Princess Spike (Knightblade15 X KnightCreep)


Jan 29, 2017
Big Macintosh, Shining Armor and Discord casually walked through the streets of Ponyville towards Twilight's crystal castle. The three men were some of the most attractive stallions in Equestria. Shining Armor was strong and fit with a soldier's body. Though there was little visible muscle his lean body spoke of how strong the stallion really was. Big Macintosh was quite the opposite, muscle rippled with every step the tall man took, if there was one word to describe Big Macintosh it was "Adonis." Discord was a bit different, given his amalgamous nature most could only describe him as "average" since he was the God of chaos though he could look however he wanted.

The three men were joking with each other as they prepared for the night ahead. "Thanks for letting me join you for "guys night" this week." Shining stated, the stallion looking around for a moment before continuing. Right hand gently rubbing the back of his mane, his blue eyes scanning over Discord and Big Macintosh. "Whenever Cadance and I play Ogres and Oubliettes all she ever wants to do is roleplay," Shining stated, annoyance characterizing his tone.

"Well it is a role-playing game," Discord replied after a moment's pause, arms crossing across his chest as he floated along. Even Big Mac chimed in with a nod and a single "eyup" his muscled chest flexing as he looked at Shining.

"I know it's a roleplaying game but I want to fight things, I'm a soldier not some poet" Shining replied agitatedly, arms crossing as they reached the entrance to Twilight's crystal castle.

"Well I don't think you'll be doing much fighting today, we're just finishing up a campaign" Discord replied, his gryphon's paw reaching out to rap loudly against the door. This only earned a disappointed sigh from the stallion.
RE: Princess Spike

Spike opened the door and smiled. "Hey guys! I'm glad you could make it, Shining." Spike opened the door fully. "The game's all set up, all we need to do is have Shining make his character."
(It's been a while since I watched that episode. What were their character names again?)
RE: Princess Spike

"Cool, and I brought a character I use when Cadence and I play" Shining stated, the stallion pulling out a piece of paper from his pants pocket.

"Sir armor? Discord drawled out as he looked the sheet over. Puhleze, I named my archer Captain Wuzz out of boredom. At least I didn't just turn myself into a character. I mean what were the two of you...oh" Discord suddenly stopped talking. If anypony had noticed, an evil mischevious glint in his eye would have warned the other players of what was to come.

"Give him back" Shining stated, the young man grabbing for the sheet, Discord graciously handing it back to the man, a small smirk crossing his lips. Slowly the two men moved into the Table room, Big Mac had left the two to their bickering, setting up his cutout of Sir Mcbiggun as they prepared to play. Floating over to the module Discord began to do...something as Shining Armor walked up to one of the free chairs and sat himself down, the stallion handing his character sheet over to the little dragon. Moments later Discord levitated over to a chair of his own, his lion and gryphon paws folded together in a little triangle.

"So Spike what's the story so far?" Shining questioned.
RE: Princess Spike

Spike cleared his throat and spoke in his most dramatic voice. "When we last left our heroes, they were negotiating the final peace treaty between the griffons and the chimeras (I think that's how you spell it...)." He then picked up his lucky dice and rolled them. "Suddenly, the princess of the griffon kingdom approaches the table. She is followed by..." Spike held his hand out to Shining Armor.
RE: Princess Spike

"Sir armor" Shining replied, the stallion's cheeks almost flaring red. Outside he and Cadance's games, now that Discord brought it up, his character was a rather blatant self-insert and he was ashamed for it.

Big Macintosh and Discord looked on, each waiting for Spike to prompt them into the game.
RE: Princess Spike

"Garbunkle bows to Princess Gildaf and Sir Armor. 'Your Majesty, to what do we owe this pleasure?'" Spike asked. He glanced to the others, waiting for their responses.
RE: Princess Spike

Big Mac simply tilted his character forward,mas if Sir Mcbiggun were respectfully bowing to the Griffon Princess. Shining Armor looked over the rest of the plsyers for a moment, fingers tapping against his furred chin as he thought.

