Catch a Tiger by the Toe {darkest_fate&MellowYellow}


machina erotica
Dec 17, 2009
Okay, so the place didn't look all that shady. That did make some sense: if you were going to run a secret brothel/sex house then you probably didn't want it to look like that sort of thing, right? You'd want it to pretty well blend in and just be part of the sort of overall place and all. It was even in the Rain Forest district and everything, which, let's face it, might as well be called the party district of Zootopia.

Still, according to street information, this was the place. The small rabbit paused outside the door to confirm, doublechecking her pad and tapping it a few more times. Various notes had been scrawled in her overly hasty hand, with the title circled several times, as well as a handful of other names. The rabbit pursed her lips ,feeling her tail twitching slightly. They thought that, yet again, this wasn't a great place for her to check out. Heck, Nick had even suggested that "Carrots" not check this out. It's not the place for a cute little bunny. They'd eat you up in there.

"Ha!" Judy Hopps laughed aloud, her ears twitching and her lips pulling up in a smirk. Who'd uncovered the big predator scheme? Oh right, her. And who had been one of the first to realize she was wrong and save the entire force from a major PR problem? Right again: Judy Hopps. She could definitely handle a little sex ring in an exotic dance club. Okay, so she obviously couldn't dress in her standard uniform, which felt really freaking strange to her. Research had shown that something casual would be a good move, but obviously Judy's fallback of flannel and jeans wouldn't work either. So she opted for a nice pair of black tights that clung to her body pretty well. Her footpads extended out the bottom, as bared as ever. There was, of course, a little hole for her fluffy tail, which she'd made certain to fluff out a little more. The loose pink crop-top even left some belly to show, with the white and gray fur mixing spectacularly. She'd drawn the line at piercing anything to look like a club goer.

"Right, so, I enter,' she said to herself as she walked forward. "I view the dancers and see about one on this list,' she tapped it, frowning. "And I try and make them see that I'm interested in perhaps doing something more. Since I'm a cute little bunny," she smirked at that, "they'll lap it up," she strode forward, tucking the notepad into hiding. Judy certainly didn't have to duck to enter the club.

The place looked, well, like an exotic dance club in the rain forest district. Dim lighting that emphasized greens and reds. A few stages that were set up, at least one with poles (that made Judy's nose wrinkle). A quick look confirmed a good mix of clientele. There were a surprisingly high number of prey, more than Judy would have figured. All the workers seemed to be predators, which didn't seem to bother anyone. Judy knew not to judge, though she could still feel the fight against her reflexes.

She stopped at a counter, exchanged some money for a lot of smaller bills, and tucked them into the front of her shirt. Judy should've opted for a wire, but she needed stronger proof of what was going on and that she could do it. Judy quietly asked for one of the star performers, leaning forward and saying that she was feeling a little... "Rabbity." There had been a smirk, and Judy had been directed toward a particular stage, where one of the "star" attractions would be performing. Judy took a seat near the front, ordering some spiked carrot juice and waiting, pretending like her feet weren't twitching as she looked around.

The place kinda smells like heat she thought absently. But that could just be the dancing, right?
Truth of the matter was that more than a few people, patrons and dancers alike, had glanced Judy's way as she passed by. The club was no stranger to prey patrons, of course, but cute fluffy bunny's were definitely a rarity. Prey that came here could usually at least meet eye level with the performers but rabbits looked as if they could be swallowed whole by the dancers. Or, split in half, if you had a more perverted mind.

And it didn't help that Judy was famous. Zootopia's top cop who had saved the whole city. The lighting of the club and Judy's change of attire did help to keep her identity a secret. But, every now again, someone would murmur 'Hey isn't that-' before their words would be washed away by the throb of addictive music.

Not too long after Judy took a seat, the voice of the MC broke through the cacophony. "Alright ladies, I think I know why you all came here tonight. He's been our star attraction three months running, and he sure knows how to make a girl howl!" Fog machines missed pale white steam onto the entryway at the far end of the stage, dull red spotlights falling onto the curtain to outline rather... large and imposing silhouette.

"The one, the only, Titan!"

Titan seemed an appropriate monicker for the tiger that strode confidently onto the stage, and it was a name that had been murmured by the few aroused voices who spoke of this club. He was towering, broad shouldered, and his orange and black stripes gleamed brilliantly in the light following him around.

Titan was also an appropriate descriptor of whatever he was packing in that tight thong of his. A great chunk of meat that wasn't even hard.

"Hello ladies," he said in a low, enticing purr. He gripped the pole at the center of the stage and spun around in one fluid motion, the flex of his powerful muscles eliciting a few whoops and cheers from his enthusiastic audience.
Judy was definitely convinced that her little undercover operation was going without a hitch right now. Nobody had screamed cop just yet, and she did look like some of the clientele... only smaller. Judy twisted about, taking a second look and realizing that she was about half to a third the size of several of the clientele. Well, it wasn't like it was really going to matter all that much or anything. She was just investigating.

The announcer nearly made Judy jump. She tried to cover her startle with a sip of the juice, though her ears twitched and her eyes darted about. keep the prey instincts under control, Hopps. It's just an announcer. Talking about howling. Judy watched the spotlights, keeping track. She had to keep all her senses on alert. Her nose twitched, and she swore that just hearing that name had piqued some of the interest. In fact, it smelled like some of the females had all but gone into heat. The scent nearly hit Judy over the head, and she twisted to see a female leopard all but panting just a few seats over.

