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Fire Emblem - Erotic Revelations (Kaybee x StarMech)

Corrin's energies started to fail him after that, and soon enough he drifted into slumber, with his two loving maids around his arms. Their soft breathing feeling so relaxing as they snuggled agains his chest.

Morning came and the young Lord continued to remain asleep, smiling white his mind continued his wonderful dreams. Very vivid ones, the feeling felt almost really...

...then he realized that feeling was indeed real!

His eyes shot opened, returning him to his personal chambers. His body shivers with the current feeling he could sense upon his crotch area. It didn't took him more than a second to realize what was going on. Looking down at the blobs forming on his sheets, he pulled them off to reveal Flora and Felicia were down there attending his member with their soft tongues. Every lick causing him to gasps softly.

"W-what are you two doing..?" He commented. Despite him being the half-dragon, it almost seemed like it were these two with the insatiable stamina...
"Waking you up Master~" Felicia answered as though this were the most natural way in the world for her to bring him out of his sleep. With her sister's tongue momentarily caught up in the act of speech, Flora took the opportunity to slide her lips over the head of Corrin's cock, sucking him deep into her mouth and then swallowing as he reached her throat, dragging his shaft into that tightness in turn to slide almost all the way down his length before she had to pull back, lips coming off the head of his cock with a wet 'pop' as she took a deep breath.

"Your brothers and sisters are already risen Master." While Flora took her turn to speak, Felicia took her turn to swallow Corrin, her throat wrapping tightly about his shaft, though younger of the two sisters found she couldn't help but gag slightly despite everything, drooling some of the spit and precum back onto that shaft as her throat convulsed before she pulled back with a gasp, taking her turn to speak while her sister decended. "It would be wise of you to make an appearance soon, the redhead, Hinoka, has already been shouting loud enough to be heard from this room, apparently at Carmilla, though we haven't heard..." Felicia trailed off as Flora came up for air and they traded again. "We haven't heard any sounds of fighting, but it may only be a matter of time. It might be best if you came quickly so that we could help you dress yourself and begin the day."

Felicia came up again, having managed this time not to gag quite so powerfully, and with their parts apparently spoken, the maids turned back to simultaneous pleasure, their tongues eagerly lapping at his shaft from either side in a blue and pink symmetry. Since they would only get one before Corrin had to go try and defuse the tensions between his two factions of siblings, they fully intended to share this load.
Corrin had difficulty speaking at the very moment. Everytime he went for an attempt at cohesive speech, he was interrupted by one of the maids, plunging his cock inside their warm and wet mouths. Their actions interrupting any words, just letting sharp gasps and moans escape his lips.

As one blew, the other spoke. As such, he was still able to gather enough focus to pay attention to the daily information, despite his mind divided upon where his attention resided; In his duty or his pleasure...

He frowned, not due to the girls' actions, but to the news of the animosity between the two clans seemed as troubled as ever. He knew his adoptive sister Camille very well; always the sultry and teasing type. He could recall thousands of times across his childhood where she expertly managed to get under his brother's skin or embarrass the half-dragon lord with nothing but her motions and expressions.

On the other side; From both returning memories and experiences of his revisit to Hoshido, Corrin also knew Hinoka was an incredibly headstrong woman, somewhat brash and known to sometimes rush into her hot-headed actions without really thinking through. The combination of the two's personalities just called upon his brain to throw out a warning about dealing with this as soon as possible, otherwise sparks..or worse, would fly.

"I really wish...ngh...we can solve this without any violence...aahn..." Said the lord, unable for his moan to not interrupt his speech. Flora and Felicia just feeling sooo good upon him. Her motions were sending him to the edge. The warmth increasing upon his loins, ready to burst.

