Pokemon: Maid's Time Off (Ghost_kitty x Ren Olvry)

'Cutest', huh? Well, that was perhaps a little step forward, though he doubted she meant it in that sort of a way; just in the way of a person looking at, effectively, a pet. All the same, he tilted his head a little as she stroked against it, nuzzling slightly further against that hand while that touch lasted. For her getting into the water like that, it... wasn't quite what he was hoping for, perhaps, but it would certainly do.

Once again failing being able to speak, Arthur gave a little nod in response to Sienna's question; saying as best he could manage that he enjoyed it. Glancing around a little to cast a quick glare to any guys that might have been daring to look in their direction, the Lucario took a quick breath before dropping himself fully in the water for a few moments, just for fuzzy head and all to be left dripping wet. Leaning closer, he nuzzled his still soft-furred, if damp, cheek momentarily against the woman's, before giving a little tilt of his head off in the direction of the further edge of the pool. Just a... relaxed little swim, he was thinking, the Lucario himself already starting to slowly swim back as best he could manage, even if he was far from an expert in the matter, to relax a bit, maybe even make a quick stop by the little poolside bar.
Sienna enjoyed his nuzzle, despite his typing he certainly had a warm softness to his body and fur. She looked down as he went under the water before emerging and nuzzling her again, this time she couldnt help but shiver a little was her warm rosey cheeks contrasted in temperature. She thought it would be fun to swim but was still adjusting to the water as she gently lowered herself more and more into the water until just her head remained above the surface with her reddy brown hair fanning out.

A sudden splash came next to her as she gasped, looking to its cause as a Mantyke popped up to say hello. Before she could reply a Mantine had crept under her and now had her kneeling on its back. She laughed out as it gave her a short ride in a circle before diving under with its pre evolution again "Thank you" she giggled to them as they returned to thier trainers at the other end of the pool. Seeing Arthur had swam on she begun to follow him by diving under the water and gliding through it.
Hardly could he help but chuckle slightly, seeing Sienna take a little ride on that Mantine. Making sure he wasn't going too fast, nor especially getting too far from the woman, he blinked in surprise as she dove under and swam along her own way. Taking some advantage of the fact that he largely sunk like a rock anyway, Arthur let out some breath, sinking steadily into the water and letting him catch himself on the pool's floor to push along that way, occasionally turning back a little to cast a little grin to the woman, or pop up momentarily to catch his breath.

Satisfied enough that he was managing so far, he finally snuck over when they seemed to be back to near where they'd been sitting earlier. Reaching an arm around her shoulders, and another behind her knees, he easily enough lifted the woman up, setting her carefully to a seat at the edge of the pool before climbing out himself. Allowing himself a wide yawn partly covered by one paw, he rested his head somewhat tiredly on the woman's shoulder, hoping perhaps they could just dry off and finally return to the room to just... rest a bit, considering they'd been moving around a bit since they got to the boat and barely spent any time in the room yet.
Sienna saw Arthur sink as she turned and begun swimming with him, only surfacing to regain her breath so she could continue. She was able to briefly open her eyes from time to time to make sure the lucario was doing alright and sure enough he was. His change in course had her follow happily as she playfully swam around to his front before he took her and lifted her out of the water steadily and onto the side. She sat up and nodded "Why thank you kimdly Arthur" she extended her hand to help him out of the water too.

The sun still shone brightly overhead as it was helping them dry off faster, Sienna grabbing her sarong and covering her shoulders with it whilst tying her wet hair back. She didnt mind the pokemon leaning on her shoulder again but she did see it as he was getting tired. "Shall we head to the room after this Arthur, give ourselves time for a rest before the evening eh?" Her head tilted with a closed eyed smile.
Gently grasping the woman's hand when it was offered, he allowed her to help him up out of the pool, making sure to do most of the work himself. Content otherwise to just rest there against her, he blinked in some curiosity as she spoke next, idly glancing up to her. Perfect, he considered; no more oglers, no more distractions, just... the two of them, in the room alone. Hardly able to ask for anything better, Arthur gave a quick nod in response, tilting his head up to momentarily nuzzle into the woman's cheek again.

