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Eye of Azuhaar (Broomhandel45 and Candira)


Jan 9, 2009
Isla was having a hard time keeping her cool. It wasn't every day that Ithrel, the confidant of Lord Azuhaar, came to her shop. They often saw each other in the fields around town, taking care of the Ithren lilies together, but Ithrel wasn't usually one for shopping, as it were. It had been a pleasant surprise that morning, when the beautiful elf had graced the shop with her presence.

That would have been exciting enough, but when Ithrel announced that she was there to make arrangements for the lord's wedding, Isla lit up like the sea at sunrise.

"Really?! That's wonderful! I'm so honored you chose me to help you!" The work involved in this kind of event would be back-breaking, but being chosen to do anything for Lord Azuhaar was one of the highest honors in all of Orkathel!

So it was that she was now walking calmly before Ithrel in her large greenhouse behind the shop, showcasing the different kinds of flowers and plants she could work for the blessed day their benevolent lord would take a new wife. To think that her flowers would help bring happiness to such an auspicious day!

"I have many flowers to choose from. I suppose it just depends on the couple's tastes. Even the simple can be made to look splendid with the right combinations and dressing, don't you think?" She smiled, her violet eyes dancing with excitement in the light. "What is this woman like, Lady Ithrel?"
There was a number of reasons that Ithrel had chosen Isla's shop. One of which was the flowers, going into her greenhouse was like hearing a sweet song to her elven ears. The flowers always seemed to thrum with happiness, the air always had the sweetest aroma. Among other things, she was the perfect fit for the wedding. The entire town was starting to grow excited over the prospect of the new celebration, the fifteenth son of Lord Azuhaar (named always after the first one) would take a wife from the village and continue the line proper.

A story which had far more layers than it originally appeared, but that was for another time. Ithrel was amused at her excitement as she slid her fingers through her blonde hair, always adorned with a small collection of Ithren lilies.

"Mm, well," Ithrel mused faintly, her eyes shining with a playful sense of thoughtfulness. "She is very...down to earth, I think," she said, ears twitching faintly. "Always one to study, always one to help...I think she would prefer some simplistic colors and patterns. She has the most beautiful violet eyes, do you have anything that would accentuate that?"
Isla completely missed how similar the woman sounded to herself. She was too caught up in trying to be helpful to notice. Bringing her slightly callused fingers to soft pink lips, she thought for a moment, violet eyes scanning the greenhouse. A studious woman--down to earth and earnest in her desire to help others. What an admirable lady she must have been! She agreed that simplistic schemes were right for this woman--she would have no use for something overly ornate and showy.

"Hmmm...well, yellow flowers would suit violet eyes, but just yellow could be a bit dull, even for someone with simplistic tastes. Then again, a lot of flowers might be overwhelming....How about sunflowers?"

The brunette paused and made her way to a small plot of sunflowers that were currently growing. "They're perfect to symbolize loyalty and happiness. Cheerful like the sun, strong to carry a heavy head, and they always follow the light." Pleased with her choice, she moved toward some smaller, blue flowers. "We could set them off with Blue delphiniums or periwinkle and make her a hairpiece out of the three. Sunflowers and the much smaller delphiniums and periwinkle would make for lovely decorations at the ceremony, too. She could have a small bouquet of daffodils and blue bellflowers since sunflowers would overpower a normal bouquet and dress. Or perhaps we could mix in a few that Lord Azuhaar is fond of. What do you think?"

She waited patiently for Ithrel's feedback, not at all aware of the fact that the elven beauty had been teasing her. Isla normally wasn't quite so dense, but she had already been honored once. Besides, there was more than one woman in the village who liked to study and help others. There had to be more than just her with violet eyes, right? How full of herself would she have to be to make that assumption?
"Hm, yes..." Ithrel mused, finger tapping on her chin as she admired the beautiful display of periwinkle. Isla truly had the gift of the forest in her hands, it was no small surprise why she was called on so often to aid with medicine or flowers. Azuhaar always enjoyed seeing his village bright and colorful to make the people happy, a trait that she eventually had to accept herself. "I think that would work nicely, Isla. Lord Azuhaar is not a picky man, whatever makes his wife seem beautiful will satisfy him," she chuckled. "Do you think you could prepare something that we could present to Azuhaar today? He's curious to see the results."

It was of no consequence, really. She had spent many years knowing his needs and wants, and she would always provide him what he needed.
Pleased that her answer seemed to satisfy Ithrel, Isla beamed. If Ithrel was happy, that meant Lord Azuhaar would be pleased as well. And how sweet that he would think so highly of his wife. He must be quite a man. Dragon. Lord? Yeah, lord.

