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NieR: Automata - Heart beneath the Steel - (StarMech x Kaybee)


Jun 5, 2016
Santiago, Chile
A creation of man is mostly aimed to be perfect. But man itself, in its own creation, it is flawed. So to replicate something as close to humanity, one would embrace such flaws; Said aspects that may deem unnecessary, unfitted for the role in which said creation would fulfil. However, man is one to innovate, to attempt, to overachieve. As such, these eccentricities in design can be addressed to human nature, and the desire to see how this very nature could function on a being not their own, to create a understand what was once beyond their reach: Whatever it is for prosperity or chaos...

The YoRHa Series of humanoid automatons were one of humanity's biggest achievements. Each type designated to excel at a role given with the mission of reclaim the earth once lost by the biodroid occupation; The Living Machines, as they were called. The YoRHa Model was a robust platform, malleable to fulfil different designations and assignments, but one could easily see a variety of notions and aspects on its design that while questionable, were simply overlooked over their efficiency and performance.

Perhaps it was a symbol, a way to distance themselves from their much cold, inorganic enemies; Or meanly to create a relatable figure in which to thrust their hopes and faith upon. But this series of advanced androids did not sport the more sleek and metallic exterior look expected from a simple tool of war and reclaim. No, the YoRHa type automaton was designed to resemble humanity, almost indistinguishable from a human body at a surface level, at least until a more through display of said being's ability to traverse and break through material that the regular human flesh'd find itself too soft to even attempt.

The faithfulness to mimic the human form came down to uncanny levels of replication. From basics like sensitivity, sight, pressure, hearing, damage to the ability to gain understanding from the feedback gained from said functions, allowing them to process and work at a level above the soulless machines which have populated the planet, claiming it as their own. But there were also other stranger notions programmed and applied into it's framework. The ability to smell and taste, as well as fully-functional genitalia and pain & pleasure receptors located across the synthetic skin.

All of these were part of a complex web of algorithms and coding, which cerated and compiled different functions and subroutines in designated systems, which could be controlled wirelessly or by the automaton itself if needed. Combat and Scouting Routines, Scan and Analysis Systems, Wireless Communication; All these different categories of subroutines that activated or deactivated according to the situation. This also fell to 'nonessential' subroutines, or so were called: Emotion, Pain, Pleasure, Enjoyment, Anger, Sorrow; All in a sense mere subroutines but developed in a way that could be considered as real as any human, but able to go beyond human ability, allowing them to perform feats impossible to just any man or woman.

However, the ability to swap, deactivate and engage these parameters at will was what separated them from humanity. What good was pain when in combat when internal and external scan of vitals could express the very same information without the human error and descend of efficiency. However, none of this 'nonessential' subroutines could be fully shut down from the automaton and could be activated as a failsafe if an android deemed necessary t the situation. Fear and Pain, while in one way, useless in combat can also work as warnings to the body when presented to a dire situation or high sustain of damage. A sense of self-preservation was needed on these robots, and as such, human elements that could be considered unnecessary did find a place amongst the more appreciated and role-focused systems.

To keep these balance between essential and nonessential systems in a efficient check, YoRHa infantry squads were assigned a series of rules to follow: An example of this was the concept of emotions being prohibited in a mission. While these being mere word, not stopping their emotional subroutines, it gave an order to these robots and pushed for a more leveled and uniform progress.

But humanity can sometimes accomplish big things by breaking rules; By going outside their own "subroutines"; By following their own emotions. Wouldn't be the case that there's a place and time where this can be applied to their creation as well?

This is a story of said case. A Tale lost to the ears of the World...

It all started as a simple Search & Destroy mission. YoRHa No.2 Type B was sent alongside her designated Pod-Unit to an abandoned Factory that had been taken over by the Machines to eliminate a target. To oversee her progress and maneuver and hack through the factory systems she was assigned a partner: YoRHa No.9 Type S, a unit specialized in investigative purposes.

2B and 9S, as their names could be abbreviated, eventually found their target: A massive machine designated Goliath, who acted as the entire facility building they were previously scouting. Amongst the fight, in a breaking of protocol, 9S rushed to save 2B from an incoming attack only to be hit himself, losing his Ho229 Flight Unit and left him badly damaged. 2B refused to follow protocol either, refusing to simply abandon the other unit despite the replaceable and expendable role of a YoRHa type android. Gathering the strength to subdue the rampaging machine, they were unlucky to find themselves surrounded by a group of the very same machines.

In a last attempt at stopping them and be successful of their missions, 2B and 9S removed their Black Boxes, a powerful core element of their framework, and clashed them together, generating a massive explosion that decimated everything in the general area. One would assume it was the end for them; their black boxes shattered, but this was not the case.

As in a strange twist of fate, the boxes were simply damage rather than destroyed; Which is where the story begins...

It took a while before 9S's functions returned. His operative system rebooting and recalibrating, bringing him back to reality. He lied on what felt like hard steel, not uncommon in the factory. Activating the scan systems on his visor (what the unknowing individual would mistake for blindfolds that the androids seem to wear) he did a quick rundown of his systems, already surprised at the notion that they somehow survived. Black Box seemed to have received damage, locking some function like his communication systems, but overall appeared to be stable. IT also managed to activate the emergency restoring system, activating the repair drones inside their robotic veins that healed part of his synthetic tissue to a level of being able to move.

The more rational analysis appeared to halt as soon as his optic lied upon the unresponding body of 2B. 9S didn't know why his emotional subroutine activate like that, but he was not thinking about it, simply rushing to 2B's side as his body hurt Some parts underneath the clothing and on the side of his face clearly showing damage.

Ts did not stop him as the young-looking automaton held on 2B's shoulders, shaking her. "2B!! 2B!!" He pleaded for her response.
Emotions. Reasoning. Free Thought.

While all YoRHa models were given these basic parameters of humanity they varied by model and type and as a 2B combat android many of her emotions were less powerfully motivated to avoid potential damage to unit cohesion, even if that made her seem slightly cold and standoffish -more obviously synthetic- to human allies. When 9S had risked himself she'd tried to warn him back, not understanding why he felt this need to try and protect her. She was the combat model, if she was being overwhelmed should he not seek to escape? Her own weapons had done minimal damage to the Goliath and given the lesser power of his systems, it was unlikely that any sort of combined attack would be successful.

So rather than retreat, she had hurled herself back at the machine, fighting to save him now she wounded the Goliath, a desperate attack she would not have tried without the risk she'd taken succeeding in scoring a damaging blow against the Biodroid, then a decisive one. He had injured himself for her sake, foolish though his actions might have been, and something in her would not let her simply leave him, something beyond the puerile justifications her logic tried to construct of the importance of information and his role as a scout and dispatcher.

He had tried to help her, to save her, and had been hurt for it.

It was -in the end- that simple.

Unfortunate then that it was also not enough.

2B had expected to die when they tried to detonate their black boxes, and for a while she was forced into a shutdown state as damage to those core systems was sufficient trauma to jump-start her nano-repair units and force her system into a full check to determine the extent of the damage and the remaining levels of functionality.

Wakefulness came first with sensory input, touch, no, falling, no, being lifted, shaken, held. Audio came through a moment later "-B! 2B!!" Diagnostic lists ran across her screen as full boot procedure continued. Damage to communications, loss of primary armament, IFF sensing compromised, a host of minor issues that were quickly being repaired, but only those three major problems. It was a rather short list for such a dramatic event and for a moment she wondered at the capabilities of the nanobots, restoring her to relative functionality so quickly.

She didn't need IFF to recognize her mission partner as her eyes snapped open and her hand snapped up, catching his wrist. The shaking had been messing up the boot-calibration of her internal gyroscope and balance systems. "9S..." Her voice was slightly scratchy, an electric grating quality to it as the nanobots worked repairs on her voice box. "9S, we're... Alive..." She pushed herself to a sitting position, opened her mouth, then closed it again, a handful of emotional subroutines cutting off the imminent reprimand at its source. Foolish maybe, but was that really what mattered?

Finally she opened her mouth again. "Thank you for your help against the Goliath..."

Then the more awkward question that followed it. "I do not suppose your communications are functional?"

Stuck out here then, at least until major system restoration could be performed or an investigation was dispatched. 2B slumped back against the ground and then tentatively raised one hand to her visor, pushing the synthetic-laced fabric up to reveal the pale silver of her eyes. Without her IFF and associated programs working it was useless anyways, and for some reason the blue of the sky overhead was oddly calming. No orders, no mission for the moment. She didn't know what to do next, yet the unfettered sight of that nature helped put things in perspective a little. Her eyes flicked over to 9S and she nodded. "I'm glad you survived with me..."

Finding shelter could wait a bit, for now, they had nothing but time...
9S seemed relieved to see the female android responding. Their chance of survival increasing its percentage by her mere presence. But beyond that, the concept of a surviving 2B appealed to these emotional subroutines, spiking in level when she spoke again, as they had previously dropped down before bring brought back up.

In the concept of a human, he basically feared for 2B's life and he was glad and happy she was not gone...

