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Heaven's Lost Property (Ironic x Rauk)

Before Azura had a chance to talk to him he quickly went to "sleep", shutting his eyes and unresponsive. She bit the inside of her cheek as she allowed her mind to wonder around. It broke her heart in a way to see him walking around with no idea what to do without someone giving him commands. Did he even have a mind of his own to be able to do what he wants? Perhaps in the morning she'll talk to him about it, wondering if he'll even understand what freedom really is.

She didn't want to get too deep in thought, closing her lids before drifting off into slumber. Why did sleeping always seem to go by so quickly? It's like those 8 hours never existed. Stretching she sat upwards and yawned, twirling her head around to see Phoenix laying down in bed still beside her. It was weird waking up to someone else in bed with her, not experiencing something like that for quite some time now.

"Pst... It's time to wake up Phoenix." Azura whispered in his ear as she shook his shoulders gently, hoping her movements wouldn't cause him to get into some type of defense mode or anything.
Phoenix opened his eyes and looked over to Azura in response. "Very well, mistress." He said, getting out of the bed, and making his way out the door. Poking his head back in, the angeloid spoke again. "I'll give you some privacy in order to get ready for our big day, Mistress! Meanwhile, I'll go to the kitchen and make you breakfast." With a confident nod, he shut the bedroom door behind him, and found his way into her kitchen still dressed in the pajamas. Using his powerful computational abilities, Phoenix was able to evaluate all of the food items Azura had stocked away and decided he would take initiative and cook up something based on the various items available. Before he started, the Angeloid had taken it upon himself to utilize her internet connection again to research popular methods of meal preparation.

Once his tactical mind decided that the best approach would be a simple one, the smell of frying bacon permeated all through the house as he prepared pancakes with a side of fruit and bacon. Pouring two glasses of orange juice, he sat down and waited for Azura to show up. He wanted to make her breakfast as a way of showing his thanks to her for taking him in, not necessarily as a way of pleasing his mistress. Thinking on what she's said before about freedom, he was beginning down a path of understanding his new relationship with this young lady. Even though she was to be his mistress, he knew he would not be treated as a slave to her desires and will.
Azura nodded her head as he spoke about leaving her some privacy to change clothes, changing into someone casual for the exciting day. The radiant blue matched her hues perfectly. As she placed on her last shoe the scent of bacon made its way into her flared nostrils. She sniffed the air again to make sure she wasn't dreaming. Yup, that was bacon. Opening the bedroom door she stepped out into her hallway and made her way towards the kitchen, the smell growing more powerful. Her eyes widened and her mouth widened in shock, not knowing that he could cook just by how silly he acted.

"I had no idea you knew how to cook." She said before hovering over him as he finished cooking. "You even got some orange juice out too. Wow, you over did it." Her smile widened, almost hurting her cheeks. "Thank you so much for doing this, you didn't have to." Getting up in the cabinets she grabbed two plates and two sets of silverware for the pair. Since he cooked for them she decided to make both of their plates, fixing them neatly with everything he cooked before placing it in each chair on the kitchen table.

"We better eat up and then head out to the fair. It gets crowded quickly. You should change too after as well." She took a forkful of pancakes before drizzling them with syrup, taking a heartfelt bite before closing her eyes in bliss. "These are awesome!"
Phoenix was happy to have pleased Azura with his actions that morning. His cheeks turned a slight hue of red as he sat across from her enjoying the meal. "Thank you, mistress. I'm glad you like it. It was no bother, though, I am trying to learn your humanly ways."

"Yes of course, I assume that this attire is for sleeping and not going out." The angeloid stood up, and raised a magical card from the palm of his hand. The lights danced around his body, turning his clothing into pure energy before reforming into blue shorts, and a cream colored buttoned up shirt. Once breakfast was finished, and any mess had been cleaned up, Phoenix had waited by the door excited to go out and see this fair. The morning sun shined warmly through the windows, beating down on his synthetic skin. "I'm ready when you are, Mistress." He said, unknowing exactly what they would be in for today.

