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Perfect little Town..

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Jan 14, 2009
“Slow down a little bit..” whispered Nairv softly as he rested on bed watching his girlfriend quickly ride on top of him. The morning sun covered their nude bodies as they had sex in his bedroom surrounded by a crowd of clothing and electronic equipment. Both of them had been going out for quiet some time now and it was actually rumored that they where soon to get married even though no such offer was ever spoken of. His hands held onto her hips as he watched himself quickly disappear inside of her feeling her squeeze around him tightly. Even though she wasn’t the only girl he had ever had sex with he had to admit that she was by far the best. “If you keep slamming down so hard and fast your going to end this fun really quick, its not normal for both my mother and father to be gone at the same time.. so lets take advantage of it..” sitting up he held her close stopping her movement. Licking her nipple softly he teasingly bite it before suck on it carefully and rather affectionately. He had always taken good care of her unlike most of the other men especially one of his positions.

In the mist of their sex the sound of a car driving up towards the mansion caught Nariv by surprise as he pulled away from her quickly. It was his mother, which was strange since normally when she went out it took her more then half a day before she came back. Yet, what caught his attention even more is when a girl stood up from out of the car. “Get off..” he whispered before throwing his girlfriend onto the bed in a rush. Quickly he grabbed at a random pair of clothing and ran out of the room as he desperately tried to slip them on. Could it really be her? His mind was racing a million thoughts pair minute and it didn’t help that he was still sporting a hard on. Getting to the door he was finally fully dressed and was quick to open it surprised that his father had bet him outside first.

“I see.. so this will be our new house quest.. and what should we call you?” Asked Dick harshly as he stared down at the young girl. As he spoke Nairv just watched from a distance.
Rose moaned loudly as her boyfriend pushed himself into her again and again. She was riding him, her hips moving over his in a motion that had her rocking slightly. She could almost feel the bed moving under them, though maybe it was just the way her body trembled from having him under and inside of her. She had her hands on his chest until he pulled her to him, bringing her nipple into his mouth. That made her moan again.

They never had time alone, so she was greatly enjoying it. She couldn't wait until they married, which she hoped would happen soon. She was the only one of her friends that wasn't married, though she was sure she had more sex than any of them. But her boyfriend was such a good lover..

She gasped as she was thrown onto the bed, rather unceremoniously.

Brenna looked around at the house as she got out of the car with Mary Francis, the woman who was bringing her to live in her guest room. Brenna had waist length red hair that was so thick she wasn't really able to wear it up. She looked up as a man came running out of the big house and her brilliant blue eyes widened for a second. He was an attractive man, but the one she saw coming out with him had her attention more. He was her age, and he was turned on, by something, she could tell.

"This is Brenna." Mary said to her husband as she put her hand on the girl's shoulder and giving her a little push. "Brenna, this is my husband, Dick. And that boy in the doorway is my son Nariv." The woman said, and Brenna flashed both men a nervous, though still beautiful, smile.

"Hello." She said.
“Hi…” whispered Nairv silently as he watched from a distance. He knew this girl, but from where he wasn’t too sure. Quickly two maids brushed by him and towards the car grabbing the girl’s bags. Taking this opportunity he walked towards Brenna in preparation to introduce himself, but was stopped by his dad quickly. It was obvious that his own father had grown a liking to young girl and that brought a bad taste to his mouth. Dick knew his son and how easy it was for him to gain the trust and love of any girl who caught his eye. “So where is she going to stay?” he asked turning his eyes away from his dad’s stare.

“In the east wing near my bedroom door.. you are forbidden to her.. do you understand?” for a moment the tension in the area grew, but soon it faded as Nairv scoffed and walked back into the house. His son was quick to get mad and normally would take it out on something else. “Sorry about that.. Well then honey.. these two well take you to your room you are family now so please take your time to walk around the house and ask for whatever you would like. We will get better aquatint later tonight.. with you be there dear?”
Brenna smiled at the boy. "Hi." She repeated, liking the boy already just by looking at him. He was extremely attractive and she knew that she would enjoy some alone time with him. For a virgin, like she was supposed to be, she didn't know what she would do with that alone time, but she'd like it.

