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Fact: After roommate came home drunk last night, she pinched Pocket for not wearing green. When explaining to said roommate it wasn't St. Patrick's day yet, roommate went to sleep after getting sick...Roommate then came into Pocket's room at three forty seven this morning, and pinched Pocket for not wearing green then went back to the bathroom -.-
fact: cannot believe that she almost forgot today was st. patrick's day. (am 37.5% irish). forgot to get the corned beef at the grocery store this past weekend, isn't wearing any green. T_T
Info: It's still weird to see my ass as people's avatars. xD
Info: My dad thinks I'm an attention-whoring beached whale. :3
Info: My dad is shallow. O:
Info: I was already planning on working out.
Info: Maybe I should get my tongue pierced. ;D​
--+Hahvoc Requiem+-- said:
Info: It's still weird to see my ass as people's avatars. xD
Info: My dad thinks I'm an attention-whoring beached whale. :3
Info: My dad is shallow. O:
Info: I was already planning on working out.
Info: Maybe I should get my tongue pierced. ;D​
Tongue is easier to hide, particularly in pictures, unless you're Anansi, apparently. XD

And every time I go down to the Lake, I'm a beached whale! <laughs uproariously, slaps flippers on "knees">

Seriously, though. Shallow as fuck, that man.
Fact: I ran across the biggest green top hat I have ever seen today.
Fact: I got a promotion.
Fact: I fucking love Irish people and their good-luck filled holidays.
7am to 4 pm:work
5pm to 9 pm: 2 midterm exams 1 midterm paper at school
10pm to 1 am: movie with steph
1am to 3 am: drinks and late food with steph
3am to 5 am: drop steph home then head home
6am to 11 am: sleep

That's my day tmr though fri....
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