Emma Watson - The Gameshow Contestant (RoleplayMaster x ChrisGabriel)


Jun 26, 2013
Curtis' fingers rattled along his desk as he waited for his next patient. It was amazing to him, surreal even, knowing that he would be the therapist to the one and only Emma Watson. He had been watching her on the news the last few weeks, crumbling under the pressure from her various rough roles recently, as well as those that believed in male supremacy threatening her for her feminist beliefs. So while it was no surprise that she needed a therapist, it was definitely a shocker when it was he that received the call from her agent.

So now, he was waiting for Emma to arrive. Thankfully, she was only two minutes late when she walked in, shaking his hand as he told her to take a seat. The room she walked into was of a fairly usual size for an office. It had a large desk with two seats for guests to sit at. Behind the desk hung diplomas and awards that he had received, which would solidify his experience and expertise to potential clients. Behind the guests's chairs was a stereotypical therapist's lounge for clients, and a massage table was laid out.

"Miss Watson, it's a pleasure to meet you. Now, as you have apparently been told by whoever recommended me, my methods are very different to most. I focus on ensuring patients begin and finish my session with a feeling of relief, becoming stress-free, or at least less stressed. The average success rate of a client's positive progress from a therapist is about 62.7%. My success rate is 99.7%. That slight notch was only due to an elderly client passing away before we got too far." The therapist explained, sounding sad.

"Because of my success rate, I take a no-nonsense approach to my therapy. If I ask you to do something in my session, you will do it. If I ask you to perform an exercise outside of the therapy, you will do it. Does that sound alright? I promise that I can be friendly, and will be in a few moments, but we needed to get that out of the way... now... I would like you to strip and lay on your stomach on the massage table. I use massage as a relaxant, while I get you to talk about your issues."
Twenty one. She had just turned twenty one, and already had sixteen awards, another five where she was nominated... And more was on the way. Growing up and becoming an adult while still coveted for being the actor who IS Hermione meant that she had some troubles already. Only two more years, and her first serious relationship was over. A horrendous breakup with Matt Janney in December 2014, and she tried to handle it in the most mature way possible.

That christmas alone got her staying silent in Canada, and she realized that her accomplishments and success scares men away, and maybe finding a younger boyfriend almost the same age as her brother Alexander was not the best choice. Emma tried to break out of her public image as Hermione, accepting thriller roles... Trying to become an action hero...

And of course doing the job as the UN Goodwill Ambassador, telling the UN General Assembly that universities need to be a safe space against campus sexual and racial assault, for women and people of color.

Some of the reactions almost broke her. With almost 50 nominations and winning 20 awards, she felt that she already managed to accomplish everything professionally - what more she could aspire to? With almost no personal life, living with cats and a smaller brother, even her pet hamster who died...

Her friend Sophie Sumner got her to the realization that she needed some professional help, and fast. She even shared one name, who was later called by her US agent Esther if he would attend to Charlotte Duerre, a young actress with fear from the public, self-hate - or more like hating the image others had about her, and overwhelming stress. Only when her first appointment was would she show her well known face... Of course it was more to throw off the paparazzy from her scent, as any would be therapist should be able to put two and two together.

Now, she stood in the room and presence of someone who made her feel herself in Dr. Prof. Freud's room. Almost starting to laugh, she found herself crying instead. Was it really her best choice to ask help from a therapist who wanted her nude and laying down? As the last drop in the full glass, Emma nerves frayed to make her twitchingly comply. Shocked, the actress and model tried to imagine it just being a photo-shoot... or a bathing scene... *He must be really good...* she tought, already done the math, over three hundred success... *His methods must be revolutionary, and while shocking, maybe I would not pass away from the sheer shock, or later from being embarrased.*

But... she had problems. Last year it was a real hardship playing Belle in the Beauty and the Beast, and while it made her sorely miss the romance and significant other from her life, she got pulling similarities between her role and how she - Belle - was all ready to fall in love with a monster... Emma's personal thoughts was that the Prince should have stayed the Beast... Which told her that she needed some changes in her life. Not even meditating or being a Yoga instructor helped change her thoughts to return to normal. Whatever that meant, she did not knew. Emma found the only answer in her books... She had to stop being an actress, and thus also forget being a model. That made her recent - in February 2016 - announcment that she was taking a year-long break from acting. Planning to spend the time on her "personal development" and her women's rights work... a last chance of getting better.

Being a little shy - or incredibly modest, if others was asked - Emma turned away and blushed, while taking off her outer clothes. The beige female businness suit came off, became folded and put down safely. Not her usual style... She kept her comfortable white cooton lingerie on, but got out of the medium heeled shoes and sheer pantyhose. Hair left in the serious bun that got her look older and like a secretary with her glasses and sheets of paper she already forgot about outside.
Emma was silent as he spoke to her, taking in the information he relayed to her, as well as the many accomplishments he presented behind him. The initial manipulations seemed to have worked, because after a few silent moments, the young celebrity stood, and began to strip. To seem professional, Curtis turned his back to her, letting her strip down. "Once you are completely naked, I would like you to lay down on the table. Put your head in the hole bit there, and relax your arms by your sides." Was the instruction given.

