The Soul Eaters (Rskde & Himeko)


Aug 2, 2015
In transit
Aubrey stands on the edge of a roof, her arms crossed as she stares down into the city of Paris. She thinks to herself about the old stories, about how beautiful this place was before the Keishans came to be. Now it's too dangerous to go out at night, Keishan egg souls wander the streets, searching for pure human souls to consume to continue on their path to becoming a Keishan, but of course, Aubrey and her partner couldn't let that happen. Aubrey was one of the specially born, able to control a transformation from a human to a specific weapon, which in this case was a long sword she runs a hand through her hair, she wasn't feeling the best on this night, too tired to go hunting but her partner had insisted on this mission.

Aubrey stands at 5'7, she wears a black cloak with a white t-shirt and blue jeans underneath, she has chocolate brown hair that falls perfectly to the middle of her back. She has a light hazel pair of eyes, and an hour glass figure that she never really tries to show off. Before she had met her partner she had had trouble finding a meister in the DWMA, normally the academy was partner together a boy and a girl, but no boy could learn to wield her like her partner could, so an exception was made, two girls working together had almost never been heard of in the academy, but if they made a death weapon out of Aubrey? They would make history. That thought lingers in the back of her head as she thinks, they would have to work hard to do that, she then rubs her eyes, attempting to get herself awake and ready before the show begins.

She steps away from the edge of the room, stuffing her dainty pale hands into her pockets as she shivers with the cold night, a gust of wind doesn't exactly help. She walks over to her partner, giving her a nod. "Ready to go?" She asks quietly, her thin eyebrows raising in her direction.
Kanna was a weird sort, sure there had been others like her in the past but not many. Her race was rare and for her to be a meister, even rarer. When she joined the DWMA she had a hard time finding a partner that she could wield with no issues. Granted every male they had tried to set her up with always failed to pass the compatibility test... Except for one, Aubrey. When all hope of ever becoming a proper meister was almost dashed she met her. She didn't judge Kanna for what she was, but instead gave her a chance at becoming a good meister.

Granted this was before the Keishan's started to overrun the world. Medusa had been defeated but as it turned out the population of the Keishan's grew tremendously and only the most skilled were allowed to leave the school now. Kanna and Aubrey being one of the select few were allowed outside of the school. Kanna's blue eyes wavered over the city as she sighed as she looked down at it with her partner. Too much time had passed since then and now they were on their way to hunt down a keishan that was rather powerful.

"Yes. I'm ready partner." She replied softly as she held out a gloved hand and watched as her partner transformed into her weapon form. Very well then, let us take off! She roared as she jumped down off the building and then landed on her feet. Tonight was going to be a long night Kanna thought.
Aubrey gives a nod to Kanna, changing into her weapon form and feeling Kanna's hand tighten around her hilt. "They were reporting some Keishan egg sightings in the park next to the Eiffel Tower if you want to head there first." Aubrey suggests, watching the area around them as they move.

The thing that made Aubrey a little uncomfortable about being in weapon form is that her clothing does not follow her into her weapon, but for some reason it does come back the moment she goes back to her human form. She crosses her arms over her breasts, looking around to make sure they were clear, not wanting to get into the middle of an ambush. "Kanna, can we pleeeeaaaaassssseeee find a soul soon? I'm starving!" She complains.
"Sure thing, and no need to hide what I see everyday." She winked at the sword. "But really, what's so tasty about their souls? I mean, what do they taste like?" She asked as she began running after their target, the Grey Jackal. Kanna lifted the sword with ease and then began speaking. "Stop there keishan! You're soul belongs to us now!" She yelled as rushed towards him with her tail wavering behind her as she struck out at him.

"Aubrey don't hold back! We just have this one last soul to get before needing the witch's soul so lets do this!" She told her partner as they engaged in what would be a long battle...

About two hours later they finally got him down and his soul exposed. "Eat up Aubrey, gonna need our strength for when we find that witch."
"Hey! Don't be staring at me.." She mumbles, turning bright red as Kanna comments. "Uhm, they taste like.. Good? I don't know how to describe the taste." She explains. "But they sate hunger more than regular food." She explains.

