Fire Emblem - Erotic Revelations (Kaybee x StarMech)


Oct 12, 2011
It would have been nice to say that when the dragon-child of Hoshido and Nohr refused on that fateful day and two royal families were forced not to fight lest their sibling -no matter that he was estranged to one and without the blood of the other- throw himself upon both their blades. That as they marched towards the abandoned northern border castle the enemies walked side by side, the air thick with tension, but ultimately already willing to set aside their differences for at least the moment. Many historians painting their grand pictures of the war would in fact write precisely this, a romantic account, a wishful thought that perhaps they had not been so different from the very start.

In truth, the scene was not nearly so nice as it would eventually be painted and described. Rather than walking at the head, Corrin was forced to make his way in between Ryoma and Xander, keeping a physical barrier between his blood brother and his adoptive brother to prevent them from resorting to violence and even then he could not stop them and his other brothers and sisters from a constant duel of cold glares and harsh jabs. At first they sought to appeal to him directly,

Corrin be reasonable, family has nothing to do with blood, we raised you, we care for you.

Corrin please, you're our brother, our true brother, don't listen to these false promises.

But as those direct appeals fell on deaf ears they turned to each other instead. "Nohrian scum, stealing our brother, now trying to steal his mind too? You should be ashamed of yourselves!" Cried Hinoka. "We didn't steal anything, we just gave him the proper love and care that you never would, isn't that right dearest brother?" Camilla replied. Even scholars that are bold enough to try and capture a little of the true vitriol these families held for each other at the start of those negotiations and how tense that walk the the castle must have been do not make any overtures to recognizing certain behaviours. Blows were nearly struck as Camilla -renowned as an incredible beauty as well as a deadly warrior in Nohr- wrapped one arm around Corrin's shoulders, scaring away his maids Flora and Felicia who'd been clinging close to him between the two armies, each wrapped around one of his arms in fear of the incredible powers surrounding them.

By their accounts it is only Corrin's presence that prevented Hinoka from trying to sever Camille's arm from her body, and as Elise quickly took the place Felicia had previously occupied clinging to his left arm as well, Hinoka and Sakura refused to be outdone and tried to crowd the Norhian women out in the same way.

Thus, rather than two tense but dignified columns often described in history books of the day, what arrived at the castle gates was an undignified mess as Corrin's sisters were practically reduced to physically pulling him away from each other and his brothers -in a rare moment of unity for those early days- shared a glance that spoke of understanding the madness of siblings at each other.

After a disagreement of seniority between Ryoma and Xander, it was decided that Corrin as the only neutral party -not to mention the only one whose retainers Flora and Felicia were immediately present- would be the one given the commander's room while his brothers and sisters would be allocated elsewhere, the Nohrian siblings in the officers rooms, the Hoshidans in the visitors quarters. Given that this was a border fort neither option was particularly luxurious but they were well enough up to the standards of comfort that neither group would complain over preferential treatment or anything of the like.

It was as the two factions were finally settling in that Corrin was finally left alone for a while. The day was late, and while the two factions settled into their new quarters away from each others' throats the lingering staff of the castle prepared a meal for the assembled group, leaving an hour of free time as the sun started to dip below the horizon and night began to fall.
This had been the longest day of his life...

Or so he thought Prince Corrin, the half-dragon child of both kingdoms, Hoshido and Nohr, as he oversaw the open area inside the castle from his window at his Private Quarters; A cozy and well-equipped abode constructed atop a sturdy green tree. It reminded him of innocent forts children tended to build; Or so he read from some of the many books his Nohrian siblings read to him as he was growing up, him never to step off the tower that acted as his home in those times.

He also welcomed the privacy of a new room where he could be to his own thoughts, right as the image of patience and silence he projected along the road to the castle completely tumbled down right on that spot in a sigh of exhaustion. The new accommodations certainly distanced him from the chaos that were the couple of hours prior.

"How did I get into this mess...?" Thought the young Prince, walking towards his bed and letting gravity yank him on to it. The soft mattress catching him and his body slightly sinking upon its comfortable body. He didn't opt to change off his armor, enjoying the feeling upon his self. Light and resistant and his feet now used to cross barefoot upon even the most harsh of environments.

His previous inner words were misleading regardless. He did not regret his choice, not an inch. He knew well in his heart that he could not harm neither side of the country. The royals of Nohr were his family, despite the blood on their veins being apart from his. They cared for him, raised him. But at the same time, the family of Hoshido was just as important to him: The deep bond to his blood family transcended even the faint and blurry memories he held on them. To him, they all mattered just the same.

Part of him was glad things were able to reach a peaceful route, as moments prior to this union, the two armies were seconds from drawing blood upon the other, with nothing to hold them down. He half-expected them to just leap at eachother as his voice fell to deaf ears; Other thought was that they'd both consider him a traitor, and focus their attacks on him and his allies, losing their ties with them all. But that did not occur and for that he was overjoyed. Their love for him surpassed their sense of duty and rage of loss, allowing to open their eras to what he had to say. About his refusal to harm either side; About the strange and blood-thristy attitude of King Garon and the mysterious Invisible Kingdom Azura seemed to speak of...

He was unable to save his mother, who he had finally reunited with. He didn't want for the same fate to befall the rest of his families...

However, as historians would wrongly retold further down the ages, this truce was quickly showing sings of disarray. Corrin opted to take a silent and aloof stance on their way to the fort, all while his brother bickered enraged and his sisters drawn him into a human tug-of-war with him as the prize. Things did not improved once reaching their new base of operations; As the quick assembly he attempted to conduct with the help of the blue-haired songstress was enveloped in constant glares, jabs and verbal assault from one side of the table to the other.

