Catch a Tiger by the Toe {darkest_fate&MellowYellow}

The handsome tiger chuckled faintly. "Yes, rimming a tiger stripper perhaps isn't something a famed ZPD officer would be caught doing," he added, deciding to humor her. Not that Judy's nervousness or reputation seemed to be slowing her down. She leaned in closer and closer, as if magnetized by his scent, and he reached down with his left hand to give the base of his cock a few steady strokes in anticipation.

Goodness, that was soft! It tickled a bit at first, and the powerful tiger tried to remain dignified and keep his laughter from escaping. "Mmn..." Dexterous too it seemed. Her soft tongue caressed the tight ring of pink muscle and then hesitantly seemed to probe inward.

"Why thank you," he replied with a soft laugh. Though, naturally, he was going to admit to himself that it was odd to be complimented on the taste of his backside. Her soft bunny tongue was swift and attentive, and seemed to explore with the keen, surgical precision of an ace detective. "Mmmn... yes my dear. And here I was, thinking that rabbits were supposed to be vegetarians," he teased.

It made for quite an alluring sight, Judy's short and slender frame leaning up to Titan's tremendous frame, her face seeming almost buried in the cheeks of his ass. "That's right... my dear... get a good taste..." His breathing had gotten a little heavier, and despite himself he was moaning softly as she sent waves of pleasure radiating through him.
The comment soothed Judy a little. It seemed like either her ploy was working or, more likely, that Titan was willing to pretend like her ploy was working. Either way, the whole eating tiger ass thing was sure to get her a little more wiggle room in most senses. Plus, to be perfectly honest: he tasted freaking amazing.

Judy did pause at his chuckles, her little tongue pulling back for a few seconds. Had she done something wrong or something? No, he was taking the compliment. So Judy dove back in, her tongue moving pretty well like you'd expect a rabbit's to. Now that she'd gotten into a rhythm, Judy bobbed and weaved. The little muscle would dart and push and swirl in one spot, before hopping to another, moving in small increments all around the little ring. She even pushed her tip against the hole for a few seconds, letting it writhe in place and just work inside the tiger for a few seconds. The raw taste of him that filled Judy at that made her shiver, her leg thumping yet again.

I'm eating tiger butt! I'm eating a TIGER! Omigod, this is so exciting and thrilling and, and, SEXY! I'm super sexy, right now, right? Like, this is sexy? Judy slurped, her head diving in between Titan's cheeks, nearly burrowing into him. Her mouth opened as her lips drew across his rear entirely, inhaling as she drew him between her lips. Bunny teeth just nibbled for a moment before she rolled her head. He tastes so freaking good! How can he possibly taste this good? This shouldn't be allowed. Carrots, what am I doing? I'm eating tiger butt! From a stripper! Or, well, a secret sex worker! But he's so handsome and kinda nice and it's been so freaking long. Judy groaned as she sucked more, feeling spit starting to run into their fur.

Still, something worried her, and she pulled back, wiping at her maw. "This is, um, it's sexy, right?" she asked, her concern wrinkling her face. "Like, you don't think this is too disgusting or that I'm disgusting or perverted for, like, wanting to try it, do you? I mean, we're animals, and sniffing butts is sometimes like greeting each other and, yours just," she ran her hands over it, "smells so good and tastes pretty good too, I might add," she paused, considering it. "But I don't wanna be weird. I --" want to be sexy. So very, very few people called Judy Hopps sexy. Dedicated? Sure. Respected? You bet, now at least. Cute? All the time!

But sexy?
It had started normal at first, with her seeming to be a rookie who was only just finding her footing as she rimmed him. But by goodness she was soon vigorous, and her lips seemed to press right into his backside as if she was making out with him rather than just rimming him, and despite himself Titan felt his own toes curl as his sharp claws began to sink into the hard wooden floors of his dressing room.

She even nibbled on his ass. That was another first for him, and a breathless gasp slid out of his sharp fangs as a long and pale cloud of mist. "Fuck..." he said softly, as if a cloud had descended over his mind. As it stood he was usually rather lax and confident throughout these things, but now Judy managed to take him unawares.

So bunnies were pros at this. It was quite admirable.

When she stopped, he seemed to snap back to reality and he then glanced down at the pretty bunny. She too seemed to have snapped back to reality, and in turn was now wondering if this was sexy or gross. "Very sexy, my dear," Titan assured her with a toothy smile, his predatory gaze roaming down Judy's supple curves.

"Granted I hadn't expected you to be quite so lewd. I'm not complaining of course. If anything it's only making me want you more."
Very sexy. why did everything Titan say have that sort of very sexy connotation itself? It made Judy tremble again, and she looked down, realizing that her paws were still spreading the tiger stripper's glorious buttcheeks. His dark, puckered hole glistened with bunny spittle, and the waft of his arousal had... spiked. She sniffed again, eyes widening with the sharp realization that she probably should've noticed sooner:

Titan was getting turned on.