He remained silent for a moment, the positioning of his head descending; A universal sign of a troubled or conflicted state of mind. "I stepped out of line..." He muttered.Part of him was glad he saved her, but still regretted that he had to break his position which in turn made her more worried when he was badly hit. "I put the mission at risk. You, at risk."

He paused after that, his functions interfering with whatever attempt at using his voice box. An error at finding the right words to say...

"The Goliath units were successfully there's that." He sighed. Not a sign of breathing, as they did not to. But rather a small feature to imitate breathing, in an attempt by their human creators to avoid the emotional backlash known as Uncanny Valley effect. As such, their replication of breathing was simply a cosmetic function, made to appease humans, to make them feel better at ease with something that is much more relatable to them. Another low-priority subroutine that could be cut in a dire situation that did not call for it. But at this moment, there was not reason to do so...

"My communications systems are undisposed as well..." He explained, much to both their dismays. "Damage received to the Black Box in both out frameworks show a deterioration and massive error on that part of our functions. Nano-repair units alone won't be enough to fully repair it without external aid."

A short pause. "I also predict the notion of a search & rescue group arriving is considered a low-priority at the moment." 9S said. It was truly a paradoxical notion; Built with a sense of self-preservation, while also given the full awareness their existence being expendable, replaceable. There was no rush to recover any fallen bodies, specially on the possible assumption of them perishing in the blast.

In lameman's terms, they were not going to be rescued anytime soon...However he had to agree.

"...I'm also glad you survived, ma'am."

S9 did not say another word for a while, simply allowing 2B to lay back and stare at the sky to what felt like minutes, even catching glimpse of her pulling up on her blindfold-like visor and reveal her eyes so casually. That was not a notion many YoRHa models did. The full removal of the synthetic-laced fabric tended to be reserved for personal, secluded instances. Alone. Some did not removed them ever, as they found it unnecessary given the blindfold's capabilities to display exactly what they normal eyes could see with even more information.

His gaze turned away from her, something about seeing her eyes appeared to poke part of his emotional algorithm. A sense of embarrassment out of it that he did not understand.

His view, still behind the blindfold, shifted to the now-static Pod Unit, the hovering drone-like device that assisted as a way to keep optical vision on her when in combat as well as supplying her information, minimal areal lifting and the means to have a range attack in the form of energy shots. It appeared to have been damaged in the explosion, but still functional. "Um, I would suggest you please keep the visor fabric on. We can still need it."

He crawled to the disabled pod-unit, taking it into its lap before opening its chasis. He quickly got to work, focused on rewiring, reattaching and putting everything in place. Not before long, the unit was given its external shell once more and immediately lifted into the air, hovering above 2B's space. "We may not be able to get support from command, but we can at least support eachother." 9S said. His hand broefly caressed his right cheek as his touch sensors felt the slight ruggedness trailing down part of his synthetic skin. It seemed the blast managed to scorch part of his face, a line across his right side, basically on the right side of where the head connected to the neck and seemed to descend a few inches downwards. Luckily it was not severe and a 96% of his face seemed intact although somewhat smudged by ash particles in the air. His body scan also indicated that more scorch marks lied on his arms, his right leg and part of his back and stomach. Possibly due to the damage he received that the nano-unit was not able to heal completely. However, he did not said a word to her about it.

"We shouldn't dwell doing nothing for too long. You could try to find some supplies. Some kind of battery while I monitor your progress and prepare a shelter." 9S offered.
The Model 2 series wasn't quite the same with regards to the body, as while they did not need to breathe any more than any other machine, they did have a slight use for it as drawing in air allowed them to distill liquid oxygen from it and inject that straight into their reactors, slightly heightening power output. To a human the milliseconds of difference such a practice made were utterly insigificant, too small a frame of time for action and reaction to even matter, but to the electronic mind of a YoRHa in a battle against utterly inhuman opponents such as the Biodroids, those flickering moments of infinity could be the difference between victory and defeat.

Even outside of combat though, 2B's chest rose and fell with simulated life, her nose wrinkled at the prompting of a drifting leaf, her entire body relaxed slightly. Then 9S voice cut across the moment and she experienced an unexpected core temperature spike and a rush of embarrassment as she quickly tugged the fabric back down, the shimmering lines of her HUD settling over her vision once more as her sight darkened, then cleared again.

While 9S crawled, 2B sought to stand. Limb acutators were operating at less than 30% capacity but on a combat android that meant she was 'merely' twice as strong as a human male baseline rather than seven times such, and while she wobbled a bit as her battered senses adjusted once more to being upright eventually she managed to put one foot in front of the other and begin to walk, growing stronger with each step as the nano-repairs recognized a new priority and rushed to finish what repairs they could manage on her mobility systems. She probably wouldn't get much more than 30% out of them since they had no access to compatible reconstructive material for the damaged and frayed musculature under her armored skin but there were any number of minor corrections they could and did make to help even her gait and steady her.

The thought was to move first to the pod, but rarely-experienced emotional subroutines fired again and as she stepped past the crawling Model 9, she instead found herself kneeling next to him and raising one arm. Between depleted strength and the weight of his mechanical body it was a struggle to lift him to his feet but somehow she managed, half helping, half dragging him over to the Pod unit before setting him down again, watching as he rewired it. He needed no help and there was nothing she could do that could progress the repair any faster so she found herself instead fascinated by the sight, the dance of his hands as he rewired and rebuilt the unit's shell, the look of concentration upon his dirtied and scarred face, all of it oddly mesmerizing such that 2B didn't even realize that her lips had quirked into a smile as she took it in.

She hadn't wanted him to die, even when he had proved foolish and his reliability was in question. Now she found him fascinating, and she knew somehow that watching any other Model 9 perform these same procedures would not necessarily be the same. Was this a pair bond? What humans always chattered about 'liking' someone?

"I'm glad you survived too..." The words were quiet, barely above a human whisper.

Then he turned to her with a plan and she nodded, aware that once again there was a thermal anomaly in her facial region, why was she simulating a flush? What had made her embarrassed? "I will search for any salvageable parts while you secure a perimeter then." She affirmed, then hesitated. "You are well enough to stand then?" The thought of him crawling again -even when she knew it was sufficient for the present- still didn't sit right with her.
The particular whisper appeared to have fell into deaf ears, allowing 2B to keep the secrecy of her embarrassment & flush.

"It appears so..." Said 9S in regards to his mobility servos working. He demonstrated this by standing up from the ground and activate the HUD connected to the Pod 042. Small holographic screens appeared around the length of his black fabric. From it he could see both the feedback of his own optical interface, but also a video feed of the Pod's internal camera; which currently floated above 2B.

He decided to run a test, commanding the Pod to fly around the Model 2 slowly, surveying all her sights from the elevated position, to check if the video feedback was running in correctly in real-time. The image of the female android displayed on the screen on the right of his eye, moving alongside the small floating unit captured. A screen only 9S was capable to see under his blindfold, placed around the area on the right of his view. He was able to see her clearly, no dissonance in quality nor framerate. every lock of her silvery hair displayed as the pod moved close to he face as a test ind detail, the softness of her synthetic skin, the gloss in her pink lips and even the small little dot of black located a few inches underneath the lower lip area, just meeting with the chin.

That particular mark intrigued 9S. It appeared to be a decolorisation of the skin pigment's hue, a minuscule area of the skin burn during the process of the skin's fabrication, shaped like a small dot. This was something information files depicted humans to have as well; Denominated a "Beauty mark". Its inclusion upon the Model 2 combat unit served no battle purpose and was simply another strange eccentricity upon 2B's design. The only approximation in logic the young-looking Type 9 could infer was a cosmetic choice; A way to make the design appealing and relatable to humans.

But what confused him most was the sudden fascination for it. Poking a very small increase in his emotional subroutines. He find it cute...

9S finished his test run, allowing the pod to activate its automatic movement systems. "Everything seems in working order. There doesn't seem to be any biodroid readings in the vicinity, but regardless investigate with caution. From what visual data I could gather, we are still in what could be considered another industrial complex similar to where the Goliath units resided."

"Good luck, ma'am." He did not have his flying unit to oversee the area from above, so his means to assist were now more limited than before. Sitting upon an empty box he continued to monitor, allowing 2B to finally head deeper into the area.
Safe behind the visor 2B's eyes followed the pod unit as it slowly circled her, noting a momentary flutter in what should have been stable motion as it passed in front of her but thinking nothing of it. For the unit to have survived the blast so well was a testament to its own construction, and she honestly would have been more surprised if it had been as truly unharmed as it had appeared once repaired. In truth she was grateful for the distraction watching it and listening to 9S' new priority listing provided from her emotion simulations. Normally their presence was quiet, a little hum of sensations at the back of her mind, but now they seemed flaring up in odd ways, spiking at seemingly random events.

