A Failure to Hold Back Sin {darkest_fate & Mountain Zaki}


machina erotica
Dec 17, 2009
An entire island had gone under within a matter of days. The Sin, the driving force which had supposedly been defeated by the Summoner and her Guardians, had reappeared, driving a new wave. This wave seemed to be surging stronger, as if driven by some new force or desire. Had Sin risen again? The rumors began to fly, particularly as not a single survivor has escaped from the island. Already something of a quarantine had been established, and it almost seemed to have worked. That the creatures also would have to cross the Thunder Plains likely helped matters further.

This was nothing more than a temporary solution: a quarantine, not a cure. Somehow they would have to go to the source, to determine what was truly working within this strange island.

Which is how Yuna found herself equipping a Gunner's dress sphere as she looked down at the island below. Her mismatched green and blue eyes narrowed as she took in the teeming masses. The landscape appeared dotted with the creatures, nearly swarming. How had they possibly let it get this far? Even from her position far above the place, Yuna could feel just how... how wrong it all was. It made her rub her arms, barely suppressing a shudder. She longed for her Aeons, wishing she could call upon their help. The guns she had upon her holsters felt paltry in comparison.

Yuna, Rikku, and possibly the new girl, Paine, would land in a team together, with several others staying on the ship. Originally there had been protests about letting the ex-summoner, one of the saviors of Spira, enter such a dangerous place. Yuna had been quick to point out that it was because of her position that she needed to go. Rikku had been equally adamant, and others had backed their skill. Dress-spheres would substitute for Aeons, and the girls would all be equipped with communication spheres for the moment they hit trouble. It should be an easy enough mission. If anything grew too awful, they were to retreat.

Yuna nodded, stood up, brushed off her knees, feeling proud at not flushing at the slightly revealing outfit any more. Her Gunner garb certainly bared more skin than her Summoner's robes. It felt freeing... but also embarrassing, a point Rikku had hammered home with numerous quips about Yuna's "perky little butt." The Gunner took her position beside her cousin, who was already humming and swaying on her feet. She nodded, hearing Rikku already speaking about YRP being ready for position.

Then everything went wrong. The ship shook. Red sirens flashed. Yuna lunged, missing a railing by inches. The landing pod they were supposed to use broke off in a instant. Yuna felt the world falling around her, the technology barely keeping them from simply plummeting. Even as it was, they hit hard, hit hard and... and separated? Yuna couldn't tell. Everything had blurred for her, and, dazed, she found herself stumbling free from the pod. At least she hadn't lost enough of her innate life force to show wounds; she could check that on display spheres. But the pod... the pod looked worse for wear. And Rikku was no where in sight.

"Hello?" Yuna said, touching her communication sphere. "Hello, can anyone hear me? I'm alright..." she paused as the sphere produced a fuzzy image. Something like voices fizzled on the other end for several seconds, before nothing but snow filled the sphere. Sighing, Yuna closed her eyes, sinking to her knees. She could feel the ground below scuffing against her, and she felt like simply letting the despair wash over her.

However, a sound caught her attention. A gun flew into her hand and she rolled, the long tail of chestnut hair flying about her. Those multicolored eyes narrowed as she sighted down the barrel, hesitating for a moment, uncertain if she'd be meeting a fiend or had already relocated one of her friends, if they'd even come down to this accursed place with her. Just that moment of hesitation. Just... a moment.
He had long ago forgotten his name. Even before the single Sinscale had attached to his dying body, the pain and the suffering had been all he had known for sometime. He had a pleasant childhood and a loving family, but he was unlucky enough to be born in a certain village that practiced a certain tradition right around the time he was coming into maturity. The villagers would proclaim one of their own as the Avatar of Sin and endlessly torture said Avatar, unloading all of their pent up anger, evil and sins onto the unlucky soul. He had been that unlucky person and as had been tradition, his body had been preserved through magic so they could continue to torture and torment him, his soul not allowed to leave his body. Simply put, he was unable to die.

However, once Sin had been defeated his fellow villagers decided to take pity on him and slowly allowed him to die. Just as he was about to embrace death however, that final Sinscale had attached itself to him. It had been drawn to him like a moth to a flame; drawn to his suffering and his longing to cleanse the world. Once attached, it was all Sin needed to reform itself. However, it would soon find that its new host had quite a more powerful mind than Yu Yevon. His suffering and torture had given him a mind of steel that even Sin could not overpower. Thus, a more frightening creature had been born. A creature that had all the power and control of Sin, but the intellect and cunning of a human mind.

This new version of Sin soon restarted its goal of consuming humanity, but it quickly realized that so long as Yuna and her friend were around....Sin could be defeated again. Thus it began to plot and plan, it needed to lure Yuna and her friends to it and then separate them. Together they were too strong, but isolated...they could be defeated and corrupted in turn.

That was the trap Yuna and the others had fallen into. Once the ship was close enough, Sin had used its control of gravity to pull their ship down making sure to scatter the pod as far from each other as possible. Once that was done, its focus turned towards Yuna.

The more human side of Sin now took over as he began to stalk the girl in the form of a humanoid shaped, shadowy void. He waited until he sense the slight moment of hesitation from the girl; it was enough of a moment to strike. Four tentacle like tendrils shot out from the void and lashed out at Yuna, striking at her hands and wrist to knock the guns out of her hands. Two of the tendrils wrapped around her ankles and two of them around her waist, immobilizing her as they rose in the air, suspending her a few feet above the ground.

"Yuuuunaaaaaa" A voice emerged from the void as a mouth appeared on the void, flashing what could only be described as a sinister smile. The voice itself was an amalgamation of every voice she had ever heard before; all of them together in a chaotic and pained way. One stood out though, and in a painful irony, it was the voice of Tidus. The void approached Yuna, its mouth opened and a long amphibious tongue uncoiled itself.