Judy couldn't quite tell if it was just the situation or her particularly or what, but there was no denying it. The tiger's reassuring words had come from at least some place of truth, and his mention of her lewdness in that light actually sounded like a compliment. That raw aroma added weight to the words, nearly making the rabbit purr, were she capable of that sort of noise. She shifted again, adjusting her grip and her position, some of the confidence that spoke to Lt. Judy Hopps as a thinking being swelling up within the tiny rabbit.

"Okay, good," she said, nodding. "Just wanted to check and all," she reached up to brush back her ears before leaning forward again. This time, the bunny aimed. She drew her lips tight about the puckered hole, forming a seal. That agile pink tongue flitted out within the seal, battering several times against the tiger's star. Flick, flick, flick, all against the edge. Then Judy shifted, her face going deeper, nose nearly shoved underneath Titan's tail. Her tongue stretched out and lathered the entire star as best it could, running up and down a few times to get it good and wet before she lunged as best she could. Judy surged forward, rising on her haunches and pushing her face deep. Still, her bunny tongue could only go a little distance into the tiger's ass. She took several deep breaths, his fur ruffling her nose as she did, but no matter what she did, she couldn't get deep enough to really get any traction.

So Judy changed tactics. she pulled out, giving him a few more licks before readjusting her grip on his butt. Her fingers went down to pry, a hand pausing for a moment to get his tail out of the way. Thus situated, Judy began pushing some of her fingers into Titan's rear. Her mouth, meanwhile, went to the base of his tail. She kissed and worked, before shifting sideways, draping it across her mouth. Thus positioned, she began delicately nibbling at the tail, using her flat rabbit teeth and skill at this to just take several delicate bites around the base. All the while, her fingers began poking and prodding, sliding inside Titan and wriggling in the tight confines of his ass.
Titan was intrigued. He had to wonder just what the young rabbit had in mind as she oriented herself, and before he knew it she was right back to work. Her tongue met his posterior and penetrated nice and deep, or about as deep as she could go given the sheer difference in scale between the two of them. A harsh noise dragged in his throat, low moans that once more made his toes curl into the grain of the wood.

And then she got bolder till, as her fingers drifted upward and a pair of small digits pushed steadily into his backside. His breathing was rough, growing harsher as Judy continued to explore him. And with each passing moment it seemed she was getting more depraved with each passing second.

"Just like that," Titan assured her, motioning for her to continue.

And she wasted little time in growing more daring, her small teeth teasing and nibbling the base of his tail in a way that sent a loud rumbling growl up through his throat. The noise filled the room, and in his excitement he reached down and settled his hands on his hips. Sharp toes tapped the ground, and a cursory glance would show his balls swaying and his cock throbbing in anticipation.

"Mn... not to be rude, but," he interrupted "May we turn around a bit? If I'm to cum, I'd rather not ah... huff... make a mess of my sofa."
She was doing it! Judy could hear Titan's breathing increasing: those ears weren't for show, after all. His breath was coming in deeper and deeper rumbles now, with occasional other noises bubbling forth. He certainly seemed to approve of what she was doing, and the nibbles apparently worked even better than Judy would have anticipated. She smiled with satisfaction, feeling that usual pride that came with a job well done surging up within her. She did know that some predators liked their tails being played with and all. Heck, she liked it to some degree.

His next question caught her slightly by surprise, as she'd thought that they'd been in a decent position for that not to happen. Or, wait, was he not so subtly asking if he could cum in her mouth or something? Wait, was he even saying he was close to coming? Was she that good? Judy's leg started thumping and she tugged at her shirt, suddenly wondering why they even bothered to wear clothes at all, really.

"Um, I guess?" she finally said, looking up at him. "But I mean, c'mon," she shifted, reaching her fingers further inside Titan. "You can't tell me you've never cum on this couch before," okay, that was pretty naughty, and it made Judy's ears twitch just thinking about it. But she shifted her hand, turning and twisting, prodding about inside him and looking to work his insides. If Judy was remembering right, there was a spot you could massage for a guy back here that really made them explode. She'd only managed to try it once or twice: guys got so nervous with buttstuff.

"So, um, if you want to start moving," she said, shifting her stance on the couch to make sure she was ready, "then, like, just let me know. I can totally keep up with you. I'm good at---um, that," she nearly said "pursuit," which would've given things away, given what her skills had been as an officer and all.