Little did the two of them know, that another Angeloid had emerged on Earth and was waiting for them at the local faire. A strange boy wearing black wings had been seen frequenting the food stands, gobbling down an inhuman quantity of hotdogs. Some children would stop to stare at him, wondering if the wings were some sort of weird cosplay, but most people paid him no attention and went about their business.
β€œEither way, it was good and you did a wonderful job, Phoenix.” Her smile was just as bright as the sun that poked through the windows. After he had changed she inspected his outfit before giving an approving nod. β€œYou look good! Come on, let’s go, we’ve waited long enough!” Excitedly she spoke, reaching to grab her keys and money before closing the door behind them.

They strolled against the sidewalk, the Ferris Wheel in sight so they knew that they were getting closer to the fair grounds. β€œSo, I’m curious. How much do you remember about your old owner?” Casually she asked as they walked up to the entrance of the fair, Azura paying for their way into the gates before they were exposed to the fair’s environment. People walking around to concession stands, teens getting on the rides, individuals playing the games, animals to see as well as car derby to watch. There was so much to do here.

β€œWhat would you like to do first? I’ve been her so many times that I know this place from the back of my hand. They never change where they place everything.” She said as she strolled with Phoenix.
"I don't have very much data on my previous master, unfortunately. I do know that he was a man of action, and duty." He put the palm of his hand on his forehead for a moment, as if reacting to a minor shock inside. "Agh.. Anyway, you're my mistress now, Azura. And that's all that matters to me." Phoenix blushed a little, and looked away from her as they walked through the fair grounds.

"Oooh, that looks interesting." He said, pointing at the strong man high striker. There didn't seem to be anyone around it, so the Angeloid walked up to the machine and picked up the mallet. "Step right up, m'boy! Let's see what those puny arms can-" Just before the man finished his sentence, the mallet had been driven completely through the sensor and down into the ground. The ball shot up through the stand, and launched into the sky, disappearing. The worker stood there dumbstruck, his cigarette falling from his mouth onto the ground. "H-here, kids. Take w-whatever you want!" he awkwardly awarded them their choice of a prize and ran away.

"Did I win, Mistress? The sign said to swing as hard as I could. Go ahead, the man said you could choose whatever you want." The angeloid man smiled, proud of himself. He was happy to have won his mistress her choice of a gift.
"You blush easily, how come?" She teased at him, her body moving closer to his as they walked. It was cute seeing him act this way, never really seeing this side of him until recently. She could easily tell he had a hard time at letting her know how he was feeling. It will take time for him to adjust properly.

As they approached the high striker, Azura shook her head. "You sure you want to try something like this?" She asked, the angeloid proceeding with his actions anyways. She stood nearby, crossing her arms on her chest as she watched his hands clutch around the end of the mallet. As soon as he hit the bottom, her jaw dropped to see the strength in his swing. She knew he was strong but never imagined him to break a high striker! That's.... insanely strong!

"Wow, Phoenix...." She was left just as speachless as the worker who had ran off, though she knew of his real identity where he did not. "I'm proud of you, that was awesome!" Jumping in the air in excitement, she browsed the prizes. Looking at everything, she was tempted to get the overly sized husky plush but knew it would be a pain to carry it around. Instead, she chose the smaller size one. "Thank you, handsome." She grinned before taking his hand and strolling together once more.

"I want to win you something this time." Her eyes looked around to try and find a good game to play that she was good at. In the distance there was a water game, where you shot at a target with water and filled up a balloon with air. Whichever balloon popped first would be the winner. Sitting down in her seat she would give the worker her money, waiting for others to join. "Do you want to play, Phoenix?" She asked, patting a seat nearby her. Curiosity creeped in her mind, wondering how he would play out this one.
Cheap carnival music echoed throughout the fairgrounds, as the two of them played the various games available. "Yes, mistress. I.. would like to try it, if that's what you desire." Phoenix sat down next to her on the small stool and picked up the water gun, inspecting it suspiciously instead of properly aiming and firing at the target. "Mistress, this is a highly inefficient weapon. I do not understand why humans would have something like this." He said in a relatively monotone voice as he pointed the watergun at the target and squeezed the plastic trigger. The tactical angeloid's mind automatically calculated the trajectory of the stream and it easily held it so that 100% of the liquid entered the target and popped the balloon in the quickest possible time, causing the game manager to scratch his head in amazement.