Once he was told she was in position, Curtis grabbed the massage oil and turned around, eyeing the naked woman. She had a very nice body, and he could feel himself harden in his pants. Today would not be the day he'd take advantage of her sexually, at least not with penetration, but he hoped that day would come soon. Squirting oil onto her back, she would find the massage to be firm and strong, yet also relaxing and comforting. With the loneliness she had over the Christmas break, his hands would make her feel wanted, which was yet another layer to his manipulations.

"So tell me. Why do we have this appointment? What issues haunt you enough to require professional assistance?" he asked, his hands moving down from her shoulders to her lower back, then back up, and then down her arms. Below the table, right in Emma's eyeline, was an open magazine with the intention of having something for the client to read during this relaxation period. The magazine page that was open was talking about a new gameshow coming to the States soon. The article explained the somewhat questionable standards it has for their contestants, as well as the money and recognition a person could get for joining such a show.
Only the second time the therapist mentioned getting fully naked got Emma hesitantly reaching for her bra, not seeing if he turned around, just hearing it in the sound of his voice. Getting off the final garments, she hurriedly laid down, thankfully hiding her face in the breathing hole. But she was far from calm or relaxed, not even with her trying to do some breathzing exercises and slip into meditation.

But the massage helped her gradually relax and calm, she even got her face smiling a little with peace. "I realised that people are still seeing me as my first role... And while I tried to break out in other roles, they somehow still see this first character of Hermione play-acting instead of me..." she started, maybe sounding a little childish, but hinting that as she was choosen for just that as her first role, then her whole carreer was built up on it, she indeed was Hermione. No substitutes.

As she was thinking how to tell the other problems, her eyes opened and closed, and wandered over the letters in the open magazine too, not intending to read it or interested in it - then. "Also... with these new roles came both the stress and new nominations, even awards... both too much for a girl just growing up. I never had proper teenager years, you know, and sometimes feel like I am still a child... At least emotionally. I am intelligent, brave...and took up roles of being the Goodwill ambassador and a Feminist, just like Hermione had chosen something to fight for. There are too much similarities that some days I catch myself looking for the script for my own life..."

Getting more relaxed and delving deeper into her own mind and feelings, she was lost in thoughts - but her eyes focused on something before and under her. "I have nightmares, sometime. Usually about my new roles, not doing them, but living as them." she was not ready to tell that some of these nightmares was leaving her wet and horny.
The massage Emma was getting was safe for now. He would eventually and gradually make it sexual, but for now, he simply rubbed her back and shoulders, then along her arms. On occasion she would see his body moved closer to her head, giving her an eyeful of the bulge in his pants. He was not hard, it was just a large package.

Her issues intrigued him, mostly in the sense of wondering how he could change her and manipulate her for his own desires. "So... as a summary, you played a role for basically a third of your life, but you want to be recognised by others for more than that role. Additionally, the recognition you received for your various roles, and the awards associated, were damaging to your growth from child to adulthood. Finally, you're having nightmares about living as the roles you take in films. Am I correct?" He asked, removing his hands from her and walking off to the corner of the room to grab something.

As Curtis returned, she would feel his gentle hands on her legs, lifting and spreading them slowly and leaving about forty five degrees of separation. If she wondered why, Emma would soon feel a small, triangular shaped cushion in between her legs, preventing her from shutting them. "Please don't move, the cushion is there to ensure your legs don't close in. It helps me in the removal of the stress build up in your legs, which is very strong." What he failed to mention is that the cushion, which happened to be pressing against her pussy tightly, was vibrating very gently.

"Now... let's see." He mumbled softly as he lifted one foot up (bending her leg so the knee remained on the table) and massaging it gently. Her other foot lightly rested against a curious bulge feeling, which may or may not be his penis. "What do these nightmares entail? Can you ever control your nightmares or are you always forced to follow a bad path?" He asked, his thumbs digging deep into the base of her foot, probing and massaging in a very pleasurable manner. He had an idea on how to manipulate her a bit, at least short term, which would work off of a placebo effect.
While she had seen the therapist's bulége from the corner of her eyes, Emma did not realised it. Concentrating on hearing his recap, she left her eyes wander over the article left open before her. "Think so... But my nightmares is more about living in a world where my roles are. Sometimes even waking up and recognising signs of them in the real world. Maybe that is why I am so good at what I am doing. And that is also a problem. Being too good, or just too recognised and accomplished too much, others feel inadequate."

She was thinking how to say it from her viewing angle, while she squirmed as her legs was blocked open. Then she froze as he got one in hand, and she felt the other touching something on the side... and it was slightly warm, and while squishy, still hard, like flesh... And her naked pussy was twitching. Blushing again, she tried to move, but... but moving her legs just made the contact worse and her naked reddish bush pressing against the triangular pillow, making her start to get aroused.

So, she gripped the sides of the massage bed instead, and tried to meditate the sensations as unimportant, to sóhake off the starting arousal, and concentrate on her words. "I just live in the world, sometimes not even as the character I portrayed, but myself... other times it is a caricature of the story, or just a bad end... While I started to work through the nightmares, it is still leaving me stressed, and with some other issues, I did not had enough time to yoga and meditate them away. But now I am taking a sabbatical from studying, filmmaking, and only has my Goodwill Ambassador thing to do, with this so called feminist book-club I do... Which is really nothing more than finding and sharing some literature. After all, I am an English Lit. Major..." she was more comfortable speaking about her choosen and finished higher education than dwelving into those dreams... The massage and situation calling on her arousal making her recall the ones that makes her keep blushing... and unable to shake off the arousal. The vibrating pillow pressing against her labia not helping any, but she only recognises it unconsciously, resting against it with a move of her hips.
When Curtis finished with one foot, he moved onto the other, oiling it up and working through her muscles before allowing his hands to climb up her legs. It would not be long until the entire back half of her body would be covered in oil, and then it would be time for her to flip over.