Her eyes went down as he was told she was forbidden to him. When Dick spoke again, to her, she looked up and flashed him a charming smile. "Thank you." She told him, licking her lips nervously. Her eyes swung to the woman, simply curious if she would be joining them.

"No, dear." Mary said, running a hand over the girl's rich, soft hair. "Brenna and myself will be getting better acquainted tomorrow." She said, delivering a kiss to the girl's neck, her eyes on her husband. "Tonight, you and she can get to know each other properly." She told him, before straightening and walking into the house. Brenna bit her lip and then made her way into the house, to see what it was like inside.
“Well, I am not one to disobey my wife.” He whispered softly before looking down to Brenna with a wide smile. It take him long to lead her to her room and letting her alone as he went about getting his work down so he had all the time for her at night. It was obvious that this was an extremely big event in the large mansion.


Nairv stormed into his room swinging open the door wide before spotting Rose still in his room. He had actually forgot that she was there and before she could say anything about him leaving he had her in his grip hugging her tightly before locking her in a kiss. His tongue tangled around her lovingly, dominantly. Laying her onto the bed he looked into her eyes for a while in silence before kissing her neck gently. Undoing his pants he swiftly pulled out his cock and gently slipped it back into her digging deep into her until he got to his base. Sitting up he looked back at his door noticing that he had still left it open. “Fuck.. Hold on. Let me get that..” as he left her he seemed rather upset as he closed the door without looking back at it.
Brenna thanked the man for showing her to her room, and she quickly went about putting her clothes away. She didn't have many things, so it took her no time at all to put them away, and then, the young woman was free to wander around the house. She started around the big house, fascinated by what she saw.

Rose looked up when Nairv came in. She smiled at him, but before she knew it, she was in his arms, being kissed. She moaned against his lips and pressed herself against him as he freed himself, and went about taking her. Her body thrilled at the contact and she spread her legs farther. "Yes." She moaned, just before he swore and stood up. "Wait.." She groaned, but she was alone in the bed, watching him go to the door.

Brenna stopped short by the door that she'd heard the moan. The boy came to the door, the one that couldn't have been more than a few years older than her. He was... Well, his... Manhood was out. She blushed a pale pink and put her hand over her mouth. "Oh my." She said, her voice shocked and louder than she'd thought. With surprise clouding her mind, she turned around and hurried past.
“Wait up…” he yelled at Brenna before pulling open the door quickly as he heard her voice. At first he attempted to run after her, but quickly decided it would be best for him to put on some pants. “Listen honey.. I am sorry, but I am kind of caught up with something. So, I am going to need to post pone this until a little bit later ok?” speaking quickly he didn’t allow her to speak back to him before once again running away. This was there relationship as of yet, while he would spend some time with her alone once another person was added to the mix he seemed to leave her in the shadows.

Running down the hall he grabbed Brenna’s shoulder stopping short as he took in deep breaths of air. “Hold on stop.. Wait a minute..” he hunched over sucking in the air before standing up in front of her. “Hi..” he finally said with a grin tilting his head to the side. “You seem to be lacking manners. You see me naked and you don’t even say hi, or ask what the weather is?” joking he took the time to look in her eye trying hard to remember where he saw her before.
Rose was shocked as she was left alone again. She was getting used to the fact that she didn't get the attention that she'd like when other people were around. Her mother said it was the plight of women, to always come in second. She hated it, but she would live with it, because she would be married to Naivr soon.

With a sigh, she got out of his bed and dressed, fixed her hair and sat on his bed, giving herself a few minutes. When she thought enough time had passed, she got up and snuck down the stairs and out of the house.