The draconian prince managed to get the main points across; Their need to strengthen this bond, create a singular army to work together to stop King Garon's desires of conquest and face whatever danger lurked upon the Invisible Kingdom spoke in Azura's story. However, the two older brothers were the first ones to indulge in the verbal combat. Bickering upon rankings, roles and ideals.

What was a discussion about their mission quickly devolved into another kerfuffle centred on him.

"Prince Corrin learned their tactician skills from his teachings at Nohr. As such, I'm sure the correct action would be placing me as his second-in-command. The prince cannot do it alone." Said Xavier.

"And what right do you have to elect yourself at such role?!" Ryoma replied with a sharp tongue, "As Corrin and Azura explained, this is a union of both nations. If we are to venture upon this fabled Kingdom at the Bottomless Canyon, we are to work together. Despite you Nohrians evil and sickening attempts at our kingdom's life."

"That destruction was not by our hand, but by the King in complete secrecy! We wouldn't have stood for such bloodshed! Besides, it's amusing you are so quick to believe the story of the songstress you were previously taking as a prisoner from Nohr."

"She decided to stay by her own accord!! If there is someone to be accused of holding prisoners, it should be you after taking our dear brother from us!!"

Corrin groaned loudly at the memory, muffling himself as partially as he smothered his own face with his pillow. After that the whole thing returned back to never-ending shouting and lashing. It almost felt they'd have drawn their weapons right there if it wasn't for Felicia and Flora's quick-thinking; Stating to everyone to stop and enjoy a feast brought by this union. Even the most serious of his siblings couldn't lie that the trip to the castle had not left them all famished.

But now all that was past and Corrin was all by his lonesome. Troubled and stressed. but his door was left unlocked to allow any of his allies and families to come see him if they so desired.
As eating had wound down the sniping had resumed but where hunger had halted them before tiredness had taken care of that for the most part. After such an extended period of fierce debate and insult-slinging in equal measure most of them were tired in mind as well as body, and while Flora had directed the castle staff in cleaning up, Felicia had made a point of directing people to sitting rooms or to their bedrooms to keep them out of each others presence. Of course these opposing commanders would have to get used to each other eventually but for the moment time spent together was only devolving into sniping and viciousness which was keeping the entire castle from settling down as the moon reached its apex.

Credit to them, though they detested each other, Ryoma and Xander both cared about their little brother too much to try and destroy their opposite numbers and genuinely wished for an agreement if possible. They were here now after all, so they may as well try for it, especially after what they'd heard of King Garon's actions. Others in the building still schemed though, in particular Corrin's sisters on both sides of the divide. Hinoka in particular's blood was up, to have found her brother after searching for him for so long, only to face the thought of one of those she-witches of Nohr holding sway over him? The very concept was infuriating to her, especially with the way Camilla had been smirking at her across the table all through the meal. After all, she and Corrin weren't related by blood, so what would be to stop that harpy from seducing Corrin away? Granted, Hinoka's paranoia wasn't entirely invalid as Camilla had privately considered such a thing but for the moment she'd discarded it. He'd seen how much care was in Corrin's eyes when he called her 'Big Sister', surely a sister was what he needed right now, not a lover, unless he wanted both...

But while Hinoka stewed in possibility, Camilla wondered idly if perhaps there might be something to be said for a more physical approach, and Sakura and Elise tried to calm their big sisters down from their dangerous-seeming ideas. None of them would be first to get to him.

It was a mere hour to midnight when a servant's door opened in the commander's suite and a black clad figure stepped through, crossing to behind Corrin on feet that moved soundlessly despite the hard-soled shoes she wore. "Master?" Felicia had seen the drawn and worried expression as the dinner had finally wound down and knew that more than ever Corrin needed someone. With two families, both cared for deeply, pulling him in opposite directions like this, it must strain the heart... She reached down, grasping his shoulders and kneading gently, trying to bleed some of the tension out. Ever since Corrin had been old enough to blush she and Flora and teased him mercilessly in private, and that teasing had only grown more and more intimate as they'd grown older still. Flora would kill her if she'd known she was doing this while she washed the dishes with the other servants but at the moment, she didn't care.

What mattered more to them both was that Corrin was okay.

Her hands slid inwards, undoing the metal gorget around his throat and then pressing in again, thumbs pressing into the back of his neck, seeking those knots of tense muscle and kneading them to smooth them out. Then lower, undoing his breastplate. "It's only the first day Master... Such wounds cannot be healed in mere hours." She whispered, her voice soothing as her hands roamed lower still, undoing more of his clothing until she reached his belt, her own heartbeat quickening, a flush touching her cheeks and making her glad he wasn't facing her as she realized she wasn't sure how far she would go here. Was this just teasing again? No... She wanted to help him, truly help take away the stress, how far would she go for that?

"Just relax..."
Corrin continued his worrying through the hours, questioning himself if he had what it takes to unite these two conflicting nations and families together for the greater good. It was a heavy weight on his shoulders, despite his good intentions.

Deep down he was aware that he was rushing to results despite being the mere first day that had passed. No empire was build on one day, as they say. And their bond seemed as well. He sat upon the bed, simply looking at the silver moon up on the starry sky. A relaxing vista distracting him from outside noises...or arrivals.

Corrin's body tensed slightly in surprise. A soft yelp escaping his lips briefly. The metaphorical weight on his shoulders was becoming somewhat real as he looked back, finding his trustworthy maid Felicia, already sitting beside him, massaging his shoulder. "F-felicia!" He spouted, while surprised, his expression quickly changed to a smile followed by a soft chuckle, "Hey, you're always welcome. Don't need to scare me like that, haha."

He always spoke so informal with her despite their difference in classes; Her a simple maid versus a royal like him. Rules and roles did not matter to him, as she and Flora were basically family to him, having grown up with them throughout all his life. As such, he always welcomed whenever she was around, despite her general clumsiness.