After a couple of minutes, he pushed his member away of them as the two positioned themselves, almost knowing what was coming. Standing on his knees upon the bed, Corrin vigorously stroked his throbbing tool up and down, the final strokes to send him into his climax. With a powerful grunt, a string of cum spewed out upon the maids, smearing the soft skin of their faces with the white seed.
Eagerly Flora and Felicia pressed their cheeks together in a friendly competition to take up as much of the same space as possible while their lord lost control. They cooed as the hot spatter of cum struck them, gasping as drops landed on tongues and in mouths until both were left panting and flushed. Wordlessly they turned their tongues to his shaft to clean him and then, after ensuring their lord's body was spotless and ready to dress, they turned to each other, cleaning the seed from their faces with sensuous licks and deep kisses.

By the time he was dressed they were finished though, and they stood once more, awaiting instructions should he have any last orders to relay before he set out to break his morning fast in the hall below.

Already the tensions down there were growing thick enough to cut with a knife. Sakura and Elise were trying to be peacemakers of a sort, hurriedly seeing to their other siblings' needs in vain hopes of preventing conflict from breaking out, but the tensions rose still...

It wouldn't take much for the situation to go wrong unless defused...
Once dressed, Corrin asked the pair of maid to tidy up the bed and room then head to the mess hall where he would be waiting. He had to admit to himself, that what had transpired the night before did a lot to push up his mood. He felt reinvigorated after such lovely ladies had pleased him in such ways he had never experienced before.

He smiled to himself as he walked across the open areas of the Castle, wondering if he'd have the chance to do something like that again with them. He noted it was somewhat selfish; But he also knew they liked it just as much as him and, well, the young man was still growing despite the position he was placed in.

Corrin finally arrived to the mess hall to find that smile he was carrying quickly drop. The room was entirely filled by an air of tension and animosity. Cold glares, a hard frowns abounding to almost everyone around as a dead silence filled up. A soft sighed escaped his mind as he thought, "Well. On the bright side, they are not shouting endlessly at eachother..."

The half-dragon young man glanced at Sakura and Elise that tried their best to cool down the situation. He was glad to see that at least the two were not falling on the same issues as their brothers and sisters. In fact, he had noticed that the two had sparked a friendship quite quickly; although still just starting. Even if little, it was a sign that things were not entirely broken between the Hoshido and Norh side of his family. There was some hope, despite one hard to achieve...

All eyes appeared to fall upon Corrin when he stepped in. Having arranged some stuff beforehand, and seeing the two maids arriving moments later, he sat upon one of the chairs, viewing the entire group and spoke.

"Very well. I can see everyone still finding themselves somewhat tense with the current plan and accommodations."

He continued, taking a somewhat relaxed, but still serious tone. "As I can clearly see, simply head out with such animosity still lingering between us will prove ineffective if we ware to succeed. As such, I have no choice but to make sure you all start to get along before we can really go out into the field."

Everyone remained quiet, listening to Corrin. Only short stares were shared between lords as the silver-haired lad continued his speech. "Xander, Ryoma. Have there been any word of the other Retainers receiving our call?"

"According to what I was informed. Your message has been send to both kingdoms, but knowing the secrecy in which said message must stay to avoid any suspicion, I would predict it'd take them at least a few days for them to arrive here." Xander quickly pushed himself to speak first, gaining a nasty glare from Ryoma.

"I see." Said Corrin, "We need to gather any help we can if we wish to be able to break through the invisible kingdom. Going right now would be suicide for all of us. We must strength our ranks and our bonds. We cannot step into such unfamiliar territory until we can be sure we can count on eachother's support in the battlefield. When the Retainers start arriving, we shall venture into small expeditions to aid nearby settlements, but as of now, I prepared a little exercise so we can start to know eachother better. Kaze if you please..."

The green-haired ninja walked into the room. amongst the trust issue that was currently happening between the two factions, Kaze became a really reliable support, as he was one of the first ones to welcome this union, as well as to offer his full help to the young lord. As such, the two had started to sprout a fair bond of friendship, although like Sakura and Elise, one still in growth.

