DragonBall Plus (Koibito & LadyAthene)

No! No, no, no, no!

Somehow, everything seemed to be backfiring against Tsuzume. And ... it was beginning to annoy her. Very much so, actually. Her eyes narrowed as Tsuzume bit onto her lower lip, tightly holding the joystick. A few times, she felt as if she were about to rip the damn thing out -- which, after taking the test against the punching machine -- wasn't an impossible thing for her to maybe end up doing. He head bowed forward slightly as she began to pant rapidly. Even though Tsuzume was controlling Mira, she felt as if she was the actual person fighting. Not some fictional assassin, but her very self.

Stop. Breathe. Calm down ...

Tsuzume's head lifted sharply upward, glancing in time to see Kyoku charging forward.

"HELL NO!" she growled, the tone of her voice suddenly becoming more fierce and competitive than ... ever. Even in their classes, Kyoku would never have heard Tsuzume speak quite like this. And now that she briefly thought on it, she realized the significance.

... But just as hastily shook it off and away, not wanting to risk losing due to distracting herself yet again.

Stop. Focus ...

Taking a long, deep breath, Tsuzume moved the joystick again, guiding Mira closer to the monk. When the distance was closed between them, she executed another grapple, panting but smirking happily.

... Only to feel her eyes widen again as she was quickly reminded that Senkyomashuyan could also do throws. He, however, had a major difference versus Mira. Some of his could be done from a longer range, even across the screen.

And by the time she remembered, it was too late.

Both Mira and Tsuzume elicited a pained cry. The announcer soon added, "ROUND ONE, OVER! WINNER, SENKYOMASHUYAN!"

"Son of a bitch," Tsuzume growled, inhaling sharply as the screen reset and both characters were put across from one another.

Thank god it's always the best two out of three, Tsuzume reminded herself.

"Round two! Fight!"

Not even waiting to see what Kyoku would or wouldn't do, Tsuzume had Mira charge forward - albeit in the same, slightly reckless manner as her friend usually would - and tried to go for a brutal uppercut.
"Yes! Yes c'mon!" Growled Kyoku, "aaaaaaannnd..." Senkyomashuyan thrust out his orbs and they connected, "gotcha!" he declared.

The monk pulled the assassin into a brutal move that despite it's lower damage dealt a lot of strikes and flung her away. The move's end was made so that it could be combo'd out of, Kyoku took full advantage barraging the rest of her health to nothing before the first round was cleared.

"Whew shit!" laughed Kyoku, shaking off the nerves before grabbing the joystick again. Round two began and Tsuzume rushed in.

Kyoku was a slacker, he was a lazy kid with little focus beyond girls - this even being the motivation behind his focus on the game - who never really put his all into anything. If there was anything he was good at however, it was timing, learned from hours of mindless gaming, and Senkyomashuyan had a counter.

As Tsuzume started the fight with an uppercut, Kyoku started the fight by countering it. The monk striking a pose and if he was hit by the uppercut, he would instead counter it and start off the match with a good hit already.

... Would it really be so bad? To lose this one time?

If it weren't for the fact Tsuzume was in the midst of controlling Mira, she would gladly have stopped and literally slapped herself.

Don't be fucking stupid! she inwardly scolded, frowning at the mere thought that had tried to course through her mind. Seriously, the fuck did that come from?

Sure, part of it was linked to curiosity. Tsuzume had always been - metaphorically, but still - at the top of pretty much everything. Clearly, her subconscious was wondering slightly what it would be like to be on the opposite spectrum. And ... well ... the idea didn't exactly go away. If anything, it strengthened. Yet despite the lewd 'what-ifs' repeating, she managed to keep enough focus on the screen in front of her. The change in her expression and crimson tinges, however, would imply to Kyoku her mind wasn't all there, per se.

"Urgh!" she growled, grimacing in a mix of anger and self-guided frustration as Kyoku managed to make the monk counter her hit.

... It still technically went through. Not at full strength, no, but ... in order to execute that, he had to take some of the damage ...

Eliciting a deep sigh, Tsuzume calmed herself before trying to formulate a quick, effective idea. Nodding to herself, she had Mira lower herself slightly, trying to roll underneath the monk's arms and end up behind him. From there, the blonde-haired assassin would work on getting him in a choke hold from behind, using both arms to wrap firmly around Senkyomashuyan's neck. Whereas most people would think Mira may let go after choking the holy man out for ten or so seconds, the crowd would soon see their guess would be wrong.

Tsuzume held down on the proper button, intending to use the choke hold to try to end the second round and defeat Senkyomashuyan with this very technique.
The counter landed, seeing Senkyomashuyan pulling her strike towards him before he barraged her with kicks as he floated.

Taking another chunk of damage off, less than he had to take to do it, Kyoku readied himself as Tsuzume dove in with Mira, getting the woman behind him before she nabbed him in a choke hold. Mia's hold could last and do bits of damage until it was broken out of and so with this in mind Kyoku started to shake the stick.

Just before he broke free however he stopped. The energy he saved up before having built up to another super - although not quite an ultimate yet - Kyoku instead saved the last jerk from her hold for his super. The trick was that with the first hit breaking her hold, he hoped that the second would trap her quickly into the super attack.

Either way Kyoku broke out of the hold and after using his super, a different one than before, he would back away from her before going into his specialty of long range combos.

Kyoku couldn't lose this. Tsuzume gave him something to work for to say the least, Kyoku just had to win as this could be a once in a lifetime opportunity. His thoughts wandered again to the overly serious, strong personality of Tsuzume, picturing her telling him to just go ahead at her already. Still he shook off the thought, he had to focus, if he won he would get to see her for real anyway, daydreams would not ruin this for him.

The boy kept his focus and continued his attack on his opponent.

Got him ... there we go ... son of a bitch!

Tsuzume shot Kyoku a brief but very stern and competitive glare. Absolutely no effort was made or attempted to hide how much she disliked the fact he made the monk escape her hold. Still, she forced herself to look back at the screen and focused on the here and now.

.... Moving .... back? I see ....

"Not this time!" She declared, attempting to rush Mira forward and tackle Senkyomashuyan before anything could hit her.

