descent into madness || bear & cosmos



descent into madness


[size=-2]Maniac. Murderer. Monster.

For a man with no name, he had certainly accrued quite a few of them in his short stay with the Arkham Asylum staff. He was a new inmate, she had been told, transferred to them from another facility or possibly from Hell itself. She didn’t know and quite frankly didn’t really care to know where he came from. What she was interested in was the story of what brought him to such a low place in his mental state of health that he literally could not even remember his own name.

Oh, but he was by no means a completely nameless entity. He had come up with his own name for himself, or perhaps it had been the name that was given to him as the only way they could describe his appearance. His hair was a wild mess - vibrantly green in color, a deep contrast to the almost white of his skin, which was covered in a wide array of tattoos of varying nature and none of them making much sense.

The only name on his files was “the Joker”. It was surely some cruel jest at who he was as a patient, or maybe just a reference to the playing card figure, but either way she didn’t like it. Before she had even met him she made the decision to offer as much respect as she could to the man and give him a chance to feel like he was a real person about. Harleen made the decision that she wouldn’t call him “Joker”. No, he would be… Mister J, for lack of no other name in which to call him.

“Doctor Quinzel?” A young staff member tapped her shoulder as she read over the meager files that they had on the man, her teeth chewing gently on one of her fingernails. “Hm? Oh, yes?” She turned her attention to the man, confused for a second on why he was even there, “What room do you want him in?” Harleen looked at the rows of doors, all with small windows very high up to offer the most privacy for doctor/patient care to be done in. They could be viewed as interview rooms or interrogation cells.

“Interview Room B should be available. I’ll see my patient there.” She said after a moment of mulling it over, as that room was one of the less decorated ones and would give her a chance to get him to concentrate on one thing and one thing only - her. Mister J was a fascinating person, not only because he was a complete mystery to her but because he was simply… Insane. There seemed no rhyme or reason to his actions, no discernible connection to anything at all.

It was just madness.

And madness was her specialty. She wanted to dive into his mind and get a feel for him, to understand not just the illness but the person… For the first time in a long time, she was excited by her job, so ready for the new prospect that she could barely contain herself.

But no, now was not the time to be losing herself in any means to her curiosity. Instead, she composed herself and gathered her files and empty notepads and headed to the room, taking her seat at the table. Her legs crossed beneath it neatly at the ankles and she adjusted her glasses before smiling, doing her best so that when they brought him into the room the first thing he would see is his caring, concerned Doctor Harleen Quinzel.[/size]
RE: descent into madness [ Bear & cosmos ]

descent into madness


[size=-2]He grinned as he sat in his cell, just staring at the wall. He would sit back, letting himself rest against the other wall in the small cell.
They thought they were helping "him". Pffft, they wished they were. He wasn't interested in finding his inner troubles and problems, coming to "terms" with them. He came to terms with them awhile ago and he's still the way he is. Maybe a little worse but it's sometimes hard to tell, he'd chuckle at the thought of his state of mind before he continued to stare at the wall.

Sitting in this cell just let him loose himself into his own mind more then they knew, and he loved it. His mind, was a perfect world. It consumed him, it consumed others when he allowed it to. Now a doctor would sit there and say that was very very bad but he loved it and he wasn't going to fight it either.

This place was boring him to no end, he was surround by other crazies. The type of crazy that rocked back and forth and talked to their dead mom type crazies. there was no one like him in here that he knew of and if there was he wanted to meet them. That was unlikely though, no one was like him here, they couldn't be like him.

A knock would come to the door of his cell, he rolled his eyes. His head slowly turned as a guard looked at him. "Can I help you?" The Joker would smile lightly. The guard looked annoyed, "Get up Joker, step away from the door."The Joker stood and walked toward the big steel door. "Why's that? So you can put me in a straight jacket?...Oh wait you drug me first....." After the small pause he laughed loudly. "I am forgetting the steps of your little procedures here. I think...I think I might be loosing it in here." He grin at the guards face before laughing again, harder this time. He had to find his kicks in here somehow there really was nothing else. although what he really wanted was to put a bullet threw every guards skull. Now that would make him laugh, he'd feel good about that for sure.

"Alright, alright." he turned around, slowly putting his hands on the back of his head. He could of turned around and hit the guard but he was a little curious to see where they were taking him. He felt the familiar jab in his neck and the sudden darkness that over took him.

Once he came to he was in the straight jacket...again, still sitting in his cell. Now to tell you the truth Joker really did dread being here with every ounce of his soul, he would act like he didn't mind but deep down he wanted out. He was use to so much freedom and to do as he pleased. But in here, he couldn't do any of that. He had to play by others rules and not his own, which he wasn't dealing with very well either. His was determined to get out of here because if he didn't he would surely go crazy. He didn't want to be the crazy talking to his dead mom.

It wasn't long till two guards were dragging him to his feet and then down the hall. He glanced at one of the guards; he'd kill him first.
After quite of bit of walking they would swing open a door. "New cell?" he smiled at the two of them but they didn't reply as they continued to drag him in. As he was dragged in and forced into a chair his eyes set on a very pretty blonde. Right away that sinful grin creeped up onto his face. He heard the door door shut behind him but he didn't speak. She must of been his new shrink. A shrink he certainly would enjoy.

Much better then his last one, much better. "Hi." Joker spoke slowly as he sat back, a few moments passing. Letting his eyes examine her before he spoke again. "You are very pretty." Joker watched her expression and or body movement with each word that left his lips. His foot tapped a little as he looked around the room, it was pretty blank. "Well you know my name, now what's yours?" Again his words were slow but deliberate. This was good, he had a chance to have a little fun.
RE: descent into madness [ Bear & cosmos ]

descent into madness


[size=-2] The first thing that Harleen noticed when the orderlies brought in her newest patient was that his face showed the signs of them having to drug him just to put him into a straight jacket and drag him into the room with her. The next thing that she noted was the wide array of strange tattoos - she had been warned that he had been heavy into body modification but it was now plainly evident that he was very much interested in it. Everything about his appearance had been changed from his vibrant green hair to the silver that coated his teeth.

His eyes looked her over like a hungry predator that was just ready to pounce on his prey, looking her over for weaknesses that he could easily manipulate. She’d heard the story of his other therapists and had been the one to attend to one of them in the aftermath. Mister J had a long track record of mental manipulation and physical assault.

The orderlies hesitated at the door, “You sure you got this, Ms. Quinzel?” One asked, glancing between the dainty blonde and her much taller counterpart. “Doctor. And yes, I’m fine. Please respect my patient’s right to privacy. I will call you when you’re needed.” Harleen didn’t move her eyes from him, not because she was scared that he would make a move but because she didn’t want to let him feel like she was afraid of him in any manner.

The door shut behind the two men with a loud finality to it, the small window giving the two of them only a view of ceiling tiles and half a panel of a light grid. From the other side, they could see most likely the tops of the two’s heads and parts of the undecorated wall.

Only now that they were in private did she acknowledge that he had even spoken, adjusting her glasses again as she opened her files up to the first sheet which had his most basic information - alias, suspected age, hair color, eye color, as well as notations made by other doctors.

“Mister J, you have been remanded to my care after the last incident that occurred with your previous care provider. I am Doctor Harleen Quinzel.” She offered him a small smile. Harleen was doing her best to read him, watching the way that he moved slowly and deliberately and the way that he still continued to look her over. Physically, she noted that he was on the thin side with pale skin that clung tight to everything beneath from his skull to his throat, which jutted out every time his head tilted back even remotely. Even given the problems that he had, he was still a relatively handsome man. But that was the part of Harleen speaking that hadn’t been on a date in over five years. She pushed the thoughts to the back of her mind.

“Your files show that you have delusions, erratic behavior, and that you are a master manipulator. Can you confirm that these are true, Mister J?” All business. She wanted to direct him away from the line of conversation he had wanted to start and push him back towards what she needed first and foremost. After that, she would let him talk just to see where his mind lead.[/size]
RE: descent into madness [ Bear & cosmos ]

descent into madness


[size=-2] His eyes were certainly glazed over and his senses weren't as alert as they normally were. Although the drug they gave him was wearing off and with time he wouldn't be so hazy. His eyes still scanned her over, he examined her face. She kept a blank look, it was clear she was trying to show no emotion to his words. His eyes would the observe her hair which was very blond, she had soft pale, clear skin. She had full lips....she was truly easy on the eyes.
Now Joker could care less but he let his eyes wonder farther, ignoring her words he would let himself tilt his body to the right to be able to see her legs under the table. Slowly he sat back in his normal position before letting his eyes work their way up from her chest to her neck and then her eyes. He was certainly going to enjoy having her as his doctor, she was the only attractive women in this place.

He frowned deeply, "What?" She called him Mister J, that was a bit of a new one. Although that thought and subject would soon leave his mind and he would start laughing. "Harleen Quinzel?!" He continued to laugh, leaning back he'd let his head tilt up and he'd stare at the ceiling. Before his head would roll back to look at her, "You mix it up a little and you get Harlequin, you know the clown." He'd grin broadly. "Kind of makes sense. It's actually quite comical that Harleen Quinzel got The Joker as a patient." Chewing the inside of his cheek as he watched her closely before laughing once again. "You're too cute." What he would give not to have this straight jacket on. Joker let his tongue slide over his lips slowly, although he kept his eyes on hers.

He was ready to address her next question, letting his face become serious he'd sigh. "Unfortunately yes," his shoulders relax a little but just for a brief moment. He needed to make himself seem like he was trying to open up, but he also had to give the illusion that he really wasn't interested in talking about it either. She knew a lot about him, which meant he'd have to be careful. Joker's eyes left her's and drifted to the rather blank wall, letting himself think for a moment before his head slowly turned back to her.

She would prove to be a little challenging to crack, it might actually be harder to get her to be consumed by his mind, which he could do with people who were unsuspecting but she knew many of his tricks and tactics. She was well prepared, Joker would give her that much for being as prepared for him as she was....well he guessed you'd have too given who he was, but she didn't know all his tricks. The only problem about that was he had to find the right trick that would surely work on her. He knew he wouldn't be able to figure that out with one session but he hoped to be able to find out more about her in a slow and innocent manner. He'd have to push his aggressive and horrific side away while with her, it was clear he wouldn't get very far with violence right now. The Joker would continue replying to her question. "But you know that, and I know that so it doesn't matter. Next question."

He stared her down for a moment, his mind slowly wondered back to her calling him Mister J. He wasn't completely sure about that, he was The Joker and Mister J was just....different. Though he didn't feel like saying anything about it right now, it might grow on him, he wasn't sure.

The Joker would lean forward his eyes quickly darting to look at her hands, her slender elegant hands. A grin coming to his face before looking back up at her. "Interesting." The smile stayed on his lips. "You are very interesting."
RE: descent into madness [ Bear & cosmos ]

descent into madness


[size=-2] Everything about his behavior and his mannerisms was putting the more primal part of her as a person on edge, the hairs on the back of her neck standing on end as he quite obviously examined her body. There was a visible shiver that ran up her spine at his laughter, which set her teeth at edge and caused the most physical of reactions she had ever experienced while treating someone. By god, he was so ill that even his laugh was infected with the madness that had wreaked havoc on his mind. It was disturbing to think of just how deep this went, just how bad off this man really was.