His body slowly started to give in, going limper as her hands continued to knead and smooth his tensed muscles. The wide of his smile and the faint shade of pink upon his cheeks showing how much he was enjoying it. Her kind and sweet words a blessing to hear after such a troubling day. She was on the right; Perhaps he had to give them time, to see they have more in common, and try his best to mend this broken bond and turn this dysfunctional group into the army necessary to accomplish anything.

Her caressing started to go lower, as pieces of his armor were slowly undone and dropped to the floor piece by piece. Her hand, soft like silk, caressed the muscles of his chest, her fingers rubbing and sliding upon every curvature, every tense area and crevice of the chiseled torso. Unknown if an act with intention or a mere slip of mind, the tip of her fingers occasionally rubbing on the young prince's nipples, causing his body to tense, although not by stress. His face started to catch a brighter shade of red when he felt something tight and stiff press against the fabric underneath his lower armor.

The blood of a dragon course through Corrin's veins, he was now aware of that, which enlightened a lot of things about his growth into adulthood that he was previously confounded about. Some of them hard to speak to others...

It is a fact amongst Dragons; One which historians and researches on draconian subjects tend to omit, either by simple obliviousness or embarrassment over the subject, that they are known by possessing great attributes. From strength, to magic and speed, and an amazing stamina. But when that dragon blood started pumping faster, sometimes it wasn't due to the rush of battle or as mechanism upon confronted with a desperate situation, but due to more personal, and intimate, feelings.

Growing up secluded atop a tower made certain aspects of growing up a bit more complicated to address. When the time and age came for Corrin to experience these urges related to his body, they came at a much stronger pace than the common man. It was a confusing time for him, he recalled, afraid to ask this personally to his back then father figure, fearing ridicule or anger. He tried his best to hide it when it happened, and it wasn't until his brothers stepped in, although with some followed laughs at his expense, that he gained a better understanding of these now powerful desires.

This feeling of libido, as explained above, was stronger than what's expected common. He remembered countless nights when he had to lock up his room from his family to undo his clothing bonds and relieve himself of his hot and stiff shame for hours, until reaching that powerful feeling at the end. His increased focus upon the fairer sex did not help matters, but rather encouraged those urges even more. His two maiden assistants, in between their playful teases, always managed for the young price to feel tight against his armor. Sometimes not sure if to curse or bless the occasional soft breeze that slid downwards into their short skirts, lifting them ever so slightly; Or whenever the eye position was just perfect to peek at what lied underneath whenever they bend down. He was a respectful person, but even him could fall prey to instinct every now and then. And this not only fell upon the maids, but also his sisters, who he started to realize the many alluring features each one had, causing him to some time find relief inside his quarters or while taking a bath.

This time was no different. Corrin felt his length stiffen inside his clothing, urging to be let out. The situation felt frantic as he felt Felicia's hand already reaching his belt, inches away of an accidental discovery of her own about her Lord. "T-thanks for the help, but you don't need to do this for me, Felicia. I'm fine, really." His voice stuttered slightly. To Felicia he was never the best liar. His cheeks acquired a bright crimson as she appeared to stop, part of him wishing her ministrations would not cease...
Part of the fun of teasing Corrin had always been how easily he responded to it, how a simple flash of her body could have him red-faced and stammering in the blink of an eye even now after years of experiencing it but Felicia had never known why it was so easy to put him on the spot like that. She simply laughed and went along with it, reveling in the fact that while he'd slowly adjusted, that jumpy flustered look of his had never really gone away.

Now though, now she looked concerned.

She didn't want this to be teasing any more, not now when she knew he needed someone, and even if she couldn't be that someone he needed, she could maybe fill that space for a little bit. Not that someone, but someone all the same. As Corrin's body tensed Felicia wrapped one arm about his shoulders, a flush of her own as she forewent propriety and master-servant deference in the same motion. Even though she felt for the prince, she had always held herself to the duties of her station as one of his retainers, and to overstep those duties was a trespass, even if it was a trespass she felt was necessary. "Please Master..." Her other hand stayed at the buckle of his belt, working with a laboured slowness that could easily be misinterpreted as sensuality (and indeed perhaps it was meant to be seen that way) as she undid the catch with her fingers.

"I know, I'm probably not who you really want, but let me help you, let me ease this pain in you..."

She finally managed to get the belt apart and gave a shocked intake of breath as the tightness in Corrin's pants suddenly rose an inch at having that restraint freed. A moment passed, her fingers not moving from where they rested just above his manhood, her breathing deepening as she steeled herself for this. Felicia licked her lips, swallowed, and found her voice again, feeling her own arousal as a raw heat growing within. "It doesn't have to be more than this one night... But please... Master... C-Corrin..."

Her fingers crept down, pushing his pants down to wrap around the base of his shaft, feeling the heat of it, the weight, the thick firmness of the flesh, her own flush deepened. "Please let me have this night with you... Even if it's only just this once..."
Every small action continued to fuel Corrin's desire. His face continuing to flush in red his belt was slowly, almost painfully unbuckled. He could feel his breathing becoming heavier, just a tad, out of sheer anticipation, as well as feeling Felicia's softly blow against the back of his neck, becoming a bit more irregular with the passing seconds.

The Dragonstone Azura gave him was good to keep his dragon energies at bay, even help to ease the urges that enveloped his body. But sometimes that urge was too strong even for the artefact to handle, the urgent and somewhat saddening voice of Felicia just amplifying the intensity.

"F-Felicia..." He stared at her eyes, turning his head back so their gazes could meet. The prince would be lying if he said that he never thought of her that way. Many times, whenever he was teased previously or not, her beautiful image, as well as Flora's, plagued his thoughts while he vigorously masturbated in secret. The idea of her warm body pressed against his, feeling her porcelain skin brush against his more rugged body, it was an element that fuelled many sleepless nights.

