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Heaven's Lost Property (Ironic x Rauk)



Deemed too dangerous to remain in service, the destroyer-class Angeloid 'Phoenix' Type Omega had been scheduled for destruction. He was initially created as a last resort for defense of the Synapse to turn the tables of the great war in their favor. Phoenix ended the war by single-handedly wiping out the enemy with minimal effort, which frightened his creators. They had not intended to create a weapon of such power, and worried that he may eventually cause more harm than good in the long run. Phoenix was lucky enough to have a very wise general as his master, who could not bring himself to go through with his execution. It was a sad day, when he had made the decision to go against his orders and save Phoenix's life. As the hatch to the escape pod slowly closed, a tear ran down his master's face as he spoke. "Phoenix. I want you to find a new master. Someone who needs you as much as you need them." The angeloid returned his words with only a blank stare, as the hatch closed, and the pod was ejected out into space on a course for Earth.

The angeloid's memories were completely wiped, and the vast majority of his combat capabilities locked away. Barely able to stand or speak, he pushed open the door. The poor creature had awoken in a truly strange place, foreign to anything he'd ever known. The sun shined down onto his face for the first time, giving him a warm feeling that did not cause discomfort. Stepping out of the pod, Phoenix analyzed his surroundings. To the north there was the city, which obviously contained a plethora of human activity. There didn't seem to be anything of interest in any other direction, so he began his journey downtown. The breeze blew through his short, dark hair as he walked. The angeloid zipped his white leather suit up and toyed with the broken chain attached to the collar around his neck. As his memories were mostly erased, he knew very little about himself and only retained some basic knowledge about the human race. His main priority was to obtain a new 'master.'

Although a master's orders are absolute to an angeloid, whomever took it upon themselves to take him in, would soon realize he is a very independent angeloid that only needed a 'master' because he was programmed to require it for survival. He was fully capable of giving his master tactical advice, and was a highly intelligent being. However, he was still an angeloid, which meant any direct order given by the master must be carried out in full, whether or not it was what they actually wanted. Would he be able to find someone?
The sun was beginning to set over the horizon, beautiful gradient shades of orange, yellow and pink filling the atmosphere that would eventually turn dark for night. There wasnโ€™t much commotion happening downtown at this late hour, deeming it a great time to pick up some groceries for home. The breeze was slightly warm yet when inhaled it was cold. The temperature was gradually starting to shift. Azura gently tugged her coat over her shoulders as her body began to shutter. She would make this grocery trip fast before the temperature got too cold.


With fingers intertwined with plastic in both hands Azura pranced down the sidewalk as her shoes snapped above the concrete. It was always a feeling of accomplishment when you purchase the objects you want yet your wallet begs to differ. An alleyway came into view as she approached closer to it, noting that it was an easier way to cross the street other than waiting for traffic from her every day trip. It was dark and appeared unoccupied and it was too good of an opportunity to pass up. She hummed a sweet tune in her throat, swaying her hips as her snow white hair danced as she took each step. The rustling of what sounded like cans behind her caught her attention, quick to swivel around to note the disorder.

โ€œWhatโ€™s a pretty girl like you doing in a dark place like this?โ€ A mysterious man stepped from the shadows with a hood concealing his face, his lips and nose were the only feature available to see. Two other men stepped in behind him. He must be the ring leader. Remarkably Azura managed to stay calm and hold her composure, giving a non-threatening grin towards their directions.

โ€œNo need to flatter, but I must head home.โ€ She lifted her bags to show she had products. โ€œI donโ€™t want to spoil my milk sitting here chatting. Have a good night gentlemen.โ€ She ended the conversation before anyone could object her, a deep sigh leaving her mouth as she turned around to continue her travel. The reverberating sound of feet dragging against the floor hit the brick walls until a hold hand gripped her right arm. The hairs on her body did handstands, her head slowly turning around to dreadfully look at the โ€œmaskedโ€ men.

โ€œWhy leaving all of a sudden? You look like you need help carrying those. Donโ€™t want to hurt those pretty hands of yoursโ€ฆ they could be useful in the long run.โ€ His friends snickered in the background at his sexual comment. Azura found it harder to keep her composure, a nervous giggle erupting from her rosy pink lips.

โ€œArenโ€™t you cute?โ€ Her comment was brief with a harsh tinge of sarcasm, violently snagging her hand away from the invader. โ€œI said goodbye.โ€ She emphasized, attempting to turn back around before the hand gripped her wrist again, this time more grotesquely and convincingly.

โ€œYouโ€™ve got bad attitude.โ€ The man angrily said through clenched teeth, tightening his grip even more to vent a small whimper from the shocked girl. The other two men circled around the opened spots, ensuring she wouldnโ€™t walk away anymore. Without warning, the ring leader raised his hand up in the air and slapped Azura across her left cheek with the back of his hand, a cry leaking out only to be covered by one of the menโ€™s hands to muffle it. โ€œBe fucking quiet!โ€ The man spat at her as he pinched her cheeks harshly, causing them to throb.
Phoenix had just happened to be walking nearby, allowing his close ranged sensors to alert him of an immediate threat to an innocent human life nearby. His eyes widened, and he immediately started sprinting toward them with haste, ducking in and out of alley-ways and leaping over trash cans. "Be fucking quiet!" The strange man said to the trembling white-haired female that was surrounded by a small band of thugs. The male Angeloid had arrived at the scene behind them just as the disgusting man spat at her.

