NieR: Automata - Heart beneath the Steel - (StarMech x Kaybee)

The simulation played out as 2B looked on, taken aback by the sudden aggression as 9S advanced on her, toying with her, teasing her.

Is this...

Hot kisses against her neck and in the simulation she flexed, pressing her cleft against his upraised thigh, grinding herself on it as her body moved on autopilot, the simulation robbing her of control.

Is this what I want..?

She knew she was fast, beyond anything a human could match when she wished to be, yet in this simulation, something kept her from matching 9S. Every time she moved he was two steps ahead, licking, nipping, suckling, and even on mere skin, non erogenous zones, it felt as though her body was on fire.

In the real world, her systems turned up, heat as her processors worked through the combined loads of questions, emotions, and the simulation itself generating them.

9S simulation was languid and sensual... 2B moved like water, every bit of grace she could display in combat appearing in slow motion as she caressed him, pressed against him, ground her entire body upon his. Her black dress was nowhere to be found, though her leotard and boots remained, white covering her body while black sheathed her legs.

She peeled black her blindfold, and eyes of pale silver blue looked down on him, promising a thousand pleasures in a single glance as she licked her lips before she scooted back, kissing his pelvis, and then slowly making her way up his chest, tracing the artificial muscle tones there, the curve of a collarbone here, the crook of his neck teased by her tongue, before finally her lips met his, soft and quiet...
9S' hands continued to travel across her body. Every curvature, every muscle, every soft zone that would cause her receptors to spike.

His hands rested upon her rear, while his flurry of kisses across her synthetic skin continued. His fingers dug upon her shapely ass cheeks. his fingertips tentaciously close to her now moist nether lips. 9S groped and caressed her without end, feeling how 2B's body started to surrender.

To her surprise, she then felt another set of hands invading her intimacy. Looking back, it appeared that the simulation manifested a second 9S, one just as eager to please as the previous one. Remaining silent, yet smiling, He gripped upon her white leotard and pulled down, freeing her ample bossom before squeezing each of her breasts. The powerful jolt of pleasure made the female android tremble. The previous 9S was no slouch, either. Releasing one hand from her rear and sneaking in between her legs. The index finger moved back and forth around her sensible zone. Positive feedback quickly building down in her lower area.

The real 9S, meanwhile, was currently gasping in anticipation. The simulated 2B continued to kiss his body. Her hands quickly unbuttoning his top clothing and kissing his soft bare skin. Her body and head descending, reaching his crotch area and proceeding to pulling down his pants.

"2B...p-please..." He softly said, already falling prisoner to the delightful replica of his current obsession.
She knew she had been modeled after some human ideal of beauty, every YoRHa android was. They varied in little ways, tiny physical differences that set them apart, but they were all beautiful.

2B knew this in only a detached sense...

It was a descriptor, an adjective that defined her, and did not seem so important compared to others. Mission designations, Combat abilities, her Hidden self [2E...] All of these were more important than 'beauty' yet at the same time something in her reveled in the recognition of that beauty, even if it was only simulated.

In the real world, bits of the simulation leaked through the firewalls, and 2B's body answered, wetness dampening the leotard covering her womanhood as her nipples stiffened, poking visibly through the fabric of her dress.

It felt... Good...

In the simulation, the automated responses were all the more pronounced. She arched her body, bending to meet their touches as the twin simulations teased her. Her 'breath' coming in short pants as the simulated space suddenly felt cool, or was she perhaps heating up? Glorying in the worship of her body... In the recognition of her beauty...

How she moved, it was easy to tell that 2B could move like this if she chose to. Sensual and teasing, she made her way back down his body, removing coverings as she went. One black-gloved finger traced over 9S crotch and then his undergarments were pulled down as well, freeing his length just as a motion caught the periphery of his vision.

A second 2B leaned over him, her bodysuit already vanished into so many pixels as she bent her head to take up the kiss the first had left off. Below, 9S could feel the first simulation teasing him, her tongue dancing over his hardening length but he could only catch glimpses as the second one pulled away and then turned around, setting her thighs on either side of his head as she lowered her hips, the slick lips of her womanhood giving him a very different kind of kiss while the other's upper lips wrapped around his shaft.
The 9S simulations were relentless. Worshiping her body as if she were a goddess. Every touch was pulling its all to make her quiver in pleasure, unrestrained from any combat or duty.