But no backing out now, she had already accepted him as a patient and had already met with him. If she decided not to take him on after just one session then she would be admitting defeat to him and would only give him the affirmation that he needed that he was truly a superior mind in all of Arkham. He had been seen by almost every Doctor on staff here and she was the last to be able to work with him. All of the others hadn’t been able to deal with him, either turned to madness themselves or attacked physically by him in a fit of rage. That had been in his reports, but she didn’t dare bring it up that she knew of his little.. Incident.

His comment on her name was enlightening on his state of mind and how he was viewing her, her brow raising just a little bit at him. “Good observation, Mister J.” She didn’t want to encourage the behavior of letting him believe that they were associated in any way besides a doctor and a patient, but she didn’t want him to feel like he couldn’t speak openly either.

She wasn’t missing his constant comments on her appearance and his obvious interest in her, but she couldn’t let him feel encouraged to continue make remarks or feel like she was going to reciprocate them. It would be a slippery slope for her to go down if she made any sort of remark that would lead him on, and frankly she didn’t need a man in her life, much less one that was already insane. She had given up looking for a romantic relationship years ago when she had let her work life became her entire life. And this would be no different.

But Mister J was different - he was the first patient to ever admit that he did indeed have problems. He was definitely going to be an interesting case for her to work with. He had already done the biggest step on his own, which was to acknowledge that he was indeed sick. She was impressed.

“I can say the same about you, Mister J.” She didn’t even realize what she had said until it had already come out of her mouth, her brain not working fast enough to stop her lips, “Next question,” She cleared her throat and shuffled her papers, painfully aware that he was currently examining her hands very closely and suddenly very thankful that he was restrained in a straight jacket, “What is on your mind this very moment? Tell me where your thoughts are going.” She stopped shuffling, as that was an obvious sign of anxiety. Instead, she folded her hands neatly on the table in front of her, palms down on the table to show that she was calm.

But even then, she had to take a breath to steady herself and make eye contact with him again.[/size]
RE: descent into madness [ Bear & cosmos ]

descent into madness


[size=-2] Joker was liking this, it was the most excitement/fun he had in awhile. In here they'd question why he talked to himself, why wouldn't he talk to himself? He was in a place with people who were idiots beyond belief, nothing was amusing him so he had to amuse himself, he also needed to let his thoughts run out loud sometimes. Being careful of what he said of course, depending on who was listening. The fact of the matter was was that now we had someone to be amused by, find interest in, and to mess and play with. He decided that now, right then and there, that she somehow was going to be his ticket out of this place. He wasn't sure how yet but it wouldn't take very long to figure out what his plan was going to be. Well it was obvious to him that it would take a lot of manipulating, although it had to be in a way where he didn't cause her to run or go completely crazy. He truly couldn't let her slip out of his grasp like a few others had, well they rather ended up getting rather insane themselves. Or he happened to angry to the point where things didn't end well for the person at the other end of the table, that wasn't anything new though.

"Miss Quinzel or Doctor Quinzel, whichever you prefer. May I ask why you are calling me Mister J? I go by Joker you know?" This question seemed to be quite innocent but her answer would give him information that wouldn't be expected. Her answer would certainly mean a lot depending on how she put it, it would give him an insight on her, her personality.
"I'm sure you've gotten that before. Your name, the clown. It's hard not to think you weren't named that intentionally by your parents." His head tilted to the left a little, Joker then tilted his head to the right as he watched her. "You know what Harleen?" He'd let a slow pause hold on his question. "I am not stupid, I am actually far from stupid. My IQ is most likely higher than your own." He leaned himself forward, licking his lips before letting his voice raise to a yell. "Stop tiptoeing around! You're not walking on glass babe!" He kept himself leaning forward but this time his voice would lower. "Relax. Oh I get doctor and patient rules but come on, don't look proper." He grinned and he couldn't help but laugh. "Oh that was funny." Joker continued to laugh for a few minutes. Once he stopped his grin was still plastered on his face, now the act was slowly rolling in. He would lean back and sigh. The grin slowly leaving his face, which was very hard since he still felt amused. "Let me apologize for my behaviour. It was....rather uncalled for." He frowned at his words for a moment.

Now when she responded to him saying she was interesting. That sinful smile appeared on his face again, the glimmer of the silver on his teeth catching the light as he watched her. The Joker would sit himself back into his seat, she was clearly nervous and stressed over the comment. It was clear in the way she was going through papers and the way she said 'next question'. Clearing his throat he'd speak calmly, "I am well aware that I am interesting, but I know you don't see yourself as interesting. When in reality, you truly are my dear." The grin had left his face now and he watched her carefully. Once she was able to collect herself he wouldn't answer he question right away. He just watched her, watched her for a very long time.

Suddenly he would speak. "What's on my mind?" He would smile a little. "Well lots of things, my mind is everywhere at once. For example, it's on you, it's on the fact that it was nice to watch a bit of normality come out of you there." Joker would then let his gaze move towards the wall. "I can't stop thinking about how my arms are getting numb, about how my neck his sore, the fact that I want to set a bullet right between the eyes of a few of the orderlies. I'm bored, I'm tired, I'm sick of this place and I am actually a little happy to have a small light at the end of the tunnel towards the days that I might continue to see you." Joker let his words set in for a moment as his as disconnected themselves from the wall and set on her. "That and it's nice to have someone to chat too, since no one really talks to me that much. Which I don't blame them, I am a damaged human being with some flawed tendencies."
RE: descent into madness [ Bear & cosmos ]

descent into madness


[size=-2] “You’re a man with no name. Your fingerprints were run through the system and we had no hits. We sent off your dental records and you weren’t there. We even sent your pictures to GCPD and we couldn’t find anything previous to your… Incidents. You’re a John Doe. We don’t even have anything coming up when we sent off your DNA samples. You are nowhere. According to every system that we have access to, you are no one.” That in and of itself was a disturbing thought, that with a world so watched that a man this dangerous could have slipped through the cracks. If someone so far from reality as him could do it, why couldn’t someone else who was criminally sane?

“But you are still my patient, and I believe that the most important thing for a patient to feel in a place as dehumanizing as this is that you feel respected, if even by only one person. With no name and only an alias, I’ve done what I could with what I have. I don’t call my patients by their aliases, or I would be treating the President of the United States, the King of Latvia, and Penguins.” Unfortunately, that was only the tip of the iceberg of the separation of reality that the vast majority of her patients had. The poor people couldn’t have told her their real names if they’d tried.

But they, unlike Mister J, were much harder to get into. Once she got him talking he seemed more than eager to continue, Harleen remaining quiet as she listened to him ramble on about her name, then his IQ. She had no doubt that he was more intelligent than he looked, and there was so much more hidden under the surface if only she could crack it.

It was becoming even more apparent to her that he was working on something, once again returning to the subject of her being fascinating. He was a silver-tongued bastard, that much she could have told anyone. The flattery fell off his tongue like honey and he was gauging her reaction, that much she knew. Internally, she was divided. There was the part of her that she kept deep down that was craving the attention, enjoying the lavish compliments that he was paying her both verbally and non-verbally, but that part was still locked away and hidden from view. The larger part of her mind was fighting to stay indifferent, but she couldn’t fight against the obvious physical reaction - a slight hint of blush that raced across her cheeks.

“Thank you, Mister J, but we’re here to discuss you.” It was the most polite way for her to divert the conversation again.

If his rambling told her nothing, it was that though he did seem to have large breaks in reality quite often, he was for the most part grounded. He didn’t seem to have issues with identifying what was bothering him - from the physical discomfort of the straight jacket to the emotional irritation that he felt towards the orderlies. He did display aggression, though none of it directed towards her. She felt a conflict in what she should do and what she felt would be beneficial to get him to trust her at least a little bit. Harleen chewed on her lip a bit and sighed, pulling off her glasses and rubbing at her eyes. The straight jacket was for her safety, but if he was so enraptured by her as he said, then he wouldn’t be so interested in harming her. The guards could pacify him easily when the time came for him to return to his cell… But he was still unpredictable.

But think of what could happen if you managed to rehabilitate him. You would finally get the respect you deserve around here. Ah, the voice in her head did have a very valid point - if she could somehow have a major breakthrough with him then she would be seen as the respected psychologist that she was. She set her glasses down on the table and pushed the chair back, her mind made up.

“Mister J,” She made eye contact with him, her own very hard and her voice firm, “I’m going to compromise with you - I will remove the straight jacket but you have to promise to work with me here. If I’m going to put trust in you to not repeat what happened with your other care provider, then I’m going to expect you to put trust in me and work with me in your care.”

Harleen hesitated, but made her way around the table, her hands trembling in just the slightest as she unfastened the back of his jacket. As the last of the fastening fell off, she stepped away from him, returning to her seat and leveling her gaze at him. “Now,” She put her glasses back on, brushing stray hair from her face, “Let’s talk about your ‘flawed tendencies’.”[/size]
RE: descent into madness [ Bear & cosmos ]

descent into madness


[size=-2] "True, true. Very true." The Joker would comment lightly at her comment. There was nothing on him in any system. The system was flawed, they weren't huge flaws of course but they were tiny ones that had a detrimental impact on everything. Of course you needed to know how to find them and what they were. He nodded as she continued to speak, it was clear that she respected her patients and cared for there wellbeing. "Well a name can go with the person, you know? Like the President is the President, a Penguin is a Penguin. And I am The Joker, when you hear my name certain things come to mind. I can name all of the things that come to peoples minds, and they are probably true to my character." His voice was calm, he had to keep himself calm and he had to keep himself together. He of course would show her some of what he wanted her to see, he also needed to tie her in with his "damaged" self act at some point. "Now, Mister J makes me sound like a teacher or business executive that has a nickname because people can't pronounce his real name." Joker would smile at her a bit. "But do as you please. I don't mind."

Yes, he got a reaction out of her. She blushed. It was clear that she was trying to not react to his comments. But the blush, oh that light blush that spread across her pale cheeks. It indeed meant that his comments did effect her in someway, even though he might not be able to see it at times they still hit something and with the right hit he was able to get a physical reaction from her that she couldn't possibly hide. "You are every welcome. People need compliments sometimes, even the pretty ones." He would then sigh a little bit and give her a calm look. "I am boring, I hate talking about me. I like learning about others. Much more....interesting then myself."

The way she chewed her lip was an indication that she was in thought, pondering something. Trying to figure out whatever she was trying to figure out, in times like this he wished he had the ability to read peoples minds. That was probably the last thing anyone wanted around here.
"Yes?" Joker would question with a large smile, as she seemed to have finished her debate in her own mind. She was using a very firm voice towards him which most likely meant she was setting down some sort of rule that he may or may not listen to.

Joker nodded as she spoke and all he could do was laugh a little, "You are far different from my last 'care provider' Miss Quinzel." She was very different, much more attractive too and there was something about her, apart from the fact that he was going to use her somehow but there was something. It was this odd feeling he had when he first saw her, something that made her different.
As she stood his eyes quickly looked over her, no doubt she was pretty. She had a nice shape to her, he would admit that but he let his eyes drift from her and fix on the wall as she undid the straight jacket.

