descent into madness || bear & cosmos

RE: descent into madness [ Bear & cosmos ]

descent into madness


[size=-2] He grinned a bit, his mind was full or things that would be considered inappropriate and horrible. His words made her mind run, it was what he wanted. He needed her to be so entranced by him, that she would do anything for him. Although they weren't there just yet, they were closer but they weren't to the point where he could ask for a gun and for her to open the doors of the Asylum to allow him to get out.... It would come with time. To his surprise they were moving a lot faster then he actually thought, which was wonderful but it showed how damaged she actually was. This damaged part of her that wanted to be wild and crazy was interesting, he wanted to know why.

"I wouldn't say your own mind is much better." He watched her slowly shift and lean forward, her voice was low, very alluring. His eyes danced over her face, slowly examining her lips as the moved. She was in his trap, he had her where he wanted her. He needed her at this point to get her to the next, he needed her to be able to perform anything. He would start with little things and they would grow bigger with each day. He would first start with food requests, slowly asking for something like a cookie, sweets etc. until he could go bigger. He needed to get in her head though, he needed to figure her out, her past, her present, he needed to know all of it. It was an obsession he wouldn't lie. He was obsessed with controlling her physically and mentally to the extreme, to make her do whatever he asked. The obsession wouldn't stop until he finally was able to get her to that state of mind.

"I am bringing them up because you asked, I figured with what you do you'd want to hear my deepest thoughts." Joker's voice was in a low murmur, his eyes still on lips as she spoke. His fingers tapped the table before he clasped his hands together lightly, squeezing his closed fist tightly with the other hand. She moved closer though and his eyes soon left her lips and looked directly into her own eyes.
She thought she knew it all, the smirk indicated that for sure. "I know you're not stupid. Far from it," he took a slow breath, breathing in her scent before exhaling through his nose slowly. "you don't know though." She didn't know the hole she was digging, she was digging it deep and as she leaned forward he squeezed his fist a little more. "I rather not talk."

It was a quick action, he stood up quickly and in seconds he was on the other side of the table. Turning her around to face him with force, he pressed her to the table with his hand and body. Holding her there tightly, his hand drawing up the side of her body and to her neck. Squeezing her neck slowly he let his hand move once again, this time to her hair. Her soft blond hair; Pulling it out of its bun his hand ran through her hair and then he tightly grabbed it and pulled her head back. His lips grazing her neck, his lips drew up her neck and to her ear. "Don't tempt me." He growled sternly, letting go of her hair he would stare at her for a moment. "You don't want to talk about it either." Joker's hand slowly moved back down her body. "You want me to slide you up onto this table. You want my hand to slide up your skirt, inch up your thigh.....slip under your panties. You want me to touch you, you want me to bring you over the edge. And don't I want too but maybe when we have more time and when you.....lock the door." He slowly stepped away from her and walked to the window. Staring out at the grey sky he flicked the bars a few times. "Fix your hair and your skirt." his voice was very stern, and he glanced at her. His face serious, "I will see you tomorrow." He walked towards her again, looking her over slowly. The tempting she had pulled on him made him frustrated, he wanted to do more. He wanted to pin her to the table and fuck her silly but he couldn't now. This needed to be apart of the mind game he had going. This was a big leap and he was pleased but also sexually frustrated with it. [/size]
RE: descent into madness [ Bear & cosmos ]

descent into madness


His eyes lingered on her lips and for a bit when she leaned forward she thought that he would be so brave as to kiss her. He remained still, though, his only movement being his hands and his eyes, which drifted back up to meet her gaze. The air in the room was thick and she felt like she could barely breathe, her concentration all on his words as he spoke. Her lips had only just begun to move to question what he meant when he said he would rather not speak before he moved.

She only had the time to gasp, her breath caught in her throat as he pushed her down against the table. His body was so lean against her own, his muscles hard on her softer form. Harley didn’t dare to move, didn’t dare to act as she didn’t know how far she wanted it to go. No, that was wrong. She knew how far she wanted it to go and that was the problem - she wanted him to touch her, to take her and defile her in all of the delicious ways that he had mentioned before.

His hands were naughty distractions from his words, her skin tingling where he touched and her body pressing into his touch. She didn’t know how badly she wanted to feel his touch until he was on her, her body already demanding more as the softer desire for him was pushed over into a red hot burning desire. His lips moved like fire over her neck, urging a soft noise from her that was a mix of pleasure and need, her eyes closing. He was right. She wanted more. She needed more. His hand was sliding back down her body again, and her heart squeezed, so sure that he would take her as she so wanted him to.

Instead, he left her there on the table, her breathing ragged and her hair a mess as she fought to regain her thoughts. It was a struggle like she had never had before, her hands shaking as she pulled the messy strands back into place. There wasn’t shame like there had been last night, but there was a sort of embarrassment, as she was still left a pile of need and he was still calm, cool, and collected.

As she tugged her skirt back into place and fixed her shirt, all evidence that it had ever happened was gone, leaving the only proof of it the now painfully throbbing ache between her legs and her still rapid breathing. Her eyes followed him, watching how his eyes still lingered on her. Though he didn’t show it as outwardly as she did, it was obvious that she wasn’t the only one that was left wanting more. By no means was she the only one.

She wet her lips and closed the space between them again, her hands reaching out to grasp each of his wrists as she leaned up to let her lips brush his ear, “Tomorrow we’ll work on controlling your urges.” She whispered softly, letting her lips trail down the lobe to touch his neck, then back up to his ear, “You could use a little help.”
RE: descent into madness [ Bear & cosmos ]

descent into madness


[size=-2] Joker watched her fix herself, his eyes wondering. He couldn't get himself too wrapped up in this, maybe after he was out of here he could but he couldn't get so wrapped up that he would slowly push his other intentions to the side, that couldn't happen. Although he was going to give her a taste, a taste that she would never be able to push away or forget.

She wanted it as much as he thought she did, when she grabbed his wrists he stood there very still. She couldn't stop herself from the action even if she wanted too. He felt her breath on his neck and ear, soft but quick. Her words seem to hang in the air, his eyes drifted to the door. He pulled his hands from her wrists and he grasped her own with his, his grip tight, controlling as he made her step back so she could look at him. "Do not take this on lightly." He murmured slowly, continuing to hold her wrists. His thumbs pressing onto her veins firmly.

What he was about to do was something he actually didn't plan but the more he thought about it the more it made sense. If he did what he was about to do right now then it would cause her mind to scramble, her thoughts would be foggy and that was good. He was going to make her need him as much as he needed her, even though it was for different reasons. Joker stood there holding her wrists firmly as he fought the thought that he knew he was going to do anyway. One part of him was saying to leave it till tomorrow and the other part was saying it would be more effective today. Joker was trying to push his twisted want to the side, he would leave that for another day. He wouldn't give into what he wanted just yet, that was too risky for here.

"I am going to the lock the door." He stepped forward, pushing her back with each step he took. His eyes trained on her intensely, licking his lips he smirked a little. There was no point in her fixing herself up, it was a waste of time now that he was about to mess that up again. He stopped as she hit the table for the second time today in this little session of theirs. "You will sit on this table." he slid her ass onto the table firmly. "You will be quiet." Joker growled and his hand grabbed her face forcing her to watch him. "You will not make a sound." His grip loosened and his thumb rubbed against her bottom lip before trailing down her chin. "No matter how much you need to, you will not." He pushed the papers and folder off the table, he then slowly parted from her and made his way towards the door. His strides calm and easy as he walked. Slowly his hand came to the latch on the door and he slowly locked it, the light click ever so soft.

