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Random Info About You

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Fact: I keep losing weight
Fact: My boobs arent shrinking
Fact: if this continues I will be disproportionate.
Fact: I dont know if I like this.
Fact: Im really Intrested In that thread *Clicks*
Fact: Here's the demotivational poster of the day.
Oh man! I have been putting my facts in the wrong thread! Its a demotivational thread.
Fact: No, no Its still the facts thread XD
Fact: Im addicted to Demotivational threads
Fact: Someone should probably start a demotivational thread for me to pour my soul Into, instead of here.
fact: wants PK's boobs... mine are too small, lol! GIMME!!!!!
fact: wants more snow *is jealous that others are getting more while we are getting... none*
fact: just felt like putting a 3rd fact.
darkangel76 said:
fact: wants PK's boobs... mine are too small, lol! GIMME!!!!!
fact: wants more snow *is jealous that others are getting more while we are getting... none*
fact: just felt like putting a 3rd fact.

-Makes an Igloo for Angel-

Fact: Is Canadian.
Fact: Has tons of snow.
Fact: Can't really make an Igloo.
Fact: I discovered today there was a supreme lack of orange in my colored pencils collection. Very upsetting. Like, 20 different shades of green, but one friggin' plain orange. Very biased colored pencil container. *shakes fist*

Ran 6 miles with a 40 lb ruck in only 57 minutes.

yay! I get to go home early today!!!!

dances............ o(^^ )o......o( ^^)o
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