Once she sat down he stared at her, he was very still. Although he could already feel the tightness of the jacket give as he spread his arms. Taking them out of the long sleeves and throwing the thing to the ground he let a sigh to with some relief. Underneath he wore a dark blue inmate shirt, humming lightly Joker would roll his shoulders and soon crack his knuckles before running his fingers of the tattoo on his left hand which was a smile. Tapping his hand for a moment he would look up at her as he cracked his knuckles once more. "Thank you." Joker leaned forward onto the table, letting an elbow set upon it. "You must have some confidence in me then." Joker let out quietly as he looked at the straight jacket before turning his head back to her. The things he wanted to do....he couldn't.

"Flawed tendencies? Name a couple that you happen to know about me." he grinned at her a little as he glanced at the papers that sat in front of her.
RE: descent into madness [ Bear & cosmos ]

descent into madness


[size=-2] A wry smile slid onto her face and she couldn’t help but shake her head and chuckle, “Mister J, they are all very sick people who couldn’t tell the difference between a toaster and a house cat. I hardly think you should lean on them for judgment on who they are as people.” And he, certainly, was no Joker. He might have the wicked grin like the figure on the playing card but he was far too malicious for anyone to think of him as something so benign. Hell, even his laugh had given cellmates close to him nightmares awful enough that they had taken several steps back in their recovery.

She could understand his view on Mister J, but she saw it completely different still, “Mister J sounds more like a real person than Joker.” She told him, smirking just a bit, “When I think of Joker, I think of playing cards and diamonds. Red and black.” Well, at least that’s what she would have thought of before their encounter. Now she thought of the tattoos that were all over him, from the most prominent ‘Damaged’ across his forehead to the others that quite literally covered him.

Harleen couldn’t let him keep getting to her like this, she couldn’t let him get under her skin and into her head. He had already made too much headway in what he wanted from her, and she couldn’t stand it. She didn’t like that he had gotten a reaction from her, even the smallest of reactions, but it was one nonetheless. If she let him get to her, then he was winning.

She pushed past his next compliment and instead concentrated on his comments about her being far different from his past care provider, “Good. Maybe you and I can make some actual progress.”

With the straight jacket gone, she could feel her heart racing in her chest and adrenaline pumping raw through her veins with the expectation of all that he could do to her. He could very easily come across the table and attack her, or make a run for the exit to take as many of the guards out as he could. He was a dangerous man and he could get her into a lot of trouble if anyone found out that she was letting him be in here without the proper protection for her.

It was a risk she was willing to take.

“I’m confident that you’re more interested in talking to me than anyone else.” She stated simply, smiling a bit to herself in a moment of pride, because she was in all honesty probably the only one to have even gotten this far with him. “I’m also confident that you’re going to want to keep coming back to this room to chat with me.” She didn’t need him to confirm that she was right, she knew. He wanted to keep coming back. He wanted her, for whatever purpose it may be.

HIs question made her finger draw circles on the top paper, not needing to flip it over to see his full psychological evaluation to know what his ‘flawed tendencies’ were. “I know that you play with people’s minds like a cat plays with a mouse, that you have driven multiple trained professionals insane, and have proven psychologically and sometimes physically dangerous to multiple people,” She made eye contact with him, “But we only know about what you’ve done since you’ve gotten here at Arkham. I’ve got a feeling you’ve been a real bad person, Mister J.”

Her eyes moved from his down to his knuckles, which he’d made a spectacle of popping, her hand reaching out to touch his gently, turning his hand over slowly. “You’ve got a lot of tattoos, are you trying to express yourself or hide yourself?”[/size]
RE: descent into madness [ Bear & cosmos ]

descent into madness


[size=-1] Joker couldn't help but smirk at her wry smile and chuckle that she gave. Letting her explain he would nod but shrug a bit. "Well yes, they are all crazies but if a penguin called himself a penguin he'd be a penguin. But you know the penguin isn't a penguin, you know that it's a a person who has lost himself. Now the different between my "alias" and the guy who thinks he's the president is I don't think I'm anyone I'm not, I am The Joker." He knew he wasn't an actual Joker at a carnival or at the castle. He knew that he was far from that, he was the type of person to give one nightmares after a couple of seconds of meeting. He didn't put smiles on peoples faces, he brought fear, worry, and pain to them which always set a smile on his own face.

She made some points for her reasons calling him Mister J, he decided that he wouldn't stop her. He didn't really have anyone calling him anything different so it was interesting to have a nickname. No one would dare give him a nickname, well to his face that is. He wasn't really a big fan of them, the last guy who gave him one got pushed off a balcony and that was a few years ago. He still couldn't get over her name though, it was actually perfect and he knew that it would still have him grinning when he went back to his cell.

Joker bit his lip firmly and smiled at her, there was a cell that was relatively close to his that the women in it thought the voices spoke back to her. Sometimes he would reply to the women when he was bored and others he'd listen to her scream as the voices didn't answer back. He was pretty sure they were going to move her soon since he was just making things worse. As she spoke about herself being confident that he would show back up, he looked at her closely before grinning. "It would be difficult not to show back up." Joker needed to keep coming to see her as much as he could, he wanted to get out of here as soon as possible and if she was the ticket to escaping then he wanted to do this in a timely matter, but he also couldn't rush it.

"Well they need to find someone who can deal with the mind games." Because you can't and you won't be able to. The last words were in his head as he observed her, his eyes examining her again now that his restraints were gone. He wanted to control her, he wanted to cause her physical and emotional harm. He wanted her to feel fear, he wanted her to feel hopeless, powerless. His head twisted lightly as he continued to observe. Joker wanted a toy, he wanted something to play with for a short time, he first needed to get out of here and he would certainly have fun with her in the process. "I won't be able to change." He knew it was never going to change, he was a 100% sure on that thought.

"You know, before I had to wear a straight jacket to these things there was this one psychiatrist. He was this large man, who clearly liked his sweets since the scent of chocolate or sour watermelons were always on him. You could also tell by his fingers that he had heart problems." Joker tapped his fingers on the table lightly, before letting his hand run across the smooth surface and reaching the edges. He'd press his fingers into them quite firmly, leaving slight marks on the tip of his fingers. "He was probably going to drop dead of a heart attack at some point. He also had this tendency to play with his pens, tapping them against the table. It drove me insane." He growled with annoyance at the thought of that clicking sound of the pen against the the cold metal of the table. "So I sent the damn thing right into his bloody eye. Surprising that didn't kill him instantly. A few days after that I over heard the orderlies talking about him dying in the hospital of cardiac arrest. And damn it felt good!" he grinned lightly, and leaned back. Running his hands through his green hair, he then clapped his hands together. "It was a rush, his heart was pumping so much blood through his body trying to adapt and repair the injuries that it just blew!" The thought of it made his fingers jitter ever so slightly for a second and a wide smile to appear on his face and he leaned forward tapping the table slowly. "I am a horrible person Miss Quinzel, not a bad one."

He was actually really surprised that she had touched him, it was actually a bold move. Her question made him frown a bit, "Tattoos are permanent." He would grab her wrist with his right hand, lifting it off of his left. Staring at her hand intensely his thumb ran over her wrist, before pressing it to her pulse. Joker's eyes would move to her own and would keep eye contact for a few moments "Unlike people." He set her hand on the table lightly before letting go of it. Clearing his voice to get rid of the darker tone that it had held, he smirked. "I'd say expressing myself. "
RE: descent into madness [ Bear & cosmos ]

descent into madness


[size=-2] I am the Joker.

That was a concerning thought for her as a psychiatrist, because it showed just how deep his removal from reality was. He wasn’t born the Joker, but he was damn determined to die as that, a man with only an alias to be called and a history that was less than desirable. She couldn’t imagine that type of freedom - to be able to do whatever you wanted and act however you wanted. He lived a life that was truly free - no name, no conscience, and certainly no concept of consequences. He was taking his time here at Arkham as if it were a lazy stroll through the park that had taken an inconvenient turn. He didn’t see it as a life sentence as he had been remanded here to serve. It was just… Boring.

Now that he was put into her care, he seemed to be far more interested in what was going on, as if his stroll through the park was more leisurely now that he had her at his side. Or at least, that’s how she was analyzing him to see it. Harleen was coming to a conclusion that wasn’t completely wrong but by no means was it right - he was a man that had spent a lot of time alone with his own thoughts and that had plagued him for far too long. He needed more than just a psychiatrist. He needed a friend.

“How about this, Mister J - since I’m calling you a nickname, you can call me one.” She thought on that for a moment, turning over her own name in her mind. He’d been fascinated by it - Harleen Quinzel - Harlequin… It came to her after a long moment, a slow smile coming onto her lips, “Harlequin. Harley Quinn.” She stated her train of thought out loud, “You can call me Harley.”

The conversation had turned towards something a bit more lighthearted, though took another turn when he talked about his previous psychiatrist. Harley had known him well - he had been a good man but in poor health. He had been not just a doctor but a husband and a father. His wife worked a dead end job to pay for her gambling debts from her youth and it took everything that he had to keep food on their table - but it had turned into an addiction for him. Putting food on their table had turned to him consuming more than he needed to the point of where it was the only comfort he had. His wife was constantly depressed and his kids had hated him since they turned towards their teen years. Harley had been counseling him in her own way when he had taken on the Joker - he didn’t have a chance even if Mister J hadn’t attacked him physically.

Harley was quiet for a long time while she thought over the story from his point of view, certainly a very twisted one as he seemed proud of his accomplishments. It bothered her that he took delight in the death of another person, so much so that he was even mimicking the very motion that had set him off in the first place - tap, tap, tap his fingers were playing a tune on the metal table.

What bothered her more than that was the jolt she felt when he touched her hand, static seeming to rush over her skin and make everything tingle as his thumb brushed carefully over her wrist. She should have thought things through, shouldn’t have ever put her hands on him and made him believe that physical contact like this was something that she was okay with. Her breath was catching in her throat, her heart pounding in her chest as his thumb pressed down lightly over one of her veins. Even she could feel the gentle bump bump bump against the pad of his finger, telling a tale of excitement and… She didn’t even dare admit to herself the other sensations in her body.

It had admittedly been a long time since she’d felt even a slightly intimate touch of a man, and there was something about the way that he stared at her that told her volumes about what had been going through his mind. Her eyes were locked on him as he set her hand back down, her throat finally letting her breath go, her body aching for the oxygen she’d been deprived of. Her hand pulled back from him slowly, very deliberately bringing it back close to her, though she could feel where he’d touched, as if his hands still lingered.

His tattoos were an expression of his state of mind, and she was in the study of his mind…

“Well, then,” She couldn’t help but wet her lips with her tongue a bit, honestly a bit nervous, “Why don’t you show me your other tattoos, Mister J? I’d like to see how you… Expressed yourself.” God, that had come out more sexual than she had intended, but words couldn’t be taken back once they were spoken.[/size]
RE: descent into madness [ Bear & cosmos ]

descent into madness


[size=-2] The more she talked about her name and making a nickname the more he grinned, she was giving herself a nickname in order for him to feel like he had a friend or wasn't alone or whatever she was trying to do. This was a good thing, an advantage even though she might not see it that way. He was going to try and use this, the name would be a piece to the puzzle, a very important piece. He would make her see that she was more like him then not.