With that, he patted himself down a little, helping his fur dry a bit more, not to mention stay fluffy as he wanted it. Picking himself up with another little stretch, he offered a paw to Sienna practically as normal to help her up, content to continue holding her hand all the while if there were no other distractions or anything of the sort. Leading the way like that back to their room, the Lucario happily flopped back on the decent-sized, rather comfortable bed, tilting his head a little as his eyes remained on the woman herself, practically waiting for her.
Sienna used the sarong to try and dry herself so at least she wasn't dripping with water and could walk along the ship without fear of leaving puddles about. She gratefully accepted Arthurs paw up and held it as they walked back to the room Goodness he's affectionate today, I'm glad hes being so positive about everything. When they returned to the room she opened the door before heading into the bathroom to have a shower to wash the pool water off of her and to freshen up.

She wasn't in there for long, maybe about 5 minutes at most but soon emerging wrapped in a rose patterned towel and smelling of sweet tropical fruits. She had her hair wrapped in another smaller rosey towel before sitting down on the bed next to the lucario and begun rubbing through her hair to dry it "The pool was refreshing but that shower was so much better, the waters still warm if you want to go in Arthur"
Watching as she went off to the bathroom for a shower, the Lucario meanwhile stretched himself out a little on the bed, fortunate for being back to being dry and fluffy, and, as far as he was concerned, perfectly clean. When she came out, though... ah, she smelled nice. Sniffing just slightly at the air to take in that pleasant scent, Arthur gave a little shrug in response to that next question, figuring he was fine to leave that, at least for now.

So rather than that, the Lucario picked himself up to a seat, just to shift himself directly behind Sienna. Now or never, he figured... on which thought, Arthur shifted his legs against the woman's own, his arms wrapping gently around her waist from behind. Tilting his head down a little, he started to nuzzle slowly and gently into the further exposed side of her neck opposite where she was working on drying her hair. Even taking it a little step further than that, he granted the side of her neck a slight, gentle lick, one of his paws starting to drift slightly over the woman's stomach.
Sienna had enjoyed her day so far, just chilling out since arriving onto the ship and spending time with Arthur had really made it up for her. And they still had plenty of time to enjoy the cruise with all the foodplaces, shops, areas to relax and even pokemon tournaments...she had never really been in a battle before but had some idea of the lucarios moves. She felt him shuffle behind her as she didnt think much on it as she worked on drying the roots of her hair.

He wrapped his arms on her as she smiled "Awhhhhhh" she whispered whilst placing a hand over his paws unknowing as to what he was going to do next. The nuzzle made her blush a little...but he was just being friendly...right? Then came the lick and his paw on her belly...she froze, her eyes wide as she tried to look back "Arthur....erm...what are you doing?" It started to feel like he was being more than just 'A little friendly' to her.
'Carefully', he reminded himself. Ease the woman into it, since this was Sienna, the house's maid, someone he had some interest in but had never acted with; she wasn't the daughter of the house, who he'd grown... quite a bit closer to over the years than anyone actually knew. Up to a few months ago, especially, when they started... trying a few things behind closed doors, in secret. Just their own little thing, that he now wanted to share, in a way.

So the Lucario intently, but carefully, moved a bit further. Nuzzling a bit further into the woman's neck, his warm breath starting to wash slightly against it, Arthur parted his maw slightly, trailing ever so gentle nibbles against the soft skin that the girl back home seemed to have come to enjoy so much. Then, of course, there was his paw on her stomach, starting to trail a path slowly upwards as he drew her back a bit further against his chest. The nibbles and lick were one thing, but that paw starting to rub a little along the underside of one of the woman's breasts would itself be rather unmistakable as to just what he was after.
Sienna couldn't really understand, one moment they were relaxing together like best friends and now she was being touched like a lover...did Arthur feel something more for her? Either way she was torn mentally, this was a pokemon who belonged to another family, not her. She was just a housemaid and not and he was thier most cherished possession...besides bonds between people and pokemon of this nature was highly taboo, kissing was ok on thier heads, paws or neck in a cuddle...but nothing so touchy. Yet the moment her started nibbling her neck and giving her the soft tender touches she had never experienced her cheeks flushed with scarlet.

"Arthur..." she begun and wanting to tell him to cease, yet it felt so perfectly in the moment and knew she couldn't even stop herself now. As he drew her back she felt safe, protected, feeling his fur on her bare back like a pillow she could just dream away upon. A moan escaped her lips as he rubbed underneath her breast so delicately but with a passionate intensity that made her slowly pull the towel away from her body.
When she spoke his name, the Lucario's touches stalled, if just slightly, as his ears perked up for anything else that might come. Maybe she was going to resist it, for all he knew; maybe she outright wouldn't want it, disappointing though that would be for him. But when the next sound that escaped her was that pleased moan, he knew full well that he wouldn't have to stop. Wouldn't even want to stop, for either of them.