Not quite random, she appended mentally as she stepped away, moving as silently as a human-scaled synthetic war machine could manage into the undergrowth and regretting that she had not planned on potentially requiring camouflage as her 'standard' black combat suit stood quite prominently in the greens and blues. More pressing to her thoughts however were her considerations of her recent emotional activity. There were a few unifying factors amongst the instances of emotional swell, chief among them being 9S' presence in her thoughts or sight on each occasion, but while that labelled him with reasonable odds as being partial cause for the emotional spikes that brought her no closer to a resolution.

She wondered idly in turn if perhaps there was a malfunction, a software glitch, a loose wire inside her. The notion of such was discomfiting to say the least but the background diagnostics 2B ran as she prowled between the trees turned up nothing.

So what was she to do? Could these spikes be resolved in some way? Removing 9S as out of the question as both her logical and emotional processors rebelled against the very thought, citing both sensible reasons such as limited resources and limited allies as well as a simple revulsion at the notion. It came as a part of her emotional routines she knew but at the same time, that revulsion was shockingly strong, the strongest emotional reaction towards him yet.

If negative thoughts or images of 9S provoked stronger reactions, then perhaps positive ones could in turn generate weaker ones? Could these emotion be satisfied perhaps? Or mollified? Made to return to their usual state?

Further testing needed...

Troubled and feeling slightly bashful as she realized how many processor cycles she had devoted away from her scouting towards these questions, 2B tried to focus on her current objectives again, and sighed with relief as she found the emotional cycles subside slightly now that she was focused elsewhere. They were still there, lurking behind the more function-oriented routines, but they were no longer as intrusive, at least for the moment...
While unable to hear her inner thoughts, 9S continued to keep track of 2B's movements thanks to the video feed provided by the Pod. An audio channel was also open between the two, as the damage to their black boxes seemed to have cut their long range transmission capabilities, but less strenuous length appeared to function properly albeit a few minor audio quality hiccups.

"Pod sensors and general building design shows most materials would be held on higher levels of the facility. Most of the area seems overrun by vegetation due to lack of use, but there should be a few ladders still sturdy enough for you to use." His voice came from her own audio systems. Still no Biodroid readings. Maybe they didn't found any logical use for such an destroyed place."

S9 himself remained out of the action, which he was content with. Model 9's mission was to support, hack and retrieve and sue information accordingly while Model 2s like 2B were in charge of everything that involved scouting and combat. His gaze focused on the screen depicting her. Despite being satisfied with his role, his emotional algorithm did display a slight degree of envy, in the more respectful way. His design did not allow for abilities like superhuman speed or strength, nor the massive database of combat maneuvers and weapon adaptability that the Model 2s possessed. Being able to explore all those areas rather than just watching from afar. Still, he was content with his position, knowing logically someone needed to stay as the informant.

His gaze also appeared fixated in 2B's shape and frame as well. Her design sleek and smooth. In human terms she'd hold some kind of beauty, like precious doll. He realized his sudden fixation and quickly dispelled a bit of the zoom he was unconsciously giving the pod's camera. He knew he should disable those emotional subroutines during proceedings, but he had a small attachment to them. Whenever out of a mission 9S created the habit to activating his emotional imputs to just feel or see and cheer a bit. It allowed to break from the monotony of mission after mission. Then again, he also theorized the mere idea of feeling monotony came from the over-use of his emotional systems. At this point it was hard to tell.

He wondered. Did 2B currently disabled or tuned down her emotional systems? Mission rules stated that emotions were prohibited. But logically, they weren't really /on/ a mission. Either way, he was unable to even know if she had or not either way, so quickly dismissed the subject and attempted to push the emotional subroutine behind more mission-oriented routines to become less intrusive.

He continued to monitor 2B, watch her move across the flora infested platforms to then leap across a broken catwalk into the upper areas of a factory building. As his assumptions predicted, there was a some climbable iron stair to another walkway that seemed to lean to head further north.

Everything seemed to be working, but when she started to climb up the relatively long stair 9S seemed to have suffered a minor halt of his motion systems. His eyes widened and locked when by sheer happening the Pod was floating just under 2B's view and body; The camera now taking a direct feed at her lower half. The soft winds of the altitude blowing under her to easily lift her skirt.

9S could feel his emotional systems starting to move up other functions as the urge to not simply order the pod to change from it's automatic positioning started to clash against his more logic-oriented routines. Her shapely legs appeared both string and soft inside those black stockings. Her rear plump and shapely, emphasized even more by how her inner white leotard-like jumpsuit wrapped between her buttocks. For a human this'd be a really exciting sight, and it appeared to generate a similar feeling within 9S, much to his inability to comprehend why. Her body swayed with every step upwards she did, making the robotic boy bit his lower lip.

He felt his processors racing rapidly. His internal heat levels increased. His breathing became heavier; Acting as a cooling alternative to keep the body regulated. A shade of red manifested upon his cheeks. the Model 9 quickly shut off the audio output from the pod, muting himself from 2B as he guessed her receptors could pick up on his strange actions. He tried to subdue the emotional subroutine to half or move it to a lower delegation, but somehow it always managed to find a way to crawl back up. He needed to find another alternative to cooling and discharging the excessive cache that the emotional feedback was creating...

It was then when he felt a another function activate. An often forgotten system which is left separated from other sections of the mainframe due to it's unnecessary applications. As expected from humanity, when they decided to create a robot designed after themselves; Their desire to achieve the greatest creation, pushed them to create these robots as close to the real thing. This included anatomically correct AND functional genitalia; As well as a series of sex-related algorithms to replicate the idea of human copulation. This system had been long forgotten YoRHa androids and as such had been left with very minor protection systems and no firewalls, making it easy for9S to unconsciously activate them. This was represented by his lower member becoming hard and stiff, pushing tightly against the fabric of his lower clothing.

As a method to cool his now heating frame, he unbuttoned his top vest, revealing his naked torso upon the climate, letting the cool in the air subside part of the elevated heat. This didn't seem enough, and so he quickly removed his gloves then pulled down his pants, making the hardened cock to pop out in all its glory. For a human, 9S would be considered very endowed. While having the frame of what could be considered a young man, his genitalia possessed an impressive length and width. His sensorial receptors immediately send a spike into his emotional systems as soon as his fingers touched the shaft. It was like a jolt; A Positive feedback that seemed to stabilize some of the heat related problems. As such, he followed the old program and started to slowly stroke himself. His monitoring systems over his companion were starting to be push back on the hierarchic chain of currently active systems.

"Ah...ahn..." His breathing increased, attempting to counter the heated system. His voice box appearing to glitch to connect to her more unconscious routines, making him unable to fully stay quiet. Soft groans and gasps came from his mouth with every stroke and tug of his tool he did, increasing in pace as the positive feedback continued to envelop him.

All of this while 2B was completely oblivious of his actions. Leaving her to her own thoughts and actions
Unaware of the feelings she had spurred within 9S and absorbed in her own questions enough that while she did not allow her scouting duty to lapse she did fail to notice him muting his end of the connection to her. In another time and another place she would have ordered it reopened immediately in case of an attack upon his position but as it was the silence simply left more room for her own thoughts.

With no signs of enemies and an abundance of processing power at her disposal, 2B partitioned off a section of her active memory and devoted it to simulation in an attempt to resolve this conundrum as she made her way up the levels of the ancient ruined site. She focused on 9S, ensuring target, and then let the partition play while she did her best to analyze the responses to each new scenario. Plausibility was emphasized and the situation was instructed not to run and scenario she would not be able to take seriously as that would ruin the objective science of it but for all her attempts to impose logic upon these emotional subroutines she was struggling to understand, emotion would win out in the end.

Scenario 1: 9S modifying materials to be used in more thorough repairs brought a warmth with it, a feeling of happiness? Enjoyment? Not strong, but constant, suffusing her as she watched him work.

Scenario 2: An Ambush, 9S menaced by a stealthed attacker, the images brought an almost instantaneous pang of fear to her, a tightness of breath at the thought of it that refused to simply go away until the simulation ended and she could reassure herself that it wasn't real.

And on they went, theoretical situations playing in her head as she explored the facility, but while the overall data was inconsistent and the emotions were difficult to quantify, 2B was beginning to draw some conclusions as she viewed them. She liked 9S, no, 'like' was not strong enough a word. Humans placed too little value on the idea of friendship for it to be simply that, which meant that it must be something else, something of a higher order than friendship yet a lower order than-.

One scenario ended and another scenario started, halting 2B's thoughts in their tracks as she saw 9S and her together, herself on his lap, both their bodies gyrating in such a way as to draw only one conclusion as to what was happening, his voice calling her name again, only with a lilt and strain to it, and her voice responding in kind. "2B!" "9S!"

She crushed the simulation ruthlessly before she was even aware of what she was doing but the image wouldn't leave her head, emotional responses refusing to let go of the thought as half a dozen emotional routines fired all at once and she felt a new surge of heat and discoloration in her cheeks. Only this time the source was not the shame subroutine, or at least, not entirely. As she examined her systems 2B realized that a new program had activated itself, as though by automation in response to something, arousal? She swallowed harshly, a very human gesture, as she realized she could feel a tickling against her inner thighs and a tightness atop her breasts and when she reached down, her gloved fingers felt unmistakeable dampness at her crotch from that sight, that thought.