Walking back over to her his hand would drag up her arm slowly, his other hand snaking up her skirt, pushing it up as he did so, trailing her thigh. His lips touched her neck, his hand grabbed her hip and pulled her to the edge of the table. Hooking his finger on her panties he threw them to where his straight jacket was, his eyes looking at them for a quick second. His other hand helped to push the skirt to her hips. "You're going to be quiet remember?" he slowly whispered into her ear as his finger slid between her thighs, his finger sliding against slowly. "Lay back." His voice stern, his eyes sharp on her own. The thought of being caught was deep in his thoughts but that's why he locked the door, it was he wasn't taking off any of his cloths, it was why she had to be quiet. Not just for her sake but his own, he would never leave here if they found out that he had seduced the person who was suppose to be helping him and making him better. [/size]
RE: descent into madness [ Bear & cosmos ]

descent into madness


He was thinking about it, thinking over everything that could possibly happen. She couldn’t read his mind but she could feel it in the way that her words had made him stand absolutely still. His hands moved so that he was now grasping her wrists, his thumbs pressing hard so that her veins pressed up against his finger’s pads each time her heart beat. The rhythm of her pulse was rapid, her body still so full of lust that her heart couldn’t act normal if she tried

Him putting space between them didn’t make it any easier for her to calm down, her eyes on his. Take it lightly? How would she take tossing away her own personal rules for conduct with patients and risk the possibility of losing her job lightly? She had far more at stake than he did. If she was caught like this then her livelihood would be at risk - public humiliation, her ability to find a job would be impossible, and not to mention the fact the relationship with him would be ended completely. But still, she couldn’t stop herself. “I take every session with my patients seriously.”

She really should have thought it out more and thought of all the possibilities - he was just as likely to strangle her to death and leave her dead body in the room to rot while he laughed his sanity away in isolation… But for some reason that she couldn’t figure out, she trusted what he’d said before. He wasn’t going to hurt her and he wasn’t going to kill her. He was just as full of hot need as she was and she needed to trust him. It would satisfy her to go home and pleasure herself, but it wasn’t worth the shame that lasted afterwards.

She was supposed to be the one leading things in this room, but it had turned on her. He was now leading her to the table, pushing her up onto it once again and grasping her face in his grip. Her eyes were locked onto him, unable to break his gaze if she wanted to. The best response she could have given was her compliance, her lips pressing softly to his thumb as it trailed down her mouth then moved to her chin, a soft sigh following.

The click of the lock offered a finality to it all, the rest of the silence in the room heavy with expectations of what was to come next. His hands were equal parts gentle as they were rough, leaving trails of tickled skin behind as he touched up her arms and up her thighs. She gave in to the sensation, surrendered to his will and let his hands have her. She should have felt degraded to have her skirt lifted and panties tossed away, should have felt some sort of shame for being exposed. There was none.

He was all consuming. There were no more thoughts of getting caught, no worries about what would come of her crossing this line with him. There was surrender, her eyes meeting his as he commanded her to lay back. His touch between her legs was light, teasing more than it pleased her and making her only crave him more. She could have stopped things there - she had crossed the line already but there was still a chance for redemption. She could walk away and have him transferred to another doctor so she wouldn’t be subject to temptation ever again.

She made her choice.

Her body laid back slowly, a true level of surrender and trust in him, her teeth biting into her lower lip as a soft reminder to keep herself quiet.
RE: descent into madness [ Bear & cosmos ]

descent into madness


[size=-2]Anybody else would have never left themselves alone in a locked room with him, never. Some how he managed to get her to, to be alone in a locked room with him, he could easily strangle her, hurt her....he didn't want to hurt her..... Well that was a lie because he did want to inflict some harm but not fatal harm that would kill her, he didn't want that but he did want her to feel pain. Joker wouldn't do that now though, right now he was focusing on her, he wanted her shake with pleasure. They were in a place where she couldn't scream, but she was going to want too, the thought of needed to scream would be so wrapped in her mind she'd melt into him.

Watching her lay back slowly his hand pulled away from her hips, parting her legs slowly he continued to watch her face. He didn't move for a moment before grinning, to himself as he leaned down on a knee. His finger tracing the outside of her pussy lips slowly. He than pushed his finger inside her, his slow light touch was teasing, and slow. Pushing a second finger into her moist opening his thumb pressed against her clit, a firm but easy touch as his fingers increased speed. In and out, in and out, before pausing as his fingers were pressed deep with in her and they curled ever so lightly. Soon he Retracted his fingers but he continued to rub her clit with his thumb. he leaned forward, her scent was almost sweet. He kissed her thigh once, then twice before biting it firmly, leaving red teeth marks in her pretty pale skin. His tongue traced around her lips before sliding over them. She also tasted sweet, like a strawberry kind of sweet.

His tongue pushed into her, he hummed lightly sending a light vibration over her lips. It had been awhile since he had anything that tasted good in this place, nothing tasted this good in this hellhole. Now he couldn't hide that fact that he was aroused by her, he was usually good at hiding his feelings and emotions but this was far different and it had been a long time since he was able to do something like this. But he needed to gather himself and focus on his goal, he needed to let her know that he had complete control over her mind and her body.

Joker pulled his head away from her, licking his lips and wiping his mouth. he let his fingers play with her firmly as he started to stand up. Working her clit fast and firm, he would soon stop. Pulling his fingers out of her tight love hole, he'd trail his wet fingers up her thigh nice and slow, tracing the teeth marks on her thigh. Pulling her closer his hips would hit hers and his hand wrapped tightly around her neck. Holding her to the table firmly Joker pushed his hips against her and groaned as he felt the heat of her through his black sweatpants. Pulling her up into the sitting position he grinned at Harley, his hand still on her neck. Kissing her firmly his fingers left her neck and found themselves in her hair. Joker pulled away, "Somehow when I'm out.....I'll let you tip over the edge." He growled into her ear. He stayed there for a moment, then pulled away. He rubbed his temple firmly as he tried to regain himself. "You'll come tomorrow without panties. None." His voice was low and had a hint of a demanding tone. [/size]
RE: descent into madness [ Bear & cosmos ]

descent into madness


There was a delicious rush of adrenaline through her veins in surrender, as it was a level of trust that was formed through a tremulous bond that they shared. There was an awful lot of trust for her to watch him descend down to between her legs, his cheshire grin so wide that it almost looked painful on his face. He was an intimidating thing when he was like this, his eyes gleaming with the promise of pleasure that was soon to come to her.

She let her head lay back against the table, using a free hand to cover her mouth as his fingers slowly traced across her. Her eyes closed as she felt his fingers slide into her, the walls of her sex clenching around him in a mix of excitement and want, her body craving to feel more of him though it was a delicious relief to feel his touch. Her teeth bit into the meaty part of her palm just below her thumb as his thumb moved to rub at her clit, straining to close her throat against making a noise. Her breathing spoke for what she was going through, and her toes curled and uncurled as she struggled against the almost irresistible urge to groan.

Harley had won the fight to stay silent up until the point of where his mouth placed two gentle kisses upon her inner thigh followed by a swift bite that made her draw in a sharp breath followed by a shaky moan, stifled by her pressing her hand firm over her mouth. The noise wasn’t loud enough to draw attention from anyone that would possibly pass by the room, but it was enough that it made her feel… Well, come to think of it she couldn’t call the word ‘shame’ anymore, as she had given up her rights to that the moment she’d spread her legs for him. No, there was no shame left. Embarrassment was the closest emotion to what she felt.

His mouth moved from her thigh to her sex, her teeth biting back again to her palm as she struggled again against the urge to moan. She’d had a moment of weakness but she was determined to obey his one command, though it was hard to think past her quickly coming orgasm. She could feel him working at her clit hard and fast even as his mouth pulled away from her, her body so very close to the edge. Her body was tense as she reached the very edge of her climax, legs trembling as she-- She let out a gasp as all sensation was tugged away, leaving her aching even more than before when he had been teasing her with words.