"Nice shot, kid. Here ya go." The man commented, tossing him a giant stuffed banana which was promptly caught by Phoenix. "Thank you, sir." He responded respectfully. Looking over to Azura, Phoenix's eyes shifted in a confused way. "Mistress, look. The man gave me a giant- " Before his sentence could be finished, Phoenix felt a stranger's hand grasp his right shoulder.

"Found you at last, Omega." The young man said, as his black wings sprawled out, illuminated by the beaming sunlight. "You've done unspeakable things, and our master demands that you come with me." He added in his higher pitched, male voice. Phoenix stood up, and faced the other Angeloid, still holding his prized stuffed banana. "Put that ridiculous thing down and let's get going." the mysterious figure eventually said after the two of them tensely stared at each other for a period of time.

"Why are you just now talking to me, Gabriel? You've been here for hours." Phoenix said, almost happily, breaking the awkward silence.

"Agh! H-how do you know my name? Forget it. Oh... I uh." The brown haired, beautiful angeloid male wiped a piece of mustard from the corner of his lip as he continued. "That's none of your business. Come on!" Wrapping his hand around Phoenix's arm, Gabriel tugged at him to no avail.

"I'm sorry, but I have a mistress. And my place is here with her." Phoenix glanced toward Azura's face. Gabriel's face turned beet red in frustration, before he stepped back and began powering up. His eyes glowed a deep red hue, and flowing energy encased his body. The grass around his feet parted, blowing away from his central location and the air around him seemed to distort as if looking through heat rising from pavement on a hot day. With a growl, a longsword began to materialize in his hands complete with a gorgeously crafted jeweled hilt.

"I'll just have to take you by force then!" The newcomer roared and lunged forward to attack Phoenix. Unfortunately, the not-so-smart angeloid tripped over himself and landed face first on the ground at Phoenix's feet. The black wings awkwardly flapped as the sword disappeared and he brought himself up to one knee. After spitting out a few blades of grass, Gabriel looked up to Phoenix, who still hadn't budged an inch. Embarrassed, he looked over to Azura with a defeated look on his face and spoke to her. "You're his mistress, right? Can you like... Command him to go with me? Pretty please?" At this point, people were starting to stare at them, whispering judgmentally to each other. They were unsure of what to think about the situation.
Azura rose from her seat and clapped happily as Phoenix yet again beat the odds and won. She didn't mind that she wasn't the one to win him something. It was nice to finally have some company around. His comment earlier about the toy gun would cause her to giggle for years to come. "Not everything on Earth has to be created for destruction, Phoenix. That was a water gun, a safer alternative to have fun, not create chaos." She poked at him as she looked at his grand prize.

The aura shifted as the other winged boy made his grand entrance. Another one?! Azura thought to herself as he confronted Phoenix. His eyes were hard and solid, a different atmosphere encircling him unlike the kind and gentle one encompassing Phoenix. She hid behind him, unknowing what his intentions were as she eavesdropped. Was he trying to take him back?

When he started to get fired up her heart fluttered from adrenaline, unknowing on how to react or to stop him. Phoenix seemed not phased, never moving from his position as he awkwardly watched the angeloid. Why wasn't her reacting just like her? He was about to cause a scene! But once he tripped over his own feet Azura wasn't sure if she should lighten up or feel bad for the poor soul. Everyone circled around them now, eyes wondering how he managed to perform all of those works.

"Alright, go. There is nothing to see here." Azura shoo'd away the gawkers, the crowd soon dispersing so only the trio were around.

"Hello there, uhh, Gabriel was it?" Azura started off the conversation, her eyes staring at his own hues. "It seems that Phoenix has found his home here, and if he wishes to stay here with me then I will allow it. It is his choice." Azura responded back with pride, still un-knowledgeable on the fact that he is programmed to listen to her commands and only hers, not really understanding how to act based on his own thoughts, feelings, and opinions.