"If I call in one of my helpers to run the shop for me, I can work on it as soon as they arrive. I can try to make an example of the hairpiece and the bouquet. I'm afraid anything larger would take me going into the fields before long."

The idea occurred to her that she didn't really know much about the people she was making the arrangements for. That wasn't usually the case, but she knew the occasion well enough to put something together. But the finishing touches...she would have liked them to be a little more personal...maybe if she knew...

"Hmmm, I don't suppose you know what her dress will look like? I could try to match the ribbons I use..."
"Something in white, I think," Ithrel mused. "I believe we're going with some red ribbons for some color?" Yes, that'd probably do nicely...something not entirely long and sweeping. Most of the women in Orkathel seemed to prefer the simplistic dresses, save for the richer folk. "I'd be honored to help you," she smiled easily. "It's the least I can do for bringing this up at such short notice."
Hmmm, white and red...she had an interesting material that might look nice with that combination of colors. She looked up in surprise at Ithrel's words. The unofficial goddess of Orkathel looking after her shop? Was that allowed? Of course it was. Why else would Ithrel offer?

"R-really? That would be very helpful. It shouldn't take very long to get the materials together. The arrangements shouldn't take too long. It's just the hairpiece. But are you sure you don't mind running the shop?"
"Take your time," Ithrel grinned easily. "I'm sure it'll be worth the wait, Lord Azuhaar prefers quality over anything else." Among other things, anyway...the entire town was energized from the potential wedding coming up. Perhaps it'd be good for her to go out and calm her nerves when she realized that Lord Azuhaar would be meeting her when they arrived at his estate proper. For now, she wouldn't mind tending to a shop filled with such happy flowers. "And do remember that you'll be meeting Lord Azuhaar in person."
There was a long pause in which Isla forgot how to speak in coherent sentences. Or breathe. Her violet eyes widened as she realized that she would be presenting her work to the lord himself.

"Wh...but...oh my." She put her hand on her heart and then shook her head as if to clear it. "Wow. I can't believe I'll get to meet him myself." Her shock gave way to excitement and the determination to do a good job for the one person she'd always worked to please, consciously or not. "I'll be sure to do my best work. Please call me if you need my help in the shop. Leave this to me."

With that, the brunette started to gather the materials she needed for the headpiece and get ready to put the arrangements together. She immediately set to work on her projects with the happiness of her lord and his new bride-to-be in mind. She wanted nothing more than their joy.
Ithrel wondered what exactly she thought would happen that she couldn't handle, but she found the thought to be more than a little amusing as she watched Isla head off to do only the best for their lord. She rested her elbows on the counter with a pleased little smile, ears flicking gently at the sound of familiar footsteps. It never ceased to amaze her just how grateful the people were, no matter how many generations had passed since Lord Azuuhar had given more than he bargained for to keep Orkathel safe.

Lady Cecila had decided to grace the shop with her presence, her green eyes settled on Ithrel with a faint frown. One of Azuhaar's personal confidants, the noble woman had loosened up considerably at their first meeting...but some things, she simply was insistent on in proper procedure. Some procedures, she simply didn't Azuhaar. She was a beautiful woman, all poise, and grace. Azuhaar could sing her praises all day, but he could do that with any woman if he had enough time.

"You didn't tell her?" she asked curiously. "Isn't that a little wrong?"

"No," Ithrel purred in amusement. "You know Lord Azuhaar, he enjoys that first meeting himself."

"I suppose," Cecila sighed heavily, arms crossing. "And what are you doing?"

"Manning the shop," Ithrel smiled, head tilted to the side a fraction. "Why are you here?"

"I merely wished to see the woman you find suitable for Lord Azuhaar," Cecila muttered. "But I suppose that will have to wait until she is properly told."

"My, that is oddly convenient," Ithrel hummed, much to Cecila's displeasure. "It is almost as if someone's opinion matters little, and doesn't want it to cloud someone's judgment."

Cecila's subtle bristling was not past Ithrel's perceptive eyes, but she ignored it as the noble woman cast her a casual glare before adjusting her cuffs gave a polite bow. Ithrel was impossible to read, and it was an infuriating experience to try and see what she was planning. More to the point, she was unafraid of being very blunt and was her right, and Cecila would not argue the point with her.

"Then I will take my leave, my lady." she mumbled. But she could be a little more graceful about it.

