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The Fifty Year War (FFT Prologue) OOC

I figured a seven-minute mile's a good speed for a man in armor burdened by a struggling Moogle. Things probably won't go as smoothly as Piero suggests, but what the heck? Let's go do something reckless and get into trouble!
Ah well, maybe the knight was a marathon runner before he was enlisted into the war, and had to retrain after he got his suit of armor... Makes total sense. He might not get too far away, though, but then again, maybe he does. If he's heading east, though, the Douvaldar Marsh would slow him down, I would think. And... I think there was a story battle for there, containing undead characters, mostly mages, from the Fifty Years' War during the actual game, so one would assume that was a battle of interest. It is possible I am mixing this up with Lake Poescas, though. I know the Yuguewood had a pair of undead time mages and black mages among ghost-class monsters, as I passed that part in my game. Trying to keep a generic-character party. I have a team consisting of a male geomancer, male samurai, female dragoon, and female ninja. And of course, Ramza, as a Dark Knight as a result of a lot of grinding to master knight and black mage classes, and getting to level 8 in the 4 aforementioned job classes on my generic characters, on top of getting 20 kills (either crystallization or chest transformation to consider a 'kill') with that character.

Speaking of mastering classes... I'm thinking that hitting level 8 for a class is considered mastering it, regardless of whether the class can be mastered before or long after hitting it. Does that sound fair?
So, Alura sent me a message; she's not feeling too great with a lot of RL stuff happening on her end. So, since everyone is waiting on her, just this one time, I'm going to allow Cerebrate to post next in the RP since Alura is having troubles offline. If you're reading this, I'm hoping from all of us, that you feel better soon, Alura. :)
It's disappointing, but I received a message from Alura, and she's dropping out of the RP. She's just unable to keep going from what I understand, and... I'm not going to force her to stay. Whatever the reason may be, I simply wish to leave it to her, though I did tell her if she ever wanted to come back in, she always could.
"Throw Stone", it turns out, is harder than it looks. At least, it is when you don't actually have it as a job skill. :)
i can only imagine. so, my posts are made, any criticism on them i'm not at all opposed to hearing.
Nothing is wrong with it... though, it sure is taking a long time for Silver to send a response, and he is around rather frequently. I'll shoot him a quick reminder, just to see if he is still interested. If not, I'll send a response later on. Started great, but slowly dying down... A shame, really. :/

EDIT: Seems Silver may drop out from the RP based on the PM I received back from him. I'll hear back from him, and see where he stands to be absolutely certain.

EDIT 2: Silver did appreciate his time he spent in the RP, though he believed he didn't join in quick enough, so he's not part of it.
So, let's go camp out on the spooky ruins! What could possibly go wrong?

I didn't know we could have two characters. I had a second one in mind, also intending to become summoner. Maybe instead I'll play a loquacious young woman who wants to become bard, even if she has to cross dress to do so.

Also, were we thinking an encounter in the ruins? Are you playing a GM role Dark, where only you can introduce new events, or are we all welcome to?
I just added another character to add onto the group, more than anything, but... who am I to say no to others having a second character as well; it would be rather hypocritical of me to do so. But, I'll allow a new event to come up after the regroup at the fort. As for an event in the ruins, though, I don't think so... I think we would use a little change of pace. Two fights in quick succession, a small break would be in order, I think.

Also, since I GM'd the role for the first, and somewhat technically, second mission, Xanaphia would be next to do either the next big one, or two smaller ones, and after that one (or pair, as the case may be) is done, Corsair has an event take place, then finally, Cerebrate before the cycle repeats from me again.
Okay I am going to take tonight to ruminate on a new character, and introduce them in my next post. Give everyone else a chance to decide if they want a second as well, and then lead the group back towards the fort to get the new characters and the old characters in the same place.
For the record, second character may be developed into the next classes after Squire or Chemist (Being Knight/Archer for Squire, Black/White Mage for Chemist), but they have to be level 2 in the previous class, and level 1 in the current class; otherwise, that is optional. Otherwise, looking forward to it. :)
That's my second character up (I modified Squire slightly, swapping axe for spear), and Piero leveled up. Serafina's an acrobatic swashbuckler pirate type. Kind of a brawler as well. May be some dancer or geomancer in her future, but right now she wants to be a lancer like daddy. Part if me wanted to say "she wears more armor than that", but this is bith BMR and an anime-inspired game. So, for now, she's wearing a leather halter and skirt.

Also, do we want to have both characters in screen at once? Or put the focus in ine, and assume the other is off doing something (like thise NOCs you send off on jobs while you advance the plot)?
Oh, our characters might know each other then, since I decided that Alex's instructor is a spy for Ivalice, using his ministrel status to travel through Ordallian controlled territory. My next post will have Alex delivering the latest intel. (Which will lead towards the mission I am planning.)

I was going to have our characters head back to the starting fort so the new recruits can rendezvous with the old ones, and get briefed on their mission. Unless we want to have two separate storylines going? I don't object, but it might become a bit difficult to follow, with this many people.
Sounds good to me. Maybe Alex took passage on Serafina's ship for a time?

Two parallel stories with intersecting characters woukd be fun, but yeah. Probably hard to coordinate with this many people.
It might be easier they were all of a single group; would be easier that way. Just means the enemy armies will become larger and harder from here onwards, really, for balance. But, I am looking forward to whatever mission you have upcoming, xanaphia. :D
Sure, why not? The video game allows it (I had a level 8 black chocobo I named "Thunderbolt"), and it fits the heroic source literature as well. Zorro had Diablo, the Lone Ranger had Silver, Lu Bu had Red Hare, Michael Knight had KITT, so why not let Imos have Taka?
No worries, Cerebrate. Piero didn't have anything important to add just then. Although he'd disagree, because he needs his morning cuppa.

And I think it's become obvious that Serafina will eventually head into the Dancer job. And that she thinks she's great friends with Alex.
Bards and dancers make for natural allies. I like to think they have a system set up with one of them distracts their marks, while the other one robs them blind, where it be gil, items, or correspondence from Ordallian high command.
Okay, posted, and since my section is finished, I guess I will leave it in Corsair's hands whether we have an encounter on the hill. By the way, feel feel to equip your characters with the new supplies which include: 3 mage masher daggers (inflict silence on hit) 2 pair of battle boots (improved movement), a White Staff, a Fire Rod, 2 Mythril Swords and a lance which Sera already got.
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