There! Judy thought she felt something in Titan and she twisted her lips as she tried poking it. It was proving a little difficult, with the shifting and all, and her arm was nearly starting to get into the work now. But hey, at least she'd found it.
"Well, yes I have had cum on that sofa before, but it's such a bother to clean the upholstery. Although, on the other hand-" he gave a sudden gasp, his feline ears pricking upright as Judy not so subtly rubbed his prostate with great intrigue. How much did she know about this stuff? Was she some sort of anal slut?

Odd, he thought rabbits couldn't think beyond one hole.

Right about now he was starting to feel like some kind of science experiment, or an anatomy model under the probing touch of a particularly inquisitive medical student. A medical student who would likely be expelled. "Mnff.... ah..." Titan thought he had some crude witticism on his tongue, but whatever that was it melted away with the miasma of pleasure taking a stronger hold on his brain.

The pressure in his cock just kept growing and growing, spiking as Judy inquisitively fingered him with great interest. He threw his head back, the broad muscles of his back tightened visibly. The great bumpy rod of his feline cock throbbed visibly, and another burst of cum burst from the peak of his cock. It put the moneyshot from his earlier show to shame, arcing across the room at quite a height, with several hot splatters streaking along the wall and then gradually oozing downward. At a glance, he could have easily filled a pint glass with that much.

Titan panted softly, and his spine tingled in the aftermath of his release. He'd give Judy credit, none of his usual clients made him cum quite like that...
Did she just get him to cut off? Judy felt her leg twitching again, just thinking about it. This tiger had to have all kinds of partners; he'd pretty well confessed to it (carrots, how she wished she had tape of that), so to get this worked meant that Judy must have been doing one hopping of a good time. The thought filled the rabbit with more glee and pleasure. she could feel the warmth of a job well done mixing with her already prevailing warmth of arousal and just everything else.

In fact, it seemed like she'd rendered Titan momentarily speechless. Judy could feel the beast tensing. She saw his movements, his jerk. Judy leaned forward then, jamming her fingers up against him rapidly, moving with rabbit speed. The small fingers hit against the precise nub again and again, hitting with a marksman's aim, seeming determined to prime the pump as much as possible. Judy actually couldn't see the load itself, what with their being a lot of tiger in the way, but she could certainly hear and smell it. Her face was, after all, pretty well buried in his fur.

As her ears caught panting, Judy pulled back a little, withdrawing her paw slightly. The realization of what she'd just done hit her, and her paws drew back, covering her mouth with a moment's burst of horror. She'd just played with a tiger stripper's ass until he burst out with a huge load in his dressing room! Gah, and the musk was getting worse! "Oh crackers," Judy mumbled again, not quite believing that she was here, doing this. She licked at her paw, tasting the heavy tiger musk on it. Without thinking, she drew it down her own front, just touching the front of her tights.

She'd soaked through.

Groaning, Judy scooted around to try and look up at Titan's front. "Are you okay?" she asked, bringing her hand, wet from her own arousal, up to tap against him. "I didn't overdo it or anything, did I? it's the whole rabbit thing. we get kinda excited and move quick," oh carrots, she really shouldn't have done this. Flushing, Judy pushed up to her feet, landing lightly. She felt some cum on her pads and winced a little as the warmth spread. Her head was dangerously close to his glistening cock and, without able to really stop herself, she reached up with a hand, grabbed a small pawful, and stuck it in her mouth.

"Yep, still good," she said, before pulling it out. "But we're done here, right? I mean, we had fun and all. Time to go. I"m sure you've got loads of other customers," Judy started to turn toward the door, or where she thought the door was. Her head was spinning a little now, disbelief and arousal warring in her mind.
Titan slowly caught his breath, and felt the ecstasy drain out of him. If she was shocked, he seemed a little stunned too. He hadn't expected much from a rabbit, but she got him off with her tongue and fingers alone. It was... thrilling really. The tiger couldn't help but grin as Judy's nervousness sent her careening back into babbling. For the time being, he forgot all about the stains on the wall, the cleaner could take those.

"Wait." He turned to face Judy (or look down on her to be more accurate) and flashed his fangs in that broad smile she was apparently quite fond of.

"By my count, we have at least another half hour on your time. And I have a little more time past that which I usually reserve for... pre-show relaxation and grooming," he explained with a small laugh. "My point is, there's no need for you to rush off. After getting me off like that, I certainly wouldn't want to kick you out."

Titan leaned in closer and sniffed the air above the young rabbit. "Goodness, you need it bad. How long's it been my dear? A month? Must be torture for a rabbit." A bunny in need apparently had quite a distinct scent to it, and her own lusty scent was exceptionally strong.