When he had first arrived here he was actually pretty pissed off, the rage that was going on was so bad that he was heavily sedated for...for awhile. He couldn't remember how long. He never knew the time in his cell either, he could here the clock ticking in the hall but he couldn't see it. That's what first set him off in here to harm one of the orderlies, bashed their head into the wall. He got a good two three bashes in until he was pulled off of the mans limp body. He really had no intentions on killing that orderly, but in that moment all he could hear was that ticking and the small whisper of voices that were over crowding his thoughts. He needed to hurt or do something to someone in order for them to stop.

More then once he has laid in his cell "dead", wouldn't respond to the orderlies until they came in. He had injured four so far and killed two, he was still counting how many he could harm by just pulling that trick. Although Joker was aware of the fact that after awhile he had to keep his eyes open and then they'd all rush in, he loved the look of horror in their eyes when they found his pulse. It was alway so delightful to watch them scurry and run. It was refreshing actually to be close to people who were afraid. To smell their fear. Some people would tell you that you can't smell fear but to Joker you could, and it was refreshing.

"Harley Quinn. Well that's your new name then Miss Harley Quinn." He smiled a bit with delight. Joker would let out a long laugh as he thought more about her new name, or nickname as she would put it but to him it was now her name.

Her pulse, it was fast. She was either excited or nervous, or a little of both. Either way it got his brain rolling. He wasn't one to constantly think of these things, they actually got in the way of him being able to harm someone. It clouded his judgement and caused him to pick a different side other then his mind. He always picked his minds side there was no question. He trusted his crazy, deranged, and damaged mind to the T, it could never wrong him. But there was something about the feel of her soft skin and the increase in her heartbeat. He wanted her, he wanted her in more ways then one. Joker was often so busy loving and finding a rush with harming those around him he had forgotten that he also felt desire. There were very few feelings that he felt but that was one of them. Desire to kill, the desire to have power, the desire for sex. But the last desire was a rare thing of him to think about, he didn't have time for it really and most women just annoyed him.

Joker sighed as he rid his brain of such thoughts because they were overriding what he truly needed to focus on. He would continue to stare at her intensely, "I have no interest in really harming you Harley. I hope you know that. It's hard to take my word I know, me. There's much better things to do to you then harming." His voice low and his eyes dug into like they were searching for something. Although the intense look and tone would soon go away, his darker mood immediately changing as she spoke. Joker grinned at her comment about how he expresses himself. "I bet you would." This was more of a a low chuckle and Joker glanced at her. She still kept her hand rather close to her body. She was still aware of his touch that only occurred a few moments ago and he hoped that it stayed apparent for the rest of the day. He hoped it sat at the back of her mind and ate at her like mad. Joker stood from the chair. Staring down at her for a few moments, before grinning at her. "You're too cute."

Quickly he would take the blue inmate shirt and pull in over his head, setting it on the side of the table neatly. Joker was quite toned, now that was because there wasn't much to do in his cell but do push-up and crunches. The smile that was on his left hand covered most of it, there was that and on his knuckles were card suits. On a bit of his wrist and most of his forearm he had large jagged letters that said "HAHAHA" over and over again. On his bicep he had a symbol of a bat with a knife going through the centre of it. From there to his neck he had "All In", a bunch of cards together, the Ace was the first. Down from that there was more of the odd "HAHAHA's" on his chest, just more of them than on his arm. On the other side of his chest was the dead jester, down from that on his upper abdomen was "Joker" in big bold letters. "This is so I don't forget my name." Joker spoke with a dead serious face but then grinned, that's not what the tattoo meant but she would rattle her brain trying to figure what half of them did mean. Lower to the "Joker" tattoo was a large smile, a little different from the ones on his fore-arm and hand. This one looked like it was done in pencil, less colourful. The next one was a dead robin with an arrow through it's chest on his bicep. Sighing Joker would look down at his tattoos. "Well that's about it." Joker would laugh after a quick second, "Oops I forgot." Turning around so she could see his back, he would laugh again. "This one is my favourite.", Joker moved his hand to pat the side of his back that had a large tattoo on it. In big bold letters was "God's Only Child.". On the left hand side of the back of his shoulder was another Jester, this one more manic with a creepy grin, also holding a hammer.

Turning back around he'd sit down and leaned forward onto the table,
"Dig into my brain yet?" he grinned at her for a moment before tapping his knuckle on the table. "Some have meaning, they aren't all just crazy moments from my mind. Some, if you think hard enough that is, you could probably figure out yourself." Continuing to tap his knuckle on the metal table lightly he watched her for a moment, "I doubt you have tattoos Harley. You're too...." he trailed off with a large smile. "But I could be wrong." His knuckle would stop the tapping as it hit the shirt, he touched the shirt lightly his fingers trailing over it carefully before he stopped and leaned back. Stretching himself to the left, showing the prominent muscle and ribcage only for a quick second and then he would lean forward.

Joker sat there very still before standing up quickly, "Well," He pulled on the blue inmate shirt and walked over to the straight jacket. "I think that's enough for today, I got you a little to flustered. You need some time to think. That and I'm done for today."
RE: descent into madness [ Bear & cosmos ]

descent into madness


[size=-2] Whether he realized it or not, there was a physical change that came over his face when she came to the conclusion on her nickname - Harley Quinn was a much more interesting person to him already than Dr. Harleen Quinzel had ever been. It seemed to stroke his ego a bit that she respected his opinion enough to offer up a nickname (or change her name, as that was how he viewed). In her eyes, she had made a move towards getting him to see things from a good view - a view that they were on a level playing field.

You see, her goal in all of this was to bring him down from the pedestal that he had set himself upon. The Joker saw himself as above the law and above the consequences of his actions and that wouldn’t do good for someone who had such a serious break in reality. She needed to work him down slowly to an understanding that he, just like everyone else, was just a person. The first step had been to humanize him the best that she could - calling him by a ‘name’ instead of an alias - and now she was putting herself on the same level as him by ‘renaming’ herself to something that he would find interesting.

Unfortunately, she couldn’t see how much this was detrimental rather than helping. She wasn’t putting him on the same level as her, she was giving him a feeling of a relationship that was far more personal than just the ordinary doctor and patient back and forth that she was to expect out of him. Well, that she was to want out of him. She expected nothing because he was a wild card - completely unpredictable in what he was planning and someone whom had surprised the staff on more than one occasion.

As much as she liked to think that she was making slow but steady progress with him, she was too busy looking at the forest to see the trees. He was working her every bit as she thought she was working him. He had gotten her to change her name and had gotten a rise out of her, one that he noticed from just a few fingers on her wrist. Whether Harley wanted to admit it or not, he was quite severely under her skin and not in the way that any psychiatrist wanted to admit.

There's much better things to do to you than harming.

And oh, her mind went to all of the places that it didn’t ordinarily dare to go. She could quite easily imagine his hands - the very ones that had killed multiple orderlies and a doctor like herself - wrapping around her neck and making her pulse race against his palm. She could all too easily imagine the warmth of him coming closer to her as he closed the space between them. She couldn’t even begin to fathom what she thought he would kiss like - would he be romantic or would it be so filled with desire that it was borderline violent?

Stop. The voice in her head slammed shut the door that she was opening, because that was a dangerous path to walk down and even more dangerous notions to entertain. God, she was letting someone get under her skin simply because he was a handsome-looking man that was expressing interest in her. She knew that she was lonely, but how lonely could she possibly be? This man was a psychotic murderer for fuck’s sake. She had seen the bodies. She tried to ground herself by thinking of just that - the body bags as they had wheeled the already dead orderlies out of Arkham.

If nothing else, that brought her at least somewhat down to reality. She couldn’t let her mind go floating off like that again, that was dangerous territory, a place that she could get lost and be consumed, as so many other people had been before.

“I know you won’t hurt me, Mister J.” She said after a moment, not sure of how much time had passed between his assurance and her acceptance, but she knew it was true. He wouldn’t hurt her, he would just find ways to get her to hurt herself. He was far too smooth to be the one to get his hands dirty when he could easily manipulate someone else into doing it for him.

And she knew that he had seen through her, but he still did as she asked after a moment. There was some documentation on file about his tattoos, but the documents were extremely detailed as to just what they all were and how much of a disarray they were. Her eyes moved over his skin slowly, from the manic laughter that covered his chest and arms to the smile that hung just at the hem of his pants. He was so thoroughly covered with them that it was quite easy to see that he expressed himself quite a bit through the body art.

Few of the tattoos made much sense, but it was all a piece of the puzzle that was Mister J’s inner mind. The art, much like his own thoughts, was scattered all over him and there was no clear connection other than one overarching theme - the Joker. She was starting to understand why he had people call him that, as it was quite clear that it wasn’t just an alias to him. He really and truly had forgotten the person he was before he descended into madness and let it consume him so completely.

She made her mind turn away from just that tattoos and made note of his physical form - he was thin almost to the point of it being painfully obvious that Arkham wasn’t feeding him well but muscles were still quite apparent beneath the skin. His torso was void of any and all body hair that may have grown there and his skin was so paper pale that she was almost positive that she could see the networks of veins that lay just beneath it.

The part of her mind that she had shoved back into its cage was lifting its head again and appreciating just as much as the greater part of her was analyzing. She couldn’t stop it from making fantasies - ones that were all too real. Because what was a very real thing for her was the undeniable physical attraction that she felt towards him, whether she liked it or not. Her body wanted him, wanted him in ways that her mind wouldn’t acknowledge… Yet.

In her mind’s eye she could see herself reaching out and touching him, following down the laughter and towards the smile, letting her fingers ride over the ridges of his ribs and towards his stomach. She could imagine closing the space between them and feeling his body - warm and taut with muscle - against her own and imagined the feeling of his heart strong and steady thumping against his thin chest. But even in her mind he wasn’t by any means peaceful - as it was just as easy for her to imagine his hand snaking around her throat as he pinned her to the table, his body thin but strong enough to restrain her there. Harley forced her mind away from it just as the fantasy-Joker’s lips were on hers, hard and needy as he constricted her breath and pressed their hips together.

I need to put an end to this, she thought, but it was already too late. She had passed the point of no return long ago and even if she wanted to turn back, she was far too entranced by him to even admit that she had fucked up horrendously by taking him on as a patient.

“Very enlightening,” She commented once she realized she had been ogling him silently, the blush having returned to her cheeks and her eyes failing to meet his in embarrassment. She was a grown woman, for god’s sake, she didn’t need to be eyeballing him like she was some young, horny schoolgirl. But how far from that truth was that, actually? She was a grown woman but she was still young and though she wasn’t a school girl she had to admit that her fantasy had pushed her to match the description of ‘horny’ quite well.

Harley was embarrassed, not because she was a human that was subject to every human emotion as everyone else, but because she had let it show to him and that was a dangerous power to let rest in his hands.

“Flustered?” Harley did her best to brush it off, fixing her glasses though they didn’t need to be fixed and brushing her hair back into place, “Far from it, Mister J.” She did her best to avoid eye contact as he slid his shirt back on, moving towards the straight jacket. He did seem to remember the rules, at least, that he was required to be restrained if he was being moved from room to room.

