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Mx Female Howie's Fighting Game Females Thread | Male Version | NSFW


Devil with a Heart of Iron
Apr 5, 2014
Interested in the idea, but wanting my character to be futa instead? I have an identical version of this thread for that very thing located here! Wanna write with me, but not into fighting games, playing canons, or both? My thread for cravings unrelated to fighting games is here!

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I pretty much always have a giant craving for a roleplay with the females of various fighting games, and I am heavily considering all who apply!

To keep this as short and sweet as possible, I will only list a few kinks on my no list and a few of my faves. For a more comprehensive look at what I am into, as well as what I am not into, check out my F-List, now new and improved!

No List:

Excessive Violence During Sex
Bondage (most I will do is handcuffs/tied hands)
Scat, Watersports, Etc.

Fave List:

Excessive Semen
Rough Sex
Name Calling

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The Rules

Nobody likes them, but they exist for a reason, mine included. Please, follow these to the best of your ability. Worry not, warnings abound. I'm quite lenient with partners and will really only break ties with blatant rule breakers. :)

-- Please post what you are comfortable with, and require the same out of me. For reference, I tend to post 2 or 3 paragraphs at a time, but if you post more or less, that's more than okay! Just understand that I may not match you or, if I feel inspired, I might just post more!

-- If I bring up a plot point, kink, or character idea that you are uncomfortable with, uninterested in, or curious about, communicate with me. I view communication as one of the main pillars of any good RP, and I'd rather have something you are uncomfortable with brought up and be disappointed, than never hearing from you again. On the flip side of that coin, I would expect the same courtesy to be afforded for me.

-- At this time, I am only looking for partners to play female characters. However, I don't care what gender you are as a partner. If you are confident in writing a female and feel you can help with this craving, never hesitate to send a message.

-- Sometimes, I have no muse to work with, or work has left me ragged. Please be understanding about any lack of posts. I try my best to respond as soon as possible, but sometimes, I can't bring myself to do it. Once again, the reverse is true; I would love multiple posts a day from partners, but whatever frequency is for you is the frequency for me.

-- I tend to prefer a third person, past-tense style of writing, and my preferred medium is PMs or Discord. However, I am certainly not going to turn away something done in first person, or anyone coming to me for something in a thread or in Emails. Instant messengers aside from Discord are going to take a bit of convincing, however. While I am primarily looking to play male OCs, I am open to playing a canon opposite the female you choose as well!

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Character Select

The characters listed are the ones I am looking for partners for in each series. However, if another girl in that series is to your liking, ask about them - worst I can say is no! The links of characters' names take you to an image of them, which are likely at least provocative, and at most NSFW, so keep that in mind. Meanwhile, the links marked 'wiki' will lead to the individual fighter's wiki page, allowing you to learn more about them should you desire to play a more accurate representation. Please note: knowledge of one of these character's personality traits, backstory, or their relationships is not needed. We can use the characters as mere face claims if you desire. If I play a canon, I would request the same sort of leeway in how I play them, please.

Street Fighter

Soul Calibur

King of Fighters

Injustice 2 (DC)

Mortal Kombat

Dead or Alive

Samurai Shodown

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Whew, all done. I know that was a lot to read through, but if you're interested, I hope to hear from you soon! Cheers!
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Still looking for some Mortal Kombat stuff, primarily. But, eager for any requests on this!
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