A Failure to Hold Back Sin {darkest_fate & Mountain Zaki}

The cock of the wolf pressed up more firmly against Yuna's quivering pussy. It was fat, long and pink in color. It as very veiny as well and the bulb of a cockhead was large and knotted. It pressed against her clitoris, rubbing it back and forth before pressing up against her labia, his tip nearly penetrating her, but not quite.

Meanwhile, his tongue began to press into her ass now, breaching her tight rear just slightly as it tried to lube her up even more, to prepare her for the double penetration that he had planned for her. While this was occurring, Tidus had filled Rikku's pussy with his seed once again and now his well lubed and messy cock was penetrating deep into her ass as he tugged roughly on Rikku's hair, his hips slapping against her ass with every thrust.

The Sin-lupine was on the verge of taking Luna himself, his tip nearly all the way inside her now, the very tip able to feel her inner walls, but Sin stopped it and looked at Yuna with a grin. "We can make it stop, Yuna...we can make it stop and help you feel wonderful...if you promise to obey us." Sin added just one condition to Yuna's demand, but it was an important one and he was eager to hear the nearly broken girl's response.
Something long and hard kept rubbing against Yuna. The pressure felt good, maybe too good. Yuna's dazed mind took a second longer to process yet again, and when it did, her eyes flew open as she fully realized what it was and what was happening. That lupine-member was pressing against her sex. Surely the creature couldn't be thinking... but it had been licking her, hadn't it? It did so now, making Yuna shudder. She could feel the tongue lathering up her ass, that portion of anatomy nearly as wet as the sex below.

The scene before her had shifted, shifted to yet another erotic encounter, another explosion, another slapping of ass upon hips. Everywhere Yuna looked or smelled or felt were those erotic sensations. They assailed each and every part of her. She could feel the heat from it, feel her own body exhausted and aching. Her sex felt almost empty, as if it were quivering for something that it simply had not had yet. She let out another whimper, feeling her body shake and quiver.

Lupine-cock pressed further, stuck more pantie in Yuna's sex. She felt her walls beginning to stretch, fabric and flesh working to contour around the pulsating thing. More heat came from that direction, the creature's warmth radiating into Yuna. More wet came, likely starting to mix already. Yuna sucked in another breath to try and cool down, inhaling more musk. Her eyelids fluttered as her hands tried to vainly seize the ground, as if she could somehow literally grip the earth to stable herself. Words pummeled her from above just as the creature did from behind.

"Obey?" Yuna said, dazed. she tilted her head. She couldn't obey. Not here. Where was the help she kept longing for? "I don't... I want..." the girl wasn't sure what she wanted, or how to put it into words. Groaning, she buried her head again, covering her shame with her hands, hearing the vision's audio and feeling the wolf behind. It was all just.... just so much...
Sin stroked his chin for a moment, seemingly deep in thought before he shrugged and let out a laugh. "I suppose that's good enough. I'll give you what you want and then you'll see things the way I want you to." He looked to the Sin-lupine and nodded. It nodded back and let out a howl as it began to get to work.

It slowly began to push its massive cock into Yuna's awaiting, virgin pussy. The size of his cockhead alone was already starting to spread her open as he pushed into the tight hole, her wet sex easily sucking him in with a desire to be filled. Finally, its knotted tip pressed against her hymen and with a growl, violently moved its hips, shattering her purity and innocence and making her a woman. More and more of his long cock entered her as the tip pressed up against her cervix and slowly began to push past that, entering her womb as he still had more than half of his cock to push into her.

At the same time, the tongue of the wolf began to really push itself into tight virgin ass as well. She was well lubed at this point but it didn't make her any less tight for the large and slimy tongue as it began to burrow into her rear, pumping in and out of her tight ass like a piston.

Sin chuckled as he walked around to look at Yuna's face. He wanted to see what kind of expression Yuna had now that she was a woman. He reached down and stroked her cheek with a laugh. "Such a beautiful expression. I'll give you a gift for finally becoming a woman." He undid what could be called his pants to reveal another cock. This one looked exactly like Tidus' that she was now very familiar with from the visions. "Its your favorite cock." he teased as he pressed it up against her cheek and lips with a chuckle
What she wanted? What did... what did--a howl struck a chill in Yuna's core, made her freeze. Her head jerked up, realizing what this foul creature thought she wanted. She felt the cock pressing, shoving. Her tight body resisted at first, squeezing, as did the pantie. But pantie ripped and exhausted muscles could only go so far. The thick, rounded head spread the girl's tight sex wide. Nether lips began stretching further and further as the thing stabbed into her. Yuna moaned and groaned, feeling it. she felt the thick thing shoving aside her walls. She felt her interior stretching. Muscles she'd never really considered worked. They danced and squeezed, rippling about the invading cock. She could feel every inch of the hard thing that jutted into her, sinking itself into her body.

