Let's Survive... (Atypical Tyrant and Princess Pittooey)

Star Pupil

Old soul
Apr 30, 2011
It seemed like every other day. Nowhere in Haruhi's dreams did she think that this would ever happen. Not to her, not to anybody. All she wanted to do was hang out with her best friend, Rin and take a break from school. Listen to music, maybe go to karaoke...Instead, they got something entirely different.

It all started with an explosion. Not long after, there was a black out, and that's how they got stuck. Rin was unbelievably calm about the entire thing, but Haruhi thought it would be a great idea to walk around the entire city trying to find a way home. Apparently the explosion was the cause of some poisonous gas leaks, and it had shut down the entire Yamato line. Officers were on the scene, urging them to stay back. It was extremely frustrating, and scary for them both.

However, there was something much scarier in wait for them both, and everyone that was stuck inside the lock down.


The first day. It would be the last day. Haruhi optimistically woke up exactly at sunrise, before the sun could even fully emerge from the horizon. "Psst! Rin! Wake up, we're leaving!" She urged her friend. The sleepy eyed red head lazily opened her eyes before yawning and stretching on her cot. Mostly everyone around them was asleep, but understandably some of them just couldn't. It was an awful, stressful situation.

"Where? We should probably stay here where it's safe. I heard we'll be getting food and water soon." Rin told Haruhi, but she saw the look in her eyes. She had already made up her mind, she wouldn't be convinced otherwise.

"There's food and water at home. Poisonous gas my ass...That's no reason to treat us this way! If we can't take the train, we'll just walk out of here..." Haruhi muttered as she pulled her hair back into pigtails. She was a red head as well, albeit the color of her hair was much deeper than Rin's, fiery red. It suited her personality.

"That sounds like hard work." Rin whined, but she sat up nonetheless. "Fine then, let's go..."

The two walked out of the park together, with Haruhi taking the lead. It was...way quieter than usual, in an extremely creepy way. No one was out on the streets. That didn't stop Haruhi, though. She had a goal in mind, and she would reach it.

Unfortunately, everywhere they went, there were officers. They had set up perimeters all across the Yamato line, and they were even armed. They didn't seem too friendly either. Others seemed to have had the same idea as they did, and they were lined up at the blockades, begging to leave. Their cries fell on deaf ears, and soon it became apparent to Haruhi that there wasn't a way out. She finally stopped walking and let out an exasperated sigh.

"Why do they have those guns? We're just citizens!" Haruhi asked Rin, who had to pull down her headphones to hear.

"I don't know, maybe people are just as upset as you and are trying to force their way through?" Rin suggested, but that only seemed to upset her friend more.

"Ridiculous, the government is totally hiding something from us. Like they always do..." Haruhi sighed. "I want to go home..."
Heizo lived within the Yamamoto line in an apartment above a bar called Gin, the same place he worked part time. It had been quite the ordinary day for him: work, study, and relax. He was a retester, having graduated high school last year but hadn't gone to college. That's what refusing to test in protest to your parents leads to.

He had been reading through one of the million college brocheures he had accumulated, wondering how they were all considered different institutions. They all seemed identical to him. As he pondered this, suddenly the entire building shook as the sound of an explosion ripped through the air. Heizo could see it from his window, a ball of red and orange straight out of the movies.

Heizo didn't take much time in reacting, running to the bathroom to grab the first aid kit he kept in their and shoving it into his bag. Not long after, he was dressed and out the door, running towards the explosion. He was worried people had gotten caught up in it, and he felt he needed to help.

When he finally reached the park, he saw things he couldn't explain. He saw a group of teens, probably around his age, and what he could only think of as monsters or demons. It was literally unreal. He had come thinking that was the only threat, but now he faced something he couldn't even comprhend, let alone help. So he took the cowards way out and ran back. He got back to his room, and stayed up in his room for way too late, expecting one of those monsters to find him at any time. Eventually, he fell asleep.


Poisonous gas. Heizo knew that was bullshit. Demons had appeared. He didn't where or how widespread the problem was, but it was there. That was undeniable. He guessed that the lockdown was in place to contain the demons, but how long could that last? He was worried. Not just for himself, but for others as well. With no power and the city in a state of panic, he found himself sitting in the bar with Gin, his boss, as they waited for more news to come. When the idleness became to much, he decided he had to leave. He needed to see what was going on with his own eyes. And thus, he went back outside.
"Hey, Haruhi? I think someone is following us." Rin muttered to her hapless friend, who seemed to be walking around aimlessly while lost in thought. That, or she was just really interested in whatever sound track she was listening to.