Jeez, it's just a dance---HOLY CARROTS, THAT'S HIM? Judy's mouth dropped as she beheld the admittedly impressive specimen standing in front, barely clad. Her eyes fell hard to what had apparently been all but shrink-wrapped into place. She squinted, holding up her arm. I think he's actually--oh carrots! The rabbit gaped, ears twitching forward, her attention utterly locked. Judy's head even swiveled as the tiger swirled, watching the swinging around the pool and hearing the cheers.

Still, just dancing, nothing untoward here or anything. Judy said. She felt her fingers playing with a napkin, wrinkling it in her fingers. Is he one of the list? Dang it, I need to look at the list, she shifted slightly, sliding a hand down toward her pants, trying to adjust. It took some digging, all under the table, for Judy to tilt her pad up, scanning for the list while she kept her attention split between under the table and the swinging masculine, well, "titan" on stage.
By this point, a fair few of the ladies were leaning in. Wolves were growling softly, almost drooling, and one of the female hippos looked about set to faint. Titan was well aware of the eyes on him, and he had gotten quite used to the sensation. Arguably he had been used to this for most of his life. Tigers had a tendency to stick out wherever they went, most of the big cats did. They were, amidst the myriad body types that inhabited Zootopia, 'just right' and aesthetically enthralling to most species in the city.

With refined athleticism he abruptly twisted himself up with the strength of his right hand, and hooked his beefy legs around the pole to leave him dangling upside down. His cock swayed from side to side under the purple fabric, and seemed to move in rhythm with his tail swinging above his taut buttocks. Another cry of cheers rose up, and Titan ignored them. For just a few seconds, his sharp feline eyes rested squarely on Judy.

Well that was new. Of all the shows he had done, he had never once seen a rabbit at his shows. And such a cute one to boot. Even in the strange, alien lighting of the club, he could tell she had hips most women would kill for.

This warranted further investigation, he mused.

But, shelving those thoughts for now, Titan once more displayed practiced athleticism and swung around until his feet met the floor. Strong hands gripped the pole while his strong backside aimed out to the crowd, and the sways of his hips had the material of his thong sliding down, down, down until they hit the floor, and his strong leg kicked the garment toward his loving audience.
List, list, list, got it! Judy glanced, and she swore she saw something that looked at least a little like "Titan" and all. She glanced up at him, and, well, if she were being honest, she could see it. Everyone wanted to do something naughty with one of the big cats and all. They just had that whole sleek, predator thing going on mixed with the brilliant colors and that wasn't even going into what they could supposedly do with their tongues. Some lockerroom talk to that end was almost legendary, and as Judy watched Titan sway, she could recall hearing all those whispers and talks and---

wait, what was that moving in his tiny little undergarment? Was it... growing? Judy spent a few seconds, eyes narrowing, studying the cock closely. Her head swiveled as her ears nearly flattened against the back of her head. Everyone was crowing and sounding quite thrilled and all with it. Still, wasn't stuffing a thing? That was a thing, right? Judy's eyes narrowed a little further, and she swore that she could see something--

Oh carrots! He was staring right at Judy. She looked up and locked eyes with him for a few seconds. a wave of near terror sank into her, freezing her in position. Every prey instinct she had screamed at her, locking her body in place for several key seconds. Was Titan... was he checking her out? Oh God, why would a tiger want to? Surely... she was... no, no he was probably just going all "why is there a bunny in this club that's clearly catering toward predators?" There had to be nothing more than that. Because obviously he couldn't be... nah, he just couldn't... could he?

Eye break. Judy took a sigh and leaned back, glad that moment had passed. She glanced around, and wasn't surprised to see nearly every female in the club and some of the males all but panting now. That one wolf girl was openly drooling, and the feline female just a table or two over could knock someone out with her musk. Why had there suddenly been another--

And it went off.

Judy watched as it soared through the air. She watched it's landing. Instinct kicked in, and she reached up, snagging it with a hand and holding it. The fabric swayed in her grasp as Judy felt every eye in the place on her. She froze, smiling slightly and slowly lowering, still keeping the bit of fabric in her paws, not sure what to do at this point and really regretting her seating choice.
"Ohoho! And it looks like someone caught herself a prize!"

And indeed, more than a few envious eyes were now locked squarely on Judy. Who was this stuck up little bunny, getting in the middle of their fun like this? The MC continued, as if playfully wanting to stoke the fires a little. "Something tells me our lil' bunny is a newbie here, so she doesn't know how things work. But you, cottontail, just won yourself some alone time with our star attraction!"

Being honest, Titan hadn't planned on that happening. But it was certainly a welcome turn, and it would save him having to make smalltalk to get this rabbit in his room. He grinned sharply and then turned around. His cock swung around with him, and by god it was as proportionately huge as the rest of him.