It paused. It growled. Yuna shook her head, as if trying to deny what was going to happen. A violent movement struck, and she shrieked. Sharp pain, the pain of something tearing, shredding, hit her hard. She felt it ripping within her, felt something giving way. Nearly an inch of thick cock slid into her with that one shove, pressing tight against the even snugger entrance to her womb. There the girl's body clamped tight, less to deny entrance and more simply because of the girl's own lack of room. The slender young woman could hardly fit the massive cock within her tight, untouched body.

Nor could she seem to really fit the writhing tongue into her tight ass. Yuna could feel the thing rippling and moving, slathering more wet. Saliva dripped below, seeping into her sex, shoved with each thrust of the cock. It pistoned against her and she could hear the wet sloshing noises of it invading her body.

Another cock appeared, following some words that Yuna barely processed. She looked up, seeing that the foul human-face wearing fiend was attempting to jab her with it again. "No," she insisted, shaking her head. "It's not, you're not. You're---uuugggh," the last came as she felt her body spasm. Muscles quivered with a bolt of pleasure as her body rippled about the cock. She felt herself bowing back, hips thrusting down, body moving to try and accommodate the thrusting cock. Like it or not, want it or not, Yuna's body was determined to move in time with the invader, to ease the fucking process as it staked its claim over her innocent flesh.
The Sin-Lupine let out a mixture of a growl and a moan as its tip finally breached her cervix and entered her womb. More and more of his veiny and fat cock continued to enter the once untouched areas of Yuna's most intimate spot. It was craving her out, shaping out her pussy to its desire. If Yuna moved her hand towards her stomach, she would be able to feel the outline of the massive cock through her skin that now occupied her body.

After some more pushing, nearly all of the Sin-lupine's cock was finally sheathed within Yuna's tight cave, and nearly a quarter of the length was in her womb. It began to gyrate its hips now, panting as the cock began to remove itself from her only to be suddenly and forcefully jammed back in. His hips slapped against her ass, making her cheeks jiggle with every thrust as his knotted tip sought out her g-spot, that most sensitive of all little pouches located somewhere deep inside her. He thrust wildly in an attempt to find it, his cock slamming in and out of her rapidly as he claimed her.

His tongue wasted little time as well, forcing more and more of itself into her. His drool insured that she continued to be spread open without being torn or being in too much pain. So deep was his tongue inside her now that to Yuna it would almost feel like his cock and tongue were one in the same as they were buried so close and deep into her.

Sin himself laughed as he shaped shifted before her eyes, becoming a naked Tidus in front of her, his cock throbbing against her cheeks and before her eyes.

"Geez, Yuna...this is why I don't fuck you....you won't do anything for me. I guess I'll go back to Rikku if you won't suck me off." the fake Tidus sounded just like the real one and looked just like the real one, and to the ravished and weary Yuna, she might not even be able to tell it was a fake.
Something bulged within her. Yuna felt her very insides reshaping, deforming and contorting about the cock. She could feel the thing jutting so deep, so very deep. it hit parts of her that no normal being would be able to hit. Each thrust hammered against her very core, hit against the very essence of her womanhood. Yuna could feel the sheer pressure of being full, so full, filled to bursting. It increased with each passing second, as she felt her body clamping down, sucking upon the cock as if to make it part of ehr own.

So full, so very full. She felt that writhing, wriggling muscle working at her other hole. Surely it had to taste her deepest essence, to scoop out her insides. The sheer pressure of it, the pulsing. It knocked against the thick cock within her, rubbing her walls against one another. At some point the rubbing hit a spot that made the girl see stars. She yelped with sheer pleasure and surprise, her sex dancing and jostling. That knotted head dragged across that spot, and Yuna felt her sex spasm. A little more of her juices flew out, very nearly squirting with the force of her raw pleasure.