So when that towel came away, Arthur tilted his head a bit more over Sienna's shoulder, his eyes carefully wandering any exposed bit of skin he could find. Slowly, gently, he started to lick and nibble along her collarbone as he leaned his head over her shoulder, his paw sliding up further to start rubbing and squeezing in little grips with his small fingers, experimenting with what exactly this woman would enjoy as well as trailing his fingers over the nipple when they reached that point, giving that a small squeeze and tug between them. Every touch he made gentle but insistent, knowing well what he wanted but easing his current female of choice into it... even down to his other paw trailing down her stomach, starting to slowly rub into part of her thigh.
Her mind still flashed with a horrible feeling that she was doing something wrong, worried if his family would find out or even if they got caught right here and now. Her desite far outshone it however with the way he appeared to be trying to learn what she liked...he was already a considerate being to be in bed with. As he ran over her nipples she couldn't help but let out a warm breath that carried a tone of arousal to it.

Sienna felt his fur on her thigh, it tickled but not in the comedic way she had experienced...it was in a way which sent warm waves of pleasure drifting through her skin and up between her legs. The waves couldn't help but make her legs part gently as she was becomming further aroused and desiring natural instincts in a unnatural relationship. Any doubts were soon sated tho as she leaned against Arthurs head and gave a sumptuous kiss to his muzzle.
More and more, he could tell the way she was responding to her touch. The little sounds she made, the lack of any resistance, the way her legs parted for him. Already this was going far better than Arthur could have hoped for, and of course, the 'why' wasn't remotely important. What was important was falling further into this, pleasing her more and more until they both got everything they could hope for out of this. And to think this was just the first day...

So as Sienna's legs parted, the Lucario was only too happy to oblige with the further access that gave him. Sliding his paw further along her thigh, it soon delved into that area between her legs, his little fingers curling to rub against the soft flesh of her slit. Blinking in some surprise as her face came to his own, he was only too happy to oblige that as well. Tilting his head a little, he pressed his lips back against her own, and just as well, didn't waste time. Poking his tongue out, he pushed it a little against the woman's lips, eagerly seeking passage onward to an even more intimate touch; never mind the already quite intimate rubbing and squeezing at her breast and nipple, and slow rubbing of his other paw between her legs, unfortunately able to go no further there thanks to his fairly small fingers.
Sienna was entirely lost by now in a fantasy which should not be comming to reality. It was though. Her eyes looked into his, thier red tone matching the warmth of her hair and what lingered between her legs. Her body tensed as he rubbed over her clit, but now not just his digits were causing the pleasure but every single strand of fur brushed on her sensitive skin. And the kiss. The kiss which only heightened a growing bond between them two as well as making her dive deeper into this uncharted territory.

He was responding to her body, making any contact that much more as the waves of pleasure continued to ripple through her. She wanted it to contiune and possibly go even further, not once considering the repercussions of her actions nor where this will lead to in the future. "Arthur..." ahe panted as her hand stroked his cheek "I know you cant speak...but..what would you like me to do for you? You have me in bliss but...i want to respond to your desires too"
As the kiss broke, the Lucario just as well was starting to breathe a bit more heavily as he acted on his own personal desires, still just as happy that the woman was responding well to every single one. More than that, when her hand came up to his cheek, he tilted his head a little further into the touch, happily nuzzling into that hand to further appreciate that touch she was granting back to him. When she spoke, though, his ears perked up a bit, a somewhat thoughtful expression forming on the pokemon's face as he considered what he wanted. Ultimately, though, it wasn't a terribly difficult question to answer; after all, his end goal was to lay with her, but he wasn't exactly 'ready' yet, his somewhat oddly-shaped length only starting to poke out between his legs.

With that thought in mind, Arthur locked Sienna in another gentle but somewhat passionate kiss for a few moments, his tongue slipping further on to rub slowly against her own, catching every bit of the pleasant taste he wanted. Just as slowly breaking the kiss, he slipped around from behind her, removing one of his paws from the woman for now to guide her to lie back on the bed, the Lucario himself moving right over her, his other paw never leaving from rubbing steadily up and down against her slit between her legs. Leaving that there even then, he carefully took one of her hands with his currently free paw, guiding it between his legs and to his slowly growing member and letting a light shudder course through him at the first touch to that sensitive area. What he wanted, clearly enough, was to be touched... anywhere, really, but especially there. And something more still soon, if the further pressure from his paw between her legs was any indication.
The woman could feel her skin blush in a rosey colour and not just around her cheeks, but her body and around her pussy too as the furry paw worked over it with vary pressures that corresponded with the intensity of her moans. The kiss briefly stopped her as his toungue felt unsualoy soft for one of his typing...not that she knew such ppassion with other pokemon of course. She could still feel the sweetness of the food they ate earlier with the juice of strawberries still rife in thier saliva.