"If you want, I could always help with that. I feel I owe you one... if you wanted to meet outside the club, well that's agreeable too."
Back up at the impressive tiger who you just rimmed, naughty little bunny you. Judy's ears twitched at that memory, and it didn't help that she could still see Titan sporting, well, a fairly titanic erection still. Did he never go down or something? Judy did vaguely recall hearing about some species that could fuck for hours, but she figured it was a myth. Then again, rabbits were known to recover incredibly quickly and essentially have marathons with short bursts in between.

Oh, great, her timing was off, and on top of that, she'd won him over. Judy flushed a little at that ,ears falling down. The embarrassment deepened as he sniffed her, and her hands went to stroke her ears. "Closer to a year, actually," she mumbled, looking away as she did. She knew she had to smell incredibly randy, downright irresistible to most males, as a matter of fact. Zootopia had an entire police section that had smelling issues specifically to help aid animals that were in a sort of musk and stop them from being raped. Given that Judy was a tiny little thing, albeit highly trained, and reeking of so much fuck me now her chances of making it anywhere without having her tights yanked down and something happen to her were pretty much nonexistent.

still, she had morals and reasons and all that junk.

"I mean, I appreciate the offer and all, honest," Judy insisted, waving a paw. "But, like, I just really came to check the place out. A friend of a friend sort of suggested. And then you were all--grr," she shivered with the memory, before crossing her legs slightly. Even she could smell herself: that raw musk was making it difficult to even think straight. Judy looked to the door again, considering. "No, I can't. Nobody'd let me live it down," she mumbled to herself, before shaking her head. "I really ought to go and all," she said, extending a hand up and out toward Titan (not the one that had previously been buried past the wrist in his ass). "It's been really nice to meet you, Titan. You're super swell, and, like, if you were a rabbit, I'd totally ask you out or something."

Oh wait, should she say that? Well, it was safe, right? Judy's ears twitched, telling her so. Get me to a bunny hutch already. If I don't get laid soon, I'm going to end up going nuts.
The tiger seemed a little disappointed, but he was a gentleman at the end of the day. If Judy didn't want to go any further (or rather, her body desperately wanted to go further but the moral part of her mind was keeping her body in check) then he'd hardly force her. More than that his boss would be quite cross if he did, not to mention how much heat that would put on their whole establishment.

"If that's your preference." He smiled politely and shook Judy's clean hand. Her entire paw was swallowed by his. Being honest, he could probably hold her whole forearm in his palm without issue. "Though I do hope you'll visit again my dear. You've been far more entertaining than anyone else who I've had here."

He gave Judy a playful pat on her backside and then made for his rack of clothing. He'd need to put on a new thong since the other a more unkempt state. "Good night my dear."
It seemed like Judy would make it out of there in one piece. There was some part of her that was almost disappointed that Titan didn't try something. Oh sure, the whole gentlemanly tiger thing was definitely appealing and all, but, well, there was some part of her that couldn't help but think about how thrilling it would be to just have him, well, overwhelm her. Not the scary way that she'd faced before and all, but in a sort of... sexy way. The cop was almost tempted to ask, but she realized she could never do something like that. She just had to let her ears fall and nod along with his praise, glad to hear that she'd at least done something right and all.

Though she'd shivered at that slight pat. Judy had almost been surprised not to hear a "squish" to go along with it. She adjusted her clothing as best she could, but by now the tights had all but contoured to her lower half, giving her "camel toe" down there. The raw smell wafting from her front was almost too overwhelming, but the bunny nodded and headed out, thanking Titan for the time.

She'd hit the hall, closing the door behind her, when she looked up at the elephant guard. Ringo seemed to be eying her speculatively, his trunk twitching as it moved over her. "I had a wonderful time," she insisted, smiling up at him. "So don't worry about it, okay?" she started moving away, and as she did, she swore she could see the guard moving to grab the cell phone at his wrist, mumbling something into it.

Not too far away, the boss was doublechecking and running some things. They had a good handle on this whole business: they had the cops on the take, particularly the chief. who'd have figured that all it would take was to send a few hot felines over to the bison every month or so? Sure, they were out of commission for a few days ,but it kept everybody flush.

But now he was getting notification from one of his bouncers. she was here: esteemed cop and near legend Judy Hopps. It was hard to mistake the little rabbit, though she kept insisting it wasn't her. And, according to said bouncer, she'd seen Titan. When the boss chuckled and asked when they'd need to cart Judy out, however:


Soon he was dialing up his star attraction, already yelling on the phone. If JUDY HOPPS ends up getting attacked by hot and horny predators outside HIS CLUB what do you think is going to happen? We can't have one of the MOST FAMOUS RABBITS IN ALL OF FUCKING ZOOTOPIA leave here looking and feeling like that. And if she got raped? They were more than closed: they'd end up in prison where all the fucking hippos and wolverines ended up, and Titan was WAY TOO PRETTY to end up there.

