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An Unexpected Romance [Xanatos and Sigr]

Sarah was a little surprised by Alex's hug but it was more than welcome. Her words were welcome. Speaking of Austin's strength and Mike's support. Again someone was referring to her as brave or bold. She didn't feel that way. She felt perpetually scared and weak, like she couldn't even walk or speak without someone nearby to support her. When they separated Alex looked her in the eye, she smiled faintly. Her eyes still red with emotion. "I know you're right. But, I don't feel particularly brave or strong. I owe you all so much. I couldn't do this alone." She gave a small nod. "But, you're right. We'll get through it somehow." She agreed. She didn't have Alex's confidence or optimism but she knew at the very least, that there was no going back. There was no room for regret.

She pulled her schedule out to double check the room number. "233..." She looked up at the doors around her. "I think the two-hundreds are no the second floor... 33... Maybe back towards homeroom, but up a floor?" She speculated. She felt much better just thinking about going to art class. She could lose herself in her greatest passion and not worry about what she was wearing or what others thought about her. She started to lead the way, even if only by a half a step.

Once they made it to where she guess the class location was, she looked up at the door number and smiled a little. "Looks like this is it." She looked back at Alex, the same way she had looked at Mike before entering the locker room. Just that silent pleading for support or reassurance. Then she turned, pulling the door open. She approached the teacher's desk, stopping to explain her situation, producing a letter from her mother. The woman read over the paper, giving Sarah a small smile before making a note on the schedule and roll call. She found her way back to one of the shared tables, saving the place beside her for Alex. Producing her sketchbook and pencil, she looked back to Alex. "So, do you actually like art?" She asked, curiously. "Because, I can help you practice if you're serious about it."
"Nobody could do this alone unless they are some kind of movie action hero, and even so they would have a sidekick" Alex tried to lighten the situation. "We got this, all four of us. We may receive some bumps on the road, but nothing is going to get us off the track" she nodded, being as positive as she could without getting too corny. Seeing that Sarah was ready to move on, she peeked on her schedule as Sarah pulled it. "The second floor thing sounds solid, but I never understand these things. Do we really have another thirty two classes?" Alex shook her head, unable to understand it and following Sarah around.

"We made it" Alex agreed, having stood mostly silent during the search, letting things rest for a while. Mulling over what happened was of no use, and they would be able to meet Mike and specially Austin at lunch or whenever. The art teacher seemed nice, or at least sympathetic, so things were slowly getting better. Alex sat besides Sarah and sighed while producing drawing material out of her backpack. "I never thought about it, to be honest. I mean, I can appreciate the technique but..." Alex didn't want to sound like a dumb jock, but she wanted to be sincere. "The classics look good but I have trouble relating to, and modern paints... I just cant' seem to understand them" she shrugged, pausing briefly.

"The thing is that I met someone during my summer job tending tables, an artist" Alex told Sarah. "She used to hang out there often, so we ended up talking, specially during my rests. It turns out she's a sculptor that works with stone, and out of curiosity I went to her workshop with her after work" she looked to the white paper of her own empty sketchbook, and slowly ripped a page off it. Alex' eyes looked in the distance, back to the past month more than the paper itself. "She had all kinds of statues, from those usual naked ladies to more... abstract ones, I guess" Alex's hands were working on the paper, folding it over and over. "She got me curious, you know?" she looked at Sarah, slightly blushed like admitting some guilty pleasure. "It kind of... made sense to me" her hands kept working, almost without paying attention. "So I thought I could give it a try, maybe it wasn't so different from the folding paper my grandma taught me" Alex gave the finishing touches to a paper flower she just made.

"The physicality of it... works for me, it's something I can touch. Drawing something is more difficult for me" Alex admitted. "So help would be welcome" she took one of Sarah's hands and deposited the flower on it, a touch surprisingly gentle for the sporty girl. "Thank you" she nodded.
Sarah listened carefully as Alex spoke about becoming interested in sculpting. It made the most sense that the energetic athlete would prefer to work with her hands. She watched as she carefully folded the paper, trying to discern what she was making. As the flower was finished and placed in her hand, she smiled at it. "Your grandma must have been really talented to teach you stuff like that." She looked up at Alex, leaning over to hug the girl briefly. She quite carefully took a pin from her hair, pinching the base of the flower ever so gently, and returning it to her hair. She smiled a little wider looking back to her friend. "Don't worry too much about it. It took a long time for me to get anywhere with art." She explained softly. "As far as I know the class is going to cover most forms. So, I'll help you learn to draw and you can help me not totally embarrass myself with sculpting and stuff." She giggled softly.

She turned the page in her sketchbook over to a blank one, the most recent image being the one of herself she had drawn the day before. Soon enough, the teacher called the class to attention. As the roll was called, Sarah waited with baited breath. She had closed her eyes prepared to hear 'Seth', but her heart soared when she heard the teacher call for 'Sarah Mayes'. She almost too excitedly proclaimed "Here!" She looked around at the rest of the class. Noting that rather than the more malicious and confused stares she had received in P.E., people seemed indifferent or curious. She smiled to herself. Yes, she would be able to enjoy art very much. Maybe even make other friends here. She recognized a couple girls here and there from P.E. but she couldn't recall any of them looking at her with malice in P.E. anyway.