"I guess I watch over the proceedings? No, I ready an action to defend Princess Gildaf should the need arise" Shining stated a small smirk crossing his muzzle. This was a peace treaty signing. Under the rules of every fantasy trope ever something had to come along and interrupt it, be it a monster, some sort of assassination...

"I attempt to woo the fair Princess Gildaf and suggest that she personally "reward" us should the peace treaty signing go well." Discord stated out of nowhere, eyebrows wiggling he turned to smile at Shining. "I bet this is more like your games with Cadance now isn't it?" he stated.

Shining wanted to reply, to punch the smug draconequus in his face...but a princess rewarding her fair knight was one of Cadance's favourite scenario's.
RE: Princess Spike

Spike chuckled and nodded. "Princess Gildaf blushed and turned away from Captain Wuzz. She then sits next to her father as we continue with the negotiations." Spike then rolled his d10. He smirked and spoke again. "Suddenly, the Chimera king holds his lion head, clearly in pain."
RE: Princess Spike

In an act of quick thinking Big Mac tossed Sir Mcbiggun onto the negotiating "table" his character model stomping and stamping around. "I guess Sir Mcbiggun jumps on the table and starts destroying the refreshments thinking they're poisoned?" Discord queried

"Eeyup" Big Mac replied. Discord subconciously reached up to snap his fingers but quickly remembered he wasn't playing as himself. He wasn't a self-insert player like Shining Armor.

"I cast Neutralize Poison on the Chimera King." Discord stated, a small smile crossing his lips as he was sure Spike had forgotten he had that spell. The little dragon had mocked him more than once for not taking a less specialized spell like Summon Animal Friend III.

"I...follow Sir Mcbiggun's lead and start destroying the likely poisoned food and drink." Shining Armor stated.
RE: Princess Spike

"The king stops holding his head and gets to his feet. 'Thank you, brave heroes,' he said with a smile." About an hour later, the campaign was over. Spike smiled and leaned back into his chair.
RE: Princess Spike

Big Macintosh and Discord sighed as they sat in their chairs, each feeling rather accomplished. They had gone through a lot of trouble to negotiate the treaty between the Griffons and the Chimeras, and now that it was done they had gained some powerful allies.

Shoning Armor on the other hand was fidgeting like crazy, his fingers lightly tapping on the crystal table. Finally he couldn't stand it anymore. "Aren't we forgetting something...the reward from the Princess?" Shining questioned. Spike was a young man, barely 16 So Shining didn't expect a masterpiece in terms of story in relation to their reward but without it things just felt...incomplete to him.

"Oh, you want your reward from the princess do you?" Discord stated lazily. Suddenly he snapped his fingers, the module book they had been using flying up off the table as it began to glow brighter and brighter, all eyes in the room split between the glowing object and Discord.

"What did you do?" Shining bellowed, moments before the light completely filled the room, overtaking all of them.

"Giving you exactly what you wanted." Discord replied,mhis laughter filling the room as everything faded to white.

"Eeenope" Big Mac yelled, the stallion not wanting to get caught up in whatever magical shit Discord was planning but he didn't have a choice.
RE: Princess Spike

Spike had shielded his eyes from the bright light. When he moved his arms, he was laying in a large regal bed. He looked down at his body and gasped. He was wearing a pink and gold Saddle Arabian outfit.
RE: Princess Spike

"W-what happened?" Shining Armor groaned out, reaching up to rub his face he felt something gently tug against his arm. Glancing around the room, he realized that he was in a rather ornate bedroom, white marble walls led up to a massive domed ceiling. Several hand-carved oak pieces sat around the room, a dresser, a small table and a pair of chairs, and a chest sitting at the end of a bed. The bed itself was the most elaborate thing, covered in dozens of soft silken pillows, and soft silken sheets. A thin pink veil, should the occupant wish for some privacy hung loosely off the beds four posts, each wooden pillar a work of artwork unto itself.
Looking down the stallion was more than a little surprised to find himself in a frilly maid's outfit. The short skimpy skirt didn't even reach his hips, long black and white leggings crawling up his thighs almost all the way up to his ass. Worst of all, his outfit was completely bottomless leaving his stallionhood exposed for the entire world to see (