The bouncer had already paused Judy at the entrance back into the club proper, patting her down. That did not feel good, between Judy's sensitive body and the elephant's hands. Still, it should slow her down enough for Titan to figure something out.
He did so hate it when the manager yelled. But he had a point, and he did feel rather boneheaded for not seeing what he saw. Judy was an officer, and a fleet-footed rabbit, but predators had been running bunnies down for centuries. And in this part of town, at this late hour, there wouldn't be anyone to back her up so long as that scent was on her. Yes, a very troubling predicament. And neither of them had seen it.

Truthfully, Titan was so used to simply fucking his visitors that he never pondered a situation like this. But if Judy had the scent of a mighty tiger following her... well that would be enough to make any prospective rapist scratch his neck awkwardly and look away.

And so, as Judy was getting frisked, the sound of him clearing his throat would fill the air. This time Titan was mercifully more clothed, wearing a black satin robe over his broad body. The name 'Khan' was embroidered in gold on his right breast. Titan was just a stage name after all, and Khan was indeed rather foreign like the rest of him. The tremendous figure approached Judy, and leaned in closer to whisper to her.

"Miss Hopps," there was a slight urgency in his tone that said 'please don't waste our time with your denials' "My manager has made me aware of a... certain danger that may follow you around if you leave now." He whispered to her of her scent, and how that would lure almost ever scumbag in the city out of their ratholes. A quick glance to the bar would let Judy see the weasal tending to some glasses. He looked as hungry to see her as Titan had.

"I don't want to doubt your prowess,'ll be in great danger if you leave now. But, if you were to have some er... 'fun' with me, my scent would ward off the nasty customers quickly enough."
The cleared throat drew Judy's attention behind her. There stood Titan, somehow managing to look... awkward? It struck the bunny as surprising, especially given that she was the one with the wet crotch being patted down by an elephant while a pretty tiger watched. Shouldn't she be the one looking like she wanted to find the closest possible warren to hide in? Titan leaned down, and Judy's ears turned toward him.

Oh look, her name. Her eyes narrowed at that, mouth opening to protest, but he just kept going, outlining something about danger. Danger? Judy's brows furrowed as she tried to figure out what he was talking about. Judy glanced toward the bar, and saw that he looked about ready to eat her. Her eyes widened at that, and she turned, seeing that about every other predator in the place was looking at her with lust in their gaze. No doubt Judy could deal with one, or even a handful, but she'd have trouble getting out of the club let alone getting home.

"Cheese and crackers," she mumbled, running a hand down her face. It seemed like there weren't many options here. Either she went forward, and most likely got raped, possibly several times, or by several predators at once. Or she went back, and Titan fucked her cute little bunny snatch till she couldn't walk. Either way, it didn't seem like Judy was going to leave her without a load inside her.

"Isn't there, like, a back way or--" Judy asked, but she could see the elephant's look. "Right, musk," Judy sighed, then looked up at Titan. "You know what's really sad? This isn't the least romantic proposal I've gotten," she could recall one encounter during her time at the academy that had been almost practical. Judy chewed her lip, ears drooping. Over her head, the elephant was giving the tiger a look pretty well insisting that he stop pussyfooting around and take the damn bunny to his room already.

"Maybe... I don't know...." Judy thought aloud, twisting again to look at the various patrons, several of whom were all but leaning her way now.
"It's not ideal, I know, but... well it's a necessity."

It usually wasn't a problem. Predator women could take care of themselves (and were usually up for it anyway) and most prey women got fucked here anyway, so they had some musk to protect them. In all Titan's time here, Judy was perhaps the first prey to ever be 'picky' about this sort of thing.

"It doesn't make me feel like much of a gentleman, but I'll try to make it enjoyable," though in all honesty Titan doubted he'd need to 'try' particularly hard. Judy was a bunny, and he was... himself. A combo like that and he didn't doubt that udy would be thumping the ground with her foot hard enough to crack concrete. And the essence of a tiger would make vermin and dogs slither quickly away.

A strong hand came to rest on Judy's back as he guided her back toward his room, and he glanced from side to side as he did so. They passed by a curious male doberman who opened his mouth to speak, no doubt with something crass aimed at Judy, and then fell silent as Titan glared silently at him. He led the way back, this time undaunted. "Do you... have a preference for this sort of thing?"
It still struck Judy as slightly odd that there even was such a thing as a gentleman stripper. But Titan did seem to be fulfilling that role quite nicely, and she could certainly see the appeal and all. It still felt odd, being escorted like this. She wasn't dumb: she could see the implications. However, Judy was also wracking her brain, trying to think if there was some way of getting around this without actually... yeah. And very, very few ideas were coming into mind, almost none of them all that appealing.