Tsuzume's breathing patterns were now staying at a new, constant pace, consisting of multiple, labored breaths. Sweat was falling faster down her forehead, and the only time she even acknowledged it was if some of the beads tried to affect how she moved the joystick or which buttons she pushed. Even then, she didn't do nearly as much as she should have. Instead, she stared straight ahead .... wanting to at least win one round to make it a tie.

... And yet, that same sensation from earlier kept taunting her.

Let him win ...

Why this was pestering her was beyond Tsuzume's guess. Her head shook and, assuming she managed to succeed with the tackle, she began assaulting the monk with punches, all aimed for his face. Each would get more brutal than the last, and Mira wouldn't stop unless she was forced to cease, Senkyomashuyan was knocked out, or some other option that was temporarily escaping Tsuzume's mind.
As Tsuzume shot him such a glare, despite his focus Kyoku had to look back at her. The boy grinned widely, he loved that serious look of hers, especially as he was the one coming out on top so far. It was a glare he hoped to keep seeing as he kept pushing.

"Tch!..." They both returned to their screens and Tsuzume rushed in, Mira tackling Senkyomashuyan and pummeling his face.

Crap, crap, crap!

Kyoku gritted his teeth as he tried to break free. His health was dropping fast as she repeatedly bashed him in the face, but as he took almost the rest of his life damage his super bar filled again. At the last second, Kyoku gave a shout as he hurled the stick to the side and broke out of her attack.

Immediately Kyoku used the last super he hadn't used yet. The monk reared back, his orbs floating forward in a circle, and thrusting his hands forward a large beam of energy was fired for her. It was a devastating move that could be dodged with average skill, leaving Senkyomashuyan open if the move didn't hit which would spell his loss of the round.

So it came down to this move. It was big and so not the easiest to dodge but not the hardest either. It would either hit and finish her off, or it would miss and she would no doubt be able to take him out once he became vulnerable.

Better ....

Still, she had a considerable ways to go. Peeking up at her own health bar, it was about 70% full which wasn't too bad. Not overall. Given the second round had just begun and it was already in such a state, however, was horrible on her behalf.

At least the onslaught of hits did a good number on him also ... she mused, noting the monk's health bar dropped a considerable amount. By the time Mira was shoved away, it was close to 50%, if not that.

"Never thought I'd need to do this ... " she muttered, not really caring if he head. After all, the word 'this' was way too vague. It wasn't like she was giving many hints. First thing was first though; she had to wait. Her tongue lgihtly flicked across her lips as she got them a bit wet, noticing they'd dried up slightly from the air and not having had anything to drink since the food court.


This time, she managed to make Mira side step instead of block, side stepping away like she'd originally wanted to the first time around. Whether Kyoku had been paying heed to her own rage bar or not .. well ... he would realize soon enough her own had definitely been full. Tsuzume simply lost the chance to use an ultimate move in the first round. But now that it was very obvious she needed to use these sots of tactics - and the perfect chance had arrived - she wouldn't be denied that. Not if she could help it.

The combo would begin with a relatively simple move; a punch in the gut. It was after that moment the move became far more deadly. Mira spun much like a gymnast would, holding firmly onto the monk's neck and head. If one took the time to notice, however, she moved slightly down. And by the time she guided herself and Senkyomashuyan down onto the ground, it was obvious what the real goal was. To execute a painful, powerful technique on the arm. Even without being an anatomy expert, it was easy to guess the move would have had potential to break an elbow, arm, or both. Suffice to say, it was not a nice move to use on an actual person.

But then, that was why it was being executed in a video game.

Mira would then roll away, though not before kicking Senkyomashuyan away to give herself even more distance.

There would be two moments of truth; the first if the move worked or not. Second, whether he would still be alive after it finished or knocked out. Tsuzume prayed both - or at least the first at the very least - would end up coming true.
Tsuzume maneuvered Mira and dodged Kyoku's super leaving his character completely vulnerable. There was nothing he could do as she retaliated.

The assassin prepared her own super attack and Senkyomashuyan sat panting for moments that she took advantage of. The strike to the gut sealed the super combo, getting Mira around the monk and onto his arm, snapping it easily.

It was a devastating super attack and as Kyoku watched his health fall he prayed he would survive the move, though it seemed his prayers were not answered.




His health fell closer and closer at each impact of the combo, and as she yanked his arm he had already dropped to 5%. As she pulled and the monk's arm snapped, the move took the rest of his health and Mira, Tsuzume's character was declared winner of the second round. Now the two were tied and would have one last match to decide it all.

The monk got back up and retreated to his side of the field across from where the assassin would retreat to as well. The words appearing on screen as the announcer called them out.

Round 3


Kyoku's brow beaded with as much sweat as Tsuzume, the two competitive players getting into it now. Still, Kyoku was determined and as soon as he had the chance he tried to sweep her with a long range combo.

"Hehe ... "

... It would either be an unexpected reaction or something Kyoku had been ready for. But ultimately, it would probably be determined by her explanation. "If ... I'd known .... things like this would get you to be more serious with me, I would have tried this a lot sooner. Damn. Didn't think you had this sorta energy in you. Thanks ... for proving me wrong."

While the fighters were being put back into their respective starting locations, Tsuzume took advantage of the screen having to reset, raised her arm, and wiped as much sweat off her forehead as she could, stopping as the third round was officially declared to begin. Her head quickly moved as she shoved the joystick harshly to the right, causing Mira to move in said direction. "Nu-uh!" she growled. "Not this time!"

Now that Tsuzume took the time to properly recall Senkyomashuyan was one of the few people who excelled and specialized in long-range combos, she better realized what Kyoku was intending to do. Admittedly, it was the smart move to make, as Mira was basically the opposite. Whereas the monk was better with ranged attacks and techniques, Mira had been made to deal with people in a very up-close and personal matter.

... Almost exactly the same way that the controller of said femme fatale preferred. It was no doubt easy to assume that was why Tsuzume enjoyed using Mira; because it was almost like seeing herself in a video game. Just ... as a different heritage, given the appearance differences.