She would have complained against the sudden stop but his hand on her throat kept her quiet, her hips grinding up against him. His cock could be felt through his sweats, showing that he was every bit as aroused as she was by the encounter, his own body surely aching with the same need that she felt. There was a painful urge for her to beg him to take her then and there on the table, to finish the job he had started. His mouth still had the taste of her own cunt on his tongue, but the mix of his saliva and her own vaginal lubrication.

By the time he pulled away from her, she was almost drunk on him, his hands tied up in her hair and her eyes staring at him with a mix of confusion, desire, and admiration. He was, truly, the most skilled in his craft of convincing people to do his bidding. He had her wrapped around his fingers, once quite literally, and now quite figuratively. Her face told it all that she clung to every word that was falling from his lips, her eyes moving from his eyes, so alive with the spark of insanity, to his lips which had made her alive with the spark of lust.

“Whatever you say… Mister J.” She murmured, doing her best to gather her senses as she slid herself off the table, brushing her hair with her fingers to straighten the mess he’d made of it. But she wasn’t done yet, because she was still on the edge and the fire in her couldn’t be quenched just by ignoring it. If he wouldn’t take initiative, then she would have to push his hand.

Harley closed space between them, using the weight of her body to push him against the wall, leaning all of her body against him as she tilted her head and nipped at his ear, “We still have to talk about your own urges, Mister J.” She murmured, her lips planting soft kisses across his jaw as her hand slid down to grasp his cock through his pants. “We still have to fix those urges.”
RE: descent into madness [ Bear & cosmos ]

descent into madness


[size=-2]Joker moved towards the window, trying to put his mind elsewhere so he wasn't so on edge. He was loosing his control he had on himself and he didn't want to let that control go, not just yet. He couldn't, for his sake and hers..... It was certainly a battle, he had this lovely women who was drunk off of him and would do whatever he asked or desired. Although he couldn't take it, not yet that is. He would wait, not just to keep his own control but drive her mad in the process of it all. He'd be out of here in no time. A surge of excitement ran through his body at the slight thought of getting out of here. He grinned, as his fingers ran across the small bolts that kept the bars on the window in place. Tracing the rust he was actually more or less surprise to feel her body against his own, he barely caught the words that left her lips.

She was desperate, she needed release, he could hear it in her voice. In the kisses across his jaw, the look in here eyes, they way she spoke. It was obvious what she wanted. Now he yet again was a bit surprised to feel her hand grasp his cock through his sweat pants. Just when he thought he was getting the control he had over himself back she threw it off the table and out the goddamn window. Joker groaned with a pleasure by her unannounced actions. He wanted it too, he wanted to do what he needed to do, what she wanted to do, but he knew. He knew, that he wouldn't be able to control himself, keep himself sane or quiet. That's not saying he wouldn't have fun and use her body for his own pleasure, because he was going to. He was going to fuck her silly but not now. It wasn't the right time for that.

Joker stood there in silence, his head pressed against the wall and his eyes shut before he looked at her. Gripping her wrists and pulling them away from himself he pushed her so her back met the wall. His fingers tapped her wrists and his body pressed her into the wall tightly. He was having a hard time approaching this, mostly because he really wanted to give in, probably far more then she did to tell you the truth. "No." He growled aggressively toward her, his fingers gripping her wrists a little tighter. "It is NOT your choice to make. Understand me?" His voice held a hint of something threatening and frustration laced into his words. They had been here too long and he didn't want to get caught. "I won't ask you again. Fix yourself and let's end today's session." Letting go of her he backed away. Walking slowly to his chair and taking a few slow breaths before he sat down. Joker stared at the wall long and hard before he look at her for a second. She was going to be a very fun little toy that was for sure. "Get that look off your face, you make it obvious." Joker's voice this time was calm and collective, he tapped his fingers on the table and tilted his head as he looked at her before grinning. "Remember, no panties tomorrow. Wear a skirt, I like those skirts on you." [/size]
RE: descent into madness [ Bear & cosmos ]

descent into madness


There was always a certain beauty to the art of giving into desire, a certain freedom that came from releasing from the constraints of what was socially acceptable and what was ‘right’. She was drunk on him as much as she was in the euphoria that came from following her most primal urges instead of shoving them back into the deep, dark box that they had managed to crawl their way out of. She was reveling in the way he felt against her, the way that he excited her as much as he terrified her, and made her want to explore her own urges as she had purred for him to do. She could feel something inside of him - not just inside his pants - that was a demon waiting to dance with her own.

Behind his madness there was something far more intelligent than the strange facade he put on. He wasn’t just a criminal that was dangerous to all of society, he was… Something else. He was unique.

He didn’t give in to her urging him, instead taking control of the situation once again and chastising her almost like she had been an errant child. She felt akin to one from the mix of embarrassment at her blatant need of him and the fact that she was feeling so uncharacteristically weak around him. Where was the girl that had turned down endless dates in exchange for her work place? That girl was lost somewhere in the dirty fantasies of Mister J pinning her down onto the table once again and having his way with her. She was engulfed by him.

Her cheeks took on a bit of a blush at the way he spoke to her, working to fasten her hair and clothing back up into something not just presentable but completely professional. She looked again as if nothing had ever transpired between them, even going as far as to take a few moments to collect herself and get her breathing back to a normal rhythm. Harley could still feel the dull ache of desire between her legs but she was going to have to ignore it, even if she did enjoy the feeling of letting go.

This time when he reminded her she met his eye, a bit of a wicked sparkle in her own, “Yes, Mister J.” She purred as she started towards the door to call an orderly, “Whatever you say.”
RE: descent into madness [ Bear & cosmos ]

descent into madness


[size=-2]Joker sat there silently as she fixed herself, only for a few monents though before he stood and moved the table very slowly to where it once was. Setting the chairs a certain way he turned and gathered her papers that laid on the floor, being his noisy self he let his eyes skim over them briefly as he put them on the table. He also set her glasses on the table too, which he wasn't sure how they actually got on the floor in the first place. He enjoyed the look of her in them, her glasses. Which was an odd thing for him to think about because he usually disliked the look of glasses on women but these suited her.
Now he would grin as he looked at the last item on the the floor. Picking up her panties he would turn around and smile as he took slow strides towards her. Stopping only a few inches away he held up the garment to her. "Now you don't want to forget these do you?"

Giving them to her he stayed there for a moment. Before his hand met the back of her neck tightly and he pulled her into a very deep and rough kiss. Pulling away the Joker gave a long grin, turning to pick up his straight jacket. Something that he came costume to even though he hated the goddamn thing, he wanted to put ever fucking person in this place in one. His thoughts are what kept him going though, now that he had to act like these little sessions were actually doing something for him, a way for him to get out faster. He knew the whole not bashing someones head in or killing the pharmacist guy aka pill boy; was going to prove to be quite difficult.

Once again the men came in a dragging him back to his cell. He didn't say any nasty comments or do anything which seemed to surprise them, although they were more scared then anything.
Once back in his cell his fists would unclench and he stopped biting his cheek which was now bleeding with the force of the bite. Spitting the blood into the sink he then sat on the bed. Joker found it quite amusing that the government thought that an asylum was the place for him. It clearly wasn't, they might as well have put him in a max security prison. Yes he was insane but he liked it and like he had said a hundred times before, nothing was going to stop the insanity. Except death of course but so far that Bat hadn't managed to kill him yet and nor has anyone else. Death didn't really scare Joker, the only thing that bothered him about it was the things he would loose when he died. He was a power hungry, money guzzling, control freak and the mere thought of anyone or anything trying to pull that away from him was bothersome.