By now he was hard, his cock protruding upward from his furry sheath as a red pole of meat. Over a foot of it that seemed to just barely fit in his considerably large hand. He growled playfully and slowly stroked himself, the thick bumps than ran up the entire length of his feline shaft seeming to almost pulse in his grasp. The audience seemed to forget Judy entirely, all eyes locked on this magnificent feline specimen and the tremendous breeding tool he effortlessly brandished.
A prize? Oh cheese and crackers, what had Judy done? Stupid cop reflexes had gotten her into trouble. she could feel all those gazes on her, and that urge to see how quick she could hop on out of there nearly overwhelmed her. Why, oh why, was the MC drawing attention to her? Wasn't there a nearly naked--OH CARROTS, WAS HE FULLY NAKED NOW? Right, a NAKED tiger on stage and yet people were giving Judy the stink eye and the MC just kept right on going and...


Judy nearly fainted, but she had to right herself almost immediately. This was good. This was very good. very, very good. She was there to gather evidence that this place was seedy, right? What better way than getting some personal, one on one time with one of the--

"OH CHEESE AND CRACKERS!" Judy couldn't quite help herself. Her eyes locked onto the massive thing that now swung at Titan's waist and, well, she was beginning to see where he got his name. The bunny's paws went to cover her mouth as if she could somehow shove the words back inside. Again, this had been wholly a reflex, a knee-jerk response to a knee-jerk reaction. No thought, no nothing.

Which explained why Judy had just nearly force-fed herself a tiger-thong.

The bunny had taken a deep breath at the realization. Said breath was again, a reflex. This time, however, she got a huge blast of Titan's pheromones, likely straight from the source. His musk shot up Judy's sensitive nose and swirled around in her mouth for several long seconds. The thick, masculine odor nearly made the poor little bunny melt. Because boy, did he smell good. Like, really, ridiculously, mouthwateringly good. Good enough that Judy hesitated with the thong to her mouth for a good second or two longer than she probably should have before she bashfully dropped the thong and sort of nudged it away.

A drink, and she looked around. Nobody seemed to be paying attention to her, which was a good thing. Instead they were all looking at... oh, right, his... was that thing about half Judy's size or something? She resisted the urge to lift up an arm again, simply watching, half memorized, as the tiger's fist pumped it. That odor had gotten thicker, and Judy could feel herself squirming a bit in her seat. It was only natural to get a bit worked up, surrounded by so many obviously aroused mammals and with that on display, right? Judy shifted again, eyes flicking about, trying to get a good read on the rest of the crowd, see if there was anything else she should be investigating. But her gaze kept going where theirs did: to the show unfolding on stage.
By this point, the vigorous stroking of Titan's namesake was producing a strong masculine aroma that seemed to overpower the myriad female musks filling the club. Some of the other prey in the audience had fainted outright, and belaboured staff begrudingly moved them from their seating and into a secure waiting room. Insurance was a bit of a bitch like that. Not that Titan was concerned with anything but the show.

And, if one were to look carefully, they could just about make out a pair of sharply dressed elephants in a darkened corner to the right of the stage. Security. With how some of the howling, applauding predators were leaning in, one could easily understand what this was a necessity. Some of the prey-oriented clubs had had trouble with dancers getting mobbed, and predators could be far more... vigorous.

Titan let out a loud, primal snarl, while his throbbing cock started unleashing thick arcs of white jizz that sailed off the stage in powerful arcs. And those in the front were quickly leaning in to catch stray arcs and droplets onto their outstretched tongues. The shots subsided, and the panting tiger reclined against the pole. With his audience busy, some of them looking on the verge of passing out, he took that as his cue to head backstage.

For a moment, a brief moment, he locked eyes with Judy again and licked his lips. This was gonna be good.

"That's Titan's show for tonight ladies, but not to worry! He'll be back at the same time tomorrow! And as for you, our darling lucky bunny, you can claim your prize by heading through door three and finding Titan's door. With all the tiger musk around, you can't miss i! Ha!"
Elephants for security? That made almost too much sense, really. It also showed that the club was doing its best to make sure that there weren't any major problems or riots or anything that could really damage the business all that much. Judy couldn't help but feel some admiration for that, nodding her head to go along with the decision.

A growl distracted her, however. No, not a growl, a snarl. She looked up at the stage just in time to watch as Titan's titanic member fountained out seed. The rabbit let out a squeak and ducked, avoiding getting hit herself. The raw musk of tiger filled the air entirely. Well, not quite entirely: as Judy ducked, she got hit with a nearly overwhelming blast of every other mammal in the club. Leopard, hippo, elephant, rabbit, lion... wait a second: rabbit? Judy took another sniff. Oh yes, that was definitely some aroused rabbit musk in the air; she'd spent most of a lifetime growing used to some variation of that. The cop twisted and turned, seeing several panting predators and prey, some eagerly lapping up puddles of tiger seed, others bathing themselves, and at least one animal outright licking herself. But she didn't see any other rabbits?

So where was the---OH MY CARROTS, IT'S ME The thought hit Judy and froze her, just in time to see a tiger looking at her and licking his lips. Surely she couldn't, but wait, it made sense, right? she was a rabbit, and everybody knew that rabbits were pretty much good at running away, raising carrots, and multiplying. It was a joke. Judy made the joke herself. Ha, ha, bunnies could multiply. she'd lost her virginity pretty damn early and like most female bunnies, pretty well demanded regular screwing to remain all but sane. She'd gotten through her academy by all but pulling some of the local bunnies into her hatch. But she'd graduated, and there had been her assignment to Zootopia and the thing with Nick and his training and...