Another finger inserted itself inside her artificial slit. The soft and moist texture was almost 1:1 to human design, capable of stretching and contracting in the same way as the real one would. The neural nerves inside capable to send powerful jolts of pleasure through her body. Only limited in the inability of conceiving children.

One would had to wonder for what benefit would such function apply for a group of androids, however, nobody seemed to question it. Perhaps it was designed as a way to show how advanced their design was, or perhaps it was deliberately made by the androids themselves in order to feel themselves closer to the image of their creators.

However, such philosophical quandaries were probably interrupted by the powerful lust that the simulation was creating. The 9S simulations lied their queen on the sterile ground. No sense of coldness found on the floor texture as they parted her legs softly, all while kissing her ample thighs. One replica moved to continue his work on her breasts while the other positioned himself upon her slit. Removing his fingers and exchange them with his hardened cock.

9S, meanwhile, appeared to be experiencing pleasure of a similar intensity. The two 2Bs currently attending him with such drive. His voice functions jamming everything her tongue caressed his throbbing erection, while the second simulation embraced him in a kiss and a caress. As one engulfed his member inside her surprisingly warm mouth, the other descended upon his face.

The Scanner type pondered on this kind of position. Questioning the functionality of such position for human reproduction. He simply chalked up to something only designed for the pleasure of the partner, and since it was the figure of 2B the one above, he was happy to comply.

With her folds so close, he pushed his tongue further. Wiggling inside her clit as he contained his own groans due to the pleasure he was experiencing down south.
At the core of every YoRHa android lay a central set of programs, a library of millions upon millions of simulations for every conceivable human interaction. No two would be completely identical. Personal modifiers, preferences, billions of little variables that would make every one of them unique, yet behind it all that single library, meant to form the basis of their humanity.

Some probably asked why include sexuality amongst these myriads of the human experience. Others were almost certainly offended at the very notion of disincluding something so fundamental.

Even in designing an android to serve as a scout and a scanner, a learning type.

Even when designing generations of androids to serve as soldiers in a desperate war for the earth...

2B was not consciously aware of it, few androids were after all, but the knowledge was there. Every sexual act of which humans could dream was locked away in her head, and while the cold soldier rarely made use of them, 2B's 'awakening' had left the door ajar for these new thoughts to invade her simulated world.

For the 2B nearly being overwhelmed with sensation by mere fingers and tongues, by a mere two 9S simulations, this was beyond even that first foray into sexuality, and yet it was only the tip of the iceberg when it came to the new potentials laid out before her. Had she known how much more there could be and how much more intense it could get, it might have frightened her, but all she could do was take in the now. One firm shaft nestled between the curves of her rear while it's owner massaged her chest. Another, pushing into her womanhood, making her moan aloud, a sound that almost carried all the way from the simulated space into reality...

The simulated 2Bs held none of the uncertainty of the real thing. Rather than her uncertainty and newness to lovemaking it was her confidence and poise in her element of combat that made itself most known here. They ground against him, their moans mingling in the simulated space rolling their hips in opposite circles.

Hands planted themselves on his chest and the tightness of that simulated womanhood changed as she braced herself, riding up and down in powerful strokes while the other leaned forwards. 9S would be forced to crane his head to keep licking at her dripping slit but on the other hand he could now see both of them, moaning into each others' mouths as they met in a kiss of their own. Absurd to even consider, and yet attractive despite it's impossibility, or perhaps because of it?
The only factor lacking within the simulations appeared to be the overall clumsiness and nervousness that the real 9S would have in this situation. It was the only thing that currently generated the disconnection between fantasy and reality; However, it was not in any way not welcomed.

In what felt like an endless cycle of life and dead. A never ending series of task and directives. It was not uncommon on Androids, no matter their type or origin, to indulge in virtual fantasies from time to time. That escape from the reality of their situation. In some way, despite their near-perfect design, it could have been considered a flaw in some way. But perhaps that is exactly why they indulged on it. Because in a way it made them appear or feel more human...

The two versions of 9S appeared to have removed their clothing automatically, the grabs simply vanishing in a pixelated stream. Most importantly, their blindfold visors were now gone, letting their pure eyes stare at the beauty that they were currently please. For YoRHa units, the wearing of their visors in public seemed like an unspoken, yet, always-followed rule. The likes of Operator Units or the Commander did not follow such societal customs due to difference in clothing, however for everyone else there was a level of privacy when it came to the use of their real eyes; Like an extra layer of underwear that felt should not be removed amongst others until it was absolutely necessary.

