Princess Spike (Knightblade15 X KnightCreep)

RE: Princess Spike

There was no way that Sir Armor could resist an invitation like that. Pulling Princess Spike into a passionate kiss, fingers gently stroking over his princess' soft green fins, arms wrapping tightly around her smaller back Sir Armor drove himself inside. With one mighty thrust Sir Armor buried himself nearly up to the hilt, Captain Wuzz and Sir Mcbiggun might have stretched out his princess but he was the only one here with any passion any feeling for her. Like a stallion possessed his cock pounded deep and hard into Princess Spike's hole, the thick shaft rubbing against the princess' walls, even as they exchanged breath. Sir Armor's tongue forcing open his Princess' mouth, entwining with hers as a lust-filled moan escaped his lips.
RE: Princess Spike

Spike moaned and squirmed in pleasure. He eagerly accepted Sir Armor's tongue and wrapped his tongue around it. He shot a few small ropes of his seed onto Sir Armor. His walls clenched down after every load.
RE: Princess Spike

Sir Armor groaned though not out of need, but out of frustration. Princess Spike's soft walls were expertly squeezing his dick, the soft undulating flesh wrapping and unwrapping around him as if the dragon were trying to force the seed out of him and into her anus. Focusing on his tongue he easily dominated Princess Spike's smaller tongue with his own, the taste of his princess soon filling his mouth, as well as the taste of several other stallions, but he focused on the taste of his princess. His thrusts slowed as the stallion began to savour the experience, even the princess' seed on his chest felt nice, as it meant he knew he could bring her pleasure.
RE: Princess Spike

Spike pulled away from the kiss long enough to say "If you want, I can make you my chamber maid." He then locked lips with Sir Armor again. He began bouncing up and down the knight's shaft in rhythm to his thrusts.
RE: Princess Spike

Sir Armor was the one to break the kiss this time, the stallion pulling away to stare up at his princess, a small smile on his muzzle. "Whatever I may do to serve you my princess," Sir Armor stated, as he quickly brought Princess Spike back in for another kiss, muzzle and snout locking in a gentle embrace. A gentle moan escaping Sir Armor as he felt a sudden tightening in his balls, his thrusts grew more and more frantic, the noble knight had a hard time holding himself back, all he wanted to do was slam Princess Spike down upon his stallionhood and breed her.

Thinking about how she had enjoyed her earlier treatment he threw caution to the wind, grabbing his princess by the shoulders he moved just enough so he was sitting up in the bath. Looking at his princess in the eye he carefully hugged her against his chest, pulling out until only his tip remained in her hole he suddenly slammed forward, brutally fucking his princess with quick powerful thrusts, half of his stallionhood disappearing in and out of Princess Spike with each pump of his hips.
RE: Princess Spike

Spike gasped when his new chamber maid changed positions. He moaned and stared into Sir Armor's eyes. It was possible for male dragons to lay eggs, but it wasn't easy.
RE: Princess Spike

Pumping harder and faster Sir Armor could feel his climax coming, gripping Princess Spike's ass not only because the soft slightly fleshy orbs felt wonderful in his palms but because it gave him some extra leverage he carefully bent forward, just enough so that he could look Princess Spike in the eye. Pressing his muzzle gently against his princess' snout he came, harder than he ever had before. He was breeding his princess after all, rope after thick sticky rope of stallion cum painted the little dragon's walls white, at least what part of the dragon wasn't already right. Shining Armor groaning and growling in primal victory as he bred his princess. Not even caring as some of the jism sprayed out between Princess Spike's legs, her tiny anus able to hold all the stallion seed pumped her into her.
RE: Princess Spike

Spike moaned loudly as Sir Armor bred him. He would lay an egg soon. When the knight finished cumming, Spike smiled and panted. "Sir Armor, or should I call you Lady Armor, thank you... I will cherish our hatchling."
RE: Princess Spike

Sir Armor was...well he was more than a little flabbergasted by what Princess Spike had just said. "Our...our what?" He stated, Spike was a boy, boy's couldn't get pregnant, I mean most people didn't know much about dragon physiology but even then it was the females that had the children wasn't it? "Ummmm...."

"Alright I think that's enough of that, Faust above Celestia let alone Twilight would kill me if the two of you have a child together." Discord stated as he floated back into the room. With a snap of his fingers all of the seed disappeared from inside Spike's body, and any current reproductive processes that were going on reversed. Another snap of his finger and the stallions were separated and in their usual clothes, the group standing once more in Twilight's castle. A final snap of his fingers removed the compulsion that had been over the other three members of the group.

Groaning Big Mac and Shining Armor could only hold their heads, the two stallions slowly remembering what it was they had just done. "Discord what did you make us do!" Shining shouted as he rushed the draconequus attempting to strangle the creature.

"Eeyup" Big Macintosh shouted, as he too tried to kill the floating chaos god.

"Oh come come now, I'm not like you ponies I didn't do anything...Well maybe I removed an inhibition or two, made you think more like the characters but otherwise everything that just happened was all on you. You wanted to fuck Spike's cute princess butt just as much as I did." Discord stated, arms folded across his chest.

Growling at the draconequus the three quickly turned to look at Spike, after all he had been the one who had just been used by the three of them...
RE: Princess Spike

Spike's cheeks were bright red. "Um... I did like doing that... Maybe we could do something like that again... Just no hypnotizing us."
RE: Princess Spike

To say Big Mac and Shining Armor were surprised was a bit of an understatement. They'd just treated Spike like a mare, they had probably treated Spike more roughly than they would any mare, they bred him again and again and he said that he liked it. What exactly were they supposed to say in reply? That they liked Spike's tight little dragon boy butt, his soft little lips wrapping around their shaft, tongue wrapping lewdly. Shining and Big Mac suddenly broke into coughing fits, the two stallions holding their hands over their pants to hide their arousal.

"Oh will you two stop it and just admit that Spike is a fine sub and that you both want to fuck that ass again." Discord stated. Turning to Spike he nodded before glancing back at Shining Armor and Discord. "I can't say about these two but I'd be up for some more fun at our next session."
RE: Princess Spike

Spike smiled. "I would love that, Discord." The dragon looked at the two ponies. "And what about you two? I would love to do this again with all three of you."
RE: Princess Spike

"I...yeah alright I'm in" Shining stated, his eyes staying on Spike. A small smile crossing his lips as he nervously rubbed the back of his head.

"Ah...count me in" Big Mac stated, his red fur coat hiding the stallion's blush, as he found his eyes drifting down towards Spike's butt, though he quickly looked away.

"So, how about after every session, we don't want it to ruin the game after all?" Discord stated, his arms crossing across his chest as he looked over everyone else.
RE: Princess Spike

"That sounds perfect, Discord," Spike smiled. "Maybe we could try scenarios other than me being a princess." He grinned, several ideas already forming in his head.
RE: Princess Spike

"Yeah, I uh...gotta go," Shining Armor stated, the stallion quickly excusing himself as a fw thoughts of what else Spike could be flitted through his mind.

"Uh...eeyup" Big Macintosh Stated, echoing Shining's sentiment as he quickly excused himself, leaving only a chuckling Discord and a rather confused Spike.

"They'll come around in time," the draconequus stated, a small smirk on his lips.
RE: Princess Spike

Spike nodded and smiled. He walked over to Discord and kissed him on the cheek. "I can't wait for next time, big boy."
RE: Princess Spike

Chuckling softly the Draconequus carefully wrapped himself around the little dragon, giving him a little squeeze. "Neither can I," he stated before he too went on his way.
RE: Princess Spike

Spike cleaned up the game and went to his room. He started to write down ideas for future sessions.
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