Oh look, they were back behind the curtain. Judy thought she'd seen a dog or something that was all but leering at her, but she was mostly lost in thought by this point. "The musk must be pretty bad," she mused, again half to herself, though she was fairly certain Titan could hear her if he bothered to try. They were getting closer to the room and all.

"A preference?" Judy asked, looking up at Titan. "Like..." she frowned slightly, "wait, are you asking about positions and stuff? Because at this point 'not getting squished' is pretty much the main priority I have---oh carrots," just saying it put it into perspective for Judy. She covered her face with her paws and looked askance to Titan's member. It had been HUGE, and she was, well, SMALL. It didn't take a genius to figure it out. Judy did figure that she could probably stretch: sexes were kinda built for taking a fair amount of punishment but...

should they be doing this like taking off a bandaid or-- "Maybe, like, I should just," she gestured toward his waist, "I don't know, jerk you off or something? Surely if I've got--" she gestured at herself, before sighing. she just really couldn't see a way out of this that wasn't either too awkward to not be worth the effort or, well, her getting fucked by tiger dick.

I have to be the first animal back here who isn't utterly thrilled by that prospect. Dang it! I should've foreseen this or something Judy's tail twitched, and her mind just kept right on spinning.
"Oh I wouldn't worry about that. I've fucked otters who have taken it just fine, and they're about your height." Okay so it was tight as fuck, and it was doubtful they'd ever enjoy the pleasures of their own kind afterward, but it was possible. And he'd heard talk that bunny on horse interspecies relationships were on the rise these days. If bunnies could handle horse dicks, then a tiger cock would be easy too.

Okay, not 'easy' but definitely possible.

"But if that's a concern, and one I've seen voiced, well cowgirl is a position that helps prey get comfortable," he nonchalantly explained. It wasn't anything new to him, naturally. "You know. Decide the pace a little better. Let gravity do some of the work for you. Though I'll have to do a little bit of pulling, just to speed things along." Titan shrugged "I also have some lubricants on my vanity, if you need a little extra help."

In that moment, entering his room with Judy in tow, he became aware of the old story of King Shiwan and his fifty rabbit wives (an exaggerated claim, most historians put the number closer to twenty or so). She could take it, and then she'd be fine for the night. Titan unlaced the binding of his robes, sighed and then shrugged them off.
"That's true," Judy allowed. She'd definitely had some experience dealing with otters before, and she knew that they were about comparable in size and all. The thought that this guy had actually fucked some otters didn't surprise Judy all that much. She couldn't help but notice, however, that he said nothing about rabbits. That actually struck her as a little weird, given that, well, her kind kinda had this tendency to fuck just about everything.

The position talk made it a little more real to Judy, and she felt the urge to just spring into action and sprint out of there as quickly as possible. Cowgirl? On a tiger? "I"m not sure I could--" she managed, waving with a paw for a few moments. "we might, uh, have to, put me down or, well, assuming that, like, we don't, um" she gestured again, trying to figure out what she should say. Not like Judy hadn't done something like this before or anything, but, well, not like Titan.

They entered the room, Judy folding her paws behind her back while she walked back in. Was it just her, or did it smell even more like tiger musk? Well, and bunny musk now too. The two were intermingling well. And Judy supposed that if everything went the way they kept talking, then she should get used to that odor.

She heard the robe dropping and turned, seeing Titan back in his thong. "Um, did we, uh," Judy shifted. "Do we really--I mean, isn't there some other way..." Judy rocked on her feet for a few moments, looking around. "Like, maybe if you just, um, if I just.... enjoyed myself, and if you kinda," she gestured at herself, "on me? Then that would be--" Judy was now figuring how much seed she'd wind up on her fur, and she was seriously considering whether or not getting that messy was worth getting that stretched out...
While Judy fretted and hummed and hawed, Titan casually made for his vanity and plucked up a small clear bottle. Lubrication. Even if Judy was bursting like a dam down there, he wouldn't want to take any real risks here. And while she was still uncertain, and for as much as a gentleman as he was, his manager wanted him to do this and he didn't want his job to be at any risk here.

Aside from the couch, the only other furniture of note was a rather large recliner that was positioned near the door. Not wanting to risk getting any of his drying cum on his fur, a true challenge to clean out, he moved over to the chair and sat down. Even seated he cut quite a large and imposing figure compared to his fluffy bunny guest. And with his shaft slowly rising, his image grew even more like that of a conqueror from ancient history.

He'd been content to be passive earlier, but right now it was his job on the line. He needed to act.