The man placed two bowls upon the table, all filled with small strips of paper. "I wrote all of your names into these bowls. One for Hoshido, the other for Nohr. I shall pick a name from each to set the sparing partners for each of you today. That way you can get to know eachother better and learn from eachother's skills and tactics.

Everyone seemed to frown at the idea. In the back of his mind, even Corrin was wondering if this was the right approach; It seemed somewhat childish, like a raffle. However, he had to start somewhere and with something simple if he were to mend this feud.

As such, he started taking papers and forming the pairs. the first pair formed was Sakura and Elise; The two rather happy of it. Then came the next: Takumi and Xander. Not one second passed before the two exchanged a dreadful set of stares, both clearly not enjoying this accommodation, an entire opposite of their sisters.

Then came Ryoma and Leo. The latter tried to act cool, but a simple glance made Corrin right away notice how the cld stare that Ryoma was giving was putting his Nohrian brother nervous. The tall imposing samurai was quite frightening when he wanted to, so Corrin could understand.

Eventually, the young lord gave the finally pair: "Very well. Hinoka, you will spar with...Camille, for today."


Corrin sighed. He had the feeling the hot-headed redhead would immediately protest at such a result, and the woman slamming her fist hard against the table as she shouted upset proved his thought quite nicely.
One would suppose it might have been too much to hope that Nohrian stubbornness and Hoshidan politeness would keep the worst of the grumbling down but it almost did, at least right up to the point where Hinoka lost her temper. Tensions flared back up almost immediately as the sides eyed each other.

"My my... I would have thought you would be pleased to have a target for your misguided anger. Must you be so frustratingly inconsistent?" The sweet tone belied the vicious edge behind Carmilla's words.

"Misguided?! You Nohrian witches st-!" Hinoka made a strangled sound as she realized what she'd been about to say. In a private spat perhaps she could have spoken the words but accusing the Nohrians of stealing her little brother's purity? In full view of the entire hall?

She was brash, but she wasn't without shame damnit!

Crimson from fury and embarrassment, the Hoshidan pegasus rider turned and fled the room, surprising the others with her retreat.

"You should go after her Lord..." Kaze suggested softly as the others looked on in silence, glancing between the door through which she'd left and Corrin as he still stood at the head of the hall. "I will see that the sparring proceeds apace in here. Her match with the Nohrian Princess can wait until last while the others take their turns."


Hinoka's boots pounded against the cobbles as the made her way, half blind with embarrassment and fury as she barged into the stable, scaring the hands tending to the various horses and Pegasi out. With trembling hands she grabbed at a brush and began to rub down her faithful Hoshi, moving with a fervor that verged on unpleasantness until the Pegasus whickered softly at her and she remembered to slow down, calming herself bit by bit with the simple repetitive motions of caring for her mount.

Stupid... So stupid of me... Almost accused her in f-front of everyone... I can't slip up like that...

I can't let her or those Nohrian bastards win...

They can't have my Corrin...
Corrin frowned. The situation was already quite tense, but Camille usual passive-agressive behaviour was simply not helping.

He was about to call her out on that when Hinoka bursted out of the room in anger. Worry filled his heart, kicking himself mentally over not handling the situation as he should have. He cared for both his 'sisters' very much, and it pained him to see them fight, even if not physically, like this.

"We will discuss this later..." He said to Camille before nodding to Kaze and standing up from his seat and going after the Pegasus Rider. While he expected an outburst coming from her, something about the way Hinoka stopped herself and bailed out seemed troubling. Like something was eating her up.

The young Lord knew very well where she'd be found, arriving at the Castle's stable. He walked in to find the beautiful red head, brushing her steed. Something he knew she enjoyed to do whenever tense or needing to reflect on her own.

"Hinoka..." Corrin said softly while approaching her. He rose his hand to place on her shoulder, but moved it back quickly on his own; Unsure of what action to take. The woman appeared to keep her eyes on the Pegasus and avoid direct contact with him, which just made him feel worse.

