..::Aᴅᴠᴇɴᴛᴜʀᴇ Sᴛᴀʀᴛs Hᴇʀᴇ::.. [Dᴀᴋᴇ21&Iʀᴏɴɪᴄ]

Erza turned to Natsu's comment and crossed her arms. "There shall be no fighting Natsu especially with someone who is still recovering like him even if he does wake up." She said staring at him..

"Oh come on...I know that. I was planning on waiting for him to get better before wanting to fight him..." Natsu said while sweatdropping and taking a step back from Erza.

"Hey guys, I found something over there." Elfman said while trying not to be so loud that it wake the adults. Everyone turned to him and saw him holding a darkish and redish-colored, long sword in his grasp (The one on the left is it's base form just so you know).

"Huh? A sword?...Is that one of yours, Erza?" Cana said as she turned to her.

"I don't have a sword like that one in my arsenal." Erza said shaking her head.

"Then it must be from this guy then." Gray said thinking about it as turned back to the unconscious child.

"Seems so....It even have engravings around the handle I think....Though I can't read it. It seems to be in some type of language of sorts..." Elfman said as he continue examining the sword.

"Writing? Let us see, big brother." Lisanna said as she was curious along with everyone else. Elfman began approaching them and showing them the sword in hand
Everyone began to inspect the sword and its foreign language engraved on the handle. Their heads cocked to the side, not understanding anything that was being written.

"Looking at this makes my brain hurt." Natsu grumbled before crossing his hands over his chest and sighing out in boredom.

"Maybe I can help?" Levy McGarden stepped through the crowd to come closer to the sword.

"You can? Oh, that'll be great!" Erza applaud as there was some hope to what was being said on the sword.

"I can't guarantee that I'll get it right since I am still learning to use these reading glasses but I can try." She said before fixing the glasses on top of her head, a scanning-like substance protruding from the top to scan down on the engraving.
Some of the children surrounded around the sword and Levy as she do her best on trying to decipher what was written on there. Though, this would be kinda boring for Natsu and Gray as they were really the types to be interested in stuff like this honestly, so they stick around near the unconscious boy's body along with Lisanna near Natsu.

"Ahh...So bored....I was hoping this guy was awake when we arrive instead of this investigating type of stuff." Natsu said while crossing his arms.

"Ditto..." Gray said sighing as well.

Meanwhile unbeknownst to the group, the young boy was having a growing nightmare within his head and was squirming a bit, but unnoticeable at the moment.

"Come on, you two...It's quite fun to learn new things at times." Lisanna said as she tried to cheer them up on this.

(Don't have them notice Zakan just yet. I have a idea. Let's keep RPing the characters as they are :).)
(Since it's your sword I left the Levy part open for you to tell them what it says, just to let you know. :) )

"This? Fun? You have to be kidding me. You know me better than that." Natsu spoke to Lisanna in a disappointing tone. "I have to be doing something, not sit around and wait." She dug his toe into the floor to keep him occupied somewhat.

"I mean, isn't this exciting enough?" Lisanna tried to make the situation seem better. "They're trying to see what this sword says. It could be anything. Maybe even a spell of sorts." She said but the boys weren't having it.

"Meh. Still not cool." Gray said as he shrugged his shoulders. "If this is all that they're doing I might as well just go downstairs." Gray let his shoulders slack back to where they were naturally.

"Just wait a bit." Mira spoke.
(Thank you :). Also see where I am getting at? Don't have them mark him just yet though :p.)

"Yeah...." Natsu and Gray said in unison as they continue to be bore out of their mind before Natsu thought up a "evil" idea as he grins and show his shark-like teeth.

"Hey Gray....Do you think there are any crayons or markers around here?" Natsu said looking at him while keeping his voice down so the other children except for him and Lisanna heard him.

"Huh?....I guess so, why?" Gray said looking at him with a confuse expression and unknowingly keeping his voice down just like him.

"Let's do some drawings on this guy while we wait then." He said grinning at him.

"Are you crazy? That's not the right time to do this type of thing." Gray said trying to scold him.