"I will now ask you some personal questions, which I would like you to answer. These are all relevant, and we are both adults, so do not be shy in answering. I am a professional, so I need to know these things to help you improve... Now... How often do you orgasm? The orgasm can take place either with another person or a solo venture. How often do you have sex? How often do you masturbate? And do you commonly have sex or masturbate without reaching orgasm?" He was growing hard as he began asking this sexual line of questioning, but thankfully it wasn't too obvious. As he asked, his hands were finishing the massage with her ass, rubbing and squeezing the skin. On occasion, his hand would dip in between her ass cheeks, and rub against her hole. Before she would have the chance to complain though, his hand would be removed, pulling away the triangular cushion which was beginning to become wet from her arousal.

"Miss Watson, can you please turn over?" He requested, a friendly smile on his face.

"For the feeling of stress you have, when looking at your fans, co-workers, employers, and so on, my idea would be to humanise yourself in some way. You are currently doing all of these grand gestures in order to seem like a good human being; starring in popular film, advocating for female rights, and so on. Do some sort of act that does not directly relate to your fame. While I cannot suggest any specific thing, as this needs to be your idea, I would suggest not donating to charity. Well, you can, just not with the money you earn with being an actress. The fact that you have heaps of money, especially thanks to the recognition you receive from your various awards, could be alienating those that idolise you. If you want to donate to charity, you need to earn it the hard way, and be visible to the public so they know how you're earning it." He explained, turned away for Emma's modesty while he awaited her to turn over and say it was safe.

His small speech on humanising herself was done with the intent of bringing that game show back into her frame of thought. She had just spent ten minutes reading about the making money and making a name for yourself, and now she was being told that was something she may need to do.
The full of nerves actress and modell - and feminist, and goodwill ambassador - started to feel thawed out slowly. Warmed from all the blushing, helepd to relax by the massage, and still self-consciously fretting over being naked in her mind. No surprise she was startled by the very personal, and even more sexual questions.

But Emma was in just the right state to tense, without even thinking about not answering. After all, she was at a therapist, even if it felt like he was more hands on than she first thought. "Contrary to popular belief, I am not a virgin, but also not having sex all the time. Usually I reach orgasm, when I work for it. Had sex... counting the times with another person... maybe last year... or before that, as now we are in Januar. How often? That is hard to tell, maybe from every day to bi-monthly, once a week in avarage. So maybe just as much as many nominations I had for some kind of award. Around half hundred times up till now." she sighed, and tried to save some face "But it was with my that time steady boyfriend, and we was both adults!" while she had done some experiementing before that or after it, those did not counted as full blown sex in her mind...

"And I do masturbate, thank you very much, and thought it was necessery to reach orgasm before I advanced enough in Yoga and meditation. There was times when I had done it repeatedly, and times when not at all. If you want an avarage, then I think I can say, I do it weekly.... These times I only reach orgasm when I want, but I think I am not really in the mood any more... more than once a month in avarage." Emma's head was swimming with the math and the subject, only realising that she was now practically aroused when he asked her to turn over. There was the blush again, but disappearing much faster than before. When she finished turning over - in the other direction than he stood - Emma's face looked serene and her eyes was closed.

Trying to close out her surroundings, she tried to concentrate only on his voice, and forget about laying there naked, with erect nipples and warmed up pussy. "Okay..." she said, then tried to understand her therapist. "So, you say that it had to be personal, as in me doing it for them, and not the great actress... Not sure they would see mee otherwise. Even if I start working in a free kitchen, or personally be there for those poor, abused women... The public, and even the ones I want to help would only see Hermione... I mean, Me, but as the sum of my roles, not me, as the person." She knew it was really not that different unfortunately, as she already realized. "I need some time to even know myself, so, taking a break and going soul-searching this year sounded right."

The reading did not really emerged from her subconscious, as she was considering doing what he asked without focusing on the money.
Finding out the true sex life of this 'good girl' actress was an interesting moment, and even more arousing with the knowledge that he was one of the only people to know this.

As she rolled over, he was presented with a very attractive figure. Her eyes were closed, which was good for him, as he didn't need to get suspicious with his erection poking a tent in his pants, or the ogling stares he was giving her. Grabbing the triangular vibrating cushion, Curtis ran a finger along the juice-soaked edge and licked it, enjoying the taste, before sliding it between her legs once again. This time though, it was noticeably deeper, somewhat penetrating her pussy, if only very slightly. The final change the therapist made before beginning the massage, was lowering the head rest a bit, so her head was arched back slightly. This allowed her chest to thrust forward, and continued use of putting Emma in this position would allow her to naturally push her chest forward without thinking of it.

Squirting some oil between her breasts, the massage was now continuing, seeming fairly innocent enough despite the sexual location of his hands. A few light pinches of her breasts and nipples did happen though, but he made no comment and seemed no different, so it looked like a normal thing for him to do.

