Let's Survive... (Atypical Tyrant and Princess Pittooey)

"Maybe," Heizo responded to Rin, "but it's also possible what we think of as angel's might just be beautiful demons. There might not be what we think of when we think of the afterlife. Though I'll agree this does led the concept more credibility." When Hauhi asked her question, he turned towards her. "I heard screams and thought I could help, so I ran towards them. I knocked over a COMP someone had left in an alley, and next thing I knew there was a demon coming out of it. Then I met you guys." He took another drink as the memory came back to him. He was really looking forward to ditching his sobriety. "You sure you girls don't want a drink? An actual drink?"
Haruhi knew that couldn't have been a coincidence. Someone was planting these, but why? She had seen these devices in stores before, but they had completely different software on them. Were these particular ones modded? Ugh, racking her brain and trying to find answers were just creating a million more questions. For now, she just wanted to relax and think of a game plan tomorrow. "Have anything sweet?" She asked him with a grin.

"We shouldn't drink, we're not old enough!" Rin hissed at her before looking back at Heizo. "I'm fine, thank you."

"Well, I'm a year older than you. I'm practically twenty," Haruhi said with a grin. "You can be a baby if you want. I don't see the big deal, the world is practically ending." Rin was always such a good girl all the time. Haruhi was eighteen, she was old enough to have a drink, she had drank plenty of times before!

"I'm not a baby, Haruhi. I'm just responsible." Rin said dryly before shaking her head. "Go ahead, get a drink. Just don't get too carried away."
"Don't worry about not being old enough. Neither am I," he told them with a crafty grin, the one a child would give while doing something they knew they weren't allowed to do. "After all, if we're all going to die, why die sober?" Heizo was glad Haruhi took him up on the offer. It would be a shame to be the only one drinking in a group. But he heeded Rin's words of caution when he mixed her up the drink he had, making it sweeter and less alcoholic. Soon she had her own to match his.

"To Japan, the nation that protects us from ourselves," he said in mock toast as he raised his drink towards her, taking a deep drink afterwards. He was getting a little too relaxed now. The first time in a while, but that was his way of coping with the stress. He wouldn't be able to cope with it if he did nothing.
Haruhi rolled her eyes, but she knew he wasn't being serious. Regardless, she raised her drink with him and took a sip. "Hey, that's pretty good. I can barely taste the alcohol." She commented as Rin pulled out her cellphone. Still no bars, this was driving her crazy. She groaned softly before Haruhi offered her a sip of her drink. "Come on, Rin. You need to relax too." She was sure that her friend had never drank before, she would have to fix that. They had almost died today, anyone would be traumatized.

"Oh...what the hell. Give me that." She took the glass from her hand and then chugged it all at once, much to Haruhi's surprise. Once it was empty, Rin went back to poking around on her phone. She could at least listen to some music through her headphones.

"Well...I guess I'll have another." Haruhi said with a bit of a laugh. What the hell was that? Rin could handle alcohol better than she could!
"Coming right up," he said in a professional manner. He continued to keep the alcohol levels low. Even in smaller bodies with low tolerance, they wouldn't get drunk, just buzzed. He pulled up two more drinks and put them in front of the girls, allowing him to return to his own. He began to feel much more relaxed in this environment, and he was almost able to forget everything that was going on. Almost.

When he was sure the girls had some alcohol in their system, he decided to speak. "So, what do you girls plan on doing now? Not that you're not welcome to stay here for a while, I'm happy for the company, but you seemed pretty determined to make it back home as soon as possible. Do you still plan on looking for a way past the blockade?"
Rin looked at Haruhi, since she was pretty much the one who decided what their plans were. Not that she didn't have her own ideas, it was just Haruhi was always so stubborn. Her friend returned the glance and just shrugged. "Well, if the lockdowns not lifted than I'm going to start looking for answers. I don't like not know what's going on. It's dangerous out there, I know..but at least we have demons to protect us. Plus, whatever this COMP has done to us, it's given us super powers or whatever. So I'm sure we can handle whatever comes our way." Haruhi answered as she swirled her glass a little. "What are you gonna do? I can imagine you aren't going to get a customer any time soon."
"Plan A was to hang out here and wait the whole thing out, but I got stir crazy in a few hours. Plan B was to learn what was going on around this city. Now that we've learned about this," he held up his COMP, "I feel like I know less about the entire world. I keep expecting something to come down and tell this is some incredibly advanced prank." He lifted his drink and downed it. "I can't say I'm against learning what's going on, but I'm not sure how safe that is." He leaned back as he began to list off his observations, hoping they'd understand his thought process. "We have these now, but how unique are they? Are there a dozen? A hundred? Hundreds? Thousands? How powerful are we by the standards of users of these things? If everyone is equal, then meeting a hostile group will be based almost entirely on numbers and battle experience. What if U.S. and our demons are relatively weak? Would we even know before we got impaled on some giant ice spear? And while I admire the goal to get information, where will we gather it? This is a big place that's now teaming with demons, and we don't even have a form of communication anymore," he finished, taking a deep sigh as he leaned back in towards the girls. "I'm not trying to discourage you, I'm just trying to be practical. If we don't seriously consider some of these questions, it could result in death. And something tells me these COMPs don't fix that."
"This is why I want to go out and get information," Haruhi said as she rubbed her temples. "I have all those same questions, plus a dozen more. I know there's a risk we could die, but that seems to be the risk we take no matter what. I think we should be proactive about things, because the damn government isn't going to tell us anything."

Rin guzzled down her second drink before sighing softly. "Well, everyone is mostly gathered at the park right now for shelter. It would probably be best to start there, don't you think? Maybe we can find other people with these same machines and ask them where they got them from. I think whoever is leaving them around knows more than we do about the demons..."
Heizo sighed, but contentedly. He may have been a bit impulsive before, but for the most part he had a bad habit of overthinking, especially when he was given time to do so. It would be nice to be around someone who wouldn't be like that. "In that case, how'd you feel about taking a college failing bartender with you? Take me up on the offer, and I won't charge you for those drinks you guys had," he said with a smile. He too wanted to learn more, and moving in a group of three was definitely safer than moving alone. Plus any extra pair of ears would be useful.
Haruhi and Rin looked at each other for a moment, as if they were having a silent conversation between one another. After a few moments, Haruhi just nodded. "Yeah, that would be a pretty good idea. We can increase our chances of survival if we have you around. Even if you're a college drop out." She grinned at him, and Rin only giggled in response. Seemed like she was already tipsy, which wasn't too surprising considering how fast she consumed her two drinks. "You know, it's still the middle of the day. Once Rin sobers up, we should go back out again. Maybe when it gets cooler."
"Just to clarify, I'm not a drop out," he told them, taking another drink from his glass. "After all, you can't drop out of something you never attended." Having received confirmation, he pulled out his COMP to begin playing around with it. He found his demon was there, ready to be summoned should he choose. There was also a second slot, meaning he could have two demons summoned at any one time. Furthermore, there was an entire stock for his 'extra' demons as well. It seemed this assed that he would need dozens of demons, and he wasn't sure how right or wrong that assumption was. There was even a feature to trade demons among teammates, and upon clicking that it was shown that he had two: Rin and Haruhi. But most interestingly was the existence of what seemed to be a currency, called Macca. "Guys, I think we got money."
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