Sarah was hardly surprised to hear that the first project for the class was going to be to sketch from some manner of physical model. She expected some kind of apple, or banana, something simple and boring. When she heard they were to sketch their neighbor instead, she grew excited, looking over to Alex. "So who first, you or me?" She asked, clearly a little excited about the prospect.
"Yes she was..." a nostalgic smile appeared on Alex's face when talking about her grandmother, comforted by Sarah's brief hug. Alex had always been comfortable around Mike, sharing more things than most teenage girls would share with a friend, specially male, but Sarah had soon earned a place in her heart since with the hectic return to school, even Mike didn't know about her artistic interest. "You've got yourself a deal then" Alex said using a slightly goofy tone, pleased to have someone to share that kind of curiosity.

Once the roll call started, Alex lowered her hand after hearing the usual 'Alexandra Maddox' call for her, knowing that Sarah would be shortly after if not the next. Both of them were pleasantly surprised as the teacher called Sarah by her name, making Alex cover her mouth to avoid yelping excited. Once Sarah sat down, Alex said nothing, not wanting to disturb the moment, the step ahead. She just nodded and passed an arm over her, bringing Sarah shoulder to shoulder with her, making sure she understood they were there, to endure against the bad, to celebrate around the good.

"I think I'd rather pose naked for the class than start drawing" Alex admitted. It was just a joke, reflecting her doubts about her skill with such a discipline, but it was true that Alex felt completely comfortable and sure of her body. It was quite the bold statement, since even if the class were mostly girls there were more than half a dozen boys in the room. There was something she didn't share about her summer serving drinks, something that even Mike didn't know since he didn't come visit, but that was hardly the time to comment anything about that. "So.. how do you want me to pose?" Alex asked Sarah. Her shorts left most of her legs bare, but the sport jersey covered her upper body except for the arms. "I can rise the jersey up if you want to draw some sick abs" she leaned back with a smile, pulling up the cloth a bit, revealing part of her toned midriff. Jokes aside, Alex would pose as Sarah wanted, she was fine with it.
Sarah shook her head when she asked about poses. "Don't pose, just get comfy." She said simply, studying her for a moment. "I don't like to draw to poses anyway. It isn't natural." Carefully she took the pencil to the paper. She was nervous, to say the least. She had never drawn with the intention of sharing the image, nor had she ever drawn anyone who was conscious of her doing so. Her mind was awash with typical artist worries. Worried about Alex's approval of the work, and of course, their teacher. She knew that this was likely a 'get to know you exercise' for the class among their classmates, but still...

As she drew she would occasionally look up to verify her source material, smiling a little bashfully as it meant consciously locking eyes with her subject. Noting her hand beginning to shake a little, her nervous tick, she swapped to her left, sketching with the other hand instead. Fortunately, she was ambidextrous. As the picture finally started coming together, Sarah smiled a little more confidently. She didn't go quite as overboard as she normally would have, knowing that it was only her first day in class. There was no pressure to bust ass like that. Still, she wanted it to be good. She set the pencil down, looking over the image for herself for a moment. She looked back at Alex, blushing a little before setting the picture in front of her. "S-see? Piece of cake."
"No posing, I got it" Alex, nodded, but she had trouble staying still when her usual self was to be in movement, restless. She finally decided to rest a bit against her seat, even if it wasn't Mike's couch it would have to do. Alex managed to keep a relaxed pleasant smile, enjoying the moment of calm in the hectic morning, giving Sarah space to enjoy it a bit. She still seemed nervous on her eyes, but Alex just left her be, as pushing the issue wouldn't help. Should she talk to make things less awkward even if she was in class? Or should she keep quiet and move as less as possible? In the end, Alex opted to be silent, not wanting to distract Sarah from her task. Once Sarah was done, Alex took a look, marveling on her talent. "Well, yeah, you make it look easy..." Alex said, admiring it. "Good work, but I'm not the teacher" she shrugged, soon realizing that it was her turn.

"Okay, here we go..." Alex sighed, grabbing her sketchbook and pencil. "You can look somewhere else if my artistic scrutiny feels odd" she joked, as Alex wouldn't have no problem getting looked or looking at her, but Sarah wasn't like her, as she acted bashful even when she was drawing. As Alex started to get a good look at Sarah and sketch her, she was slowly and surely being aware of every detail, every nuance. The posture of her shoulders, the flow of her hair, her cheeks and chin... But she had trouble translating it to paper. Even when just sketching the general position, the form, it all was a bit off. Alex was starting to get visibly frustrated, uttering a groan or two, stopping herself with a heavy sigh. "It's pretty hard, maybe if I..." Alex paused. "It's going to sound weird, but..." she left the sketchbook on the table, visibly full of erased and redrawn scribbles. "Can I touch you? Face and shoulders I mean" she rose her hands in the air. "It would be just a moment and it would help me, unless you have some advice to share" Alex added, giving Sarah a reasonable option if she wanted to get out of the strange proposal.
She pulled the picture back over to herself, blushing when Alex expressed her approval and even praised her. It was embarrassing to actively share her art with others, but she would have to get used to it in this class. She took a minute to study it. Her hyper-critical eye only allowing her to see everything she could have done better. Truly it was the artist's curse to over analyze her own work. She looked up from the picture when Alex was ready to take her turn. She gave a nod and a nervous smile, trying to get comfortable in her chair for her to be able to draw her. She played with her hair for a second, making sure it was sitting right before settling again. She was extremely self-conscious in female dress, especially with someone actively looking her over.