The touch sent a little shock of sensation through her too, and experimentally, she touched again, a harder pressure, a stronger tingle of pleasure, something simulating human endorphin releases, something she couldn't shut down any more than she could stop her breathing as it began to quicken or the flush that seemed not to be satisfied with her cheeks and was currently migrating down towards her chest.

The pod that had been trailing her never even entered her conscious thoughts as 2B delicately lifted her skirt and then -eyes wide behind her mask- slid two fingers up the mound of her womanhood, shivering and letting a soft moan at the sensation. Was this what she felt for 9S? What she wanted? It did not match to known human descriptions of love, yet since rarely were any two descriptions of love alike that meant little. Still, friendship, plus lust, that seemed a formula that fit, pair bonding of another sort...

Not caring that her logical brain was drawing conclusions, her emotional brain urged her, reminding her how interesting it felt, suggesting that she perhaps conduct further experimentation here as well.

So she touched herself again, and then again, stroking, teasing, slowly exploring this piece of her anatomy that she'd never seen cause to explore before, intent on discovering its secrets and on feeling more of that sensation of pleasure building, unaware, or perhaps unwilling to directly acknowledge- that she was still technically on display to 9S as she did so...
Despite the actions of 2B shamelessly being caught by the video feed of the Pod's internal camera. 9S appeared to be overwhelmed by too much information at once. The positive feedback that these new system were generating upon his sensors were temporally shutting down other systems to apply their processing power to the new one.

Video feedback was disabled, allowing enough space to run a series of simulations play out, hoping to generate more data for this desire subroutine to increase the pleasure that was giving to the male-designated android.

The simulation program started to run a rapid search for positive reinforcement of pleasure, however all paths seemed to eventually lead back to the instigator of these newfound feelings: 2B.

His stroking continued, increasing in pace and rhythm. Gasps and groans escaping rapidly from his lips as his other hand moved underneath the base of his genitals, applying pressure upon the area known as the testicles. The contact sensors supplied all over the skin area send a series of positive feedbacks which urged 9S to continue doing it, caressing the synthetic sack while simultaneously rubbing the length of his manhood up and down vigorosuly.

The simulations played in his head. 2B standing tall and upwards, gaze level directed at his despite her visor still applied. Her hands moving across the shape of her frame, cupping her breasts before descending down her belly into her hips, then travel down her thighs.

2B bending over, showing more of that shapely rear, occasionally swaying and wiggling her hips to generate an enticing sign of attraction. His hand caressed his own bare chest, applying a third simulation which displaying 2B as the one performing these actions to him; Caressing and toying with his torso while also eagerly stroking his penis.

The simulations also processed the idea of 2B's frame with her layers of clothing being removed one by one. Her black dress undone and peeled off her body, revealing the very form-fitted white jumpsuit, perfectly shaped around her loins; Said leotard-like grab being removed, revealing a perky sets of bare breasts and a glittering womanhood, glossing wth synthetic juices. "9S..." He simulated the idea of her voice saying it, not in the usual way of address for mission companions, but something more personal. More passionate. Sensual.

His own audio output seemed to glitch and connect with his internal current memory. Words he merely desired to think started to come out of his mouth. The repeat of her name over and over.

"2-2B! 2B! 2B!!!" He exclaimed in an somewhat begging voice, almost panicking. Relentlessly pleasuring himself as he could feel the combination of all these programs and simulations at once were causing a strain on his main operational system, building up in data and heat. Something was coming, a particular line in the newfound pleasure was activating. His head arched and his voice increased in volume. He was unable to see the real 2B anymore, but her image continued to plague every part of his emotional brain right about now.



A final tug, one last caress. It all was send into an overclock mode while the final program activated within the new routine. The overheating generated a partial shut down of the OS, causing the Model 9 to fall back with all his weight against the wall behind him right as the final command proceeded. A stream shot of synthetic residue was expulsed from his member; Artificial seed or cum, as it was often called, shooting forward and landing upon the green grass in front of him, while a few drops were send on to his body around the navel area.

The breathing of exhaustion continued for a while, 9S felt his whole body went limp. As the heat levels decreased and the operational system slowly started to reboot the shut down functions, 9S remained to his own thoughts. The simulations of 2B gone but the concept of her still staying in his mind. The current emotional state seemed paradoxical; feedback of satisfaction seemed the most prominent, but appeared to also be clashing with emotional states of embarrassment or shame. Having done this at the thought of his battle android companion. Having stopped his assistance, his very role, to proceed these newfound feelings.

"Why...what am i doing?" His audio output finally back in control, able to simply speak to his own without being heard. Right now all he could think was the lack of a particular emotional state: Why did he not regret this?
It was a curious paradox to the Android. With every touch and every delicate tease to her synthetic netherlips she felt pleasure to be sure, but there was also a deep hunger, or at least what she could only describe as hunger having never truly experienced such. Not so much actual hunger as an emptiness, one that frustrated her, and yet for all that she wished to she always found her fingers creeping back between her legs.

As if that wasn't enough, the simulation subroutine she'd constructed kept reactivating, lending other images to her no matter how many times she tried to push them away, and with every image that sense of frustration only grew. Gritting her teeth in a rare expression of outward irritation, 2B sought a solution, only to find little in the way of such. Her human interaction subroutines were built with learning in mind rather than a pre-created database and while that had served her well in basic interaction the android had never made any actual use of these parts of her before and they had not come with anything resembling a manual. She could identify sensors and nerve endings, individual feedback loops and subroutines, but none of them added up to a cohesive whole, and when the first tentative touch to her clit sent an involuntary spasm through most of her motor control routines she pulled her hand away like she'd been burned.

It was the involuntary nature of some of these new interactions that frightened 2B, and she was not easily frightened. She expected her body to obey her in ways that a human's would not, to function as intended in every way, yet here were these new routines, breaking previously established baselines and causing unintended and unexpected interactions. Even as she scrambled to her feet, suddenly aware of the pod unit again and -to her surprise- feeling considerably less shame than human norms suggested she ought, 2B still felt a measure of that gnawing irritation, that desire to touch herself some more, or perhaps to be touched. 9S hadn't seen any of that, had he? The video link was muted from his end she realized, and cautiously she opened a channel. "Model 9? 9S? Are you alright?"

Surely he would have said something had he seen, unless, had something happened? Feeling a sudden turn of panic clawing at her throat 2B analyzed her internal logs, breathing a sigh of relief as she found no sign of any missed transmission, though true reassurance would not come until she heard the other Android's voice on the end of the line.

She reported in, and then, made her way back to the headquarters, slightly put out by the unfortunate lack of results. Plenty of metal around here but none of it of the appropriate quality or alloys to reconstruct or repair either of their functions. She might have more luck inside the facility at another time, but realistically speaking, it was unlikely anything composed of delicate components needed for their repairs would have lasted to this date judging by the overgrowth of the facility. More pressing of her concerns however was the still-present itch in her body, one that defied being categorize as a simple frustration or need and instead persisted on claiming itself to be both at once. Patently ridiculous to the core as sexual activity was neither a need nor something for her of all beings to grow frustrated at a lack of, and yet it kept insinuating itself in there, along with little 'encouragements' on the part of the rogue simulation software that she had dubbed her imagination for lack of a better term.

9S slowly stripping his outfit off his body, layer by layer revealing that strange mixture of youthful form and masculine tone that made up his body. 9S beneath her, his shaft (she knew he had one, even if she had never seen it) erect and straining between her thighs. An errant thought as she wondered what it smelled like, what it tasted like, what it would feel like insi- she crushed the simulation again, even more ruthlessly before but it came back just as quickly. 9S standing over her, under her, pressed up against her, lips, tongues, a dozen acts she'd overheard or had accessed out of curiosity, all shared between the two of them. These witnessed acts had never meant anything to her before, and if anything she'd dismissed the sexual elements of her form because of that lack of interest, but now, with every fresh image, with every simulated coupling, even if -or perhaps because- she couldn't imagine how he would feel in her grip, in her mouth, in her womanhood, they only made the frustration grow, and grow.

Arriving back at camp, 2B was a roiling bundle of frustration and repressed desire, and was struggling to figure out both whether she should and how to broach the subject with 9S. He probably wouldn't understand, she certainly wouldn't have a moment ago, and yet, with the way everything seemed to focus, she would bet that resolving this would only be possible with his assistance. Perhaps she could frame it as software maintenance? Mental health?

This would surely have been so much easier if she'd just had a human, men rarely questioned it when a woman asked to be fucked, even if they might find her off-putting in other circumstances...
It took a moment before 9S regained his senses. With the pleasure subroutine now at a lower-priority and with his heat levels stable, he was able to push back the system into a stand-by folder; Unable tog et rid of it completely. His body still panted softly, still feeling some of the almost electrical jolt he experienced after what human data specified in sexual copulation as "Orgasm". He continued to experience an increase of shame and or embarrassment-based routines. What would Command think if they knew? If they checked his systems and denominated this strange display of programs a defect? He'd probably be Reworked, Decommissioned, Reassigned...