Instead of simply charging right into the monk, however, she would abruptly drop and roll, sweeping once Mira got back onto her feet and trying to make Senkyomashuyan fall onto his back. From there, she'd assault him with the same barrage of punches she'd done earlier in the last round. Sure, it was slightly repetitive, but not as much as it could have been. With the hopes that at least the roll and sweep parts were new, Tsuzume hoped she could make Mira get the move executed well enough.
Hearing Tsuzume next to him, Kyoku grinned, giving a chuckle in return. It was an intense match and above all, it was fun competing with her.

Her words however set his cheeks ablaze as they brightened to a light red, Kyoku chuckling bashfully now at Tsuzume's revelation of just what drew out the motivation in the boy. The second half of her phrase, surprised at the energy he had in him, thanking him for proving her wrong, these only riled his imagination as he pictured her saying the same thing about his sexual ability which in turn only motivated him more. He absolutely couldn't lose this.

"Heh... Yeah" he said bashfully, knowing she would pick up enough on his reaction before his more naughty thoughts took hold.

"Hah!" Called Kyoku in effort as his movements now crashed the buttons and joystick loudly, his moves fast and hard. His combo was dodged and Mira swept Senkyomashuyan, sending the monk onto his back. However, Kyoku hit the joystick just so at just the right moment, rolling out of Mira's combo before Kyoku attempted his own combo now that he was closer and not as easy to dodge.

This time he struck with a mid range combo, trying to get in as many hits as possible and take what he could, hoping he could build the rage meter to full. He had tested his supers on her but if he could get off his ultimate attack, the devastating move that Senkyomashuyan had would win this for him if he could just get it.

"Hah ... hah .... whew .... "

I didn't realize the toll was becoming this much, Tsuzume inwardly mused, frowning slightly and finding herself - admittedly - a bit amused. Usually, only two things made her exhausted to the point of wanting to go to sleep really quickly after finishing them; martial arts lessons or a really good masturbation session with herself.

But who knows? You may get that second option anyway. It is Kyoku you're going against, after all. It's definitely not an impossible thought ...

The possibility made Tsuzume smirk, chuckle, and blush - all in that order - as she continued otherwise silently guiding Mira, giving orders on what to do to Senkyomashuyan. "Fuck," Tsuzume growled as he dodged and countered with his own combo. She gripped the joystick and pulled it backwards, helping Mira roll away, though not before her bar fell drastically. A quick glance upward at both health bars easily indicated the match would soon end. And Kyoku definitely had the odds in his favor.

... However, he was still against Tsuzume. She wasn't simply going to hand the match over, even though part of her was whining and internally begging to do just that. No. She was too prideful, too fucking stubborn to resort to such things.

"Alright then ... " she muttered, looking down at her own rage bar. Almost enough was saved up and contained so she could use another ultimate. She just needed another push, as it were. So, while Senkyomashuyan was still on the other side of the screen, she performed her own taunt -- a very seductive gesture meant to keep the opponent metaphorically stuck in place. Mira swayed her hips and even went so far as to blow the monk a kiss. She then raised a hand in front of her mouth and went so far as to chuckle at the holy man, as if saying 'Hah! You're too far out of your league to get with me!'

And then .... she moved Mira forward, trying to have her run forward and hit Senkyomashuyan first before he got to her as she would attempt to begin her own ultimate attack against the monk.
The match had come down to this. The both of their rage bars were at full after Mira's taunt and they both now were trying to get off their ultimate moves.

This is it... I'm have to win this... Kyoku thought to himself as he ran in at the same time as Tsuzume, crashing the joystick forward almost in unison with the girl as their characters bolted forward.

Senkyomashuyan, like his other moves, had a complicated ultimate. It involved a rather intense combo that was hard to pull off but once connected it would send the opponent into a flurry of combos before really unleashing his powers.

The move, if connected, would hit with a rare close quarters palm strike before another, and then another. A flurry of strikes would appear as if afterimages of his hands and barrage the opponent before exploding with power that sent the opponent up. From there larger palm shaped energy strikes would barrage even harder and faster as he prepared a large energy ball which the large hand shaped energies would carry it to the opponent in an explosive flash. That was, if it hit.

With everything he had, as swiftly as he could, Kyoku struck with the monk as Tsuzume tried to get off Mira's, the boy only able to hope his connected first.

... This is it. The all or nothing moment. It really is do or die.

Both were at an appropriate life ratio where if one person got their ultimate off, the other would die and lose the fight. Plain and simple. For the briefest of moments, Tsuzume shut her eyes, concentrating on herself. Her body, in particular her heart. It was racing frantically. When had been the last time it ever pumped blood this quickly? She couldn't immediately recall. What Tsuzume did know was she didn't often feel this ... challenged. Alive. Anything of the like.

And up until now, she almost forgot how amazing it had felt.

However, a new sensation was starting to take over the excitement. It came in the form of annoyance. Hadn't Senkyomashuyan moved too far already?

I mean, doesn't he have mainly mid and long-range moves? The fuck is Kyoku doing?

... It shouldn't have bothered Tsuzume so much, but it was if only for reason. Kyoku had been proving throughout these matches he was actually being serious. Thus, it implied she was forgetting something. And that 'something' could very well cost her this match.

... He doesn't have any up-close combos though .... does he?

It sounded dumb for a monk not to have at least one melee move. Yet, off the top of her head, she couldn't recall any move from Senkyomashuyan's list that would allow him to be in Mira's face and execute a powerful set of moves.

... But ... the closer Kyoku guided Senkyomashuyan towards her assassin, the more likely it seemed that he would indeed need to resort to such a technique.

Whatever. Just worry about getting your own done. Then, it'll be over and ---

That was as far as her train of thought got. Soon, the beginning of her own ultimate was interrupted by the monk's.

"Son of a bitch!" she cursed out loud, mashing frantically in an effort to roll backwards, somehow get out of range. But ... no such luck. This time, her commands weren't listened to. And so, as everything started, Tsuzume let go of the joystick, knowing exactly what would happen after the monk finished his flashy execution.

"Round over! Winner - Senkyomashuyan!"

Despite having lost, Tsuzume couldn't help but smirk and turn to look at Kyoku. At least five minutes of silence - well, from her, anyway - would linger before Tsuzume elicited an exhausted but equally content sigh before finally speaking.

" ... Alright. Come on. Let's head to my home so you can have your ... victory. I hate to admit it, but you definitely did earn it."
Everything came down to that last moment... The two warriors came together and it would be a split second timing who got off their move first...

