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Random Info About You

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Fact: I will stop if you draw it the other way around?<3
Fact: You know you luff me, so draw the silly picture already :p
Fact: You got involved when you said those things, those terrible terrible things that only we know.
Fact: I'm kidding, obviously
Fact: I'm involving you anyway, cause it's funny when you make jokes about people.

Is that evil? XD
Fact; Drawing is doneee~
Fact; I am not posting it publicly, no matter how many times BattleShip whines 'bout et.
Fact; I wish when people wanted to RP with me, they'd come to realize that two liners aren't my thing.
Fact; I do not, in fact, have a request thread.

I care rarely draw things on command.
I either mess it up completely, or I hate it and wont show anyone.

I usually don't let myself draw people, either, because I'm scared of offending them if I draw them in a way they don't like.

Which is why BS is shaded in my picture. x3
Fact: Harriet's picture turned out great!

Fact: I blew off the world to be with you this one night, and it was worth our time together. <3

Fact: I sang to Pat Benatars Shadows of the Night because it just happened to come on the radio because I'm SOOOO happy.

Fact: Tomorrow I'm going to work out before I even try to check my replies and get caught up.
Fact: My back is messed up
Fact: My alarm died
Fact: My night kinda sucked now that its morning and I've gotta face the world.
Fact: Once again I've been lied to
Fact: Wasted 22 bucks all because someone couldn't just return a text.
Fact: i saw a moose!!
Fact: its eating me!
Fact: it devours me!!
Fact: .........
Fact: It looks like Battleship has a Harem
Fact: I shall not join in this endevour =P
Fact: Kitties > Sheep. End of story =P

DOUBLEFACT: Karo is taking applications for a Harem~!
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