"Okay, so you're averaging at least a weekly masturbation... Here's what I want you to do. Every night, beginning tonight and finishing the night before next week's session, I want you to do a thing called 'edging.' The concept is simple: masturbate as soft or hard as you want, right up until the edge of orgasm. Then stop. Do not orgasm, just relax. Do this as much as you can, at least once a night. By the time I see you next, I want you to be orgasm free. Is that understood?" The man asked, rubbing her nipples as he asked the question. The massaging therapist then moved to her stomach, a much more innocent location.

The next five minutes was mostly silence as he finished the massage, working on her legs and hips. He did not touch her pussy or get close to it (with his hands at least), leaving that until next time. "Okay Emma, here's what will happen. The oils I've been working into your skin are scented with therapeutic incense. It helps with relaxation and the removal of stress. I want you to remain on this table, breathing deeply in and out, for the next thirty minutes. I will leave the radio on so you have something to listen to, and it will automatically turn off when the thirty minutes is over. At that stage, you will be free to put your clothes back on, and leave. You have organised for the session to be on at the same time next week, so I will see you then." Curtis said, before setting the radio up and leaving the room.

The radio was at a fairly moderate volume, playing a mixture of various songs that all seemed somewhat sexual in nature. Each song was broken up with advertisements, all of which spoke about the very gameshow Emma read in the magazine earlier.
The edge between her legs made Emma jump slightly, her hands going to cover the area, and she put her fingers on the triangle pillow. *Maybe it is for covering my modesty?* she tought, but then hwr squirming let her realize how it was stimulating her... and with her fingers she felt the trembling.. was it buzzing between her legs? *What the hell he is doing?* was her next thought, still, with her hands hiding her own triangle, she again tried to follow his words.

"That I can do. Easily. Would be just like some daily exercise..." she sounded pleased, or more like proud of her already mentioned ability to reach the crescendo of her pleasure without succumbing to an orgasm. That meanwhile her head was lower than her body, her hard nipples topped breasts thrust out proudly - with her arms even pushed together as she tried to hide her arousal. "Hey..." she tried squirming out from under his nipple massage, but somehow still was unable to gather the anger or the energy to stand up and leave.

Getting the now definitely erotic massage, she warred with her sometimes called prudeness and the feeling of elation. But... she was not a prude! Just a proper english lady, or so the Princes told her the last time. Of course she was called much worse sometimes by her enemies - interestingly still following her on twitter and facebook. Not that she personally perused those any more... With her thoughts now sufficiently occupied, Emma let the massage commence. She even let him lay her hands next to her, and follow up with the full body massage.

Hearing about the cause of her elation, she realized the effects of the oils, but was also thankful enough to call out to the man as he was leaving. "Thank you. And we will see..." possibly meaning to see each other again - not that she was really loking at the man - or that she would see if she will be back. For now, Emma was trying to relax and meditate - and not fall asleep. The room was warm enough with the comfortable table and being all oiled up to let her lay there and feel how it was working on her skin, on her body... And the throbbing between her legs from the triangle that kept her arousal going, and accustomed her to just lay there with her legs open... The radio helped. Or maybe the oils and the massage helped, coupled with her posture and the thoughts swirling through her mind, but she just let it all go, not grabbing at any thought, relaxing, meditating... But for the next week she would be taking her time with the prescribed exercise, and sometimes thinking about game shows. She even looked up some obvious ones as possible venues of interest - neither seemed to be right.
One week later, and Curtis was once again waiting on Emma. Thankfully, she managed to come two minutes early this time, and she didn't look to be in a good mood. The man assumed it was due to her lack of sexual relief, which was exactly his plan. "Miss Watson, a pleasure to see you again." The therapist said, offering her his hand before gesturing for her to sit across from him.

"Tell me about your week since we last spoke. Your ups and your downs, as well as the instructions I gave you. Did you follow them and edge yourself?" He asked. "Some patients have also brought up when edging themselves repeatedly, they often experienced uh... dreams that were sexual in nature. Did these ever occur?" He questioned. Listening to her speak, he began pulling out things for the massage. The first was the oil, obviously. The second resembled a piece of gym equipment designed to strengthen the thighs. You would place it between your legs and try and close them, strengthening the muscles. Definitely an unusual item in terms of a massage. And the final piece revealed was the triangle, yet again. "I'll get you to strip down once again and lie on your back first, this time." He requested, interrupting her briefly before instructing the girl to continue the answers she was giving him.
"Therapist Curtis. I almost .. did not came..." she tried with a lame play on words as to start telling him about her week. Emma was looking everywhere, just not at him when trying to reply to the specific questions. "I had enough free time to start cleaning up my junk in my room at home. It accumulated quite much from all the travels and staying at places... Still not ready with the knick-knacks, but I start to see that there would be a load of clothes to give to Goodwill again. Found some books I thought I lost! ... Then realized that they are the dedicated pieces of the whole series of the Potter books, and that Rowling dedicated it 'to Emma, for being our Hermione'..." she sighed, and stared at her hands.