Strong hands suddenly grabbed Judy by her shapely hips, strong fingers sinking into her full backside and fondling lazily as he then hoisted her up into his lap. His lips made for the crook of her neck, primal growls rumbling against her flesh while his fingers maintained their groping pace. His musk grew more intense at this proximity, and with practiced skill he was quick to find any weakening bundles of nerves she had.
Titan was moving; Judy couldn't help but be aware of his movements, even as her mind ran around in circles around several topics that she definitely hadn't thought would be real possibilities for the night. He seemed to be getting something, so she just sort of positioned herself near the center-ish of the room. She could see the spots where Titan's last load had landed upon the floor, leaving something almost like spots or stains along the bottom. Maybe it was just in her mind though: it wasn't as if there wasn't a lot of cum here, after all.

He sat. Judy heard the movement, her head swiveling that way as he did. Her nose twitched, catching his musk, while her eyes fell to his cock. Sitting there, he looked like some kind of old tiger clan chief or something. His cock stood up like a scepter, and it seemed to be begging for someone to take position. Judy again found herself doing a size comparison, looking at it and looking at herself.

Just as she started doing the real math, hands gripped hers. Judy yelped as she felt her feet leaving the ground. Her eyes went wide as every prey instinct she had kicked in. She froze, panting, heart thudding loud enough to throb in her ears. Thick paws gripped her bottom, making Judy bite her lip. She felt her leg twitching, and soon she found herself gasping. His mouth went to her neck, and Judy's legs would've given out had he not already grabbed her. "Oh carrots," she said, feeling liquid utterly drenching her crotch. Growls rumbled against her flesh and fur, ruffling her body. The musk alone that hit her would've made Judy's eyes roll back in her head.

"You are---really good at this,' she mumbled, feeling her hands reach for his to help support. She felt like her body was literally melting, and soon she'd be oozing out his hands. "So not fair, how good you are,' she mumbled, her body shivering again. She could feel the pleasure spiking and twisting in her gut, and she had this feeling that she'd end up cumming within mere moments at this rate.
"I have a lot of practice." And predator women usually were far more challenging, and took more effort than prey did. To get a she-wolf, or a lioness to cum, well that took a whole lot of effort and focus. Anyone who had seen two predators go at it, well most of the time it looked like some kind of wrestling match. Prey on the other hand? Well as with hunting them, fucking them was quite easy and almost relaxing.

Two thick tiger thumbs slipped under Judy's waist band and slid her trousers down until her full backside was unveiled to the warm air of the room. And soon his fingers returned to their groping and massaging motions, unobstructed, and parting the cheeks of Judy's backside just as she had done for him earlier.

By now his cock had risen to its full mast, and was sandwiched between their bodies with a great heat and musk radiating outward.

"You are rather good at getting me worked up. I hadn't expected you to be such a tease," Titan purred. His refined, elegant voice had grown deeper and huskier, while vibrant purring sounds rumbled in his body. He tossed Judy's garments aside, leaving her exposed from the waist down. And it made it all the easier to feel the heat radiating between Judy's toned, furry thighs. Like a bunny-shaped furnace...
"Gee, so charming," Judy said, though her heart certainly didn't slow down beating. She could feel his hands going to her waist, catching the tights. The bunny cop had, of course, worn panties even underneath the relatively tight garments and all. However, they were by this point stuck together due to various wetness and time and just about everything. So that one pull bared the bunny's cute backside, from fluffy tail to rounded bottom.

The rabbit let out a gasp as she felt him spreading her cheeks. The air in the room seemed to caress her hole almost immediately, and the sudden sensation felt so strange, made her shiver. The motion drew her closer to the cock, all but shoving her abdomen against it. The domed head seemed to be sticking up just between her breasts, as if begging for the bunny to ride it that way. And if Judy had thought she'd received a blast of Titan's musk before: the raw scent of it sent her head spinning now, and she literally had to ball fur in her fists to stay conscious.

Words purred, and Judy nodded. "Yeah, sure," she mumbled. The rabbit felt herself shifting, her lower half completely bared now. All rabbits had, as a general rule, very svelte lower halves. all the running and fucking left them well built in that area, with strong legs and developed thigh muscles. Judy proved no exception: if anything, she seemed even more toned and well formed than your average rabbit. The grey of her continued in soft fur throughout most of her body, save for white at key locations. The further up her thighs one journeyed, however, the closer you'd get to wet matted heat, the raw bunny lust wafting at nearly the same intensity as Titan's, if not even worse. After all, Titan had likely mated within the past year.

"Carrots," Judy mumbled as she shifted her hips, feeling the lips of her sex kissing the overlarge cock. The thing had to be at least three if not four or five times larger than anything Judy had ever put in her. She could feel its pulsing girth right against her sex. The rabbit rolled her hip a little, smearing her juices about the bottom of his shaft, letting some coat gently downward. She whimpered a little, ears flattening against her head, still not quite believing that this was actually happening to her.
Some part of him felt like asking 'are you ready', but the smarter part of his head told him that that question would be a waste of time. Of course she wasn't, not with how much of a challenge this was going to be. But on the other hand, he didn't particularly care. This was something that needed doing.

