Pokemon: Maid's Time Off (Ghost_kitty x Ren Olvry)


Jul 7, 2016
For 12 years she had served a rather prestigious family as thier maid but being so much more as well. For 12 years she had cooked, cleaned, assisted in family and business matters and even took care of thier cherished Lucario whilst they were unable to. And now they decided to treat her, Sienna Rosewood, to a luxury cruise with all expenses paid and even gave her the Lucario as company and as a break for him. The 27 year old stood on the deck and breathed in the fresh sea air as a few wingull glided by. Her long rosey brown hair fluttered behind her freely than being tied up out the way. She wore a cropped red top with bold white stripes and matching shorts that were covered lightly by a warm pink and orange sarong.

She held Lucarios pokeball and smiled at how well it had lasted all these years, he wasnt used for battle as much as other pokemon but he was certainly loyal and strong. They did say should she and Lucario wish to battle so long as he was healed up after they could challenge others. Sienna smiled, knowing it'll be a good way for them to both let off some steam as well as hearing of the battle field on the ship that was hosting various competitions. Her hazel eyes looked around, where was that Lucario anyway?
Ordinarily, he was just relatively... impassive about her. She seemed fairly good at her job, he'd give her that, but her job didn't much concern him. After all, having been with the family since their daughter was very young, as a Riolu back then, he'd learned... a lot of things of his own. Like that he didn't mind human company, didn't much like to be cooped up, but also how not to make a mess of anything, and just generally stay out of the way of the workers. Like her, though, he was fairly stuck there when they left... and now, instead, he was stuck here. At least back home was familiar territory; this boat was rather... different.

And... oh. He'd wandered off a bit, it seemed.

Exhaling a little huff, the Lucario, Arthur, darted easily back between the light crowd of people moving on to see the sights, or perhaps get their belongings in order in their room. Reaching out to take one of Sienna's hands, he gave a little grin before tilting his head in the direction of the front of the boat, and the deck off in that direction, before starting an easy pace that way. It wasn't like he intended to wait, anyway, nor likely separate very far from her at any time, so she'd just have to come along, so far as he was concerned. Never mind the slight rumbling in his stomach, he wanted to at least see the view before he actually needed food.
Sienna felt a paw on her hand, initally gasping but looking down by about a foot to see Lucario stood next to her, leading her on as she giggled. Seeing such new surroundings had her curious and drawn to thier beauty. She forgot they were having a stroll together before she just slipped away to gaze out...leaving him wandering off without her. "I'm sorry Arthur" she smiled "It just feels great to be out and about more...and I want to enjoy every moment on this cruise ship"

She giggled and patted his head affectionately "You should too. I dont mean to be rude but you always seem so couped up and isolating yourself, come on lighten up!" She giggled somewhat before seeing the veiw at the front of the deck where Arthur was leading her "Just look at that!" She gasped just as a few water pokemon swam before them "If I was a trainer myself I'd be keeping my eyes open for a horsea, though I'd definately get a lucario of my own!"
Tilting his head a little as the woman patted it, the Lucario gave an idle little shrug for now. When they got to the deck, he freely released Sienna's hand, allowing himself full freedom to just rest his arms a little over the railings and see the sight as the boat pushed on, not terribly far from the dock, or especially land in general, just yet. It was nice, he certainly had to admit... the water wasn't really his thing, sure, but the view was good all the same.

At her comment, though, an amused little huff escaped him, his tail reaching over to prod a little into the woman's side and a slight smirk worn on Arthur's face. Well, while it lasted, before he was forced to grumble a little and shake off when he was hit by a minor spray, casting a little glare down to the ocean afterward. He could admit, it was hardly mature to stick his tongue out at it, but... never mind. Perhaps it was just a little thing picked up from growing up alongside a now late teenaged girl. And his stomach was still rumbling slightly, but he'd already dragged the woman along here... only fair to let her enjoy it while she wanted.
Lucario sure is in his own little world she thought to herself just as she felt Lucarios tail prod her gently. Initially she laughed out before giving a warm expression "Seems someones got a mischievious side eh?". She too was sprayed by the water though instead of acting annoyed or as childish as to stick her toungue out to it she merely rubbed it into her skin This is kind of refreshing. Thank goodness Lucario isn't a fire type though or by now he'd be panicking in a corner somewhere. A odd noise came to her ears...a growl of sorts? No it wasnt aggressive more of a rumble that youd usually hear when someones...