"Yuna...my destroyer, my creator, my foe and my lover...you are all these things to me" The voice chuckled as the tongue slowly licked up her neck and cheek, brushing briefly over her lips as it coated her skin in a slimy drool. The tendrils around her wrists and ankles tightened to insure she could not escape. Its hand reached forward and slowly groped one of her lovely breasts through her Gunner top. "So pure....and innocent. I will corrupt you until your mind is only full of lustful and sinful desires." The voice issued a booming laughed as it squeezed her breast harder, waiting to see how she would react.
A human shape. That was why Yuna had hesitated, even as she'd seen the shape forming. Humans could be talked to, reasoned with, even convinced of their own wrongdoing, or so she'd thought and hoped. This one attacked. Yuna reacted, reflexes from plenty of battles kicking into gear. She jerked back, fired her weapons. The shots might have even connected, might have done some damage. Had Yuna been fresh, had she not been on unfamiliar ground, she might have even gotten away. Instead, she found one foot slipping on the ground below. Just one, but one was enough to make her an open target for the tendrils.

The guns hit the ground. Yuna heard their thudding, almost too loud in her ears. Her feet left the ground. a yelp left her and she tried to struggle, feet kicking, body nearly trembling. All froze as she heard the being say her name. Eyes wide, she turned to look at the creature. "H-h--how--?" was all she managed before shrieking as a tongued touched the pale white of her flesh. Her feet kicked out almost feebly, as if she could somehow push off the air and move further away.

The creature continued. It labeled Yuna, laid titles upon her. Each one forced more worry onto the girl's already nearly overburdened shoulders. Then that tongue traveled. Yuna shuddered, she whimpered, she kicked her feet and... and found that the tendrils kept her firmly bound. She could wiggle and writhe, but she couldn't do anything that would affect a release or an escape.

A hand touched her breast, making her gasp. She again tried to jerk, particularly as it massaged. Pure and innocent... how could it know? She'd kissed before, certainly but, but, well, she'd been a Summoner, and Summoner's don't... "No you won't. I'm aha-!" the last came as it squeezed her breast. Sucking in a breath, Yuna tried to gather strength, tried to find a way to maybe activate the sphere. They'd surely be looking for her. Maybe if she stalled?

"Wha--what is your goal?" she demanded, trying to focus her attention on him. Her eyes had already started to water, making the task a little harder. Still, the ex-summoner had at least some grit in her, and she intended to show it now.
Sin's smile widened as Yuna struggled and gasped as he assailed her body. He was taking in the sight of her beautiful body in that tight and form fitting Gunner's outfit. It suited her perfectly, and the human side of him began to feel quite aroused from just looking at her. He squeezed her breast again, feeling her flesh mold against his digits as his other hand slowly began to drift down her side.

"What do I want....I want to consume the world..that is what Sin does after all...but beyond that, I want revenge..." His voice was cold and firm; an inner rage could clearly be heard as well. "I want revenge against the world that thought it could rid itself of their sins by placing them all on one person. I want revenge for all the pain and suffering that was caused to me...." He squeezed her breast harder now in anger as his other hand now reached her firm and as Rikku had put it earlier "perky little butt." He gave her rear a hard spank before groping it along with her breast.

"Beyond that though, I want to see the pure and loving savior of the world be corrupted into little more than a sinful beast seeking out its desires." He chuckled as he began to move what could only be described as his face closer to hers.

His lips crashed against her own quite roughly. His tongue lashed at her lips and tried to wiggle its way into her mouth. All the while his hands worked on her body, groping at her breast and rear, his digits digging into her flesh through the fabric of her Gunner's outfit as the sinful essence of Sin began to slowly corrupt Yuna's mind.
Consume the world? That made horrifying, terrifying sense, sense enough to jostle Yuna's mind and thoughts. She fought, fought more inwardly than outwardly, regaining her mind and her will and just barely listening as the creature kept going. she could feel its hands continuing, exploring her body in ways that no one else had dared explore before. Her breasts, her ass, both received attention.

The spank made Yuna help all the same. Her eyes flashed with hurt, hurt that quickly snapped into anger. She could hear him speaking of corruption, and his words forced her head to shake. "Never!" She nearly spat back, squirming. Her lips pursed together, her body tightening, forcing back against him. He moved all the same, his lips seizing hold of Yuna's. Again the girl let out a noise of protest, her jaw tightening. everything tightened, panic and frustration and fear all seizing muscles and stiffening the girl throughout. She could feel the creature battering against her: a tongue trying to wriggle into her. She resisted with clenched jaw, forcing her teeth into a barrier.

Hands worked down, squeezed plump flesh that already threatened to spill forth from the outfit. Yuna could feel the digits pressing into her, eating away at her own energy and weakening her with each passing moment. this was hardly the first time she'd been grappled, though her panicked mind struggled to recall that fact, to use it, to ground herself.

Then the girl lashed out. She pulled at her arms and legs, attempting to scrunch up, to pull back, to jerk away. Her head, forehead first, thrust out, attempted to connect with him. Yuna had ever intention of fighting the sin for as long as she could, while her energies still held out. She knew she could do it, could manage. She just... had to resist. It certainly... certainly wasn't going to feel... to feel... good.
Sin merely laughed at her pointless struggle. After all, the tendrils wrapped around her ankles and wrist made fighting back nearly impossible. Now, his arm wrapped around her slim wrist and pulled her into his chest. It was cold and hard; like stone or steel. It certainly didn't feel human.