"Why?" Phoenix spoke out loud, for the first time since he had set foot on the planet. His voice was deep, smooth, and very precise. The three men turned their attention over toward the odd looking gentleman in the immaculate white leather suit. "You want a piece of this action too? We saw her first, ass hole!" The man said, as his putrid breath befouled the immediate area around the girl's face. Phoenix's expression was a mixture of serenity and determination, as his scanners calculated information regarding all four of the humans. Freeing the girl was his top priority, but he wanted to make sure he would be able to do so without ending the mens' lives. After a few milliseconds, his calculations completed and his fists curled into a tight ball, moving himself into a brawling stance. "Let the girl go." He said smoothly, yet firmly.

"Bwahahahahah!" All three men heartily laughed in unison. The ring leader's grasp on the girl only became tighter as he responded. "Oh no! Pretty boy over here is going to tickle us in the-" Before he was able to finish his sentence, Phoenix had swiftly positioned himself right next to the man, with his hand tightly grasping his throat. Lifting the thug into the cold, night air, Phoenix's eyes started to glow a fiery red. "Let the girl go." He roared, as a mysterious energy started to flow upward through him. His leather clothing rippled in the wind, and his short hair danced upward. One of the men from behind took a swing at Pheonix's head, only to have his fist caught in the Angeloid's free hand. With a quick twist, the attacker's hand was shattered and he staggered backward falling against the wall in a bumbling mess, shrieking in pain. Fast as lightning, his head turned to face the other man, who immediately took off running out of sight.

"W-what are you?" The remaining man struggled to speak up, with Pheonix's hand still grasping his throat, holding him roughly 5 inches off the ground.

"I am Pheonix, a ........." The Angeloid blinked, as this part of his memory bank had been erased, or locked away. "I am a pet class angeloid, designed to cater to all of my master's desires."

"Sure man, whatever you say! Look, just let me go, and I'm history!" As soon as he let go of the female, he was released, and the man ran in the opposite direction that the other one went. The one with the broken hand got up and stumbled away as well.

After a moment, the fiery aura of energy around the Angeloid faded, and his eyes returned to their original hue. He slowly turned his attention to the girl, and scanned to make sure she was not a threat to him, and to analyze any injuries she may have received.

"Are you alright? Is this kind of behavior typical for humans?" He stepped closer to her, but not in an intimidating manner. "My name is Phoenix, I'm sorry that we couldn't have met under better circumstances..." The odd man extended his hand out to shake, hoping that he was in a place where a handshake was culturally acceptable. "If you'd like, I can help you carry your items home. I would hate to see these men attack you a second time."

โ€œOh man, another guy?!โ€ Azura thought to herself as her contracted pupils glided over towards the newly added guest. The aura surrounding him was softer yet still threatening in an unfamiliar way, but she wouldnโ€™t let her guard down that easily. He stood tall with a formal posture, his attire fitting him well but was oddly proper for someone to wonder around town looking for misfortune.

The outcome wasnโ€™t looking too grand when the trio felt threatened by him, tightly grabbing Azruaโ€™s wrist in a reflexive instinct to hold oneโ€™s property to incoming threat. A discomfort expression contorted the girls face as she groaned in distress.

His demanding tone was as smooth as butter as it cut through the air, almost caressing her ears as his voice resonated from her eardrums. Was he truly here to rescue her? A feeling of guilt overcame her for a split second; she couldnโ€™t even save herself. The men that circled her laughed manically and it pierced her ears unpleasantly, causing her to cock her head to shield the closest ear over her shoulder. The grip on her wrist tightened furthermore, eliciting a shriek of pain before suddenly his grasp vanished.

This enigmatic man had her antagonist gasping for air with an effortless grip to the throat. Azura couldnโ€™t help but blink thrice at the reality of the escalating situation. This had to be some sick prank, right? The wind abruptly picked up in the alleyway, her blizzard-like tresses aggressively thrashing around as gravel whipped fiercely around the group. As she safeguarded her face with her forearm and squinted her sequined eyes she would notice that the incredible force was coming from that newcomer! Was his eyes changing color too? Oh, noโ€ฆ

Azura trembled from the fright that washed over her instantaneously. Who is this man andโ€ฆ how on Earth could he possess something like this?! Her heart thumped and pumped like a ticking time bomb, ready to erupt at any time. It wasnโ€™t long before the crowed cleared after two was left wounded and the other petrified for his life after witnessing what happened to his comrades. But what he said in response to the inquire to what he was couldnโ€™t stop replaying through her head: "I am a pet class angeloid, designed to cater to all of my master's desires."

What exactly does that mean?