"Oh are you hungry Arthur?" She questioned before bowing her head apologetically "I'm sorry, I got so distracted by the change of scene I almost forgot about food myself". She looked at a nearby ship map which had various floors and rooms in colours "Well lets see they have a buffet in the pool area, a bar area nearby and one near the battlefield. And of course a couple of restaurants on the middle decks". Not to be rude she looked into his red eyes and tilted her head "What are you in the mood for Arthur? Im not fussed since we have a while onboard to try it all anyway"
Grumbling slightly in some embarrassment, the Lucario gave a nod all the same. Glancing over to where Sierra was looking, Arthur himself looked over some of what he should expect, or even keep in mind. There was certainly a good selection of everything, he had to admit -- and not be terribly surprised, given the luxury cruise -- but as for what to eat now specifically... hm.

Seeming to think it over for a moment, he finally gave a little tap on the pool area at the map, buffet and all. With that decided, to him, he once again made his own way of grasping the woman's hand before starting off on his way in that direction, well enough remembering where to go from looking over the map. As they passed people, though, his eyes occasionally lingered on some of the females they passed, even seeming to wander a little; though that might be hard to tell, and besides, what interest would a pokemon have in them? Whether or not there was anything, though, there was definitely a good selection at the buffet; he especially could tell before they got there, his ears perking a little as he started to speed up slightly toward it.
As Sienna saw him tap the map she nodded her head approvingly "Good choice Arthur" not much more could be said as he took her hand once again and begun to lead on towards the buffet. It was strange how he'd hold her hand like this and lead her, it was as if he saw her as somthing more than a simple housemaid...nah, could just be he was a little impatient with her dawdling. He did seem to look around at other females on the ship which she noted but didnt think much of it. After all Lucario had the ability to sense auras and 'read' people so maybe he was just picking up on people who were more complex than they were leading on.

The pool area was incredible with wooden slats around the pool of crystal clear water, even a smaller area for children as numerous pokemon and thier owners relaxed on sunloungers, ate together or were just having fun in the water. The buffet had a selection of cold meats, various breads and pastries freshly baked that day and fruit so ripe it looked bursting with juiciness. There were a few gazebos set up where some warmer foods could be cooked to order like burgers or fried shrimp. Sienna found herself grabbing a plate and picking some fresher fruit "All looks good Arthur doesnt it?" She beamed before noticing a male leave the pool. Her eyes widened as his tonned tanned body glistened from the water as he brushed a hand through his bleached blonde hair.
Granting that question a quick nod, Arthur happily grabbed a plate of his own, only blinking in surprise as he glanced back to find Sierra looking some other way. Seeing just what it was she was looking at, the Lucario glared slightly in that direction before letting out an annoyed little huff. Fine, so what if he himself didn't visibly have the muscles, or anything like that... he still had plenty, along with a body full of soft fur. And never mind that he'd been checking some girls out on the way... they weren't even who he was after here anyway. Probably wouldn't much give him the time of day either.

Jabbing the woman perhaps a bit more sharply than he meant to in the side with his elbow, he gave a little nod of his head toward the tables of food to at least try and get her attention off of that. Piling up his own plate soon enough, he rested a hand on the woman's lower back when she seemed to have her own food gathered in every intent to guide her off to a table that wasn't immediately by the pool where she'd be able to catch more such views.
The woman felt the jab and winced a little, she was sure he didnt mean it, maybe she just got so distract it was more shock than a jab. Her hazel eyes couldnt help but look back and see him gone May as well focus on getting some food then. Sienna continued to add some more fruit before adding some cold but cooked seafood in a small bowl on her plate.

Lucarios arm was there again, resting on her lower back as he guided her away from the buffet. He seemed like he'd learned some real gentlemanly behaviour which was rather unusual compared to most pokemon she'd met but she didn't complain. It was nice to see such manners. "Hey why don't we sit on one of the sun loungers Arthur? Its a beautiful day an we can watch the people and pokemon playing in the pool" she stopped suddenly as an exciteable Totodile ran by and dived into the pool, not helping but giggling.
Blinking in curiosity at the suggestion, the Lucario tilted his head slightly as he thought it over. On one hand, it would probably offer him some nice views... on the other, it would probably offer her much of the same, which he didn't really want after that last one. Not until he at least had some sort of chance sometime tonight to... try something. Well... he did grumble slightly seeing that seemingly young Totodile splashing around a little after it passed them by, but finally submitted with a nod.

Well, on the premise that he snatch one over and place it right next to hers, anyway.

