The Soul Eaters (Rskde & Himeko)

"Hehe, told ya so.~" She smirked with a wink and replies. "Would be nice to get to rest and have a day off to play hookie." She laughed as they left their hotel room behind them and made their way back to the academy.
At the academy it's another boring day of lessons, they sit in a lecture hall, Aubrey trying to keep herself awake as Professor Stein goes over something about the anatomy of an extremely rare and endangered animal. She feels herself slipping out of consciousness, her head laying down on her desk.
Kanna was tired too but knew she had to pay attention or else their teacher would have a fit if she didn't. Looking over to Aubrey she sighs and shakes her head. "Again?" She whispers as she yawns and continued taking notes.
Aubrey picks her head up from her desk, looking over at Kanna. "Hm?" She asks, reaching up to rub the sleep from her eyes. "Sorry.. So tired.." She mutters quietly, returning her attention to the Professor. The class ends and Aubrey stands, walking out with Kanna. "Time to pick a new mission." She says while walking into the mission hall, her hand brushing the mission papers, looking for a challenging one that would involve a witch.
"S'ok." She replied and when class ended she followed her partner as they went to look for a mission and ended up finding one about a mysterious new witch that has been turning weapons against their meisters. Something similar that was related to her nightmares. "Lets take this one." She says as she pulls that one up.
Aubrey blinks when Kanna suggests the challenging mission. "Are you sure? We're not even that good." She says while flicking the piece of paper with her finger. "That sounds a lot more dangerous than the missions we've been taking." She says while biting the bottom of her lip nervously.
"Well... We have the 1,000 keishin souls so we need to take this one." Kanna replied as she picked it off the board. Granted Aubrey was right, but so was Kanna. She knew they had to do this.
Aubrey nods, walking with Kanna out of the DWMA. "So where does the mission suggest we start?" She asks while slowly walking down the stairs of the academy. She reaches up and runs a hand through her hair as she thinks about the mission ahead.
Looking over the paper she nodded and then replied. "Well it says her last known whereabouts was in Osaka so we can head over to Japan and investigate it now. Hey looks like after we complete this you'll become a death scythe in no time at all!" Kanna smiled as she headed to the bus that led to Japan.
Aubrey shrugs. "Or we mess up." She says, always the pessimist it seems. "And then we're back to square one." She says with a shrug as they walk to the bus. She walks inside and sits down, it would be a long journey to Osaka, so she decides to curl up in her seat, sighing softly as she closes her eyes.
Kanna sighed at her partner as she then shook her head as she watched her fall back asleep. "Well at least one of us is positive about this... And it sure as hell isn't you..." She mumbled to herself as she too curled up into a little ball on the floor and passing out again. They got lucky that they had a separate room from the other passengers, otherwise she wouldn't be able to do this.

As soon as she drifted off to sleep her nightmares began, but this time she could almost see the witch's face. Sadly though her face was still a bit distorted to make too much out. But what was different about this nightmare aside from that was not only did Aubrey get stolen from her and Kanna becoming her pet, she found herself eating souls of other mortals. Finally finding out that they were very satisfying and very tasty.
Aubrey chuckles softly, not quite asleep as she listens to her words. "I'm a pessimist, you know that." She mutters before actually falling asleep now, a bump in the road wakes her, she looks over at Kanna, seeing her nightmarish terror again. She shakes her partner lightly. "Hey, wake up." She says with a yawn.

"I noticed you had nightmares last night too, what's going on?" She asks softly, watching Kanna through bleary eyes, still streaked with evidence of her sleep.
Kanna groaned in her sleep as she was then woken up from her partner shaking her. "Huh....? Oh... Well it's nothing much." She lied, trying to spare her partner the worries she had from her nightmares. "Just dreamin' of the past is all." She said as she lowered her ears to make it look more convincing.
Aubrey raises her eyebrows at her. "Lowering your ears like that doesn't soothe my worry at all." She says with the shake of her head. "You were having nightmares, what in the past could possibly make you freak out like that?" She asks. "I know everything about you, remember? I don't remember you saying anything bad happening in your past other than getting paired up with a bunch of other weapons that couldn't handle how you looked." She says.
Sighing heavily she looked back up to Aubrey before speaking. "All I can say is once this mission is done these nightmares will be gone." She replied as she turned away from her. Embarrassed the her partner had seen again.
Aubrey just nods, settling back down into her seat. She watches Kanna for a moment. "So.. If I do become a death sword.. What's going to happen to us?" She asks. "You'll still be a meister at the DWMA, and I won't ever get to see you." She says softly, reaching out and taking Kanna's shoulder.
Hearing those words made her more scared now than the nightmares she had been having. She now knew what she needed and it would cost her partner but she'd still be able to be with her. Even if she was to be turned into some witch's pet. "I'm sure we'll figure something out." She replied as she kept her dark thoughts to herself.
Aubrey nods to her and places a hand on her shoulder. "I'm sure we'll be fine." She says with a small smile, removing her hand before going back to leaning back in her chair, staring out the window of the bus, watching the landscape soar past as they continue their path to Japan.
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