As she struggled, his tongue had managed to wiggle its way into her clinched mouth. Its pure size and width had forced her jaw to open once it had worked its way in. This part of Sin certainly felt human as its tongue was wet and hot. It swirled around inside her hot cave and pressed against her own appendage. It dripped globs of saliva down into her mouth and throat as he chuckled against her lips. All this added contact only increased the rate she was being corrupted.

His hand on her breast violently ripped off the fabric of her Gunner top that was covering the breast he had been groping. Now one of her perky and lovely breast laid exposed to him while the other remained covered. He wasted no time in groping directly at her flesh now, his grip an odd mixture of souless cold and warm heat. His fingers skilfully sought out her hard nipple and began to twist and tug on the nub.

While this was happening his other hand had ventured into her shorts and began to squeeze at her rear directly now. Her flesh molding against his digits as his index sought out her asshole. It searched and eventually found its target as it began to prod at the tight hole; all the while his hand was visible as an outline through the tight fabric of her shorts. He knew the corruption would be eating at her even faster now. He wondered how long she could resist.
The tendrils kept seeping in. Yuna could feel it working against her body, further diminishing her life force. no, not just that: it worked at something else, as if it could somehow diminish her. As if she'd truly fall even for something such as this. Yuna knew it could take her body, and at the rate it went, it could do all sorts of things to her there, but it couldn't corrupt her. No, she wouldn't let it.

The same could not be said for the tongue that worked its way into her mouth. Once more noises of protest left Yuna, only to be smothered by the connecting being. Her jaw had stretched despite her muscles, and after the pain started from resisting, all Yuna could do was try and fight back tears from the pain. Something flicked her tongue, as if attempting to stir it to action. It flicked, tried to help, as if it could feebly push out the invader. Something slid into her mouth. She felt bits of it sliding off her cheeks. Spittle? Her or his? The girl coughed, feeling a bit more seep out in a slight spray. Her throat relaxed just for a moment.

But her body remained tense. It tensed further as something touched her breast. The ex-summoner was modestly endowed, to be sure, but her breasts had the perk of youth. Their shape was nearly artistically perfect: rounded with soft pink nipples atop the snowy white flesh. Bits of pink showed where the creature gripped and pulled. Blood flowed freely to the tip, causing it to stiffen. Little bursts of pleasure hit Yuna, forced her to make more noises, her mouth opening just a bit more. Still, she tried to pull her body tighter, as if she could tighten her legs and pull back.

This put her in a position to defend her front a little better, though the tendril still worked her breast. But it also meant that the tendril could almost too easily access the tight little star of Yuna's very virgin ass. Yuna let out her sharpest cry yet as she felt something caress there. Everything stiffened and she flailed, growing more frantic as she felt it prodding against her. All her training told her that such behavior was most definitely, wholly wrong, and she knew she had to try and fight back. If this wouldn't work, soon she might have to try and activate her dress sphere, hopefully that would buy her space, at the least.
Sin could feel the resistance that Yuna was giving him. Not the physical resistance that was rapidly beginning to fade, no, it was a much deeper resistance than that. A spiritual and mental resistance that made corrupting her any further extremely difficult. He had to change plans, and this rapid need for change is where the human intellect that Sin had acquired came into play.

He removed his lips from hers, his tongue slowly withdrawing from her mouth as he removed his hands from her breast and ass. The tendrils remained firmly wrapped around her wrists and ankles however. A small strand of drool connected their two lips for a brief moment before it fell off with a laugh from Sin his sadistic smile even wider now.

"Well, since I plan to make you into a permanent bitch in heat, it would be remiss of me if I didn't provide you with a suitable partner." He laughed as the human form seemed to fade into the shadows. The tendrils flipped Yuna around and forced her to the ground onto her hands and knees, her rear raised slightly in the air and completely defenseless.

Emerging from the shadows came a wolf...but it certainly wasn't normal. Its fur was jet black and it did not have any eyes and on top of that it was much larger than a normal wolf and it had a long and dripping wet tongue the emerged from its gaping mouth.

It approached Yuna slowly, licking its lips as it sniffed the air. An unusually sweet scent like that of honey filled the area and soon filled Yuna's lungs. It made her feel hot, heavy and aroused and it only got worse for the girl the closer the wolf got to her.

Once it was finally close to her it paused and sniffed her rear and it seem to howl with approval. It pressed its wet snout and muzzle right up against her crotch, taking in big whiffs of her womanhood. Its massive cock throbbed on the underside of its belly as its teeth dug into the fabric of her shorts and slowly and almost teasingly began to tear the garment from her body.
Groaning, Yuna saw the strand of drool connecting her lips to the creatures. Her eyelids fluttered for a few moments while her world fought to right itself, spinning almost counter to how her mind processed. She quickly regained herself again, latching onto the words that this embodiment of Sin tossed out. Permanent bitch in heat? "That's not me!" Yuna protested.

She couldn't get much more than that and a yelp as the tendrils easily flipped her body. The impact drove the air from Yuna, leaving her momentarily dazed. She quickly checked her own life energy, seeing that she still had plenty of it left, at least enough that she wouldn't have to worry about passing out or possibly something worse. Her body felt odd though, certain parts far warmer than others, while her head spun in a manner not unlike being hit by Confusion. The girl wasted a few precious seconds regaining balance, before looking over her shoulder.

There prowled a lupine creature born out of nightmare. She'd fought wolves and the like before, several, in fact, but something about this one felt just as off as the creature who'd first subdued her. Yuna tried to crawl away, not quite fighting her way to her feet. She sucked in a great breath of air, feeling something cloying sticking in her throat. The girl swallowed, immediately feeling a rush. Enough time spent around monsters and Aeons gave Yuna some idea of what was happening: the creature had some sort of pheromone. But why did the sickly sweet odor smell almost appealing to Yuna? Shouldn't it only appeal to others of its kind?