It was Senkyomashuyan...

The monk just barely clipped ahead at the last second. It's strike connected and the barrage of moves began, Mira was shredded as countless palm strikes barraged her through a flashy ultimate before finally blasting her into oblivion. The scene ended with a calm line from Senkyoyashuman before in big bold letters accompanied by the narrator's voice displayed, "Winner! Senkyomashuyan!" across the screen.

Kyoku had won.

First the small crowd erupted behind them, they had all pretty much never seen such an intense match from the game and as Tsuzume stayed silent for moments, applause and cheers filled the space.

Kyoku panted, his heart racing and sweat beading at his brow. He won, he had actually won. The adrenaline was draining from him as the match ended in his favor and he barely could comprehend the moment before Tsuzume finally did speak with a sight.

Kyoku's mouth stretched into a wide grin. Reaching out, he grabbed her hand, shaking it as a sign of sportsmanship. That was however, before he ran off with her, pulling Tsuzume through the crowds and hurrying them out of the mall, "lets go!" he agreed with Tsuzume, nearly sprinting over to her place.

Now the only challenge Kyoku was concerned with was what he should dare his friend to do first.

Tsuzume smiled, glad to see Kyoku hadn't forgotten what it meant to show good sportsmanship. Almost anyone else probably would have. But ... that was definitely another thing Tsuzume respected and appreciated about her best - if not a bit immature - friend. He knew when to be serious, and when to be just as courteous. He just ... wasn't always good at showing those sorts of reactions or emotions. He usually preferred staying to his more flirty side, for a lack of a better wording.

And on any other given day, Tsuzume would side with all the other girls and concur that, yes, he deserved a scolding, slap, what have you.

But tonight ... would be different, due solely to the stakes that had been added before they officially played the fighting game. Now, Tsuzume found herself being dragged hastily out o the mall and towards her house.

... What would happen?

She'd already ensured no sex, as that had been a condition. But how far would he otherwise go?

Tsuzume couldn't help but blush slightly, feeling eager and a bit anxious to find out. However, first thing was first. As such, the first thing Kyoku saw upon entering her house - aside from the den - was Tsuzume raising her right index finger.

"I don't know about you but ... before we start .... I'm gonna grab some drinks. You know where my room is. You've been here before so ... go on and head over there. Get comfortable. Don't touch anything just yet though; you're not in charge until I enter and we officially start this All-Dare game."

Allowing her words to sink in, Tsuzume pivoted and headed to the kitchen, opening the refrigerator door. A quick peek inside revealed that even someone as serious as Tsuzume sometimes drank sodas. She just tried to consume more healthier options, such as tea or water. In the end, she took a bit of everything with her.

When Kyoku next saw Tsuzume, she had two water bottles in one hand and two soda cans in the other. Taking a moment to divide the beverages up so she had one soda and water - as did Kyoku - Tsuzume then sat down on her bed. Although she usually wore a very confident expression on her face, Kyoku would see a different version. A much more honest one. Now, she was wearing signs of anticipation and uncertainty. Yet even with those types of emotions reflecting in her eyes, there was a sense of trust, which was a hell of a thing to notice, particularly from Tsuzume.

It was rare for her to even show any sort of type of faith towards anyone.

So to do so for even Kyoku was ... quite the gift.

"I'm expecting you to keep to your promises you made," she reminded, more for her own sake than his. "When you're ready ... begin. I'm sure you've got some ideas and thoughts you wanna express, yes?"

While waiting for his answer, Tsuzume unscrewed the cap attached to the water bottle and sipped some of the cool liquid, sighing in relief as the contents began to soothe her dry and slightly aching throat.
The duo quickly arrived at Tsuzume's place and as soon as they entered, Kyoku was sent to Tsuzume's room. The boy nodded to Tsuzume's instructions and let her off to grab drinks as he headed for the room.

Moving through the den and down the hall, Kyoku reached the white painted door. Reaching for the gold colored handle he let himself into the room and took a seat on the floor. The boy looked around merely to do something as he waited, given that he had been there many times and had already seen everything her room had to offer.

Tsuzume entered with the drinks and Kyoku took the options she provided. He opted for the soda first, popping the tab with a hiss of carbonation released from the can before he took a long drink. Kyoku needed it after the intense game they had and then running straight here. He sighed heavily in satisfaction as they both took a refreshing drink. It was then that Tsuzume gave him the go ahead to begin, and Kyoku grinned widely.

"Yeah... Yeah I got somethin'" Kyoku started as he stood up, pacing back and forth with his hand on his chin as if he was contemplating the most important of thoughts and perhaps in this moment it was to him.

Throwing up his index finger as he looked to Tsuzume, Kyoku wore his grin plastered across his face. "Well then I guess first thing's first" said Kyoku as he eyed Tsuzume up and down.

"I've always wanted to see what you were hiding under that Gi" the boy remarked as he smirked to his best friend, "I dare you to strip in front of me, take it all off" he gave his first instruction. His heart raced with anticipation even just saying these words, his head swimming as it drown in the disbelief that this was actually happening. Kyoku bit his lip and folded his arms, standing back and watching to see just how Tsuzume would take this first dare of his.

Although Kyoku only took one or two minutes to think on his dare, it felt a lot longer. And perhaps because of that, the pause made Tsuzume more curious and also nervous at the same time. There were tons of options he had. Even though she couldn't see what exact route he could take, this was one of her closest friends. So, it was only natural that Tsuzume did at least have several ideas on things he could have asked for her to do.

.... It therefore wasn't overly amazing he asked to see her nude. She just ... didn't quite expect Kyoku to go right to that.

" ... Not wasting time, are ya?" she mused, hiding away all emotions and reactions to the dare. Yet, it wasn't done out of pure spite or anything of the like. It was for an even simpler - if not somewhat stupid - reason. In all honest to gods truth, even Tsuzume wasn't sure how she felt.

On one hand, it made her that much more relieved she'd included the 'no sex' stipulation. After all, if he was already going straight to this, that would have probably been the next three to five requests he would have asked of her. And then, on the opposite spectrum, she was almost regretting it.

But definitely not enough to speak up now and take her words back.

" ... Alright then."