"Good," Ithrel said cheerfully. "Tell Lord Azuhaar he will meet his bride soon enough."
Isla took one of the smaller sunflowers and wove it together with the more delicate periwinkle blooms. She used a delicate touch, crafting a beautiful hairpiece that could be used in multiple ways. It took her the better part of an hour to do the intricate work, but the result was some of her best work.

She set it aside carefully before moving on to the bridal bouquet. She began to him a sweet melody, brushing her silky brown hair back as she gathered the right flowers for her arrangement. Her lovely voice carried into the shop as she dedicated herself to the task.

Before long she had a beautiful arrangement tied with opalescent white ribbon. She thought the two pieces were some of her best work. She managed to put together a larger display for the venue as well. Excited, she practially danced back into the shop.

"They're finished!"
It was unsurprising that Isla's shop was a little more populated than normal. Ithrel was a little more of a regular sight around Orkathel and the children always seemed to gravitate to her, boys would grin and blush at her every word and girls would look at her in awe as all of them clamored for their own special Ithren Lily. It wasn't uncommon, or surprising...Elves in general, were very attractive, and Ithrel had been nothing but graceful and kind to everyone in the village.

Still, there was no large crowd or anything like that. She was a comforting, common presence and the most that Isla had over normal was a girl and her grandfather, eager to see the Druid who had made their village beautiful. Her lazuline eyes followed back to the door to the excited owner, and she couldn't help but return the smile as she rose up from her kneeling posture for the girl and headed over to admire hairpiece.

"It's beautiful," she cooed. "It will look absolutely lovely on her, Isla...this is probably your best work so far."
The small crowd that had gathered around Ithrel's presence was nothing new. It went ignored by Isla in the moment as she showed off the newly-completed pieces. Flushed with victory, her pale skin took on a rosy tone and she puffed up her ample chest just a bit. That Ithrel was pleased only added to her joy.

"I'm so glad you think so! I need to get some boxes for these, but they should be ready after that."

The proud shop owner stretched a bit as she made her way to a drawer with the pieces she needed to carry the flowers over to their intended destination. Her muscles were a bit stiff from concentrating so hard on the work she'd been assigned for Lord Azuhaar.

"Is there anything else we need to do before delivering the work?" She brushed some leaves from her gauzy blue tunic. Though the material was nice, it camouflaged her lovely figure. She wore dark brown riding breeches that were tucked into soft brown boots while she worked--never knew when field work was required. Perhaps, though, this wouldn't be appropriate for sharing her work with Lord Azuhaar...
"Not at all," Ithrel smiled, hands behind her back as she followed after her. "We should get these packed and head to his estate as soon as possible, he's been rather excited to see what his bride would be wearing, he's going to be very excited." she cooed. She supposed it was a little mean, but this is what Azuhaar wanted to do...he wanted to meet his women without them knowing the truth, to see them as honestly as he possibly could.

He was rather adorable in his shyness sometimes.
"Aww, that's so sweet. He must really be fond of her. I'll just lock up the shop when I'm finished with these and we can head out. The larger arrangement sample is a bit heavy and hard to carry though. It might be easier to give you the boxes and let me take the bigger piece. I'm used to hauling them around, even if it's a bit slower."

Gently boxing her new arrangements in their clear casings, Isla carefully marked each container with her stamp--a stargazer lily and butterfly. When that was done, she turned to her customers and announced that the shop would be closing soon and to hurry to finish their business.

When everyone had cleared out, she flipped the sign on the door to "CLOSED" and locked up for the day. She would come back later and handle things if need be. For now, she had very important business to attend to.

"Shall we?"
There was a sense of purpose in everything this woman did, it was very clear. Isla was just used to doing things her way and Ithrel saw no reason to ruin that particular perception, after was just carrying arrangements for her to wear. She would be the little helper for the time being as she settled her arms easily on the boxes. My, she certainly was prepared for this wasn't she? She could appreciate it at least.

"Is this your first time doing arrangements for weddings?" she asked curiously.
"Thank you, so much, Lady Ithrel," she said, a sheepish smile on her face. She wasn't overly fond of asking for help, but she wasn't above asking for it, and Ithrel was really the only other person to ask.

"Hm? Oh, no. I've done small weddings before. Some were simple, others were more...lavish. But I think they were all happy in the end. I'm just glad my flowers could be a part of them. In any case, I don't think I've ever done something quite on the level you're asking for, but I'll manage."

With that, Isla took some cords and tied them around the large urn with the bigger arrangement and fashioned a harness out of the rest so she could more easily carry it. She held the flowers in front of her, the harness supporting the weight as she held the ungainly thing.