Again the puzzlement had slowed the ex-summoner's movements, this time enough for the creature to catch up to her. She felt the air disturbing her sex, glad for the shorts and the tight panties she wore to protect her. Teeth worked all the same, pulling that fabric. Yuna yelped, feeling it stretch. A hand went to her legs, fingers spreading. She half expected it to pull them down, but instead felt the fabric tearing, tearing right between her legs, soon to bear the dark blue string panties she wore beneath. "Stop that!" she insisted, waving with a hand. Unfortunately for her, the movement disrupted her balance, and she essentially face-planted into the ground. Dazed yet again, Yuna moved her arms up, unconsciously taking a position very much like a bitch in heat as she tried to lever herself upright again.
"Now, now my lovely Yuna...why struggle so much?" The voice of Sin asked her in her mind with a chuckle. It sounded even more like Tidus now...far too much like him for Yuna's comfort. As the voice laughed at her, another tentacle tendril emerged from the ground not unlike the ones that had bound her before. This one was different however is it had something that appeared to resemble a suction cup on the end of it.

This tendril coiled itself around Yuna's single exposed breast. The slimy tentacle around her milky soft and perky breast, squeezing it like it was in a vice. The end of the appendage latched onto her hardened and pink nipple. Once on it began to suck like the lips of a babe upon their mother's breast. A small feeler emerged and began to swirl around the perky nub as well, acting like a tongue to flick it back and forth while her breast was sucked.

Meanwhile the wolf smacked its lips at the sight of her blue panties; the last barrier between it and her tight, virgin pussy. Its long and wet tongue slowly began to lick at her cunt underneath her panties, licking up whatever juices might have been leaking through and letting her feel the wetness and texture of its tongue through the fabric. Its tongue soon sought out her clitoris and began to skillfully tease her most sensitive nub of flesh. It prodded at the bud through her panties and began to bat around her clitoris as its lips moved to suck slightly on it. However, unlike with her shorts before the wolf seemed content at the moment to tease Yuna and did not rip her panties off. All the while the arousing pheromones of the wolf doused the air around them until it was basically all Yuna was breathing in as her body was mercilessly teased at two points.
"You're... evil," hissed Yuna through clinched teeth. She could hear remnants of Titus in the creature's voice, seeping through the raspy tone and latching onto her emotions. Yuna knew better, knew that the creature was just playing with her, but knowing it and hearing that voice were two different things entirely. Her mind had enough to struggle with anyway, especially as her virgin body processed all the arousing sensations she was receiving for the first time.

Yuna felt something move about her breast, and she gritted her teeth, trying yet again to wiggle away. This pushed her lower half further into the maw of the wolf behind her, all but grinding against it. The girl gasped, eyes flying open, as she felt that grind produce increased pressure. Something flicked in her sex, a little spot that sent a hot bolt of pleasure straight into Yuna's core. The tongue lingered on that area, bathing it in spittle. Yuna could feel her panties contouring, showing the lines of her snug sex all too clearly. She could also feel wet, warm wet that surely had to come from the dog's maw. She tried to wiggle again, to move away from tendril or mutt.

Instead she ended up pushing down with her chest, all but thrusting her nipple further into the sucking cup. The girl gasped again as she felt the pink nub jut further within. Something flickered against it, fanning the flames as surely as the licking at her crotch stoked them hotter and hotter. Already Yuna's body fought against the heat, starting to glisten. She swore that it seemed to glisten more between her legs than anywhere else, which didn't make sense to her. The tightness in her chest barely made sense either.

Each sucking breath of air felt thick as well, as the girl gulped down the Sin-lupine's musk. Her mouth felt full of the stuff, and she couldn't clear the taste as surely as she couldn't clear the touch on her tender bits. "Tell it to stop!" she yelled, again trying to twist and swat at the dog. That was the biggest threat, and she tried just ignoring the tendril on her breast. Her focus went into trying to close her leg, to pull her bottom half away, all the while all but thrusting her chest out.
"Why do you want it to stop. Your body enjoys it. You are so wet after all." Sin teased her, pointing to the fact that her crotch was quite moist even though the wolf's tongue had only just begun its work. It seemed like the stimulation she was receiving wasn't enough however and so another tendril emerged from the ground.

This one, like the one before, had a suction cup on its end and it coiled around her other breast and squeezed before the suction cup latched onto her breast through her top. The sensation of this one was totally different from her exposed breast however as while the sucking and licking was occuring the fabric of her top began to cling onto the flesh of her breast. Thus one breast had the sensation of being sucked bare while the other enjoyed the pleasure of having her soft and smooth fabric clinging to her wet body while being sucked. It created quite the pleasurable contrast in her overwhelmed mind.

The wolf was not amused with Yuna's struggles however. It has forced a large part of its body between her legs, making it impossible for her to close them. By now, her tight blue panties were stained nearly all the way through with a combination of the wolf's saliva and her own love juices and sweat, making the fabric sticky and clinging to her labia and for an arosing scent for the wolf as it let out a howl. Its tongue began to work more feverishly on her pussy. It swirled around her clitoris for a few moments before it began to lick at her labia at large. It was drinking up the combination of their juices before it began to push its way into her pussy. It pushed the fabric of her panties into her nether region as well as the voice rang out in her head again as the pleasure intensified all around. "Just admit it, Yuna. Admit that you want to feel better. It's okay...all humans live for pleasure, after all."
"That's... from the heat..." protested Yuna, shaking her head. She had heard bits and pieces about girls getting wetter during sex. It had made some sense in the abstract, the few times she'd even dared broach the subject. But surely this just had to do with the heat, and the tongue constantly bathing her sex. She could feel it contouring her panties tighter and tighter to her body, and had a sinking feeling that soon it would be pushing her panties into her body.