Sarah felt very strange and even embarrassed being so closely observed by someone else. She tried to sit still and straight, but it was apparent that she was uncomfortable in that position. Her shoulders held the tell-tale slouch of someone with chronic shyness. Her face was kept a quarter turn away, her eyes trying to look anywhere but directly at Alex. Her legs were crossed, showing a tad more skin than she realized from beneath her skirt. At her request, her attention snapped forward again. She blushed a little. "I uh... Well..." She looked to the ground for a moment, biting her lip. "Yeah, I guess that would be alright. Especially if it helps." Everyone has their own methods, and who was she to question Alex's?
As Alex looked at Sarah, she was aware of how natural she looked. Not that she was calm, as she was fidgeting and nervous, probably too self aware. But even then, she was managing herself on a skirt in a pretty good and mindful way, or at least better than Alex usually did, preferring to wear pants to not worry about how she moved her legs. Even blushing, Sarah had agreed to Alex's odd petition, clearly embarrassed about the idea.

"Don't worry, it won't be long" Alex promised, scooting in closer, resting her arms on Sarah's shoulders. Taking a deep breath, Alex closed her eyes and started to slowly move her hands upwards. It was a gentle and fleeting touch, even if precise, as she wanted to absorb every detail but without being too touchy, a task that was quite impossible. Her fingers traced Sarah's delicate jawline, from the sides to the chin, rising across her tense lips and reaching the nose. Once acquainted with its shape, Alex's palms moved through the cheeks, soon reaching to Sarah's ears, caressing the lobes. Finally her hands moved along her brow and forehead, soon backing off as Alex opened her eyes.

The whole process probably didn't last even a minute, but it felt longer as it was a bit awkward if you weren't accustomed to. Alex didn't practice that much, so it was still new to her, but she felt like it was helpful. "Thank you" she quickly said, retrieving her sketchbook and pencil and starting it in a new page. Her move were fast, anxious, as if she wanted to capture a fleeting instant before it was erased from her mind. At times she stopped, closing her hand and wriggling her fingers as if she wanted to remember a touch, a feeling, and then quickly resumed her drawing. Alex looked at Sarah less frequently than before, and in the end, even if she sometimes grunted and pouted unhappy, she finished the sketch, showing it to Sarah without second thoughts.

Honestly, it was bad. Alex's technique was rushed and green, and sometimes looked like she was fighting the pencil instead of using it. The drawing had a depth to it, as Alex's touching haven't been in vain, but it was clear that not only drawing wasn't her medium, but also lacked practice on it. There was something a bit charming on how Alex had perceived Sarah's more delicate side and translated it to paper, making her look quite girly, but it was still off and telling that Alex would require to practice.

"So... that bad?" Alex asked, cringing a little bit.
Sarah was nervous about being touched. It was simply unusual. Her feather light touches exploring her face, she stared at Alex wide-eyed as she felt her features. Her nervousness grew more prevalent understanding Alex's reasoning. Obviously, Alex knew she was trans, but she still feared that in touching to gain depth for the image only the masculine traits would show through. Her concerns were not on the quality of the image, but rather, that she would look like a boy. Would the sketch be finished and instead of seeing Sarah, would she see Seth? She hated the idea. Her stomach churned as she watched everywhere but where her friend was working. When the sketch was finished and presented to her, she snapped her head forward again.

Her eyes fell to the paper examining her work. She was amazed to find how feminine the image was. She didn't look at the image with nearly as critical of an eye as Alex might have thought. There was talent there. She could see it. Perhaps it would be best in a 3d medium, such as clay, but she could see that Alex had an artistic flair. She looked up at her, shaking her head. "It isn't bad. You're not terrible. You just need practice. I told you I would help, remember?" She smiled a little as her gaze returned to the picture. "Besides, you made me look like a girl. That means the world to me."
"Ah, thanks!" Alex face brightened when Sarah said to her that her work wasn't as bad as she had expected, that she could improve with practice. She was relieved that she wouldn't have to regret picking that class, and struggle all year long. Alex had enough struggling with the ones that required memorizing, she didn't need to get into trouble in art as well. Sarah smiled and looked at the picture again, glad at Alex's perception of her. "Maybe we didn't notice at first" she said with a shrug. "Although, maybe Mike did, subconsciously or something" Alex added, considering how he had been hovering around Sarah the whole day. "But I guess that the hands don't lie" she smiled, wriggling her fingers in the air. "Without our eyes to deceive us, we can touch the true nature of everything, or something like that was what she said" Alex reminisced her summer lessons. "It sounds a bit new age-y, but I guess it could be true" she added, giving it no importance, returning to the present.

