Fandom Galore (Will double!) Craving; WWE and VD

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May 5, 2013
Hi everyone, my name is Kate and I figured I'd try my hand at finding some partners again. I'll keep things simple for those who don't like to read big blocks of text.

--I do enjoy playing female (and playing oc) but I have no qualms doubling as it makes things fair and fun for everyone. For my pairing I prefer playing canon x oc and m x f, but for yours I'm willing to try slash and canon x canon or oc x oc. Just to reiterate because people are not reading or I guess not understanding.. I am interested in playing a female oc against a canon. I'm willing to double and do a second pairing for someone but if we are just doing one pairing then I'm only interested in playing an oc against a canon.

-- I'd prefer either thread or email. I could possibly do pm though.

--I typically write at least two paragraphs per character and would like someone who can do the same. I like detail and I would just loose interest if I send a nice response to get like two sentences in return.

-- I'd like someone who's fairly active. I understand life gets in the way but a few responses a week would be nice.

-- I'd like slightly more plot than smut or at least a decent amount of plot to go along with smut. 40/60 works either way. And I'm interested in slightly darker themes.

Ons- Dom/sub, light bondage, non con, dub con, consensual, vaginal virginity

Offs- Scat, extreme abuse, public humiliation, bathroom play

(I'll just list the canon(s) I would like someone to play)
P means I either have an oc or plot idea

The 100 (would love a crossover with Game of Thrones!)
Bellamy P

The Originals/Vampire Diaries
Klaus P

Walking Dead
Daryl P

Game of Thrones
Robb P

Twilight -Darker, no sparkles-
Alec (aged up)

True Blood


Dean Ambrose
Seth Rollins

The Borgias
Cesare P

The Boondocks (aged up of course)

Witches of East End

Once Upon a Time

American Horror Story Roanoke
Ambrose x oc P

Loki x oc
Thor x oc

Shadowhunters (TV show)
Jace x oc

Criminal Minds
Reid x oc
RE: Fandom Galore (Will double!) Craving; WD and AHS

What is the plot you have in mind for your Originals rp idea with Klaus?

I'd be interested in doubling with that, if you could play Elijah?

Or, I'd be interested in doubling with a Supernatural RP, if you could play Dean.
RE: Fandom Galore (Will double!) Craving; WD and AHS

RebelMoon said:
What is the plot you have in mind for your Originals rp idea with Klaus?

I'd be interested in doubling with that, if you could play Elijah?

Or, I'd be interested in doubling with a Supernatural RP, if you could play Dean.

Hi! I could certainly play Elijah for you or even Dean. I'll send you the idea I had for Klaus through pm :)
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