Somehow, it was the latter that generated the greatest spike in fear-based emotional feedback. The first two options would be logical, analytic choices in regards of whatever or not he'd be deemed an error. The last one, however, would imply a new role, a new'd mean a separation from 2B specifically.

The simulation of that idea had to be shut down to finally force those levels of fear to decrease. Of course this command unconsciously generated a new series of cache data. Self-doubt, sadness, disillusion.

A simple analyzis of what had transpired easily placed 2B as the central point of these desires. However, applying a series of logical simulation routines were currently giving him unfavorable results due to this self-doubt induced cache data.

2B was a combat unit, as such by that delegation, a model type who's usual common to deactivate emotional feedback whenever possible. Applying other sets of logic to hypothesis: A combat unit'd theoretically have a priority to actions or abilities from others that equal the ones of said model. An unite with combat capabilities, one that could run, jump, slice and break whatever its in his way. 9S was a research unit; His internal abilities did not match 2B's. As such, wouldn't they be deemed incompatible?

Another simulation tested yet seemed inconclusive was physical features. Using basic data acquired from recordings or teachings on human behavior, he could determine his physical body could be categorized with different Tags or Denominations: "Young", "Teen-like", "Thin", "Short" (In comparison with 2B's hight). Of course he could not gain a result of this particular simulation due to not knowing what kind of features or characteristics generated positive emotional feedback on 2B; Or if there were at all.

In this thought he then recalled back to his previous action of cutting video communications. Logically-speaking, his lack of response would generate the idea of being in danger, prompting 2B to quickly return to this point. This activated a panic routing upon his mind.

He had to erase any implication of having indulged in these strange activities. The android quickly stood up and pulled his pants up, followed by the buckling of his belt and the re-buttoning of his vest. Withe everything back in order He returned to a sitting position to simulate having simply fixing an error. Heat levels as the manifestation of a blush, however, continued to defy his orders.

2B returned to the general area. The young-looking robot quickly standing up and running to her. "2B!" He said, unable to disguise some of the happy emotions generated from her safe arrival. "I apologize for the inconvenience. It appears there was still a difficult bug in the video and audio output of the Pod. I fixed it now."

A lie. An uncommon action for a model like him who's role is to determine and present facts and data. "I see there were no usable materials in the area. That's a problem. We'll have to continue on until finding another area with enough salvageable resources to contact Command."

It was the when the two felt drops of water impacting upon their bodies. The previously blue sky they had experienced was now murky and grey, weather patterns having shifted as rain started to pour down. While the two models were perfectly waterproof, this sudden change in weather would make the dilapidated landscape too difficult to traverse...

"We better seek shelter. Follow me." Said 9S as he lead his partner model to what appeared to be a small storage room, now overrun with some moss and plantlife. The roof, however, remained sturdy so it'd protect keep them dry.

9S sat on the ground, unable to do anything and not sure how to address 2B anymore. Everytime he tried to open a list of suggestions in his mind regarding her as a subject, the systems he tried so hard to push back would peek their ugly head again. Already eh could feel a slight increase in heat due to his close proximity to 2B.

As such the two remained in silent for a while...

After some minuets passed, with the two just simply staring aimlessly at the rain from inside, he spoke although softly. "I'm sorry..."

There was a pause, then he continued. "It were my actions that left us in this situation. "If I hadn't intervened we wouldn't have been in stranded in this location. And if I hadn't had errors with the video feed you probably would have found some materials.."
2B did her best to keep the way her heart beat a little faster at the eagerness in 9S voice as she returned hidden, though as before the emotional responses involved were oddly persistent. While she kept herself from a similar level of cheer in her response 2B could not keep her cheeks from turning pink with a flush, a situation only worsened when her 'imagination' decided to crop up again as he drew close, creating a fresh simulation. He was shorter than her by an inch or so, a fact that she normally considered irrelevant, but now served to remind her very suddenly of the fact that 9S was not a combat droid at all. Why, it would be simplicity itself for her to just hold him down and claim[/i] him as her ow-![/i]

She throttled the little fantasy and nodded curtly, her personality matrix furiously paging various software routines only to find that none of them were able to quell the blush that had blossomed on her pale face, and while it was fading slowly, it was not doing so nearly fast enough for her tastes. "That is good, there was nothing to report while the pod was offline." Not a lie at all, though perhaps it omitted certain activities that had taken place in that time as well as the fact that 2B hadn't noticed the initial offlining in the first place. Still, nothing had gone wrong or threatened the mission in that time, so in truth, nothing to report...

Then the rain started to fall, and there came more pressing concerns in the moment.

While 2B and 9S were synthetic beings and thus largely inured to the effects of water outside of catastrophic interactions with their well-shielded delicate internal systems, their outfits were not armor. They repelled water to a degree but with the toerential rain coming down on both of them, the two androids were quite soaked in the few minutes it had taken them to find shelter alone, and so as 2B's night vision systems flipped on to compensate for the darkened metallic interior of the shelter she found them drawn to the clothes 9S was wearing. The dampness made the fabric cling to his body, outlining his form rather than obscuring it, and while 9S did not possess the muscled frame of a combat android, 2B found the lithe and toned appearance fascinating. Sure he may have been designed to look the part of a research android, but YoRHa models were designed to look good at the very least since a certain decency of appearance was fairly well proven to be beneficial when it came to interaction with human squadmates.

Then he began to speak, and to her surprise, 2B found an emotional subroutine she hadn't expected rising to the surface.


"You think this is a poor outcome?" Her voice was harsh, and she immediately tried to restrain the emotion, not wishing to hurt 9S and not certain of exactly where this would go. "Had you not intervened, that fight would have ended with my death. Had you not been present to create a burst from our cores, I would have been destroyed." Oh, so that was why she was angry. It was strange, having a part of her dispassionately watching as she reacted to her emotions. It was a curious mix, both the idea that this was somehow not the best outcome possible when most other simulated results led to her death, 9S death, or both of their deaths, but also the idea of 9S faulting his own actions for such. "Is that what you wish 9S? Her throat worked, a human gesture of a swallow, and 2B realized that sorrow had snuck up under the anger as well, and that in her miniature tirade she had drawn closer to him and was by now standing over him. "Would you rather have been terminated? Would you rather I have been terminated?" She wasn't even bothering with the video feed errors point. She'd seen the base, there was nothing left there that they could use, too much rust and ravaging from time to draw any fine work materials out of it...

"Then why would you blame yourself for actions that kept us both functional?!" The bottom of her visor was distorted and flickering slightly and 2B realized that there was water pooling there, a mystifying realization that she possessed functional tear ducts occurring somewhere in her mind as -for the second time that day- she hauled the mask up to rest against her forehead, revealing silver eyes shining with moisture for a split second as the accumulated liquid fell down her cheeks before she wiped the tears away and managed to wrest control of them back from the automated emotional processors, cutting off the flow ebfore she quickly pulled the mask back down.

9S was taken aback by the sudden emotional display from 2B. He stood silent as she lashed at him, berating him for his self-deprecation. She was correct; His actions did indeed saved them from impending doom, but at the same time, their destruction valued little if it meant the accomplishment of their mission.

However, similar anger routine as hers invaded him at a particular part. When 2B asked if he wanted to see her terminate, he lashed out almost immediately. His voice loud and upset. "I would never want that!!"

His eyes stared directly at 2B, despite their masks making such things unclear. "Why would you even suggest that? I disobeyed stated rules not to engage; I brought Command's orders into question and I risked your very own Black Box over it! I even deliberately cut communications when you were searching for materials, then lied to you!" 9S, a emotion-based glitch causing his voice to stutter, showing a display of nervousness mixed with his anger. He realized that he just blurted out the truth regarding the cut in transmission, although omitting the part about his intimate self-discovery. He continued lashing out, "I failed as your assisting unit! That is why I blame myself! B-but don't come here and say I wanted to see you terminated!! I WOULD RATHER BE DESTROYED THAN SEE YOU GET HURT!!"

His realization of his wording, as well as the upset tone he was giving to 2B made him stop with a sudden and audible gasp, followed by a painful silence. He knew his outburst was uncalled for. But then, his eyes widened behind his fabric at the sight of 2B: Her face leaking liquid through her ducts, a function long since forgotten, while her expression showed a mixture of sorrow and worry that she quickly tried to shift. She pulled her mask upwards to reveal once more those beautiful silver eyes which, despite their moisture due to her distress, still managed to make 9S's heart beat faster.

His hands, which he previously removed his gloves due to being soaked by the rain, quickly picked up the ones from the Model 2; Their fingers intertwined. He knew from his data banks that holdings hands like this was a gesture used for reassurance, for soothing...