โ€œH-how can you talk as if nothing just h-happened?...โ€ Azrua stuttered as the angeloid tried to make small talk after a ferocious encounter. He was nice and obviously saved her from sudden death, but after that show how could she so easily trust him? It would be rude of her to not respond to his questions, after all he did help her out. โ€œNoโ€ฆ No, not at all. I mean, some humansโ€ฆ waitโ€ฆโ€ The more she thought about it, the more she really questioned this guy. โ€œWhy did you say humans? So youโ€™re NOT one?โ€ Well, duh. He just said he wasโ€ฆ. How did he say it? A pet class angeloid? โ€œYou have a lot to explain to me because I have no idea what the hell is going on!โ€ The girl flailed her hands around to exaggerate the confusion and frustration she was feeling in that very moment. โ€œNot most humans are like that but many are.โ€

She couldnโ€™t risk the men coming back again, and despite the strangeness of this angeloid she permitted him access to help her carry her belongings home, mostly because she wanted to know more about this man. Hopefully he would be kind enough to answer her, even though heโ€™s already done a lot for her in just these few moments of their encounter. โ€œI hope you donโ€™t mind but I need to know exactly who you are and how you performed that littleโ€ฆ show back there. Is this a reality show? Am I being pranked?โ€ The tone in her voice was easy to tell how much distress she was really in. She bent down to hurriedly grab the belongings that fell from her bags and placed them back before handing the man a few to carry.

โ€œFollow me, you have a lot of explaining to do so I can understand what the heck is going on.โ€
"No, I am not a human." He responded quietly, not realizing whether or not the existence of Angeloids was common knowledge. "As I said before, I am a pet class Angeloid. However, I am currently without a master." She continued to speak, asking him if she'd been punked as if she were caught on some reality television program. "I am not sure what you mean by this. What is reality TV? I assure you I was only trying to protect you from those bullies." Pheonix's head tilted to the side, his hair flowing along in confusion. Reaching out, he picked up whatever belongings Azura handed him to carry, and began following her back on the way to wherever she was going.

As they stepped through the town, the ambient sounds of automobiles and chatter could be heard all over the place. While the locals were most likely used to the noise, it was difficult for a newcomer like Pheonix to tune it out. Looking over, and down to Azura as they walked, the Angeloid had begun to think about the possibilities of calling her his master. "As I explained before, I am in fact not a human. I am a simple pet-class Angeloid by the name of Phoenix. I've been abandoned by my previous master, and now I am roaming this town looking for someone suitable for the job. Would you be interested?" The strange man warmly held her things in one arm, and lifted the other hand to grab the chain around his neck, extending it to her, as if he was offering to let her hold it. It was a dark, heavy looking chain that connected to an uncomfortable looking device that suddenly appeared around the Angeloid's neck.

Not even a second went by before he quickly turned away and retracted his hand, and thus the offer. "I'm sorry. This isn't something I should be asking you... yet." Catching himself, he knew that bluntly asking her to become his master like this after such a traumatic event wouldn't make much sense to her. Phoenix did not know much about human behavior, although he wasn't completely clueless on the matter and calculated that she would most likely reject him, and think of him as some sort of creep. Being created as a weapon, Phoenix's combat and processing capabilities were abundantly powerful. That being said, his emotional control was left lacking in order to make up for this prowess on the battlefield.

This lack of emotional control over himself is also the main reason why he was able to speak so nonchalantly about the events that had just taken place. Everything spoken from the strange man in the white leather suit's mouth was very calm, collected, and articulate. It was in his hopes that they would arrive at her home soon, so he could explain himself in a more private manner, free from the worry of her being attacked again. After a few more seconds of them walking in the direction of Azura's home, the lock and chain around his neck began to dematerialize and seemingly vanish into thin air. Though it seemed to not be there any longer, the disappearance was purely cosmetic. โ€œI suppose you want me to explain why Angeloid's need masters as well... I will to the best of my knowledge, but I'd like to save that for a more private setting.โ€ The wind blew a cold chill around the two of them, as they walked on.
What was this nonsense that was spewing from his mouth? He didnโ€™t even know what reality TV was! Okay, so this had to be real. Just to make sure she pinched herself to ensure this was indeed reality, and it was. โ€œSo you mean to tell me youโ€™re not even human at all? We need to get you away from the publicโ€™s eye or theyโ€™ll notice you!โ€ She grabbed at his wrist and led the way to her home, picking up the pace in order to get their faster.

โ€œYou included the name angel with angeloid, so do you have wings? If you do youโ€™re hiding them very well. Keep them that way. If anyone sees them theyโ€™ll either think youโ€™re cosplaying or know that youโ€™re not from around here. If they do come out we will have to say itโ€™s part of a costume or something around those lines.โ€ Her back was faced to him as they paced along the sidewalk, her eyes straight ahead and concentrated.

โ€œIโ€™m sorry if I didnโ€™t thank you properly for helping me. I will cook something at my home in thanks and I would like to know more about your story.โ€ But his next question really caught her off guard once she spun around to face him for a moment. Because his master? Was this a fetish of his? A thick chain pixelized into view, something straight out a movie that was connected around his neck. She didnโ€™t even have enough time to respond back because he quickly took his words back. But did he add the word โ€˜yetโ€™ into it?... โ€œWeโ€™ll talk more about it later, I donโ€™t even have time to ask any questions.โ€

It only took the duo five more minutes before they stepped foot into her home. It wasnโ€™t a big house, only two bedrooms. It was good enough for her since she was living alone. She took her shoes off once she went inside her house and took the groceries from Pheonix and started to put them in their designated areas.