The two android boys speed out their motions, soft imitations of 9S voice echoing through the room, showing signs of being close to their general peak; Perhaps even sensing how 2B appeared to be close as well...

The real 9S no longer felt in a position or mental state to really question on any of the current happenings or actions. The warm feeling of the 2B's replica clenching around his member simply caused him to expel a series of moans and groans. His systems scrambled, but still with a focused directive to pleasure back, he continued to assault the other simulation's womanhood. His clothes appeared to vanish as well, blindfold included. His cheeks reddening as he felt that burst of energy, the one called an orgasm, coming soon...
This was too much, too fast, and 2B grasped at the simulation as she felt it's code begin to come apart. The sensations, new and raw and unprocessed were still beyond what her unaccustomed mind could handle even in this virtual space, and with every step closer she came to her climax, she came one step forwards to a disruption that would knock her free of the simulation.

She fought, or she tried to, struggling with all her might against the inexorable rise of that tension inside her, and yet it was impossible. It felt too good, and even as she struggled desperately against those waves of ecstasy as 9S writhed against her, pulsed inside her, she found herself welcoming them just as fervently as she tried to push them away. She wanted this to go on, see what the simulation would create for her next, and yet...

She wanted to cum...

Outside the simulation, 2B suddenly jerked away from 9S, her back arching as artificial muscles flexed and spasmed, a rush of lubricant coating her thighs as her synthetic walls clenched against an almost painful emptiness in reality. It was a shock like having a bucket of ice water dumped on her, from one moment feeling full and riding a wave of bliss to the next moment gasping in orgasm and finding herself wishing she was full of cock.

Wakefulness returned in full as the program finally finished executing, letting her slump against the wall again, her eyes drifting lazily over 9S...

She wanted it... But...

Not now...

In a simulation, in a moment of weakness, perhaps. But emotions were prohibited...

She couldn't afford to get attached...

In 9S' simulation, the 2Bs moved, smooth and rolling undulations that only a human gymnast or dancer could hope to match. The one riding his cock clenched her inner walls deliberately, massaging his shaft in ways that defied possibility, both of them seeking his climax... "Come for me..." They spoke in reverb, their voices blending.

His words fully entangled with his current groans and moans, elevating in tone within the simulation as his climax approached. His systems were working on their own, at this point fully immersed into his fantasy, the simulated women on top of him moaning n a eager voice, like the sound of angels bestowing him with more desire to finish.

He had no idea how his body was responding outside his OS while his mind reminded melded upon the simulation. All what 9S could infer was that his body was experiencing the common physical responses he had previously experienced to some degree. His breathing became a bit heavier. His synthetic skin rose in temperature and his rod became rigid and erect, twitching inside his pants. soft gasps escaped from his lips, not loud enough to really zone 2B back into waking up. These gasps became faster and faster as his whole body started to tense.

In both dream and reality, 9S achieved his climax. In the simulation crying out 2B's name before the replicas vanished and the whole room went dark. Systems calling for a soft-rebooting. In reality it manifested by a short but strong spasm, shaking 9S awake once his programs reactivated in a jolt. His eyes widened, somewhat shaken by the event.

"W-what am I doing...?" He yelled internally at himself. His eyes shifted towards the "asleep" 2B. Something beautiful despite her silence.

He could feel his energies failing him. His body pleading for him to cease his active mode so it would recharge. As his eyes drifted from 2B and closed, he only spoke one last thing.

"But it felt nice....with her..."


"Unable to establish communication link with Bunker. Link's Signal appears to be too weak to establish contact."

Pod 153 hovered above 9S as he gave a sigh of disillusion. The day was bright and peaceful and their bodies had managed to auto-restore most of their damage against the Goliath Unit.

"Try to connect through any emergency frequencies or possible back-up entrances." Suggested 9S, only for the dark grey-shell Pod to reply.

"Negative. Unable to establish link due to low signal." It responded in her feminine-like voice.

Pod 042, hovering above 2B as usual, added to the conversation. "Infrastructure of Pod Units 153 and 042 have been damaged during the fight, generating a low signal to be produced from the current point of contact. The general vicinity also appears to be enveloped by machine-made signal jammers..."