He begun to lay her down, just like a human male would when he wanted to be gentle and give her chance to adjust to any new sensations. As her hand raised with his paw onto his sheath, Sienna couldn't help but smile as her delicate fingers teasted and tickled the sensitive tip that was exposing slowly. The added pressure from his paw made her squeeze back in return.
As those fingers started to move and wander, a light shudder coursed through the Lucario's body, his breathing coming out a bit warmer and heavier. He hardly made it a secret that he quite enjoyed the woman's gentle touch, his hips even occasionally giving rather slight shifts against it. Even more so, when she gave his growing member a squeeze, he let out a light groan in pleasure, his hips giving a small but very definite jerk further into the touch as his length grew out more and more, at a decent pace thanks to the female's touch.

Seeking to give her even more in return, Arthur moved himself down just a bit further. Letting his soft, fuzzy chest rest against her stomach, he started to grace one of Sienna's breasts with little nibbles along the top, trailing slowly downward along the soft skin that was occasionally granted small, somewhat firm licks as well. As soon as he came to the nipple, he closed his mouth over it, suckling softly as his tongue rubbed eagerly along the tip of that little nub. Shifting himself a bit further even then, he moved his paw up enough to rub somewhat firmly up and down against her clit, his hips moving enough that the tip of his nearly fully-grown length was rubbing down against her slit itself.
His shudders and deep breaths only encouraged Sienna more, his fingers working over his lengthening tip and teasing it slightly between her thumb and forefinger. She moved her other had down to feel over the orbs underneath and just how full they were. She seemed to wonder, what if this went further and he would end up...mating with her?

Her answers were comming soon enough as he moved down. The lack of chest spike certainly got them closer than they would've done. Her back arched as her submissive female whimpers came forth as the feel of his teeth and maw upon her breasts. And then he lowered more, rubbing his paw and tip over her slit as she lifting his chin so she looked into his eyes "Arthur....do it....do it please"
Those sensations, the ways she toyed with the tip of his member, even his fuzzy balls below it, was quickly becoming too much for the Lucario, relatively experienced though he was through the past months. Even more than that, the sounds she was making, the way she and her body were reacting to every touch, translating the fact of how much she just as well was enjoying this... given all that, he couldn't not go further. Not that he'd any plans in the first place to stop, not from the moment she started to spread her legs for him and let him please her as he so desired to make this trip even better, for both of them.

So as Sienna moved her chin, Arthur fairly reluctantly released her nipple from his attentions, his ears perking fully upright at her words. There was little more that he could do with his paw, and he was definitely ready, his member fully grown even down to the somewhat thicker canine knot at the base. Granting a little nod to her request, he leaned down to lock her in another soft, but intimate, kiss, his tongue gently slipping in to meet hers again and catch more of her taste, along with the sweet, lingering taste of strawberries. Lowering his hips further, he let out a light groan into the kiss as the tip of his length steadily sunk into the waiting depths of the woman below him. Pulling his hips back up a little, he pushed them down again, starting a steady rhythm in and out of her that pushed a bit more of his length in each time, the somewhat pointed tip having an easy time pushing in.
Sienna could feel the Lucario on her eager to continue and pleasure them both, as he moved to kiss her, she could feel her neck move upwards to meet his maw in the kiss. She was never one to make a move but now she had to, she wanted to, she NEEDED to. During the kiss she remained cupping his grown member and his full orbs in her hand to keep him with something to go on before he positioned himself into the missionary position and begun moving his tapered tip into her clit.

It felt hot, but not painful. The strange senation that it caused make her give a trembling groan, she'd masturbated in the past before and had only a couple of sexual encounters with guys in the past. This was a totally new feeling though and it was a taste she was fast craving. The way his fur was, his breath, his canine like member and even his movements all added to it as she felt her pussy moist with her hands holding onto his hips as the thrusted.
Damp and slick, the Lucario found his passage into the woman delightfully easy, especially for how much she, just as well as him, seemed to need this at the point they'd reached. Everything had gone oh so well from the first touch, and now, he was still eager to grant her more touches. His paw, specifically, sliding down her side to reach her hip, then moving further still. Letting it travel along her thigh, putting in a little pressure even as he continued his hips' gentle rocking up and down, he gripped the back of her thigh a little, lifting her leg up to wrap it partly around his waist and allow them to be even closer still.