โ€œDoes chicken breast with potatoes and vegetables sound okay to you? While I cook you can sit by the table near the kitchen and begin to explain things to me.โ€
The man handed her the things he had carried for her, and did as she asked, sitting himself down at her kitchen table. "That sounds fantastic!" He graciously said in a warm tone, at least as much of one as he could muster. The angeloid did not normally regain his strength by eating food in the way humans did, as there were multiple ways for him to re-energize. However, to appear humanly and attempt to make Azura more comfortable, he thankfully accepted her cooking. "I've never had anyone cook for me before... You certainly are a good person. By the way, I don't believe I caught your name yet. What would you like me to call you?" His mind trailed off for a moment, as he gazed blankly into the delicious looking meal she was preparing. His stomach growled as the intoxicating aroma of the chicken breasts permeated throughout the kitchen.

"As for my wings, yes. I am equipped with a variable wing core." The simple fact did not register in his mind that pet-class angeloids were never equipped with such powerful hardware. "You don't see them, because I have the ability to make them come and go as I need them. See?" Standing up, he pushed the chair in and assumed a straight posture. White light was emitted from his body, as feathery, cream colored wings materialized and emerged from his body. They wrapped around him momentarily, and then retracted. As they vanished back into his upper back, the inhuman Phoenix pulled the chair back out and sat back down. "I rarely use them, however. No need." The angeloid was very graceful in his display, and did not knock anything off of the table, or allow his wings to touch anything in the kitchen during their visual demonstration.

"I'd love to know if there's anything I can do for you, master." He awkwardly covered his mouth momentarily, and blushed. "I mean... Is there any way I can repay you for being so kind as to feed a hungry angeloid?!" In a cute, more energetic than normal way, he forced a really awkward smile and tried to cover himself up yet again, as he waited for her to finish cooking.
"Awe, thanks for the kindhearted compliments. And you certainly are the gentleman." Her smile radiated before answering his question. "My name is Azura, sorry for not introducing myself properly, but then again we didn't really have a swell introduction to begin with." She chucked at their misfortune for meeting as she stirred around the sauteed vegetables.

Her eyes watched as he demonstrated his wings to her, those blue eyes booming with fascination that this was even possible. No one can know about this or the government will surely try and take him for review. That would be awful. "That's so neat, I wish I had wings. Flying is everyone's fantasy here on Earth." Her hand turned the knob on the stove, turning off the burner that was heating the vegetables. The potatoes and chicken finished cooking, her body motioning over to the cabinets to grab two plates as she began to fix them both for herself and Pheonix.

"If you keep calling me master I suppose you should give me the feminine title and call me mistress since that's your preferred name for me anyways." She giggled at his bizarre ways, setting down his plate as well as a cup of water to wash down the food. "I have other beverages if you'd like. I don't know what you usually eat or drink. Help yourself, just don't break anything." She sat down and picked up a knife and fork and started to politely cut her chicken in decent pieces to eat. "Why do you need a master anyways? Is it programmed in you? Did they kick you out of your own world?"
"Thank you, mistress!" Phoenix said with a gentle smile as he eyeballed the delicious meal before him. Awkwardly, he picked up the fork and poked and prodded at the meat, unsure of how to properly use it. It wasn't sticking to the end as well as Azura's was, although unbeknownst to him, it may work better if he hadn't been gripping the prong-end of the utensil. With a shrug of his shoulders, he sat the fork down and picked up the place with a hand on each side raising it to mouth-level. Opening his mouth, he just inhumanly sucked the entire contents down in mere seconds, leaving no mess. With a satisfied sigh, he sat the now spotless plate down on the table and paused for a moment with a spaced out, amazed look on his face.

"THAT WAS AMAZING!" He said as excitedly as his awkward expressions would allow, the shape of shimmering stars replacing the pupils in his eyes. "Thank you again for the food! It is programmed into us, more or less. I'm After pondering for a moment over her blessing to call her his mistress, the Angeloid looked at her once again with a piercing gaze. The metallic mechanism materialized around his neck once more, this time with a much longer chain. With his left hand, he grasped part of the end of it, reaching out in offering to Azura. "I also appreciate you allowing me to call you mistress. This is for you!" In his mind, she had accepted him as her angeloid, he only needed to make it official by imprinting, whether or not this poor innocent earthling girl knew what she was getting herself into.
As Azura was eating her own food her eyes occasionally looked up to watch what Pheonix was doing, giggling at how he handled the fork in his hand. She was about to step in and correct him until he decided to chug his food like a barbarian. Her mouth gaped open in surprise as there was no mess as he ate so sloppily. "I-I'm glad you liked it?" Her eyes blinked a few times before dismissing what had just happened right before her.

After finishing her own plate she would pick up hers and Pheonix's plate's and put them in the sink before being approached by him in a appreciative way. He pulled out the chain like before, but she didn't know what he meant by saying it was for her. Shrugging her shoulders she reached out to grab the large chunk of chain to examine it before a chemical reaction instantly burst into full effect as soon as her fingertips made contact.