"What?" Haruhi looked behind herself, and she saw someone strange hanging around behind them. He was in orange robes, an extremely far fetched get up. "You got a problem?!" Haruhi demanded as she stopped in her tracks. Rin sighed and shook her head. Why did she always have to be this way?

The man only chuckled and then darted off in an alley. Haruhi seemed to take personal offence tot his and followed, though she wasn't exactly sure why. Maybe she was just bored. "Hey! What the hell is so funny?!" She asked, however when she looked into the alley, he had disappeared.

Rin caught up to her and caught sight of something. "Hey, what are those on the ground? Haruhi?"

Two weird looking electronic devices, one violet and the other fuchsia, laid on the ground next to each other. Tsubaki raised her eyebrow and went to pick them up. "That guy must have dropped them while he was running away. Idiot." She muttered. "i wonder if we can play music with these. Here, you can have one." She shoved the violet device to Rin.

"Shouldn't we try to find him and give them back? It looks like some kind of video game device-." Rin was interrupted when both devices suddenly opened and a bright light came from them both. Rin couldn't describe how it felt, but all of a sudden every hair on her body stood on end as she shielded her eyes from the light.

...And then, the two girls came face to face with two inhuman creatures. One was some kind of wraith, it's body made of completely black shadow and the face seemed to be that of a mask, but it's long tongue slithered from where it's mouth was as it leered at both the girls. The other looked like a tiny fruit with hands and feet, but it's yellow eyes were still menacing. Both of the girls screamed at the top of their lungs upon seeing the two creatures, and it could be heard through the empty streets.

The man who they had followed only chuckled before seeing another walking down the street. Surely he had heard the two women screaming? Oh well, perhaps he had found another victim. Once again, he left another COMP for another poor soul to discover. Who knew, maybe the children would survive?
The streets were practically dead, at least where he was. It seemed that for now most people were holed up in the various buildings around them, just trying to wait out the lockdown. He passed a few people walking along the street, some of which were willing to stop and talk to him. It seems they had less of idea what was happening than he did. In fact, no one seemed to have heard about the demons yet. He decided not to enlighten them; after all, who would even believe him. It's not like he had proof. He was even beginning to think that maybe he had just imagined the entire incident, or at least not been sure what he had seen.

While Heizo was walking, he heard a scream. A pair them, once he listened closer. It wasn't far away, and this time he would actually help. He took a shortcut through an alley, thinking he would get there faster by taking this way. On his way, he ended up knocking something over, off of an old box. He didn't look back until he realized a burst of light had appeared. It was coming from a sky blue COMP. He watched in stunned confusion as a beautiful woman in a red dress and a large pair of wings appeared above the device.

"So you are my contractor?" she asked. Heizo had no idea what she was talking about, so he just watched her. "If so, prove it." With that warning, she attacked, driving at him. It was only through a mixture of luck and adrenaline that he managed to evade her, but if she came back for round two he was finished. Not knowing what else to do, he ran. Not in order to save someone else, just to save himself. He burst out of the alleyway into the street where he saw two girls, a pair of redheads, who had their own demon problems. He retained enough of his senses to roll out of the way, evading the talons of the demon chasing him. But in his appearence, he had cut off the girls' escape route. They were now surrounded.
Just as Haruhi and Rin tried to turn their backs on the demons, they were cornered by yet another that was chasing a boy. "Crap, there's nowhere to go!" Haruhi cried out. Just then, the shadowy demon struck out towards them, separating the two from each other.

"Don't be cowards, humans...fight. Prove that you are worthy of us, or die." It's words seemed disembodied, but what surprised them more was that it could talk.

"Kill, I can't wait to kill so I can be free!" The goblin like plant said with glee before it started glowing. Suddenly, wind started picking up around Rin. She looked around in horror before crying out in pain as a painful gust of air swirled around her and cut her skin.

"What...what was that?" Rin said with tears in her eyes. Before Haruhi reacted, a tendril from the shadow demon struck her, hard. She also cried out in surprise, but...that should have hurt her way more.