Big Macintosh was the next stallion to regain his bearings, the strapping young stallion was less surprised than he should have been that he found himself in a different room than he had previously been in. Discord's previous shenanigans with magic during their games and hanging around Twilight and Friends acclimating the stallion to sudden unexplained events. What he wasn't used to was finding himself suddenly half-naked, the an errant breeze sending a shiver through the stallion's body. Quickly glancing over himself he realized that he had been magically stripped down to nothing but a pair of brown boxers, though from the feel they weren't made of any normal fabric as they were rather itchy.

Discord was the last to appear of the three stallions, unlike everyone else he was naked, an ornate red and gold couch appearing beneath him. The Draconequus was laid out on the couch, muscled chest rising and falling, engorged purple cock bouncing with each breath as he took in the scene before him, a small smirk on his face. His magic would activate soon and then, then the fun would begin.
RE: Princess Spike

"Discord, what did you do?" Spike asked after a quick look around the room. He turned bright red when he saw his three friends in their clothing, or lack of for Discord.
RE: Princess Spike

"Oh nothing much," Discord chuckled softly as he replied. "Shining simply wanted his reward and so I decided to give it to him. Now Princess Gildaf, or should I say Princess Spike, it should be just about time for us to get started." A quick glance around the room told the Draconequus that his magic was working, Shining and Big Macintosh swaying as they held their heads in their hands, the magic taking Spike a moment later.

", my lady!" Shining Armor stated as he saw Princess Spike laid out across "her" bed. Sir Armor had been the princess' best friend and confidant for years, acting almost like an older brother. Of course as a knight that meant he had to obey any of her requests, glancing down he almost rolled his eyes, serving as the princesses maid was one of the jokes she liked to pull. He nearly laughed, until he spotted the other occupants of the room. The princess had promised to personally reward the heroes should they succeed in negotiating the peace treaty, but he had never expected something like this. His eyes widened even further as he realized that the Princess was partially naked, exposing her secret.

Sir Mcbiggun was a stallion of few words, an imposing warrior who let his greatsword do his talking for him. Yet as he stared at Princess Spike laid out across the royal bed, the princess' young nubile form presented before him he was left even more speechless.

The princess was dressed in what could best be described as "nothing" a beautiful chain circlet rested atop her slender head, a dazzling ruby resting in the center of the jewelry. A sheer pink veil trimmed with gold thread rested atop her little snout. On each of her arms and legs, and even her little tail rested bands that looked almost like locks, and atop her small supple chest was a beautiful purple brasseire outlined in gold. Slowly Sir Mcbiggun's eyes traced down the princess' body before resting on her exposed crotch. A sheer pink veil like the one atop the princess' snout was all that provided the princess with modesty. At the very least it would have if she were a girl, instead Princess Spike's young erection strained against the thing silk, the small curved pink dick forming a natural tent as the princess rested on the bed.

Sir Mcbiggun didn't discriminate between mares and stallions. Even if he did, as he looked the princess over he felt his briefs grow more and more uncomfortable as his sizable cock grew more and more erect, the massive cock straining visibly against the stallion's pants, forcing them outward to the point where his cock was clearly visible.

Discord simply stood up and began to approach Princess Spike his eyes promising mischief even as his lion's paw played almost unconsciously with his erection. 'Fuck Princess Spike is hot' was the only thing going through the Draconequus' mind. "Princess it's about time you fulfilled your duty, and rewarded your heroes" Discord stated.
RE: Princess Spike

Spike giggled and nodded. "Sir Mcbiggun, I'll start with you." He rolled onto his stomach and wiggled his rear and tail, inviting the stallion to fuck him.
RE: Princess Spike

Sir armor was just about to step in, how could the Princess sully herself like this, not to mention the fact that the burly warrior looked as if he were nearly twice the princess' size. Being just past the age of 16 "she" was understandably rather petite, he would tear her apart. Yet as he looked over his princess he couldn't help but find himself excited by the thought.