The wet sloshing only added to the frenzied fuck-noises. Yuna could hear the cock sliding in and out of her body, slamming and reshaping against her. The thrusting kept building her more and more and more and she felt the cresting wave rising up within her. She screamed as it seized hold, crashing down, battering her will and resistance. Her sex clamped and jolted, milking the cock and pulling hard. Her ass flexed tight, so tight, body latching onto invading tongue as it to pinch it off completely at its source. The stretched form bowed the young ex-summoner for several seconds, her body now arching back as she cried out. The sheer force of it, of the thrusting cock, took her voice from her body. Left her wordless, mismatched eyes staring into space, seeing nothing.

She soon collapsed, again slumping forward. She certainly hadn't heard any other attempts, could barely comprehend anything beyond the cock that continued to plunder and ravage her womb, scraping against her as if to literally summon eggs from her trembling womb.
The Sin-Lupine let out a loud howl as Yuna's pussy clamped down around his cock. It send a jolt of pleasure to the beast, one he could not contain on top of having his cock and underside drenched with her love juices from her most violent climax yet.

With a violent and savage thrust, the beast came. It filled Yuna completely with his hot and sticky seed. Filling her womb and every possible spot in her pussy with its corrupting and additive semen. Indeed, the semen of the Sin-lupine was like an even stronger version of his musk. Now that it was directly in her system, it would be an even stronger influence in degrading whatever remained of her willpower. So filled with the seed of her "lover" was she that her stomach bulged and appeared to be quite round, as if she were a few months with child. Instead of letting Yuna get any rest though, the beast howled and began to move its hips again, driving its cock back into her womb and causing excess semen to violent slush around inside her and spill out of her pussy to leak down her creamy thighs and legs.

His tongue had also had a climax in a a way...but instead of semen it just released a massive amount of its saliva at one time, causing the inside her of her ass to become absolutely soaked. It made it much easier for the tongue to resume it pumping in and out of her like a rapid piston as it only became larger inside her, its tip seeming to nearly be pressing into her stomach itself, buried so deep into her it was.

Sin meanwhile just shifted back to his human form. It was clear to him now that Yuna had completely lost herself to the pleasure. "What a little slut you've become." He laughed loudly as he gripped Yuna's sweaty and messy brown locking, forcing her head up off the ground so he could press his cock up against her lips, trying to force the massive rod into her mouth to continue ravishing her body even more, to insure a complete break down and submission of the girl.
As Yuna shuddered, she could feel the creature behind her thrust harder than ever. She felt the thing within her pulse. She screamed as she felt it surging up, felt the cock swelling, felt it stretching, shooting. Soon something hot blasted her insides, caking her. Liquid sloshed about her insides, running along her, filling her body. Her sex filled almost immediately, but a plug of a cock wouldn't let too much of it slosh out from her abused body. Oh no, instead Yuna felt the stuff gathering. The hot, wet, syrup poured into her womb. It filled her body as if she were a vessel for liquid. She could feel her abdomen expanding. it stretched. It bulged, looking quite obscene indeed.

But oh, a second hole. more liquid shot, and Yuna felt as though she might have to loosen her bowels. The strange sensation built as more and more liquid shot against her. Her insides were ironically cleared of her initial foulness, instead replaced by the glistening unnatural saliva. It too ran along her, burning her insides. Every inch of Yuna's internals felt as if they had been lit on fire. She groaned, feeling it tremble and shake and quake. Her flesh felt less a vessel for her spirit and more simply a vehicle for shoving pleasure into her skull.

Said skull rose as something grabbed her. She groaned, pink lips parting. Something graced them with the gesture, pressing just along them. Yuna could taste it, fill it seeping into her mouth. Her stomach gurgled, perhaps already feeling the filling within. It caused her to moan. The moan left her mouth an open target. Yuna could only gag and wretch, spit leaking from her mouth, drool popping bobbles at the edges of her lips and her nose, as the cock began sliding, taking her third virginal hole. Her eyelids rolled with the enormity of it all, senses whirling once more. That pressure, it had never fully dimmed. They kept it, kept her, dangling just there, ready for their use, plaint, weak.
With Yuna's guard completely down, the true corrupting nature of Sin could finally begin to work on her. Though her spirit was still strong and pure, the corruption finally got a foothold in her soul. It would be a slow process...but it had now truly begun. Her purity would slow be erased and replaced with a desire to consume and be fucked by anyone she could. There was still a long road to that, for now...Sin enjoyed the spoils of this small victory as he pushed his cock deeper into Yuna's mouth, pushing it into her throat as the cock and tongue of the Sin-lupine continued to ravish her other two holes.