"Fight, Rin. We have to fight or we'll die!" Haruhi shouted before turning to the other who had gotten trapped with them. "Hey you! Don't you dare die! We're all going to get out of this together!" She shouted before turning to the shadow demon who attacked her and gritting her teeth. She ran to it and then punched it as hard as she could, and to her surprise, it cried out in pain. When...when did she get so strong?
Heizo shared their panic. They were completely trapped, and he was now the reason these girls couldn't escape. He had come to help, but inadvertently doomed them. Then the demons began talking, threatening them. The flying woman added in her own comment as well.

"Weak humans like you are easy prey," she taunted, and she was right. What could he do against a demon? He had never been particularly tough, so he was certain that one hit would destroy him. And suddenly one of the girls was being damaged by wind. These things weren't just strong, but they had magic too?

He was on the verge of just giving in and accepting his doom when the girl spoke, assuring him of their survival. He didn't believe her, but then watched in horror as she ran at the demon. He expected to watch her die in front of his eyes, but it worked. She hurt a demon with a punch. She seemed small, but could she actually be super strong? Or was there something else. Maybe something was strengthening them? It sounded wild, but no crazier than demons being summoned by video game consoles. And even if that wasn't the case, he couldn't die cowering while she was fighting. He turned to face the demon in front of him, this time he was resolved to fight.

When he did this, he felt something welling up in him. A strange power, something he had never felt before. He knew he could use it, he just had to shape and direct it. The bird girl had stopped waiting and decided to charge. Knowing it was sink or swim, he raised his hand and unleashed it. A freezing blast erupted from his hand, immobilizing the creature with ice. His adrenaline carried him forward as he charged, jumping towards it while throwing his leg out. He wasn't a fighter and missed wildly, but he did break one of her wings. This broke the effect of the spell, causing both he and the girl to roll to the ground. But he realized it now: they could win.
Rin saw the boy use magic, and if it wasn't for the fact that she had her own enemy to deal with, she would have been scared of him too. Magic didn't exist, but somehow...no he was totally human. Haruhi was too, but she still hurt that thing...so maybe...

She glanced down at the device in her hands, and two words popped up on her screen: Skill Cracked: Agi. She didn't know how that happened, but once she felt warmth in her hands, she knew what she had to do. She directed that warmth to the creature in front of her, and it hissed.

"What? Perhaps these humans aren't completely useless..." It muttered to the wraith.

"We shall see. This old man still has tricks..." It responded. The same wind that the little demon used against Rin began to surround Haruhi, but she tried to tumble away. Unfortunately, it still caught her and she gritted her teeth in pain.

"This is..pissing me off!" She shouted before balling her fist again. Her device flashed, and Rin saw the same screen pop on it's screen; Skill Crack, Anger Hit. Haruhi wound her punch back, her hand turning red before landing a powerful punch right in the center of the creatures mask. It's body started to crack with mysterious light, and it actually laughed.

"Ho-ho! Well done, child. I am Waira the Wilder. You're either stupid or brave for summoning me..." He cackled before disappearing, and Haruhi raised an eyebrow. Was he dead?
For Heizo, he still needed to finish off this woman. She was still standing, though she seemed to be having great trouble with only a single wing. But that wasn't going to stop her; she was determined to kill him. He stood his ground, attempting to gather the power he had summoned instinctively last time. He remembered the sensation well, and was able to regain it immediately. However, he wasn't going to just shoot frost at her again. He tried to control the power, shaping it in his mind to the form he needed. As she dived for him, he unleashed the power.

It turns out his focusing had worked. Instead of just an ice cloud, a spike of ice shot through the air and into the chest of the woman, impaling her. She dropped to a knee, seeming defeated. "I like strong men," she in an almost flirtatious way that caught him off guard. "My name is Moh Shuvuu. I will follow your orders." With that, she disappeared.

To say he was confused was an understatement. He was barely able to understand what was reality at this point. When he looked over to the girls, he saw that the girl with twin tails had punched her demon to death, and similar thing happened with that demon. But then he turned his a attention to glasses, and her demon was still in front of her. He summoned the power again, this time aware that it wasn't limitless, but coming from some previously unknown storage in himself, and ran to try to help her.
Rin saw that the other two beat their demons, it was now her turn. Maybe if Haruhi could physically hurt her demon, she could too. The thing was smaller than her, and now that it was the only one left between the three of them, she wasn't scared. "Go back to where you came from, you little pest!" She cried out as she ran to the creature and kicked it as hard as she could between the eyes.

"How cruel!" The demon cried out in reaction as it was thrown back into the wall behind it. It hit it so hard, the cement even cracked it a little! Did she do that?! She pushed up her glasses and watched the demon slowly crack open, and it laughed a little bit. "I like your style, human! I am the fairy, Kijimuna. I'll lend you my power!" He proudly proclaimed before disappearing altogether.