"You're barking at the wrong tree here. If I were you I would go. You already caused a mess of a scene and now you're trying to force someone to do what they do not wish to do. Especially after not being formal. You're on our planet now. I have no idea where you came from initially but you better do some research on it." The girls cheeks built up with a blazing red hue, growing frustrated at the situation. First there was one angeloid and now there was two. Please don't tell me there is more... Azura couldn't help but dread the thought.
The crowd of gawking people slowly dissipated, since Azura had shooed them away for now. The three of them would soon find themselves dragged forcefully out of the fairgrounds by the security and kicked out. Standing there, Gabriel crossed his arms in agitation and put his nose up in the air in disapproval of Phoenix's actions. "See what you did, Omega? You got us thrown out of the fair, because you wouldn't just quietly return with me. ...You really have no idea what you are, do you?" He finished, before turning his gaze over toward Azura.

"They really did lock away his memories, then." the brown haired pretty boy kept speaking, all the while his black wings idly stretched and flapped behind him, though not enough to lift him off the ground.

"...I am a pet class angeloid, designed to fulfill all of my mistress' desires." Phoenix replied simply, knowing in the back of his mind that there was more to these memories than he currently had access to.

"C'mon, Omega. You don't honestly believe that bullshit do you? Let me see if I can jog your memory." With an almost sinister look on his face, the younger looking Gabriel put the palm of his hand on Azura's forehead, feeling his fingers push into her hair, but not in a harmful way. "I'm going to hack her brai-"

"What are you doing to my mistress?" Phoenix instantly grasped his arm, tightening his grip and adopting a scary look in his now blood red colored eyes. With a smirk, Gabriel knew that Phoenix had played right into his hand. With his left arm, the newer angeloid quickly placed his palm upon Phoenix's forehead, as his display on Azura was only a decoy in order to draw out a sample of his target's abilities. As Gabriel retrieved his hand from Azura, a blank glossy stare appeared over Phoenix, as if he were currently in a trance.

"I'm doing you a favor, human. This is no pet class angeloid. He's a force of destruction and needs to be properly disposed of. But first, I need to unlock a few things before I can take him back with me." Gabriel feebly explained the situation to Azura, but did not admit that he was mostly curious to see Phoenix's combat capabilities. "Stand back."

Phoenix's eyes turned from red, to solid black. His short hair began flying up as if energy were emanating from his core in a tornado around him. Soon, his eyes exploded back into a crimson glow as the semi-awakened angeloid staggered backward, clenching each of his hands on the sides of his head in agony.

(Start atmospheric music for the next part)

"No... I am... a pet.. class angeloid..." He roared, his sanity hanging by a thread. With haste, Phoenix's wings spread beautifully outward, showing his angeloid form in its full, outstanding glory. Leaping into the air, he flew away toward the mountains faster than any man-made machine could even dream of. A sonic boom silenced the fairgrounds, as he quickly disappeared from sight.

"Don't follow us." Gabriel looked over his shoulder to Azura, before his wings lifted him from the ground and he followed, albeit at a much slower speed.

Both of the angeloids were now gone, leaving the now quiet fairground behind them. The large plushie banana that belonged to Phoenix, now rest at Azura's feet. Phoenix and Gabriel were now over a hundred miles away from the city, in the mountains. The brown-haired angeloid pondered Phoenix's reasoning for choosing the girl, as he witnessed the Omega type angeloid regain access to some of his abilities. Fortunately for all of them, the dimwitted Gabriel did not have the capability to unlock Phoenix's full potential.

"Atmospheric scan, 100%." The Omega type was preparing himself for imminent threats, even against his own will and spoke with a more robotic voice. "Weapon activation, 30%. Shield generator, 100%. Emotional protection removal, 100%. Memory protection removal, 0%." Gabriel struggled to keep his footing from the energy pulses emitted by Phoenix. When processing was complete, the Destroyer class angeloid hovered above the ground, and lift his finger toward Gabriel.

"Oh shit. H-hold on a sec-!" He gulped, knowing he was in over his head at this point. A barrage of missiles materialized and fired at Gabriel, who flew into the air and was barely capable of making enough evasive maneuvers to dodge them all. Phoenix charged the other angeloid and beat him to a pulp, ending up with them both on the ground, Phoenix on top with a raised fist and his elegant wings blocking the sunlight from Gabriel's view.

"My place is with my mistress. Under her command, I am free." Phoenix let go of Gabriel, who did not understand what he meant by being 'free.' "I suggest you find a new master, one who will allow you freedom as well..."