He reached down and stroked Yuna's cheek gently. "Ah, Yuna...you will make a perfect little toy for me once I break you down completely." He laughed as he groaned, his cock throbbing in her mouth. Indeed, just watching her get fucked at brought him great pleasure and to some extent he felt the pleasure of all things that had the essence of Sin inside them.

Thus it was not long until he came and along with him, the Sin-lupine again. A howl filled the air as more sticky and hot cum filled her womb and was poured down her throat and into her stomach while still some clung to the roof of her mouth. Unlike last time though, the wolf removed its cock from her ravished and battered pussy, allowing the build up cum to burst forth from her like a geyser. His seed spewed violently from her ravished hole as it coated her thighs and boot and the surrounding ground around her.

The Sin-lupine vanished from existence as Sin removed his cock from her mouth and let her body fall into a puddle of her own love juices and his cum that had pooled together from their love making. "Well, we aren't done with you yet, Yuna..but lets go somewhere more private." He chuckled as tendrils wrapped around her ankles and dragged her away towards Sin's lair....
Spittle continued to well up from within Yuna. Her body seemed to have sprung several leaks at once. Moisture leaked from her eyes as the pressure of cock in her mouth and the humiliation mounted to draw hot tears down her pretty face. They ran along her bulging cheeks, drawing glistening rivers leading from those beautiful eyes to where the spittle oozed from her lips. More and more spit gathered as he thrust, his cock delving into Yuna's throat. Goo and slime spat up around the girl's heaving mouth, some even leaking from her nose as her face continued to receive the abuse. Sweat still gathered about her body, making her sticky. None of which compared to the sopping mess of her sex and ass.

The girl could feel that pressure roaring up within her, setting off something that was not quite a climax but also not quite not. She felt several go off, like a strand of firecrackers creating miniature explosions all throughout her body. Innards jerked and spasmed as nerve endings seized and jolted, all the while slamming pleasure into all her senses at once. The lower body greedily drank more seed before expelling it, shooting white fluid from the abused sex, but quickly tightening sex and nearly spraying clear fluid from the softly rounded ass cheeks, both holes continuing to tremble and shake long after they were vacated.

Her mouth struggled to swallow. The depth of the cock meant quite a bit shot into Yuna's stomach, filling up another orifice within her. Yet she couldn't possibly swallow it all. Cum leaked around the edges of her mouth, sliding down her body. It glazed her cheeks and chin. It drizzled along her bulging neck. It frosted the tops of her heaving breasts, further caking her battered, soaked clothing to her form. The sheer odor would have been enough to drag Yuna down into unconsciousness, even if she hadn't been fucked there and beyond by the two fiends.

So the girl collapsed in the puddle of mixed cum. Her sex kept oozing, a frothy mixture of excess seeping forth from the hole, mixing with some spittle and sweat to feed the puddle below. She simply slid across the ground, her own body seeming to ease the process, as the creature dragged her further into the debauched depths of the island. There would be no thought, let alone resistance, from the girl for some time, certainly not till the fiends had prepared her for whatever would be the next act in their little play.
It had been an hour or so since Yuna had passed out. In that time, she had been dragged to Sin's Lair, a dank cave far away from the sight of the crash. The walls of the cave were lined with tendrils, giving it a slightly pink hue and making it look alive as the tendrils pulsed and slithered. Yuna was trapped in this wall, her ankles and wrist tightly bound by the tendrils.

While she was asleep, Sin had been busy, summoning all manner of beasts and creatures both from this realm and from others. His first plan for her was an all day session fucking a horde of orcs he had summoned. The green giants with pig faces were all lustful and snorting, eager to have their way with the beautiful woman.

Even though she was still passed out, Sin permitted the the largest and most powerful orc, the leader of the clan to go ahead and begin on her. He approached the helpless girl, letting out a snort before pressing his snout up against her exposed pussy. His fat tongue began to lick at he labia, drinking what remained of her juices from her first fucking. His tongue lapped over her clitoris, swirling around it as his snout pressed against her crotch and sniffed while his tusks dug into her creamy thighs somewhat as he began to indulge in her flavor.
Deep exhaustion brought Yuna a dreamless, restless sleep. Often sleep could recover energy or wounds, restore life force and magical energy. Yuna's sleep barely dented the excessive trial she'd undergone. She'd awaken somewhat better, somewhat revived, but still rather sore and exhausted. It certainly didn't help that she found herself in totally unfamiliar space, with something keeping her pinned in place yet again. Yuna could almost feel the corruption, both seeping from around her and seeping from within. The wet between her legs was...

wait, there was something else there too. Yuna looked down, her blurry vision preventing her from making out more than the general shape of whatever lay between her legs. It grunted, and she felt something hard and pointed poke into either one of her pale thighs. The girl trembled, the poke hurting her sensitive flesh more than she would have expected. The poking had other sensations: something lapping at her sex, not just her sex, but against that button again. Yuna groaned, thrashing, pulling against her binds.

