From Other Worlds {Ryanmo97 & Inspired}


Oct 30, 2016
It's just as I thought. Cassidy Whitby sat in a booth at Granny's holding a small velvet pouch in her pale hands. Empty. The young woman checked the pouch one final time before returning it to her satchel. I should've been more careful with the beans I took from that bloody Death Eater. Realm-hopping had been a kind of hobby for Cassidy since she had snatched the pouch containing magic beans from some Death Eaters taking them to Voldemort. She had overheard what they did and didn't even hesitate before stealing the pouch. It almost got her killed, but Cassidy had decided in that moment it was worth the risk.

It had been quite a while since Cassidy had last been in her own world. Now that she was out of beans, she was stuck in the latest world she had ended up in. Cassidy had landed herself in a town called Storybrooke. The town seemed to be in some sort of state of chaos at the moment. Cassidy had only just arrived but she managed to pick up a few interesting details from the locals, who most of them were too busy dealing with something about a curse being broken and remembering who they were in some place called the Enchanted Forest to notice that Cassidy was a stranger.

Cassidy was clothed in Muggle clothes, so she fit in well enough. She could feel there was magic here but from what she had learned so far it didn't exactly belong. This magic was different from that of her homeworld. She had rarely practiced magic except in predicaments since her education at Hogwarts had ended a year early. It had been a few years since then, and she didn't feel like she had anything to return to in her home world, so she hoped she'd find something worth staying for in this one. Cassidy grabbed her things and left Granny's heading to go have a look around. She was curious about something one of the locals had said, something about an Evil Queen. She wondered who could earn such a title.
Regina Mills was walking down Main Street heading to Gold's Pawn Shop. Ever since Emma Swan broke the Dark Curse and Gold brought magic to Storybrooke she had trouble getting her magic to work. The only way she could think of to get it back on track was her mother's spell book. But, she hadn't seen it in years. She was sure it must have ended up in Gold's shop as part of the curse.