“You’re welcome to return to your cell.” She said, “I have to update your files to reflect what I’ve learned in our… Visit.” Yes, paperwork. If nothing else she wanted the privacy of her office so that she could get her thoughts unscrambled and try to find some sort of way back to thinking straight. “I can call the orderlies to come get you.”[/size]
RE: descent into madness [ Bear & cosmos ]

descent into madness


[size=-2] She seemed to be having some kind of inner battle, she seemed slightly distracted in the eyes and a very slight frown came over her face a couple times. He just watched though, he didn't say anything just observed her. He knew whatever was going through her mind had to do with him. He had gotten in there somehow and he was going to keep it like that. He stared at her hard and soon he could only grin, he knew that look in her eyes. It kept coming and going, the blush that was appearing made it more clear for him. It was want, it was the same look he got when he wanted something, she was feeling some sort of desire towards him. He was sure it wasn't a desire to "help" him, it seemed a little more hungrier then that.

Although he slid right backing into his seat, staring at her with a wide playful grin. His fingers ran of his knuckles, he tilted his head. He needed to confirm what he thought. "The definition of flustered; embarrassed, agitated, or just confused." Joker leaned back into his seat, letting his eyes float up to the ceiling. Looking at the tiles closely until his eyes slowly floated back down to look at her. "It's hard to concentrate when you're flustered — it's a distracting state of mind." It was obvious that he was eating at her brain somehow. "Or you're all hot and bothered, or both." He set his elbows on the table and looked at his hands for a long moment. Focusing on some of the scars and tattoos, he stayed quiet to let his words roll in her mind. Joker then put his hands down and observed her once again.

He wanted to hit a few spots, he didn't really care about patient and doctor. He wanted to drive his point home, he wanted to confirm it for himself without her even telling him and he wanted her to confirm it for her own self. "No don't call them just yet." he mumbled quietly as he let his icy eyes roam over her again. She sat with her back straight and proper she looked neat tidy but he knew on the inside she certainly wasn't. He let himself lean over once again to look under the table at her legs. They were still neatly crossed crossed as well, he stayed there for a couple seconds before sitting himself in the chair normally.

Joker was well aware that he sat on a pedestal, a pedestal of gold and diamonds that no one was going to knock him off of. Some tried but in the end it really just ended badly for them. He knew he was smarter, he was richer, he was powerful and that's how he liked it. Joker liked destroying things and people, it was the only thing that kept him truly sane as morbid as it sounded. Causing havoc kept the voices away, it kept little things from bothering him. Although in here he has snapped a lot, more then he could count. The whole thought of not being able to do as he pleased, to go to the club, to shoot a gun, to torture someone, he couldn't do any of that. Not in here, he of course could do somethings. He has tortured people mentally and has harmed some physically and it kept things steady for awhile but at the end of the day he was always shoved back into that cell and there was nothing to stop his brain from running like mad.

"So I am just going to go on a theory here, ok? It doesn't really mean anything." Joker smiled a little at her as he again started tapping the metal table with his knuckles, he only did it for a couple seconds until stopping and speaking. "Lets say someone is hot and bothered, so that means that this someone probably isn't married or in any type of relationship...that they are committed to that is. Now if this someone was in a relationship than it has to be a shitty one. Because if this person is getting all flustered, hot and bothered, and having sexual thoughts, then they have to have a shitty relationship or not one at all. That's if these things are happening to someone other than their significant other." He said with a light shrug and looked over to the small barred window for a moment. "And how do you help this person? Because it's clear that they are having some sort of struggle am I right? Maybe advice? Maybe more then advice? But you have to keep your boundaries because who knows what could go down. So I think advice might be helpful." If anyone were to listen it would most likely sound like an imaginary friend he was speaking of, it was a test though. Some of his points weren't even suspicions that he had, he was just hitting random balls and hoping they hit a home run. He needed to see her reaction, in her eyes, her body movement, anything. He needed to confirm what he already knew. "You know what Harley, I think that the best thing for this someone to do is go and give themselves some time. You know, some time to think and some time to let go and relax because if they are in a shitty relationship that isn't leaving this person satisfied then it needs to be fixed." It didn't even sound like he was directing it towards her, but he knew she'd know.

Giving her a small grin, Joker stood and walked towards the large door. "Think about, what would you do? I'll see you tomorrow." He gave a couple of loud pounds on the door with his fist before dropping the straight jacket in front of it and turning around with his hands on the back of his head. There was a short pause as the door open. The orderlies clearly confused on how he got the straight jacket off but it wasn't long until that familiar jab was in his neck and he was out. [/size]
RE: descent into madness [ Bear & cosmos ]

descent into madness


[size=-2] Some time during their interaction the psychiatrist had become the patient and Harley didn’t like the change in roles in the least bit because of the fact that he was doing a much better job of breaking her mind apart than she ever had a chance of breaking his. He had seen through her best attempts at keeping her poker face and she couldn’t do anything to prevent it. He was talking, almost like he was talking about someone else rather than talking about her, but she knew. There was no mistaking it.

There was not even anything that she could say to defend herself, because how could she explain away all of the ‘coincidences’ that were absolutely true? Her mind was too scrambled to even think straight with all that it was trying to process, from her battling internal selves to body sending mixed signals of sexual desire and fear. He was hitting too close to the truth for her to feel comfortable, and it was a relief when the orderlies finally came for him.

Harley maintained her composure until the orderlies had him tranquilized and the door closed behind them. Now that she was in the room by herself it was easier to think, but the air still felt thick and her brain was hard to unscramble. She sighed and leaned forward, letting her forehead hit the table with a soft thunk. Her eyes closed as she did her best to get her composure before she left the room, not quite getting her thoughts back but she was... Better.

If nothing else, she looked professional when she left the room, the files gathered in her arms and held against her chest like a sort of shield against conversation. She made only one stop at the main nurse’s desk to have them clear her schedule before she retreated to the privacy of her office with its locked door.

She flipped through his files to the latest page that had been left blank for her own thoughts to be written down, her pen tapping at the paper as she thought over all that they had been over during their time together. For the most part he had been very in the moment but there had been points when he had been lost in memories, fond to him but nightmares for anyone that was of clear mind.

Harley sighed, her notes coming towards the end of their encounter, playing it over her mind. Even more than she pictured his body, from the way he’d arched his side over to expose more of himself to the way he’d moved - slow and deliberate - she could picture his eyes, which were penetrating even when he wasn’t looking at her directly, something about them so knowing. He bothered her, not because he was insane but because he was dangerously intelligent.

His files didn’t need to have the interaction about what was said when she was examining his tattoos, that would reflect that she was making poor decisions and could get her pulled from being his psychiatrist. Though Arkham was corrupt, they had learned the lesson of being careful and playing it safe when it came to the Joker. He was one of their most important and most dangerous patients. And even though she knew that she was already starting to be under his control, she didn’t want to be taken from his case.

She was questioning her own motives now, her thoughts on how she had approached the situation when she first arrived and towards the end of the meeting. She had gone from being concerned about getting into his head and proving herself to be a good psychiatrist to being directed by her own selfish desires for him. If she continued down this path, what would come of it? Would she one day cross the line that had she had been toeing on just their first visit? It could be so easy for her to just give in to what she was feeling, to let him direct her and let him show her all the fun things they could do together…

No. She was losing herself to the other half of her mind that was much easier to influence, the part of her that wanted so badly to let go and live as free as he did. That part - the true Harley - didn’t want to think of consequences. She wanted to act and truly live her life to the fullest. Up until now she had been doing everything according to a schedule - school, work, pitiful attempts at dating. It was all according to what she had been told she needed to do. But what about what she wanted? She wanted…

The Joker.

Both parts of her mind came reluctantly to that conclusion, not just because her thoughts were still lingering on his words but because even her mind’s eye was undressing him and because for the first time ever she was put in a peculiar situation - he hadn’t even come close to putting his hands on her, hadn’t even thought of foreplay, but she was wet. And that fact was something that was hard to deal with. She couldn’t concentrate, not on her work at least, and that was another first for her. Harley hadn’t ever left work early before, and there was a definite ‘walk of shame’ feel to her leaving, but there was no point sitting in her office staring at the files that would only keep her thoughts circling around the man that had started the problem.

In comparison to Arkham, her home was her sanctuary - a small one-bedroom apartment that was in a quiet neighborhood in Gotham and was mostly devoid of crime. The inside was decorated almost like her office, with minimal things and subtle neutral colors throughout the house. But tonight her sanctuary was not as calming as it normally was, because even with the physical distance put between them, the man’s voice was still lingering in her mind.

It's hard to concentrate when you're flustered — it's a distracting state of mind.

A distracting state of mind was all too correct - she couldn’t have concentrated on anything if she’d tried because her body was aching and her thoughts kept moving back to the same thing. She felt like she was on autopilot, going through the motions of a normal night as she fought to try and find a way back to feeling normal and ignore the fact that she was dying for release.

She lasted until she laid down for the night before the ache of want between her thighs turned towards the sharp pains of desire becoming need. There was no excitement as she slid a hand sheepishly into her panties, nothing but raw lust as she slid her fingers into herself, muffling her soft sounds of pleasure with a pillow. Her body reacted with zeal, her hips pushing of their own accord into her own hand, her thumb working to slowly rub her clit as she worked her own fingers in and out of herself.

For someone that didn’t masturbate often, she found that her body responded to it with eagerness, her orgasm coming all too soon, perhaps because she knew her body better than anyone else, or perhaps because she had forced herself to wait for so long. In the end, she didn’t feel the normal satisfaction of having satisfied herself, instead feeling a bit of shame because in the end she’d been reduced to a gasping, writhing, self-fucking pile of a woman that had cum all because of a man with no name.

She couldn’t even look herself in the mirror the next morning as she got ready for work, picking out an outfit that was neutral colors - white shirt, grey cardigan, and grey pencil skirt - all in the sake of appearing like she was unbothered by the previous night. She had even gone to the precaution of taking a cold shower in the morning, washing away the feeling of her shame and clearing her mind of everything from the previous day.

She was considerably better as she got to Arkham, resolute in remaining strong against him and his silver tongue today, her hair even pulled back into a bun so that she couldn’t use her nervous habits to give herself away. Even then, she had to take a few moments sitting in her office by herself before heading to one of the Interview Rooms, “If my patient is awake, I’m ready to see him.” She kept her voice cool as she spoke, heading back to the dreaded room where she had lost a bit of her pride and learned a bit of herself.

Round two of the battle of minds - and this time she hoped to win.[/color][/size]
RE: descent into madness [ Bear & cosmos ]

descent into madness


[size=-2] Joker woke up back in his cell, he laid on the ground for quite sometime before sitting himself up with a large grin. He had her in all the right places, he of course would let her think that she had the advantage at some point but only so she wouldn't drift away. He couldn't have her dropping his case, he needed her. Although he found it a little interesting that a women like her wasn't out and about with friends, or with a boyfriend. She seemed to be more of an introvert, she rather stay home and read then party with a couple of friends. That or she was the type of "proper" girl that didn't step over any lines. Either way there certainly was a part of her begging to let go and be a wild card.

He sat on the bunk that was in his room and stared at the wall that was full of charcoal markings, mostly just large "HAHAHAHA." all over it. He probably sat like that for hours until one of the orderlies came to the door. Opening the small hatch she would slide in a plate of food. Joker would grimace, before standing up with a large smile towards the young women through the thick glass. "Here's your pills and meal." He would look down at the tray of food. A glob of something brown sat in the corner and something like jello on the other, with a piece of bread to the side. Taking the bread off he would walk towards the toilet and flush it. "Really?" Joker could hear the women sigh, he put the tray back by the hatch before taking the pills. "Open." He rolled his eyes with annoyance as he opened his mouth. "Good." Once he stepped away she opened the hatch and took the tray and the cup that held the pills. Once she left he growl lightly before dislodging the pills that were lodged on the side of his gums and under his tongue, he'd spit them into the toilet and flush them as well.