"What... what are you?" she demanded, trying to focus in. Was the creature intelligent? There were so many races of Spira that were. But she couldn't think of many that had tusks. The Guado, perhaps? She couldn't even tell much about the creature besides that; tusks and a large size. The girl kept blinking, hoping to clear her vision. Her touch certainly felt alive, her sex brimming, her hips rolling slightly, already ignited by whatever this creature was doing to her.
The creature looked up and saw that Yuna was awake. It let out a delighted squeal, happy that its toy was up at last. Before Yuna could react, its lips were off her bottom lips and upon her upper ones. Its mouth was large and so were its lips that pressed forcefully against her own. Its mammoth tongue lapped at her lips before forcing its way into her mouth, using her surprise to her advantage to force the appendage in.

It didn't leave her lower lips unattended though; its giant hand moved to stroke at her labia two of his fingers moving to poke and tug on her clitoris, her favorite little button while one of his larger fingers, which was about the size of three human fingers together, began to push their way into her already wet pussy. His other hand moved to squeeze her perky breast, her nipples already hard. His fingers rolled her rosy nipple around while he flesh molded against its rough skin.

Meanwhile, the wall that held Yuna in place seemed to come alive when she awoke. The wall seem to sprout feelers that latched onto every part of her bare skin and began to suck away at her, sending jolts of pleasure through her body via her skin. Not only that though, but they were also injecting Sin's Toxin at the same time which would have the same effect the musk had had before but to an even greater degree since it was injected directly into her in some may spots on her body. Sin began to corrupt her soul once again, eating away at her purity and trying to get her to break down and become nothing more than a slut that craved cock.
Lips seized Yuna's before she could get out any more protest. A squeal of protest tore from her, consumed by the orc who insisted upon thrusting his affections upon her. Soon she felt her tongue dueling with with his much larger one. His dominance in her mouth became readily apparent, and Yuna couldn't even do more than barely attempt to fend him off. Even that turned into an expression of surprise, complete with widened eyes, as she felt something attacking her lower lips and most of her bared body at the same time. Something danced along her skin, sending out little fires of pleasure with each dance.

Something more had seized her sex. The panties were long gone, leaving her with barely a belt of blue fabric which had once been the tight shorts of her gunner dressphere. They did little more than form a belt to further show off the girl's slender hips, all but guiding the massive hand toward her sex. Despite the earlier attacks, Yuna's pussy remained tight, tight and slender, a slight dash of pink along her creamy white skin. The lips parted before the invading finger, surrounding it with wet flesh. They clung against the lips, trembling and rewarding his efforts with feminine arousal. The walls kept working, squeezing as if to milk him. The craving for further wet ached throughout the girl, further inflamed by the sparks of tendrils and the light attention upon her aching breasts.

Already Yuna's head spun, and she fought for breath, sucking in orcish stench instead. The foul odor did little to aid in Yuna regaining her senses, and already her eyes started to roll back in her skull. She jerked, pulling against the strange bindings in frustration, feebly trying to fight back, or so she tried to convince herself. Rolling hips and thrusting chest seemed to speak to something else entirely, and she kept jumping with each little burst that came from the tendrils.
The orc enjoyed the pleasure of kissing Yuna for a few more brief moments; his tongue pressing firmly against her own as he dominated her completely. He withdrew with a delighted snort and licked her cheek as if he were marking her as his. His large mouth then move down to one of her breast, engulfing the mound almost completely as he sucked hard, his tongue swirling quickly around her nipple before his teeth assailed the perky nub as well.

The orc could feel how wet Yuna was getting and decided that she was more than wet enough for his cock now. His withdrew his fingers from her, her sticky love juice clung to his large digits and strung out for a few moments before falling away, but it showed just how wet with arousal she was. He unzipped his trousers to reveal his giant cock. It was by far the largest Yuna had seen yet, nearly double the length and size of the Sin-lupine's cock. It was green and fatty with many veins and a giant, bulbous tip. Said tip began to press against her labia, spreading he lips open slightly as he looked to see her reaction. This didn't stop him from continuing to suck on her breast or to rapidly rub her clitoris in a circular motion to stimulate her.