How long has it been?

Titan would be back tomorrow; that was great. People seemed to be shifting for another show, but Judy had to pay attention to the lucky bunny thing. She swore she heard somebody talking about her feet in a way that made her flush slightly. She slid down from her chair, pausing to grab her "prize." She could smell it yet again, but at least she kept it lower. In fact, Judy hadn't noticed that she was rubbing it against her bared stomach until she felt her fur ruffle. Her ears flicked with irritation as she headed toward room three.

It's been.. a few months? Not that many, surely. But... a few? More than a few? A year? Oh cheese and crackers, I haven't gotten laid in almost a year? What the hell? Oh God, is that why I've been on edge lately? That would make sense, right? Rabbits are supposed to get some regularly; everybody knows that. I mean, I've had my job and all, but things are settled. I should've gone on a date, maybe gone to a prey hookup club or...

A cough caught Judy's attention .She looked up, seeing an elephant looking at her expectantly. Flushing, she held up the thong. The elephant grunted and gestured for Judy to head on in for her "private time."
A rabbit watching his show, that was a new one. Titan let the thought rattle in his head as he made a mental note of the more outlandish clients he had seen in his life. Prey were common enough- getting pinned down and fucked senseless by predators was one of those primal fantasies hard coded into their DNA it seemed. He'd seen otters, mares, elephants, antelopes... but never a rabbit. And thinking on how fucking hot that one bunny had been, well he thought that was a terrible crime.

And yet something was nagging him. The rabbit seemed familiar in a way he couldn't put his finger on. He wasn't given long to wait, before a hard knock hit his door. Ringo, his bouncer. Had kept him safe from crazy pussy for months now. That would be tonights entertainment then.

"Come in!" His voice, even through the door, was powerful.

The door opened, and Titan was standing by his vanity mirror, fixing his whiskers into place. Still very naked, and still sporting an erection that could be used to bludgeon someone if he had to. "I hope you don't find this arrangement too crass. It's a policy the club adapted some months ago. A good way to get bums on seats, says our manager," Titan explained. His accent was quite suave. Posh, some would say.

"I'm Titan. Well, my stage name is Titan. Only a rather hateful parent would name their cub that, right?" He laughed faintly at the idea, and seemed not to care that his shadow was falling over Judy, and his tremendous cock was looking at her like some breed of one-eyed snake. "Pleased to make your acquaintance. Though I've never had a rabbit admirer... not that I'm complaining, of course," he purred.
Even his voice made Judy want to scamper off. That is, if his musk didn't make her want to drift toward him, maybe even with her pants off. No, no, she was an officer of the law! She couldn't just drop her tights and let a tiger do all sorts of interesting and lewd things to her. She definitely couldn't try and see if everything she'd heard about feline tongue was actually true or if the legends at least had some rooting in the truth. Naturally she couldn't try to get a closer whiff of the source of all that musk or maybe see if he tasted as good as he smelled or anything like that.

That does it; you're leaving here and marching into the first rabbit den you find, girl

"Oh look, you're still naked," Judy mumbled. Her attention went immediately to that cock, which bobbed just about her head level, before looking up at the tiger dancer himself. His accent didn't say "lewd dancer" so much as "professional charmer." And yes, he smelled even better now that Judy was close to him. Judy slid a little further inside.

He introduced himself, like she didn't know, and she swore he loomed. It had to be prey-brain working overtime, being all "the big bad tiger's going to eat you!" but it so felt like he loomed. Like he could just pick her up and do whatever he wanted to her or something. No, more like that was what he was used to females wanting from him or something. And with that cock, hoo boy, did Judy see why.

"Nice to meet you too," she offered, forcing casual into her tone. "And I mean, it's obvious that you kinda ended up living up to the name, right? Being all, big, and," she looked at his cock for a moment before looking up at him, "yeah, big and really impressive. But I don't know if I'd really call myself an admirer or anything," she laughed nervously, working the thong between her paws, almost wringing it. "I mean, not that you're not really admirable in a sort of, tall, handsome, commanding sort of way, but, like, I mean, I just got here and I don't want you to think I'm like a stalker or I'm all whoo!" she swung the panties in the air, "I finally caught Titan's panties! And I am so babbling right now," Judy's ears fell as she tried to look around the room, hoping for something, anything to talk about besides, well, the obvious elephant in the room.

And no, she didn't mean Ringo.
Oh she was just precious.

Bunnies didn't like being cute by non-bunnies. It was like a slur or something. But, by goodness did she live up to the title of 'cute.' "I didn't have time to change. Felt there wouldn't be a point either. Usually I only get a word in before I'm jumped. At least you have some self control," Titan remarked. He stood by and let Judy ramble, while the dark slits of his eyes trailed her up and down.

As was often the case, her hips and legs were the main attraction. Enticing, curvy in all the right ways, and if the angle was a little better he'd be willing to bet she had a fine ass too.

"Now now, take a breath. I don't bite. In retrospect, that perhaps sounds suspicious coming from a predator..." Titan chuckled at that, and then took a few steady steps toward Judy. His cock swayed almost hypnotically, until it was resting at almost eye level to her. "For now, I suppose I should say what your winning entitles you too. For the next two hours, we can do as you please."