"I-I'm sorry..." He muttered again, unable to find another response despite many simulations of this approach running in his mind. "Is just...I have been dealing with a series of unknown elements. A continuous series of stimulus on my emotional matrix that have overpowered most of my logic systems. scares me a bit..." 2B felt that the boy android's hand started to softly shake, a sign of his emotional systems functioning in a routine of nervousness. "That's why I...I muted and closed communications. To...resolve, Those strange feelings, as they were becoming unbearable."

He did not go into detail, fearing it'd upset or scare the womanly android if he did so. He took a step closer. "2B, I..."

It seemed fortune was not on 9S's side, or perhaps it was depending on the point of view. As soon as he took that single extra step, his already wet boot stepped upon a wet area of their shelter which caused him to slip. His hands still holding her as he went down caused for him to press against 2B, not letting her balance servos to activate in time and sending the two YoRHa droids to the floor. Him on top of her...

9S froze in place. he held on to his weight with one hand against the floor while the other accidentally found itself gripping upon the upper area of 2B's thigh. His touch receptors feeling the softness of her skin and the warmness of her thigh. Her skirt was lifted just enough for the lower part of her white jumpsuit to be seen, almost mimicking panties revealed from a juvenile skirt-flip. 9S's cheeks reddened, no matter how many systems he currently attempted to shut down. His emotional matrix was going crazy. His body was pressed tightly against 2B and his more intimate systems were starting to activate, generating more awkwardness when his member started to stiffen against her.

A multitude of simulations ran simultaneously in his mind, stopping him from generating an action in reality. He simply stared down at 2B, their faces inches from eachother...
Success of the mission was something to be sought above all else, even self-preservation, yet while some YoRHa androids succumbed to a nihilistic numbness to their own synthetic lives, there were many who took on other views. 'The mission is better served by my continued existence' thought some, 'if I die here, then future missions will require another', thought others, while a very rare few took those excuses one step further and reason the quite simple desire to continue living, to evade cessation of existence, mission or no mission. 2B had always considered herself to be in the former category, self preservation as a means to the mission as an end, yet here, confronted with 9S' admission, she had to acknowledge that somewhere in the slew of emotional uncertainty that had plagued her since the battle the mission was no longer her sole reason to ensure that her self was perpetuated.

She had protected him, fought alongside him, not just for the sake of the mission but for the sake of not seeing him ended, and in turn he had proved invaluable in returning that favor.

'Injured' as she was, 2B's strength was not sufficient to hold 9S' weight without bracing herself and when he fell she simply didn't have the time. He bore her to the floor of the shelter, a fall that would have been painful for a human, ignored by the powerful being in that shape. If anything her elbow left a divot in the metal as it came down, with her looking none the worse for wear.

The fact that he had lied slid right through her mind and by, logged, noted, and then completely ignored in the face of the rest of his words. "What sort of emotional responses." The fact that she did not have much in the way of a real pulse to quicken 2B could feel a heart hammering in her chest, blood that she only had the loosest of analogues to pounding in her ears. It was not so much a question as a demand for explanation. "What sort of responses?" One part hope, two parts desperate need for vindication, to know, to understand. Had they shared something, his hand was on her thigh, she'd simulated this, she was simulating this, on some level she had come to want this without really realizing it until here it was, tantalizingly close.

She grabbed his head and pulled it down, a violent kiss as far as firsts went, but in the moment the emotional override that had prompted the impulsive action did not care. One hand cradling the base of his skull, keeping him from pulling away, the other reaching out and giving a hard push, rolling them over so that she was on top as she registered a stiffness on 9S body and in another moment of emotion-driven impulse rolled her hips, pressing her cleft against that growing bulge and casping into his mouth as a fresh tingle -like those that had emerged from her frustrated exploration earlier- suddenly blossomed through her. Her lips drew back, and 2B found she was panting for breath, chest heaving as she looked down at him. "Did you think of this?" She asked breathlessly, his response emboldening her, encouraging her. Would such a response exist if he did not think of her? Did not consider her an attraction? "What did your feelings tell you?" She still needed to hear it, needed to know rather than simply speculate.
9S did not respond right away, still frozen as his face was mere inches away from 2B's, her glossy and soft-looking lips so close to him. The android demanded again to know, yet 9S still had his audio box stuck with words to say, not sure how to approach this. Finally, sounds started to come from his lips. "T-they..they were physical and mental responses to desi--"

His words did not concluded when the gap of air between them was erased....

His whole body tensed, a powerful warm sensations. Touch, taste, smell; All sense systems seemed to highlight in that very moment, taking absolute every small thing about the current situation. 9S could feel the tongue of his fellow android sliding, against his. His mind raced at high velocity, trying to process all this new data simultaneously. The moistness, the softness, the warmth; Everything about the kiss was feeding into his emotional subroutines, releasing a wave of positive feedback through his body and causing his member to stiffen more against her.

His body was shifted of position by her strong physique, pinning him hard against the ground while she stood on top of him. Her hips grind against his hidden length, generating an increase of his heat levels once more. So gasps filtred from the uncontrolled kiss the two androids shared; His now heavy breathing brushing against hers while amazing vibrations generated the very same type of pleasure feedback that he felt previously on his own. However, the mere notion of being 2B the instigator of such pleasure seemed to increase it ten-fold.

Finally the kiss was broken as 2B demanded for him to speak. In between his soft pants, he finally managed for his words to come out of his mouth. "Y-yes!....yes...I simulated...I imagined this...I-I imagined you 2B!"

His hands, previously on her soft thighs after the roll over they did, climbed up her frame and inside her skirt, reaching the perfectly round buttocks that thrilled him so much a few hours ago. With one hard squeeze of both hands, he brought a gasp and moan out of the android woman, giving him a moment to let gravity be of use and shift positions once more. Hm again on top while 2B lied under him laying on her side.

"I simulated you...only you...doing this with me...every second, never stoping! I couldn't help myself! I relieved myself to that image!" He said in between pants and stutters. There seemed to be a rage in his tone, but 2B could tell was not a malicious one; But rather a display of all that pent-up tension that their systems generated, that spark of passion unleashed by the shy robot, who didn't know fully how to utilize it, but clumsiness at it actually thrilled her more. His right hand continued to grope and fondle her rear. So round and soft. while the other moves to the knots of her black dress. Most of his simulation involved her still in clothing, so his desire right now was not a full undress, but enough to see her more private pats while also caress as much skin as he could.

His head leaned to reach the round 'window' of her dress, an area which exposed part of her cleavage and which now 9S was hungrily unleashing a series of quick kisses and licks, each one making the robotic maiden's body tremble.

His left hand went to his belt and un did it. His mind no longer trying to combat the raise of the emotional system, but rather encouraging it; Feeding their processing power into it to push the Model 9 YoRHa automata into a unceasing mass of love and lust. With a hard pull, his pants lowered to halfway before his ankles, enough for him to fish out his now throbbing cock. "Look at me...2-2B...look at how you make me feel..."
It still wasn't enough to feel him beneath her, pressed up against her womanhood through the fabric of her bodysuit, but the annoyance was dampened by the warm sensation in 2B's chest as she heard 9S confess beneath her what he'd thought. Her emotional subroutines were going crazy, tying surges in heat and alterations in perceived pressure to them as both Androids' hands explored each others bodies. He had... Relieved himself? There was a relief to be found?

The swirl of questions and curiosity delayed her reaction times and then she was beneath 9S again, and to her surprise she found she didn't mind it so much. Calling to mind a priest kneeling before an altar as he crouched before her. His hand on her rear squeezed and she twitched at the tingle of sensation that surged up beyond the mere pressure of the touch. Then his arm crawled around her back and she shifted again at the whisper of her dress' ties coming undone, the heat surging in her cheeks suddenly redoubling in intensity at the revelation, yet to her surprise there was no impetus to push him away despite the embarrassment.


Further study would have to wait however as 9S' pants went down and 2B's attention was drawn to his cock. Thick and hard, healthy by all human definitions and larger than average for his body volume.

It was seeing it that finally put the pieces together for her, the various feelings, the frustration that had been building ever since this afternoon's exploration. Had she bothered to examine it she would have realized that some of that revelation was a combination of emotional urges and attachment routines but in the heat of the moment she did not bother. It identified the sensations, hollow, empty, and targeted a solution, to fill her.

She gripped 9S by the shoulders and pushed him back up, reaching down to the white leotard-style garment she wore under her dress and pulling it away from her crotch, feeling the wetness that had no connection to the rain pounding outside their metal shelter on the fabric. She wasn't sure what she was doing, she doubted he was sure either, but those emotional instincts seemed to have at least some idea and in the absence of any sort of direction she followed them, keeping one hand on 9S shoulder while the other went down to his shaft, pulling him closer until 2B found her breath shaking at his cock touched against her entrance.

Just a little further... She stopped looking as she let her head fall back, moving by sensation alone, guiding him precisely to that point and then giving a last little tug only to realize that her own wrist didn't quite have the strength. She grit her teeth, brought her head back up, staring up at 9S through her mask, and finally spitting the words, emotional as much as they were thought out, a testament to the humanity of her emergent programming in the end.

