Eat Someone Else {PatientOne & AnnaBeth Belle}

Alex looked at her as she spoke. Well he'd keep that in the back of his mind. Though movement made sound. Maybe their hearing was a lot better than he expected, or maybe they could pick out shapes so things like movement caught their attention. Either way, keeping them at a distance was a good thing. When he saw the way she looked at the gun in front of her he knew she wasn't going to like it. Sighing he rubbed his forehead.

"Do you like breathing? Learn or don't learn. I don't honestly care."
He said as he picked up the gun and headed for the basement to put it away. Stopping at the door he looked back at her.
"Just know that if you choose to walk around here without a weapon, you're simply dead weight."
Someone who was so dead set on not defending themselves was just a death waiting to happen. Things like a moral code were still helpful IF they ran into survivors.

However holding onto that, 'guns don't care who they kill' bullshit wasn't going to be of any good when a walker was coming your way. Coming back up the stairs he set a six inch Tanto boot knife on the table in front of her as well as a smaller compound bow with a forty and fifty pound draw string.
"If these bother you, you may as well go find the nearest walker and get it over with now. Damsel's in distress don't exist here."
He said in an annoyed tone as he left the weapons on the table and headed back to the basement to start making a plan of attack on the city. A map of the city was strewn out along his work table and he had some high lighters that he was marking roads that would most likely have some serious issues and then back roads that may have less issues.
"I wasn't in distress when I hauled your helpless ass down the hallway with walkers closing in on me," she snapped back, anger in her eyes mirrored by spots of red on her cheeks. "And I wasn't in distress when I hot shotted your heart and had a plan to get you to safety. Just because I don't swing a dick and piss bullets doesn't mean I'm helpless, asshole."

She pointed towards the garage, the outside. "We don't know that there aren't other people, other survivors out there. You may be a wunderkind at killing and looking like a ninja and shit, but what happens when you get a necrotizing infection from a scratch that I could have treated for you but wasn't around to do? What happens when you meet, I don't know, the girl ninja of your dreams so you can make little ninja babies with and she dies in childbirth because of sepsis because you didn't wash your fucking hands or know how to turn a breach baby. Everyone's got a gun, bucko, but not everyone knows what I know how to do."

Aware that her tone and volume were rising, Hannah bit at the inside of her cheek to calm down. Sir would be equal parts proud and disappointed right now she knew. Proud because she wasn't backing down when she was right and it was okay to be right and be strong and in control, disappointed because of the way she was handling it.

"Look," she said after a moment in a much quieter tone. "We need each other. If... If that means you teach me how to shoot or whatever, as a complete last resort, then I'll do it. But you need to start treating me like an equal in this game of survival and not a weak, stupid inconvenience."
Alex just sat there continuing what he was doing on his map before he stood up, after she was done speaking. Walking over to her he got very close to her as his eyes went from calm and cool to colder than the dead around her.
"First off. I don't remember asking you to save me. People live and die, it's a fact of life. You did what you felt was right and to appease some sort of self righteousness. Good for you, but don't try and throw that in my face. Secondly, if I get bit or infected it's because I was sloppy, thus I'd put a bullet in my head. Death doesn't scare me."

Reaching behind her he grabbed a knife and flipped it so that the handle was in his hand and blade facing down along his forearm. Planting a hand to her chest, in the center of her collar the blade came up and was tight to her throat.
"Mention anything about my needing you or about how I would be with a significant other or child...and I'll end your worry about this new world very quickly. I do NOT need you. I'm pretty aware on how to handle my own illnesses. If it's that bad, I'll just put a bullet in my head. I'd rather go out my own way then the alternative."

Pushing away from her he put the knife on the table and looked at the time. It was going to be dark soon. Cursing a bit he'd need to wait another day. God he hoped they were okay.
"I'm going to the city tomorrow. If you want to find whoever it was you were looking for to begin with, that's your shot. If not, then you're shit out of luck."
As he walked past her he stopped.
"We'll never be equals. You should consider yourself lucky. You don't want to be equal to me."
He said almost in a regretful tone as he headed out to the garage to grab some of the chicken he'd found.

Chicken sounded good and the protein's in the food were going to be needed tomorrow. So as he started to season the breasts he got a pan on the stove and put some oil oil inside as well. Adding garlic and butter as well as some other herbs. While he did this, he set some potatoes in the sink to be washed and peeled as well as some carrots. Washing his hands after handling the chicken he walked over to a small iPod station and pushed play. Music from the orchestra Two Steps from Hell began playing and the first song was a song called Cassandra.

Story closed at AnnaBeth's request.

Much love to a talented writing partner, PatientOne, and thank you for working with me to explore this story idea.
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