"Proposal: Search for a way to amplify Pod's current signal power."

"Hm, that seems like our only option...maybe if we find one of these signal jammers. I could hack its mainframe and reprogram it to boost the Pod's communication ranger and finally reach the Bunker." Said the male android. He seemed to be acting as his usual casual yet enthusiastic way. As if the events that previously occurred were nothing but a dream.

"What do you say, 2B?"
2B found herself... Drifting...

She could still focus if she engaged her combat routines, forcibly eliminating emotional interference, but the strains of keeping them constantly active -the slowed perception of time that came with them chief among those- kept her from simply using them all the time, and yet it was distressing her.

'Awakening' during their rest to see 9S moan and buck, murmuring her name through his simulation space...

What they had done yesterday, half-recalled glimpses of what had occurred in her own simulation space...

2B shook her head, as though the act could somehow jostle the slow passage of her thoughts and code into actual motion. Rapidly she reviewed the last thirty seconds of conversation before letting the backed up data fall into the digital abyss once more. She nodded, curt, professional, the way things had been before, the way they were meant to be.

"Acknowledged. Pod, provide the coordinates of the nearest signal jammers."

A mental systems check. She was operating at a little less than half of full combat capacity but that would have to be enough. If not the bunker then they needed to at least find the resistance camp in this region, somewhere to affect repairs and reestablish communications.

"Let's go... 9S." A small smile touched her lips, unnoticed even by her, and under her words, a tinge of warmth.

Maybe it could be different this time...
"Scanning for coordinates..."

Pod 042 hovered higher into the air. The small, antenna/light upon its head extended before beeping with a faint red glow.

It appeared to be taking sometime, giving 9S a short moment for his eyes to wander, drifting towards the android woman besides her. His data banks displayed small recordings of their previous actions, as part of his processing power, now that the Pods were functional enough to take some of the scanning work off his back, to continue small simulations runs of possible responses or replies to the transpiring events.

These were simple simulations. Complement her on her figure today; Perhaps throwing a small joke and banter. Or maybe comment on how much he enjoiy--

The young-looking android shook his head as well. Either way, all these thoughts, this tests, ended the same way, with 2B simply reminding quiet, or brushing off the subject, ordering him to remain focused on the task at hand.

Perhaps it was the insufficient data. After all, he had only known 2B recently...and Scanner type YorHa units tend to scout on their own, much less with a Battle unit...right?

Something about that current thought felt strange. Like if something didn't quite fit correctly. However, he simply noted it as something to analyze later, storing such pondering in an individual file within his data banks.

The point was, that no matter how many simulations he could ran in those mere seconds, he had no idea what'd 2B's response even be. Insecurities within his programming immediately going into possible responses of rejection, which somehow caused his coding to catalogue said 'feeling' as a saddening one...

The response from her did help him however. 9S feeling a warm positive feedback when she addressed and accepted his proposition.

Pod 042 descended back to his normal hover altitude. Response: High levels of distortion are detected up north; The source of one of the signal jammers is highly probable."

"Doing an approximation with the signal caught by your Pod. I marked the most likely position of the signal jammer. It's probably an armed machine as well, so we may need to damage it first. Then I can easily hack into its systems and use it to boost the Pods' power..."

With the plan set, the two androids made their way further through the facility complex. It almost felt like the place was fully abandoned after their fight with the Goliath class machine. Carcasses of broken stubby and bidep types of machine units lied dormant, most likely decommissioned. The faint chirp of birds appeared to be the only source of sound beyond the androids own footsteps across the cold steel floors and stairways.

As they progressed further, nature seemed to overtake more of the area. Moss and different types of green sprouting from wrecked and rusted walls and structures. A few flowers even awaiting bloom as they grew from some of the corners. From the not-so far distance, tall buildings and skyscrapers were emerging through the smog clouds that were now left behind by the two automata. While still in what could be considered an abandoned industrial area, it appeared that a more residential zone was not so far away.

"It seems the jammer android is located up on those buildings over there. there's a lot of debris we can use to reach it. Not a hard climb for you, of course, right 2B?" 9S said in a lighthearted tone, despite knowing 2B's stoic-ness wouldn't really respond the same.

Either way, a Machine lifeform hovered in its saucer-like form atop a dilapidated building. Immovable in the air, possibly focused on its function.
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