From Other Worlds {Ryanmo97 & Inspired}

Regina smiled when Cassidy said she would help her. She watched as the young wizard took the wand out of her bag. She nodded when Cassidy said that she would have to learn how to use it. Cassidy handed the wand to Regina and she asked if she was ready for her first lesson, "Yes." Regina took the wand and held it in her hand. She could feel her magic. "Okay.... Now what?"
"Let's start with something simple to get you started," Cassidy said. "A Levitation Charm is what I'll teach you first. After that, we can move onto much more interesting spells. Since you've used magic before, you should pick all this up rather easily. This first spell will just get you used to using my wand. Pick a small object to try it on... Your glass will do. The motion can be best described as swish and flick. Like this," Cassidy demonstrated the motion. "Now, repeat that motion with the wand while saying the incantation win-GAR-dee-um lev-ee-OH-sa."
Regina watched and listened to Cassidy's instructions. I hope my own magic comes back soon she thought so I don't have to do all these silly incantations She took the wand back and said as she made the movements as Cassidy instructed and said, "win-GAR-dee-um lev-ee-OH-sa." The glass rose of the table. "It worked," said Regina.
"Now, gently lower the glass back down." Cassidy said. "What exactly would you like to do with magic, so I can teach you the right spells?" Even though Cassidy's education at Hogwarts had ended a year early, she was still particularly skilled. Cassidy had always been gifted at teaching herself magic through books. She had taught herself more than just what's in the textbooks though. Once Voldemort had returned, Cassidy had sneaked into the Restricted Section of the library on multiple occasions trying to learn things that she might be able to use against the Death Eaters.
Regina lowered the glass back down. When Cassidy asked what she wanted to do with magic, Regina said, "Right now, I just want to bring back my own magic." She handed Cassidy back the wand. "Let me try something." Regina took a deep breath and put her right hand palm up and a fireball appeared in her hand, "So far so good..." Regina dissipated the fireball, "Now let's try something else... Stand up..." once both women were standing Regina waved her hands and they both disappeared in a puff of purple smoke. They appeared in front of Regina's apple tree at Town Hall. The apples were all rotten. Regina walked up to the tree and touched it. All of the apples became fresh again. Regina smiled, "I'm back..."
Cassidy watched as Regina displayed her returned magic and smiled. She was glad for Regina. "So, will you get your son back now?" the girl asked. Cassidy was a bit unsure of Regina's magic as it was quite different from the magic she was used to. Cassidy wondered just what exactly the Evil Queen's plans would be now that she had her magic back.
Regina smiled, "Oh yes... Come with me..." Regina and Cassidy walked into Town Hall where a meeting was taking place. Regina used her magic to open the doors. Regina looked around and saw almost the whole town there, “My, what a nice turnout,” said Regina, “No need for a fuss. It’s just me... and my new friend, Cassidy...”

“Regina. Think about what you’re doing,” said Archie Hopper, the town psychiatrist who in reality was Jiminy Cricket.

“Bug,” said Regina. With a flick of her hand she threw Archie across the room.
"There's Granny with her crossbow again," Cassidy muttered as she glanced around at the citizens of Storybrooke. She flinched a bit when a man was thrown across the room. She should have expected as much. The Evil Queen was called that for a reason. "I take it that's your son," Cassidy said nodding towards the boy who had just stood up and didn't look very happy about his mother's interruption of the town meeting.
Regina saw Henry stand, "That's him..."

Just then Leroy stood up, "Hey!" He shouted and started to come after Regina but Regina just tossed him aside as well

Granny then fired her crossbow at Regina. Regina caught it just before it could hit her. “How sweet,” said Regina, as she set the arrow on fire, and it transformed into a fireball. She threw it into the crowd and it bounced off the wall and hit the Storybrooke Town Seal behind Regina’s head, setting it on fire.

“What do do you want?” said Ruby, as she stepped up to the front of the crowd.

“Me,” said Henry, as he stepped forward, “She wants me. Okay, I’ll come with you. Just leave them alone.”

“That’s my boy,” said Regina. She put her arm around Henry’s shoulder and lead him out.
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