Brenna gasped again as she was stopped by the hand on her shoulder. She blinked as she turned to look at him, glad to see that he had pants on, but not totally relieved, because she'd been fascinated by what she'd seen.

"I know the weather." She told him with a bewildered look. "But... That didn't seem like the right time to say hello." She added, not sure what he wanted of her. "Why did you follow me?"
He was taken aback when she didn’t laugh quickly having to think of something else in order to try and break the ice. “So it was a horrible joke.. What I meant to say is.. Hi how are you doing? Sorry about back there.. Me and my… friend, where just, ya know fooling around. I am kind of surprised though that dad would allow you over to my wing of the house. Normally he doesn’t allow any of his guest over here.” The more he spoke the more comfortable he became. “Why did I follow you? Well you’re a guest in our house, and if would be rude of me to let that back there be the first impression you have of me. Trust me I am a nice guy.. Most of the time of course.” Again he tried a joke. “Any as I am sure you know the house is broken up in three different sections going across as well as by floor. The top floor it completely my and the bottom it my dad. The three in the middle are set up like such, east side it his and west is mine.. you start to know the difference by the rug.. When you open the door it changes from a ruby red to a dark red. Yeah, the change isn’t to noticeable, but trust me after a while you will start to see it. So if you don’t mind me asking where are you from?”
Brenna offered the smallest of laughs when he admitted to the bad joke. She brushed her hair back and shook her head. "I'm sorry, I'm nervous, I get over analytical." She confessed. "It wasn't such a bad joke." She looked back at the door to his room. "Fooling around? As in..." She turned pink, showing her naivety. When he started to talk about the wings, her eyes grew wide. "I'm sorry. They said that I was allowed to wander. I can.. Leave." She told him.
“No, no not at all..” yelled out Nairv before grabbing at her arm softly trying his best to keep her from running off. “Its just I am surprise that my dad allowed you to do such things.” He chuckled before letting go of her quickly and backing away trying not to overstep his boundaries. “Yeah, fooling around.. with a girl looking like you I am sure you have done your share right?”
Brenna blinked. "I look like a certain type of girl?" She asked him, slightly insulted by the question. She knew what she would have to do living there, and that was fine, it got her a roof over her head and stopped people from looking at her strangely, no one would see her there. She stayed where she was and tried to think around what he'd said. "I have never done anything like what you are suggesting." She told him calmly.
“Don’t be like that?” he whispered softly walking around her as he did. “I mean in our day in age seeing a girl like you without a guy around you is a rear sight indeed.” It was strange Brenna was much more defensive about her reputation the many of the other girls her age he chatted with. “I hope I am not sounding like a toll I swear I am not. My mother says I am really nice guy promise! However as you saw my room is just back there if you want maybe I can give you a little tour sometime if that’s ok with you?”
"Well, I'm not really in the position to be fooling around with anyone." Brenna said, thinking 'I wasn't, but now...'. She looked at the boy and smiled slightly. When he offered to give her a tour of his room, she laughed softly. "A tour of your bedroom? Is that code?" She asked.
‘Hay, you’re the one how said it I was trying to be the good guy here.” He spoke rather slyly. “However, if you want I wouldn’t mind.” Softly he whispered only letting a few seconds go by before he spoke up again. “I am just kidding just so ya know.” Walking forward he start leading her through the house showing her ever little bit as well as the servant quarters.
Brenna laughed softly. "One second you are hitting on me and the next you show no interest?" She said, shaking her head. She was teasing him, just like he'd been teasing her. "How does that boost my self-esteem? What if I were to say that I want you to take me to your room and show me all about fooling around?" She asked him.
I am sorry to inform you all be I may not be posting for a while.. (I had to move to the big apple and I thought I would have my lab-top but thing arrived broke so I have no way to get a computer really.) I will return I just don’t know when. If you want you may use any of the progress we have done in our rps with others. Well, until I get my computer back or buy a new one, peace out.
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