Nomadic Wordsmith
- Joined
- Aug 4, 2013
- Location
- Can-Ka No Rey

Hi there. So, I have a request thread (which is linked in my signature) that has a much more extensive list of what I'm interested in. What I'm currently craving, however, is a chance to play the Man of Steel. Those are some reference pics for different versions of the Big Blue Boyscout, and I'm looking to pair him with just about anyone in an epic team-up adventure.
On that note, I've provided a starter for anyone looking to quickly begin (or to see how I write). Feel free to respond to it or just look at it as a sample; I just hate leaving work lying around collecting dust xD
When Worlds Collide - A Multiverse Adventure: This is a starter I wrote for a game that did not take off... But it would be great to revive it. I would play (primarily at least) a young Superman who is coming into his role as the world's greatest defender. Your character is up for debate, but would be a heroine from another world or from the future. Wonder Woman, Zatanna or (if you want some taboo action on the side) Power Girl are all solid choices. Heroines from other universes are an option too, including Marvel's bombshells like Ms. Marvel or She-Hulk. Maybe you want to play a female version of one of the popular mainstays: Aquawoman, Green Lantern, or a femFlash? OC's and others are up for talks, too, but the idea here is that YC comes to MC's world to find its Superman for one reason or another. Perhaps she is a little older and is there to mentor him, guide him so that he does not make some big mistake. Or they could be the same age, thrust together by happenstance or destiny to team up against a common, multiversal threat. Maybe she's even here to kill him, because where she's from Superman is evil or Kryptonians arrived as conquerors. This is fairly open-ended and wide open for detail-orienting. Just shoot me a message if you're interested and let me know who you would be interested in playing as. We can work out the rest together!
Man of Steel: Hunted: This starter deals with a Superman who has recently returned from a hiatus after a massive battle with his first truly powerful foe. Their fight caused a lot of collateral damage, and Superman disappeared immediately afterward. The public, obviously, has mixed feelings about this. What they don't know is that this foe revealed to Superman that he was not a metahuman, as he had thought all his life, but was in fact a Kryptonian. An alien. Plenty of other things came about in tow with this revelation and battle, but we can cover that in the story. We pick up a while after his return, when a particular galactic badass bounty hunter sets a trap for our hero. Caught off guard and trying to minimize casualties, my starter ends with Superman in trouble. Perhaps a heroine was nearby, or already en route to see/engage Superman? The Big Blue Boyscout could use a hand, ladies!
If you're feeling adventurous (and I hope some of you are!) or just don't feel like waiting to hash out every detail with me, feel free to just copy a starter into a PM and send your response! The multiverse is a big place, and there are so, so many stories to be told.
When it comes to the smutty side of things, I am looking for fun scenes that involve the use of powers. This pairing can be one of lusting rivalry, bittersweet romance, or anything in between and actual kinks and tastes are up for discussion. Really just looking to have fun with this ^^;
Stay Super!