Looking towards the door for a long time he crossed his arms and tilted his head as he stared at it, the staring continued for a long while before a smile came to his lips. She entered his brain again, just thinking about what her thoughts were doing to her right now made him jitter. What he caused brought this evil joy to him, a sick joy that he got from playing with peoples minds. And oh how determined she was not to fall in his trap when they first met, it was really touching but he cracked through that barrier soon enough.

Laying back onto the bed he grinned even more and that dreadful laugh could be heard and echoed down the halls. This was going to be truly fun. He wouldn't deny that, he supposed after all this he might have to kill her......or he could keep her. Let Stockholm syndrome set in, train her... That seemed to take too long though, he had things to attend to once he got out of here. He couldn't be fucking around with her. Although he still wasn't sure yet, far from it. He'd decide with time, he at least had a few weeks left with the way things were going. [/size]
RE: descent into madness [ Bear & cosmos ]

descent into madness


While he was busy cleaning up the mess that they had made furniture-wise, she was still in shambles from their encounter. The therapy was supposed to help the patient and leave her feeling a sense of accomplishment, instead the patient was helping himself to her and leaving her feel the most sensual mix of delightful taboo and sexual desire. She wasn’t supposed to be enjoying their encounters but she found herself craving even more of them, so much so that she was already fantasizing about all of the pleasures they could explore together if she slipped back into Arkham late in the night one day and perhaps made him scream like all the other psychos. It was a delicious fantasy, but one she would keep to herself because though spending a night with him would be pleasurable, it would also be highly dangerous.

Harley had expected him to leave her hanging sexually and wanting more, to have him drop the rope so swiftly that she would be practically dying to get home so that she could finish what he’d started, but no… He did worse. He grasped her neck and caused her breath to draw into her throat and catch as he captured her lips in a kiss that was passionate and rough. Her body was sending signals that she wanted nothing more than to take him as the sexually frustrated young woman she was becoming but she forced herself to relent into letting him be in control, letting him decide the pace in which they moved forward with their strange relationship of passion and strange sexual attraction. He already had too much of a hold on her for it to be healthy, but she was too far gone to acknowledge that.

Outwardly she had composed herself enough to appear normal as they came and drug him back to his cell, her eyes watching him until he was pulled around the corner. She bit her lip and made her way towards her office, making a conscious decision not to glance down the corridor in hopes of one more glimpse of him in his most vulnerable of moments. She was trapped in a spell and she was struggling to find her way through the misty haze of what was now her every day life, though there were some things that would remain constant - paperwork was one of them.

Harley forced herself to concentrate on that, setting down the papers that he’d gathered into a pile for her once again. He had glanced at them and probably got a decent enough look at some of the notes that were listed there, some in her own handwriting. He was put under so many labels that it was hard to see which truly defined him, some mentioned he was without empathy completely, others suggested that he had no true emotions. Her own notes hinted towards sexual sadism as part of his interests, though all pieces from doctors had listed the same thing - master manipulator. He was a silver-tongued devil and he was better at everything else than she was.

She was only just working on getting her thoughts to get him out of her mind when his laugh drifted down the hallways and seemed to echo through her office. Her skin prickled in goosebumps and she found her arousal coming back in full force, her teeth biting down into her lower lip. Even when they were apart she couldn’t stop the control he had over her, his voice a chilling thing that crept into her mind when she least wanted it. She was hardly aware that she had let her hand slide down to beneath her skirt to touch herself, gently and almost teasingly so. She was thankful for the desk between herself and the door when someone cleared their throat at the door.

“Dr. Quinzel,” She jumped at having her name called, feeling ashamed that she had been close to caught in the act, straightening her glasses with a thin smile. “You spooked me.” She accused, sliding her papers swiftly into a manilla folder as she turned full attention towards the ward, the young fellow the distributed pills to the patients. He seemed nervous, but she couldn’t fathom why. “I gotcha, that laugh gets to me too. He does it half the night sometimes. Really chills ya to the bone, y’know?” He kicked at the floor and scratched his neck, “A guy needs a break from that, if you know what I mean. I was thinkin’... Maybe we could catch a break together? You gotta sit in a room with that psycho. Me? I just dope him up… So, uh, whaddaya think?”

Of all the things that she had expected, it was certainly not… This.

He was waiting as patiently as a young man could when asking out a beautiful young woman, but she was rendered speechless. “I, uh,” She was stumbling over her words, unsure of what to do with her hands so she crossed them on the table in front of her, “Yeah, sounds nice.” She said finally, even though she couldn’t really imagine going on a date with him… Especially with what was going on between herself and Joker. But it would be a good enough cover… Right? “Great, yeah, uh, Friday?” She gave a curt nod. “Friday.”

The man grinned, “See you then.”

For once, she had something on her mind other than the Joker, a healthy distraction though one that she was very ill prepared for. On one hand, it was a healthy thing for her to date someone, even if it was an office-type affair, but on the other hand it wouldn’t do well for her budding relationship with her patient, which though something still very young in its origins she was savoring more than any other relationship previous. By the time she left the asylum she was troubled, though not so much that she couldn’t sleep. After all, she had to look well-rested for him the next day.

She took pause in the morning when selecting her outfit, opting for a white button-up blouse paired with a black pencil skirt and heels that made her stand tall and added an extra sense of sensuality to her. Harley looked every bit the part of a sexy psychiatrist when she arrived to the asylum and the poor ward… Well, he thought the show was for him.

“Good morning,” She was brusque, offering the men who usually escorted Joker to their interrogation room, “Today, he will come willingly. I’m going to walk him myself, thank you.” There was minimal objection, followed by a look that was passed through the two before they shrugged and moved along to other duties. There was a smirk on her face when she opened his door, turning towards a coy smile. “Good morning, Mister J. Are you ready for our daily talk?”
RE: descent into madness [ Bear & cosmos ]

descent into madness


[size=-2] He had fallen asleep, not a deep sleep. He had never really fully slept in here, he took his sleep in intervals and they were always a light sleep. he woke up suddenly with that familiar whistle....that fucking whistle. Although tonight the whistle was more upbeat, happy. Joker sat up with a cringe, frowning a little as he glanced at the door. Well it was clear that that women wasn't on call tonight. The whistling continued and Joker flinched once again. He stood slowly and walked towards the door, touching the thick glass and tapping it he waited. There he was, slowly making his way up the hall with his chart and pills, the Jokers skin crawled with displeasure for this man. A cocky bastard he was, Joker would attempt that he was also cocky but their two cocky personalities were extremely different. If they were out in the city and this man had entered his office or club, after a few minutes of chatting Joker would surely shoot him point blank in the face.

When Pill Boy pulled up his cart Joker stopped tapping the glass, he stared at him as he continued to fucking whistle. And as he looked up at him, Joker slowly forced a smile onto his face. "Hello..." Looking at his name tag Joker grinned a little. "Phill." Phill watched him for a moment nervously but smiled back. "Good evening Joker! I have..." Joker quickly lost intrest in his words and enthusiasm about his health. Instead he went on to examine him, looking at his tie, the other pen that had in his breast pocket, his pants and his shiny shoes. Examining his hands as they tapped the paper he had with each word. As Phill moved, Joker moved slowly to the area where they gave him his medication and food. Pill Boy slid the pills in. Joker flicked them out, making it look like an accident. "Oops." Being an idiot that he was Phill did not close the small food and pill door before bending over to pick up the pills. Joker was swift, reaching his hand out quickly he grabbed Pill Boys tie, pulling him hard so his face hit the door with a thud. Panic filled His eyes as Joker grinned at him. "Nice tie." Both his hands were wrapped around it tightly as he brought it more into his cell. "Your first mistake was to even wear it. Crazies like to strangle themselves and others with them, your second mistake was to fucking whistle, your third was not to close the fucking latch on the dispenser door." Joker pulled one of his hands back and with a slow smile and grin he watched the scared man. "Just be more careful next time Phill, I am only looking out for you." Letting go of the tie Pill Boy fell back and stood up rather quickly, his nose blooding slightly.