"I...I apologize if the accommodations weren't of your liking. I'm really trying to make this work." He said following a sight, "I know Camille can be...difficult sometimes. But I can feel something else is bothering you. I want to know what that is..."
"What do you think?"

The words were so quiet that even draconic hearing would strain, and after only a moment's silence she spoke up, louder. "What do you think?! I'm not stupid Brother!"

She whirled, dropping the brush and advancing on him, lunging to grab at his collar. "I heard you last night... The sounds coming from your room... What am I supposed to think?!"

Her teeth gritted. "I finally get my little brother back and he's... He's..!" Tears pricked at the corners of her eyes. "Rrraaaaahhh!"

With a yell that was half-pained, half anger, she bore down on Corrin, pushing him into the opposite stall onto the hay, not thinking too much she followed, straddling his hips as she bent over him, pinning him beneath her. "I'll show you... I'll show you you don't have to go to those Nohrian witches any more.

If this is what it takes to keep my brother... I'll do it... Kami I swear I will do anything...

Had they been raised siblings, the idea might have been less appealing, but between the inherent Allure of Corrin's draconic nature and the fact that -while Hinoka thought of his as a brother- she hadn't grown up beside him...

She couldn't help but feel jealousy tinge that protective desire.

She wasn't just doing this to take him back from the Nohrians. She was doing this for herself as well...
Corrin's sorrow immediately shifted into pure embarrassment and panic. His cheeks quickly shaded in bright red while a ton of frantic thoughts crossed through his mind.

She knew about what happened? Was she at ear's range? How loud he and the maids were? Did the others knew as well!?"

The young lord quickly waved his hands as he stuttered, trying to explain himself, "T-that was..i-it's not what you think! It was't..."

But before he could say further, he felt himself being pushed back into the hay. Groaning due to the rough landing, his blush only increased when he glanced upwards to find Hinoka straddling and pinning him down.

"W-wait, Hinoka. W-what are you doing!?" Corrin exclaimed.
"Shut up!" Even if Corrin hadn't wanted to Hinoka's lips against his forced the issue as she ground against him, the short skirt of her outfit doing nothing to keep her from applying a warm pressure to his crotch where she straddled him. The kiss was intense, born of passion and love and anger all at once and Hinoka felt her blood fizzing and tingling as she deepened it.

My Brother... Mine...

She had expected this to be more difficult, to feel uncertainty, or perhaps disgust at the notion of perpetuating such incest, and yet instead she could feel arousal's familiar heat churning between her legs. Her hands reached back, scrabbling for Corrin's crotch, pushing aside cloth in search of the member she knew was concealed beneath, wrapping gloved fingers around it as she raised her hips, stroking, pumping, readying him for her.

She broke the kiss with a gasp, staring down at him.

"I'll show you... I'll show you I'm better than any cow-titted Nohrian whore." Hands moved, pulling aside panties, not bothering to shift anything else of her clothes as she focused on lining herself up with him. "Even if I have to claim you for myself... I won't let them take you from us..."
Corrin's eyes widened at the kiss. The fierceness of her pressing lips, kept him from simply push her away. She was clumsy in the way she was kissing, however the passion was clearly there. An urge on the back of his mind pushed him to reciprocate; Despite how wrong it was, he was his sister after all...right?

Their lips split apart, the young lord's mind still in a daze, allowed Hinoka to quickly push past his cloth and armor plates in order to fish out his cock while still keeping him dressed. "Hinoka she didn't d--aaah." Once again his explanation was cut short by a loud gasp from him. Her hand, despite being gloved, was firmly squeezing his rod. Something about the way she was doing it, way rougher than Felicia or Flora, made him throb and harden.

He kicked himself mentally. This was wrong. But at the same time part of him seemed to welcome it; As she embraced him again into a kiss, this time he responded much more. Their tongues dancing together in a struggle as fierce as the red-haired woman herself.