He had no time to be tripped out on their stupid medication, if he could he would drown some of these orderlies in pills. Have them so disoriented that they could barely move or think their own thoughts. Taking a bite of the piece of bread he laid himself on the bed. Joker's mind drifted back to this doctor of his, he had heard her name around a few times. Mostly the male orderlies talking about her, some of them had pretty detailed thoughts on what they thought about her. He knew one that was quite smitten with her, he didn't say her name that often but Joker knew who he was talking about now that he met Miss Harley Quinn. Joker sat up as he ate the last of the bed. "Pill Guy." he said lightly. It was the man who sorted and gave out the pills every Monday, Wednesdays, Fridays, and Sundays. The other alternate days were usually that women, she would tell him the days of the week if he asked, that was one of the only reasons he wasn't so aggressive towards her. Then there was the orderlies who enjoyed drugging him each time they came into his cell. They just talked about her, her body. Meanwhile Pill Guy did the same thing but he seemed like he wanted to date her. Joker bit his lip, he doubt that Miss Quinn had any interest but in the events that he did ask her out and she said yes, than that could be a problem for him.

"Eh, I'll have to kill him." he told himself with a shrug, he would try and kill the other two orderlies for could measures. Or just seriously injure them. Groaning he would look at the wall again as the crazy lady a few doors down started talking to herself again. Calling for the voice to respond back, which was normally his but tonight he had no interest. Laying back down he would smile a little as she started to scream hysterically after he didn't respond. Although it soon stopped, the orderlies probably sedated her. He'd close his eyes but a grin still appeared on his face as he hoped that someone was taking his advice.


Once morning rolled around he sat against the wall, that tick of the clock was driving him nuts. Those voices were slowly rolling into his thoughts once again, then the drop of water from the sink happened every forty-three seconds; that was also causing him to flinch. As someone knocked on the door he snapped, "What!" his hands ran over his face and through his hair. He stood up and turned around, rolling his neck he would set his hands on the back of his head. The minute the door open he waited for a quick second before turning his body to face whoever it was. The fear in the eyes of this orderlies was great, this one was young and lanky. He must of recently started here because he looked like he was ready to shit himself, that and Joker didn't recognize him. Joker grabbed him by the neck, the syringe that was in Lanky Orderlies hand was soon let go of and dropped to the floor. Joker was quick to step on it, crushing it with his right foot as he held the orderlies with his left hand. The orderly fell to the ground and the other one that was there was quick to try and get Joker off of the other as he squeezed at his throat harder. The boys face went red and soon a shade of blue, but what pissed Joker off the most was when the bigger orderly stepped in. Joker was pulled off of the boy roughly by two stronger guys. It wasn't long until he was given another syringe to knock him out.


He laughed as they walked to the interview room, these two guys taking him were much bigger. They also looked pissed, "You know if you got rid of that clock this wouldn't happen." He looked at the both of them, his straight jacket was uncomfortably tight, he knew they did it on purpose. They swung open the door and shoved him into the chair. "Tell him sorry, thought he was one of you." He laughed hard until the door slammed shut. Joker soon stopped and looked at her, he took the time to observe what she was wearing. Scanning her from top to bottom, leaning over to look under the table. He looked at her neatly crossed legs before sitting himself up straight. He let his eyes run up her chest, neck and soon her face one last time before he met her eyes with a grin. "Well I pissed them off this morning." Joker motioned with his head towards the door, "But that goddamn clock..." he hissed this last part as just the thought was enough to tip him over the edge. "I could of killed him, it could of been worse but it wasn't so I don't see why they are so mad." Joker had a feeling that the next few weeks were going to be rough between him and the orderlies.

Although from here on out he was going to make it seem that these sessions were doing some good fro him so the outburst were going to have to be contained. Which would prove to be quite difficult, he took a breath. "It's hard to fight it you know. The urges." [/size]
RE: descent into madness [ Bear & cosmos ]

descent into madness


[size=-2] Something had gone wrong, horribly wrong, and she could sense it. Not because she had any special sixth sense that told her all of the whereabouts of the Joker and how he was doing, but because they had taken well over the usual time it took for the orderlies to fetch a patient and get them ready for an interview with their psychiatrist. No, something was terribly wrong.

Her suspicions were right, she could tell, when the orderlies brought him in, almost literally dragging him with how unnecessarily rough they were being with her patient. Her brows pulled down in the center with concern and irritation - no, anger. This was righteous anger that she was feeling at the unjust treatment of someone who was mentally ill. He couldn’t be blamed for his actions if he couldn’t control them any more than he could control the voices in his own mind that urged him to lash out at others.

His laughter was still frightening enough that it sent shivers down her spine, goosebumps rising on her skin in reaction to her shiver. She adjusted her cardigan and pulled it more snugly around her, as if the shiver had been nothing more than just a chill and she wanted to warm herself up. “Good morning, Mister J,” She started, acting as if he hadn’t been ranting about the clock and once again bringing up the subject of urges.

He was trying to steer the conversation towards the little easter eggs he had planted in her mind the previous day that had hatched later and left her feeling dirty as she never had before. “Yes, you would know all about urges,” She commented wryly, keeping her hands on the table and her eyes examined her fingernails. They were rounded and neat, unpainted and only a clear coat of gloss to make them shine.

She shifted a bit in her seat before continuing, “I wonder if I can trust you because of your outburst this morning. That was a setback in what I had thought was progress, Mister J.” She said, the disappointment showing in her voice and her eyes still failing to meet his because she couldn’t bring herself to do it just yet. Instead, she looked out the small window at the ceiling grids and the small piece of light grid that she could see. It was all she could do to keep her mind off what had happened last night.

“I know that you would like to have your jacket removed. What reason do you have that would make me feel I can trust you without it?”[/size]
RE: descent into madness [ Bear & cosmos ]

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[size=-2] Joker just watched her closely as she said good morning, his morning was far from a good one, well to him it wasn't that bad but the guy he choked was having a bad one. For him it was a, ok morning. A good morning would be him not here in this fucking place. Although her next comment peaked his interest and brought a slow smile to his face, he was really going to play with her today. She wouldn't make eye contact and he could only imagine why, she wasn't ready to for some reason. She was too busy trying to distract herself with her fingernails than look at him. That didn't stop Joker from staring her down, she'd have to make eye contact at some point and he was going to be staring at her like this when she did.

"Well I was talking about the voices and how I have to urge to kill but since we seem to be on that topic of urges I would be happy to chat." Joker couldn't help but poke, it was something he did naturally but she made it all too easy to get under her skin. "I do know quite a bit about urges actually. I know my own and I know others. Body language goes a long way." He leaned back in the straight jacket but it got a little tighter as he did so he decided to just sit straight for now. The only thing he couldn't get over was that she was avoiding eye contact, something must have ran through her mind with great detail. Joker wasn't sure if he was completely right, maybe she rethought all this and now saw him for the true crazed killer that he was and now was trying to keep her distance. He'd have to keep watching and keep working her over.

As she mentioned his out burst he could only give a small chuckle and shake his head. "Well I have no interest in choking you....unless you're into that sort of thing. If so I am sure we can figure something out." He gave a small laugh once again. "You don't have to take it off I'm fine with that, we will just have a very quick session then, because I'm not staying in this very long." Joker was curious to see how that would go down, he wanted to know if she would take him out of the straight jacket to keep him longer or if she would try and act like she didn't care. He knew she cared about it, he knew she wanted to "fix" him and doing that or seemingly doing that to someone like him made you look quite good among your colleagues. He'd act like it wouldn't bother him if he was to leave right now but hidden he would be pissed, he wanted to get out of this place as soon as possible. Joker was well aware that he couldn't rush things, he had to go at a steady pace because if he didn't he would end up loosing this and would need another way out.

But it was time, he had to get the ball rolling on some more "personal" things, he needed to share some past events. He needed to do this to get in her head a little bit more. "I'm not going to lie, I have thought about quite a few things last night. Not only did I reflect on my childhood which is very foggy I might add, but I also thought a lot about you." He said this very casually, watching her for a moment before glancing at the window. "Well enough about me, how was your night?" His imagination could only run at that little thought, he observing her outfit once again and he'd smile at her. "You are very pretty today, the bun in your hair makes you look more....serious." Joker planned on touching on a few subjects today, he had to touch on a few of his own to make it seem his target wasn't getting her wrapped around his finger. Joker was a master at observation, it was easier to figure people out if you understood their habits and actions. Easier to use them, control them the way he wanted. Joker wouldn't lie, he was dangerous and insane. He liked it that way though, he liked the person who he had become. It was a much better carefree life without all the stress of rules and being like everyone else.

Joker stayed quiet and still for a lone time, he really couldn't do much moving with the jacket but he managed to adjust how he sat a bit. He watched her for a little while longer before clearing his throat. He wanted out of the jacket, he needed to be out of the jacket. "So Miss Harley Quinn, may you please let me out of this jacket. And I promise to behave myself here and after our session." [/size]
RE: descent into madness [ Bear & cosmos ]

descent into madness


[size=-2] Oh but of course the devil on her shoulder would have plenty to say about urges, his mind already skipping towards the subject that she had worked so hard to keep her mind off of. Of course he would know all about urges and how they effected a person, he was the king of causing urges in her and he was becoming even more so aware of it as the minutes were passing, because even though she truly was trying, she was failing horribly at hiding the fact that she was shaken by him, deeper than she had ever been before.

But even with his comment she still couldn’t bring herself to make eye contact with him, choosing instead to look at everything but him. She examined the jacket, noticing the way that it pulled against him. The orderlies had pulled it far too tight and she could easily see that it was most likely causing physical discomfort for him, as it would anyone with nerve endings. It wasn’t until she had made that observation that she realized her avoidance of looking him in the eye was every bit as guilty as admitting that she was shaken by him.

Harley steeled herself and finally met his gaze, only to find that his eyes were not merely locked upon her but staring intently. He was eating this up, treating her shame like a delicacy. And, of course, he continued to needle. He knew what he was doing when he mentioned choking, her fantasies flashing for merely a second instead of being followed through in her mind and played out until the end as she had let them do.

Her hand closed slowly and she clenched it for a second before releasing, making herself concentrate instead on that rather than the delight that would be of relinquishing control of one of her most basic needs to him… She chose instead of acknowledging his comment, she would let it breeze past as if he hadn’t said it and as if she hadn’t spent her night desperately wishing that her sexual needs were being fulfilled by something other than herself.

He finally brought up a subject that was okay enough that she trusted herself to answer, though she wouldn’t answer even remotely close to the truth. “My night?” She shifted her seat and played with the hem of her sleeve on her cardigan, ‘I spent my night thinking of you fucking me into an oblivion of pleasure and desire.’ Her mind thought wryly, but instead she forced herself to smirk a bit and drop her eye contact, “I met a gentleman last night.” She said, as if admitting something secret.