Then looking somewhere between them, glancing glimpses at what he was doing, she kept going. "I had to do this every day, to mas... masturbate until I almost orgasmed, but stopping... Well, it was hard to start it, a chore each evening in my bed, but after I somehow got it, then... then not letting myself reach cocnclusion was different each time too. At first I felt... it was a good think, you know, not having to. Like you can put down the barbell before the last repetition? Then... then it became a little longer, and two days later I fall asleep still... still doing it. Until yesterday, when I finally remembered how good it can feel, but then I could not fall asleep until early morning, so I am somewhat sleep-deprived today."

Finally she looked up at him, as he stopped moving, already gathered what he needed. "Dreams? Yes, I had dreams, but can only remember one even slightly ... sexual." she was remembering, subconsciously wetting her lips, by licking, but instead of saying anything more, she bit her lip. Looking away with a slight blush, he focused on what he got out instead.

"On my back? Okay... Does that triangle pillow do something? It was... uncomfortable. Making me uneasy." she still got to the table and laid her hand on it. "Are you sure this is the way to do this?" she asked, but started pulling off her turtleneck sweater. She wore an one piece dress underneath, shirt with skirt, buttons all the way, and somewhat form fitting. Like a hospital gown, one form fit all.
"Could you please explain your dream?" He requested, squirting some oil onto her chest as he began the massage once again. "And yes, the triangle pillow does do something." Curtis said, pulling the triangle into her crotch, which was already vibrating. It felt a little harder than last time, yet still soft enough to just tease and not actually being capable of bringing her to an orgasm. "I use it because the vibrations ripple throughout your body, disturbing the tight, stressed spots all over." He explained, rubbing her shoulders firmly before moving to her breast. "It's location is there, because it pressed right against the core of your body; the central location. It allows for the vibrations to be weaker than if I placed it on your back, for example, so having no chance of temporarily or permanently damaging your body." He was bullshitting every word, but he knew this education-based woman would eat it up.

He wanted to get this appointment to the fun bits quickly, feeling himself aroused as he felt up her body. "Roll over please." He requested as her entire front was finished, happy with how her oily body looked so good. Once on her stomach, he pulled away the pillow, rubbing her inner thighs and legs for a while and moving down slowly. This was focused on first, so that he could place the leg strengthening equipment between Emma's legs. Like the pillow, it helped her legs remain spread. The difference was that she would be able to somewhat close her legs slightly, but not much. Another difference, was that the metal bars that separated the two pads against her thighs were now pressing against her skin, but left her pussy completely exposed. "Just gently push your legs closed a little bit, then spread, and repeat." He said gently, running his palms along her back and feeling her body was just as stress-filled as her last visit. Of course, if he said otherwise, it was likely she'd believe him. "So do you feel better after last week, in terms of stress-buildup in your muscles? I can definitely feel the difference."
"Yeah, disturbing all right..." Emma grumbled, squirming until he put his hands on her shoulders. Then she basically froze when he palmed her breasts. Gasping, she almost started berating him for doing that, then only blushed instead. "Ma... maybe it would be better if I was on my front, and that thing buzzed on my back..."

Still, she started to focus on her dream instead, and contemplated how to tell it to her ... therapist. Now she was sure that he was more of a sex-therapist than anything, but being an open minded and well educated woman, Emma realized that it was working... at least on her body. But maybe he would be able to help her with her mind too, so why not follow the course of the already ongoing session? She can always not come back next time...

"The dream... Well, I think the one that turned to be somewhat sexual is what interests you? It started like this..." the young woman had to fight her instincts to not fight against some more baser instincts.... Still she tried to occupy her mind with it. "I was standing on a small mound, or maybe a low hill, looking at other similar ones, grass and rocks, no trees, maybe one or two bushes, but not sure about it. I could feel the wind, the air moving around my body, fluttering the clothes I wore... which was some kind of robe, maybe silk, but I slowly realized that I had no underwear on." she was closing her eyes and shuddering, the erotic massage and the memories making her body react accordingly.

"Then the earth started to throb, and soon I could hear and see horses galloping through the scene, their mass somehow making me loose my footing, but instead of tumbling down, I started flying along the horses, along the wind, and realized I was naked when they started to slow down, both the hrses and the wind, reaching water... the horses started to drink and swim in it, and I found myself on the back of a horse in the water, warm, hard muscles under me, lovely wetness... and that was when I woke up drenched in sweat."

She followed the directions, still under the effects of her reiteration of her dream and having her front all iled up. With her face hidden in the hole of the massage bed, she obediently flexed her legs and found the sensations somewhat... she did not know... but she was feeling the wetness of her aroused pussy, and prayed that it was just oil from his work.

"I .. I really can't say. I mean, I had nothng to do, really, could concentrate on just living, but... it was a differend kind of stress, but I can say that there was times when I felt very elated and relaxed, could do meditation and yoga all right."
The sex dream was definitely interesting, but not something overly erotic in his opinion. No mention of sex, or a cock thrusting in and out of her. At the centre of her parted legs, Curtis could watch as her pussy juices started releasing, clearly showing signs of arousal. This would be the perfect time to do the next stage of the 'treatment'. "Okay. You may feel some discomfort at this next stage. All I ask of you is to keep stretching your leg muscles as I have instructed, and to breath in and out slowly." Curtis requested. One hand was placed on her lower back, holding her down as the palm began rubbing deep into her body. The second hand was placed on her ass, right in the middle and above the crack.