First, the tendrils moved again. Yuna gasped and tried to fend off the rising tendril, jerking and moving, but again, she found herself falling on the ground, stunning herself instead. this also meant that she all but thrust her breasts against the tendrils. Now they worked in chorus against her, milking her. Each suck shot another little bolt of pleasure up into the girl. Licks and laps caked fabric on one end while teasing a pink nub to diamond hardness on the other. "Leave my breasts alone," she tried, attempting to squeeze her chest together and essentially creating more cleavage. "You're not a baby!' again, the girl had heard about men going for it, though it never made sense. It was creating a greater and greater tightness, and contributing to the heat. Yuna could feel that heat making her whole body sticky, her tail of hair now sticking to her. "There's... nothing... there," she insisted, wondering if the creature somehow thought that all human women would just produce milk.

So focused was Yuna on her breasts that she momentarily abandoned her lower half. And yet again, she found that as soon as she dropped one guard, the creatures attacked. The hot body of the wolf pressed against her. Something swirled against her, and she could feel something liquid all but sloshing inside her body. She tried to squeeze muscles, but almost felt like she was somehow juicing herself. Plus, she kept trying to fight off her breasts. The heat kept getting worse, and now she felt a strange tension in her lower abdomen. It felt like something was coiling tighter and tighter, while a pressure built in her lower half. Did she.. was this somehow making her have to urinate? It felt a little like that, only... different?

"It doesn't!" she protested, looking back with desperate denial etched on her face. "And we don't! Get it off me! You're--" she took another breath, shuddering as she felt the sticky air all but adhering to her tongue. Trembling, the girl felt her muscles seizing up for a moment, and she whimpered, eyes closing. How much longer till someone found her and rescued her?
The wolf eagerly licked up the flow of juices that oozed down from Yuna's pussy and down her thigh as her muscles seized up and she fought back her rapidly approaching first climax. It didn't let up in its assault of pleasure on her. It's tongue continued to push its way further and further into her tight and virgin pussy, bringing along a good portion of her panties too as the remaining fabric strained not to be torn from being stretched so much. Its tip of its tongue could feel her hymen, the sign of her purity and decided to proceed no further, it would be a shame to deflower such a girl with just its tongue after all.

It didn't stop pleasuring her however as it began to swirl around inside her as well as pump itself in and out of her like a high powered piston. Its muzzle pressed up fully against her labia as the wolf proceeded to devour her pussy much like it would any other piece of meat minus the tearing of flesh. While this was occurring, the feelers in the suction cups sprouted small barbs akin to teeth on them and they bit down onto her nipples. While the sensation was weaker in her one breast as it was still covered by her now soaked top, the other would feel it quite well as it ground the rock hard bud between the barbs. All the while the sucking of her breast only intensified even more.

"Nonsense, Yuna...you humans are are sinful, lustful beings. That's why I exist after all...even your beloved Tidus was sinful." The voice laughed as it flashed a scene in her mind. In it, Rikku and Tidus were fucking like wild beasts outside their camp as the others slept. Tidus' large and veiny cock pounded into Rikku's soaked and tight cunt. His cock was so deep into her that an outline of it was visible for Yuna to see in the vision. With each powerful thrust of Tidus' hips, Rikku's own perky little ass would jiggle. On of his hands was groping at her modest breasts while the other was teasing her tight asshole. They moaned and groaned with one another, saying how good they felt and Tidus thanked Rikku for doing it with him again as he said Yuna was "so very naive". This vision ended with the two moaning loudly as they climaxed, Tidus filling Rikku's ravished pussy with his seed...Yuna couldn't tell if the vision had actually happened or not, but it certainly seemed quite real...

"See, they felt good...don't you want to feel good too, Yuna?" Sin's voice seemed to whisper in her mind, the laugh gone and replaced with an almost affectionate tone as the wolf withdrew its tongue from inside her and began to lick up the juices on her labia, seemingly awaiting her answer.
Perhaps if the Sin-lupine had slowed, Yuna couldn't regained some semblance of personal balance. Or maybe if the other creature had left her aching breasts alone for a few seconds. Or perhaps if she were not steadily inhaling the thick musk with each ragged breath. Unfortunately for the young ex-summoner, all those factors worked against her, each compounding upon one another to create a perfect storm to stir up even a protesting, pure, virginal girl to beyond fever pitch.

Still, Yuna tried. she grit her teeth as she felt that pressure, not understanding its purpose or from whence it came. All she did was build the pressure tighter within her, storing it up. a sudden pumping tongue hit against that pressure, no, not hit. It hammered against Yuna, shoving bit by bit of her sodden panties into her sex. The scraping fabric drew against her sensitive inner walls, adding yet more friction. The bits drew out her liquid, and with one thrust, she felt something within her sex tremble. The girl's vision went white as her sex trembled and dance. Liquid seeped out of her, creating yet more for her lupine mate to enjoy. Muscles tensed to produce more, juicing the poor girl's insides. She felt her delicate walls pulling at the tongue, as if to try and yank it further into her body. The sheer enormity of it blew through the poor girl a the same time, dragging through senses. It was only enhanced by a strange prickling at her chest. Something danced and prodded, and the nipples stiffened further still, shooting the pain. It siphoned it off her spasming sex, drawing it to her chest as if they too could produce liquid to show off the girl's arousal (and perhaps this was an eventual goal of her supernatural lovers). Yet again, the poor virgin had no idea what was happening, only that sensation seized her.