"After you," she said, since she couldn't see very well through the mass of flora assembled in front of her face.
"Are you sure you don't want me to carry that?" Ithrel said in amusement, nevertheless heading down the street with her boxes in tow and taking charge. People were both in awe and amused to see Isla lug the large display by herself, but Ithrel was hardly surprised...the women here were about as stubborn and sturdy as the men. A trait that Azuhaar seemed to enjoy to no end, why...Ithrel hardly could say, she often thought long hours with Ceclia would make her want to pull her hair out. "It is quite the walk to the estate, after all."
"Oh, I'll probably regret my decision about half way there, but it doesn't feel right making you carry this, you know? You're my customer, in a manner of speaking. I should carry it."

Shrugging, she walked along with Ithrel, taking in the occasional stares from others. She just smiled in return. She probably did look foolish.

"I'll be alright. So, how are things going for you lately?"
"If you insist," Ithrel chuckled faintly. "Nothing of importance, I assure glamorous as you all think it is to run Orkathel, it is rather peaceful and has been for many decades...I dare say the worst thing is hearing the nobility talk about the problems that haven't been problems for years," she mused. "Truly, you humans worry about so many insignificant things...that is why Lord Azuhaar's sons and myself have been so dedicated to making your town free of worries."

She supposed it wasn't really going to be a secret to her much longer, was it? Still, they were barely halfway and Azuhaar's estate went up a immaculately made stone staircase into a beautiful courtyard. It was hardly as opulent as other cities, but it was still impressive to see.
The cords were starting to dig in a little, but her arms were starting to get a little tired, so it only made sense. Oh well, as long as everything made it safely, she supposed it was worth it. Tightening her grip on the urn itself, Isla continued to walk with Ithrel, peaking around the flowers as she went.

"Thank you for listening to us worry anyway. We can't really help it, being mortal. I suppose it must be pretty boring for you. But isn't it better that things are calm and peaceful? I know I'm so grateful for what you and Lord Azuhaar's line have done for all of us. I wouldn't be able to do what I do without you both."
"Boring?" Ithrel laughed. Her laugh was almost a song in of itself, musical and happy...and somewhat surprising to hear. "Peace is hardly a bore, Isla...peace is happiness, to see you grow and is both the most beautiful and heartwarming thing that I have ever been part of, and I would never leave this home while I am still here." she smiled, staring up at the estate fondly. If there was one thing this life had taught her, that mortality was a painful, beautiful experience.

Still, she would cherish every moment of it.
Well, didn't she feel silly for trying to guess what Ithrel felt? It served her right. Assumptions make an ass of you and me after all. Ever so gracefully, Ithrel corrected her and imparted the gift of her real thoughts to Isla, and that made the botanist happy.

"Well, I'm glad you feel that way. I know I try to make the most of the time I was given. I only hope Orkathel makes you proud."

She paused for a moment to take in the view of the estate, impressed--a little awed--by its sheer size and grandeur. There was no other place in Orkathel quite like this, and Isla had never had the pleasure of being so close to it before.

"Wow..." Despite her initial awe, Isla hoped they'd arrive soon. The urn was getting heavy!
"Mm, you like it?" Ithrel said in amusement, glancing back at her and unable to hide her smile. "...Are you sure you don't want me to carry it on the way up?" She was commited to this, wasn't she? But that looked impressively heavy. "I'd rather not have you exhaust yourself on your very first meeting to Lord Azuhaar." He was his own character, and...well, most people needed more than just a good day to get them to handle the first meeting.
"Well, it is a beautiful building. These stairs will be a challenge, though," she said, nervously laughing.

At Ithrel's offer she seriously paused for a moment to consider what might happen to her if she actually tried to carry the urn up all those stairs. The best case scenario was that she would arrive with the flowers in pristine condition but need several minutes to recover and have delightful red marks on her skin from her foolish mistake. The worst case involved that beautiful arrangement in a smashed urn at the bottom of the steps. Neither were particularly favorable in her opinion. Sighing, Isla knelt down and set the tall urn on the ground, undoing the harness to give herself a break because it was really starting to smart. It was best to know one's limits, after all.

"Phew. Well, I feel better, but this is a pretty long way up," she mused, pushing her hair back. " much as I would appreciate your taking this up all by yourself, and am aware you could probably do it with relative ease, I feel awful asking you to do it. Maybe we could both carry it up? We could each take hold of the rim and lift it up that way."

It seemed a shame to abandon her burden now, and Ithrel was still the customer. They could each take a box in their free hands and haul the bigger piece together. This was why she needed to seriously consider hiring on a shop boy for deliveries.
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