After the battle, Aubrey changes back to her human form, her feet touching the ground. She walks over to the soul, taking it in her hand and swallowing it whole, sighing as she feels herself starting to digest it. "That was good." She says with a laugh. "Mission accomplished, I guess?" She says. "Do we have to go back to the academy? Can't we just enjoy Paris?" She asks, pouting slightly.
Kanna watched Aubrey devour the soul and smiled softly at her. "Heh, so they don't have a particular flavor? That's interesting to say the least." Looking around she looked for the closest window. "We have to at least let Lord Death know we completed our mission first." She said and then went to contact him. "Hello! Hello!" The cheerful Lord Death greeted them. "Mission a success I take it?" Both Kanna and Aubrey nodded.

"Hey umm, Lord Death?" Kanna started, "Would it... Be okay if Aubrey and I stayed a bit longer here and did some sight-seeing?" She asked and he paused for a moment to think. "I don't see why not. I mean, you haven't had much of a break since you came to the school, so... Yes you may do as you please but please be back by tomorrow for classes." He finished and with that he was gone.

"See? We get a break yay!" Kanna cheered as she jumped in the air to give her partner a high-five.
Aubrey clasps her hands in front of her, keeping them down by her pants as she listens to what Lord Death has to say. As he disappears she gives her partner a high five. "Yay, I can't wait." She says with a smile, watching her partner for a moment before scratching her head. "What do you want to do first?" She asks with a smile, starting to walk up the street.