A strong finger gently tapped under Judy's chin, and tilted her head up to look the charming feline in the eye. "So, if you want to have a taste of my cock, you're quite welcome. Perhaps you'd care to sample my tongue in your pussy? Or your bunny butt? Of course, vaginal or anal is also an option," Titan explained. He grinned rakishly, and then ignored the pang of familiarity his guest gave off. "Whatever your little heart desires. I aim to please."
Jumped? Self-control? Judy tried not to look anxious as he kept right on going, though that was proving hard because, well, he was Titan and his predatory gaze was sweeping her body in a way that made her feel like the sum of some very enticing parts. Judy shifted again, feeling another spike of arousal as his gaze settled on some of her "meatier" bits. There was definitely a hunger in those eyes, sure, but Judy knew the slight difference between "I want to eat you" and "I want to eat you." Plus, he was promising not to bite.

Judy's eyes swayed in time with that cock, moving like a clock back and forth. He was outlining her prize! Judy tore her eyes away from the meat (hard), and managed to look up mere moments before a head tilted her up. Her mouth opened to ask just what she meant before Titan explained it in detail.

JACKPOT! It is a sex ring! The intuition was right! and you just need to come back with a wire and prove it and, wait, does saying you'd do that count or does it actually have to happen or--did he say I could taste him? Carrots, that actually sounds kinda tempting Judy's tongue lolled out for a moment before she shot it back in. No, no, I'm a professional! A professional who has an admittedly handsome and desired by a looooot of people tiger who's now literally offering to eat her out. wait, he just offered to eat out my butt, right? Oh cheese and crackers Judy felt her knees buckle a little. That sounds stupidly naughty and-- "You have a really nice smile," she managed, pointing at his grin for a moment. She drew the finger back. "But, uh, I mean, we've got two hours, right? Why rush things?" TELL HIM TO EAT YOUR BUNNY BUTT. WHEN ELSE ARE YOU GOING TO TELL A FLIPPING TIGER TO EAT YOUR BUNNY BUTT AND MEAN IT, GIRL? And she was wet. Judy knew she was wet; she shifted her stance slightly to try and make it more comfortable, but she so knew. Bunny musk was mixing with tiger and there was probably no way that Titan wouldn't notice.

Damn if Judy wasn't going to try. "Shouldn't we maybe get to know each other a bit first? Like, his and how are yous and maybe some compliments and stuff? Like the thing I did with your smile. You have a nice smile. In fact, you're pretty nice overall. To look at, I mean," gee, is it obvious that you haven't been out with a male in almost a year? Don't think about it. Definitely don't think about how good tiger tongue is supposed to be on bunny. carrots, I haven't been eaten out in...
"Oh? Well you are unique. By now most other prize winners are in... compromising positions with me," Titan replied. That was the polite way of putting it. Not that it wasn't fun to nut an elephant, or get blown by a gazelle (Who may or may not have been a famous pop icon wearing a poor disguise) but this did make for an interesting change of pace. She had him curious, and he proceeded to lead Judy over to his long black sofa that took up most of his right hand wall.

He took a seat and kept his legs casually spread, and his cock languidly swayed to the right without losing an iota of density. With the scale of the furnishings, Judy could fit her whole body onto a single leather seat, and be quite comfy with room to spare. He padded the seat to his right.

"You may have guessed, but I am a foreigner. Hu-Wen is my home, though I've lived the last seventeen years here in Zootopia. As it turns out, tigers are quite popular in this... type of industry, and so I found I could make quite a bit of money here. And, naturally, I don't mind a little female company." His eyes narrowed, and he briefly flashed his fangs in that smile Judy seemed to approve of.

"And you, my dear? I can tell you're not a native either. There's a hint of the countryside in your accent," Titan explained. As he said this he draped his arms over the back of his sofa. A position where his arm could swoop down to nab his prey at a moments notice. "Nothing wrong with that of course. And... if you don't me saying, you do seem rather familiar. Have I seen you on the news before?"
Unique? Judy's ears twitched at that, as she felt a little warming. That sounded like quite the compliment coming from this guy, and given the whole bunny thing, she couldn't help but think it even better. Ha! She wasn't just some sex-crazed rabbit here for a good time! Take that stereotypes! Swelling a bit more with confidence and pride, Judy strode over and managed to get herself more or less situated on the seat. Of course, this did put her in fair proximity to Titan, but he seemed perfectly acceptable. Plus, the smell wasn't getting any less amazing with prolonged exposure.

"Well, I know there are some tigers here now," Judy said, shrugging. "But you do look kinda exotic, if you don't mind m saying and all," oh, and there was that smile, though a bit toothier You could have that mouth chowing down on your little bunny snatch right now. Judy pressed her legs together, shifting a little more on the seat. Definitely not something she wanted to think about right now and all.

Countryside? Oh cheese and crackers, she should've done a better job hiding it. "I'm from Bunnyburrow," she said, shrugging. "It's mostly a lot of rabbits and farming and all. You know," she rolled her eyes, "two hundred plus siblings and all. That's probably why I look so familiar. Us rabbits and our multiplying," she let out a laugh at that, which turned nervous as she was acutely aware of her position, sitting about three feet from a cock that was about a third to a half the size of her body and still clearly quite erect.

