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Almost pissed myself, kinda wanna go check to see if my grill is ok as I think that might be what got hit and as it has no gas hooked up to it it wouldn't have exploded but still. Its one thing to be sitting and have it flash by the window, its another to feel hair on the back of your neck standing up as you're leaning into the window to get your netbook...I'm pretty sure I couldn't have actually been hit through.
Odds can go screw themselves XD
I say stay inside until its all clear. At least, that is what we do in the army. Lightening is no joke.
I went to check on the grill, opened the door, heard thunder and an image flashed through my mind of my mom finding me face up dead on our kitchen floor and I decided to stay inside.

Fact: If I didn't have to open a big metal secondary door that opened outward to get outside I'd have considered going out anyway.
Info: Headach is a lovely thing to have when you sit in front of a computer screen with radioatctive rays there shoots directly up in your face
Fact: I hate the screens at the uni

Found a copy of MGS4 at a tiny korean roadside stand for only 20 bucks lmao!
Fact: I hate being half awake. That feeling is so gross.
Fact: I haven't seen 8 in the morning is a long while now.
Info: Every time I start to think I was wrong, or you've changed, or I should apologize, every time I want to change the way things are between us, you pull something or I hear about something you've been doing, and it makes me realize there's a good reason I feel the way I do about you.

Info: On the other hand, at least now you have company.

Info: In other news: Fizzy, I have to get up at 6:00 am on weekdays! And I hate it. The bike in to work wakes me up, but still... So I feel you, sister.
Fact: I didn't sleep until four. Ugh. I am not going to spend the night at mom's again.
Fact: I want someone to play a demon for me. Don't think that will happen.
fact: is glad that aku is home and hopes she's doing better
fact: hopes red's headache goes away... i sympathize when it comes to head pain
fact: i miss a lot of people who seem to have been MIA lately... come back, i miss you!
yeah got home, did some shooting with Mom's BF, went out to get my laptop afterward and it wasn't in my car or the house. I'm praying i left it at work.
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