It kept going, kept extending the sensations. The girl had gone limp while the creature talked. It drew a picture of something the primal within Yuna longed for: Tidus's cock. She stared at the image as if it were water and she fumbling in the Al Bhed's homeland. Mismatched eyes focused so intently on it, drawing the scene, painting it onto Yuna's imagination. she felt her churning sex, still trembling in aftershocks, quivering again, a second orgasm building upon her visual, visceral arousal, her wish to take Rikku's place. That strong desire devoured all resistance for several key seconds, thrusting jealousy to the forefront and dragging Yuna down into another groan as her body trembled.

"No, no,' she mumbled, her mouth barely forming cognizant words. "It's not-- didn't happen. What--what are you doing to me?" she tried to locate the man creature, but her body felt slow, thick. She felt her hips jerk, trembling, more juices seeping from her, lapped up by the lupine below. "Please, stop," she tried again, shaking her head desperately.
As Yuna came and soaked her thighs and the muzzle of the wolf along with them, the wolf withdrew his long and snake like tongue from her quivering pussy. Its snout was coated in her love juices and his tongue quickly cleaned it off before returning its attention to Yuna.

Her cunt was completely soaked her, her panties a completely and totally soaked through. Some of the garment was still trying to remove itself from her inner walls as the fabric itself almost appeared to ooze out of her like a liquid. The wolf refocused its attention on her clitoris to try and draw out a second climax from her quickly. Its teeth nibble on her bud through her wet panties and soon its tongue was upon it again, pressing up against her bud and causing the fabric of her panties to cling even tighter to her most sensitive part of her body.

Sin could tell the vision it had sent Yuna had shaken her drastically. He could sense her mind and spirit were both on the verge of breaking. If he could just make her climax one more time, along with prehaps some incentive...she would lower her final defenses and at last be susceptible to corruption.

Another tendril emerged from the ground, though this one was vastly different from the others. For starters, it wasn't nearly as long or as wide, and its color was completely different, white compared to black. In fact, its shape, size and coloring resembled almost perfectly what Tidus' cock looked like in the vision. This cock wedged itself between her clevage in her breasts while the tip, oozing sticky pre-cum, pressed up against her cheek and lips. "This is what you wanted, right Yuna? You want the cock of your lover to pleasure you...but if you want pleasure, then you need to admit and then pleasure him first." The voice spoke affectionately in her mind again, as if saying this cock was a good enough of a stand in for her lost lover.
The second orgasm came crashing down even before the wolf fully withdrew. The sex spasmed, more juices seeping through the panties. The cloth seemed almost to strain the juices, providing nothing but the purest virginal liquid to run down the quivering, pale white thighs. Bits of fluid started to even streak the boots below, as if to stain every bit of the girl with her own disgraceful arousal. Still the sex trembled, jerking further and further as teeth landed upon her clitoris. Already sensitive and wholly unused to what was happening, Yuna could feel a third orgasm building even more rapidly, shooting up into her core with the power of a rushing airship.

Something pulled her aching breasts apart, and Yuna dared look down. The strange phallus drew close to her. The scent of it mixed with that sickly-sweet smell, creating an intoxicating aroma that spun the girl's already spinning head further still. Yuna could feel the thing pressing against her, the tendrils working her rounded titflesh against the hard thing. It glided along her moist body, thrusting up at her with each thrust. and she could practically see it, as if torn from the body of her past love.

"That's not.." Yuna protested. The lip movement drew her close to the cock, softness just caressing it for a moment. She could feel it in those seconds, as surely as she felt the tongue stirring her sex. The sensation drew another shudder from her, that third orgasm beginning to swell and crest within her. "It's not him," she managed, before sucking in air. She gripped the phallus all the same, her fingers going tight as if to hold on. Her knuckles nearly whitened as she felt that orgasm ripping through her again, arching her body as surely as if she'd been hit by a bolt of lightning. The girl whimpered and moaned and shuddered at the sensation, her entire body feeling achy and wet and hot and tense.
Sin knew he was on the verge now, that he had Yuna on edge. He could sense her desperation, of wanting even more pleasure, of wanting more release. She clearly wanted more of what she was being given, even if she wasn't quite willing to admit it yet.

So, just as the arousal and heat reached a fever pitch, just as the desire and lust was starting to overwhelm Yuna, Sin gave her what she wanted only a few moments ago. He began to withdraw, to deprive her of all the sensations he had been giving her. First the suction cups removed themselves from her breasts, her bare breast clearly having marks of where she had been sucked and bitten and the clothe of her top had basically fused into the skin of her breast on the other side.

The wolf also completely removed its tongue from her pussy and thighs with a final, agonizingly slow and teasing licking of her labia and soaked thighs. The wolf remained behind her and the cock that was lodged between her breasts slowly began to slither down her chest in an attempt to escape her cleavage.

"Tidus was right...you are quite naive and boring, Yuna...I guess I'll go fuck Rikku instead too." He chuckled in her mind, bringing that jealousy to the forefront again. He wanted Yuna to get jealous that Rikku would again be the one to feel good, that Rikku would again get Tidus' cock, even it if was just a stand in. He felt like this would be enough to finally shatter Yuna's last ounce of willpower and resolve.
Yuna's latest orgasm washed away slowly. She could feel it seeping out, draining... why was it draining? The constant teasing and pressure she'd felt up to this point it was... retracting? The startled ex-summoner looked, watching as the tendrils drew back. She could see her breasts, slightly swollen from the teasing, the ache almost visibly present. They trembled as she took several deep breaths of air, trying to process what happened. Her legs trembled, and she realized that the Sin-lupine had pulled back there as well. Yuna looked over her shoulder, staring, not quite understanding. Everything had... pulled back? Even the pale cock seemed to withdraw, seemed almost to shrink from beneath her.