The color in Phoenix's eyes faded, as the calmness of their original hue was restored. Walking away from his brown haired acquaintance, Phoenix scanned for Azura's lifeforce and began flying in the general direction of wherever she may be after having locked onto her with his now much longer range.
Staring at the two angeloids before her, those blue hues darted back and forth as they bickered. The concept of having Phoenix was still strange enough, but now that Gabriel started some gossip she grew more concerned as well as curious. A gust of wind brushed against her face just before Gabriel placed his hand on top of her forehead, as if checking her temperature. His palm was smooth and soft, not a single sign of harm, but this still triggered Phoenix. There was nothing she could do or say, not wanting to barge into something she was not really considered being involved in. The look in his eyes, she did not recognize as they turned red in color. Gabriel set him up to something, and Azura was growing tired of sitting back and watching this happen in front of her.

β€œLet him go!” She hollered as she tried to push the angeloid away from Phoenix, but not even her strongest thrust she could budge him. β€œDoing me a favor? How is this doing me a favor?! He is not chaotic in any way, he’s never even tried to hurt me!” Her brows furrowed as she let out an aggravated growl through her clenched teeth. It didn’t matter as the two flew away, Phoenix obviously confused and in denial of the information that was soaked into his mechanical brain. Azura looked up at the skies as she watched them depart from her, Gabriel’s words hurting her. Even if she did try to follow them she wouldn’t be able to catch up to them.

β€œHe’ll come back… He always does…” She paced back and forth as her digits entangled within her tresses. They were too far away for her to hear them fighting, thoughts racing in her mind as she wondered what they could be up to. 45 minutes passed, the girl finally sitting on a nearby metal bench as she looked down with sorrow. Groups of people continued to pass, looking in her direction and wondering why she looked so depressed. They didn’t confront her, though. Instead they just looked as they passed, wanting to enjoy their trip at the Fair. She stayed in the area where they had left, not wanting Phoenix to search for her when he decided to come back. There was still a decent amount of day left, but she worried when an hour finally passed. Sighing, she looked up at the skies, and as if on que she found her angeloid floating high above before landing down to greet her.

β€œPhoenix, I was so worried about you!” Instinctively and rushed up to her feet and hugged him tightly, nuzzling her face into his chest as he was taller than her. She pulled off of him to inspect him, noticing his torn clothing and scraped body. β€œWhat did he do to you?! Please, explain this to me, no matter how hard it is for you. That’s the most you can do as you left me here worried for an hour!” Tears started to well in her eyes, her lower lip quivering as she tried to hold back the tears. She grew attached to him already, even though she only knew him for a day.
His cheeks gave a crimson blush, as he wrapped his arms around Azura in her embrace. His soft, elegant wings wrapped around them as well, leaving only a small portion uncovered. "I'm sorry, Mistress. I am not hurt." His auto-scans indicated a drastic change in his mistress' heart rate, which confirmed to him that she was indeed worried about him as she said. Suddenly, she asked him to explain what Gabriel had done to him in the time that they had spent in private. Phoenix took this as an order, which must be carried out when given to any angeloid.

"Of course, Mistress. Gabriel was sent here from the synapse to retrieve me and take me back with him for reasons that I am not able to understand just yet. I do know, however, that there are hidden powers within me. ...Dangerous hidden powers." His eyes began to water, as he fought back tears at the thought of being a danger to his beloved mistress. "He unlocked some abilities of mine that no pet-class angeloid should be designed with." Holding her tighter to his chest, Phoenix paused for a moment, a tear dripping from his cheek onto to the top of Azura's head. "Maybe he is right. Maybe I am a danger to you."

"My reactor... It's painful, yet it's a wonderful feeling. What is this?"
Phoenix thought to himself a moment in Azura's warm embrace, not understanding that he was developing a bit of a crush on his mistress. Seemingly random, out of nowhere the angeloid's eyes turned to a green glow.

"Reactor diagnostic scan 50%, 75% 100%. Reactor functioning at 100%." With a deadpan, monotone voice he completed his scan and was relieved to know that there was nothing functionally wrong with him at this time.

Meanwhile, Gabriel had returned to the synapse and was being brutally beaten to a pulp by his ruthless master. "Ha ha ha! You've failed, you worthless hunk of scrap. Now what should I do with you." The evil man laughed, as tears streamed down Gabriel's worried face. The young male angeloid was on the ground, being stepped on by his master, begging for forgiveness.