"I agree with Gray, he is unconscious at the moment. Don't think that be very nice, don't you think?" Lisanna said thinking about it while looking back at the others

"Oh come-on. It's just drawings. It's not like he is allergic to them or anything. We even done that stuff before when people are awake on their casts and bandages. What's the difference?" Natsu said putting his arms behind his head.

"Still we don't know if he want us to do that to him or not." Lisanna said looking back at the unconscious boy and at first thought he was moving a bit, but she soon see no movement and just thought she was seeing things.

"She has a point there, Natsu." Gray said crossing his arms.

"It's just drawings. Come on. Would you rather wait here until Levy even manage to figure what it says on the sword to do something or have some fun for the time being?" He said staring at him.

Gray thought about this for a bit before finally sighing in defeat. "Alright...Though, we can't get caught like this especially Erza, so we need to get the crayons or markers first and then pull the curtains around the bed, so they won't see what we are doing, got it?" Gray said explaining the plan.

"Fine with me." Natsu said as he happily grin at him.

"I don't think I'll be participating on this..." Lisanna said thinking about it still.
"Why not?!" Natsu asked in retaliation towards Lisanna, giving her a glare.

"This isn't the right thing to do. Why would you want to do that to someone who is sick?" She explained her reasoning, her eyes glancing back and forth from the others to Natsu and Gray.

"He's fine. Look at him! We're just waiting for him to wake up is all." Natsu's finger pointed at the sleeping boy who looked fine and no longer ill.

"It's not like my opinion matters anyways because you do what you want regardless." Lisanna crossed her arms sassily before biting the inside of her cheek.

"Chime in or not, I and Gray are doing this anyways!" Grin smiled sadistically before rubbing his hands together in anticipation. Meanwhile Gray went downstairs to grab a pack of markers, bringing them back upstairs with him. As soon as he entered in they pulled the curtains around the bed so no one would know their mischievous plans.

"This is going to be so friggen' awesome!" Natsu couldn't contain the excitement in his soul.
Meanwhile, Levy was still concentrating on trying to understand the mysterious engravings.

"Anything so far, Levy?" Erza said as she look at her.

"Not yet....I feel like I am there, but...." She said hesitantly as she kept checking the sword.

"Take your time. No need to overstrain yourself." Cana said comforting her about it.

"Yeah, maybe we can try uncovering the words another time when you have more training uncovering the engravings." Erza said cheering her up.

"No...I came this far, so let me.....Oh! I think I might have got it now!" Levy said happily as she might have finally understand the meaning.


Zakan was having a slow inducing nightmare in his sleep which was making certain parts of his bodies twitch from this. Natsu, Gray, and Lisanna were none the wiser as they prepare to start their mischief of theirs on Zakan while Lisanna want no part of it.
"Hey guys, I still don't think this is a good idea. He's twitching..." Lisanna spoke as her eyes couldn't turn away from the restless boy.

"That's what you usually do when you sleep, Lisanna." Gray spoked in an irritated tone as he watched Natsu uncap a marker.

"Who wants to be the one to mark him first?" Nastu excitedly asked as he held up the marker, waiting for them to respond. They both said nothing, staring at him. He shrugged. "Oh well, looks like I'll be the one to do it."

He lifted his arm up slowly and agonizingly, building suspense. The tip of the blackened marker touched his right cheek, Natsu scribbling something on his face, turning it into something that wasn't noticeable just yet.
As Natsu and Grey prepared to do some drawings on the unconscious boy while the other group of kids were now discussing about the boy's sword close by.

"So what does it say, Levy?" Cana asked as she look at her.

"These engravings seem to be from a strange tribe or civilization if I have to say based on it's design. Took me while, but I think I finally know what they said.


"Alright here goes..." Natsu said as he take a washable marker along with Gray and they began slowly moving it toward the boy's face while the boy was still having his nightmare. He was having a nightmare of a demonic monster attacking him and beside his side was a feminine warrior. It would seem the nightmare could be a mixture of something that happened to his past as he couldn't help, but twitch even more in his sleep.


"And they are?" Erza said crossing her arms.

