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Random Info About You

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Fact: had a heavy nose bleeding
Fact: had the first post on this page, buuyaaah
i can relate to nosebleeds. i've been getting them chronically since about the age of 2. they're more annoying than anything... especially when they happen at 'bad' times. XD *hugs red*
Fact: I wonder if its a coincidence most of the times I masturbate in the morning the 700 club is on my TV? Is Pat Robertson just that sexy or is it a coincidence?
Info: Wasn't throwing a fit, but apologizes for sniping.
Info: Tired and not wanting to go to school.
Info: Stress-time is now!
Info: Showers are good for stress.​
Fact: It's five o' clock somewhere.
Fact: I have the song of storms stuck in my head.
Fact: I haven't played Ocarina of Time in years!
Fact: Thinks I pissed him off or something ><
Fact: Slept in till 10:30 and had a very good dream that put me in a good mood
Fact: Gonna try and reply to my role-plays today...
Fact: It's nice but cold out ><
Ma Ange, Ma Ange, I had that bad thought again.
But I am trying to stay strong.
To have faith.
To know that it will all be alright and all work out.
But my darkness threatens to overwhelm me.
And Goddess, I am praying, praying for a sign that it will be alright.
And give reason that I will be strong enough to win this fight.
PocketFullOfPosies said:
Fact: Can play several Zelda songs on the harp...has yet to try the Song of Storms however, will attempt at some point today.
fact: hasn't been sleeping well the past several nights
fact: doesn't anticipate getting the best night's sleep for a few more months to come
fact: is happy that 'lost' is on tonight
fact: just might go to bed early tonight
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