She had lost track of time with all that, always a good sign, considering that Alex usually was terribly bored in class and everything seemed to go slower. "So... what now? Do we show them to the teacher or..." she knew nothing about how to proceed in a non traditional class. "I don't even know what time is it, but we could probably use a pause" she sighed. Alex didn't mention them, but she was worried about Mike and specially Austin, not knowing the details of what happened and, most of all, the consequences it may have. She didn't want to disturb that unforeseen oasis that the class had turned, unexpected at least for her, so Alex tried to downplay her usual restless self and relaxed a bit.
Sarah couldn't help but smile at Alex's explanation. She wasn't sure if she believed her, but it was nice to think it was possible for a moment. When she asked about what to do next, Sarah was pulled out of her thoughts. "I... Um... I'm not sure... Maybe we..." Before she could finish she felt someone standing behind her. She looked back to see the teacher. She breathed out a sigh of relief when she realized it wasn't someone giving her a hard time.

"Hey Ladies!" She greeted cheerfully. She smiled a little when she saw the delighted face Sarah made when her identity was reaffirmed again. She leaned over the table to look at the pieces. "Looking great, girls. Go ahead and put your names on them, I'll bring them up front." Sarah quickly scribbled her name, pausing as she looked at what she wrote. Without thinking she had written Seth Mayes across the top. She closed her eyes before shaking her head. She hastily erased the name, resigning with Sarah. She waited for Alex to sign hers before presenting them to the teacher.

Not long after the bell rang. Sarah rose, immediately nervous again. Her time here in her sanctuary was ending and reality waited outside again. "Lunch time, then?" She asked, looking back to Alex. She was clearly trying to pretend all was normal, even though her behavior clearly betrayed her.
Alex was startled when she noticed the teacher looming behind them, but she seemed to be nice and was treating Sarah properly, so it was a good one in her list. The teacher complimented them, but Alex was far from being happy with her results, but with Sarah's help even she could improve. After all those years, Alex so comfortable in her tomboyish self that it was weird venturing outside her zone of comfort. That didn't mean she would stop exercising, she really loved being active but... If Mike was trying new things, discovering more of himself, maybe she could do the same as well. After all, Alex well knew that she had a hard time being still, maybe sports had been the obvious answer to the question, but that didn't mean she could do other things as well.

She signed her work as instructed, resisting the temptation to change a couple of things here and there, and brought it to the teacher. Sarah seemed uneasy again, Alex didn't know precisely why since they were at ease in that class, but maybe that it was almost over was the thing that made her unhappy. "Yep!" Alex answered Sarah's question about lunch when the bell rang. "Who needs some sugar? I need some sugar. And probably something unnecessarily fatty. I'm craving for something unhealthy, it's a bit..." Alex started to talk in her usual hectic self, although she may be inadvertently more hyper than usual to compensate. "Like... saying fuck you to the world? It's silly, but it works for me" she shrugged.

Walking into the cafeteria, one could see the student moving in swarms, each social group slowly coagulating in their spaces, easily distinguishable by their looks, as unfair as such a categorization could be. What would people think if they saw them four once they were back together? Austin looked like a jock with that frame of his, and Mike would also fit if it wasn't for his usual demure posture and new glasses. Where did Sarah and her fit? Before Alex could ponder that question, Mike noticed them and soon came to their side.

Having time to cook a little bit had done wonders for Mike's state of mind, his class as much an oasis as art had been for Sarah, he felt comfortable in that setting. The more time it passed the more he felt like that punch he threw was someone else's action, as if he was an spectator outside his body, as he'd never do such a thing, and yet it was her hand the one that felt slightly numb yet. With Mike's presence it was even more obvious and unavoidable, as both Alex's and Mike's minds could only think about the absence in their tight group. "My class was fine, relaxing, I hope you had a good time with yours" he asked, receiving just a silent nod from Alex's part. It was hardly the time to tell him why did she take art, and even less what had she been doing during summer. "Do you know anything about Austin?" Mike asked, hoping he had time to text Sarah something if he was unable to join them there.
As soon as the two were in the cafeteria, Sarah was standing uneasy. Even if everyone was busy with gathering their own lunches and chatting with friends, she felt like all eyes were on her. When she saw Mike she smiled involuntarily. She moved quickly to him, wrapping her arms around his waist. She rested her head against his chest as she just quietly enjoyed his presence. She wanted to see her brother, to make sure all was well, but for now, seeing Mike was enough. When Austin was brought up, almost as if bid by the gods of timing, two bodies appeared at the door.

"I know you had to, Austin. It's fine. But..." An older woman brought her hand to her brow. "It's all happening so fast."

"How do you think Sarah feels?" He asked, looking back at her.

"Sarah? Oh... Right... I know, it's just..." She looked up to see the group of kids, forcing a small smile. She was clearly sleep deprived and stressed but she wasn't going to be rude. She walked away from Austin approaching the group. For a moment she looked at Sarah before sighing audibly. "A skirt, Austin? Seriously?"