All the while, the tendrils sucked harder and more often on Yuna's skin, injecting her with more and more of the toxin that would corrupt her and drive her wild. Part of the tendrils coiled together to form a tentacle behind her, which slowly began to prod at her ravished ass which was already extremely tight once more. If Yuna managed to look up, she would see they had an audience...the horde of orcs, around 30 or so, were all watching intently, snorting and taking in deep breaths as they stroked their cocks in their trousers.
A tongue drew across Yuna's cheek, making the ex-summoner grimace. She shook her head, half in denial, half to try and clear her mind. This latter perhaps proved ill-advised, as it meant she could get a fairly good look at the top of the creature's head as it lowered itself. Soon she found her breast being suckled, again attacked as if she were nursing a baby. Only this time, the sheer pleasure of the experience made the girl groan. Her head lolled back, nearly slamming against the wall behind her. Why.. why did it feel so much better this time? Something graced against her nipple and she yelped, her body rolling with the sensation.

Fingers pulled from her all the same. Yuna saw the trail of juices, her eyes widening at the sight. Already? Where was she even getting the fluid? Perhaps that was why she was so lightheaded, nearly dizzy. And a zip, and her eyes went lower. They widened further still. "That won't fit!" she said, thrashing her head. "It's way too big it won't---aahaa!" she arched again, body rolling, as the thing punched against her sex. She felt her lips stretching, the tip alone pulled against her and felt huge, despite or possibly because of the recent plundering of her body. she whimpered, her lower half writhing. Something attacked her breast, no, her body. They sucked and she swore she could feel something seeping in.

Noises drew her attention up. She looked, blinking, not noticing as something prodded against her ass, which still had yet to take anything besides a flexible tongue. "So many..." she mumbled, staring at the crowd, which seemed to just grow, all staring. "Why are you all... why are you all watching... me?" she glanced down at the cock threatening to skewer her, as if she already knew the answer to her question before it left her lips. Yuna whimpered all the same, trying to see if she could somehow crawl up the wall and out of this strange situation.
As if to prove her wrong; the orc began to push his hips forward, his giant cock stretching her open as he was slowly forced to skewer her inch by inch with his rod or risk tearing her muscles apart. It slowly invaded her body, throbbing inside her and clinging to her inner walls as the tip past where her hymen used to be. He wasn't even up to her cervix yet and alright a sizeable bulge could be seen in her. Once the tip had reached the cervix however, he let out a squeal as he entered her womb with delight, his tip easily pushing up against her g-spot, though not even a quarter of his massive cock was inside her yet.

His mouth sucked hard on her breast before letting it go with an audible pop. His mouth move back up to her face and he began to plant kisses on her neck and cheek before his lips hovered over her own. "Ki...kiss?" It managed to ask out in her language between snorts and squeals as his cock invaded her. It seem he wanted her to say if she wanted a kiss or not.

Meanwhile, the tentacle cock in the back decided to make its presence known. Its tipped was barbed and thus when it began to push itself into her, Yuna would definitely notice as the cock head forced her ass to open wide for it, this tentacle being not nearly as flexible as the tongue before. All the while the crowd of Orcs continued to stroke themselves, many of them moaning now. Some stepped closer to get a better view, letting Yuna see their various different shapes and sizes, though all had one common trait...their cocks were huge.
Yuna could practically hear the massive cock opening her body. The pressure of it might be what made her swear she could hear a ripping sound. Her sex stretched wide, stretched wider, accommodating the thing as it shoved within her. Copious amounts of Sin-energy within Yuna helped the girl from experiencing what would have been the worst pain of her young life. There was still some pain, some discomfort at her body being stretched to new limits, but it wasn't the searing, blinding pain she'd expected from something that already bulged her flat stomach.

the girl groaned, her fingers opening and shut, trying to grip against something. She felt the bulb tap against something, rub against her, and then shove fully within her. Yuna cried out, her head snapping back hard enough to daze her. She felt skewered, a meat ice-pop stabbed atop a throbbing slab of meat. The creature kept her pinned in place, his head lowering to slobber over her breast as well. She could feel that wet leaking, as surely as she felt the wet leaking from between her legs to anoint the cock that stretched her from below. It drizzled lower, and Yuna realized that something prodded her ass.