"Please, master. Please give me another chance. I underestimated him, and won't next time." Gabriel spoke.

"That Azura has become a thorn in our side. Omega only answers to her now, you idiot. Kill her, and then he'll be without a mistress.... And ready for the scrap heap. And if you return a failure yet again, know that it will mean your end." In a fit of maniacal laughter, the strange man walked away, expecting Gabriel to not question his order.

"Wh-what? Kill her? But..." His lips quivered, knowing that he must carry out the order, even though the poor angeloid was in way over his head. He didn't want to hurt Azura. He thought about what Phoenix had said about how he is free under the care of his mistress. The thought of freedom was confusing to Gabriel, but he knew that it would never be a reality for him.

"...Yes, master." He wept, as his wings spread again and made his exit.
After the angeloid checked his reactor, Azura placed a gentle and caring hand on his cheek, peering into his hues to search for the right answers. β€œPhoenix, you have to understand something.” She began her words as her thumb circled around his cheek bone gingerly. β€œI want you in my life. I know we just met but I’ve already grown attached. I feel like it’s my role to take care of you like how you take care of me.”

Her thumb made its way up towards the bottom of his eye, wiping away the tears that strolled down his skin. β€œI don’t want Gabriel to ruin anything.” She growled under her breath, just thinking about him. β€œWhatever did happen to him? Did he run off?” Her eyes looked around, as if waiting for him to pop up like before.

β€œI’m sorry today got ruined for you. Maybe we should go back home?” Azura offered the suggestion, placing her arms behind her back as her toe dug at the ground beneath her. She wanted him to have a good time today. He was so excited to check this fair thing out. But it got ruined. Poor Phoenix. β€œI’ll leave that up to you to decide. It’s your choice.
It's your choice.

Those words echoed through his mind, beginning to understand what they mean. He did have his own desires, his own goals. Is this what she spoke of? He knew that with a portion of his power unlocked, he would have no issues protecting Azura from another attack from Gabriel, should it come to it. It was also obvious that Phoenix could detect jealousy in his rival's eyes as he went into detail about his mistress' kindness. Phoenix knew that Gabriel would not be treated with reason and understanding upon his return to the Synapse. However, this was not of is concern, as it did not directly matter to his Mistress.

"You want me to choose what to do?" He said, closing his eyes at the touch of her soft fingers on his face. "Yes Mistress. In that case, I choose to stay, and have a nice rest of the day at the fair with you. Will that be alright?" The angeloid was not used to making his own decisions, being designed to only follow orders. He took this as a request from his mistress, which allowed him to decide without much trouble.

"And about Gabriel? He returned to his master, failing his mission. ...If he survives the consequences of his failure, I assume he will return. Are you sure you're willing to stay with me? Even if it means the possibility of another attack?" Phoenix's tone of voice changed to an obvious hint of worry. He did not want to lose his mistress, but above all cared for her safety and needs. There was something more there that he felt, deep in his reactor, but it still left him confused with a blush, unable to keep eye contact with her for more than a moment at a time.


"That idiot." Gabriel moped around, sitting alone on a bench back at the faire. He was eating a large stick of pink and blue swirled cotton candy with a dilemma on his mind about carrying his mission through. "Why couldn't he have just come with me, it would have made everything so much easier." Mumbling to himself, the pretty boy angeloid's body was bruised and beaten still, from his master's punishments. What he really wanted was to defy the master of the Synapse and stay on Earth, hoping to find a happier life much like Phoenix was able to do. "It's just not fair.. I wish she were my mistress..." He leaned back, looking up into the sky, after finishing the treat.
Her lips extended out as wide as they could bare to show him a pearly white smile. This was the first time that he had decided for himself, and delight erupted inside of her core. β€œI’m proud of you for making your own decision, Phoenix. As I am understanding, I know it is programmed for you to follow my orders, but I want you to learn how to think for yourself too.” She placed her hand gently against the chains on his neck before gripping it tightly, her knuckles turning white from the force. β€œThis? This means nothing besides our connection. YOU still have a choice.” She smiled lightly before drawing him in to hug him sincerely.