The end of the chain coiled around her hand, tightly fastening around it to ensure the connection between angeloid and mistress. Her attempt to pry it off was unsuccessful, the chain still locking onto her hand with no mercy. "What's the meaning of this?!" She shouted as she shook her hand to try and rid of the damned object, starting to freak out.

Then, the chain started to disappear like before, evaporating into thin air. She didn't feel the chain on her anymore, but due to prior knowledge she knew it was still there, connecting the two together. "Is this that Master thing you kept talking about?!"
"Don't worry, mistress. That little display was simply a formality." Phoenix said with a warm smile, feeling a great sense of relief. This human girl was definitely the one he was meant to find. After the dust had settled and the chain had faded back into nothingness, the Angeloid stood up and reached into one of the pockets of his jacket to pull out a strange looking card with unreadable lettering on it. "Now that the imprinting process is complete, I should be able to help you with what you mentioned earlier. You said flying is everyone's fantasy on Earth, correct?" The card between his ring and index finger began to glow as he held it up above his head.

With a serious look of concentration, the card vanished as the chain recently did, and the angeloid looked into his new mistress' eyes once again. "Go ahead, mistress. You should be able to levitate now. Just concentrate your energy and focus it underneath you, to push yourself upward." Phoenix had used his powerful ability to grant Azura the wish of temporary flight. The only issue here, is that he neglected to tell her that if she were to float further than her height off of the ground, she'd immediately lose the power and fall. Also, this ability is only effective for 5 minutes.

"By the way, since you're now my mistress, that means I'm required to live in your house with you, and take care of you. I don't suppose that's a problem is it?" He said, removing his jacket and folding it up, watching to see if she believed him when he said she could fly. He was not wearing a shirt underneath, so as the white leather jacket was removed from his torso, the Angeloid's sculpted form was displayed in its full glory. His hairless back and chest were illuminated in the kitchen light, however there was a deep, old scar stretching from his left collar bone all the way down diagonally to the right side of his stomach. "After you're finished, I should really bathe. Though, I may need some assistance, as I've never used a human's facilities before."
Azura could only stare at the angeloid as he began to unfold the card to display its true potential. The reaction was short lived, nothing changing since it ceased. She couldn't understand what had happened until he clarified it for her. So, she could levitate now? "Huh? I guess I can try." She shrugged her shoulders, not really certain if this was a joke or not. Closing her eyes she tried to feel the energy within her and focusing it underneath her body. It took her a minute but she felt it flow down to the tips of her toes, and as soon as she felt that sensation she would push herself upwards.

"Wow!" She exclaimed as she looked down, noticing her feet didn't touch the ground once she jumped. She really was levitating! "I can't believe you can do that!" Her body twirled around in the air, her hair flowing with the wind as she spun around. Feeling confident enough once she got the hang of it she tried to go as high as the ceiling but was reluctantly stopped, her body crashing down to the ground once she got a certain height. "Ouch..." She whimpered as she fell flat on her behind.

"It's not a problem, at least it's going to have to not be one." She responded back to him before blushing at his request to help him bathe. "Here on this planet men and woman aren't really suppose to help each other when it comes to bathing unless you're young, elderly or in a relationship. But... Since this is your first time I will help you, but I'm going to have to restrain my eyes from looking at you in the flesh." She gulped down her words, embarrassed that she even had to say them to him. "Follow me, I'll take you into the bathroom." Motioning for him to come over she would walk the two into the bathroom. It was fairly large for an apartment, containing a shower and a bathtub separately.

"Which one would you like to use? One is for standing while one if for sitting and enjoying."
Phoenix's blank looking face examined the bath tub, and then the shower that his new mistress was kind enough to offer him to use. "Hmm." He thought for a moment, before coming to a decision. "I'd like to try the bath tub, if you don't mind." He said in a quiet voice, with curiosity in his tone. Without a care, he stepped out of the rest of his suit, and neatly folded it to be placed in the dirty laundry. The angeloid's full figure was now in clear view, although he stood with his back to Azura. The perfectly sculpted bottom had a manly sway, as he walked over to step into the empty bath tub, sitting down and looking over his shoulder to question his mistress.

"How does it work?" He questioned, reaching out for the hot water control and turning it on full blast. The water slowly filled the tub, growing warmer, almost to a boiling point. Even though the liquid would be excruciatingly painful for a regular human to experience, Phoenix seemed to be enjoying himself. He switched the flow off, and slowly sank downward into the steaming hot bath. "This feels great. Am I clean yet?" He asked, comfortably submerged in the crystal clear water. "If not, will you instruct me on how to properly take a bath as humans do?"
Azura blushed as he nonchalantly took off his clothing as if it were nothing. She wanted to shield her eyes in respect of privacy but obviously he didn't mind stripping in front of her. Trying to put on her best poker face she turned around to see him inside of the bathtub. A small bubble of laughter wanted to escape but she swallowed it down with a harsh gulp.