"So, do you like your job here? I mean, are you being well treated and stuff?" Judy asked, genuinely concerned. She shifted, looking up at Titan. "They're not, like, making you do this, right? Because that would totally be wrong and I'd be so totally against it." On principle, really, but also because this guy was seeming pretty dang nice too. He should be treated well. You know: have his cock licked by an eager, cute bunny. Sucked off till he blows and then you can all but bathe in the cum. You saw the load. Oh carrots, stop thinking and STOP STARING! Judy jerked her head up, well aware that her eyes had drifted back down to that pillar of malehood.
"Rabbits and multiplying, yes I'm quite aware of the old saying," Titan replied, smiling. 'Bunnies are either on their feet, or on their backs' as the old adage went. It was rather politically incorrect, and harkened back to more savage times. After all rabbits had been prime targets for almost every predator species. And historically, how many bunnies had been caught as pleasure slaves for beasts like Titan?

As she asked him about his job satisfaction, a question that had never fucking once come up in this room, it was as if a few gears in his head clicked into place. She was a cop. Someone acting undercover? No, an undercover officer would have been trained to handle the musk of a place like this. That, and from what Titan could recall, the owner had some dirt on the chief to keep him from probing into clubs like this.

More than that though, the notion that this bunny was a cop seemed to finally put a name to that pretty face: Judy Hopps. Most everyone knew the name alright, the rabbit who had exposed Bellweather and made it easier for predators to breathe easy again. Titan supposed he owed her some thanks then.

His strong arm abruptly fell over Judy's shoulders, pulling the slim bunny into his side and letting her draw in the rich aroma in his elegantly striped fur. "Oh I'm quite happy here. Why shouldn't I be? I make good money, have plenty of admirers, and it's got me sharing a room with a very beautiful bunny," Titan purred.

"My contract gives me quite a bit of security. And this is all quite above board," he said. Titan didn't want to go into detail, in case she thought her ruse had been blown, but the manager insisted that every dancer learned a special string of legal jargon in case they were cornered by nosy cops. "It's very sweet of you to be concerned. I really should find a way to thank you for that."
The arm fell, and again Judy felt that strong, nearly overwhelming surge of panic. Said arm pulled her closer, and the raw, overwhelming scent of Titan washed over her, making her tremble and pouring a little more heat between her legs. He just felt so soft and manly at the same time? She nearly, very nearly, didn't catch what he'd said in response.

It sounded almost canned, didn't it? He was rely on flirting and talking about admirers. Don't think Judy didn't notice the compliment: clearly an attempt to fluster her (it worked a little; he was ridiculously good looking and hearing someone who looked that good purring the word beautiful at you was gonna get reactions). But Judy still had her sharp mind, even if it was running at a rapid pace after all the musk and the proximity to tiger penis and everything.

Above board? Judy frowned at that, knowing full well that things like this were generally not above board. At all. "Oh, uh, well, no need to thank me," she insisted, trying to shrug. "I'm just, you seem kinda nice and all, and I know that you're apparently one of the star attractions. I just wanted to make sure that they weren't, like, abusing you or something," wait, did that sound too cop? Judy paused for a moment, ears going upright while she thought. It did sound vaguely cop, didn't it? And Titan seemed smart, maybe smart enough to pick up on it? She had to cover her tracks somehow.

So she twisted to look up at him, nearly pressing her belly against his side. "It's just that if we're gonna do anything, then I want to make sure that you're not doing it against your will," she said, speaking almost too quickly again. "It's like, I know you're good looking, and I'm sure they pay you good and everything. But, like," she let out a slightly nervous laugh, "i don't wanna just play around with a male if he feels obligated, you know? Because let's face it, you could totally have just about every girl out there. I could probably go sell those panties of yours and get some pretty decent cash. So if you're not, like, interested in this," she gestured around, then moved to gesture at herself, "or this, then why bother?"

She added a shrug, figuring that should pretty well handle both any doubts and put a nail in the coffin as far as her doing anything with him. What were the chances that a tiger would want to sleep with a bunny after all? Nearly every predator Judy had met called her cute, and then generally made fun of her until she earned their respect. Then came the whole respect thing and, well, that was something else entirely.

Some part of her was a little hesitant. No doubt it would reflect badly on... whatever this operation of hers was, if she went out of her way to fuck a looming predator. "Oh but I can assure you, I'm very keen on this. Of course, part of it is simply honoring the arrangement I have with this club. But I do find you to be a very enticing morsel. I've never fucked a rabbit before now, and I'm curious to try."

Titan leaned in a little closer, and with his face moving closer to hers she would be able to hear the rumble of his breathing, and the thunderous pace of his heartbeat. By bunny standards he was red hot, like snuggling up against a particularly furry boiler.

"As I said, I find you beautiful, and quite cute. I saw you from the stage enjoying the... souvenir I sent your way. So I can tell you're quite into me too," Titan said. As was the case with most everyone who came to his shows. But clearly Judy hadn't been prepared for the rough intensity of a predator-catering club. "Whatever you want, for the next two hours. I'm curious to see if rabbits are as horny and eager as I've been told."
Did every predator have to compliment her in a way that made her feel really freaking edible? Just hearing "enticing morsel" from someone like him nearly made Judy whimper. Hearing it closely followed by "fucked a rabbit" nearly made her want to faint. She could certainly feel her heart thudding even faster than normal (which considering what she was, that was quite fast indeed). It didn't help that he'd loomed over her, dominating her by sheer size, making Judy realize that it had been a mistake to both twist to face him better and to let him touch her and to sit next to him on the couch. It also occurred to her that there were three things in her both list, but given the circumstances, she thought that fairly acceptable.