Her hands finally undid his lower binding and pulled down, reaching the surface of rod's shaft. Her fingers felt electrifying, giving Corrin a slight shiver as each finger positioned itself.

He couldn't bear it anymore, the desire just building too much. Pushed himself at her, their lips collided upon eachother in a hungry kiss. Corrin applying his weight and making his maid laid back upon the bed while his hands held firmly upon her shoulders.

He needed this, yes. But also felt Felicia needed it too

His right hand was already at work, trying to reach any knot that needed undoing to let her maid outfit lose. Part of him didn't want to disrobe her complete, as tempting as it was. The idea of her partially undressed, only the important parts at display while the rest remained with that adorable grab, was somehow even more thrilling.
Felicia's breath caught in her throat as Corrin half turned to look at her, distracting her gaze from his shaft as their eyes met though her fingers shifted almost automatically even as she looked away, digits flexing against his hardness, feeling him pulse and twitch in her grip. Corrin hadn't been the only one with fantasies indulged in secret and both she and Flora knew it, having indulged in their own wishes for what could be on more than one occasion, sometimes even doing so together. It had been something the sisters had always shared, mostly because it felt so far away from them that it could never be real so if they thought to pine and watch the object of their affection at a distance they may as well share it with each other, easing the pain of that mutual longing.

Being sisters they had never actually been with each other beyond those mutual moments of self pleasure but it had affected their bond all the same, which was why Felicia felt so guilty at the eager desire welling up inside her. For a frozen instant, she wondered if perhaps she shouldn't have done this, if there was no going back from here. Flora I'm sorry... I never should have done this without you...

Then Corrin pushed himself towards her and doubt evaporated as his lips met hers, eyes widening at the heat in him, his breath mingling with her own, her tongue reaching forwards almost on reflex to meet his. The simmering heat growing in her belly suddenly churned to life, becoming a roil of molten arousal as the flush reached the tips of Felicia's ears and began to creep down her neck, a liquid heat that made her grateful to be half-lifted by his arms around her as her legs seemed to turn to Jelly under her.

"C-Corrimmm~" a kiss silenced the pleading tone that she found she simply couldn't get rid of. He was right to think that she needed this, she had needed this every bit as much as he did, and as much as guilt tried to weigh her down, at the same time Felicia couldn't help but bask in the attention as she was pushed to the bed, back arching slightly as the central bow that held the black cloth of her outfit together was pulled apart to expose her to him, flush deepening under his gaze as she wriggled her arms out of her sleeves and then undid the breastband, letting her chest free, nipples hard as stones in the open air. "D-does... Does this please you?" Despite the fire in the room's grate warming the air she felt a chill against the heat between her legs as wetness plastered her undergarments to the yielding curves of her womanhood, spreading her knees apart, not caring that the black of her outfit was still arrayed around her or that the white gloves and stockings still clung to her legs.

"Master Corrin~..."
Corrin reciprocated with gusto, his tongue entwined to her in a dance of passion. The kiss did not last but the young prince knew well, the sweet taste of her mouth would remind in his mind for a long time.

While their lips moved apart, his actions did not stop. Not really saying or thinking, but letting his desires and instinct carry him over as he started to give a trail of kisses down her jawline and into her neck. His licks firmly pressed against her soft exposed skin, occasionally switching to the tip of his tongue as he lowered himself down to the collarbone. this was his first time but that did not mean he was fully ignorant. Having read books on the subject as well as the occasional dirty novel that the likes of Leo tended to hide from his peers, he was somewhat wise of certain actions, recurrent moves which those pages detailed, that would provide pleasure to his partner. He just never expected the first woman to ever receive them would have been someone like Felicia.

However, even the previous knowledge did not stop him for freezing momentarily when the beautiful maid opened up her top and revealed her bare and perky breasts to him. Their size were perfect, not big, but not small either, and the bright rosy tone of her nipples was simply enticing alongside the faint gloss that the moonlight gave her skin. He was in awe, unable to conjure words that simply tied up around his neck. His mouth opened as his eyes fixated in such pleasurable mounds.

"'re beautiful, Felicia..." He finally managed to respond to her. One of his hands gently caressing her cheek as he said while the other moved after her left breast, holding it in his grasp.

Corrin gave a short gasp. They felt so soft. Possibly most girls were like that, but right now he could only think of her. Felicia could feel his cock throbbing softly when he did, a instinctively reaction to the arousal that she was giving him. The prince's cock tense and stiff against her soft fingers still holding it in their position.

His hand started to squeeze it slowly, trying to gain a better sense of it before moving it around, kneading the breast like dough while he watched eagerly.
It was like a moment out of a dream as he knelt over her, one of those still images that remained with her on those nights she would awaken sweating and frustrated. The awe in Corrin's expression as he took her in, the moonlight and firelight outlining his form in silver on one side and Gold on the other. Here in front of him rather than reaching around his chair she found herself drinking in the sight of him, broad shoulders, young face, lithe and confident and at the same time wide-eyed at the sight of her body, not to mention the thick heat of his cock between her fingers, a detail she had always dreamed of but never truly thought through until now, how it would feel, how it did feel...

His fingers pressed into the soft flesh and her breath caught in her throat as the pressure tingled through her at the touch. His hands were callused, rougher than her own from the years of training and swordplay with Xander and Camilla, and there was a thrill in not knowing, not having that advance warning of what those fingers would do next or where they would go.

Not even quite realizing it, her fingers were wrapped around his shaft, and as he squeezed, it was oh so easy to squeeze in the same moment, her hand rocking, massaging his thickness in time to the sensation of his fingers encircling her breast. Her fingers slid along the length of him, teasing to the tip, then back down, feeling the heat of it, wondering how it must feel for that flesh to be so hard. Swallowing at the thought of it entering her. She had never felt more than a few fingers before, what was in her hand was so much more than any fingers, thicker, weightier, and pulsing with a seeming life of its own that her fingers simply didn't have.