And even with that, Arthur started to move a bit more. Pressing his fuzzy chest down a little into Sienna's breasts, the fur inevitably rubbing a little against them with each motion of his body, he started to speed up his thrusts, his hips putting a bit more strength to it, his length pushing more deeply into the female below him. He'd already eased her into it; now, it seemed, it was time for him to really start getting into it, his breathing growing a bit heavier as his pace slowly increased further and further.
She wasnt sure of it at first, but she could've sworn Arthur was gazing into her mind and touching her in the ways she wanted and craved from her position. The furry paws were a delight on the skin of her thighs and hips, even just how he was positioning her...it wasnt a sharp dominance or a feral command, he just made it tender. Her thoughts stopped as thier new closeness made him go deeper as she gripped a pillow and gasped.

And now he was going faster, but Sienna didn't mind...she had fallen for the pokemons gentlemanly ways and now she wanted that feralness, one a human male just couldn't give her. Her breaths increased with his own as she found herself liping her hips upwards to meet his thrusts.
Faster, steadily faster... and as he did, inevitably, the Lucario sunk further out of rational thought, beyond a good many of his more feral kin, and deeper into instinct, whose territory this most assuredly was. He'd done the lead-up, the love-making, getting the female he desired to this point; now there was just the mating, a point distinctively drawn out by the lustful growl that started to rumble through his throat, by the look in his crimson eyes that said, in no uncertain terms, that he wasn't going to even consider stopping now. Even by him leaning down a little further, nuzzling slightly into the woman's neck and shoulders only to start nibbling somewhat roughly against the smooth skin found there.

More than that, Arthur gripped a little into the blankets himself with the paw that wasn't lingering on Sienna's thigh, helping to hold them both near. More quickly and a bit more roughly his thrusts started to come especially when she raised her hips, seemingly seeking more; something he was more than willing to give. Soon enough, he was hitting his full length into her, but for the somewhat thicker knot at the base of his member now bumping against her slit with each thrust. A problem for him, to be certain; one he seemed quite intent to solve by the downward thrusts of his hips coming in a bit harder, a bit shorter, trying very clearly to fit his full length into her.
Sienna could tell from his movements and his noises that he was determined and was at a point of no return now. She could feel her fresh skin begin to perspire as her body warmed in the lustful actions. Each breath inhaled the scent of mating within the room, rather unusual due to it being a mix between human and pokemon...but it was the uniqueness that made her want more. She snapped out and moaned as she felt his needles in his maw nibble roughly, not even caring if it left a mark or not upon her peachy skin.

His full length rubbed within her walls and just brushed over her tender spot which brought out louder moans from her craving more and more. The knot was going to be an issue but Sienna knew being tied would be so intimate and bring about both a physical and mental bond during it. Her lips were wet with anticipation as a hand went down and gripped the fleshy bulb between her fingers as she tugged with each pulling back and continued tugging as he bumoed it into her clit.
Feeling her fingers reach down to that so sensitive spot, a light shudder ran through the Lucario's body, his pace slightly slowing again as he let himself appreciate the sensation. But then, in the end, between the woman's fingers wasn't where he really wanted his knot to reside. With his breath coming out hotly against her neck and shoulder, he finally, carefully removed her hand from that area before drawing back to the point where little more than his tip was inside her. Gripping a bit further into her thigh, he gave one more, forceful thrust down into her, a lust-filled growl rumbling through him as his knot slowly sunk into her, finally fitting into place after that push to rather effectively tie the two of them together.

With that last part accomplished, Arthur pushed down into her as deeply as he could manage, his body tensing and teeth lingering on her shoulder in a gentle mating bite as he let loose his warm seed into Sienna. Once it seemed he'd emptied himself, he finally managed to let out a heavy, panting breath again, granting a gentle lick along the little marks his teeth had ended up making on the woman's otherwise quite smooth skin. Tilting his head a little, he turned his eyes toward her own now the act was done, and his body was resting slumped lightly over her. After the fact was when the 'spell' was sometimes broken, he was vaguely aware of that much... he just had to make sure that wouldn't be the case here.
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