Discord "hmmphed" in annoyance, he had expected first dibs on the Princess, after all he was the one who wooed her back in the hall, but he stepped back regardless. Discord was if nothing else honorable and he wasn't about to force himself upon somebody.

Sir Mcbiggun gulped audibly as the Princess invited him forward, nearly ripping his pants off his massive erection sprung out, finally free of its sackcloth prison. The mighty cock noticeably swayed from side to side as Sir Mcbiggun approached the bed, the stallion getting more and more aroused the closer he got to the princess. Reaching the bed, a scent hit him, a surprisingly feminine musk. He might have been staring at a boy, but for all intents and purposes it was a girl laying before him, presenting her cute little ass.

Slowly leaning forward Sir Mcbiggun grabbed Princess Spike's legs, slowly spreading them, his thick tongue slowly extending out, the large appendage clumsily licking at the smaller dragon's tailhole. He was about to fuck a "princess" after all, he needed to be considerate. Sir Mcbiggun couldn't help but hum as he worked, the princess simply tasted too good. Finally he pulled away, fully aroused he rubbed his thick foot-long dick roughly between Princess Spike's soft, tight asscheeks, hoping to lube up his massive phallus and make it easier on the princess. "Ready?" Sir Mcbiggun asked after a near minute of hot-dogging Princess Spike's ass. He couldn't surprise her otherwise he'd never get his cock into her tight little hole.
RE: Princess Spike

Spike moaned the entire time Sir Mcbiggun was lubing her up. "Yes... I'm ready... As you you, my loyal butler, why don't you let Sir Armor give you a blowjob?"
RE: Princess Spike

Sir Mcbiggun could only chuckle at the suggestion. "Sure," he stated, his eyes moving over to Sir Armor. He understood why the princess would be a little intimidated by his cock, it had happened on more than one occasion, besides the more lubed up he was, the more he could enjoy the princess.

Sir Armor was more than a little caught off-guard, the Princess had asked him to do many things in the past, more than a few of them humiliating or embarrassing, but to suck another man off. No this was for his princess, steeling himself Sir Armor slowly walked up to the larger stallion, though Sir Armor was toned and tall Sir Mcbiggun towered even over him, the smaller stallion only coming up to his chin.

Slowly Sir Armor kneeled before Sir Mcbiggun, his eyes widening as he stared at the thick flared cock. Gulping softly he slowly opened his mouth, his lips stretching further and further as he tried to fit the massive cock into his mouth until with a wet *pop*, the tip of Sir Mcbiggun's phallus slipped between his lips. This earned a gentle groan from the stallion above, one of Sir Mcbiggun's hands gently pressing on the back of Sir Armor's head, gently urging the stallion to take in more than the first three inches of his shaft.

Discord saw his chance to have some action with the nubile Princess Spike as Big Mac and Shining were otherwise predisposed. Quickly slipping his way onto the bed he carefully drew the Princess' attention away from the fellating stallions, pressing his muzzle against the princess' lips as he pressed her body against his own.
RE: Princess Spike

Spike moaned cutely when Discord kissed him. "Captain Wuzz... You don't give a princess a moment to recover..." He smiled and kissed Discord's tip. "But I'm not about to complain..."
RE: Princess Spike

Discord felt an urge to just shove his tip past the Princess' cute little lips, chaos above he wanted to fuck Princess Spike so bad, but it was Sir Mcbiggun first, instead the draconequus contented himself with drawing the princess into a long, lewd kiss. His slick serpentine tongue easily slipping past the Princess' lips to bat and play with her much smaller one, a gentle groan escaping his lips as he squeezed her tight ass cheeks.

"Buck," Sir Mcbiggun groaned out as Sir ARmor fellated him like a champion, the stallion's tongue softly swirling around his head even as he swallowed inch after inch of his cock. "Buckin whore," he growled out, as the stallion suddenly bottomed out, taking the entire length of his shaft, Sir Armor's nose pressing against Sir Mcbiggun's hips as his cock noticeably filled the stallion's throat.