But she wanted it...

With a little whimper, she rocked her hips up, pressing her slick clothed mound to the underside of his shaft, keeping it in place with that one hand as she rolled against him, grinding against him, wanting and yet not able to make the final step for herself, not quite steeled enough to take him, but wanting so desperately to be taken. "Corrin~..."

"I want... I need you inside me..."


In the servant's passageways, making her way towards her own chambers, Flora's blue eyes widened at the sound of Felicia's moans. Not surprising to hear it on her own but surprising not to hear it from their shared bedroom, to hear it from where their Master's room lay. Is he out? She wondered at first, he must be for Felicia to be using his room, unless... No way...

Silently, she quickened her footsteps...
Short gasps and groans escaped Corrin's lips at the current actions Felicia was indulging him in. His cock throbbed and witched with every stroke up and down of her hand, her soft and delicate hand very different from his more rugged and masculine ones. In response to the delightful feedback, the prince fondled both of her breasts in slow circular motions, digging the tips of his fingers digging upon the soft flesh, not enough to cause pain, but enough to held a hard grip on her delightable mounds.

This continued for a while, but Felicia wanted more and, deep down, so did he. Her words pleaded him to fully push himself inside of her. Corrin's eyes widened; He even thought on slapping himself to check if this was just another dream. But when he felt her bare hand entwine her fingers around his, her voice begging for him to claim her, he could not back from this position. He would never dare nor want to.

His hand released the young maid's bosom before one moved upwards towards her face. A soft caress down her cheek was followed by sneaking behind her and untying the binds of her hair, releasing it to flow unbounded.
His other hand lifted up her skirt, enough to get a view of her now damp panties. With a eager yank, he was quick to pull them down. The labia glossed softly with the moonlight, so inviting. Corrin approached his member against, rubbing the tip of the head against it as doubts invaded his mind. With a locked stare at the woman in front of him, his voice came in a whisper. "I'll be gentle..."

His hips moved forward, disappearing his lengths inside of her womanhood. Its moist walls wrapped around him cause a variety of sensations. The sheer heat that he could feel was already sending him to a new level of pleasure he had never experienced in his times alone. His motions continued forward, eventually reaching some kind of blockage; He knew well what it was and that it'd cause some discomfort for Felicia, but they had to get through it to really experience their love-making.

The Prince held the Maid's hand tightly, reassuring her that everything will be okay, before he pushed past. He bit his lip at the sound of pain she replied, cursing himself to have ever hurt someone as innocent and beautiful as Felicia. His draconic senses caught the scent of the small drop of blood that streamed down her thigh. However, he did not allow her to remain in that zone of pain for much longer; Thrusting his hips slowly to move his rod in and out against her inner walls, building up the pleasure that'd make up for it.

"A-ah...Felicia..." Corrin groaned, his eyes never leaving her sight while his face flushed, "Is this...of your enjoyment? ngh..."
Even slowly they seemed to move so quickly, one minute stroking him as he eagerly teased and toyed with her breasts, the next minute her panties stripped away, warmth, then coolness, then warmth again as that hardness that had been between her fingers pressed against her entrance, hot and hard and demanding, promising fulfillment, a balm to the yearning emptiness there.

She grabbed his cheeks and kissed him hard, muffling the pleasured whimper as she felt him enter her, felt him spread her open. Heat inside her, a tingle of strain as her walls were parted wider than fingers had ever done, a whisper of pain as something gave slightly, and then he was pushing in and Felicia's head fell back, her moan unrestrained, skin flushed and pupils dilated. He spread her open, deeper and deeper, inch after inch of pressure against her walls, of fullness that she thought would never end until he hilted and then began to pull back, causing her to grip the sheets tightly as she felt him pulled out of her slowly.

Then that grip to twist and tighten as he pushed back in. "Auuhhn... G-gods... Corrrinnn~..." She writhed, sometimes pushing back, but mostly rendered helpless by the sensation of it, the relief of finally being taken by the boy she'd never thought she would be able to have.

In, making her body flex and her teeth clench against a moan.

Out, making her gasp and shudder at the pleasure of the friction and the ache of renewed emptiness.

In, back arching, hands reached, first intending to pull him down into a kiss again only to instead land on his shoulder.

Out, fingers tightening, Felicia's nails leaving reddened crescents on his back.

Every thrust seemed timeless, no beginning or end, just a push and pull, yearning and fulfillment, and under it all the pleasure of feeling him inside, the tingling heat seeming to build between her legs until she saw Flora's face peering at her and for a moment they made eye contact, The older sister watching the younger as Corrin's thrust made her eyes go wide and a moan slip from her lips. Flora still fully intended to exact some form of punishment upon Corrin and Felicia for this but as she met her sister's eyes the blue-haired maid couldn't bring herself to break them up, not when she could feel her own arousal suddenly stirring in her belly at the sight of it. Not angry at all really, but utterly jealous, wishing it was her beneath their prince.

"He had better be able to go more than once, and I had better get the next one..." She murmured.
The continuing moans from Felicia reassured the Dragon Prince to follow upon his actions. There was no fear of pain, she had given her body to him; Her virgin self for him to deflower, to bring bliss upon her. Corrin set himself the task to make this union the best he could.

His rhythm increased. Hips pushing forward with every thrust, pushing the member deeper within her. His soft breathing begun to shift, opting for louder groans and grunts, while his eyes watched her body contour and arc in pleasure, urging him to push more and more. His hand held tightly against her breast and thigh, lifting her leg slightly into the air as his thrusted became much harder, whiles till not painful.