"Breath in and out. In... out... in..." He guided her, and suddenly, a finger entered her pussy. "Out." he continued, fingering her at a rather impressively quick pace. His skill in this art, combined with her lack of orgasms for the last week, made him sure that she would not last long. The leg machine forced her legs to stay apart the entire time, meaning when the orgasm inevitably came, she'd ride it for a few minutes, rather than her legs clenching and stopping the orgasmic high instantly. Below her head, a new magazine was displayed, once again talking about the new gameshow. And the radio was playing an advert for the radio too. With these factors being in play, the fingering would help Emma associate the gameshow with good, pleasurable feelings, and associate pleasure, with the gameshow. And not only would she associate the gameshow with pleasure, but she'd associate him, her therapist, with pleasure too.
She started to do as he asked, breathing in, and out, exercising her legs... and only sqeaked when she felt his finger in her pussy. The sensations made her eyes go wide and she started panting, her whole body quivering as her fine-tuned arousal was pushed towards the edge... The feelings warred with her her usual deamenor, but she just could not stop it from catapulting her into an orgasm.

All the while she was staring at the ad, her subconscious recording every sound and voice with whatever she felt and seen, while she was overcome with pleasure. Her eyes crossed, legs quivering, as her pussy juiced up even more, fluttering against the fast moving fingers. She tried to close her legs, but was unable to stop the man playing on her G-spot.

Only her whining broke the panting "Sweet God!" Emma trembled, as her body spent all the stress and flustration, the flexing of her muscles, to finally relax into the orgasm, that kept going on, her juices flowing.
"Sweet God!" Curtis heard Emma say under her breath as she had what looked to be her biggest orgasm ever. Holding it deep inside, he watched as her hips rode his hand for the duration of her sexual release, and soon, his finger was released from her depths. Seeing how positively Emma reacted to this technique, he knew he would have to amp it up next time, see how much he could get away with.

"Good, you look better already." Curtis said, rubbing her back with both hands now, mixing in her juices with the oil. Removing the leg device, he asked her to sit up. The moment she did, she would be sitting in a puddle of her own orgasmic discharge. "Now, Emma. Here is your... homework, until next weeks appointment. First of all, you need to find a way to humanise yourself to the fans, like we have previously discussed. The sooner you do that, the sooner you will lose the stress you've been building up thanks to the negative public persona you have developed in the eyes of some fans." He instructed.

"Additionally, your edging homework will be different. If you're busy in the mornings, I want you to wake up an hour earlier in order to do this. For every day leading up to, and including the day that you see me next, you need to edge yourself like crazy. Work up an orgasm, and stop until it dies down a little, and keep doing that. Every night, including tonight, and excluding the night before our appointment, you will masturbate until you pass out. Orgasm as many times as you please. If you're wide awake, but feel like you can't cum any further, keep trying. The night before you're appointment with me though, you will edge yourself again. So as a summary, you will be edging yourself three times in a row on separate occasions, leading up to our appointment. Understand?" he asked. Without waiting for a reply, he stood up and rubbed a wet finger along her cheeks and under her nose/above her upper lip. "Lay back down, and you will finish this appointment the same way as last time - relaxing for half an hour before a timer goes off, saying you're free to go." As Curtis walked off, it would dawn on her that her therapist just rubbed her pussy juices along her face.
She felt like the buddle she was sitting in. Too relaxed, almost a puddle herself... and definitely wet. Emma could only nod weakly at his words, somehow disappointed that it was already over. She lay there for long minutes, but soon she was also mortified enough to just hurry away to clean up and dress, and would not stop until she was at home safely. She did not even waited for the timer, and it gone off just as she was closing the door behind her.

It took her long hours to even think about anything other than what happened. That evening she did not followed the new protocol, just relaxed in a bath with salts, and was thinking about fifty mile per hour. Should she follow his advices? All of them? Should she consider even going to the nexttherapy? She did not knew, but went to sleep undecided.

In the morning, she lay in her bed, thinking... and her hand lazily circling her clit. Even if last session was extreme, it was... working. Not that she knew what to do, or where she was going, but she felt better, had a huge orgasm, and was not really seeing too much bad things... After all, the Therapist was a professional, and while she was mortified and very much out of her comfort zone... she was in search of herself and her future, so, this was not all bad.

While slowly working herself up to a full blown masturbation - without reaching orgasm, of course - she was thinking about what he said about humanizing herself for her fans... or more like herself, showing herself for people who did not see her for just a well accomplished young woman, but Hermione. So, she needed to find something that Hermione never would do.

And what she could do better than Hermione? Acting, of course. Playing a role, be the focus of attention, something that Hermione would not stand for. So, maybe a talk-show? Or even better, a quiz-show! No, that would be too much like Hermione knowing everything... unless... she needed to find something that was both fun and would show her true self.

That morning he spent a hour in bed, until she just could not stay put any more, and had all that extra energy from edging. So, she got up, and called her agents to start looking for any opportunity to get into a show not as Emma Watson, the star, but something with usually normal people. Well, she was not against a special edition for charity, or themed for actresses or models, but she was asking them to find something not focusing on her.

Then she called her friend who got her thinking about Therapy, and even recommended ... Him. Sophie would surely want to hear how it was... not that Emma would ever tell her everything on the phone or Skype, but... well, she could not hide it if she kept going and it really helped. She even spoke with her about finding something to show herself to the people, to humanize herself for her fans...