Placing the cap back on her water bottle, Tsuzume first exhaled deeply before setting her drink aside.

Finally, her hands lowered, resting beside her hips.

Unfortunately, she'd found a loophole in his request. He only said to strip. Kyoku never said, however, it had to be done quickly.

So, though step one wasn't perhaps the most sexiest thing he would see her do, it was - in Tsuzume's mind - the best way to begin this impromptu strip tease. Her shoes were first and foremost kicked off, with the socks being tucked away into the sneakers.

Next, she stood up, sliding off the bed and let her hands actually move to the zipper and button holding her skirt up. A quick downward movement and ... it slid off, revealing the white set of panties the uniform had been concealing.

Taking a moment to toss the dirty skirt away into the hamper resting in the corner of her room, Tsuzume then copied the same tactic with her blouse, revealing a matching bra covering her breasts.

Now her face did turn a bit crimson. She didn't need a mirror to see what Kyoku would. Even without having done anything major, her nipples were already a bit stiff from arousal and anticipation.

"Don't judge," she muttered under her breath, keeping her hands still for a minute or so in order to allow him a view of her body with lingerie still on.

When she felt he'd received enough time, her hands resumed traveling, reaching around and unhooking the clasps of her bra. As it fell away, her actual breasts would finally come into view. And if Kyoku could determine just from looking - or took the time to try to read the tag while the bra was hurled into the hamper - he'd read the label and/or judge her size to be 75Fs.

Once more, Tsuzume's hands traveled a bit south, now shaking slightly. Apparently, this was the part that was making her the most anxious.

... There were likely a few obvious reasons as to why, even without seeing what was making Tsuzume hesitate.

However, when she finally removed the panties, it was even more apparent what the source of her anxiety had been.

Kyoku would also notice that save for the hair upon her head, Tsuzume was completely bald everywhere else. Including between her legs.

Originally, it really had just been done because it made her feel more clean. Thinking back on it, however, maybe a bit of Tsuzume's id had kicked in and she did it in hopes of adding in the most subtle incentives of including 'increasing sex appeal' for why she truly did this.

Either way, she was just as proud as the poor teenager was embarrassed to show her true body off to Kyoku.

" .... Done. Now what?" she asked, holding her wrists behind her back to avoid covering her more sensual areas up.
"Heh..." Kyoku gave a chuckle as his cheeks flushed ever so slightly. It was less from nerves and more from anticipation, his adrenaline that earlier had drained from him in their game was rushing back at full force as he waited for Tsuzume to begin. "Well.. You know me" he said vaguely, not quite sure how to respond beyond that.

His heart skipped a beat as Tsuzume stood up. Kyoku stood back, giving her all the room she needed and making sure he could get the full view of his best friend as he would finally get to see all of her. He grinned as she kicked off her shoes and socks, before he swallowed hard at the swift motion that let her skirt fall to the floor. It was as if it had just registered that it was actually happening, and nothing could hide the excitement shown through the sudden emergence of the growing bulge in Kyoku's jeans.

The boy smirked as Tsuzume then stripped away her top, leaving herself in just her undergarments. Kyoku immediately noticed the perky nipples poking through her white bra and he grinned widely. When she told him not to judge, her casual words about it only served to arouse him further - it just seemed to suit Tsuzume.

"Never~" Kyoku answered simply but honestly.

The dark haired boy's eyes widened a bit as her bra was then cast to the floor. Her breasts were finally revealed to him and Kyoku took in the sight in all it's glory. Kyoku knew Tsuzume's chest was big but the exact size never really was known by him until now. Her large, firm, plump breasts, those nipples... It would have been the most perfect sight if that number one spot wasn't then taken as Tsuzume pushed her panties to the floor.

Kyoku's jaw dropped as he was mesmerized by the sight. Tsuzume was completely shaven, her pussy was entirely bare and those sweet little lower lips were on full display under her perfectly smooth pubis.

"W-wow...." The boy gasped before he grinned deviously, "Amazing!" Kyoku exclaimed as he eyed her up and down, getting more aroused as she posed in such a way to let him view all of her. Even more, she gave a quick, casual question, 'Now what?' as if they weren't doing anything special. Something about that just did it for Kyoku, the closeness, the way that his best friend was just doing this like nothing, more than anything probably just more reminder that it was indeed Tsuzume, the Tsuzume he had always known.

Now what indeed. Kyoku cleared his throat as he stiffened up and loosened his stance, acting as if he didn't just react at all. "Nice.." he said as if to correct his fawning over her, to look more 'cool' to his best friend.

"Hmmm..." As he thought, Kyoku couldn't take his eyes off her, but after another short moment he had his next dare for Tsuzume.

"I dare you..." Kyoku grinned, looking Tsuzume in the eye as if challenging her, "... To strip me next, with your own hands" he said, "or whatever you wanna use" clarified Kyoku with a wink.

It seemed after having taken the dive, he did want some form of elongated play. Though he was reckless, impatient, and a hopeless pervert, even Kyoku knew that it wouldn't be any fun to just hurry this to the end, especially without giving her a bit more of a challenge. Now she'd have to get even more personal and remove his outfit; jeans, black shirt, and a purple button up over it (minus shoes that he had already kicked off when he got to her room), and see him bare as well - except she would have to be up close.

Indeed, Kyoku's response on him never judging Tsuzume for revealing she was in a semi-aroused state before fully stripping was ... well ... simple. Laughably so. Even still, the words were ... sincere. Honest. Real. Those implications that Kyoku managed to include in the answer helped her feel ... better. Not nearly as slutty as she probably should. In fact, a ghost of a smile could be found should he look hard enough, or in the right location for that matter.



Tsuzume couldn't help but smirk. There was something ... intriguing about his answers. Sure, they were laughably uncomplicated. But ... it was just how Kyoku was. And hell, there was a reason the proverb 'simpler is sometimes better' did exist. He was a perfect example of this, for one. But more importantly - point number two - it was Tsuzume's own reassurance. This was indeed the Kyoku she'd known and grown up with that was gawking at her.

So ... if this had to be happening, at least it was occurring with someone she trusted instead of a mere stranger.

Thus hearing his natural answers helped Tsuzume. Calmed her. Consoled her even tat yes, she was with the correct, immature friend of hers and no one else.