Corrin felt the warmth of the maid's body embracing him. Her fingers digging at his back. Despite the small pain, this just thrilled the prince to continue. In and out. Thrust after thrust. The bed cracking and rocking vigorously with the two's lovemaking.

Their collective moans and groans echoing through the chamber and sliding into Flora's ears,heating her body and moistening her loins.

Time passed and the two continued their relentless sex. drops of sweat sliding across theirs bodies, making them shine in the moonlight. Corrin's pace was now at high speeds, unrelentingly pounding at the precious maid as he exclaimed groan after groan. Calling her name in-between...
The pleasure was starting to come together in Felicia's mind, individual pushes and pulls of Corrin's length inside her fuzzing together, then each thrust blurring into the next. The little sting of pain was gone, the ache of being spread wide gone, drowned in the waves of sensation as they swept through her again and again. The bed creaking, her own moans being underlaid by a quickening beat of flesh against flesh, his hips meeting hers.

A distance away, two sets of ears heard the thumping, and the former questioning, the latter fearing, Elise and Hinoka made their way as close to the room as they dared, crouching at opposite ends of the long corridor at the centre of which the door to the Dragon-Prince' room lay. Had they seen each other a certain understanding might have existed, helping lay to rest the confusion and fear, but as it was, Hinoka assumed the worst, that one of the Nohrian witches must have gotten to her brother first, and that meant she would have to get him back sooner or later.

Elise meanwhile wondered what it could be. That was Corrin's room, and despite her stature and youth, Elise was not so young as not to understand sex and its associations. She did not immediately fear that he must be sleeping with one of his sisters, but given how suspicious the Hoshidans had been -not to mention how perverse their culture seemed to be from Nohrian perspectives- the idea crept up on her as she listened, her cheeks darkening with arousal. But my big brother wouldn't just let that happen to him, would he? Unless... he wanted something like that?

Back inside the room, the pit of Felicia's stomach was tingling and the way her eyes locked with her sister's only made her feel even warmer. "C-Corrin~!" Her voice was thick, heavy with desire. "Strange..." She tightened around him instinctively as orgasm began to build in her, a feedback that only made it feel as though he had swollen even larger inside her, no pain, only a tingling liquid heat that was roiling within, twisting and churning as she bucked, finally tearing her eyes away from Flora's to look up at him, her fingers tightening again as tremors wracked her form in time with the rapid tempo of their union, a climax creating upon her nerves. "I-I~! Something... Coming..!"
Corrin relentlessly continued his motions. The moans coming from Felicia mixed along his own personal grunts and the hard rocking of the mattress , were quickly driving him to the edge.

His entire focus appeared captured by Felicia alone. Complete obliviousness over the figure of Flora gazing upon their carnal act, much less his sisters, ears placed against the doors as they hear his primal grunts.

They were both near their ends; Felicia called about her reaching her limit, begging the prince to allow her to reach those peaks. In response the young prince increased his thrusts, bucking fiercely enough to lift her hips upwards a bit with each pound. He knew what was coming, "D-do it Felicia..." He said in between pants of pleasure.

"Ngh~ Honour me with your you do...ahn" He tried his best to restrain himself from release. The maid was the priority and his mind was set in lead her into her orgasm. A note was made on his head to make sure to pull out after, finish himself not inside. He also pondered the possibility of asking one of the more magically-inclined for a spell or artefact that'd prevent the need to do so, for whatever chance he could ever get to do this again...

"F-felicia...I'm almsot...there...."
"Ha-ahhn~! Corrin! M-Master Corrin~!" Felicia's voice reached a peak, neither able to nor interested in holding back as she felt the pleasure reach its peak, then her back arching as her entire body shuddered with the force as the orgasm crashed down upon her, her inner walls tightening even further around his cock and massaging as they shuddered, milking him for his load. "A-ah~! Maahhhn~!" He might have wanted to pull out but while Felicia wasn't entirely conscious of such, her body's instincts had no intention of letting him do so. Her grip on his shoulders tightened and her parted legs scissored tightly around his waist, intending to pull him in close only to be halted suddenly.

Having seen the impending problem, Flora had moved silently around -unseen in the distraction- and now held her sister's ankles, keeping her from holding Corrin inside as the younger maid rode out the waves of pleasure, bouncing a couple times before settling to the bed again with one last gasp. "Ah... Corrin~..."

"Master~..." The Blue-haired elder sister couldn't keep a little tremor from her own voice, not after what she'd just witnessed. With the most imminent danger out of the way she let Felicia's legs go, allowing them to fall to the bed again as she reached about Corrin's waist. Either he'd already cum (hopefully outside of her sister) and she would stroke him back to hardness or she was going to help him the last little bit of stimulation needed to spray his seed, and then? She was going to have a turn.

"I hope you weren't planning on leaving me out of this..."
Corrin couldn't stop at this point, continued to push in and out in a frenzy. He wanted to pull out but Felicia's body was persistent. Her inner walls were so warm, so tight around his rod. He continued to thrust unable to halt.

It was then when the young prince felt someone appearing from behind him. A body pressed against his back. Pulling Falicia away in time, his throbbing member was ready to burst. The mysterious figure's hand held on to his member and quickly stroked him, just enough to help him reach his climax; A loud groan escaped Corrin's lips as his organ spewed a continuous string of cum, landing upon the maid's breasts and belly.

"F-Flora!?" Corrin exclaimed, his cheeks bright red. How long had she been here? Did she stared at them doing such carnal act all the way? His questions, however, started to cease when he felt her warm body close to him. In an instant, the very same rigidness and girth from before returned to his rod. The dragon blood was strong, and with that came the ability to last hours and hours; Back in his lonesome a bit of a problem, but now? Quite the divine blessing.