Resting her head on his nicely structured chest she would learn the fate of Gabriel. Quickly she lifted her head up to look at him in the eyes, searching for more answers that she didn’t even know the questions to. β€œWhat do you mean he’ll get consequences for his failure? I didn’t know he could die from this!” Her hands balled up into fists, her cheeks reddened with anger. β€œWho in the right mind would even dare to hurt the one who wants to serve you?!” She pinched the skin between her eyes before letting out an exhausted sigh, more worried for Gabriel, even if he was a prick, but he was only doing what he was told.

β€œOf course, I will stay by your side. It’s a risk I am willing to take.” Her arms wrapped around him furthermore, giving him one last final squeeze before pulling away. Her arms slapped lazily against her thighs. β€œSo, what would you like to do at the fair? Another quest for you is to choose again.” She asked with a quirk of her brow. β€œAlso, I want to make sure Gabriel is okay, is there any way you can find out? I just hope he doesn’t mess with us again. Maybe I can talk with him if we see him again.” She proposed the idea before motioning him to start walking besides her.
"Gabriel could die, yes. If that is his master's will. An angeloid is but a tool to be used by its master or mistress to serve them." He was trying to understand what Azura meant by saying the collar that bonded them was insignificant, but the concept of true independence was foreign to him still. The angeloid was happy serving Azura, and wanted nothing more than to do so. Although she had now planted the seed of independence in his mind, and he grew more and more interested in learning.

His eyes widened, as she asked him to make yet another decision. His mathematical mind began calculating, scanning through dynamically changing charts and diagrams, all attempting to calculate a plan that would please Azura. After a second or two, he gasped as if he were proud to announce what was on his mind. "I want to bring my Mistress to Gabriel! Perhaps you can help him. I also calculate that his physical appearance is somewhat attractive to you, as his physique matches most of the nude males in your internet search history." Phoenix innocently spoke, as if he was confident he was making his Mistress proud, walking next to her. As he said the last part, there were a few awkward looks from the nearby faire-goers. "Plus, do not worry, Mistress. He will not be able to harm you while I'm here. I assure you that my combat capabilities far exceed his." Phoenix smiled with his head held high as he pointed Azura in the direction that Gabriel showed up on his radar.

Sitting there on a bench, sat the bruised up Gabriel. Part of his wing was torn, and his clothes were battered. He tossed the cotton candy stick into the trash can as he noticed the two of them approaching. Crossing his left leg over his right, and folding his arms, the prettyboy gave a 'Hrmph' expression, looking away from their general direction in a half embarrassed, half frustrated way. "What do you guys want? I got in a lot of trouble because of you!" He shouted, fighting back tears.
Azura’s cheeked pinkened, no, reddened, at his comment regarding Gabriel’s physique matching her porn history. The awkward stares could be felt as she lowered her head in shame, not wanting to talk about it furthermore. β€œPhoenix, not… in public.” She muttered, gritting her teeth to not lash out at him and make a more complicated scene for those to watch. They’ve already been through enough today, and it wasn’t even past three o’clock.

She allowed Phoenix to guide her there, his eyes fixated on the direction Gabriel was in. Far in the distance she could pick out him sitting on the bench, his figure growing clearer as they approached him. It didn’t take her long to see the pain inflicted in his features, his eyes lowering in embarrassment. Her heart shattered, replaying the words of Phoenix saying that if his master wants him to die, he has no option but to cease his own existence.

That was not okay.

β€œGabriel, don’t take offense…” Azura started off, eyes scanning his bruised and beaten body. The wing that was torn crippled her heart, feeling the phantom pain of what it must’ve felt for him. β€œYou don’t deserve to be treated this way, Gabriel.” Sincerely the words spewed from her lips, sitting down on the bench beside him kindly. β€œI just learned about angeloids last night, so I am sorry if I know nothing, but please, try and have a mind of your own! Stand up for yourself, don’t let your master push you around like that!”

Her words were strong, painted with determination to help him in any way she could. Besides. Phoenix insisted she was in good hands as long as she was by him. She had nothing to fear. β€œPlease.” Taking her hand, she gripped at his own, eyes trying to search his broken hues. β€œLet me try and help.”
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