"No," she breathed, her body trembling. She felt the puckered star of her asshole clench, but the barbed tip flapped against her all the same. It shoved, pushing hard. Yuna screamed out, body arching up, unconsciously skewering herself further onto the orc. Her head rushed forward, desperation to get away from the sudden insertion in her ass overwhelming other thought. This put her face dangerously near the orc's, his foul breath already making her head spin. Yuna tried again to grip onto something, to move herself, squirming and writhing against the bonds, head continuing to stretch toward the orc, arching almost like a feline asking to be stroked.
The orc let out a loud moan as it felt Yuna's tight pussy clamp down around his giant cock. It was alright tight inside her, so to have her clamp down only increased the pleasure he felt. He managed to push more of his cock into her, his giant bulge in her stomach now visible for most of the length of her belly. Finally, after some adjust, his cock was full sheathed in her wet hole. His hips pressed up fully against her labia and a good portion of his cock squeezed into her womb.

His one hand continued to play with her clitoris. He had fucked many human women and he knew playing with the clitoris made them feel good. He was skilled, twisting and rubbing it at various speeds and angles to constantly change the pleasure she was feeling. His other hand reached up and stroked her head and cheek with a chuckle. "Pussy cat." He laughed, pressing his lips up against her own again, his tongue lapping at her lips to seek entry.

The other cock drilling her ass forced more and more of its fatty self into her, the barbed tip latching and clinging to various different parts of her ass as it pushed its way in. Like before, there was quite another large bulge to join her other one now if Yuna either looked down or managed to reach her hand to feel the outlines that defiled her now. Some of the Orcs had started to climax, their cum flying out. Some were close enough to splatter Yuna's sides with their seed. None of then went limp however...all were still quite hard.
The huge cock seemed to swell as Yuna pressed it. She groaned, head lolling yet more, nearly colliding as lips seized hers. Soon she found a disgusting tongue yet again invading her body, taking hold of her tongue and toying with it, playing with her mouth as easily as it played with everything else within her. She could feel that massive tongue dominating, and each breath sucked down spittle, the girl nearly choking upon the stuff. Bits bubbled up and slid down the sides of her mouth, adding more to the general wet that had become a near constant state for the poor girl.

She felt the tension rising in her loins. The huge cock skewering her would've been enough on its own, but the creature kept strumming her clit as though he were a master musician and the nub his favored instrument. Soon Yuna felt her hips canting upward. Her body rolled in time with the thrusts, rocking. Each roll shoved cock into her: forward, and the cock skewered her front, nudging her womb, bulging her flat stomach; back, and the drilling tendril shoved within her ass, once more cleaning her out and depositing pure corruption within her body.

A scream rent out of the girl, echoing into the orcish mouth. Pure pleasure, dark and raw, tore at her yet again. It raked her body with its claws, ripping apart all other sensations. She felt it seize muscles, stiffening her. It twisted her body, first to one side, then another. Her breasts jerked so the cloth now barely shielded. Her lower parts shot down against the cocks, riding. The riding came with milking, as a rippling abdomen attested to great muscular work. The girl's tight body became tighter, became a vice, a milker, demanding seed be shot up into her recesses.

Hot wet streaked her sides, stretching Yuna's orgasm out. She shrieked further, pulling enough away to leave the orc. A loud scream shot from her lips, eyes rolling back, body rocking as the orgasm took her again, wrenching one last burst of primal pleasure from her, leaving her almost limp for the orc to continue having his way with her.
The orc enjoyed making the girl drink his saliva as well as take his cock. Sin had told him to ravish the girl as much as possible, and that is exactly what he was doing. It seemed like he did a good job as Yuna violently climaxed, her pussy gripping his cock violently and trying to milk him for all the seed he had. He groaned as the pressure was enough to cause him to climax as well. With a final, violently primal thrust he squeal and filled Yuna up with his sticky and warm seed. His cock already filled her up mostly, so his semen had little room to fill before it began to gather and caused her stomach to bulge even larger than it had with the Sin-Lupine. Only a small amount managed to seep out of her pussy as the giant cock kept her plugged.

The tentacle in her ass violently expanded before bursting inside in. That was its form of climax. She was filled with a black substance, hot and sticky just like semen but much more dangerous for here. It was pure Sin-essence, the most corrupting force on the planet and now she had a massive load if it in her ass that quickly began to corrupt her faster than anything had ever tired to before.