She was just about to help him fill the tub until his hands reached for the "H" knobs, the hot water spewing outwards at full speed, steam quickly rising as it was severely hot. "W-Wait!" Azura shrieked until she noticed his relaxed facial expression. Despite it being deathly hot for her it was relaxing and soothing for him. "Just to let you know those temperatures would cook a human. Damn." She bit her thumb as she couldn't even fathom being submerged in that water.

"No, you're not clean just yet." She grabbed a wash rag and a cup, along with soap, shampoo and conditioner. "Lets wash your hair first." She dipped the cup into the water so her hands wouldn't get scolded, pouring the water over his head. She warned him to shield his eyes beforehand. Graciously she lathered shampoo on his hair, careful for it to not get in his eyes. She massaged his scalp before pouring some water over his head to rid of the shampoo. She repeated this step for Conditioner.

"Next, your body. Sit up straight so I can wash your back and chest. Once you see what I am doing you can do it to yourself for practice." Once he straightened up she rubbed the bar of soap into the rag so it was soapy enough for full coverage. Gently she skidded the rag over his back, feeling his defined muscles as her hand worked its way all over his body, moving towards his chest. "See? I am also making circular motions. You try it." She handed the rag towards his hand.
The steaming hot water rippled around the angeloid, as he comfortably sat there allowing Azura to wash his hair and his back. The fact that this woman had not only invited him into her home, but was also helping him bathe put up no red flags to him. While Phoenix had some basic understanding of humans, he was still quite naive to their ways and thought nothing of this unusual situation.

"Like this?" He said with a smile, the sound of the water moving as his moist hand met hers to take the rag. The palms of their hands touched for a moment, as he retrieved the rag, causing him to feel a brief tingling sensation in his gut that he'd never experienced before, even in the synapse. Shrugging the awkward thought away, he ran the soaked towel over his body, scrubbing his chest and finishing up. "There, I've got to be clean now, right?" Phoenix asked, standing up slowly and turning around to face the girl.

The body of the angeloid was in full frontal view for her to see, leaving nothing to imagination. From his chest down to his flaccid member, and all the way to his bare feet, there was not a hair to be seen. "If you don't mind, I'll dry off now, and walk down to a clothing store to purchase some dry clothes to wear." He said, completely naked as he used a nearby towel to do as he had planned. After drying off, he neatly placed the towel on the edge of the tub, and began walking out of the bathroom and in the direction of her front door. The clueless angeloid hadn't even thought about how people may look at his naked form in public, nor the fact that at this time of a night most stores would be closed anyway.
"Yup, you're clean now!" She said just before he decided to stand up and turn towards her. She tried to flail her hands around, telling him that it wasn't necessary to turn in front of her but it was too late. Her head sunk in her shoulders as her face turned brighter than the sun. He had no hair on him whatsoever and for being flaccid he was pretty large. Just the thought of it caused her heart to pound inside of her chest and her body to remind motionless.

She tried to shield her eyes as he started to dry off, peaking through her cracks of her hands to see if he was finished. When she peaked again, he was gone. Instantly she ran towards the living room and watch as he was about to leave. "HEY, WOAH!" She shrieked before sucking up the fact that he was naked and came charging at him to violently grab his hand.

"Have you saw anyone walking around in the flesh during your visit in town? No? Then you don't do it either! That's not something we humans do!" She said before dragging him away from the door. "Do you have anymore clothes or do we need to buy you some?"
"It's not?" Phoenix turned his head around to respond to her. "I didn't see any humans that weren't wearing clothing, but I am not a human and therefore anyone who sees me shouldn't think anything strange, right?" The nude angeloid eyed her for a moment, and took note of the expression on her face. In his eyes he was about to make a critical failure in judgement and realized just how much he needed her if he was going to survive in this surprisingly complicated world. "If you say I can't, then I won't, mistress."

"No, I unfortunately do not have any more clothes. However I could create some, if that's what you want, mistress." He said, with a slight blush as he began to realize she could see his body in its full frontal glory. Since she was a human as well, this must be incredibly embarrassing to her. Phoenix clearly had a long way to go when it came to understanding humans, and adapting to their ways. Revealing the palm of his hand pointed upward, another mysterious card materialized out of thin air for him to grasp. Mumbling something inaudible, an outfit suddenly began to form on his body just as the chains did before.

He now stood next to her in a skimpy black speedo, showing off his thick, impressive bulge nicely. His synthetic skin was now seemingly oiled up in order to show off his toned physique in the lighting, and his hair was now slicked back. "What do you think about this look, mistress? I've wirelessly connected to your computer and scanned your search history to see what you may think is attractive on a man. Unfortunately, most of them weren't wearing any clothes, and were doing some obscure things. By the way, what is auto-fellatio?" Phoenix stood there, looking down to her and blinking his eyes, awaiting her response and approval of his attire. "If you don't like this, I can create something else."
Azura waited as Phoenix said he would make some clothes for him to wear. Luckily it was as easy as that and she didn't have to drag him around while being nude. The town is small so everyone would know it was her for the rest of her life. She wanted to save herself the embarrassment for sure. Tapping her foot on the ground she would watch in amazement how one little card could possibly hold so much potential and wishes.

...until his outfit couldn't be anymore embarrassing. Just when she thought it couldn't get any worse.