The man gave Joker the pills and this time made sure it was latched. He was so distracted from the ordeal he didn't even bother to watch Joker take his pills. "Too easy." He murmured and tossed them into the toliet. Before holding up the pen he had managed to take from him. Twirling the pen he stuffed it under his pillow and laid back down.

The next morning Glenda came to see him. One of the many ordinaries he actually found rather amusing and he had no desire to kill her. "Aw where's Phill?" Glenda looked up at him, he was sitting with his back against the wall. "You scared the shit out of him." Joker laughed for a moment before glancing at the old women as she wrote things down on her chart. "Yeah but I didn't hurt him." Glenda gave him a disapproving look before putting her clipboard away. "Yeah gold star for you. Here's your new cloths. Change." Once she left he picked at the cloths for a second before changing. Leaving the shirt, off for now. he'd put it on when they came to get him.

Breakfast came, shitty as always except for the apple which he ate. He laid back down on his cot as he waited for the orderlies to come get him but they didn't and instead he heard the door open first and then a familiar voice of Miss Quinzel. Joker slowly sat up. His eyes scanned her figure slowly and with a grin, he got up off his bed and stretched before reaching over and grabbing his shirt. Slipping it on he looked at her. "Now I am."
She was rather stunning, he once again watched her closely, looking at her white blouse, with one button undone. Then going down to her skirt that held tightly onto her nice figure. "You have half the men who shouldn't be crazy going crazy in here. This outfit of yours is very tempting. You must have them at your feet like dogs." He spoke lowly as he walked towards her, "I can't say I wouldn't mind locking you up in here with me." His fingers ran over the wall as he got closer and stopped right in front of her. "Well this is a nice change! I must say, you should come get me every morning."
RE: descent into madness [ Bear & cosmos ]

It was too hard for her to look at him and keep her composure, instead her attention turning towards the papers she’d gotten from the nurse’s station that detailed out the notes on him from the previous night. The good news was that there was an improvement - he hadn’t injured anyone on the staff, though she did see that there were notes that indicated an altercation between himself and… Surprise, surprise. The coy smile took on a smug hint to it, her eyes moving to look at him from the papers.

His whispered words only made her feel more assured that she wasn’t the only one that was feeling a tension, her teeth biting her lip softly. Oh, would she love to be locked away in his cell with him for the night. Sure, there would definitely be some explaining to do the next day but no one would question the screaming and the noises, wouldn’t even think twice about the sounds of someone being fucked roughly against a wall, as it wasn’t atypical for the mental patients to toss themselves on whatever surface would injure them. It would sound like just another mental break for him…

But no, the logical part of her brain still did weigh in its opinion of what she should and shouldn’t do, admonishing the part of her that wanted to release herself into his power and be the girl that she was desiring so badly to be. That he wanted her to be just for him. He was working his magic on her in ways that she hadn’t expected but was loving, working his way into the inner workings of her mind slowly but surely.

“I can see from the notes that we have a few things to bring up already. Eventful night?” She quirked her brow at him as she turned around, showing the hall of onlookers that she had faith in him enough to expose her back to him, though most importantly to her was her backside to him, “Keep your hands to yourself in the hallway, Mister J. This is a privilege.” She commented as she started away from him, tossing a glance back at him over her shoulder, mischief dancing in her eyes as her heels clicked away from him. Even more than she could feel the eyes of her coworkers on her for being so insane as to trust the Joker, she doing more to entice him, her skirt offering the pleasant view of her plump rear swaying from side to side with each step.

Harley lead him to their usual room, spreading the papers out onto the desk before she returned to the door, shutting it behind him softly and letting the click of the lock assure both of them that they were guaranteed a certain level of privacy. “So was it just a coincidence that you attacked the orderly that is taking me out on Friday, or are you trying to send me a message, Mister J?” She asked, taking her usual seat and letting her legs cross like a prim and proper lady, though both knew she was anything but.

“It will be awful suspicious if anyone interested in me starts getting hurt. Might make someone think that we’re up to something in here…”
RE: descent into madness [ Bear & cosmos ]

descent into madness


[size=-2] When she first walked into the room he immediately picked up on the no eye contact. Instead she took to looking at her papers instead of him. Which wasn't really a problem as people seemed to have found that when someone is staring at another who refuses to look at them; it just makes things more intimidating. Although what did confuse him was the fact that she had smirked when she looked down at his papers. Like something "good" was on it. She looked like she had just figured out the secret to a puzzle of some kind.

Joker continued to watch her, especially when she turned her back on him. A large smirk came to his face and he barely heard the words that left her lips before or after that. Too busy thinking that today would be the definite day that he got the wheels rolling on his ticket out of here. She just needed a little push over the edge and he knew he could get her mind all the way there. She started to walk away and he grinned a little. "Oh yes, don't worry. Hands to myself." He spoke lowly as he followed her, although he walked a couple feet behind her. Keeping some distance, more like taking his time as he read some of the names and numbers on the door. His hand clasped together behind his back as he took slow even strides. His eyes did dance over her rear for a few minutes as they continued down the hall, soon taking in a few more numbers as they came to the usual room. He never really got the time to take in all the names and numbers of the hall while being dragged by the orderlies.

He stepped into the room carefully, walking towards the table and taking his seat in the usual spot. Joker watched her spread the papers and walk to the door. Hearing it shut and the soft sound of a lock closing soon after could be heard. His head perked a little at the sound of her words, licking his lips he'd nod slowly to his own thoughts. Figuring out that that must of been the reason to why she had smirked when observing his paper work. A second went by and he cleared his throat. "No. I've known he has had an intrest in you, just like I know a lot of men working here do. Although I had no idea he asked you out." if he did he might of done slight more damage, as the Pill boy could certainly ruin his plan if it swayed a certain way.

"It wouldn't be suspicious at all. I have hurt countless men who have showed intrest in you before. I actually took it easy on poor Pill boy, just a warning for being the idiot that he is. No wonder he wasn't paying attention. Oh and that whistling of his." Joker wasn't possessive, well he was but it was a different sort of possessive that was hard to understand. He certainly wasn't all happy about this little date nor was he enraged by it. He was just over that line he had, just enough that rather then giving Phill a bloody nose he would of broke it and choked him. Because if not careful this could go horribly wrong for him. "Now Miss Quin, if you need someone to take the edge off I'm ok with that. Although I don't think that it will really help. You know, when you crave chocolate persay but instead you take the healthy root and have an orange or something but you still crave the chocolate. And in the end you end up eating loads of it." Joker had a huge grin on his face as he stared at her, his fingers tapping on the table. He was a little antsy today he had to admit.

"Do you want there to be something going on in here?" He really didn't expect an answer to the question. He looked at the table and looked at the papers that were laid out in front of her. "I think you do, not only do you want it in here but you want it outside of this place. All the time, as much as you can." His voice was slow almost taunting even. His eyes left the papers and met hers, leaning in and setting his elbows on the table. He was quiet for a few minutes just watching her before standing up. Coming to her side her gathered the papers that set in front of her. He sat on the table now, still on her side and looked down on her with a small smile. "I can show you what you'll be missing out on. That's if you want it." He was going to let pleasure cloud her judgement.
RE: descent into madness [ Bear & cosmos ]

Even though she trusted the man a great deal not to attempt to kill her as they walked the halls to the room, there was still a part of her that was sane enough to evoke a simple response. His footsteps made the hairs on the back of her neck prick and come to attention, every part of her aware that he was behind her, though there was nothing of any note to say that he was anything short of a gentleman. She was hyper aware of the feeling of eyes on her, not simply because she could feel that he was taking more than a passing glance at her rear as they made their way to the interview room but also because staff and patients alike were staring at the fact that she dare parade him through the hallways instead of drag him.