"Fuck me?"

It wasn't a request.
((Sorry for not posting back when you did, despite so much pushing from my part XD I actually have free on Weekdays but have work on Weekends, so then I can only post late at night or if I'm lucky at my break.))

9S's body tensed when 2B placed her hand upon his shoulder, pushing him away from their current closeness. Part within him wanted to protest; Desiring to continue the feelings of his lips upon her exposed synthetic flesh. Another part generated a fear of rejection, of having done something that was causing 2B to finally halt what was happening.

All this current thought reached a halt an exact second later. His body was jerked forward by the female android, a soft gasp escaping him when the feeling of his eager rod being grasped underneath them.

It mere touch caused his frame to shiver, his member to throb. Cheek reddened ever more as his sight focused on 2B, who seemed equally as flustered. Panting softly just like him. Staring back with her mouth partially opened, as if a sign of an equal need...

Her touch, despite not even moving, cause a different feedback than his own back at his masturbation. His frame was used to the sensation and texture provided by his hand, while an outsider touch, in this case 2B's, generated a spike in the both physical and emotional feedback within his sensorial program. Despite her role as a battle android, her touch felt delicate, caring.

Said guidance of her hand pushed him closer to her. his eyes dancing from place to place as his attention was constantly shifted by 2B's different actions. The holding of his rod, or her other hand reaching down to the fabric of her leotard-like suit, right between her legs, and pulling it to the side, revealing her entrance. His breathing accelerated ever so slightly, anticipating what was yet to come.

A thousand warning labels and sign continued to buzz and pop within his memory banks, feelings of doubt, self-deprecation, fear...

...all vanished when he mouth moved, expelling two simple words...

Fuck me...

9S's eyes widened behind his blindfold, a primal urge gaining control within his body despite all logic or reason. Despite his lack of understanding, his constant-yet-failing attempt to see this in a mechanical way, something within his core pushed for a newfound instinct. With his grip hardening upon her thigh, 9S pushed his hips forwards, plunging his member upon 2B's slit as a soft yet passionate grunt escaped the boy's lips.

He moves slowly forward, adjusting himself to the tightness that enveloped his cock, as making the full dive was not as easy as one may seem due to their position. With his hand held upon 2B's thigh, he lifted her leg slightly, allowing him to push his hips even more against her, his rod disappearing fully inside the heated entrance. The android's frame appeared to lack a particular barrier that the female human body had before its first intimate encounter. Despite plunging in fully inside, none of 9S's action appeared to cause any harm to 2B; Rather the exact opposite...

9S stood inside for a few seconds, trying to process the situation. The inner walls of his partner gripped hard against his throbbing penis, moist and hot. A warm sensation crossed from his crotch upon the rest of his body, rising his inner temperature and accelerating the positive feedback upon his sensorial processors. If time were to stop right now, he might probably be just fine.

However, moments later he proceeded to move once more, pulling his lower body back and his member out of 2B's nether regions before then motion back inside with a hard and deep thrust. "Aah..!" His voice box glitched again, 9S finding himself unable to turn it of, similar to his previous experience. He did not care however, nor anything else. Pulling back and then pounded back in, he started to slowly repeat the motion, over and over again. His only care in this very moment was 2B; the woman currently being taken in the most primal of human acts.

His movements were not skilled, somewhat clumsy as his grip stuttered by soft shaking and nervousness; His thrusts lacked finesse, sometime moving too fast or too rough. Even while being a Scanner type model, someone apt in the area of information, this was an area he knew little to none; Completely fueled by instinct. Yet despite all of that, every single pound caused 9S to gasp, groan and grunt with a pleasure never before experienced...

"Ahn...ngh.....ah..." Words could barely be heard from him, simply a series of noises. His eyes glanced back down from the cover of his visor and locked upon 2B, hoping this current sensation he was experiencing went both ways.
2B had never been designed with virginity in mind, nor would a hymen have mattered in any case. In human terms she was as ready as she could possibly be, from the hot flush of desire spreading down her neck and chest and the points of her nipples straining against dress and to the wetness dripping from the perfect pink lips of her womanhood.

She never even so much as wondered if it would hurt, and as 9S pushed forwards and filled her just like that the very thought that pain could ever have been the result never even manifested in her mind. Not that there was much room for anything but pleasure in that moment mind you. Sensory inputs almost entirely unused since her creation blazed to life under the pressures of that glorious fullness, a deluge of sensation that pushed out all other conscious processing. Automatic responses kept her from completely overloading, her jaw dropping as a low moan left her throat, her back arching as she shivered, those inner walls tightening around 9S shaft while some part of her acutely aware of every feature of this interaction meticulously logged it, every irregularity in the surface of it.

"N-... Nine..." The endless crash of pleasure upon her mind abated slightly, processor heating up as she overclocked to handle the last few routines, but whatever she was going to say next was rendered unto pleasured incoherence as he pulled back, the friction of his cock dragging against her inner walls on the way out provoking another cascade of responses to pour into 2B's processor, and after that another thrust that made her entire body convulse.

Moans and gasps ricocheting off the metal walls as the rain pounded down outside, a cacophony of pleasured voices set to the irregular beat of synthetic flesh meeting again and again as they fucked. It was no clean lovemaking, no measured meter of pleasure and motion like one might expect from androids. They sweated and screamed and pushed against each other in a discordant unison that was so very human, discovering each other as more than Warrior and Scanner, as something that went beyond the shorthand letters of their designations.

In these moments, cut off from the rest of the world, 2B came to think of herself as more than Number 2 Type B, of 9S as more than Number 9 Type S. He was hers just as she was his, his 2B, her 9S, unique from any others. "M-more~!" She could feel something growing inside her, a nameless sensation, chaotic, roiling in the pit of her stomach, drawing a wire through her mind as tension stretched out across the tableau of carnal expression. Just a little more, a little more to break the wire, release the tension, she didn't even know why she wanted this, only that she wanted it badly... "N-9S~!
It was truly a mesh of thoughts that crossed upon 9S' mind right now; Trying to reason with his current situation, these actions, this feeling, all at once. Everything felt so complex...but at the same time so simple. Such a paradoxical realization, he noted.

Of course these was a small bit of basic thinking power that was being used within his CPU. The 90% of his mind was in a one-way track, locked on one simple action with the android woman that lied underneath him, gasping and moaning as his body continued to pump in and out.

A side of him, the one constructed by efficiency and duty, wished things were less...amateurish, if there was a way to put it. He wished it could be more like a synchronized mechanism, but he could tell he was clumsy, with an uneven rhythm. It was way more primal, way something an android would accept. However, there simultaneously it was the reason why it felt so great. Her erratic moaning, struggling between her speak and her moans; All running alongside his own gasping and accelerated breathing. Pushing hard made her body quiver in pleasure, while slower caused it to it to adorably shiver in anticipation and need. Everything around this, despite it's disorganised nature, enticed the current feedback loop that oh so much filled him with his own set of pleasure.

Was this why many fragments of human nature and culture that he had previously investigated seemed to fasten on reproduction and sexuality?

"Ah....ah...t-two...B..."His motions rapidly increased; His hips accelerating alongside his breathing while his ears rang with her voice calling her name. 9S found out that part, her voice, really appeared to increase the current positive feedback inside of his brain. As such, he wanted to give 2B just as much enjoyment as she was giving him. A equal giving of love and passion...

"2B...Oh, 2B~!..."

The Scanner-type unit could feel something within him becoming more and more tense. The way it built up and heated was accurately similar to behavior experienced before on his own, when he was relieving himself over the mental image of 2B. Was his limit approaching like it did before? "Ngh...ahng..." His body was already overclocking as he thrusting became harder and deeper within the body of the female android, his processors running faster and the sensation being miles away of what his hand could ever do. But something on the back of his head egged him to keep going, to restrain from reaching the peek just yet. He wanted 2B to experience the same crashing bliss he had experienced previously in his lonesome. He wanted to see her expression when she did, that voice embrace the powerful culmination of their carnal act...

"I...c-can't stop...2B..." He managed to expel from endless grunting, "S-something...ngh..i-is happening..."
2B didn't answer, not with words, her voice rising in passion, sensation drowning out logic, drowning out [Emotions are Forbidden], drowning out everything except metal against her back, hands on her thighs, and 9S inside her. He was thrusting, that it was erratic hardly mattered to her in this state, this bliss of first intimate contact in her 'life', filling her with pleasure not even the most wildly variable-broadened simulations could have predicted.

Something was coming, she was... "C-cumming~?" Was that what this was? Like a long-processed logical problem finally resolving itself the tension coiling inside her suddenly unfurled all at once, a thousand lines of code that had been wrestling with each other suddenly resolving into a functioning program.

Somewhere in her mind, she felt the moment it all compiled together, a little heartbeat's worth of time, unquantifiable beyond that oh-so-inaccurate measure, her breathing catching in her throat. "Ah~..."

Don't stop...

[Program Executing]

And 2B's vision went pure white.