Rin blinked a little bit and looked at the other two before smiling. "We did it!" She exclaimed excitedly.

"Holy crap, we did!" Haruhi answered as she ran to her best friend and held her hands. "Man, I thought we were goners! What the hell was that even?"
Heizo was surprised to see glasses defeat her demon, disappearing the same way the other two had. He took the opprotunity to look around them, searching for any other assailants that may be approaching them. However, they were in the clear, there was nothing coming for them, at least that he could see. Overwhelmed with relief, Heizo fell to his knees, shaking. He was still struggling to understand exactly what had happened there. But the most important thing was that he was alive.

He looked up at the two girls holding hands, happy they had made it out as well. He found himself admiring them for their resiliance. He couldn't even find the strength to stand, yet these girls were doing, if not well, better than him. Hearing their exclamation, he could only add his own sigh of relief. "We survived."

He suddenly heard what sounded like a beeping sound, something like an app being registered on a phone. There were three, one from each of the COMPs that had been on the ground a little ways away, and one coming from the alleyway Heizo had come from. He immediately remembered the COMP that had started this whole mess. He suddenly felt the very real terror that these things were about to summon more demons. He jumped up and sprinted towards the alley, knowing he had to stop the COMP if that was the case. He picked it up, relieved to see there wasn't a demon coming out of it. Instead, there was a sentence in a message box on the screen.

"Congratulations on becoming a demon tamer!"
Both Rin and Haruhi got that same message, and Haruhi rolled tilted her head to the side. "Demon tamer?" She muttered with interest. "So those things were demons after all? What is going on?"

"That thing I defeated is on this machine now. Check yours, Haruhi. I think when we defeated them, they went into this little machine, and now we can summon them whenever we want." Rin explained as she went through the menues. It was strange, there was a home menu, a mailbox, and it even knew her handle. This was just too freaky.

Haruhi checked her COMP too, and sure enough, Waira was on it and had the option to be summoned. She wasn't sure if she felt relieved or scared. "Well, I guess that's what that thing meant when it said it would help me, but...I think I've had enough demons for today." Haruhi glanced over at Heizo and gave him a smile. Now that they weren't fearing for their lives, she could introduce herself. "Hey you, are you hurt? What's your name? I'm Haruhi, and this is my best friend Rin."
He looked through like the girls did, and he too found his demon friend in the computer. That said, he doubted they were actually in the machine. The sheer amount of information would be too much unless these COMPs had military supercomputers crammed into them. His bet was they were summoned from somewhere, and when they were beaten they returned to wherever that was. However, this was pure speculation on his part. He had no proof nor any way to find out. So for now, he'd keep his theories to himself.

What stood out to him was the skills menu, and he opened it up to see two options. The first was labeled 'Bufu" and the other was 'Zio.' He had no idea what this meant, but they had icons next to them, a snowflake and a lightning bolt respectively, so he assumed that Bufu was the ice spell he had used earlier. Finding that one of the buttons triggered a helpful info window, he found that the description aligned with that assumption. So it seemed he had a lightning spell as well. He hoped he'd never have to test it out.

"Oh," he said when Haruhi addressed him. "I'm Heizo. Nice to meet you." He was a bit nervous and a bit distracted. The events had him on edge, as they would anybody. He suddenly rememvered the events of the fight. "I'm more worried about you two. I was able to dodge, but both of you actually got hit. Aren't you hurting at all?"
The girls looked at each other and then themselves. They had gotten hit, but there was no longer any evidence of injuries. "Looks like we're okay somehow...after Rin defeated that fairy thing, I didn't hurt anymore." Haruhi replied as Rin dusted her clothes off. How strange, when they won the battle did their injuries go away?

"Well, I'm not complaining. What were you doing out here? Looking for a way out like us?" Rin asked Heizo curiously. He looked a couple years older than them, maybe a college student? Her and Haruhi were in their fourth year of high school, and he looked slightly more mature than their fellow male students.

Haruhi was also looking through her menus, and while she did so, she got an email.

Good morning. Here is today's NEWS.

➀ Power outages will continue in all parts of Tokyo within the Yamanote loop through the day. It is unknown when power will be restored.

➁ Poisonous gas is suspected to have escaped from underground pockets. All train service is cancelled across all lines. All exits from within the Yamanote loop will be closed.