The privacy of the room was much preferred to the curious and frankly nosy eyes of everyone else in the facility, and also because she felt the hairs finally settle. This was the domain in which there was no uncertainty, as he had the privacy and the control to do as he pleased. As awful as it was of her to think, she knew that she had long since lost control of the situation. She did, however, have somewhat of a plan on how she wanted to get it back. Joker wasn’t the only one capable of using their body for control, and she had… Well, rather high hopes that she could turn the tables on him.

His metaphor for chocolate and oranges only made her laugh just a bit, because he was all too right. Oranges would be sweet but chocolate had such a better feel to it in your mouth and on your tongue. She could easily settle for oranges, but how long would it be before she found herself shoving her mouth full of delicate hershey kisses from abstaining so long? She licked her lips at the thought, because it wasn’t chocolate that she was picturing shoved into her mouth, and frankly it wasn’t anything practically edible that she wanted.

As he came to sit on the table she found that he was already opening himself up for what she was already interested in, putting him at quite the perfect height for her to indulge herself in… Chocolate.

“Well, like you said Mister J,” She let her hand move to slide up his thigh, moving first up his outer leg to his hip, then slowly inwards and down his inner thigh to his knee, “You still crave chocolate. It wasn’t very fair yesterday and today,” She didn’t feel like mincing words or seeming unclear, her hand had moved upwards again, unashamed in the fact that she was already craving him, her hand grasping him gently through his pants, “Today I desperately want chocolate.”
RE: descent into madness [ Bear & cosmos ]

He noticed she was playing a different game, it was a game that was very tempting too. His listen carefully to her words, barely moving or breaking eye contact with her as her small delicate hand slide up his outer thigh and to his hip. Then sliding to his inner thigh, still keeping his composure although it was hard to not take her right then and there. Her lips seem to hang on to ever word, teasing almost, slow. In a way that only he would pick up on and find alluring. "Sweets are quite tempting." He murmured slowly, a small breathless comment that merely escaped his lips while deep in thought.

His eyes finally left her own as she touched him through his pants but he soon watched her lips as she spoke. He grinned just a little, her words lingered in the air for a moment before he tilted his head. "I'm not sure about that." Although he was certainly growing hard under her light touch. His hand came up to grip her face. Pressing against her cheeks firmly. "Do you remember what I said yesterday?" He pulled on her for her to stand up and be at eye level with him. A cruel smile came to his lips. "That somehow, when I get out I'll let you tip over the edge... " Joker started to unbutton her white blouse, slowly he undid each one. "But I'll let us have fun today, if you do one thing for me." He slid her blouse off her shoulders, his hand running down her neck, chest and stomach, feeling her soft skin under the pads of his fingers. "I'll let you have chocolate, I'll let you have more then that too." His hands slid up her arms and shoulders before slowly sliding down them, past her elbows and to her hands. He knew he could get her drunk off him, and today he was certainly going to do that.
Joker slowly set her hands back on his groin. "Now, do you want to do this, or would you like to just chat." Where her hands set she would be able to feel his erect member.

Jokers eyes slowly rolled over her body, and a grin came to his face as he looked back at her own. It really never came to his mind that he would be getting himself out here by muniplutating someone over the edge with sexual pleasure. He supposed it was like any other way though. Find what makes them vulnerable and Use that in anyway that in anyway you ca. It came in many forms, sexual pleasure seemed to be the easiest tick for her and a dose of crazy of course. As no sane person would actually get this close to him.

He was taking a bit of a risk in letting her do such things, as it had been a very long time since he indulged in his own pleasure or let someone pleasure him. He normally got women from the club to satisfy his needs, many were nervous once they finally got in there as he wasn't always gentle. He could be gentle but he rarely ever chose to be. But he needed to do this, simply for what he desperately needed. He had to be careful though, and stay focused he couldn't loose too much control through the actions he was about to take.

He wasn't going to be gentle with her, nor was he going to be his own crazed self. He was going to give her a bit of a taste, a satisfying taste that would leave her wanting more. As the task he needed her to do would have a great impact on feature plans that would happen but he wouldn't let her know that just yet. It was going to be a slightly innocent task with no meaning to her once so ever but much meaning to himself. It was important that he got her to carry it out so he was going to make this a very fun session.
RE: descent into madness [ Bear & cosmos ]

There was no denying that the feeling between them was mutual, unspoken on his behalf on how badly he wanted her, but still there in the slow way she could feel him swell beneath her touch. It was more than that, too. If he wanted to just toy with her he could have easily started ot play the mind games that he'd employed on the other doctors that had seen him. But no, he’d chosen this pathway because both of them knew deep down that the desire for each other was a drug and both of them were so addicted that pulling away was near impossible.

He didn’t have to touch her for her to be drunk on him, but it did heighten everything. His rough touch made her stomach clench as he forced her to standing, the slow movements of his hands moving across her skin bringing every nerve in her body strictly to attention. She felt like when she was with him that every part of her was electrified and hyper aware, so sensitive to feel him and so eager to touch him that it was almost like she was a young teen again, so full of hormones that her body didn't know how to process everything.

She did know what she wanted, though - him. There was no mistaking the fact that she was drawn to him and that she would inexorably continue to make the same mistake of letting desire rule her over anything else. Logic had failed her and had left her in a wasteland of pure instinct and her body knew the instinct it wanted to go with. She wanted him in the dirty way that any animal would desire their mate, rough and needy and without the passions that humanity could often give to soften the blow of raw and pure want.

He set her hands back down upon his member, far more erect than it had been just moments previous and her fingers cupped around him through his pants, her thumb brushing slowly over the head of his cock. “I want you, Mister J.” For the first time, the admission had come without any pretense or nicknames, nothing more than the blatant truth that had been written on her face. She wanted him more than she could express, her pulse becoming ever more insistent between her legs with the desire to feel him inside of her growing

But she didn’t just want him for sex, she wanted to pleasure him and drink from the fountain of never ending insanity that poured from his being like a miasma that took over all that was around him. Harley leaned in, one hand remaining still on his member and stroking him slowly as the other drew his body in, her head moving to his neck to place kisses on him, soft and slow. His skin tasted like he’d waded through pure fear, the salt of sweat mixed in to create a heady mix that left her wanting to kiss every inch of him.
RE: descent into madness [ Bear & cosmos ]

A soft grin appeared on his lips for a moment, she was going to what he needed her to do when she left. He was sure of it, and if not he wasn't sure how'd everything would go down. So far though he was getting quite caught up in the heat of things as she was something he hadn't really had in a very long time. Joker hadn't held this sort of desire for quite awhile now. Especially in here but also he hasn't had such desire when he wasn't trapped in such a place.

One hand gripped her hip tightly as he pulled her a little closer, the other ran over her hip and side, enjoying the soft feeling of her skin as his fingers glided over her. Giving a very low grunt as she cupped her hand around him. The feeling hit him and he felt something shoot up his spine. He closed his eyes for a moment before opening them again as she spoke. Her words made him give a long laugh, looking at her intensely he grinned widely. The shine of his silver white teeth showing and Joker tilted his head just a tad to left, and after a brief moment a tad to the right. "I am sure you do."