"I picked it out, Mom." Sarah interjected. "Austin just helped me get ready." She wasn't being completely forthright, but she wasn't going to let Austin take the fall either.

She sighed, shaking her head. "Can't you just... you know... Wait? Til the hormones at least?" She asked, looking at Sarah. Seeing the look of hurt on Sarah's face, she closed her eyes. "You're right. That's not fair." She looked to the others. "You must be Alexandra and Michael, right?" She asked politely. "It's nice to meet you. The boys..." She stopped, sighing again. "My kids speak highly of you two."

Sarah's hand snuck into Mike's as she stood beside him.
With Sarah wrapping her arms around him, boldly ignoring what the onlookers may think, Mike was smiling at peace, Sarah being as much his oasis as he was hers. Alex nodded in appreciation, glad for them both to have found each other in that moment of their lives, destiny playing nice for once. Mike was lost in the embrace, one hand on Sarah's back, the other slowly and softly caressing her hair as he talked when the missing member of the team appeared, even if not alone.

He was with an older woman, Mike thinking that she could be a teacher or maybe the headmistress, while Alex thought that if she wasn't a teacher she may be the school counselor or something like that. Both discovered how wrong they were and how obvious the correct answer was, after seeing them both come closer and interact with each other. Of course the school was going to call for a parent after what happened, Mike realized that he was lucky that Austin took the weight unto himself, as Mike's father wouldn't like having his job interrupted by a 'childish fight' or whatever he could say about the event.

Mike didn't let Sarah go until she moved herself, but he was clearly tense as a wire. That wasn't his idea of meeting Sarah's mother, after a fight in the locker room and being caught hugging her in the middle of the cafeteria. He stood in silence while the family talked, being there for support but not meddling more than he needed to in such affairs. It showed that as crazy the situation was, and as tired and confused she could be, that her heart was on the right side, so both Mike and Alex took a liking to her for the time being.

Finally able to react when addressed, Mike was back to his usual gentle and soft spoken self. "A pleasure to meet you Ms. Mayes, even if it's not in the best of circumstances" Mike admitted, offering his hand for a shake, holding Sarah's one tight on the other one. "They both are wonderful" he added, not knowing what else to say.

Even if Alex, as usual, winced at the sound of her full name, she quickly approached her. Alex being Alex, she briefly but tightly hugged Ms. Mayes, wanting to comfort the tired woman a little bit, even if she risked to make things feel even more awkward. "In how much of a trouble is Austin?" she asked to her like nothing out of the ordinary had happened, glancing to the tall boy.
Mrs. Mayes smiled tiredly, accepting Austin's hand for a shake. "You must be a special sort of guy if you managed to do what we couldn't." She gave him an honest appraisal. "Pulling her out of her shell and getting to the root of the matter like that." When Alex hugged her she was a little surprised but accepted it regardless. She chuckled softly, shaking her head. "No trouble here, at least. After a passionate, if exhausting, argument on Austin's part, the school saw the hand they played in the ordeal and gave it a pass. It provides a little wiggle room to push if there's any other discrimination."

Austin looked over at Mike, giving him a friendly smile. "I left you out when I talked to the office. So, you're in the clear."

After being separated from Alex, the tired woman smiled, tussling her hair a bit. "You're a friendly one, huh?" She looked back to Mike and Sarah, seeing them holding hands before a knowing smile crept over her face. "Aren't you two just adorable." She finally said. "It's good to see Sarah happy for once." She said, smiling at her daughter.

Austin got serious for a moment, looking at his Mom. "What about Dad? Is he home?"

"He came home this morning. Look we can talk about this when we get home. School hardly seems appropriate." She replied tiredly.

"Fair enough." He replied. "Mike, Alex, is Sarah good with one of you tonight? I don't want her coming home tonight." Austin asked. Sarah was about to argue the point but became silent soon after. She knew that he was right. It wasn't safe. After last night, seeing her in a skirt would be bad news.

Both Austin and their mother seemed in agreement about having Sarah elsewhere. It would escalate things for sure.
Mike blushed a bit when Mrs. Mayes complimented him, and a bit more when she reacted so positively when she noticed Sarah and him were holding hands. "Her courage makes things a bit easier" Mike said, looking at Sarah for a moment. "Now I know who she got it from" added in all honesty. After all, the opinion he had of their father was that he was a coward, someone who would resort to hit his family. Not wanting to delve too much into the issue, he just nodded and mouthed a mute "Thank you" when Austin told him that he was clear since she took responsibility. It had been clear before, but it those moments it showed that Sarah wasn't the only one brave in that family, and Mike felt a bit childish seeing how mature Austin had to be to handle those situations. He felt more of an older brother to them than someone their age. For a moment the image of him beating the bully out crossed his mind, but he shook his head, not wanting to think about that side of the situation.

Alex laughed and smiled when Mrs. Mayes ruffled her short spiky hair, sending blonde locks of hair in disarray. She was happy that Austin had managed to avoid any kind of punishment and maybe ease some further positive steps on Sarah's daily life at school, but her bright mood soon was clouded at Austin's mention of their father. "You two can stay with me if you want as well" Alex said, looking at Justin and his mother. Her house was a bit roomier, and would have it's own amount of complications, but it could be made and in Alex's eyes anything was better to be with that man, even if she said nothing else.

