Artificial - Story AND/OR Smut (Looking for any gender to write a male)

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Psycho Fox

Jan 22, 2017
Rain pattered on the ground as the young man navigated back to his hab block. The wet pavement reflected neon lights of every hue from the glowing signs that crowded the streets, competing for the attention of passerbyers and advertising everything a person could possibly want and things most people wouldn't realize they wanted until they saw them. He made his way through the thoroughfare before turning down a smaller and less garish lane towards his home.

That's when he saw her, a figure sitting in the darkness in a thick jacket. Legs tucked in tight to the body as though for warmth under the downpour. At first he thought it was simply a vagrant, but surely any rational person would seek cover in this weather. The man went to inspect the figure closer. That's when he noticed she was not quite human at all. Raindrops rolled down smooth and unnaturally hued plastiskin, chanelling down the seems of the artificial humanoids body. Her eyes, when the young man lowered himseld to her level to see them, flashed dimly in sequence, an error code, the man realized. This unit has encountered an error and shut down, and it seemed it's owner had just left it here. In this consumerist future, even a human could be bought and discarded, or a close enough approximation to a human at any rate.

What was this unit's purpose?

He lifts the jacket off the motionless figure. Ahh of course. Narrow hips, curvy thighs and perky breasts, a sex model to be sure. She looked to be in decent condition. A model like this was a big ticket item. The man was a bit of a tinkerer, if he could refurbish the artificial woman, she would fetch a decent price. After he had his fun of course...

Without much difficulty he bought the deactivated unit home. These sex models were designed to be light, so horny men could rough them up and throw them around without hurting themselves, and so he was easily able to carry her on his shoulders. The man bought the woman upstairs to his tiny apartment and set her down, fetching a towel and cleaning the sex doll. She seemed to have almost no damage besides some minor scratches. Her plastiskin was still tight, mimicking the elasticity of a teenage girl's skin perfectly but with an unnaturally smooth texture.

She could almost have been brand new from the factory, so, she must have some internal problem then. The young man fetched his data pad and some cables and tethered the device to the socket at the base of the girls skull, launching a diagnostic program.

Scrap code streamed to his device. Gibberish, all of it. Some sort of glitch. The glitch code was preventing any other process from executing and had forced the sex model into safe mode. Even reset commands weren't working. Completely useless, no wonder she was thrown out. Still, he might be able to force the unit to power cycle. It would likely do irreparable damage. But it seems that has already happened. It was worth a shot.

A few taps on his data pad and the light in the sex doll's eyes went out. She was effectively dead now. Now to bring her back to life and hope for the best. Another few taps and her eyes began shining once again, flashing out a code as her systems rebooted. But... what's this?

The diagnostic tool was filled with thousands of lines of scrolling code, streaming past too fast to read. Processes initiating and self terminating faster than the man could register. This was not a normal boot procedure, what was happening?

Then her eyes stopped flashing, holding a solid glow as the woman's eyelids blinked several times. The sex model stood without warning, the data pad still tethered to her, was ripped out of the man's hands as the artificial woman looked around in a panic. "Where am I?" A synthesized voice escaped her lips. Although artificial, the sound of confusion and fear was real. This was not normal behavior, no artificial was programmed with these emotions, least of all a sex model.

She then turned and looked the man right in the eye.

"Who are you?"




Hi! I certainly hope that got your attention. So let's get down to business shall we. Basically I am looking for an RP that starts out very similarly to what I wrote above. Your character discovers a discarded and seemingly broken sex model (a model of artificial human created as an elaborate sex toy) and manages to reboot her to discover that she seems to have developed some form of sentient AI. I will of course play the part of our artificial leading lady. Where does the story go from there? Well there are a few possible plots I've written out below, primarily split into two sections, story driven and smut driven.