Naive and boring? Yuna blinked, shaking her head. What was... what was the game here? Had Tidus really said that? was that why he'd fucked Rikku instead? Why would he have done that. They were close but... was it because Yuna was boring and naive? She shuddered, trying to push herself upright. Her limbs didn't quite want to let her, and she felt herself yet again sliding down. Her legs spread slightly, knees pressing, legs going out. Her sex felt hot; she could feel the moisture there, swore she was steaming.

Was the thing going off to find Rikku? Was that what the hint had been about? She might be here. Or she might still be on the ship. Where had the ship gone? Why hadn't anyone come for Yuna? she tried to push herself up again, getting her hands under her. One hand did go up, tugging fabric back over her breast, though she winced at the feeling of it pushing against her nipple.

"Wait," she managed, looking around, yet again lost as to where the creature was. "What are you--what are--" her brain spun, her body still aching, still hot. She took a shuddering breath, willing herself to remain strong, and the ex-summoner's spirit was quite strong indeed. "What are you talking about? Is Rikku here?" Maybe she should try and help her friend... somehow? With what? did she still have her spheres? Yuna tried patting herself down, but her hands kept... kept wanting to drift.
Even though Sin seemed to had vanished, his very essence had filled the area and the musk was still being emitted from somewhere so it was not dissipating, assuring that Yuna would remain feeling quite aroused and on edge. Sin's voice chuckled in her head once more.

"Actually, it seems I am unable to reach Rikku sadly...she is busy with someone else..." As the voice drifted off, another vision filled her head. In it, Rikku was watching safely from the deck of the ship as Yuna's pod barreled towards the ground. "Alright, we finally ditched her. Now we don't have to hide you anymore." She turned around with a grin to reveal Tidus emerging from under the deck with a smile on his face.

"I know, I'm thankful...now we don't have pretend I don't exist anymore and we don't have to sneak around. She'll be down there, cleansing Sin while we are up here sinning ourselves."He chuckled as he spanked Rikku's ass and she let out a purr.

She quickly dropped to her knees and undid the boy's trousers to reveal his massive cock, the cock Yuna so longed for. "Ummmmm, this cock is all mine now~" Rikku muttered in a sultry voice as her wet lips wrapped around the tip of Tidus' cock her tongue swirling skillfully around the bulb before she began to take his throbbing meat rod into her mouth and throat, her level of skill and finesses making it quite clear this wasn't her first time doing this.

"Ahhhh, Rikku...Yuna would never do anything like this...I'm so glad I picked you over her...." His hand reached down and gently patted Rikku on the head, caressing her cheek to which Rikku responded with a purr that vibrated his cock.

Yuna was trapped in this vision, forced to watch but unable to interact with any of them. The humanoid Sin emerged from behind her a frown on his face. "It' a shame... you loved him and nearly gave your life for him and the world, but he gave you up all so he could satisfy his desires." Sin spoke, this time using his original human voice. It was that of a young man, calm and reserved, though it was clear he held disgust for the scene in front of him. "Humans are cruel creatures...." He stepped forward and gently stroked Yuna's cheek as his shadowy form vanished to reveal his human features. He was dark skinned and tattooed with spike black hair and piercing yellow eyes. His body was skinny yet somehow quite toned as well. He reached his hand up and gently stroked Yuna's cheek. All the while, the sight and sounds of Rikku sucking off Tidus were seen and heard by them both.
Busy with... someone else? Yuna frowned, her dazed mind still struggling to process what the creature meant. Suddenly another vision seemed to swirl about her. In many ways, it was like looking into a sphere, except that, well, spheres weren't quite this... immersive? The girl almost felt as if she were back on the airship, and there stood Rikku, looking as happy and perky as ever. And there was... Tidus? The two were acting as if the previous vision had been real, as if they were lovers. Yuna watched as her cousin and her love seemed to be petting one another.

Should she be sad? Yuna felt as if she should be, as if she should feel destroyed by this. Instead, she felt that burning sensation returning. She felt her hands drifting down. Soon one slid underneath her torn shorts. Fingers drifted lower, to Yuna's soaked, aching nether lips. She felt the wet and the heat, nearly jumped. Still, she couldn't help herself. Her fingers began running along the edge, uncertain, watching as the two she loved worked one another over. The erotic vision wrapped around her, and Yuna felt the heat. Then she felt the shame: watching these two, masturbating to it. Shouldn't she feel ashamed? But it was just a vision; they clearly didn't see her. No one did. No one would know. So her finger slid down, trying to find that little button that the Sin-lupine had teased.

Yuna had just flicked it when the force spoke again. She felt something, jumped, nearly falling over, her positioning making balance difficult. Cruel ?Humans weren't... she glanced toward the vision, nearly shuddering again. So.. so hot. Her hand stroked her more, tending her own fires. She bit her lip, curling slightly, as if to pull away from the strange creature. Still, Yuna watched the vision, staring openmouthed. Her hand began stroking her sex, working against it, running along, gathering her own fluids. The girl began masturbating to the vision that was supposed to torment her, even as she felt her own conscience just nibbling at the edge of her open thought.
The vision of Rikku and Tidus accelerated to them fucking like animals again. Tidus had Rikku bent over the railing of the ship, her perky breasts molding against the steel as his cock entered her ass this time. He moaned at the tightness, saying how he always loved fucking her ass. His fingers toyed with her clitoris and pushed themselves into her quivering cunt as Rikku moaned about how good his cock felt inside her, how large and long he was as they passionately made love to one another.