His body appeared to have surrender to him. "H-hinoka..." Was all he could muster to say as his breathing became heavier in anticipation. The Hoshidian woman slowly descended upon his length, causing both of the to expel a loud gasp and groan. A strong warmth enveloping the silver-haired man's tool as a wave of pleasure engulfed them.
She let out a long and shuddering breath as she slid onto him, feeling her inner walls parting around his length. She had wanted to keep moving, to maintain her momentum lest she lose her nerve upon stopping, yet as she slid deeper she felt her legs tense, instinctively seeking to move atop him, and it took an effort of will not to simply lift her hips back up and fuck herself senseless the minute she reached the base of his length.

For a moment she simply stayed there, forehead pressed to his, panting at the sensation of him simply resting inside her, his shaft pulsing in time with his heartbeat, flexing against her insides. "Th-this is it... You under..." She swallowed thickly, her hips rolling gently. "You understand? I'-hh... C-claiming you."

She rose up, the rolling of her hips growing more pronounced as she sawed his cock in and out of her dripping womanhood, flushed, sweating, eyes glittering with possessive desire. "Mmuhh~Mine... Y-you're mine now. U-uhn... Understand?"
Corrin was unable to respond straight. He desired for words to come forth and explain this situation, but the war feeling of Hinoka's inner walls clamping upon his length caused him to simply expel soft groans.

Her body felt tight but flexible. Understandable given how much she trained her body as much as her own ride. Like a fiery furnace, similar to her blazing spirit, it caused his rod to throb in desire, blocking all the common sense from his thoughts.

He did not respond to her order, but rather surprised her by placing his hands upon her hips, a tight grip against her decent curves. Then he used his strength to lift his own hips upwards in one hard thrust. Corrin's dick pushed further into the Hoshidean's slit, sending a powerful jolt of pleasure through her.

His hand climber up her frame, pushing clothing and armor aside to reach her bare chest. Not as busty as other of the other maidens in the castle, both from Hoshido and Nohr, but still fairly decent for him to squeeze with a lustful eagerness. He no longer cared if it was wrong or not, right now all he could do is indulging in sin with the red-haired beauty on top of him.
"H-hunh... Hah..." Hinoka lips moved in half-formed phrases but the sensation was rapidly making her lose control of her voice. Each word she tried to shape came out instead as a moan or gasp of pleasure as she rolled her hips up and down Corrin's shaft. It stretched her, not so much as to sting with pain but just enough that her inner walls ached with the effort of accepting its girth.

"Mmh~... C-corrin~!" She jerked as his hands rested on her hips and he pushed upwards, spearing into her rather than letting her simply ride him. "Nuhhn... N-no faiirrrr~" half moan half whine as his hands made their way up her body, groping and grasping, teasing her with even more pleasure as she felt some the undefinable tension that heralded a building orgasm rise within her.

"Ah~ Corrinnn~ Corrin~!" Her muscles glistened with sweat as she writhed atop his cock, little technique to her motions as she squeezed down on him, just raw athleticism fueling her lust. Clamping tightly around him as she felt herself suddenly hit a peak. "Corrin! F-fuhhnn!"
The sheer tightness and heat were quickly pushing Corrin to the edge as well. In some way the rushed, yet pleasuring situation brought him to his orgasm quicker than the maids have previously done. He held tightly on Hinoka's hips as he continued to thrust upwards; His desire blocking every thought but to pound her till cumming...

With a loud groan, the young lord erupted inside of her, his white seed filling up her body before a bit dripped down her thigh.

His hands slid off her curves as his body went limp. Exhaustion enveloping him with soft pants as his eyes barely could look up at the woman on top of him. "H-hinoka..." He muttered.

"Last night...I...I was with the aids not..." He gave a sigh, "...either way...this felt good...."
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