Beautiful and cute. Okay, still nice, but pretty general comments overall. General, Judy could so handle. It was the mention of the souvenir that made her ears twitch. "What? No, I was just, shocked and I kinda got wrapped up in," she gestured with a paw, "everything. Oh carrots, you smell good," her entire body trembled as she took a nervous breath, nearly inhaling his musk again. It spoke to the raw animal in her, that other part of her innate rabbit that simply wanted to mate, particularly when a viable, tantalizing male presented himself oh so willingly.

"Two hours?" she repeated, ears twitching. "But it's been, what, like, half an hour already? I mean, this is what I wanted," Judy's eyes widened. 'I mean, not, like, the whole," she gestured at the two of them, "this. I mean the talking this," Judy nearly whimpered. Her eyes flicked to the cock; her nose twitched. She could feel the moisture gathering between her legs, threatening to start soaking through tights pretty soon.

"Dance!" she nearly shouted, placing both paws on Titan again. She brightened. "Yeah! I want you to dance for me! You said private show and stuff, right? Well," she nodded and gestured toward the space. "I want to see you shake your cute tiger booty for my amusement," there, that should work, right?
He'd all been set to take a stronger lead and pin Judy to the sofa, and from there anything he did could easily be spun as being Judy's suggestion. Given that she looked like a bubbling cauldron set to burst, he was willing to bet that wouldn't have been too hard, and she probably wouldn't have known either way.

"Hm?" He glanced up at her offer, surprised but not offended. "If that's your preference." Dancing, and occasionally dicking, was how Titan made his living. A private one was nothing new because the club was no stranger to such requests. Usually they came from the wealthy upper reaches of Zootopia, women who didn't want to be stuck with the more pedestrian and rowdy crowd Judy had been part of.

Titan rose from the couch and stood upright, the sofa's frame rattling briefly with his bulk now off it. "Although I should perhaps inform you that I tend to be a little more... personal, in these one on one dances."

As he said this, his long and thick tale suddenly brushed under Judy's chin, and gave her another teasing taste of his masculine scent in passing. Soon he was moving, swaying his hips in a way that seemed to emphasize the definition of his strong body. Strong hands roamed up his side, a husky growl filling the room as he felt himself up. Titan turned to face her, maintaining the sways of his hips that left his cock swaying in another hypnotic string of motions.
"It definitely is," Judy insisted, head bobbing. She scooted back, watching as the tiger rose and breathing a slight sigh of relief. If she could just keep buying her time, maybe flirt with Titan a little, then maybe she could get out of here without compromising anything. Okay, technically it wouldn't be compromising much, as she'd been here of her own accord. Nothing said an officer couldn't seek out companionship in an appropriate establishment. Judy had literally been thinking about looking for a bunny hookup joint, after all. But that was totally different than this. This was her investigating.

"Oh, I definitely--oh carrots," the tail brush made the rabbit twitch again, her leg flailing a little in excitement. That raw masculine musk rolled over her again, and she found her ears falling flat, her eyes looking up at Titan with a strong arousal. IT held for a bit while his hips moved, Judy fully hypnotized by the sexy tiger's equally sexy movements. The swaying just had something... primal in it. And all those colors rippling in those precise movements. Bunny musk was now filling the small room as well: there would be no denying that Judy was more than a little turned on by the show.

The turn and the cock snapped her a little bit more into reality. She blinked, nose twitching, and watched the cock bob a little. Honestly, what had she been thinking? He just wanted to make her one a notch, if that. Heck, maybe he'd already figured out who she was and wanted to brag to everyone that he'd banged the bunny super-cop that everyone was bragging about. Judy had control here: she totally needed to use it.

"Whoo!" she said, shouting and clapping, moving forward. "Yeah, shake that tiger booty!" she was tempted to whistle, but instead made turning motions. "Lemme see that tail of yours!" Judy was getting into it, just a little. most predators ignored her when she spoke, until they saw the uniform or who she was. But here she had an utterly sexy one who promised to do everything she said.

And the moment she got a view of that tail, Judy intended to lean over and give that tiger booty a good solid smack.
He had to admit, she was a crafty one. But then again, craftiness was perhaps the rabbit's best survival mechanism. They weren't the fastest, or the strongest, and most every predator had a liking for them. And it helped they were so numerous. In order to have lived for so long, Titan was willing to bet that most every rabbit had evolved with some kind of sharp, cunning mind to help them get through life.

Titan turned and felt her small hand connect with his taut buttocks. Strong, he was willing to give her that. But if she was indeed a ZPD cop, then good upper body strength was something that had been drilled into her. "Oh how very naughty of you," he teased, glancing down at her over his shoulder.