"Do you want to stay with me?" Mike asked, looking at Sarah. "You know my house already, and the two of us talking to my father wouldn't hurt" he said. "Not only so you can meet him, but..." Mike scratched the back of his head with his free hand. "I could use your support to talk to him about the cooking thing" he admitted. "It's a bit selfish but..." he showed a small awkward smile, it was nowhere the time to bother Sarah and her family with his troubles, but he wanted Sarah to be with him and not with Alex, and Mike was ready to use every sound argument he could make but one. Just asking her to stay with him because they were a couple in front of her mother was way too much for Mike.
Austin gave Alex a thankful smile. "Thanks, Alex. You two are the best." Austin looked at his mother with a sigh. He rubbed his brow before speaking. "We ought to take her up on that, Mom. There's more about the situation with Dad than you know. But school isn't really the right time for it."

Mrs. Mayes lowered her gaze, taking in a deep breath. "Alright, fine. But Alex needs to clear things with her parents first. I'm not about to have the two of us show up unannounced and unexpected." Austin seemed satisfied with her terms. He was about to insist that Sarah go to Alex's instead, what with her and Mike dating, until he voiced his reasoning, then he became quiet, simply nodding.

Sarah looked over at Mike before blushing a bit. "Sure, I'd love to stay with you." She smiled a little as he spoke. "Of course, I'll be there. I want to help you too, silly."

Mrs. Mayes gave a small chuckle before shaking her head. "There's nothing selfish about asking for support or wanting to spend time with your girlfriend, silly boy." She approached Mike, giving him a hug without warning. "Take care of my baby girl now." She whispered. "And take care of yourself too." It was almost like she could detect Mike's tendency to put himself off when helping others.

She pulled away, giving Alex another quick hug. "Austin and Sarah are lucky to have met you two." She looked the group over with a smile before nodding to herself. "Alex, having Austin text me when you know for sure, okay? I'm gonna get some things from home. Later everyone!" She said with a wave.
"I'm sure that there is no trouble, but will do so Mrs. Mayes" Alex nodded, being positive that her easygoing parents would have no trouble taking them in, specially in those conditions. She looked surprised at Mike being so bold, asking Sarah to stay with him, but it was true that he would also need a bit of help with his father.

Mike on his part, looked bashful when Sarah smiled to him and accepted his offer, tempting him to lean in for a kiss, something that was just left as a thought since her mother was just in front of them. Speaking of whom, it seemed that both Mayes women found his cautious self both endearing and silly, as they both smiled and called him that. Mike held his breath in when Mrs. Mayes hugged him, whispering him and him alone that he had to take care of Sarah and himself. "Ah-" Mike felt emotional for a moment, but if the Mayes family was holding it together he wasn't going to be the one to start sobbing in there. Taking a couple of deep breaths, Mike staved his teary eyes away and nodded, looking at Mrs. Mayes. Why had he felt so touched in that moment? It was sure beautiful seeing how they were assembling together, finding strength in each other but... there was something else in that moment that escaped him.

Alex received both hug and compliments with a sunny smile, knowing now that Austin and his mother were going to be safe in her house, while Sarah rested and met Mike's father in his home. It had been a crazy day and it was just halfway gone, and even the active Alex was starting to feel the stress. "I'm glad that things are starting to move for the better..." Alex mumbled, remembering something. "Austin, if your father is back home, your mother shouldn't be there alone while packing things" she said, worried about how he could react if she was caught up packing up. "Give me your address and I'll tell my parents to be there with her" she added, retrieving her phone from a pocket.
Austin and Sarah watched their mother depart before looking back to the others. Sarah took note of how Mike had received her mother's hug. She could read emotion there where he tried to hide it. She furrowed her brow for a moment. Her hands came up to rest on his cheeks as she pulled him into a quick kiss. "How about we get lunch and worry about the details later?" She asked, looking up at him. "I've got a little cash if you don't. I can get something from the lunch counter for both of us."

Austin produced his address as soon as Alex requested it. Giving it to her without question. "I was thinking the same thing, actually." He breathed out a heavy sigh. "Things are gonna be weird for a bit, but we'll work it out. We always do." Austin said aloud, stretching his back with a groan. "Let's see... Pretty sure Sarah and I have Science next. What's on the docket for you two?" He asked, still looking to Alex, not wanting to disrupt Sarah and Mike's moment together.

Sarah had already started guiding Mike away from the others. Her arm linked in his as she rested her head on his shoulder. She looked about, noting a few curious glances and some of blatant disgust but she did her best to ignore them. Anyone who was aware of her being trans, had probably also heard about the incident in the locker room. With Mike or Austin nearby she was safe. She picked a couple quick items from the lunch counter, including a chicken sandwich and some mashed potatoes and gravy. She slid her tray down to the register, looking back to Mike for a moment. Whether he brought money or not she didn't care. "For me and him, please." She said, setting a few dollars on the counter.
Mike was more than glad to receive and return Sarah's kiss, feeling her hands caress his face. One of his hands played with a lock of her hair before resting on her shoulder. "I... with all the stuff I forgot bringing money" Mike realized when Sarah mentioned it, patting his pockets in search for a wallet that wasn't there. "You are a lifesaver" he nodded.

