Sex Crazed Psycho Fox - (Any pairing)

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Psycho Fox

Jan 22, 2017
Sex-Crazed World​
STATUS: Now selectively looking for new RPs

In case the title didn't tip you off, I am looking for SMUT FOCUSED RPs with any gender pairings over thread or PM. If that's not what you're looking for, well hopefully I've just saved you five minutes of reading, if it is what you're looking for, well let's get started!

Hi Hi! Welcome to Psycho Fox's Sex Crazed World. "Woah!" I see you saying "This thread looks kind of long, I'll just skip ahead to the juicy parts". Go right ahead, if you're just looking for ideas for your own RP, but know that as of now I am being very selective. I've had too many people come to me in the past who obviously had not read my thread or not understood it. So before you PM me, READ THE THREAD! If there's something you don't understand or want to discuss, feel free to pm me and ask about it, I'm really very friendly (Even though I will spend this entire thread seemingly grumbling!). However if you're proposing an RP, please do read the thread, if we RP we'll be spending a lot of time reading and writing so why not start now? And on top of that, I am looking for a very specific type of writer which is why I am being so specific about certain things. I know what I like, and I am telling you. If someone told you to go to a job interview in black tie, you wouldn't go in casual clothes would you? Same basic premise. ANYWAY if you've read this far then you're doing it right so far, so put "Fox" in the subject line of your PM if you're asking for an RP. See, if you hadn't taken the time to read this, you wouldn't know that and I'd ignore you ;).

Well well anyway let's get onto the fun stuff. Welcome to Psycho Fox's Sex Crazed World (Oh I think I said that earlier), a smut focused playground for your sexual fantasies. Imagine a world where sex has been normalized. Monogamy is a thing of the past. Previously taboo fetishes like incest and even bestiality are normal. Public sex and nudity is not only accepted but a normal every day occurrence. Grabbing a stranger's cock is just as accepted as a firm handshake, fucking the barista while she makes your coffee is practically expected. Even rape in this world is considered a minor annoyance rather than a violent crime. Sex is everywhere, just a normal part of life. That is the world I want to play in. It is a silly, smutty and light hearted world with room to explore almost any fetish. I am looking to play any gender against any gender and willing to indulge most fetishes except for watersports, scat, gore and vomit. I should mention that I am willing to play either or both genders with mutliple characters, and you should let me know your preferences for what you want to write as up front.

To make things clear, I am not presenting any sort of fixed plot line here, this is an idea for a world, a blank canvas that we can come up with a story in, so if you want to RP with me in this sex crazed world, make sure to have some ideas of your own when you PM me. We could plan out a story, we could follow a character around for a "day in the life" type of RP, or we could just go from scene to scene with no explanation, I'm open for any of it! But I do need your input.

Most importantly I am looking for an RP that is funny and light hearted Not looking for any grimdarkness, no real violence, no serious drama. I'm looking for a light hearted world that characters are happy to live in. Yes, down below I will make several references to rape and other types of sexual violence, but in this world, the characters actually like this kind of behavior, even when they are the victim of it. I want a partner who can make me laugh, even in the middle of a sex scene. Especially in the middle of a sex scene! Comedic writers are hard to come by and are worth their weight in gold to me.

As for setting. Any setting will work for me once we put the sex crazed spin on it. Sci Fi, fantasy, modern, even fandom settings.

On the matter of story.
There's no reason why we can't have one, as long as it doesn't go against the sex crazed world we're devising. A good story might keep things interesting and fun, just remember that sex shouldn't take the backseat to story here.