"Now before you leave here today, I'm going to give you a phone number. You're going to call that number for me, ok?" His voice has taken a softer and more smooth tone to it. Making sure it was a question but not a demand although still holding a firm tone. "This call will help both you and me. If that's what you want." Although he groaned when her hand started to move on his erect member. He couldn't stress enough how good this felt, rolling his neck lightly he licked his lips as she started to pull her body into his own. In seconds he felt her soft lips lay on his skin, each kiss was slow and deliberate. His hand moved slowly up her side and snaked to her back. He's fingers lightly dancing over her bra straps before unhooking it. The bra loosened on her shoulders lightly, he didn't make much movement to take it off though. Instead his right hand moved to her breasts while his other stayed firmly on her hip.

He squeezed and kneaded her. Ready for a moment, his thumb pressing on her rosy coloured nipple gently but the gentleness of it ended quickly as his finger and thumb squeezed the hard bud tightly before releasing it. Again he pinched her nipple hard, twisting it slightly and pulling just a bit before releasing and rubbing his thumb over it. Joker took his left hand off her hip and repeated this action to her left breasts. Starting out soft and gentle and soon pinching and pulling at her nipple, then rubbing his hand over her creamy coloured breast.

The Joker was affectionate by any means, well not in his perspective and he knew many others didn't think so either. There wasn't much loving affectionate in his actions, they held more of a want and desire in them. He wanted to grab her by the neck then and there and fuck her against the wall but he knew he had to be slow and in control to fit with what he needed from her. So he was going to let it seem that she had some control over the situation but only a little to let her think of this as something that is wasn't. Now he wasn't going to lie, this did hold true desire on his part.
RE: descent into madness [ Bear & cosmos ]

He was working her every bit as efficiently as he could, and he was winning the ‘game’ that was being played. He had her in the right place for manipulation, as she was puddy in his hands, both mentally and physically. His hands roamed her and she wanted more, touched her and she craved it deeper, and he was playing her every bit as sweet as a violinist playing his favorite tune. Harley was too blind to see that her following his orders was a sweeter song than she could ever sing.

His voice was a soft whisper in the back of her mind as she waded through the haze of lust and the most basic of needs. “A number?” Even as drugged as she was on his flesh, there was still a piece of her that knew deep down that this was a bad decision, every step of the way, but she still kept moving inexorably towards that final bad decision that would mean she couldn’t ever turn back. That was perhaps this bad decision. “What’s the phone call for?” She murmured, though only half of her attention was truly diverted towards what he was saying

Her thoughts were slipping away as his hands unhooked her bra, moving towards the front so that he could knead, grasp, pull, and pinch. It sent shocks through her chest to have his rough attention on her such a sensitive spot on her, her breath catching in her throat as she fought against soft sounds of pleasure. Harley might not have remembered that he was a dangerous man, but she did remember that it wouldn’t do good for her to be making noises behind the closed doors that would draw the attention of other staff members of Arkham.

Think. Think. Her mind was moving sluggish as it struggled back towards the questions she’d been asking - the number. He wanted her to call a number and wanted her to do something when she called. Her lips pressed onto his skin again, her hand sliding away from his cock now towards the hem of his pants, daring to be adventurous because he hadn’t stopped her yet from getting precisely what she wanted, her fingers eager to feel him bare instead of through his pants.

“What do you want me to do?”
RE: descent into madness [ Bear & cosmos ]

"Mmmm yes. A number and you'd have to bring me a little something." Joker grinned at her and his hand grasped her supple breast and squeezed, his thumb flicking over her nipple. "You have been helping me so much you know" Mister J groaned out a small sentence that to him was certainly not true and wouldn't be in a thousand years although it sounds convincing. Running his hand up her chest and neck he pulled her head down to his and kissed her roughly, his tongue running over her bottom lip before biting it quite hard.
Letting her lip go he licked the small trickle of blood from his own lips. "For a friend."

Joker's rough hand ran down her hips slowly, his fingers trailing her curves before he got to the bottom of her tight fitted skirt. Snaking his hand up her skirt a little he gripped her thigh, digging his fingers into her then releasing and pulling his hand out from under it. Just a quick teasing movement to get her going a little more.
His fingers were quick to move to the zipper on the side of her skirt. He touched the zipper ever so lightly. "Desire, for the unknown is something that you crave." A mumble escaped his lips with a huge smile and soon a loud laugh rang through him. He unzipped the skirt swiftly, and didn't even give her a second before he had the pencil skirt hanked down. His hand trailed the outside of her sex, fluttering over it ever so lightly. "I." His finger touched her slit as the small word left his mouth, "Want." Another touch as his thumb hit her little love button. "You." Pushing his fingers inside her his eyes stared at her own blue ones. "To get me." His thumb moved against and around her clit lightly. Standing up slowly he pulled his own sex out, took her hand and wrapped it around his shaft. "Guns." And his fingers pushed up into her harder.

Her hand wrapped around his thick pale cock, sending the familiar shot of pleasure up his spine. Rolling his neck a little and closing his eyes, he growled to himself lowly. Before opening his eyes once again and staring down at her, his fingers lowly but surely rubbing and fingering his sex. Her wet juices making his fingers quite slick. He was controlling himself from a number of things that were boiling to come out but he couldn't. Too much noise would be heard from outside those doors and he wasn't sure if he'd be able to control himself enough not to kill her.

"Now what does miss Harley Quinn want is the better question?" His question very teasing as he started to pull his fingers out and away from her to bring them up to his mouth and suck them of her sweet juices. His hand clasped around her neck. tightening around it, holding it like that before releasing her and grinning.
"Cause your hand is making me very happy."
RE: descent into madness [ Bear & cosmos ]

His voice weaved through her mind slowly, curling itself through her thoughts until she could almost feel him molding her into what he wanted out of her, his words spoken in a tone that could have made anyone listen to him. He was a master manipulator when he needed to be and he was working her as eloquently as anyone else he’d made to the unthinkable, and she was falling prey to him as easily as anyone else would have. She had thought that she would be successful in changing him but instead it was her that had become the patient in this room.

Harley let out a soft gasp as he bit her, the copper taste dripping back into her mouth even as he licked away the small bit that had gotten onto him. Her tongue moved slowly to lick away the blood, the bite stinging just a bit as she irritated it. He was bringing out the most primal part of her and she was loving it, enjoying every moment as his hand slid down over her hips and moved to in between her legs. Goosebumps were rising on her skin as her skin was exposed to the cool of the air, his hands adept at removing her clothing as much as they were at teasing the thoughts out of her head.

She was hanging on to every word that slid out of his mouth ever so smoothly, her eyes on him as his hands moved between her legs. She felt the desire so red hot that it was almost painful to feel him touch her, her breathing speeding up just a bit as she felt his fingers tease and slowly touch her already wet sex. If there was even a shred of hope in her telling him no or turning him down it was gone the moment his thumb pressed against her clit, her stomach tightening as her breath drew in with a sharp hiss. He knew exactly what he was doing to her and it was becoming increasingly obvious that he had already planned every step of this.

None of it mattered. What mattered was his fingers sliding inside of her and the pleasure that moved up her stomach in waves. Her walls clenched around him, hugging his digits tight as her eyes half-closed in ecstasy, her hips wanting to press into his hand. He gave her the pleasure of removing his pants completely to expose himself, his cock a thing of true beauty that made her crave him even more. His words were hard for her to listen to, but the last word caught her attention.

A new sensation came - a cold stab of fear, which met the hot wave of pleasure that spiked ever upwards. Even with how drugged in lust she was, that was enough to make her fight or flight response turn its head, listening in to his words even more. “Mmm… Guns?” She murmured the word back to him, but still so beneath the thick waters of desire that had long since drowned her sanity. There was still no hope for her. It was gone, so much so that she didn’t fully have the ability to so much as question his request, though a dangerous one.