As this occurred, three Orcs approached with smiles on their snouts and cocks throbbing and ready for action. The chief Orc didn't want to pull out of her just yet though, loving the sight of her bulging stomach that made her appear heavy with child. His tongue uncoiled from his mouth and loved towards her lips, licking them slightly and gesturing her to suck on his tongue.
Once more Yuna felt the familiar sensation of her sex, no, her womb, no, her body, being filled with hot seed. It expanded within her, inflating her with one great burst. The girl groaned, feeling her already trembling body spiral off into another orgasm just from the pressure of the seed jutting inside her. The blasts kept her going, launched that orgasm higher. Her pleasure latched onto the corruption, seeping it, warping and twisting it to serve the needs. All while the girl ballooned out yet again.

She could feel it. Feel the seed filling her ass. Feel the goo seeping in. Feel the heat, the corruption, the dark filling her like she'd never been filled before. That pleasure ate away at her thinking mind, replacing it with pure, desperate, need. Panting, Yuna rolled her body, trying to work herself against the orc cock, to feel it pushing, thrusting, jutting. She tried now not to simply squirm or writhe, but almost to ride the great thing skewering her body. Her motions made her ass squeezed, bits of black goo seeping from her to trail lines of dark along her pale flesh.

Again she smelled the foul scent of orc, its disgusting breath wafting against her face. Her head lolled, moving toward it. Mouth opened, lips closing. A loud, lewd slurp came as the girl sucked upon the tongue, working it. Her cheeks caved as she drew it within, as if she were a child with a sweet. She felt the spittle seeping into her, feeding her. Again she groaned, her eyelids fluttering, her hands opening and closing. She could barely see orcs coming closer. Why were they coming closer? Were they going to give her pleasure too? Her rolled eyes looked to each in turn, flicking, wondering how three would even work against her body... or were there going to be even more than the three? Surely not...
The orc chief smiled, happy with the job he had done. He slowly pulled his cock out and once the bulbous tip had exited from her her pussy and cleared her labia, the cum gushed out like a dam breaking. His seed poured from her violently, spilling out onto the cavern floor below. As if on cue, the tendrils holding her in place released her and she fell once more into a pool of cum and her own fluids.

The orcs surrounded her and grinned. One laid down on the stony floor, his cock fully erect and ready to be mounted. Three more orcs surrounded her, all their cocks throbbing for attention. One orc pointed to his companion and grinned. "Mount." He managed to get out with a snort.

Before that though, the chief approached her and gripped her hair firmly but gently, making her looking into his eyes. Her chin pointed up, he pressed his sloppy cock up against her cheek and lips. "Before....clean." He managed to utter, the words hard for him. It seemed that before she got the pleasure of all the other orcs fucking her, she had to clean the chief's cock off first.
Something slurped out of her. Yuna could feel it leaving her body, felt the great expulsion of seed. Her sex seemed to shoot the stuff forth, the streams of thick white mixed with her own arousal. Yuna could feel it splattering against her legs, could hear it hitting the floor, a wet, slopping noise amid all the others. Her legs already had been trembling, and now her entire body seemed to quiver all the further. Dazed eyes flicked about, seeing the orcs coming in and giving her looks, nearly prodding at her with equally impressive cocks.

Something released Yuna, and she let out a soft yelp as her body crumpled to the wet floor below. Hot wet continued to seep into her lower half, and she had little doubt that her boots were all but coated in the stuff. A shift of her head dragged the tail of brown hair against it as well, almost daubing it like a paintbrush. Another shift showed the orc laying down, clearly expecting Yuna to simply clamber atop him and do her work. Part of her still resisted, but her body felt charged. The two parts warred, delaying her even before her previous "lover" grasped her hair and yanked her toward him.

The cock hit her lips and she grimaced. The stench of it proved all too familiar: heady, disgusting... but with something else lingering upon it. Yuna barely recognized that the slightly sweet odor likely came from her own sex. Her body had to have placed its mark upon the orc, and bits of what glistened on the shaft had likely come from her as well. The ex-summoner cautiously opened her mouth. The little pink tongue just darted forward. It flicked against the shaft. The girl pulled back, staring, before leaning forward to try another lick.

And yet again, Yuna found herself pulling back. Her head shook, some of her mind seizing her. What was... what was she even thinking of doing? She needed to get out of there... right?
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