Alex took note of Austin's address, recognizing the area as it wasn't too far. It would be almost funny that both of them thought of the same thing if it wasn't for the situation they were in. "I think we both have Geography, I'm sure I do" Alex nodded, a bit more mindful of her schedule than the day before. She turned around to check with Mike, but the couple have already eloped in search of food. "Aren't they cute?" she voiced. Alex handed Austin a fistful of wrinkled dollar bills from her pocket, holding her phone with her other hand. "Can you grab me something fatty? I want to indulge with some fries or something like that, in the meantime I'll talk with my parents" she said, taking a couple of steps away from Austin and searching for a table. "Mom? Remember the friends I told you about yesterday? Well..." she started to talk with her mother, before Austin was too far to hear.

Mike had been pleasantly dragged away by Sarah, hanging from his arm and resting in his shoulder. It was a bit embarrassing, or at least Mike know it should be, but he was too happy from having her there, from seeing her peaceful and not hiding from the school, that he didn't have time to be embarrassed. He glanced around, making sure that nobody would start trouble, even if with the locker room incident's news spreading like fire it was unlikely for anyone to try anything. Even with those glances, his attention was on Sarah, how beautiful she looked, how she took the initiative when he had doubts. Picking a salad and a plate of pasta for him, Mike thanked Sarah paying for them both, and was ready to return to their friends and sit on a table.
"They are, aren't they?" Austin took Alex's money with a nod. "No worries. Fatty it is." He departed for the lunch counter, giving a smile when he saw Mike and his sister getting their own meals ahead of him. He watched as they headed back to the table, smiling a little wider to himself. It was strange for him but not in the ways he imagined. He thought he would find seeing his sister actually dressed as a girl would be strange, but no. Seeing her happy and energetic, and most unexpectedly, dating. That was strange. But it made him happy regardless. Collecting food for both him and Alex, he began his trip back to the table.

Sarah slid into a seat, moving it to sit a little closer to Mike. She was a little anxious about staying with Mike that night, and it showed, but she was also very excited. She looked forward to meeting his father and spending time alone with him. She focused on eating quietly for a few moments, waiting for Alex to finish her phone call. "Thanks again." She said out loud, for both Alex and Mike. "Things are so complicated right now. It's good to have friends." She leaned against Mike a little while she continued eating.

Austin returned a few moments later, setting Alex's food in front of her. His own meal was notably healthier, as he took his athleticism very seriously. It didn't stop him from getting a soda, however. He leaned back in his seat, letting out a deep exhale. "Hard to believe the day's only half over. I'm already drained." He slumped forward starting his own meal.
It didn't take long for Alex to finish her call, her parents were pretty easygoing, were partially informed of her new friends and now they were more than ready to reach for Austin and Sarah's mother and help her getting things from home. "It's done, that way we make sure it's not an issue" she commented, dropping herself on the seat across the adorable couple, soon receiving her lunch from Austin. "Whoa, you have outdone yourself" Alex said appreciative with eyes wide open and a smile. Her tray had a couple of greasy bacon pizza slices and fries on the side, it screamed unhealthy all around. "I'll have to get a good use of that bike all week, but I had a craving, you know?" Alex confessed, looking at Austin with a smile. It was odd picturing the fit girl as a stress eater, but she just burned everything she ate and then some.

"I know... it has been a pretty hectic day, but it's going to get easier" Mike said, more of a hope than a fact. She was eating slowly, almost idle, comforted of having Sarah next to him, leaning on him as he leaned on her. "A couple of classes while your mother and her parents pick stuff from your house, and we'll be out" Mike commented. That didn't mean the end of the day, not in the slightest, as Austin and their mother would have to met Alex's parents and sleep out of their house. The siblings sure had a million things in mind, and given the recent move they wouldn't be as attached to the place as one would think, but it still had to be odd having to sleep out of your house. On their front, Sarah and him would have to meet his father, and even if Mike did knew that it was going to be more or less fine, it was going to be a bit embarrassing at least having to talk to his old fashioned dad. At least he had the heart on the right place about their relationship, the whole thing about cooking instead of swimming... it'd have to wait and see.

"I guess that we'll find our moments" Alex said, "those small bits of calm, of satisfaction. You know, when things seem to fit just about right and hold to them" she reached for Austin's shoulder, offering her support with the gesture. "Those moments will get bigger, and be more and more often. It's high school, it's time for a change" she finished, stuffing more fries in her mouth. "I mean" she added after a gulp, "we had fun in Art class today, it was a nice moment. Lets have more of those, all of us" she nodded, returning to her meal. Mike nodded to that, and leaned in to kiss Sarah on the temple and smile. That was one of those moments.
"That's a good way to look at it." Sarah said with a small nod, blushing some as Austin kissed the side of her head. A shy smile spreading on her lips. Having to part after lunch was a little sorrowful for Sarah. Even though she knew that she'd be seeing him again at the end of the day it still bothered her. She found sanctuary in his arms, while the world seemed to be absolute chaos. Her remaining two classes she was relieved to share with her brother, making it easier for her to not think about whether people were staring or whispering. After classes, she found herself sitting on a bench out front of the school. Her brother was seated next to her but was distracted visiting with a couple passing students.