To summarize
-Smutty in the extreme
-Fun and light hearted
-Give me ideas
-And most importantly read before responding

What I expect from you
Be literate (occasional spelling mistakes and grammatical errors are okay. repeated spelling mistakes and incomprehensible grammar will get on my nerves. You should also be competent in describing what is happening to who.)
Writing Length (There is no reason on earth why you shouldn't be able to write at least two short paragraphs for just about any situation. I understand that different situations require different amounts of description but if you can't give me at least that much then you're likely not pushing the story forward. However, don't just aim for the bare minimum and call it a day. It's the MINIMUM and there is no maximum. If I feel like you're just putting in the smallest effort you can get away with, I won't be amused.)
Commitment (You should be able to make minimum two posts a week in a normal week, You may sometimes be indisposed and unable to meet this targe and that's fine. But if it becomes regular, I may get bored. I myself try to check replies every day and make at least one reply per RP per day, but this is not always possible. Still if you think you won't be able to reply at least two-three times a week most weeks then don't bother PMing me.)
OOC Communication (It's good to keep in touch to talk about the direction the RP is going in. I'd hate to make MULTIPLE replies only to find out you didn't like what I was writing and gave me no warning.)
Ideas (Yes I'm going to say this again, because I've done similar request threads before, mostly on other sites, and there's always that one guy who messages me with "Okay let's do that idea". The ideas here are not complete RPs, they are inspirations in a vague setting that only really has one defining element, so come at me with your ideas!)
IDEAS! (Saying this again (again) because some people STILL don't get it. The ideas presented below are not fully planned out RPs. They are settings and inspirations in which we can create a scenario together.)

What I can offer you
Everything I just requested of you
That's all, I ask the same of you that I demand of myself

Here is a list of things the setting absolutely SHOULD BE or MUST INCLUDE:
Sex crazed (There is no monogamy. None. Zero. Against my better judgement I have entertained roleplays with people who wanted to write a monogamous or chaste character in this world. It didn't work out. Sex is a part of daily life, imagine Starbucks loyalty cards coming with a free blowjob every five coffees, imagine a stranger bending you over and fucking you on the train, that's what I'm talking about)
Lighthearted (This isn't a dystopian future, sex with strangers isn't just the norm, it is ENJOYABLE. Even rape, a heinous crime is seen as no more than a minor annoyance in this world)
Comedy Make me laugh. Sex is fun, it doesn't have to be super serious y'know? Yeah I just said 'y'know', what are you gunna do about it? Yeah I just said gunna...

Here is a non-exhaustive list of things that could be included in the setting but are not mandatory
Sci-Fi (we can easily create a sex crazed sci fi setting)
Monster Girls
Fandoms (Take your fandom, make it sex crazed. now do you understand?!?!!?)
Same gender pairings (I play either gender against either gender)
Fantasy Elements (Vampires and Werewolves are fun)

Below are some examples and ideas on the world to get the creative juices flowing, but are by no means fixed story lines. THAT is something we will come up with together (as I repeatedly mentioned up above but seriously it's so annoying that people don't get this.) And once again I am willing to play multiple characters of either gender against either gender.

In the Family
In this world family is just as important as ever. And they are certainly closer than ever. Incest is no longer looked down upon, and like many other sex acts, seen as a part of ordinary every day life. A sister might invite her friend over to see who can make her brother cum the fastest. Daddy might unwind after a hard day by boinking his daughter. Mom could wake her lazy son in the morning with a blowjob. Visiting cousins might take a turn with everyone in the house! Anything goes.

Sex Crazed School
Imagine a school set in this world. Classes full of horny teenagers fucking each other, topless teachers giving classes on various sex acts, using students to demonstrate, bullies raping their victims in the toilets, teachers giving a firm bare ass spanking in front of the class as punishment, sports teams replaced with competitive orgy teams and other such smutty craziness.

Maybe this isn't the whole world, but just a part of it. Of course, this would make this sex crazed land a top tourist destination for anyone who wants to spend their holiday fucking strangers with total abandon before heading back to their boring normal lives. The RP could be set at some fancy resort, typical hotels, restaurants, beaches, and of course all the sex crazed stuff that goes with it in this world. Hotels come equipped with an assortment of toys and restraints and offer specialized prostitutes on their room service menus. Waiters at the restaurant might give blowjobs under the table while you eat your meal if you tip well enough. Or just head on over to the beautiful beach and fuck a stranger on the sand.