As she was walking past Granny's, a blur of black hair bumped it her her, "Watch where your going!" Shouted Regina. The young girl looked at her and Regina looked back. Regina wasn't sure but she could sense something was different about her, it was almost as if she didn't belong in Storybrooke, "Who are you?"
"I'm Cassidy, Cassidy Whitby," The girl replied, a bit shaken by the older woman's shouting. "Sorry for bumping into you. My mind was elsewhere," The collision had caused Cassidy to drop her satchel. She bent to pick it up making sure her wand hadn't rolled out from its compartment. "And, uh, who are you?" she asked, managing a polite smile. The girl tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear as she watched the other woman. She didn't want to upset the locals this soon off, especially since it looked as this place may very well be her new home.
Regina was taken aback. She now knew that this girl wasn't from the Enchanted Forest. For a moment, she wondered if she was outside Storybrooke. But, there was something different about her. She did seem like Owen or his father. No... She didn't come from this world. She watched as the girl picked up the bag that she had dropped. "I'm Regina Mills, Mayor of Storybrooke and you... you're not from around here are you?"
Cassidy shook her head. "No, I'm not. Today's my first day here," she answered. "I'm from someplace faraway, but from what I understand none of you are exactly from here either," Could this be the Evil Queen the locals spoke of?" Cassidy remembered one of them saying something about the Evil Queen and the Mayor, so she knew they were connected somehow. She just wasn't exactly sure if they were the same person. She didn't seem all that evil to her, but she had just met her. The girl had a record for being too trusting at times, and it often got her into trouble.
Regina was surprised again, "For this being your first day... you seem to know an awful lot..." She looked at the young girl and she was very attractive. Then a thought hit her, if she got here she might be able to go to the Enchanted Forest and bring back Emma and Mary Margaret. That way she could get Charming off her ass and maybe have a shot at getting Henry back or at least see him for more than 5 seconds, "How did you get here? It took a curse for me to bring us all here... I don't think your old enough to manage a curse."
"I tend to learn as much as I can about a new place quick as I can. It generally saves me a lot a trouble. It's something you learn when you move around as much as I do," Cassidy said before decided how exactly she should answer Regina's question about how she got to Storybrooke. She figured since she didn't have any of the beans left, it wouldn't hurt to tell the truth. "I had some magic beans I've been using to go from realm to realm, but I used the last one to get here,"
Regina's eyes lit up when Cassidy mentioned magic beans. But, the light went out when she said that she had used the last bean. So much for that idea! she thought. But, since the girl knew about magic beans, she came from a world with magic. That might be useful... "What do you say we go some place a bit more private and talk? My house is just around the corner and up the street?" Regina gave Cassidy a friendly smile.
An attractive, older woman who I barely know has asked me to go someplace more private with her, her house specifically. This could be a trap. Cassidy's logic was telling her to decline the offer, but Cassidy chose to ignore her logic this time. Her overly-trusting side was getting the better of her yet again. "Sure, I'd like that," the girl replied, a little too quickly.
Regina smiled, "Wonderful..." Regina took Cassidy to her house. Regina had to admit that even though she just met the girl. She was starting to take a liking to her. Regina had never really been attracted to another woman before but she was willing to see what happened. They walked inside "Welcome to my home..." Then they walked into the living room, "Please have a seat... How would you like a glass of the best apple cider you've ever tasted?"
Cassidy took a seat, placing her satchel at her feet. She was always sure to keep it close to her. Her bag was enchanted to hold much more than it would normally be cable of and it held many magical objects she wouldn't want to end up in the wrong hands. She nodded in response to Regina''s offer. "Sure, I'd love some," Cassidy smiled. She glanced around curiously, "you have a beautiful home,"
Regina nodded and walked to the kitchen. She returned with a couple of glasses and handed one to Cassidy. Regina sat down across from Cassidy and when complemented her home Regina said, "Thank you... One of the perks of casting a curse like this is making sure you are taken care of..." Regina took a sip of her cider, "So, my dear... Tell me... What realm do you come from?"
"One with two worlds which coexist, the Muggle world, Muggle refers to non-magical, and the Wizarding World," Cassidy said before reaching for her bag. "I'm from the Wizarding World," Cassidy pulled out her wand and showed it to Regina and asked, "Do you know what this is?"
Regina's eyebrows raised when she mentioned Muggles and the Wizarding World. She knew where she came from... She was from the world of the Harry Potter books. Regina watched as Cassidy took a wand out of her bag, "It looks like a magic wand..." Regina smiled. She couldn't believe her luck a young wizard had stumbled right into her lap. She might be very useful to her and a good ally.
"You're right, Regina," Cassidy replied before taking a sip of her cider. "I haven't used it much since I left my world, but I think that might change." She knew practically nothing about this older woman, yet she already knew she liked her. "Where can I get a room in this town?
Regina smiled when Cassidy said that she might have to used her wand, "I think your right," said Regina. When she asked about a room she said, "Well, if you have money you I'm sure you could stay at Granny's. She has very nice rooms. But, if you don't your more than welcome to stay here... I have a couple of empty rooms... If you don't mind sharing a house with the Evil Queen." Regina took a sip of her cider.
Cassidy returned her wand to its place in her bag. She smiled when Regina revealed that she was the Evil Queen. "Ah, so you're the Evil Queen everyone's been talking about, thought it might be you," She thought for a moment about the older woman's offer. "Well, I didn't get on very well with Granny earlier, so if you're serious about your offer..."
Regina was a little surprised when Cassidy when didn't run for the door when she revealed that she was the Evil Queen. When Cassidy said she didn't get a long well with Granny and was serious about her offer she said, "I'm very serious," said Regina, as she took another sip of cider, "What happened with you and Granny?"
Cassidy smiled when Regina said she was very serious about her offer and said, "Good. Then I'll take you up on it." She then focused on Regina's question. "I'm not sure exactly what I said to offend her but it resulted in a crossbow much too close to my face," Cassidy said a bit too nonchalantly. "She did let me order food in the end though," Cassidy now had a question of her own. "So, what exactly earned you the title of Evil Queen?" Cassidy was known for her timidness, but she was fairly good at masking it. If she was being honest with herself, Cassidy would admit that she was a tad intimidated by Regina. The locals seemed both angry with her and terrified of her, and she was sure it was with good reason.
Regina smiled when Cassidy said that she would take her up on her offer. She laughed a little when she said that Granny pointed a crossbow at her, "That's Granny for you." Cassidy asked how she got the title the Evil Queen. Regina sighed, "That's kind of a long story..." Regina then proceeded to tell Cassidy an abridged story about how she became Snow White's stepmother because she save her life and how because of that she lost the only man she ever loved. Regina wiped a tear from her eye, "There isn't a day that goes by that I don't think of Daniel." Then she told Cassidy about how she tried to kill Snow White and failed, then she told her about the curse. "Still want to stay with me?"
Cassidy listened to Regina's story, nodding occasionally. She understood loss all too well, so she knew the pain Regina felt concerning losing Daniel. "Yes, I still want to stay with you," Cassidy said with a reassuring smile. "I understand why you did what you did. Loss affects people in different ways. For you, it helped you earn the title of Evil Queen. Other people should understand that,"
Regina smiled, "If only more people in the Enchanted Forest were as understanding as you... I might not be here right now... Although, this world does have a lot more going for it." Regina took a sip of her cider. "Cassidy... I need your help with something... Magic isn't native to this world but it was brought to this world, by a man known as Rumplestiltskin, I'm not sure if you've ever heard of The Dark One."
"I've heard stories of a man called Rumpelstiltskin, but they were just children stories," Cassidy said. "At least, I had thought they were. There were stories about you and Snow White as well. They were Muggle stories, I heard them from some of my Muggleborn classmates at Hogwarts," She was curious as to what exactly Regina needed her help with.
"Well, believe me any stories you might have heard about me, Snow White and Rumpelstiltskin are not the same as what really happened..." said Regina, "Anyway as I was saying Rumpelstiltskin or as he is know here, Mr. Gold, brought magic to this world. It's been a while since I lasted used magic and I'm having trouble using it. Magic is a little different here... I was wondering if you had a way for me to get control of my magic. Right now, Prince Charming has my adopted son, Henry and I want him back."
Cassidy thought for a moment, biting her lower lip. "Alright, I'll help you," she finally replied. "The magic from my world is different from the magic from yours," she started. "I can let you use my wand, but you'd have to learn how to use it," Cassidy took her wand back out of her satchel and held it out to Regina. "Ready for your first lesson?"
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