He backed his hips a little and left her eye-level with his backside, the orange and black stripes swirling from side to side through the figure eight motions he was putting his hips through. "Now, since I'm doing this for you... I hope you wouldn't mind me asking a little question of my own," Titan trailed off, his elegant tone now holding a playful edge to it. He had her intrigued, and now he just needed to get her invested.

His tail draped over Judy's slim shoulders like a furry scarf, and more of his aroma drifted up into her keen pink nose. "What exactly is ZPD's top cop doing here? Just looking for fun? I can imagine your job is rather stressful." He knew her alright, blatantly said as much, but he seemed intrigued more than worried. "Not that you need to worry. We have confidentiality clause in this club. Naturally."
Naughty? That had to be the first time anyone had ever called Judy Hopps naughty. the word alone made her giggle a little, feeling slightly lightheaded. Spiked juice and musk and just everything probably contributed to that, and she didn't want to think overmuch about it. she did want to think a little more about the tiger butt that was swaying in her face. Yet again Judy found her head bobbing and following movements, and she took a few breaths, inhaling that musk. she had the urge to try and bury her face in there, maybe start licking around or eating herself. The scent was just so strong, after all, though she knew that a lot of males got upset if you did anything back there. Struck her as being kind of hypocritical, since nearly every male she'd met also wanted a piece of bunny butt.

"Oh yeah, sure, ask away," she said, waving a hand grandly, feeling a bit like some sort of princess or ruler. The tail came and draped over her, and she scrunched her shoulders, feeling a hand going up to stroke it a little. The tail wafted up to her nose, making it twitch again. The words, however, froze her in place. Cop? Fun? stress?

"What--what are you talking about?" Judy said, laughing nervously. "I'm not, look, I keep telling people, there are a lot of bunnies in this town. I've got over two hundred siblings. Plus, everyone knows we bunnies just look totally alike and all, right? It's a thing. Know one bunny and you know everybunny," she rolled a hand, shrugging a little. Was denial really the way to go? Or should she just have acted like she was here on her own? Well, she'd already started denial, even if it sounded pretty false to Judy's ears.

"What is that some kind of thing with you?" she leaned forward, grinning a little. "You want to play with Judy Hopps or something? That's kinda weird, right? Like, do you get a lot of weird client requests? I bet you totally do, right?" There, that should work to distract. "Like, what's the weirdest thing that anyone's ever asked? C'mon, you know you wanna share."
"Oh I'd recognise your face anywhere. I was thrown off by you being out of uniform, but I am aware of you. I owe you a great debt after all," Titan said "Or, I owe Miss Hopps a debt," he said. Though it was clear he didn't believe her lies for a single moment. "After all, Mayor Bellweather had some... unsavory ideas in mind for me, and every predator in the city. It would have been quite a problem for my job."

And he likely would have been locked up with some breed of shock collar. Nothing he would have been fond of, though a little collar play could be fun. For giving, and receiving.

"In any event, if Judy Hopps WAS here for whatever reason, I would make sure to thank her in great, toe-curling detail." A mischeivous glint appeared in Titan's eyes as he glanced down at his customer, admiring her soft features, and pondering just how TIGHT she would be. He'd heard talk that bunny prostitutes were quite popular, as were bunny pornstars. Some rich old guy apparently even had a whole mansion populated by bunnies!

"Care for a taste?" Titan asked, his left hand reaching around to poke at the crack of his taut backside. "It's quite alright if you do. It would be rather normal in the grand scheme of requests I've received."
Okay, so that was actually pretty specific. True, Judy had heard plenty of predators thanking her for what she'd done. Or, to be more accurate, for what she and Nick had done. From what she'd heard and seen, he'd more than taken advantage of it and all. But that hadn't been why she'd done it. Still, that didn't make hearing the words of congratulation from this handsome tiger any less appealing, or toe-curling, for that matter.

Oh carrots, was he ever getting specific. Judy looked up at him as he spoke, seeing that glint in his eyes. It made her gulp, her leg twitching again. She, too, had heard rumors about how appealing having a rabbit partner could sometimes be for others. After all, their sex drives were insane; the fact that Judy was twitching and wet pretty well proved that. If a expertly trained officer of the law could get worked up, then just think about what a regular bunny could do (though Judy would argue that anyone interested in males probably would've drooled over Titan).

A taste? Cheese and crackers! Judy's eyes locked on that tight backside. She could smell his odor wafting over her, making her shiver again. There was some mention of the whole requests and everything, which just made Judy's head spin a little. She found herself licking her lips a little, staring, wondering. "Hey, I bet officer Hopps totally wouldn't do that, right?" she asked, before shifting to nearly stand on the couch now. "Like, that's totally just, just something a customer would do," she reached a hand up, nervously fiddling with an ear while she stared at the tiger booty. This was safe, right? Like, that technically--

Judy leaned forward. She took a few tentative sniffs, the full power of Titan's musk hitting her for the first time, or, well, what she thought was full power. "Cheese and crackers you smell good,' she said, her hands going to grip two powerful tiger buttcheeks. Judy leaned forward a little more, taking another sniff. Then slowly, carefully, she extended her tongue and just drew it along his puckered rear. "Oh carrots," she breathed, her leg thumping again, "you taste about as good as you smell," she began licking him again, head bobbing in earnest as she worked at giving the tiger a tongue bath. Her head leaned a little forward, ears laying back on her head to give her the best possible access.
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