She looked around curiously, her eyes settling on the boys from the locker room. One was pristine, but a couple others were bandages properly. It was easy to tell which was knocked to the floor by Mike and which was pummeled into submission by her brother. The two had been escorted out by a teacher to meet their parents. She watched from a distance, not being able to understand what was being said. When one of the boys pointed her out, she sat up straight, swallowing hard. A middle-aged man looked from his son to her and back again before approaching her. She nudged Austin, who stood quickly, stepping between him and her.

"It's okay." The man said, raising his hands. Austin's serious expression softened some as he slowly stepped aside. Sarah standing up as he did so. "You're the one from the locker room, yeah?" The older man extended his hand, she looked down at it nervously for a second. She nodded slowly in response. After another moment, she tentatively accepted it, shaking his hand. "Sorry, my son was such a bonehead. It's not gonna happen again." He looked over at Austin who smiled a little in turn. "Sorry, you had to do my job."

After the man stepped away, Sarah breathed out a heavy sigh. She looked about for Mike and Alex. Very ready to be away from the school for today.
Mike stood besides Sarah when the father of one of the stupid bullies came, a bit shaky seeing the injuries on the boy he had punched, as he really didn't have it on him, the guts to hurt someone that way. Even if ready for the worst, it seemed that it was the closest Sarah was going to get for an apology from them, Mike sighing relieved of not having to end up tangled in more violence. The sight of Austin pummeling that boy, the thought of how his father behaved... it all worried him, but it wasn't the moment to tackle that.

Separated after lunch, the classes moved like a slog. Alex had her mind on having Austin and his mother at home, talking to her parents, making sure they had no trouble picking things back from the Mayes house. They would have to bring Sarah some stuff too, at least personal hygiene things if she didn't want any of her old clothes. All that occupied Mike's mind was the talk with his father, about Sarah, about his future, and he didn't register anything about what went in class. He would have to talk about the locker room fight as well, hiding it from him would be worse than telling him honestly.

Hours went by, slowly as they could be, and they were finally out of school together.

"So, I'll taking Austin home" Alex said, carrying by her gifted bike. "We could bike to school together, at least until Mike's" she said, as Mike lived too close to the school as to be a noticeable trip. "Your mother should be there already with my parents. We'll bring whatever things your mother took for you tomorrow morning, is that fine?" she asked Sarah.

"We'll make do tonight" Mike said, shrugging. Being safe and supported felt more important than things, the main trouble was now Austin talking to her mother and what she was going to do with her husband. Mike would be there for the siblings, but that wasn't his business to stick his nose in. He had enough in his platter already as things were, one thing was being supportive and another being nosy.

It didn't take long for the four of them to reach Mike's house, where they split for the day.

It was very odd having Sarah at his home without Austin, without Alex. They had just met and yet... "You can take a shower and borrow anything from my closet if you want, I'm getting started with dinner so everything is ready for the three of us when my dad gets home" Mike said, starting to move around the kitchen, prepping everything. He was going to do something simple like steam some veggies to go with some braised lamp chops, something filling but not too heavy for the night.
When they parted at Mike's house, Sarah offered a quick hug to Alex. Her hug with her brother lasted a little longer. The siblings finding solace in each other for only a moment. They shared a brief glance, a silent understanding between them before Austin headed off with Alex. Sarah turned, following Mike into his house. It was strange being here without the others. She was very nervous about meeting Mike's father. Would he like her? Approve of her? Would he even see her as a her? She sighed softly, nodding when Mike offered to let her shower. "Okay. I won't be long." She gave him a quick peck on the cheek before heading upstairs again.

As before, she entered his bathroom, stripping free of her clothing. As the feminine clothing fell away she found herself nearly crying. She was confronted once more by the male her body actually was. Seth was standing there staring back at her. She clenched her eyes shut, shaking her head in frustration. Though she felt bad for doing so, she showered until the water ran cold, letting herself break that brave facade for a moment. She poured out all of her frustrations, fears, and impatience. She cried long and hard, thankful to finally be able to let that anguish out. She dressed slowly, once more hiding Seth beneath the feminine clothing, and letting her see Sarah again. She worked to restyle her hair before leaving the bathroom. She wanted to make sure she was as feminine as possible when she met Mike's father.

She came downstairs a short while later, looking over at Mike with a faint smile. She leaned against the wall, watching him cook quietly for a few minutes. Her mind wandered again to Mike's previous doubts and concerns, which made them surface in her mind as well. Would she always be the person he wanted? She stepped forward, wrapping her arms around him from behind and resting her head on the middle of his back. "Thank you so much for being so amazing." She mumbled softly.
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