➂ At 13:00 in Chiyoda-ku Bunkyo, a localized blizzard will occur. Three victims will be murdered by a snowman.

HaVE a nICE daY.

Was...was that a joke? Three victims would be murdered by a snowman? There were three of them, maybe they should steer clear of Chiyoda-ku Bunkyo today...
No injuries. He looked down, realizing the same about him. He may not have gotten hit, but he had crashed pretty hard and should have some scrapes. But it looked like he was fine. It was strange, and also incredibly convenient. But then he began to think and he realized something. The only reason to include a healing function like that would be if they were expected to fight again. He began to feel much more nervous.

"Actually, I don't really need a way out. I love and work within the line, so is is actually my home. I was just trying to see if anyone needed any help," he rubbed the back of his head and looked away sheepishly. He had been getting used to the type of glamour girls rockers that came to Gin's. He had almost forgotten what it was like to talk to cute, younger girls.

He got the same mail as the others, and he got chills once again. He had no trouble believing it, what with all that had happened today. He decided that he may not be able to help everyone, but he could at least help these two. "If you guys are looking for a place to stay until the lockdown is lifted, there's extra room in my place."
The two girls looked at each other and Haruhi only shrugged. "Well, if the we really can't get out of here, I'd rather stay somewhere inside than in a shelter at the park. Especially if demons are just roaming around the city like this." She said casually. Then again, she kind of felt bad. Were the SDF officers aware of the demons, or had they been the only ones to see them? The citizens would be okay...right?

"I'm really hungry, got any food?" Rin asked shamelessly as she adjusted her glasses. "Haruhi woke me up at the crack of dawn and we've been walking ever since. We could have waited for food at the shelter..."

"Well, pardon me for wanting to go home. Our cellphones don't work, and it's so hot outside!" Haruhi whined before looking at Heizo. "I guess shelter from this awful sun would be nice."
"The place is a bar, so we've got some," he answered her. "The power's out too, so my boss is just giving away what's going to go bad before it does. Though there's no power, so there's no air conditioning." He hoped they didn't think he was being a creep. He was just trying to help out how he could. They seemed to be in agreement, so he began to walk the way he had come, this time with allies in tow. He couldn't help but wonder if they were going to be able to make it back. They had already been attacked by demons once. What would stop them from doing it again?

"So, you guys are looking for a way out. Any leads so far?" he asked, mainly just trying to make some conversation.
The two girls followed casually. If they thought he was a creeper, they sure didn't express that. In fact, they seemed to both trust him. "I wish," Haruhi muttered bitterly as she placed her hands behind her back. "There are SDF soldiers everywhere, and they're armed with guns. They're serious about keeping everyone inside the lock down."

"Well, if poisonous gas is the reason why we can't leave, maybe they'll clear it out within a day or so. Hopefully we'll be out of here by tomorrow afternoon." Rin always wanted to hope for the best, but Haruhi always reminded her to prepare for the worst. She was a little suspicious of the sudden appearance of monsters...she had to wonder if they were the real reason armed soldiers were in control of the lockdown.
Heizo might have considered the possibility that soldiers were really here to deal with a poisonous gas leak yesterday, but now he would never buy that story. Soldiers arrive to create a lockdown on the entire area due to a gas leak, and then demons begin appearing in the city at the exact same time. It's too convenient.

"Did you guys see anyone is hazmat suits?" He didn't want to flat out tell them they were wrong to believe that, but he hoped asking this question would lead to the answers they needed to find. As they fell silent to ponder his question, he noticed something. The city was so much quieter now. It was uncomfortable.
"No," Rin answered with a frown. "Which is odd if the gas leak is so major that they're completely locking down the area." She wondered if Heizo also thought that this was a little too strange. She already knew Haruhi was already suspicious of the entire thing as well. "Hey, do you think that the government was hiding the demons from us, Haruhi?" Haruhi didn't immediately respond, since she seemed to be staring at something with a dazed expression. "Haruhi?"

