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darkangel76 said:
fact: my throat is getting scratchy... which means i think i'm getting a cold. *smites the cold virus! damn you!*

*Grabs DA and runs to Africa*

Fuck you cold. Fuck you.

I'd avoid the areas in yellow.
Battleship44 said:
Mr Master said:
Alex said:

I'd avoid the areas in yellow.
I didn't know what that was a map of until I quoted your post and saw what the title of the image was.
Fail. Just fail. -Shakes head in dissapointment-

I don't even understand what you're talking about. Have I been insulted? Are you insulting my friend Alex? What do you even mean?
Rofl no. not at all XD. I was only messing with you, for one :p
Two: Its Africa, which I thought was easily recognizable to everyone, and thus your lack of notice amused me. Infact, +10 cool points for making me giggle, MM XD
Battleship44 said:
Its Africa, which I thought was easily recognizable to everyone, and thus your lack of notice amused me.
... wait, you thought I didn't know it was Africa? I meant the yellow and the annual tallies and the red stars with track lines. The fact that it was a map of ebola incidences is the only element I didn't know. That's the whole reason she was saying "I'd avoid the areas in yellow." My thought was, why would that be necessary?

I suspect I should be insulted by the assumptions you made. Really? You thought it was the Africa part of that map that I didn't know? Really? Even given all the other bits that were confusing or unknown, all the other undefined components, that was the one bit you thought was giving me trouble? Really? Seriously?

EDIT: Let's not ignore the fact that I said the title of her image is what gave me the missing information, and the title of the image? Does not mention Africa. So your reaction? Made no sense in the context of what I fucking even said.

Fail, good sir. Fail hard.
Geez chill, you didn’t exactly make it clear either. That was my primitive assumption, wasn’t intending to insult anyone o_o’. But apologies if I did xD
<sigh> Apologies accepted, and I suppose I ought to say that publicly, since I rather went off publicly. My own apologies, in turn.

I should say, though, what triggered me is the failure of a lesson that's a general useful thing to know in all BMR postings outside of PVP: mock not lest ye be mocked. 'Twould have been better to ask "You didn't recognize Africa?" than just tell me I fail with no explanation. That would have avoided a whole lot of hassle, since you made a lot of assumptions, including assuming I'd know what you were referring to.

I easily take that abuse from friends, as you've probably seen. You? I barely know. Perhaps we can alter that, though: I'm open.
Fact: My back is killing me.
Fact 2: I feel like I have a fever.
Fact 3: Might be getting more hours at work soon :D
Fact 4: I miss snuggles :<
Mr Master said:
Tako: Sorry about 1, 2, and 4!

BS44: Did you guys ever do that old "changing places on an unsuspecting date" gag?
One too many times, MM xD! It didn’t work most of the time though, mainly because he usually had shorter hair than I. But if hair length was the same, you could barley tell us apart.
Mr Master said:
supposed to be sort of the men's reward for putting up with the very feminine-oriented Valentine's Day. A month later.
What are you talking about? guys are the one getting the chocolate.... oh wait i forgot we're in America not japan XD
poor red..... i'll give you some of my non-fear of them. i have so much non-fear of them it's crazy. i'd go so far as to say i have a fascination of them, if i want to be honest about it. >.> especially when the needles are for blood draws. >.>
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