"Did you also desired this, Flora?" Asked Corrin as he looked back at her. His voice finding a newfound sexuality and confidence. "Then allow me to quell that desire for tonight..."

He wasted no time in turning around and kiss her. His hand placed on her shoulders before pushing down, trying to disrobe the blue-haired beauty as they made out.
Felicia's body gave one last twitching jerk of ecstasy as Corrin's shaft pulled out of her still-sensitive tightness, cooing as she felt the sticky heat of his seed strike her bare belly and the undersides of her breasts, eyes half-lidded with lingering pleasure as she watched the two of them, him and her sister...

Flora's eyes raked over the sight of her sister, finding a surprisingly pleasing warmth in her at the sight of the pink-haired girl splayed out, shivering with pleasure, netherlips still slightly parted and twitching with aftershocks, and pale Ice-Tribe skin spattered with Corrin's seed, their Master's seed. Her stroking on the Dragon-prince' shaft had slowed slightly as his seed had expended itself, though she did not stop, her hands teasing him in the slickness of her sister's juices. "Did you really think it was an accident every time we showed you more than was proper to see?" She whispered into his ear. "Do you know how many nights we spent, taking our pleasure at the thought of you?"

"This is the sort of relationship that ought never to be, Master and his Maids, it would never have been had we only been a little more disciplined, but mark my words..." Her voice dropped to a silken murmur. "I will not allow my sister to be the only one to have you..."

Then he twisted in her arms and kissed her, and every thought of threats and teasing and force melted out of her mind. Flora's worst fear had been not that Corrin would find neither of them or both of them appealing, but that he would find only one of them so, consigning the other to a loveless unsatisfied life as her sister got the man they had both wished for. Even if he took another lover, even if he took many other lovers, she would not mind so long as he would take neither or both of them as well.

So when she felt the passion, the lust behind the kiss, and knew that he desired her with the same force as they had both desired him, it was all too easy to simply melt into the warm touch and let those fears fade away as his hands roamed over her, undoing and unlacing, teasing, groping... And she just hummed in satisfaction into their kiss, hand not leaving his cock, still stroking, teasing, encouraging him to stay hard...
Corrin continued his eager kiss, unlike Felicia, keeping her close to his lap as the two were sitting on the bed. Not out of preference of one over the other, but due to his desire to give each one something special, unlike in their lovemaking. His hands continued to work, this time trying to take as much clothing as possible. She wanted to see Flora, one of the more mature women who raied him, nude and showing her desire for him.

Already in the lusty high he was he finished undressing the maid before immediately digging at her neck with a flurry of kisses. "You have no idea how many nights you two filled me with thoughts, having to relieve myself over and over dreaming of you..."

His hand reached her left breast and fondled slowly while his lips didn't leave her skin.
Corrin's lips were hot against her skin, hotter than they seemed they should have any right to be as they brushed against her, and Flora found herself gasping with every touch, meeting like fire and ice. Her fingers flexed against his shaft as she pumped it, some part of her marveling at the hardness of it despite having just covered his sister in such a potent load. Even for a young man such as him such virility was uncommon to say the least, and she had expected to need to work to keep him hard for a while only to find he needed no encouragement beyond her presence...

Carefully Flora stepped, her grip on his manhood and her close embrace besides allowing her to guide Corrin slightly, moving first a bit to the left, then forwards, pushing him towards the bed. While the bluenette would not at all have complained to simply be laid down and pounded like her sister had, she aspired to grander things, and had never shied from the notion of putting on a show.

Thus, rather than allow him to push her down, she instead slowly mounted him, shifting her weight upwards to settle him back until he was sitting on the mattress then pushing his shoulders down until he was lying there, her one hand still gripping his cock by the base as she swung one leg over and straddled him, feeling the pulsing heat emanating from his manhood mere centimeters from her entrance.
Corrin allowed the sudden dominance that Flora tried to achieve. Something about seeing the blue-haired maid taking initiative, with an expression of both desire and determination, just caused his member to become harder and more heated.

Her figure now illuminated only by the moon, as the fire at his fireplace had already extinguished due to the lack of firewood supplied. He did not mind as the colors of the night complemented the Ice tribe maiden's natural glow. simply a sight to behold.

"I could get used to seeing this..." Corrin said to himself as he continued to admire her. holding her waist while she positioned above his eager dragon. Not wanting to lose all of the small control he had in the situation, he pushed his hips upwards, meeting with her own descend and pushing his dick inside her womanhood. Unlike Felicia, it appeared with Flora it inserted itself quicker. Perhaps this had not been her first time, but regardless Corrin was going to make love to her with the very same care and passion as her Ice Tribe sister.

His hands traveled up her hips, caressing her soft and pale body, until reaching her chest. Without a second wasted, his hands cupped her breasts; fondling and groping to his heart's content. The hands danced around her bosom, fingering moving closer around her nipple before giving a playful pinch and tug.
It may not have been Flora's first time with a man but Corrin was the first since she and Felicia had been taken from their tribe those many years ago. There was no sense of give, no momentary resistance, only thick hardness pushing into her, making her hiss between her teeth as her walls were spread wide and she had to force herself to relax a little in order to keep from clenching around that shaft so titghtly as to impede him entirely. "Haahh~..." Gravity did some of the work as well, helping her to slide down as Corrin thrust up into her, meeting in the middle as he drove himself to the base with a breathy moan.

The feeling of it inside her, a fullness, a warm sensation in her belly she had not felt in years made the blue haired maid shudder, her hands shaking before she planted them on Corrin's chest. Her legs had little leverage, spread and on her knees as she was, but locking her arms gave her enough to maneuver, levering herself upwards slightly, catching herself on her knees before sinking back down, slowly working herself into a rhythm of rise and fall. "Huhh... Oh Corrin... M-Master-Hahn... Mast-ter Corrinnn~..."