"W-wait, how d-d-did you... W-what?!" She stuttered as her blue irises scanned over on his body as it resembled one of the porn stars she had just recently watched a day or two ago. How did he have this much power to access her computer wirelessly? She still had more to learn about this angeloid and what he could do.

"That's PORN!" She shouted the words out to let it be known to get it out of her system. "That's where... Uh... People do mating-like things to one another for fun for people like... uh..." It was hard explaining things, especially using herself as an example. "Uh... Like me to enjoy..." She shield her eyes shut tightly as if she were trying to wake up from this nightmare.
"People like you enjoy this sort of thing?" He looked confused for a moment, but then closed his eyes. "Very well, information logged. Mistress Azura is obsessed with pornography." His eyes flashed red for a moment, and then returned to their original hue. "I sense that you are displeased by my choice in clothing. What do you think about this one instead?" He snapped his fingers underneath the fiery, magical card and the current outfit began de-materializing. After the lightshow of matter forming together on his body, he was left with a simple white jumpsuit just as he was dressed when they met. Only this time it was pristine, and very clean due to not having been in a street brawl.

"I think it's getting relatively late, Mistress. Would you like me to go and make your bed for you? Perhaps run you a bath as well? You'll need your sleep after-all." Phoenix added, wanting to make sure his mistress stayed well kept and taken care of. "Of course, any order you give me is absolute, and must be followed through. That is angeloid law afterall." This last bit was said with a different, more serious tone. Almost as if he had caught a small glimpse of his past and remembered some of the horrors he had put into motion due to absolute orders from his previous master.

After a short moment of blankly staring as if deep in thought past Azura's shoulder, he turned to walk into her bedroom. "Excuse me mistress. I'll.. I'll be in your bedroom should you need me." Phoenix's steps were slow, with his head slouched down, walking past her and into the bedroom. Upon arrival, he sat down against her dresser, unsure of what it even was and closed his eyes. He was not asleep, as sleeping is not something angeloids typically do. However, to the untrained eye it may seem as if he were.
Azura quickly shook both of her hands in front of Phoenix, stuttering as she tried to deny what he had already logged. "N-n-no Phoenix!!!" She protested before face-palming. "That information shouldn't have been figured out. It's private. Try not to mention it unless you really have a general curiosity for it. Other than that, end of story with pornography." Her chest sunk in as she sighed heavily in relief that the fiasco was over once he change his clothing back to normal, only cleaner.

"I understand it's your job to do those things for me but really, I am fine doing them myself. Maybe we change things up a notch and you get to relax after all of those years?" Her voice was soft and tender but Phoenix seemed to dismiss her words as he walked past her towards her room. His tone of voice startled her as it seemed to show a hint of an emotion... but what was that said emotion?

Standing there thinking to herself for a brief moment she decided to walk into her room where she saw his eyes peacefully sealed. "He's probably just tired. He had a big day after all." Her thoughts bought relief to her, trying not to worry too much about him. This transition will take time and it won't work overnight. She had to remind herself that. It brought joy to her to see him able to relax, if only for a second.

Not wanting to disturb him she quickly grabbed her pajama attire before heading to the bathroom, turning on the faucet to let the water pour in. The temperature was perfect for her and not scolding hot like what Poenix enjoys. Gently she undressed herself and placed the dirty clothes into the hamper before getting into the water.
Phoenix entered a deep meditative state, which did not necessarily mean he was recharging, but simply analyzing the data collected throughout his first day on Earth and thinking about his new mistress. She seemed like a kind hearted being, someone unlike the thugs that assaulted her. Very much unlike what he perceived humans to be like overall. She fed him, gave him a home, and offered to buy him new clothing. If humans are this kind, then why is civilization so foul? Why do some hate, but others love? These new emotions he began to feel were foreign to the warrior angeloid, and his combat oriented core was having issues dealing with them. The one thing Phoenix did conclude, was that he must protect his new mistress at all costs, as a person like her must be an extremely rare find, indeed.

Sitting there in a trance-like state for several hours, he ignored anything Azura would have done around him, and gave her some privacy. Since the night time was when humans tend to lay down to sleep, he assumed this is when she would need to recharge her body's energy. Several hours went by, before Phoenix's eyes opened and he quietly stood. He looked around the room for a moment, and then noticed the bed. "So this is how humans recharge." He pondered in his mind, as he slowly lifted the covers and slipped inside, fully clothed. The relatively clueless angeloid wasn't paying attention to whether or not Azura was also in bed, but instead lay there comfortably staring up at the ceiling, with his hands behind his head.

"Relax after all those years." She said to him the previous night, but what could she mean by this, he thought? Phoenix had never had a master or mistress that treated him as if he had feelings, or as anything other than a tool. However, he did not remember much about his past regardless, or why he was equipped with some of the powerful weaponry in his data banks. He wasn't as worried about his internal equipment, however, as he had no need to use it. The majority of his interest now was pleasing his new mistress, keeping her safe, and blending in with society. Little did he know, that this would soon become much more complicated than he had anticipated...
Her bath was exfoliating as she sunk into the water, pondering on everything that had happened today. Everything was a drastic change in pace so rapidly. First she was buying groceries to being mugged to meeting an out-of-this-world angeloid. How could she not have had a mental breakdown already? A big huff of air left her nostrils to form bubbles into the water. She had no idea what to do with him or how to make sure he would be okay in the public's eyes. She shrugged it off, figuring to worry about it more when the time came.

