Info: Loves it when you outright refuse to play the seme and suddenly you're unappealing as an rp partner. Amusing as all shit.

FACT: Aku's morning sucked, but was made better by her friend and her going to dinner.
FACT: Any and all good mood was killed when she came home to her brother being rushed to the ER and then getting bit by a dog.
Mr Master said:
Zalvek said:
Fact: Today's been pretty darn awesome. I hope the rest of the week holds up as well.

REMEMBER THIS! You cannot say it "ALWAYS" goes wrong if this day lingers in your memory.

Only problem being I have a terrible long term memory. XD
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