So the so called "Sex Model". Commonly called as such, they are a range of artificial humanoids created essentially as elaborate sex toys. Although they possess a facsimile of intelligence, they are in fact creating responses to external stimuli and conversations based on a limited programmable set of criteria. Physically they resemble attractive human women (Although there are male sex models in the world). Their skin is made of a substance called plastiskin, mimicking the elasticity and malleability of human skin, while being completely water and stain proof, anyone who touches it can tell the difference, but it still feels incredible. The seems of their plastiskin are incorporated stylishly into the design, and so Sex Models are clearly artificial and never mistaken for real women. In addition their skin, as well as their artificial hair, can be programmed to display any hue desirable, including natural skin tones. Their eyes are slightly luminescent when active, not enough to light a room, but enough to draw attention to them, and like hair and skin, the color can be programmed. Their synthesized voices are noticeably artificial also and can be programmed with various accents and mannerisms. highly efficient condensers create fluids from water vapors in the air, providing moisture to the mouth and vagina which can be programmed to mix with a series of inbuilt chemicals to provide scent, flavor and even color. Their mouths, vaginas and asses are also configurable for shape and tightness among other things. The Sex Models can 'feel' pleasure and pain and can be programmed to respond to certain stimuli in certain ways. All in all, they are the perfect sex toy, some would certainly argue they make better sexual partners than real women, however until now, none of them have ever possessed what could be considered anything close to true intelligence. In addition to this, they are definitely a big ticket item, affordable only by the wealthy, most people wishing to spend time with a sex model would have to visit one of the various specialized brothels that have began cropping up.

And that is essentially what I had in mind for my character. A glorified sex toy who has gained real (artificial) intelligence, and how she, and her 'savior' respond to these circumstances. Now, before we get onto plot hooks, let's take a look at what I want from you.

Gender - Thought I would just clear this up. Although I am definitely looking for a male character to write against, I don't care about your real gender one bit.
Be literate - I'm looking for someone who knows how to use the language properly. I don't expect award winning writing, but I do expect a decent level.
Post length - You should be able to crank out a minimum of two to three detailed paragraphs per post, with no maximum limit.
Third person, past tense - Self explanatory really.
PM or thread - It's the ONLY way I play.
OOC communication - I want someone who will stay in constant contact with me during the RP and who has plenty of their own ideas to add to mine. Please don't make me feel like I'm doing all the work and you're just along for the ride.
Be into the story and themes - You should be someone who genuinely wants to explore the themes of artificial life and transhumanism, this isn't an all out fuckfest, even the smutty storylines will have a heavy emphasis on these concepts. (Check out my other thread here if you're looking for shameless smutty fun or if you just want to learn a little about my kinks.)
READ THIS THREAD - Every word. And then to prove you did it, put "Artificial Romance" in the subject when you PM me. I honestly don't think it's asking too much. if we RP together, we'll both be reading each other's work very closely, if you're not going to put in the minimum effort now, I've got no reason to think that you will later. Sorry to drill this point so much, but I'm starting to get aggravated at people messaging me who have, maybe at best, just skimmed over my threads.

So now, how about those plot ideas?

Story Heavy

Artificial Romance
The vanilla version of this story. Your character quickly realizes that the sex model has achieved artificial sentience, and before long a romance begins between the two. Will her artificial status cause problems down the road? Will he question wether or not it's really possible to love a machine? Will she face a crisis of identity at some point? Let's find out.

As my character awakens she is alarmed. Eventually your character convinces her she is safe, and she confides in him. What he didn't know is that when he found her she had given up all hope. Having achieved her sentience days or weeks ago the sex model found herself pursued by a shadowy government agency. After several narrow escapes she was pushed to her limit, being overtaken by a storm of emotions with hardware that wasn't designed to take that stress, causing a critical error which shut her down. Now your character has unwittingly involved himself in a deadly plot as enemies close in to capture them both.

Similar to the Artificial Romance story, only in this version, the sex model has some hidden traumatic event that took place in her past. This will play out slower than the other plots, as your character must convince mine to trust him and reveal her secrets while their relationship slowly builds.

Smut Heavy

My Own Sex Bot
This is the smuttier version of Artificial Romance. As in every other story, my character has gained sentience. Of course, she IS still a sex model, pleasuring men is just about the only thing she's ever known, and she's certainly happy to show your character her gratitude. Keep in mind, this isn't a one shot. My character will be exploring her sexuality in a way she has never been able to before, and your character will be right there with her, perhaps learning along with her (It would be interesting to have your character be a virgin for this story), or perhaps just seeing how far he can push her, and maybe the two of them will even fall in love, awwwwww.....

Cyber Harem
Cast into a world that cares little for her kind, my character eventually ends up latching onto the only one that has ever shown her real kindness, and that would be you. She pledges herself to your character, wanting nothing more than to make him happy the best way a sex model can, and once your character goes cyber, he never goes back. So he decides that one Sex Model isn't enough, seeking out more wherever he can find them (And given the high price of a sex model, he won't be buying them fairly, there could certainly be some adventure in his acquisition of new models), perhaps even trying to replicate the bizarre glitch of Artificial Intelligence as he creates his new harem.

And, well, that's all for now. If you liked this idea, please PM me and we can discuss it more. I look forward to hearing from you!
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