"If you want we could grab dinner at one of those fancy French restaurants." She says with a shrug, putting her hands behind her head as she walks, biting the inside of her cheek soflty as she thinks about things for them to do.
"Food sounds good to me, I'm starving!" She giggled as her stomach rumbled as if on que. As she led the way to one of the restaurants she saw earlier when they were stalking the keishen. Yes, food was a very good idea for the starving two. Especially after a good hunting victory. As soon as they got there the waitor thankfully spoke English and offered them seats for two. "What would you two like to drink?" The waiter asked. "A coffee for me and... You Aubrey?" She asked with her tail swaying from side to side.
Aubrey shrugs. "Orange juice." She says to the waiter, who nods and walks off to get them their drink orders, Aubrey picks up a menu, though she just ate a soul she is excited to try out some French food. She decides she'll try some of the snail that they had on the menu, a voice in the back of her head suggesting that she shouldn't but she decides to try it any way. The waiter walks over with their drinks, Aubrey taking her orange juice and taking a sip of it, nodding to herself.
Once Kanna's coffee got there along with Aubrey's orange juice. Kanna fixed her coffee to the perfect sweetness, just the way she liked it. "The escargot does look good, doesn't it Aubrey?" Kanna asked playfully as she took a sip of her coffee. "So Aubrey, what do you plan on doing after you become Lord Death's new Death Scythe?" She asked as the waiter came and took their order.
Aubrey raises her eyebrows. "Are you reading my mind or something?" She asks quietly before shaking her head, putting her menu down on the table and ordering from the waiter. "Uhm, I have no idea." She says with a laugh. "Honestly I didn't think we'd make it this far." She says. "And don't jinx it! We could still mess up somehow and get reset." She says while running a hand through her hair.
"Hahaha, nah just saw you eyeballing it. And really? Cause I don't know what I'll do when I lose my partner." She said jokingly as they waited for their food. "But in all honesty... I knew that we'd make it this far from day one of meeting ya." She paused as their food had finally arrived. "Anyways, we won't screw up that badly to get this reset, as you kindly put it." She finished as she began trying out the escargot. "Hmm not bad." She replied happily.
Aubrey smiles. "Yeah, I dunno how I can live without you dragging me out of bed at six in the morning every morning." She says while leaning back in her chair, she picks up some of the snail with her fork, trying a bit before putting it back down. "Not for everybody, I guess." She says with a laugh. "If you want you can have mine." She says before taking a drink of her orange juice to get the taste out of her mouth. "Are we gonna go home to sleep or stay here?" She asks. They had bought a small apartment when they became partners, as Lord Death says it is important for them to know everything about each other, though Aunrey still tried to keep her privacy.
"Hehe, someone's gotta take care of your lazy ass." Kanna winked as she then took the snails from Aubrey. "As for where we're gonna sleep, I say we stay here and leave in the morning before classes." Kanna suggests as she finishes her meal and then makes an order of the chicken parmesan for her partner and he nodded and went back to place the order. "Figured you'd need to eat something else." She says.
Aubrey nods. "I'm not lazy I just don't feel like waking up so early." She pouts, biting the bottom of her lip as she sees her new food being placed in front of her. She starts to eat and nod to Kanna. "Sounds like a plan, but I don't think we have enough for a room with two beds." She says with a laugh. "I could sleep on the floor if need be." She says with a shrug. She finishes her meal and the bill is offered to them, Aubrey signs it and nods to Kanna. "Let's find a place to stay at." She says.
"Nah I'll take the floor since I suggested it." She replied with one eye closed as she wavers her hand at Aubrey. "Well at least you got to have a decent meal." She said as they walked to the nearest hotel and managed to get them a decent one bed room for the night. "I think this will do, what do you think?" She asks polietly.
Aubrey looks over at her. "You shouldn't have to sleep on the floor." She says to her, giving her a playful push as they approach the hotel. "This'll work fine." She says with a shrug, walking inside with her and getting a room for them. They walk upstairs and go into the room. "Okay let's figure out the bed situation." She says. "We could just share it if you want." She offers, one of her hands grabbing her opposite arm at the suggestion.
Smiling Kanna waved her hand at her and laughed. "Haha I'm a total bed hog though, or so my siblings told me." She smirked as she lifted Aubrey into the bed. "You get some rest, I'll do the same but if you insist I sleep in the bed with you it's not gonna end well. Heh, I'll just sleep on the floor for tonight and you enjoy the bed. Okay?" She said as she started gathering blankets to make a pallet on the floor right next to the bed. "See? All is well here.~" She said as she curled up on the floor with her tail wrapped around her.
"I don't mind, cmon, I can't let you sleep on the floor." She says to her, sitting up and looking down at Kanna. "You're my meister if anything I should be on the floor." She says while crossing her arms. She slips off of the bed, shaking Kanna lightly. "I can't let you sleep on the floor!" She says with a giggle. "Wake uuuuup."
"But I'm a bed hoooooog." She complained as she got up and lifted Aubrey back into the bed and then grabbed her pillows and joined her."Very well then, you win. But if you get kicked out of the bed don't go cryin' ta me." She said with a smirk as she curled up in the bed and wrapped her tail around her again.
Aubrey laughs, watching her get back on to the bed and wrap her tail around herself. Aubrey slips under the covers, burying her head into her pillow and sighing quietly, her eyes closing as she attempts to fall asleep. She moves against Kanna slightly, the body heat the meister lets off allows her to drift off to sleep.
For Kanna it didn't take long for her to passout once she got comfortable. Though her dreams were nothing but nightmares yet again. For about a few nights now she'd been dreaming about someone who stole her partner from her and then turned Kanna herself into a pet. It was the same nightmare everynight and she didn't know what it meant let alone to make of it. Tossing and turning for hours until the sun got up.
Aubrey sleeps a dreamless sleep, sometimes interrupted by Kanna's tossing and turning, she would probably ask her about what was going on later. She slips back into her sleep, in the morning she does no wake when the sun rises, always being one for sleeping in as late as humanely possible, after all, the DWMA never really gave them much when it came to breaks.
Once the sun rose she uncurled herself and got off the bed before curling up on the floor for a moment. For once I just don't wanna get up today... She complained to herself before grudgingly got back up and went to wake up Aubrey. "Yo Aubrey time to get up. We'll have to skip breakfast if we don't wanna be late for classes." She said cool tone, trying to act as if nothing out of the ordinary was going on. After all she didn't wish to worry her partner about pointless nightmares. What was the point in it really?
Aubrey groans quietly, her eyes opening. "Hey.. You were right, bed hog." She says with a laugh before dragging herself out of bed, stretching out for a moment before nodding to her partner. "Alright, let's get to class." She says. "We'll probably have a day off soon for doing so well." She says with a smile. "Then we can sleep in, it'll be awesome." She says to Kanna.
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