While Kyoku shifted and got more comfortable, Tsuzume subconsciously took note of his steadily growing erection ... unsure whether she regretted noticing it or was happy her eyes found the semi-hard appendage sporting within the confines of Kyoku's pants.

"I dare you ... To strip me next, with your own hands or whatever you wanna use"

" ... You know," Tsuzume quipped, unable to help but chortle softly, "That smug attitude may bite you in the ass one day. Just be careful."

Tsuzume had considered talking even more, as she found few ways to remove clothing whilst using anything besides hands. However, an idea came to her. And she fully intended to use it.

And .. well ... only time would reveal if he liked it or not.

.... Who are you kidding? This is fucking Kyoku; of course he'll enjoy it.

After reminding and inwardly scolding herself of almost temporarily forgetting who sh was with, Tsuzume moved forward, feeling her own heart begin to rapidly race in her chest. First was the purple button up, which was slowly - almost at a pain-achingly if not borderline lazy - pace, removed. Whereas Tsuzume threw her own clothes into the hamper with the other dirty fabrics, she put Kyoku's in a nearby chair.

Next, the black shirt was removed, placed in the same chair as his purple over shirt.

When she got to his pants though ... that was when things took a considerable turn, and very likely - hopefully - for the more better direction.

Tsuzume sank to her knees, ignoring the heat rushing to her face and crotch from moving to a very ... sensual position. Her fingers undid the button keeping Kyoku's denims on. The zipper, however, was carefully trapped between her teeth. With the same caution, she began pulling it slowly down, flushing even harder as the sight of Kyoku's cock became more and more obvious.

All that separated her eyes from actually being met with the true display of the member were his boxers.

So - after gulping tensely - Tsuzume released the zipper and, after helping Kyoku step out of the blue jeans, veered her hands up yet again. The shaking had definitely increased by now, becoming much more noticeable than when Tsuzume stripped herself. Holding onto the edges of Kyoku's boxers, she pulled them down, gasping softly as his cock was finally free and out in the open.

.... Oh god ...

Even without saying those words aloud, her expression all but revealed what was racing through her head. Tsuzume stared at the twitching shaft; mouth open agape slightly and feeling her body get warmer and warmer with each passing second.

... She honestly didn't even bother tossing the boxers onto the chair. Those simply fell out of her hands, which had forgotten they existed. All she could find herself focusing on was the sight before her eyes. There really was something so very erotic about this situation. Suffice to say, this would be one of the few - maybe only - times that Tsuzume was happy she lost something.

... Maybe not?

Either way, one thing was for damn sure; even though she was still a bit apprehensive, Tsuzume was feeling her desires quickly dominating any sensation of nervousness and replacing it with more anticipation and eagerness. She wanted more and if it weren't for the fact Kyoku had full control of what he wanted and when, Tsuzume already knew what she wanted to do.

... Though ... she may very well get her wish. She likely would. Only time would reveal that much.
Kyoku cockily chuckled at Tsuzume's response as he shrugged, "we'll see" he grinned back at her like he always had, that simple yet confident attitude shining through as always.

Slowly she first went after his overshirt, pushing it from his shoulders at an agonizingly slow pace before finally freeing him of it. Tsuzume tossed the purple article into the chair in her room before she started to pull up the black t-shirt he wore underneath. Once removed, his toned torso was displayed.

Kyoku was obviously fit, having a hobby of martial arts training. His body was lean and his muscles lightly toned, with fair light skin that was taut and tight against his muscles, giving him the perfect male figure - something that came as quite the advantage when he flirted as often as he did.

There was no getting around it, he had a nice body.

It wasn't like Tsuzume hadn't seen him shirtless, that much was obvious. No, the true reveal would come next.

As Tsuzume sank to her knees and moved closer, Kyoku gulped nearly along with her. To his surprise, as she undid the button of his blue jeans, Tsuzume leaned in and bit the zipper of his pants.

"Shit..." Kyoku cursed under his breath with a satisfied, soft chuckle as he didn't expect his best friend to do that. As she slowly pulled down the zipper with her teeth, his cock loosened and the stiff member became all the more apparent behind his dark red boxers. His jeans were pulled down and after stepping out of them, his boxers were all that remained.

Soon not even they would however as Tsuzume gently started pulling them down.

Kyoku's body was almost hairless, more from just genetics. However, on his pubis lay a rather neat, trimmed patch of nearly black hair matching the dark blue hair on his head. It seemed he took rather good care of himself in such matters, keeping himself clean and trimmed, but the real show stood powerfully just below.

Swollen and pink with arousal, Kyoku's cock throbbed and twitched powerfully right in front of Tsuzume's face. It almost seemed to harden with her surprised reaction, displaying it's full eight inches of length proudly as Kyoku himself grinned wide as ever from her impressed. Just below his dick, his hefty balls also decently swollen gave hint of just how much the boy had to give so to speak.

"Heh..." Chuckled Kyoku, almost nervously if not for his confident demeanor, "I take it you like" he said with his trademark grin.

It was obvious what he wanted to do with this opportunity, even if Tsuzume's desire for the same was unknown to the boy.

"I definitely know what I want you to do next..." Whispered Kyoku with an elongated exhale, clearly worked up by the arousal that she brought him.

"I dare you..." Kyoku looked down at Tsuzume, his face actually flushing from embarrassment. He had no qualms about talking dirty in front of Tsuzume, but now that this was actually happening, it took just an extra second of building his courage before he asked.

"Suck me off" he grinned down at her.

Tsuzume shuddered, quickly biting onto her lower lip as she now took her turn to stare at Kyoku in all of his glory. The sight was ... an amazing one. Much like how he said when he saw her breasts for the first time. While she initially thought the reply had been simple, she now understood a very likely subconscious reason he used those words. They were the most perfect answers to give. And truthfully, it was hard to conjure any overly elaborate words to use that could honestly help explain how Tsuzume was beginning to feel.

Insatiable. Wanting. Hornier than she'd been in a good amount of months.

Those were carnal words and answers, at best. Definitely not what she would dare normally admit but .... fuck it. Almost literally, too.

Fuck, that looks amazing ....