Sins eyes went from watching the vision to watching Yuna and he grinned, licking his lips as he stepped behind her. "Let me help you...." He whispered hotly in her ear, his teeth nibbling and sucking on her earlobe. One of his hands moved to grope at her flesh again, his fingers squeeze the mound beneath her top. The other hand slithered down her long and slender side and joined her own inside her shorts.

His fingers sought out her clitoris and help her tease her most sensitive button by flicking it and twisting it between his digits. He laced his fingers with her own and led them down to her labia, resting them there as if telling her to resume there. His hand then left hers and ventured behind her to her ass, his middle finger teasing her tight, virgin ass, slowly pushing its way in.
Yuna watched as the scene grew more erotic, more debauched. she could see her love buggering her cousin, watched as their bodies quivered and shook. Her own hands stroked steadily upon herself, feeling the wet sliding against her fingertips, her lips going between teeth. She felt shame burning up, spreading its flush against her pale skin. Still, it felt too good, and there was--

--there was Sin? Yuna stiffened as she felt the creature behind her. She felt his breath upon her ear, then its hand caressing her body. Fingers dug into her overly sensitive breasts again, just as another set delved for her sex. She felt the fingers wrapping about hers, quite obviously encouraging her. That stunned sensation seized the girl, let him simply tease her aching body for several long seconds. She could practically feel that voice whispering in her ear, insisting that she give in, that she just let it happen. What would it matter? Would letting the hands touch her be all that different than her own?

A finger punctured her ass. She gasped as she felt it pushing aside, felt muscles clamp down. The velvet vice of her virginal ass would prove incredibly resistant, even moreso than her snug sex. The muscles there had seized down immediately, providing a stiffness that Yuna recognized. Yuna groaned as she felt her muscles almost milking the invader. Her eyes flicked to the scene before her, to Tidus fucking Rikku so very hard. Wasn't he taking her ass? Did that... did that make the ass allowed? Yuna groaned, trying to find something within her to help her resist. She could feel hands... were they hers? Sin's? Did it matter, really? They were moving about her, teasing her flesh, working her up.

Soon such thoughts became more academic than anything. Another orgasm, a little one, a puppy to the full wolves that had torn through her, slid over Yuna. She covered her mouth with a gasp, her body stiffening as the bolt of pleasure shot through her. Yet her eyes locked on the scene before her, the realization that she'd done this of her own will, that the sight had granted her pleasure, sending another little shiver to her before she felt her upper half fall, her body seeming to fold in on itself again, face near the ground, rear up in the air, her panties showing the outline of her fingers, as if she were putting herself on display, begging for attention.
The vision shifted yet again. Now, Tidus and Rikku were on Yuna's bed on the ship. Rikku was on top of him now, riding him. His cock buried deep into her pussy now. His large cock reached all the way to her womb, a small bulge and outline clearly visible in her stomach. Rikku reached down and tenderly rubbed the outline before moving down to rub Tidus' firm chest and cheek.

"Tidus...I love you so much, I love you more than Yuna ever could." Rikku moaned sweetly as she rolled her hips back and forward, her ass grinding against his crotch as Tidus groaned as well, giving Rikku's ass a good spank before shoving two of his fingers deep into her.

"I love you too, Rikku...more than I ever loved Yuna, that worthless bitch." Both of them laughed at that as their moaning became louder and their lips locked, their tongues battling it out between their lips.

The vision reached its climax as Rikku and Tidus both groaned about coming and then the both came together, Rikku squirting her love juices all over Tidus' crotch while he filled her to the brim with his hot and sticky seed.

As the vision played out before Yuna, Sin had backed away and soon the Son-lupine from earlier had appeared next to him. As Yuna once again looked rather like a bitch in heat, he decided to give the honors of deflowering her to the wolf.

The wolf approached her slowly as to not surprise her too much. He mounted her from behind, its massive and knotted cock pressed up against her drenched pussy, the tip pressing against her clitoris. However, it refused to penetrate her just yet.

Its long tongue uncoiled from its mouths and soon began to tease her extremely tight ass. Its tongue swirled around the entrance before it started to prod its way into her, its drool acting as its own lubrication. All the while Sin watched with a grin while Rikku and Tidus soon resumed fucking, Rikku now pressed against a wall as Tidus plowed into her and sucked at her lovely breasts.
The scene kept playing out, and while Yuna still mentally refused to believe it, to believe those words had ever happened, to believe that those two would ever do that to her, she still couldn't help but find the whole thing simultaneously arousing and disheartening. the strange combo made her shudder even as her body jerked through another orgasm, juices continuing to leak down her white thighs. Tears brimmed in her eyes for a few seconds, blurring the vision. Yuna knew that she shouldn't be feeling arousal, shouldn't be taking pleasure, from something like this. It was wrong and it was disgusting and she could still feel her hand, damp with the juices she'd plumbed from her own body.

Something prodded against her lower half again, and she moaned. Her head lolled, the long brown tail of her hair once again sliding from her back. Yuna looked back over her still mostly clothed body, seeing that the Sin-lupine had yet again made an appearance. It nearly appeared to be mounting her, prodding her with some sort of pulsing thing. The ex-summoner groaned and again waved a hand, but most of the fight had gone out of the girl by this point. Too many orgasms and her own shame had battered Yuna down significantly.

Then, then something lapped against her. Wet sloshed around that tight, perky rear of hers. She could feel more wet, saliva, sliding into her tight hole, no doubt lubing her up for whatever the creature had planned. The girl groaned, trying to bury her face now, the shame cutting deep. Her rear rose up, nearly pushing back against the creature. "Make it stop," Yuna moaned, trembling, her head shaking slightly. Another shuddering breath shook her, as her world rolled about her.
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