Strong hands lifted Judy by her full backside, his hungry feline gaze roaming over her legs as he lifted her. They were pretty dang impressive, could probably even hurt him with a well aimed kick. Fortunately, given that Judy was practically dripping on him, she seemed in no position to muster THAT kind of protest. Good thing too, if she hurt his moneymaker then he wouldn't be such a gentleman after that.

Titan held Judy above his cock for a few seconds, and then slowly lowered her downward. By this point her soaked bunny burrow already had the tapered peak of his dick glistening in the light. The pull of gravity helped to slide her down further, while his grip held her hips steadily. "Fuck..." Titan's throat rattled with a deep and powerful growl, feeling how Judy's cock seemed to practically melt atop him.

Maybe his mind was playing tricks on him, but he could swear he heard her core sizzling from that sheer heat.
Up she went. Judy yelped again, hands gripping tightly, lip going between teeth for several seconds. She felt her body leaving, could almost feel the sting of juices connecting her sodden sex to Titan's impressive member. Huge hands gripped her tight bunny bottom well, positioning her just so. For several long breaths, Judy felt the tapered peak rubbing against her very narrow slit.

Down. Judy whimpered, squirming, feet kicking spasmodically as she felt the huge pressure. The huge cock pushed and pushed upon her groin, demanding entrance into an area that, until this moment, hadn't seen anything quite that size. Juices ran in rivers down the cock, anointing it and helping lubricate the whole process. A glance down confirmed it: the huge shaft glistening in the light due to Judy's leavings.

Gah, was that a sizzle? Judy's ears twitched as she swore she heard it, the raw heat from their bodies catching the liquid and threatening to steam them both, surely. She could feel it, feel the raw pressure. Judy rocked slightly, the pleasure coiling up. Taking a breath, she grabbed onto Titan, this time tugging to get his attention.

"I'm gonna cum in, like, a few seconds," she informed him, her leg already starting to twitch, her sex wiggling. "When I do, you need to, like," she nodded, "pull me down all the way. Get as much in me as you can," take it all off like a band-aid; a hot, sexy, band-aid. Judy trembled, then began jerking her body, bouncing atop the head. With a deep breath, she drew her body up, then dropped down.

The gravity and Judy's force drove several inches of cock into her sex. She felt the bulge that was soon coming, her low abdomen swelling almost immediately. The bunny let out a yelp, twisting to bury her face into his fur as she began cumming. Her legs twitched automatically, flailing and generally spasming on their own. The sex already gripped the tiger's sensitive head tight. now it clamped, pulling, working, muscles and innards dancing around him in raw glee. Her velvet folds had contorted like a second skin, swelling and stretching to meet him, and now they gripped and pulled, Judy's body already greedily demanding a finish.

Raw pain and pressure and pleasure swam in the rabbit's mind and body for those long seconds, her eyes already starting to roll back. She rocked her hips again, trying to remind Titan of what she'd all but ordered him to do:

fill her bunny body with tiger cock.
Pull her down all the way? Was she nuts? But, then again, bunnies were known to get... giddy when they were in the mood. 'A quick handjob' could all too quickly turn into 'Fuck me into the ground' and from there accelerate further into 'Just five more rounds, pretty please.' Well he'd certainly hope that one round with a tiger would equal at least five rounds with another rabbit, just to get her nice and satisfied.

He felt how she spasmed around his cock, a snarl catching in Titan's throat from the vicelike squeeze pressing against the intruding first several inches of his monster. He gave her what she wanted alright, his hands tightening their grip and sliding Judy down with a mighty flex of mammalian muscle. His roar echoed through the room.

Males flinched at the noise, and then awkwardly scratched their heads and looked around as if pretending to not have heard anything. The female patrons meanwhile, would all look in the general direction of Titan's room, and growl one thing under their breath: "Lucky bitch."

The bulge in Judy's formerly taut abdomen grew larger, more pronounced, and so obscenely huge that it seemed to reach under her bust. Titan panted softly and reached his left hand up, slowly stroking his thick fingers down the thick bulge. He could just barely feel the pulse of his cock. Impressive, he had to admit, he had never had such a tight fit in all his life and he was loving it utterly.

Titan grinned and moved his hands up to her hips, and was soon bouncing Judy up and down his cock at a steadily rising pace. "Tight fucking fit huh? Bet no rabbit's ever fit you this good..." Though, if such a bunny existed, he'd probably never be let out of the burrow bedroom.
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