"It says..."Shinigami"...." Levy said loudly enough for the others to hear especially Natsu, Gray, and Lisanna behind the curtains, but they were too busy on what they were doing to pay attention to what Levy said. Though, the unconscious boy ears rang once he heard the name while at the same time the demonic monster roared and then attacked him and the warrior next to him in his dream. In that instant, he woke-up immediately just when Natsu and Gray pressed their markers onto his face. By instinct, he grabbed both Natsu's and Gray's arms with the marks tightly and rise up in a haste; spooking both of the boys and Lisanna at the quick reaction.

"Ahhhhhh!!!!!" They all comically screamed except for the now conscious boy who was still in deep thought about his dream.

Everyone outside of the curtain heard this and soon turned to the direction where it came from.

(I know realistically Makarov and Poryluscia would wake up, but rather keep them asleep just a bit more before waking up at least when Zakan start to move out of bed and chaos start, they can wake up XD.)
"What was that?!" Levy shouted as her eyes turned away from the script. Everyone twisted their heads in the direction of the scream, coming from behind the curtain.

"Natsu..." Erza spoke through clenched teeth as her hands balled up into fists, rushing over to the curtains before harshly tugging them to the side to expose everyone.

"H-He's awake!" Mira spoke as the others gasped in surprise, rushing over to the bedside.

"What happened to you?" Elfman spoke as his eyes searched his conscious body.

"How did you get so injured?" Cana asked as she poked at his flesh.

"Do you know what happened?" Gray rushed in to ask a question too.

"Enough!" Erza shrieked, everyone halting to a stop. "We have to let the boy take in everything that has happened. Do NOT overwhelm him! Yeeesh!" She sighed heavily before approaching him in a soft manner. "Hey there, sorry for the commotion. I am Erza and we are in the Fairy Tail Guild."
The boy continued to gripped both Natsu's and Gray's arms tightly within his grasp as he was still suffering from the effects of his nightmare and would fall on deaf ears on what the children were asking him. In matter of fact, he didn't even realized his surrounds much at all.

"Ow! Hey let us go!" Gray said as he tried to get him to let go.

"Yeah! We are sorry already!" Natsu said as he also tried too.

In that moment, he immediately let both of them go and the two rubs their own wrists that he grabbed onto. The boy soon placed a hand over his face as he try to concentrate on what was going on while in deep-thought about his dream and trying to remember what happened to him today.
"What was that for?" Erza asked as she inspected Natsu's and Gray's arms.

"We tried to draw on him...." Gray confessed, Natsu giving him a glare as he revealed what they were doing. Erza wasn't too pleased but didn't react on anything.

"Why didn't he answer us..?" Lisanna asked with a shy voice, standing behind Mira as she witness what he did to the two boys.

"I don't know, sis. We just have to wait until he knows what happened."

(How long are we going to play them being little?)
(For awhile longer. I let you know in PM when it time to timeskip down the line.)

There been awkward silence for few minutes as the boy said nothing while everyone else stare at him a bit.

"Is he brain-dead or something?" Natsu said bluntly while he stare at him.

"That's not nice to say, Natsu." Lisanna said turning to him.

Meanwhile Levy would work up the courage and try to speak to the boy. "Uhh...Excuse me..." She said staring at him in which he slowly rise his head a bit to look at her. In that moment, he saw her in possession of his sword. "I think this belong to-...Ahh!" Levy said as after the boy saw the sword he went to a crouching position on the bed immediately and jumped towards Levy to grabbed the sword which he did so. The medical stuff that were attached to his body were removed in that moment as he did this. Though, he would inadvertically knock her down to the ground as she and the rets were caught off guard by his sudden action.

"Oww..." Levy said rubbing herself on her back.

"Levy!" Cana said as she came to her side along with the others.

"You ok?" Elfman said checking on her.

"I think so...He didn't really touch me...Just surprise me..." Levy said as she check herself a bit.

"Hey what's the big idea, pal?!" Gray said shouting at the boy who only growled back with intense look on his face while caressing the sword.

"You want to fight then or something?!" Natsu said as he was ready to throw down along with Gray, but the boy soon ran off out of the room despite just waking up and still covered in bandages on certain areas on his body.

"Hey! Get back here!" Natsu said as he gave chase towards the man.

"Yeah!" Gray did the same as well.

(Do you want the adults to wake up now or wait as the chaos grow and they will come in to stop it all at the last minute?)
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