“Whatever you want, Mistah J.” She whispered finally, her hand stroking him slowly as he slid his fingers out of her, watching him suck his fingers as if she were a delectable treat. It sent a thrill through her that was just as primal as the desire that was rising in her. “I want… You.” She said, once he’d let go of her neck, his hand-print still a red outline against her throat. Harley leaned down, her hand sliding down towards the base of his cock to keep it steady.

Her lips wrapped around the tip slowly, her tongue coming to slide slowly from the underside to the urethra, stopping for a moment to dip into it before sliding back down slowly, cupping the underside to protect against her lower teeth as she slid him in. Her top lip pressed hard against his cock as she built a suction, taking him in deep and slow until her mouth could accommodate no more. She slid him out equally slow, all the way until his tip rested against her lips again, “You gonna let me have my chocolate, Mistah J? I want it so bad.”
RE: descent into madness [ Bear & cosmos ]

She was just melting into the palm of his hand and he could see it with every action he made and every movement she took. He could see it in her eyes and could hear it with her shaky breaths, he was enjoying this. Maybe he was enjoying it a little too much? This wasn't about him.....well it sort of was in a sense but he couldn't really focus on himself. He had to focus on her and what she wanted from him too. Joker had gotten to a point where she was certainly a horny little thing with strong urges. And he would fulfill each urge if it meant getting out of this place by the end of the week.

Joker felt slight hesitation from her when he had dropped the word 'guns', this caused him to become more alert. Observing her very closely, not answering her small question verbally but just nodding his head ever so slowly. Now her next words set a small grin on his face as he knew now he just had to tip her over the edge for her to fulfill this task for him. Joker made a mental note to request for a phone call tonight, which he was allowed although they were very careful when letting him. He had to use riddles and talk nonsense in order to make sure no one knew exactly what he was saying except the person on the other end of course.

Now Joker hid the sinister joy when she gave into him, the gears in his sick mind started turning at a rapid pace. He knew what was going to happen when the time came. He was going to get real violent real fast. He had so much rage and anger built up that the people of this damned asylum were defiantly going to get hurt and most likely killed. Harley was another story though, he wasn't quite sure what to do with her when the time came. He didn't know how her thoughts on him would come to also. She was going to see the part of him that she had read so much about, but reading and actually witnessing his behavior were two different things. Although Joker was kind of angry with her, he was mad at the fact that she had tried to erase the side of him he loved so much, to make him forget, to "change" him like so many others had tried to do before hand. He was rather pissed about it.

Joker was snapped out of his deep thought by her next words, which was surprising as he certainly didn't hear that often. He took note of the red mark on her neck and he cursed himself as he couldn't leave any marks on her, not yet that is. Joker only hoped that it would fade wth time. He tilted his head back the minute her mouth touched her tip, it had been far too long since he felt the lips of a women wrapped around his cock.

Joker ran his fingers through her long blonde hair, still trying to keep himself rather alert with the attention he was getting. "Whatever you want Darlin." he groaned a little and grinned ever so lightly. "You have thirty minutes to do whatever you want."
RE: descent into madness [ Bear & cosmos ]

"You have thirty minutes to do whatever you want."

Thirty minutes. Her eyes moved over his face as she let that roll around in her lust-clouded mind, her lips still lingering on the very tip of his cock as she let her tongue slide out and tease him just a bit more. What was it that she did want? Him was the obvious answer, but he was offering it all to her. It was such a dark desire that she couldn't resist, her hand stroking him as her mouth moved to kiss her way up his body, moving over the tattoos as if she were appreciating every piece of odd artwork that he'd had inked into his skin. He was sculpted from all of the things that she shouldn't desire but yet here she was craving him more than any drug.

"I want you, Mistah J." She said as her mouth reached his neck, her voice a breathy whisper in his ear. Her body pressed against him and she could feel his cock press against her stomach, a clench deep inside telling her that the urges couldn't be resisted any longer. A soft sigh escaped her and she knew that she was hooked so obviously on him in ways that she couldn't even begin to describe. He had worked her just as efficiently as he had worked any other doctor that had ever attempted to treat him, but the difference was that she was the first one that he hadn't attempted to kill or coerced into killing themselves. Yet.

Instead, she was letting herself mentally go as she guided his cock slowly down, the soft skin of his head making its way slowly down her arleady wet slit as she pressed ever closer to him. They were in no position to have sex, but she wasn't deterred by that. The table that they'd previously used as a barrier between them was more than sturdy enough to support their weight and that, of all things, was what she found him pressed against. It was ironic that this would be where she lost all of her control, a place where previously she'd been the one that was making all of the calls.

"I want you, here," She touched the table with one hand and pressed him further against the table with her body, "And I want to be on top." She might have lost her control of her patient but she still wasn't ready to give up everything yet, and it was too far for her to get back the stern and serious contenance she'd had before. She would at least control the sex, if nothing else.
RE: descent into madness [ Bear & cosmos ]

He could see that she was working it through her mind, the heat of her lips greatly present as she started to stroke him and move up his body. He ran his hand up her pale stomach and squeezed her breast then rolling her nipple between his fingers lightly. He nodded at the whisper to his ear and pressed his lips to her neck, his hand running through her hair to pull her back. Kissing down her chest and breast. His tongue rolling over her pink nipple, sucking it before letting her hair go and leaning back against the chair once again.

"On the table?" He touched the cool table lightly, his other hand rubbing her side and breast as he looked at it. Her weight pushed him into it and he grinned. She was certainly horny and he wasn't going to argue with her on top. Standing up he watched her intensely and then kissed her roughly. Sliding his tongue along her lip which still had the slight taste of copper. "Whatever you want." He sat on the table and leaned back on his elbows. She would have some control over this incounter but he supposed he needed her to think she had some control over what was about to happen. Partly to mess with her even more and to keep her on track.

Now for a second as he waited for her he let his thoughts drift to the plan he needed her to do. He would remind her after this what she was suppose to do and he trusted that once they finished she'd be able to follow through with what he had asked of her. Which would really pinpoint how lost she was in him. Well...he already knew that she wasn't as aware of it as he was.
He knew what he needed to do with her when it came down to it but he wasn't sure, he couldn't really let her just go. He was sure the authorities would find out what she did for him. And if after all this she was angry at him or felt betrayed then she couldn't start mouthing some important information that he didn't need them knowing. Take her or kill her. Was his two choices and he hasn't decided on one to believe it or not, he'd half to see.

Resuming thought he focused his eyes back on her and smiled. "We don't have all day Pumkin."
RE: descent into madness [ Bear & cosmos ]

Her breath came in a sharp hiss as his hand pulled her hair back, her chest arching up into his hungry mouth. Harley closed her eyes and let herself linger on the warm sensation of his skin against hers, his lips so soft against her breast. She let a soft sigh come from her lips as she felt the pressure of him sucking her nipple into his mouth before he let go of her completely. She was left wanting more, as always, and nearly ready to beg him for more. He was the most addictive drug that she'd ever come across.

"On the table." She agreed, a smirk on her lips as his hand trailed her side, another one of his well played teases that drove her wild. Her body pushed him further until he was on the table, leaning into his kiss as he took her roughly again. Her mouth still tatsed like blood and she could taste it better with the contrast of his mouth, but instead of giving her an aversion to the kiss it made her want more, a sweet intoxication of the most forbidden of things.

She slid one knee up onto the table, then the other as she slid on top of it with her knees on either side of his hips. Her body moved on top of him with movements like a coiling snake, slowly working her way closer to him until she could feel his cock press against her mound and her thighs against his. Her hands settled on his shoulders and moved slowly down his arms, trailing over the tattoos that littered his skin. He was right. They didn't have all night.

"Let's not linger, then." Harley purred, sliding a hand between them as she guided his cock's head towards her entrance, licking her lips just a bit before she pressed her hips down against him, feeling his cock delve deep into her folds with a soft moan from her.
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