And of course as the days came one after another, Emma was taking more and more time each morning to work herself up into a buzz, and every evening she jumped into masturbating until all that buzz became pleasure, leaving her a soaked mess and relaxation. She did not even realized that her usual yoga and meditation became less and less, and that her room started to smell like sex.

That evening she almost lost herself into another orgasm, and only her will stopped her doing it, realizing just at the last moment that she would be going back to the next occasion for the therapy. So, she tried to fall asleep all horny and throbbing. No surprise that she had an erotic dream, and woke up to riding the bunched up bedclothes... she laughed, and kept doing it, as she was following doctor's orders to seek the edge of pleasure... it took her little time to have to stop, panting hard. Cleaning up and finally pulling off the bed to change all the sheets, and leaving her window open to air the room, she took a shower and got ready. An English breakfast, and then long hours of waiting... she was squirming and trying to do yoga and meditate before she had to leave. On her way to the third appointment she felt close to the edge, and was not surprised when she realized that her panties was moist when disrobing at his call... Lucky for her, she packed two fresh ones...
"Greetings, Emma!" Curtis smiled, opening the door and letting her inside the office. It looked a little different to the previous week, with the main area of the office now open. The massage table was left to the side, and a plain bag with unknown items was next to his desk. It was impossible to tell what was inside.

"How have you been? Following the schedule I set for you?" He asked, gesturing for her to sit across from him at his desk. "And did you find any ideas as to what you will be doing to humanise yourself to others?" He added, staying silent as she explained.

"Now, what we usually do for our appointment, will be left until the end of the session. First though, we need to get into the talk of sexual fantasy. Whether these are fantasies from erotic dreams or even nightmares, or simply things you've daydreamed about with a co-worker or something, having these fantasies without acting on them limits ourselves in our everyday life. Fulfilling these desires allows us to become more confident. Build higher self-esteem. Even allows us to grow mentally." Curtis explained.

"The issue with sexual fantasies, or more specifically, fulfilling them, is that most people lack an important ingredient. This ingredient could be a partner, a safe location, or just the confidence to do this. That is what we will be focusing on today. I would like you to talk about a sexual fantasy you have, and we will ensure that fantasy becomes a reality." Pulling the bag onto his desk, he pulled out various sex toys. One of which, was a strap-on. "I shall be the male partner for you in this fantasy. And I understand you may have reservations about that, which is why I brought this..." he gestured to the strap on toy "...in case you'd prefer I wear this. I will warn you that skin-to-skin contact works much better than simply using a toy, which is why solo fantasy fulfilment almost never works." He warned.

"Are you open to doing this? If so, what is your preference? Answer those for me, and we can get started." The man smiled. One reason he made Emma edge herself so much, was that she'd be too horny to deny him. Not only that though, but she'd have one of the biggest, toe-curling orgasms of her life, and she'd associate that feeling with him. Pleasure leads to trust, and trust leads to him doing more and more with her. This session, or at least the first part, was all just for him - it did almost nothing to satisfy his ulterior motives.
She was stepping through the door in a long coat and sunglasses. Seeming a little lost, she replied to his first questions tentatively. "I was working on it... Can not say that I had full success, but come close to what you asked from me. I have people looking around for something to do, some kind of talkshow, or quiz-show... But we are still looking." she was looking around a little, thinking. "I had seen smething laying around here too..."

She sighed, and was removing her coat. "I am not that disappointed..." she said, but... well, she was. Staying in her clothes meant that she had to keep on her slightly moist panties too... Hopefully her jeans would not get saturated...

Staring at the man as he calmly told her that he would be fulfilling some of her fantasies - even using a toy, it was too close to comfort - Emma felt herself get weak, and had to sit down. "Eee..... I am not sure that it is a good idea... Also, not every fantasy needs a man... or even another male!" she hurried to tell, as indeed, there was some erotic dreams that could not be told... ever.

"I mean, there are some dreams, and of course, sometmes I fantasize..." she was focusing on the toys instead of looking at him "... and while I can tell you about them, I do not think that fulfilling all of it would be right... or even doable." she was not sure what she wanted, what was her preference, and thus was still leaving it unanswered for the time.

But she started to tell one. "There is this one, where I ... just wander around a sex shop. You know, I had visited some here and there, just for curiosity, anything I ever bought, was from the internet... But, in this dream, that became a fantasy, I am in a shop. Wandering around, and seeing something interesting... Maybe a costume, maybe a setup, or just a toy... Setup of leather and ropes, maybe chains and sometimes an apparatus or fucking machine." she blushed, now looking back at him for the first time, while she stood up and walked towards the toys. She turned back her eyes on the sexual aids. Perusing them, Emma was soon using her hands to touch and hold, while she told her story. "So, I am there, usually alone, or with other people browsing, but nobody seems to know me. And nobody cares either, not even when I get out of my clothes, and start trying them on."

And she was following up on his guidance and her own words, buttoning out her shirt, and unbuckling her belt.
The desk between them held quite a few toys. From dildos (of a solid state or a floppy state), vibrators designed for one or both holes, butt plugs and anal beads, to cuffs, nipple clamps, and just about everything else. These were mostly intended to be a part of her fantasy, but unfortunately turned out to be the fantasy she held.