Game Show Sluts
Of course television has changed in this world as well. Especially popular are game shows, but with a sex crazed twist of course. Perhaps contestants need to answer questions while fucking the host. A contestant might race against the clock to suck off five men. Contestants might compete to see how many dicks they can take at once. And of course the audience is encouraged to "play along".

Club Futa
Club Futa, a well known establishment with a very obvious name. Like anywhere else, sex is the norm, clubbers banging on the dance-floor, fucking bar tenders, blowing the DJ. The obvious difference is the club is a popular hangout for futas. Always horny and always ready to entertain strangers of any gender. In a world where fucking a stranger on the street is normal, futas are somehow even more sex-crazed.

A Man's World
In this sex crazed variant world, the planet is ruled exclusively by men. Women are relegated to essentially the status of animals. They are sexual play toys for the men and little more. Ownership of women is legal and common, and having sex with women in public is par for the course. Although most women are owned, most men are happy to share with their friends or even complete strangers. Unowned women are legally required to perform cum dump duties for a certain amount of hours each day, being immobilized in public in a position that makes them easy to fuck to serve horny men out on the street, often taking dozens of dicks every shift before being released. However it's worth noting that despite their legal status, this is nota dystopian alternate present, many women have happily taken to their new role, measuring themselves against each other based on their skills at satisfying men and how many men they have serviced. Walking in public covered in cum is a mark of honor for many women.

A Woman's World
Near identical to A Man's World above. In this world, women are the dominant gender, and men are their willing sex toys to be enjoyed anywhere at any time of day. Men who have no owner are forced to serve as cum dispensers for several hours a day, restrained in various positions in public and injected with drugs that give them erections for several hours and increase their cum output. Just like the women in A Man's World, the men in this world are perfectly content with their role in society and measure themselves by the women they fuck.

Pokemon Adventure
You all know the games, and the show. Well now let's have our very own pokemon adventure. The twist? You guessed it, it's sex crazed. Expect trainers to be fucking each other and their pokemon as they make their way through the world, and our brave here makes it his personal mission to fuck 'em all. We can use anthro or feral pokemon for this if you like depending on your preferences, I am open to either.

Star Brothel - Dionysus
Welcome to the year 2545 AD, and to the galaxy famous Dionysus, a space station brothel/vacation resort. Guests on the Dionysus are encouraged to let loose and partake fully of the experienced staff, be they human, cyborg, shape shifting alien, or tentacle monster. Essentially like the vacation idea above, but with a sci fi setting, and a big focus on *unusual* guys and gals. This is the wackiest most balls out idea I've put to paper yet, pretty much anything goes on Dionysus and if you want to do this then I'm looking for a writer that can take full advantage of the open setting.

Monster Girl Village
I love monster girls. You should love monster girls too. Our intrepid main character stumbles upon a village of monster girls of different sorts, and the residents of said village decide to claim him for their own. With a sex crazed mindset the monster girl villagers have their way with our MC openly whenever they can. Having so many delicious exotic girls vying for his attention may just be more than our MC can handle.

So if any of this has excited you in all the right ways, then PM me NOW with your ideas. Can't wait to hear from you.
RE: Sex Crazed World (any pairing)

Major Update:
Added new ideas
Expanded description
Added list of mandatory themes
Added list of optional themes
Added "What I Expect From You" section
Removed Herobrine
RE: Sex Crazed World (any pairing)

Still selectively looking for one or two more.
RE: Sex Crazed World (any pairing)

Minor update
Added A Man's World
Added A Woman's World
Major update
Changed Intro
Edited Formatting in several areas
Added Pokemon Adventure
Added Star Brothel - Dionysus
Added Monster Girl Village
Dealt with the roach infestation
Accidentally bumped too early so here is my actual on time bump! Looking for sexy smutty filthy action.

Craving something supernatural or monster girl related.
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