Her head fell back as a scream pushed the limits of her voice box' capacity for pitch, her back arching, legs flexing and shaking, fingers digging into the steel of the container floor, every synthetic muscle in her body tensing and flexing as raw ecstasy struck her like a hammerblow. Her inner walls tightened, automatically clenching around him, moulding the synthetic womanhood perfectly in the shape of his cock as it pulsed around him, urging reciprocity from him. Cum with me!
9S appeared to be in a similar situation. With every passing second, every action, every thrust. The shared warmth of their sex caused his entire frame to go haywire. the mixture of his voice and 2B's now increased moans of pleasure pushed himself to his limits.

Just like with his lonesome session, his heat and pleasure were quickly reaching its peak. Constant notes of [Program reaching Limit Capacity] or warnings of [Sensorial Processor Overheating] started to manifest by the dozens within the system frame of his mind. What little finesse he was able to held upon this incredible primal encounter was now gone, the boy-looking android speeding up erratically, pistoning his member in and out her inner embrace with rough and raspy grunts and moans from within his voice box. He was cumming, as it was stated, cumming alongside her.

The sheer basic strength of the two robots made the room shake around them; Lightweight boxes rumbling softly alongside them. The rain did little to quell the continuing noises coming from the duo, completely egulfed in their solitary lovemaking.

[Program Limit reached]

Despite the long time passing, not even an advanced android like 9S was able to withstand it, same as it happened beforehand with his hand. With one last call of 2B's name, his throbbing rod pulsed inside of her before unleashing the artificial seen like a stream of white. His whole body tensed as the orgasm carried over his entire code. his voice cracked, ending with a scratchy squeak before collapsing on top of the female white-haired female. His body had shut down and rebooted in the span of milliseconds, alongside his mind overworking. The same experience he held with his masturbation, but this one way stronger.

He panted heavily, his muscles not responding as he was unable to move from the position he was now in; His head resting upon her bosom as his cheek glowed in a bright red. His dick was still inside of her while the white liquid dripped out of her nether regions as a small leak from the lip, dropping softly into the steel floor.

What had happened he was unable to understand, unable to process. But either way, it was the most incredible thing in his entire lifespan at this very moment...
Processors stuttered and locked, a momentary wisp of steam curling off 2B's forehead as the heat from her cores misted the rain and sweat off her skin.


The unfolding program reached it's crescendo, stalling out other processes until 2B was frozen in a picture of ecstasy, lips parted in soundless pleasure, back arched, fingers still buried in the steel floor and synthetic cunt still gripping vice-tight around 9S as he pulsed inside, filling her...


Then she slumped as her cores came back online, muscle fibers relaxing, letting her settle back into rest. Sensors came back online next and 2B gasped, chest heaving in a shock reaction as -for an instant- more information than her recently-overwhelmed systems could handle flooded her processors. Then the automated sequencing took over as her systems spun back up to full power and the information became a manageable stream of prioritized data.

Metal against her back, 9S weight on her chest, his cock still buried inside her and the hot sticky liquid deep inside her as well as dribbling down the curve of her ass ot the floor where a thin trail of it had managed to sneak through 9S shaft plugging her womanhood. 2B lifted her head, and felt a wash of [Forbidden] run through her as she beheld the disheveled mop of white hair where 9S rested against her breasts.

She discarded the urge to reach up and run her fingers through the alabaster strands, but she couldn't hold back the small smile that tugged at the corner of her lips at the sight.

Outside, the rain pounded down, and 2B let her head fall back, closing her eyes behind the black shield of her visor, letting herself slip into a more process centered state. 'Contemplating' as a human would put it. There was a definite urge to go again, to feel those sensations once more and indulge in this pleasure, here where they were beyond YorHa's reach... She could even see it in her minds eye, rolling to pin 9S beneath her while she bounced atop him, setting her own pace for their coupling, milking him for more of this wonderful warmth she could feel in her belly.

But she needed time to think first...

It had felt good, incredible even, and to her surprise the more she thought on it, the more she began to find that she no longer wanted to bury that feeling.

She had a mission, an important duty, but... Could she really not hold both in equal regard?

2B wondered what 6O would say... That perpetually cheerful female model operator... Not a source she had even considered turning to for advice before, but at the same time if anyone could know, it might be her? she had always been a little... Quirky...
9S remained silent for what felt like a whole minute. Like 2B, he was also processing and reviewing the events that had just transpired.

He would be lying to himself if he said he did not enjoy it. Far the contrary, what they just did feel incredible. Previous attempts at self-pleasure were mild comparing to the powerful burst of emotional and sensorial feedback that they have produced together.

However, as his other duty-oriented subroutines started to re-activate, the feeling of guilt and panic enveloped his circuitry. Quickly pulling his member out of the warm embrace of the female android's body, 9S jerked his head to the side to stare at the two floating Pods nearby.

Usually, the two robotic drones would comment on the situation at hand. Their AIs sharing a Proposal or Observation to the androids' performance. Expecting to be berated for their transgression and distraction from duty, the white-haired 'boy' was surprised to find that the two Pods had remained silent throughout the whole ordeal and even after. He could have sworn that he had repaired their vocal and visual outputs after the Goliath's destruction. A glitch perhaps? He'd have to check later.

The guilt kept creeping up on him. His eyes drifted away from 2B, unable to look at her directly. "It should be advised...that we save our internal energy. the rain will probably clear up by the morning..."

He couldn't find a proper response to what had happened. Despite his knowledge on many subjects, what did someone do after such intimacy? He did not know.

As such, he simply sat upon the metal floor and rested his back upon a wall, forcing his body to drift on what the androids had the closest to slumber. Activating a Sleep Mode within their systems, they could save and recharge their energies for incoming missions. Their own version of sleeping as it were. Their internal OS was still on and working at a small capacity, allowing them to run diagnostics and simulations while in their current status. This, in some way, acted as their way to dream; Many androids used this function to imagine at their heart's content, free from any judgement.

9S hoped things would be less complicated by tomorrow morning. Images of 2B still filling up his simulation subroutines, unable to shake her off his head, in some way...
"Ahn~!" 2B was shocked from her contemplation as 9S pulled back suddenly, his length leaving her with a wet sound that prompted yet another cascade of involuntary heat buildup turning her cheeks pink. She stared at 9S, startled by the sudden coldness? No... It was an uncertainty, he did not know what to do next.

Then again... Cum dripping from her now-tightening pussy and pooling between still-spread legs, dress rumpled and skin flushed with lingering pleasure, 2B had no idea what to do either. She glanced to the Pod units, typically so willing to render judgement only to find that here and now they had none, no advice, not even a reprimand. [Accessing Social Database]

[Query: Post-Coital Activities]

[First Answer: Further coital activities]

2B pulled herself into a sitting position and shook her head. She could, and she wanted to, but 9S was acting strange, and she still didn't know if she should try that...

[Second Answer: Cuddling]


The definition her internal lexicon provided was as dry as could be and seemed oddly inappropriate as a means of following something so intimate. 'Non-Sexual Physical Intimacy for the purpose of emotional fulfillment' was not only annoyingly bland but also frustratingly vague.

She rolled over into a kneeling position and reached down. Even if the synthetic seed would not dry or curdle easily, there was no reason to leave it inside her, so for a moment she simple let it drip out of her, her breathing deepening instinctively at the sensation as internal systems cleaned and sanitized her womanhood, leaving it gleaming and slightly moist with arousal again at the end of it.

Then, she crawled over next to 9S and sat against the wall as well, setting a proximity alarm as well as a conditional alarm with the pod. Wake her from sleep mode if a machine draws close, the rain stops, or 8 hours pass. Whichever comes first.

Then she tilted her head enough to rest it on 9S' and let herself slip into sleep mode, her simulation subroutines coming alive...
The simulation was a livid one. Activating and generating against 2B's other duty-bound programs.

The image of her in an open room. Walls and floor formed of simplistic textureless blocks of a grey color. Bits of blocky data floating out of reach. She still had her outfit on, although generated in such a way that felt somewhat loose, as if asking to be removed with ease.

A group of blocks gathered together in a cluster, expanding and morphing into a figure. Once enough data was absorbed it gained a shape and texture. Humanoid, familiar. The data generated a copy of 9S who then walked slowly towards her.

"2B..." He spoke. His voice cheerful and energetic. Almost adorable in a way. Like a eager child ready to learn more.

Without much warning, he stepped forward. Breaching any sense of personal space, his hands immediately reached her dress' knots. Undoing the black outfit and letting it drop into the floor for it to later disappear in a faint stream of voxels.

9S lunger upwards, reaching her neck with his mouth and starting a trail of soft kisses that made the woman automaton shiver.

At the real world, 9S appeared to be indulging into a simulation of his own. The heat levels raising involuntarily within his Sleep Mode, bathing his cheeks with a faint red blush. In his own simulation, he found himself in a similar sterile room. A scantly clothed 2B crawling on top of him, faces inched from eachother as she removed her blindfold and stared down at him with an enticing smile...
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