“But let’s not focus on my life and what I do when I’m not here. This is about you.” She said, but she wanted to see how that little comment would go over with him. He had shown that he had at least an interest in her on the physical level, but she wondered just how deep that went. It was often a side effect of insanity for one to develop obsessions, and obsessions over people could be dangerous.

At least, that’s what she told herself she was looking for.

There was one thing that she was absolutely certain of - he was not going to harm her on this visit. He had made it quite clear that he would harm orderlies and other doctors but that she was a special case. There was something about her that fascinated him, and she intended on finding out what it was so that she could possibly use it to her advantage to help him cope with the urges when dealing with other people.

“Alright, Mister J.” She agreed, but her voice sounded reluctant, sliding from her chair and keeping distance even as she walked around to behind him. Her fingers moved over the restraints that tied him into the jacket, leaning forward as she took hold of them so that her mouth was by his ear, “Remember Mister J,” She untied the restrain, “You promised to behaved here and afterwards.” Harley let the restraints fall loose so that he could finish releasing himself as she returned to her place, a careful distance from him.

She steepled her hands on the table as she crossed her legs again, a catty smile on her lips. “Now, tell me about what you thought about last night.”[/size]
RE: descent into madness [ Bear & cosmos ]

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[size=-2]It took awhile but she did finally look at him, but she wasn't looking at him more looking at the straight jacket he had on. He was well aware what no eye contact meant, she didn't trust herself to make eye contact in the case she might show some sort of emotion in them. She didn't want him to see that he did have himself planted in there somehow and it certainly was bothering her. When she did make eye contact he didn't react, he just watched her closely. Taking in her reaction, the move of her lips, the look in her eyes, he took it in carefully. Slowly but surely figuring her out, calculating her and making sure he had her where he wanted to have he, for now. Although his eyes were quick to move down to her hands that sat neatly on the table, watching it close slowly into a fist before she released it after a moment.

He continued to watch her hands as she spoke, she was playing with the ends of her sleeve. Joker let his eyes meet her's once again. A huge smirk grew on his lips and soon a loud haunting laugh came out. "Oh I am sure that's why we have been avoiding eye contact for the past ten minutes because of your boyfriend." He laughed again, he wasn't stupid. He doubted she would share something like that with him. She avoided her personal life when talking to him, she wouldn't talk about her family or bring up a man she had met. If she had really met a man she would of just said she went out or had a nice dinner and the conversation would end there. It would be a stupid move, it would put her and this gentlemen in danger. Now there was room for it to be possible and he certainly wasn't throwing that comment off the table. Did it bother him? Slightly, but it didn't enrage him, she was a piece to the puzzle that he intended to use and discard no matter what happened in her outside life. A boyfriend would just make it harder, it would just make Joker try harder. "Well I hope this gentlemen fulfilled all your exception and needs, just like gentlemen should but you and I both know that not all gentlemen are real. So I hope it works out for you and him." He smirked, for extra measures he was going to have to somehow get his hands on the Pill Guy. "Insane, not stupid." Now that comment he mumbled to himself as he looked to the window.

As she stood he let himself look over her in the grey pencil skirt, she had a nice curve to her. He grinned to himself as he looked forward, he defiantly preferred the pencil skirts. "I'll try and keep it for sure." Once the restraints were taken off he pulled his arms out of the sleeves and dropped the jacket on the ground. Once she sat he stood, stretching himself for a brief second before he walked over to the barred window, he tapped it lightly but enough for it to make a noise. Turning around Joker walked towards his seat, his strides steady and smooth. Once he was seated he looked at her, "Well once I threw out all that junk they call dinner down the toilet I decided to just lay down. Like I said I thought of a number of things."

He spoke carefully, setting his hand on the table he pressed his palms into it and leaning back into the chair. "A memory of myself as a child." he looked at his hands, turning them over he ran his fingers of his wrist and arm. "I remember walking in the snow, I was probably only about eight years old. There was this old creepy house down the street that I had lived on, I was curious. So I decided to check it out." He hand continued to graze over his inner forearm. His gaze drifting to the window. "There was this window looking down into the basement." He grinned a little and shook his head. "There was a piano inside, a very old one. I wanted to get a better look so I ended up putting my hands on the glass and leaning down to take a peak. The glass cracked and my right hand fell through." He leaned forward and took her wrist carefully, his finger grazing a straight line up her inner forearm, from her wrist to the mids of her arm. Letting go of her arm he laid his forearm out. "Imagine, hurt like a bitch." He grinned once again as he looked at the scars. "The snow soaked in red, I panicked and I cried like a little girl no lie, the whole run home I gathered myself up not to cry. I even had left my hat and my gloves there along with my backpack. When I got home was father was pissed, so off to the hospital we go, I had to get stitches. Come home and then I got the shit kicked out of me for being stupid. He was so angry. I had gotten blood all over the carpet and in his truck. I didn't get dinner that night. Next day I went to school and had to explain to my teacher that I cut myself and his my face of the wood of the window."

He leaned himself back, staring at the table for awhile. Watching the slight dust move across it ever so slowly. "By dad liked his boozes but he wasn't a stupid drunk. He was the type of drunk to beat you with a phone book so it didn't leave any marks. Although sometimes he found himself so angry that he just went to hitting and kicking." Joker laughed for a moment, "I literally slept in the dog house as a kid, if I was lucky the dog was out there to keep me warm." Was it real? What he was talking about. He wouldn't tell you even if he knew or not. Joker didn't like sob stories at all and he hated telling them but he needed to bring some up and tell her, it was just a step forward. "I got my ass kicked at school too, I was the boy who sat in the back of class, clumsy, shy, chubby and then I got really lanky which didn't help. Got beat up at school to come home and have my dad beat me for being beaten. Told me to stand up for myself you know, so I did. I was seven and one of the nine year olds were bugging me so one morning I bunched the kid in the face. He broke my nose after that and gave me a black eye. That day my dad was called and when we got home he broke my ribs." Joker smirked a little, "He wasn't all that bad. He loved taking me to the Fair and the clowns always made him laugh." He soon let himself look at her and he would cross his arms. Watching her for a long moment.

He leaned forward and sighed a little as he looked at her, now the whole troubled look he held was certainly an act. Trying to make her think that these things did bother him. But the Joker probably never looked so troubled "I didn't tell the others that because I didn't want too, so don't blow this for yourself." [/size]
RE: descent into madness [ Bear & cosmos ]

descent into madness


[size=-2] He was still watching her like a hawk and monitoring her every twitch and tick, and she was becoming steadily more aware of it. There was nothing like making her skin crawl with imaginary bugs. What made the situation even worse was his laugh, a haunting thing that threatened her spine to shiver again. She fought it, but now had just a sliver of an idea of what those around him must feel when they were stuck with him throughout the night. No wonder the patients around him were getting worse instead of better.

“Would you like to speculate on what you think my night was like, then?” She challenged, rising to the taunt to try and show that she wasn’t avoiding his eye contact for the very reason he was most likely suspecting. No, she couldn’t keep showing her weakness to him so obviously, instead she would have to pull herself together and learn to really act like she hadn’t touched herself last night.

She didn’t really want to hear what he thought that she was doing because she had a feeling he would hit it all too close to home, but she couldn’t back down so easy. He was getting too far and she was letting too much happen, letting him get to her. It had to stop. She had to draw the line, even if she had already gone too far.

And though she had come to expect some of his behavior, she didn’t expect the story that he was going to share. She was quiet while he spoke, but she watched the way he moved and how his fingers trailed over his own forearm, tickling the skin there slowly and just barely touching his flesh. Her eyes watched his shoulders and the way he held himself, then searched his face for what she felt like would be telltale signs of him lying to her.

With him it was hard to tell the truth from lies because his view on reality was so distorted. He hadn’t necessarily lied to her before, but he did have a way of manipulating that was impressive. She waited until he finished speaking completely before leaned forward, reaching out to grasp his right wrist gently. Her fingers moved slowly along the lines of his scars, trailing over the tender skin before sliding all the way back up towards the tips of his fingers.

There were scars to verify his back story, and they weren’t something that rubbed off as some had tried to pull before with chalk, but there were still so many questions that she had about it. She couldn’t push him too far to talk about his past or she feared he would shut the door she had opened, but this really was some progress that she had never once expected.

Her hand finally released his wrist, pulling back slowly. “Thank you for sharing your memory, Mister J.” She murmured, shifting and recrossing her legs beneath the table as she leaned back in her chair. “Did you have breaks in your perception of reality as a child?” She asked, tilting her head in an almost curious fashion.

The room was getting too warm for her to use the excuse of wearing a cardigan, her arms slipping out of it and hanging it neatly over the back of her chair. The shirt beneath showed to be sleveless, almost in the fashion of a wifebeater but with a higher neckline. Her mind turned to another subject, while it was on her mind still, “You mentioned you threw out your dinner because it was… Unsavory. What do they feed you?” She wasn’t responsible of the meal planning for the patients, merely assessing, prescriptions, and therapy.

Harley was working over an idea in her mind of getting more in his good graces by making his stay at Arkham more comfortable - she could offer him a hot, delicious meal every night in exchange for him actually taking his medication and working with her in therapy towards becoming a less violent and more well-rounded individual. That was the idea, at least.[/size]
RE: descent into madness [ Bear & cosmos ]

descent into madness


[size=-2]Joker shook his head a little, she was challenging him but he was confident that he knew what went down at her house last night. He let his eyes look at her hands once again and he looked back up to her eyes. "Well you and I both know a man didn't do anything for you last night and you certainly didn't meet one." He tapped the table lightly, playing a melody very gently with his fingers before stopping. "I'm insane Harley, not stupid. There are some things if I asked right now about last night, you wouldn't be able to answer. So lets not catch you continuing to lie to me."

"Why lie and hide the fact that you were most likely doing something very......intimate. Now if you want to tell me that was with a man then so be it but you and I both know that your thoughts were elsewhere." Joker was surprisingly calm, sitting back he sighed and soon smiled. Silence crept over the room for a few minutes as he watched her and then glanced at her hands again. He was busy thinking about her actions on challenging him, it was bold but he wasn't going to loose her with such a twist. She was pretty good at keeping it together, he would give her that but if you looked hard enough you could always see. Joker was very still as she touched his arm, looking to see if there was a scar to prove it and there was but again, even if you asked he wouldn't say if his stories were real or not. He wouldn't even say it to himself.

Her next question made him lean forward so he was a bit closer. "Well I don't really have breaks of reality now." He stated firmly with a more of a mocking tone and a grin on his lips. "And no I was a sane child, I liked to play outside, I liked my dog, I loved summer months. Normal kid." His fingers ran over the shirt he wore as he stretched with a groan and soon cracked his knuckles. "I didn't have many friends, but I had the piano in my father office, the dog to play with, and the telly. I think that's what made him so angry, me being a loner, an outcast. That and my mother leaving us was a rather big piss off for him."

"I have no idea, it's hard to tell somedays. I think they purposely do it I don't really care since the bread isn't all that bad but I'm loosing more weight then actually gaining it. Which sucks because I had a great body." he laughed a little as he said the last part with a playful little tone hidden in his voice. When he got out of here he was going to lock the bloody cook in a cell wit zero fingers on his hands and leave him their to rot with the rats. It made him angry just thinking about it. Joker was curious why she cared so much about what he ate, he guessed his health but she wasn't the cook so meals didn't concern her. "Why?"