Staring was rude, or supposed to be. It was one of the many rules Tsuzume had been taught by her parents. But, again, she didn't care. She couldn't help but continue looking at the throbbing cock so close to her face. Part of Tsuzume definitely regretted including the 'no sex' rule. Honor was only one thing, and not the primary one, keeping the raven-haired woman from taking her own words back. The main thing keeping her silent, actually, was knowing that if she got overly desperate, Tsuzume could speak up later. But she'd only do so when she was damn sure she wanted tp risk giving Kyoku her first time.

But not before then.

When Kyoku acknowledged he saw her gawking, poor Tsuzume only managed to reply with a nod. "Yeah," she replied, her voice barely above a whisper. "Actually, I do. A lot."

Her tongue lightly trailed over her lips as she continued to look right at Kyoku's member, feeling more and more impatient with each passing second. She wanted to just reach out and begin stroking him, not much caring about the game anymore. But ... if he wanted to cease playing, he could say so. Now her honor was keeping Tsuzume in check. Otherwise ... she would be doing much more than simply looking at the rod in front of her blue eyes.

Thankfully, Kyoku seemed to read her mind ... or at least chose the very thing she wanted to hear.

"Suck me off"

Not needing to hear anymore encouragement, Tsuzume opened her mouth and began lowering herself. Inch by inch started to vanish into her mouth. Again, something else kept her from moving as if she were in a frenzy, and that answer came in the form of the simple fact this was her first time actually doing something sexual. Truthfully, Tsuzume had watched a considerable amount of porn. More than anyone would assume or guess about her, anyway. It was easy enough given how one could lie about their age. Add in the fact her parents were almost always gone and it was even easier to see how Tsuzume never got caught.

Watching was all well and good -- and it was definitely helping her from looking naive.

But, again, watching versus doing? There was a difference in her lack of 'doing'.

So, her movements were slow. Calculated. Each up and down movement she made, Tsuzume listened, waiting to hear any groan or noise of pleasure. The moment it echoed in her ears, she went back to the exact location and teased it with gentle licks and flicks of her tongue.

All the while, her crotch was beginning to ache. Beg. Silently screaming to be touched. And given all the various ways and items Tsuzume had in her house that could help out with that ... yeah. It, among many other various scenarios, were beginning to make her soaked. Even if the juices trailing down her thighs weren't obvious, the scent of her arousal would be.

"Mmmm ... "

Tsuzume began to moan gently, continuing her first oral session on Kyoku. Simultaneously, she continued to silently pray he'd end the game so she could confess all the naughty things she'd done and wanted to do right then and there. Or, at the very least, offer an idea. One she felt very confident Kyoku would love.

I know I will ...

This was more so true with the fact it could help her keep her promise ... for as long as they both agreed to keep it in place. Just thinking about it made her whimper and shake in bliss. Her head continued bobbing up and down. Until Kyoku said anything coherent, she concentrated on the task at hand.

... Or in mouth, as it were.
"Ngh!" Kyoku grunted out a sound as he didn't rightly expect Tsuzume to start so quickly, and what a pleasant surprise it was.

Suddenly, inch by inch his dick disappeared behind her lips, the feeling incredible. Her mouth was warm, wet, her tongue sliding along his length as it twitched in response. "Ahhh... Yeah..." Kyoku breathed out, watching her slow and calculated motions, pretty much expecting such careful movements from Tsuzume which to him just aroused him more.

Tsuzume began bobbing up and down slowly in calculated fashion sucking down his cock before pulling it from her mouth up to the tip and repeating the process. Kyoku moaned as he felt her lips pulling up the length, tongue targeting any spot it could find that pleased him as well.

Kyoku placed his hand on Tsuzume's head, combing his fingers through her hair as he encouraged her motion ever so slightly.

"Ngh... That's really good" huffed Kyoku in pleasure, his member twitching deep in her mouth. With this kind of observed skill, Kyoku would never be able to guess that his friend hadn't done anything like this before.

"Ahhh..." His cock began to spasm, shivering with need. Though, he wasn't on the edge yet, Kyoku still didn't want to go off that early. After a moment he slowly pulled his length from her mouth under the excuse of teasing her lips with his tip as well as talking to her.

"Shit you're good at this Tsuzume..." Panted Kyoku as he let it slip in once more before pulling it back out. He didn't know what it was, the scent in the air, the way she looked at him, but it felt like she wanted something too. It was almost like she was begging him even though she made no such expression or gesture, he just... felt like there was something she wanted... And Kyoku definitely didn't want to deny her anything like that.

Despite the nature of the game, Kyoku couldn't help it. Pushing his cock into her mouth again, reveling in the feeling and the sounds she made, he grinned, "ahhh... S-something you want too?" He asked, his words short with her as he focused on the pleasure of her mouth before pulling back out to let her speak.

If Tsuzume wanted to confess, to tell him all she had done, all she wanted to do, now was the time to do it.

Each new praise, moan, or groan Tsuzume heard from her friend only made her that much more turned on and also impatient. The hell with this game. At this rate, as long as Kyoku mainly stayed in control, not much else mattered. As easy as it could have been for her to reach down and rub her slit, she was waiting. No permission had been given after all. Still, it definitely didn't stop Tsuzume's mind from allowing rather vivid and vulgar images to rush through her mind.

Most involved either using toys, machines, inanimate objects, - or all of the above - on and in herself.

Each new thought made her own groan join Kyoku's as she breathed faster through her nose, getting wetter.

... All this without touching yourself? Is something wrong with you?

True, Tsuzume was long overdue for a well-needed and thorough masturbation session with herself. But shit, she hadn't thought it was this desperate.

"Ah ... ohhh .... "

Whenever Kyoku helped pull the tip back so only it was inside her mouth, she took advantage - tried to, anyway - to regain her oxygen. It didn't always work, as a lot of her breath ended up disappearing into the very atmosphere itself. But ... ah well. She was at least making an effort.

Finally, Kyoku noticed well enough she wanted something and asked if - what rather - that 'something' was.

"Y-Yes," she hotly replied, pausing to gather her thoughts and make damn well sure she gave an honest answer. One that would be something she wanted, not simply was uttering out of lust. No, she wanted to be as truthful as Kyoku had been thus far. Her eyes even closed while she thought over and determined what exactly she intended to say she desired. Only when the young fighter was 200% certain of her response, she nodded and pulled up, teasing the tip in between pauses.