"Pwah" Sir Armor gasped and coughed as he finished lubing up Sir Mcbiggun, his mouth had never been stretched that big before, and his throat felt like it was on fire from having the stallion's cock rub against it. This would help ease his princess, so it was worth it. "M-"cough"-My lady, he's ready for you," Sir Armor stated as he quickly got up off the ground. Turning he nearly threw himself onto the bed, the sight of Captain Wuzz lewdly making out with his fair princess, seemingly without her consent driving him into a fury. "Get away from her!" Sir Armor yelled.
RE: Princess Spike

"Down, Sir Armor!" Spike ordered. "Captain Wuzz can kiss me all he wants." The dragon spread his legs and smiled at his butler. "Go right ahead, Sir Mcbiggun."
RE: Princess Spike

Sir Armor visibly deflated, sufficiently cowed by his princess he was still mad that the archer had dared lock lips with the fair princess, because he wanted to kiss the fair Princess Spike. Looking on in silent awe he watched as Sir Mcbiggun prepared himself, thankfully Captain Wuz had moved out of the way, though the sneaky draconequus, using his serpentine body would lean in and periodically kiss Princess Spike, causing the now blushing princess to moan cutely.

Sir Mcbiggun slowly climbed onto the bed, the soft silken sheets and downy mattress meant even resting on his knees he felt no discomfort, and he had to drop to his knees so he could line himself up with the smaller princess. Carefully he grabbed one of her soft supple asscheeks, his thick fingers digging easily into the princess' surprisingly soft, silken scales as he carefully pushed himself inside, using his free hand to help guide himself. "B-buck" Sir Mcbiggun groaned as he attempted to push his way into Princess Spike's ass, he had been with some tight virgins before, but this was on a whole different level.

He-he couldn't do it gently, his dick wouldn't push past the dragon's tight little walls. Snorting in determination he grabbed one of Princess Spike's ass cheeks in each hand, lining himself up he carefully swung himself back and forth once or twice to gain some momentum before suddenly slamming his hips forward, burying half his foot-long length in the princess' virgin ass in one mighty thrust.
RE: Princess Spike

Spike squealed in a mixture of pain and pleasure, mostly the later. She panted heavily. "Sir McBiggun... Try to be a little more gentle..." She looked at her knight. "Come here, Sir Armor. I think you've earned a reward." She licked her lips.
RE: Princess Spike

"Eeyup, Sir Mcbiggun stated, as he had never meant to be rough with the princess, he just needed to force his way into her tight ass, an ass that was currently trying to milk his dick for all it was worth even as he spread the young princess open like she never had been before. Panting softly he had to take a moment to compose himself, gods Princess Spike was a natural whore, slowly he began to work his cock in and out, his thrusts growing larger and longer as he worked up a comfortable rhythm. The problem was once his dick disappeared between those soft scaled cheeks it was surprisingly difficult to get it out again, Princess Spike's tight ass seemed more than intent on claiming a new "treasure" for the little dragon princess.

Sir Armor was to put it simply at a loss, he could see Princess Spike's little snout, her lips parted lewdly as she started up at him, hunger burning deep in her emerald eyes as they roamed over his exposed cock. Though he was a knight, one sworn to Princess Spike's service, he went from flaccid to rock hard in a matter of seconds. His sizable shaft though dwarfed by Sir Mcbiggun's mighty cock looked almost comically large as he presented it to Princess Spike, there was no way she would be able to take his thick throbbing cock into her cute little mouth...was there?

Discord looked on jealously, everyone was getting some action with Princess Spike but him. Sighing he thought about just jerking off, watching Big Mac and Shining Armor destroy the sexy young dragon was pretty hot, though that thought only lasted until he noticed Princess Spike's little dragon cock. At 16 it would be expected that it was larger, but one of the lesser known facts is a dragon's cock is proportional to its size. Swooping beneath the little dragon boy Discord carefully removed the silk veil covering the princess' cute little cock, before swallowing it all in one gulp, a gentle "mmmm" escaping his lips as he began to lick and tease the curved shaft.
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