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Request Thread Review


Devil with a Heart of Iron
Apr 5, 2014
Hello there, friends and colleagues of Blue Moon. I'm looking for feedback on this request thread, keeping everything possible in mind. I want comments on everything, from the title of the thread to the word choice of the request. I am just not getting as many bites as I would have hoped. Perhaps the thing I want is too niche? It is a request solely devoted for a Street Fighter roleplay. Could that be the culprit? Is it the kinks? I would like something, feeling quite defeated. *chuckles nervously*

Here is the thread. Have at it!
Heyo, read it over and although I do not know anything about Street Fighter, if I did, I'd definitely be open to role-playing with you. I see no particular problems with it. Your grammar is good, you show a little bit of fun personality as you explain the thread and ideas. You've got clear likes and dislikes and the pictures for face claims are exciting and give me ideas, even though I have no idea who they are. You also put in a nice little caveat in the bottom about the "fireball" codeword to make sure people have read your thread and it's fairly short, so, it's not like it's something someone has to struggle through. It's a good thread for Street Fighter rp.

The only thing that I can think that might be limiting your bites is that it is very restrictive on subject but at the same time, I feel like you leave it open enough and compromise enough on how true to the character someone has to be in order to sign up. But I think a lot of it might be the first thing that people see is that this guy is looking for mainly Street Fighter fan rp and that might be limiting how many replies you get if not many people here are fans of the games.

The only suggestion I might have and it's really a 50/50 chance to improve the type of response you'll get, is to include some stories or scenarios you'd like to play out. Like quick little synopsis of the type of plot you'd like to do with these characters, either making them vague enough to include any of the characters, or about specific ones that you'd like to see together. Sometimes a story synop can help rev the engine for someone else's creativity. It might help, but I'm not sure.

But like I said, that's all I can think of. Your thread is very clear about what you want and don't want, so, I don't think that it is necessarily a lack of information or personality that is driving people away or anything.
Alright, thanks for that, I appreciate the feedback. I guess it probably is a case of the subject matter being really...well, extremely limiting. I do try to keep it as open as I possibly can, even going so far as saying the partner and I can use the characters as mere face claims. The only problem I foresee as far as story synopses are concerned is that a fighting game really affords a small amount of variations to the plot: either the two characters meet during the tournament, or an OC meets a canon in a normal, day to day sense. There are a few more, but they typically feature kinks that I am against, specifically non-consensual scenes.

I guess I will just have to bide my time and wait for someone to come along, and jive with me. Again, thanks for that feedback, Rudolph. I'll leave this thread in case anyone else has something to say. :)
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