"I ... want some freedom. I wanna touch myself. Show myself off with some toys or anything really. But ... mmmhh .... I need something while I pleasure you also. Oh fuck .... "

Tsuzume jumped slightly, feeling her virgin entrance tingle again as it demanded for the very same feelings of ecstasy and desire Kyoku was getting. A few more pants and breaths landed on Kyoku's cock before Tsuzume lowered herself back down, allowing him to take the confessions in while she did the same with his member. Already, five - almost six - out of the eight inches had gone with little trouble into her waiting mouth.

She couldn't help but wonder ... would she be able to deep throat him? If - no, when - they had sex, would he be able to fit himself fully inside?

A shudder trailed through her body as Tsuzume bobbed eagerly up and down, allowing Kyoku's hand to guide her as it wove through her onyx locks.
Kyoku moaned as Tsuzume spoke, breath hot against his tip. It twitched furiously in her face from such immense built up arousal.

"Hmm?" Kyoku asked again as Tsuzume answered 'yes', that she had something she wanted, needed even, before she paused for a moment.

When Tsuzume did answer him, revealing what she wanted, Kyoku's dick - if possible - got even harder from her words. Now that was something he didn't expect to hear from her; she wanted to use toys, to 'show herself off'? It wasn't something Kyoku could deny or ever want to.

"Y-yeah!" he answered before immediately clearing his throat, acting cooler about it. "I mean... Yeah" he said with a more average tone, smirk on his face.

Tsuzume suddenly and rather eagerly started to blow him again, bobbing her head making Kyoku hiss in pleasure as he gripped her dark hair. "Ahh... Ngh... Y-yeah I..." Kyoku tilted his head back with a moan, enjoying this too much even to stop her right away, "sh-shit I dare you to show off... Ahh... I wanna... See what you like" he said grinning, giving her free reign to do as she pleased while she did or between carrying out dares.

Though, if he were being truthful, he just wanted Tsuzume, the game was only a fun way to carry it out. He didn't rightly care about the rules if she didn't.

Tsuzume grinned upon noting Kyoku trying to change how he reacted about her confession. "Heh. It's okay. You didn't have to alter your response, you know?" she whispered, her voice definitely more seductive than Kyoku had ever heard before. "Let's just enjoy, hm? I don't have many overly good 'naughty' sessions - certainly not with others watching - and I'm pretty certain you're in basically the same boat."

Allowing both the words and her mouth to further sink in and on Kyoku's twitching shaft, Tsuzume happily sucked, licked, and trailed her tongue around each vein and spot along the hard rod. Her pace had quickened slightly, but not enough to tempt her friend over the edge. No. She wanted to wait before trying to resort to that. though it definitely was fair to assume she was hoping to drive him mad with lust and want. Whether he would literally fuck her, watch her do so, a machine, or something else would be determined with time.

But that was okay. They both had plenty of time.

When Kyoku finally agreed she could give him a show, Tsuzume's grin actually widened, signaling that - even if he didn't think his own friend would enjoy this - she most definitely was. Very much so. And it was only about to get better for the both of them.

"Mmmmm. Thank you. You'll love this."

Pulling her mouth briefly away, Tsuzume turned herself slightly, facing a wooden chest that had always been set on the floor of her room. Kyoku would be partially right to guess it was meant to hold toys. Just .... not the exact types that he would finally see when she opened them. From dildos to vibrators, bullets, and gags of various kinds, there were an array of items inside. There were even numerous, inanimate objects not usually meant for such carnal activities hidden inside. From candlesticks to spare bed posts, rolling pins, multiple writing instruments, and so much more. Anything that could be stuffed inside was able to be found.

Tempting as it was for her to grab a whole handful, Tsuzume only removed one of the glass dildos and a bullet. Reaching over, Tsuzume first plugged the cord part attached to the small, vibrating device into a nearby outlet.

"This way, it won't stop. Not unless we decide to use something else ... or go to another room. There are some additional devices in the house that aren't, unfortunately, in my room."

Tsuzume stopped yet again, now letting him realize that there was indeed such a concept and thought as 'more sex toys', she reached under her bed, now pulling a small roll of tape out.

First thing was first; Tsuzume lifted herself up slightly, placing the glass cock right under her. Slowly - carefully - she sat down, moaning as the toy began to sink into her sopping wet cunt. She continued working it inside, stopping only when she felt her barrier being rubbed and pushed against, leaving at least several inches sticking out. Next, Tsuzume spread her lips apart, helping expose her clit. Using two fingers, her other hand grabbed the egg and placed it right on top of the sensitive nub. While keeping it pressed down and effectively trapped, Tsuzume tore a small but large enough piece of tape off.

Whether Kyoku figured it out or not, he'd see it go across the bullet, followed by two more.

Just in case, she inwardly decided, licking her lips as she leaned forward, resuming sucking Kyoku's cock. Her hands lowered, one beginning to pump the toy carefully in and out of her snatch. The other found the remote control for the egg and turned it on.


Tsuzume's eyes shut as she let out a muffled but long and content moan, her lips vibrating along the cock in the process. The pace of her toy mimicked how she worked on her friend; not too fast, but certainly not too slow. Medium, more or less.

And so, with her mouth repeatedly bobbing up and down, Tsuzume let Kyoku watch as she fucked herself, using both the glass shaft and the buzzing device ravaging her little pearl. Her clit was copying the appearance of her nipples, and soon, all of her nubs were stiff and erect from desire and anticipation.

What do you think of me now, hm? Like the slightly sluttier me? I hope so. Whatever the case, I wanna hear it ...

Still, nothing was said out loud, mainly to avoid messing up on the oral job she was performing. All Kyoku heard from Tsuzume were more moans and groans of bliss, joining his own each time he elicited a sound of pleasure. To make up for not speaking, Tsuzume somehow hoped he could keep reading her, figuring out all she was thinking and hoping for, and even more. Because she was definitely praying this session would get better, kinkier even, before worse.

.... Though it was Kyoku she was with. She had little doubts it wouldn't start getting better, especially now that he was watching something he probably never expected to see. Certainly not from Tsuzume, of all people.
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