"The idea of these fantasy fulfilment sessions will be for you to grow confident outside of your comfort zone. We can begin with something like this fantasy, but as we move forward, you need to explain others. Preferably ones with other people involved. Working in a solo fantasy will be alright for now, but fantasies with others will help you become more confident with other people, instead of being too introverted." Curtis explained, his eyes darting up to her getting undressed. It was a good sign that she was undressing freely, as their sessions had already made her very comfortable around him.

Standing up, he walked out of the room, and came back dragging two fairly large machines. The first was a sybian, a machine where a small dildo was placed on top, and powerfully vibrated while the woman sat on it. It had parts that would rub her clit at the same time. The second, was a simple fuck machine, and when turned on (by the portable remote), it would begin to thrust a fake dick inside the user.

"So... fulfil your fantasy. Is there anything I can do to add to the experience?" he asked, pretending to be casual as he grew hard under his desk from such a nonchalant display of stripping naked.
Emma first snorted, then started laughing, but the blush easily shown that it was an uncomfortable laugh. "Oh, Dr Curtis, you have no idea... I was not finished with this dream... even if I am quite finished with it when the fantasy reaches this part." she kicked off her sneakers and pushed down the jeans, still fearing it would show her arousal. But she kept on the unbuttoned shirt and the panties, with the matching bra for now. And of course she was still in the long socks with the colorful strips...

"As I was saying, I find something interesting, and start to play with it..." her hands gravitated towards the more soft dildos, looking for one that could become harder, or pumped up, or something, but as he got out the machines, her eyes dilated and was staring at those. "As I get into the experience of say, a nipple teaser" she looks for one, or at least a vibrating ball or two, trying to see if she could slip them into her bra's, or would be easier to equip without them "and is occupied enough, either the contraption I use traps me in place, or the people gets interested enough to do so... Then I can't get away until I orgasm." Emma was busy looking for some extra toys, as it seemed just a nordinary vibe or little dildo did not took her interest.

Finally, with her breasts already buzzing, she started really looking at the sybian and the fucking machine. "Sometimes they even make me try out something, or I find myself unable to get away from a setup without getting into more trouble... like someone comes in, or a big dildo... or just being unable to remove it and have to leave with the contraption."

"So, doc, should I just sit on the couch and try out this one" she held a dildo in her hand, something that was not usual "or would it be more helpful if I sat on that?" she gestured towards the Sybian, not telling him that she had some experience with something like that already.
Curtis' cock grew harder as she finished speaking of her fantasy. He had assumed that her fantasy was basically just masturbating in public, with an endless supply of sex toys. But she proved herself to be quite kinky, and he was looking forward to himself with this one. His eyes followed the vibrating balls as they entered Emma's bra, liking stimulating the nipples to become stiff. Watching her try and decide between a dildo or the Sybian, he smiled. "Why not both? Sit on the sybian, and see how deep you can get that dildo down your throat." He suggested, his language somewhat more vulgar than usual, thanks to the subject matter at hand. He returned to his seat, wanting the scene to play out a bit before he did anything.

After Emma seemed comfortable enough, Curtis grabbed two pairs of cuffs. Walking behind the celebrity, the girl would soon feel her ankles cuffed to the sybian. The awkward positioning forced her to stay on it, despite the lack of more equipment to hold her. Standing in front of her, Emma was now face to face with a bulge in her therapist's pants. "So what would happen now? Onlookers are approaching, looking aroused and intrigued at the display of you, trapped on a sybian. Do they take you by force? Do you encourage them further? Or do they just watch?" He asked.
"Oh, fuck!" comes the heartfelt cussing, as Emma takes up his offer, and sits on the sybian. But in her panties, and the vibrating small dildo in front of her, buzzing against her clit. She was eyeing the dildo like she wanted to eat it, when she felt the cuffs on her legs.. And she moaned in lust as a small orgasm shok her to the core. Stopping herself from crying ut, she pushed the dildo in her mouth, lipss and eyes closing, as she licked the end and tried to fill her mouth with it. Not really trying to deepthroat, as she had not that much of experience.

She pushes her soaked panties against the vibrating cock, circling with her hips, then finally pulls the material to the side with one hand and surges forward to moan out and sit on it more comfortably... and getting more throughoutly buzzed.

She opens her unfocused eyes at his questions, staring at his crotch, with the dildo slowly worked in her mouth with her other hand. Then she pulls it out, and pants a little. "If I was like this, then this dildo or one of them would sure try to make me deepthroat it, but the others would only watch! And maybe shoot their cum all over me."
Smiling as he watched, she seemed to be enjoying herself. Taking the dildo from Emma, Curtis tilted her head back, sliding the fake cock down her mouth and throat. It was long, so after a few gentle thrusts back and forth, he managed to get it halfway down her throat, her neck visibly bulging from the toy. His hand gently rubbed her neck along where it bulged, enjoying the feeling, before finally pulling it out so she could breath. Not too much later, and the dildo was shoved back in her mouth. A hand was placed on her shoulder, pushing Emma's body down harder onto the sybian to force the vibrations deeper inside of her. Curtis stood behind her, and it would not be much longer until she felt his hard cock on her bare shoulder, his hairs tickling her. It was not extremely hairy, but clearly not shaved recently.
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