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Light Fingered, Heavy Handed (Ryanmo97 x Searching4shadows)

"Uh huh..." Rhonda replied quietly as she laid eyes on the three holed paddle. She knew all too well what pain was and mentally tried to prepare herself for what was coming. She closed her eyes and tried to relax her muscles, knowing that stiffening would cause more pain than necessary.
He walked up behind her and lightly tapped her ass with the paddle a couple of times. Then he wound up and smacked her ass hard with the paddle. A loud THWACK echoed through the room. He paddled her ass 10 times and said, "I don't know about you but I'm very tired." He let her down from the chains and took her to her room. He laid he on her cot and said. "Have a good night." Then he locked the door and left.
She didn't say a word or even make a sound, and that she prided herself on. And it wasn't until he'd locked the door and Morris had left that she even tried to survey the damage. She'd counted each of the ten in her head, and wasn't surprised to find that her ass was bright red because of it. She felt the heat radiating off the skin and knew it would still be hurting in the morning. Maybe even with a bit of bruising. Morning...whenever that was. She had chosen to forgo the watch that evening thinking it would clash with her outfit and could only guess what the current time was. She flicked off the light switch and laying on her side, Rhonda decided, no matter what the time, for the moment Morris was leaving her be. It was time to rest up.
The next morning, Ryan walked into Rhonda's room and he was carrying a tray of food. There was pancakes, bacon and orange juice. He saw she was a sleep so he set the tray on the floor and then kissed her on the lips.
As Rhonda woke up she felt soft lips gently caressing hers. It wasn't an unwelcome sensation, but it was definitely unexpected. She gently pulled away, looking Morris' face over with a quizzical look. "Um...good morning?"
Ryan smiled, "Good morning... I made you some breakfast.... I hope your hungry." He handed Rhonda the tray of food then stepped back to watch her eat.
Gratefully she took the tray of food as she sat up in bed. Still naked from the night before, she pulled the sheet over her lap, the sheet not longer enough to cover her breasts. Awkwardly, she started to eat, realising that Morris wasn't going to leave her be. Hating awkward silences, she asked him, "'d you sleep?"
Ryan smiled as he watched her eat. She was a very attractive woman and she was all his to enjoy. "I slept well... How about you?"
Not used to sleeping in complete silence, it had taken Rhonda a fair while to get to sleep. That and the fact that her ass felt as if it would ignite the sheets from the heat radiating off it. But she was not going to give Morris too much yet. She nodded gently in response, "I got there."
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