"You know, I also touched a rather dusty topic in my brain last night." He made himself have this troubled concerned look on his face. Frowning ever so slightly as he made himself look deep in thought for a quick second. "I have always had the urge to Kill and wreak havoc you know," He looked at her for a moment and then glanced at her cardigan that she took off only moments ago. "that has been on my mind for....well I don't know. For quite sometime now." Joker soon let himself meet her eyes and he let his face stay totally emotionless. "And in all these years of enjoying that I haven't actually had the time to sit back and look at my own needs. SEX! I Totally forgot about a basic human need. SEX!" He hit the table with his hand and brought it up to rub his chin for a brief moment as he thought. "Oh god....when was....yeah, anyway it's been awhile. I just can't believe someone could forget about that you know, but then I remember that I am homicidal, psychopathic, ruthless, sadistic, maniacal, manipulative, intelligent and diabolical killer and criminal. It makes sense, to have all those things in one person and forget basic things like love, happiness, and even sex." He tapped his fingers on the table for awhile. "It doesn't bother me but it is surprising and probably interesting for someone like yourself who studies a crazies." [/size]
RE: descent into madness [ Bear & cosmos ]

descent into madness


Harley found herself getting genuinely irritated at the fact that he was able to read her so well, so much so that the insane thought entered her head that he was possibly having someone watch her when she was at home. She found it harder and harder to believe that she was doing him any good, but there was still a hope at the end of the tunnel for her. She had gotten him to open up about his childhood, something that none of the other doctors had ever done. But he was also able to see into her and get more than just a physical reaction out of her. How many nights would she be satisfied just to go home and ‘take care of herself’? How long would that last before she gave in to her own urges and acted just as impulsively as he did?

Her arms crossed over her chest, a defensive move on its own but one she couldn’t help. “Very funny, Mister J.” She licked her lips and met his eyes, because she was determined to make sure he knew that he wouldn’t get under her skin anymore, and possibly convince him that she hadn’t done precisely what they both knew that she had done, “I said I met a gentleman. You’re the one who is talking about urges and intimacy. Is there something more you’d like to talk about, hmm?” Her voice was almost teasing, and she was almost not lying.

There technically had been a ‘gentleman’ to show up on her doorstep but he was hairy, had four legs, and was only interested in the food she had been cooking. But still, it was close enough she didn’t feel bad about stretching the truth.

It was easier to talk about his past than to talk about her own, as she was feeling the same shame that she had felt just moments after she finished. That feeling normally didn’t linger like this, but there was a certain disappointment of not being completely satisfied, of wanting… More. She pushed that even worse thought back into the box it had attempted to crawl out of and concentrated on his words. There were several things that he brought up numerous times - a lot of it was a heavy concentration on pianos and talks of his father’s vicious behavior.

The piano was an interesting thing for him to fixate so fully on, perhaps because she never would have pegged him to be musical in any sense of the word, but also because it was something that required a lot of time and patience to learn. He seemed far too much of an impulsive person to sit down and learn to play.

She had caught his interest at the mention of food, her lips pulling into a frown as he talked about his diet. “That’s not good, Mister J.” She stated the fact, “I’ll arrange it for you to have better meals, even if I have to bring it myself.” Part of it was that she didn’t want her patient wasting away, but another part was… Honestly, most likely the piece of her that felt something towards him. She didn’t know what, but something. She didn’t want to dwell on it and he didn’t give her time to.

Sex. She could feel her skin crawl when he mentioned it and she wished dearly that she hadn’t abandoned her cardigan. She would have much preferred to have boiled alive than have him see the goosebumps on her arms at him yelling. He spooked her a bit, enough that her guard was broken and he had her full attention, but not enough to evoke fear - true fear - into her heart. He would have to work harder than that, as she had worked with many other psychopaths before him.

Somehow she knew it would eventually come to this, it had always been moving towards this as inevitably as the sun would rise. Sex. It was the one thing that the both of them had had on their minds the previous night, though perhaps for different reasons. She had been envisioning what sex would be like with him, passionate, hard, and most likely every bit as dangerous as it was to be in the room with him.

“No wonder your mind is in the gutter this morning then, Mister J.” She said, using that as if it explained away why he thought that she was touching herself the previous night. Harley fought against her mind thinking about what he could possibly have had on his mind, as that was something that was scary. He was a wild card and she didn’t want to think of what kinky, dirty, and delicious things were going on in his mind.

Even without the exact fantasies going through her mind she could feel a certain excitement stirring inside of her, a hard knot of nerves in the pit of her belly and a tingling urge that demanded to be satisfied between her legs. Her crossed legs pressed tighter, forcing her legs to be a little straighter as she shifted her position. “Okay, Mister J, let’s talk about this then.” She said, every intention of acting the part of psychiatrist but all actuality possibly leaning towards her urges taking her somewhere else, “Why, after all this time, was sex on your mind? Are you starting to have… Urges?”
RE: descent into madness [ Bear & cosmos ]

descent into madness


[size=-2] Joker didn't feel the need to reply, he just held a knowing little grin on his lips as he played with a long piece of blue thread that had come of his sweat pants. Twirling it around his fingers until there was no more to twirl and then he would start back up again. "I am not going to argue with you, I know that you were pressing that button on that elevator and riding it up and down." A comment that might sound a little crazy but he knew what he was talking about. He was going to leave it at that though, he knew she wasn't going to admit such actions that she might of preformed last night and he didn't really care. He knew, he knew because she gave more information by hiding it then she did actually showing it.

"I will not burden you with such a task Miss Quinn." He planned to have himself out of here soon anyway, so he could live a couple more weeks without some decent food. He wouldn't not eat good food if it came to him, he would never admit it but he did get hunger pains one and awhile. He was managing to keep them at bay but hunger just made him more likely to snap on someone. He would probably do that a lot less if he had better food and that clock was gone.

"My mind doesn't ever leave the gutter." That was true, the gutter didn't just hold nasty, dark, and perverted thoughts but it also held evil, sick and twisted things in it too. Everyone ended up in the gutter at some point. No matter what it was, some people just seemed to stay there a lot longer then others.
He could tell that the topic made her uncomfortable in some way and he only got that by the slight goosebumps that he could barely see and the shift in the way she sat. She made her back straighter and she seemed to be at attention far more then before.

The smile returned to his lips and he leaned forward. "Lets." he wanted to watch her every expression as he talked, he was going to pull some dark, twisty, hot thoughts out from the gutter and he was going to catch something as he did it. He wanted to watch her shiver or twitch...anything to know that he had her hooked somehow. The true reason to her question happened a few weeks ago. He had been sitting against the wall in his cell only to here one of the patients screaming as they dragged him down the hall that he was aloud to feel desire and think of sex. At first Joker was rather disgusted and didn't want to think about what had been going on in that patients cell in order for them to step in. Although afterwards Joker realized that there was something he hadn't had in awhile and the thought of it was on and off but when he met Harley Quinn and figured out her weakness he couldn't help but have the thought slowly appear in his mind again.

"Well, It went in steps. It first started with me thinking about the urge to kill, the desire for it, then my mind went to my thing for causing emotional pain in others, and so on and finally it just....poof! Just came to me one night and it just got me thinking on what I was missing or have been missing." He was going to enjoy every bit of this conversation with her even tough he was probably going to do most of the talking. "You could say urges, I try and steer clear of those kind right now, in here isn't the best place to have them but to hide them in your mind isn't a crime."

He continued to play with the blue thread, focusing on it for awhile before his eyes met hers. "I thought what will it be like. After so long I could only imagine. First I got to find someone to put up with me but that's the easy part I guess." He commented with a light shrug, flicking the blue thread to the floor Joker sat his elbows on the table ad rested his head on his hands for a second. "I need the taste of a women, I need to have absolute control over her, her attention has to be on me and only me. I want to take her over the edge but that's something you don't just give to them though. You make it slow, steady, you take it away, you give it to them when you're ready. Because when I allow whoever I am sleeping with to orgasm, it isn't just an orgasm that makes them moan and cry out but it makes them shake, vibrate, scream." Joker made sure his gaze was easy but also intense. "I can be gentle I think but I don't want to be. There's much more pleasure in being rough with the other person, holding them down, tying their hands. There's so much pleasure in being dirty." He would laugh a little. "And to say I don't miss that would be a lie, although I can push it back to the corner of my thoughts as easily as I brought it up." [/size]
RE: descent into madness [ Bear & cosmos ]

descent into madness


His next comment sealed it for her that he absolutely knew what she had done the previous night, whether by the way she moved or some divine inspiration telling him, he knew for a fact of what had transpired in the privacy of her bedroom. And now she knew that there was no further point in attempting to lie or even deny what had happened, because both of them knew it and he seemed… Smug. He knew that he had been the cause of it, after all he was the one that was talking about urges and had spent his night dreaming about sex. He knew that he had caused her mind to walk a path that had long since been dusty.

He knew that he had taken possession of her at least in one manner of the word, her mind unable to stop thinking about him and the way that his body had moved. Even covered in nonsensical tattoos, he had a delightful physique that was still covered in muscles despite his poor diet and the confinement to an area where he wasn’t permitted to have proper workout equipment.

The proper diet would have to change, whether he agreed to it or not, she decided. It wouldn’t be so hard for her to get back into Arkham though she wasn’t supposed to be on the property after nightfall for security reasons. The only staff allowed during those times were the orderlies that cared for them at night and the security guards that prowled the hallways looking to play cop should the situation arise.

She had gotten him talking even more by opening the door to sexual discussion, though she couldn’t say that she was happy about it. His eyes were concentrated on a blue thread that hung off his shirt for the most part, working on it as he weaved his words through her mind. And oh, the things that he was talking about made her feel even more so uncomfortable. Harley wasn’t uncomfortable with discussing sex - it came up often when talking with her patients - but to talk about it with him was a completely different experience.

His words dangled from his lips and hung heavy in the air for her, and she was suddenly hyper aware of everything. The soft ache between her legs was becoming steadily more uncomfortable as he painted a portrait in her mind of all the delightful and horrifying fun that they could have together. Her eyes maintained eye contact with him even though it was a fight to do so and she was suddenly very aware that her breathing had become more rapid, the pictures in her mind of how his hands would feel as he grasped her, touched her, teased her into a slow but all-consuming orgasm.

He was right - there was so much pleasure in being dirty - and her mind was absolutely filthy with all of the dirty things they could do together. She knew that it wouldn’t be unusual for a doctor to lock the doors when having an interview with their patient - Doctor Crane did it all the time - but she had never requested such privacy before in her career.

“You have a dirty mind, Mister J.” Her voice was heavy, her eyes still on him but she dared not move just yet because she couldn’t trust her own body to keep her hands to herself. She uncrossed her arms and made herself set her hands on the table, leaning forward towards him, “I think that these thoughts crossing your mind are happening for a reason,” She said, her voice low as if she were telling him a delicious secret, “I don’t think that you’re bringing these thoughts and urges up by chance… Am I right, Mister J?”

She couldn’t fight herself but so much, finding herself leaning even further on the table so that she was almost close enough she could have kissed him. Her eyes were on his still, gaze steady as she whispered, “I’m not stupid either, y’know. I know why you want to lead the conversation to talking about urges.” She smirked just a bit, “Do you want to talk about that... Mistah J?”
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