She dried off and clothed herself in pajamas; a silky shirt and sweatpants that hugged her nicely and comfortably. Her hands reached to pick up her brush and combed her hair, taking away all of the knots that were scattered in her white tresses. Steadily she paced back into her bedroom to find him still there, un-moving. She was tired and needed to sleep, scooting into her bed and made sure she wouldn't disturb him. It didn't take long for her to fall asleep.

Azura was one to toss and turn in bed, never finding a comfortable position. It wasn't until she found a just right position, her arms outstretched on what seemed to be a hardened pillow and her head resting on something warmer than usual. Her body snuggled on it with more emphasis until the feeling was too unusual. Slowly her eyes opened and blinked, trying to see what she was hugging. Was that... Phoenix?! Her body quickly retreated as she found herself hugging all over him, feeling embarrassed and ashamed... But wait... when did he even lay in bed with her?! The heart that was lodged inside of her chest beat rapidly alongside her hoarse breathing.

"I'm so sorry!" She apologized to the angeloid who was awake and staring up at the ceiling, unknown what his response would be to that affection here portrayed on Earth. Perhaps he wouldn't even understand that the gesture signifies other things.
Phoenix mostly ignored Azura, finding himself lost in thought as he continued to stare at the ceiling. He could feel the warmth of her body against his, but thought nothing unusual of it while she had been snuggling with him in her sleep. Assuming this was not a hostile gesture, since he was feeling no pain or danger, the angeloid chose not to stop her. After she awoke, and realized what she had been doing, he turned his head over to face her his hair now slightly messy from having been smashed against the pillow for so long. "You have no reason to apologize to me, mistress." Phoenix said with a relatively blank face, before returning his gaze to the emptiness above him.

"It was quite nice, actually. I've never had a master or mistress quite like you." Thinking to himself for a moment, he blinked. "Would you mind if we did that more often? It was giving me a strange, but pleasant feeling." Logically, humans would most likely huddle together like that in bed, due to body heat and comfort. At least this is what he believed for now as he spoke again. "It's only 2:25 AM, mistress. You should get your rest. I was planning on asking you to show me around the city tomorrow, so I can get a better feel for the place you humans live. On our way to your house, I also noticed signs that mention a local fair?"

Thinking he may be asking too much of his mistress, he closed his mouth, and blushed a little. Even though he was in a serious mindset at the moment, Phoenix looked absolutely ridiculous wearing his entire outfit, boots included while in bed with Azura. "If it would help you sleep better, I will exit the bed. I am sorry for intruding on you."
He wanted her to... what?! Hug him more? Her face flushed red, her heart thudding as her breathing grew quicker. It was hard responding to him, not knowing the words to say. "Uhm... How should I put this..." Her fingers twiddled as she sat upright on the bed, her eyes searching the blanket as if it had the answers spilled out for her to see. "What I just did to you is meant for people who are very close. I'm not saying we're not close, since I am your... Mistress?" It felt sooooooo weird to say that but she managed to throw that in. "It's more of a thing for lovers." Quickly she took the blanket and shielded her reddened face, not wanting to talk to him after that embarrassing conversation, especially knowing how it made him feel.

"Sure, we can go to the fair, I'll show you around don't worry." She started to lift the blanket off from her face until she noticed he had his boots on still. "You're not bothering me at all but it is bothering me that you're still wearing boots. Can you put on something like this?" Grabbing her phone, she searched online to bring up an image of a man wearing pajamas. He wore loose pants that were plaid and a white t-shirt. She brought the phone up to his face for him to see. "See? He's not wearing any shoes or anything. He looks comfortable. Can you do your magic-thingy or whatever you call it so you can change into it?" She suggested, trying to make him fit in more.

"After you do this then we can go back to bed. You sleep, right?" Her brow quirked upwards as she realized he wasn't sleeping yet this late at night.
Phoenix sat up in bed, and nodded toward Azura. "That sounds like an order. Right away, mistress." He proudly added, sitting up in the bed and turning the palm of his hand upward as he did once before. A fiery card started to appear again, and with it he de-materialized the current clothing he had on. After a short moment in the nude, a pair of loose, plaid pants appeared on him, as well as the white t-shirt in the picture he had been shown. "You're right, mistress. This is much more comfortable than before. Thank you." The angeloid said, logging the data in his memory banks.

"About what happened, I see that it's something embarrassing to you? I will not ask about it again." Phoenix lay back in the bed, and closed his eyes to appear as if he were sleeping as a human would. "No. Angeloids do not require sleep as humans do, but I shall do my best to appear as though I am sleeping. I am able to power down into a state almost like a trance, however. Think of it as the standby mode on the computer where your porn collection is. Big day tomorrow!" Nonchalantly, he answered her query, and drifted his core into the before-mentioned state, set to awaken when Azura's brainwaves show that she wakes up.
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