Still lethargic from the warmth of afterglow, Felicia watched her sister, surprised to find a lack of jealousy stirring in her. If anything it was a pleasure all of it's own to see her sister like this, to know that she hadn't left her only family behind. Without quite realizing what she was doing at first, the younger maid's hand wandered down her body, teasing at her own well-fucked nethers with two fingers as she felt the familiar roiling heat of desire begin to rise within her again, gasping as she touched her clit and watched the point of union where Corrin's cock slid in and out of her sister in quiet awe...
"F-flora...ngh~...ahn.." Soft grunts and groans of please continue spouting out of Corrin's mouth. The soft and moist walls of the blue-haired maid's womanhood continued to delight him so. Different, but just as exciting as what he had shared previously With Felicia moments prior.

As a more steady rhythm was formed, the young lord contributed to the motions. His thrusting upwards before more rapid, more continuous, like a drill piercing upwards. This just made Flora's bouncing more effective, basically straddling the young price as she went up and down her lap and their skin-on-skin contact emitted a series of wet but delightful sounds.

This continued for a good while, hearing Flora's shouts of encouragement and pleasure; calling his name over and over.

Another set of moans quickly summed to the party, however. Glancing back, still pounding upwards, he saw Felicia has woke up from her sleep and now was eagerly watching their lovemaking, rubbing herself to it. The half-dragon young man felt the red return bright on his cheeks. Being observed like that was exciting, specially with said person fondling her own body, increasing his arousal.

Closing his eyes Corrin gave a growl and pushed his torso upwards to meet with Flora's body. His hands locking around her before he brought her breast into his mouth. He eagerly suckled upon the soft nipple, pulling and pressing. "Mmmm..." His hands did not remain idle. On brought around her hip before moving back and grope her rear. The other replaced his mouth whenever it was time to better breath, then return back to the delicious nibbles and suckles of her bosom. His hips never stopping within these moves; Alternating between grinding and thrusting upon her body, the attention was building pleasure and need in Flora fast.
Where Felicia had been eager with newfound desire and tight as only a virginal woman could be, Flora had a modicum of skill when it came to pleasuring a man and it showed. Where her sister had moved on instinct and lustful intuition, she moved with powerful rhythm, riding Corrin with a steady beat of flesh on flesh, flexing to squeeze her womanhood around his girth as she bounced atop his length.

It was only at the last, as her own orgasm crested, that she finally lost control, nails digging into his chest, moans growing incoherent as her legs shook and her careful and rhythmic squeezing of his shaft was became a tight grip as her inner walls rippled without control, milking him for seed before she toppled forwards, a controlled fall to try and get herself off of his cock before he came inside her.

Unlike Felicia, Flora had actually been using a contraceptive staff for some time now since she occasionally had partners where her sister did not, but right now she didn't want to feel like making her sister jealous. They could let him fill them up later, right now, being with him together like this was enough...

Felicia was cumming too mind you, trembling as her frantic rubbing at watching them had turned into a steady fingering, her digits matching Corrin thrust for thrust until she lost control with her sister, trembling in an orgasm of her own as a clear squirt of girlcum covered her thighs and ass, her back arching and finally tearing her eyes away from the scene...
Corrin's orgasm coincided with Flora's. His hand gripping hard, but not painfully, against her skin. The maid's quick movement managed to slide the member outside of her just in time, a powerful geyser of white exploding from his member and smearing the blue-haired maiden on the back and rear, right before the lord dropped back into the bed. The cute and heavy pantings coming from his mouth showing he was finally exhausted.

His eyes drifted to each of his beautiful maids, who smirked kindly while cuddling naked upon his side, the three sharing the wide enough bed while the soft illumination of the night covered them.

"that was..." Corrin tried to put it into words, but somehow "amazing" or "incredible" appeared too tame right about now, "I just don't know how to say..." His hand kept Felicia and Flora close to him, enough for his enhanced hearing to catch every beat of their hearts; A soothing melody to the half-dragon man.

"You really wanted to do this so much? you could have simply asked....I enjoiyed it just as much..."
"Mm-hmm~" Flora knew she should probably clean herself and her sister of the mess but right now, even from just between the warm satisfaction of sex and the sensation of Corrin's form next to her she was surprisingly tired. "It wouldn't have been proper," "still isn't really..." Felicia finished the sentence with a yawn.

"We were... Scared..."

"Scared that you would only want one of us..."

Flora craned one arm to twist the wick of the lamp down, and as the embers died in the grate, the room fell into a warm and comfortable silent darkness, lit only by the descending moon peering through the window as Maids and Master cuddled each other to sleep.


Come the morning, there had been a change in the quality of the tension within the castle. Xander and Ryouma still glared at each other across rooms but now there was a crackling nervous energy between the women of the households as well. Hinoka had been glaring at Camilla non-stop and Elise was glaring right back while Camilla was simply smirking. The elder Nohrian princess had quickly figured out that her smiling seemed to infuriate the Hoshidan princess and was enjoying the helpless anger radiating off the redhead in waves. She couldn't rend them shoulder to waist with her axe but tormenting them with little games like this was the next best thing.

Sakura just kept looking nervously between them, unsure if she should try to oush for the peace her big brother wanted or if she should get out of the path between these two martial women lest she be trampled...

Meanwhile, in the bed of the commander's quarters, Flora and Felicia woke at the same time, looked at each other across Corrin's chest, and flushed as they realized that last night had not merely been a particularly pleasant vivid dream. For a moment they communicated silently in the way that only sisters could, both knowing that they should be up and about their duties and neither wanting to move away from Corrin before finally both of them sighed in the same moment and pulled away from cuddling him, reaching down under the covers towards his manhood. They would give him a nice wake-up with their hands and mouths, then get out of bed and on with the day.
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