"What? Oh...yeah, that would make sense." She replied finally, although her eyes only met Rin's briefly before drifting up to the top of her head. Why did she see the number one floating above both their heads? Ever since they had won that battle, it appeared. She thought she was tired at first, but it wasn't going away. "They would never tell us if demons were running amok, it would cause a city wide panic. Which could mean this lock down may last longer than we think. Anyways...I know this sounds weird, but do you guys see a number above my head?"
"Yeah," Heizo answered. He had been so distracted with everything they had been discussing that he hadn't even registered they were there. But now that he looked closer, both of them had a red circle floating over their heads, a one in the middle. Deciding to test it, he stepped over to Hauhi, reaching up and trying to tap the circle. His hand passed right through. "It's not there, but we can all see it," he commented as he thought on it. "It must be some sort of projection that the COMPS are showing us. But what is it," he continued to go on, completely caught up in his theorizing. That's when he had a guess. "Maybe it's got something to do with being a Demon Tamer. If we each have one demon in our COMP and there's a one in the circle..." It was his best guess at the moment, but he couldn't answer why it would do that. This was quite tricky. "Rin, do you see it?"
"No, I don't..." Rin replied as she squinted her eyes. Nothing was there, at least nothing she could see. If they saw it though, then something had to be there.

"That's weird...but I guess we shouldn't worry too much about it. The whole demon thing is weird enough, yeah?" Haruhi just shrugged. She had to wonder how they could just go back to normal life after this. What did this mean? If demons were real, what else was? How were they ever going to sleep at night, knowing that things like this existed? She wanted an explanation...and if they were going to be stuck here, she was going to find out some answers. Maybe not today, but after some rest and some food, she'd go back to those stupid SDF soldiers and make them tell her what was really going on.

"Yeah, guess you're right. Heizo, how much longer until we get to your place?" Rin asked with a small smile. She just had to keep her spirits up, she knew how Haruhi got whenever she was frustrated or scared about something. She needed to be strong for her, so she didn't make things worse.
If Rin couldn't see it, that brought up even more questions. We're he and Haruhi special? Did Rin's glasses interfere with it? Maybe her COMP didn't function that way? There were so many things to consider, yet there was also no way to gather the information he needed to answer it. And it was a considerably minor question in a pile of considerably more important ones, but he was still unhappy about it.

"We're almost there," he told them, and he wasn't lying. A few minutes later, they were walking in the fromt door of Gin's. To none of his surprise, the place was completely dead; even Gin wasn't around. His guess was that he was out looking for Haru. Deciding he should try to act professional for the younger girls, he hopped behind the counter and turned to face them. "What'll you have?"
Haruhi and Rin both took their seats at the bar, and they both looked understandably exhausted. Haruhi immediately slouched on top of the counter with her chin rested against her forearm. "Don't suppose you have anything cold, do you?" She knew the power was out, but she couldn't help it. It was just so unbelievably hot, and they had been outside for so long she wasn't sure how she'd cool off.

"I'll just have a water, cold or not." Rin answered as she patted her tired friend on the back. She obviously didn't realize how tired she was until she sat down. She had shorter legs, so of course she had to do more work to keep her stride up. "Hey, do you have a radio or something around here Heizo? It's been a while since we've heard any news about the lockdown, not counting that weird email we got."
"We've got a TV and a radio. Neither are battery powered," he answered as he began to fiddle around in the back. He got to the cooler Gin had prepared and opened it up. It was about 70% water now, and by the end of the day it would be come tell so, but for now there was some ice. He took a pair of beer mugs and scooped up water into each cup, making sure each got some ice. "Now whole technically we don't serve minors here, I'm sure no one will consider this wrong." He put a coaster before each of them, and followed up with two glasses of very cold water.

He then stepped back and began to mix together an actual drink. He had practiced it, and moved swiftly between the steps. In under three minutes, he had a glass in front of him filled with a deep red and alcoholic beverage. "I've tried collecting as much info as I could from people on the street, but there's nothing even remotely close to hard evidence. One guy even swore that this was some sort of trial from God, while another said there was a massive conspiracy by the government to kill us; something about microwaves," he recalled as he swirled his drink around in its glass. He took a long drink when he finished talking.
"Whoever was talking about trials of God might not really be far off the mark, honestly. If demons exist, than angels must too, right?" Rin asked while she sipped on her cold water. It was so much more refreshing after walking all morning in the heat. Although that was the only thing that gave her a small ounce of relief. The more she thought about this whole lock down thing, the more it didn't make sense.

"Ugh, who the hell knows what the truth is now that we know demons exists. And what are these COMP things?" Haruhi asked before taking a sip of water. She could have asked for a drink if she wanted to, most guys caved in after a bit of flirting. She didn't feel like it much right now, she just wasn't in the mood. "We found ours when I was chasing down some weirdo in orange robes. How did you get yours?"
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