Resting back a bit with a small stretch, Arthur happily started into his food as he glanced over for Sienna to sit, thankful for the fact that there didn't seem to be any other people in that immediate area. Rather that than have to deal with any flirtation attempts, Arceus forbid. Though, well... maybe his tail being rested slightly against the woman's leg might help for that, or just the fact he was there... possibly not, but he could hope.
Sienna helped the Lucario move a sun lounger next to one she'd found as she sat looking out at everyone having fun in and around the pool. She tucked into a small bunch of red grapes she picked up as each was twisted off and placed into her mouth with her delicate fingers. She couldn't help but adore the happy little totodile as it played with a group of kids, using its watergun gently as they splashed back at it. She didn't seem to notice the tail on her leg initally, but then giggled softly.

"Heh your tail tip tickles Arthur" she adjusted her leg, but didnt move it away as such, more a little closer "Even in this heat your fur feels nice. Hey if you want to we can go to the groomers whilst your here, maybe get you a massage as well" She rubbed his back which to her was soothing as well as reassuring for him...so she thought anyway.
Idly glancing down to his tail as she mentioned it, he gave a little smirk at the comment, and even the fact that she moved her leg a bit further against his tail. That was... not a bad sign at all, he had to admit. Certainly helped him to move his tail a little closer as well, brushing it slightly against the woman's leg as it rested there. If she didn't mind it, he didn't see the harm... and if she enjoyed it, well, all the better still.

At her suggestion, though, Arthur let out a thoughtful little hum, tilting his head slightly as he considered it. Her hand starting to rub along his back more so drew a light, content breath from him, shifting himself a little into the nice touch as Sienna was content to give it. Well, if she thought it felt nice... no harm letting her feel a bit more of it, as he leaned over to rest his shoulder a little against her own; a task that bringing the chairs together had wound up making rather easy. Finally, he granted an affirmative little nod in response, figuring it couldn't be a bad idea... fluff up a bit for his hopeful 'date' of sorts later, perhaps.
Arthur sure seemed to be settling down a little now, perhaps all she needed was to pet him...she was always a little unsure wether to since his appearence and his typing was a little intimidating to her. But hey she didn't mind now, if he liked it she would keep doing it. He even rested against her shoulder as Sienna was stroking his shoulders, turning as she used both hands "This is the best I can do for now Arthur, there are professionals on this ship that are alot better than me" a small chuckle came from her lips "These hands are more for cooking and cleaning than helping others relax"

His nod only affrimed her ideas anyway, he was here to relax to so they'd best enjoy this time together and perhaps they could get a massage together. She couldnt help but blush a little "Hey Arthur, this almost feels like we're on a romantic getaway huh? I mean we are both here to relax and if theres anything you want to do let me know ok?". The maid moved her hand away to try some fish before she hummed happily taking some more and offering it to the lucario by placing her palm in front of his maw "Hey try this, it tastes amazing"
An amused little scoff escaped him at that comment, but he let it be for now. He at least enjoyed it a decent bit while it lasted, and there was still food to occupy himself with anyway. Well, short of chuckling in amusement at her comment about it practically being a romantic getaway, a slightly odd little grin crossing his face. For now, he shifted slightly back to his own seat, occupying himself with eating a bit more of his food before blinking in some surprise at seeing Sienna offer out some of her own.

Well, if that was the way she wanted to play it, he couldn't exactly say 'no'... so Arthur opened his maw a little, carefully taking the fish in it (the fur of his chin brushing a little against her palm in the process) and giving a little mumble in appreciation as he enjoyed the taste. Glancing curiously down to his own food, he soon enough grabbed one of the strawberry slices on his own plate, giving a little grin as he offered it up to the woman's own mouth in turn.
Dawhhhhhh hes so cute when he looks surprised Sienna thought was she saw his reaction to the fish. The fur on his chin tickled her hand as her fingers wriggled and she gave a wavering smile. "If you want some I believe its some form of Sinnoh Bass but it had a light marinade on it....I'd say something citrusy". She stopped at the offering of the strawberry slice to her. Placing a hand on her chest she made a 'for me?' gesture before nodding her head in thanks.

Her soft fingers briefly held onto his as she lifted the strawberry from his paw, its listening pale pink flesh complimented her lips perfectly in tone. Before she popped it into her mouth she looked at the Lucario directly in his eyes "You know, strawberries are my favourite fruit". Placing it into her mouth she gave a happy sigh as its sweet taste always pleased her.
At her explanation, the Lucario gave a little nod. Wasn't bad to know, he supposed, even if he wouldn't be able to directly use that info; not being able to speak was rather annoying. He had to appreciate that little touch of her fingers against his paw, though; so far, so good, that much was certain. At Sienna's comment about strawberries being her favorite, though, Arthur gave a little grin before reaching up and offering another one out to the woman. He could live with missing out on a bit, if it meant being a step further in the female's good books.

This time as his paw fell, though, the soft fur grazed the woman's shoulder a little, before the Lucario occupied himself with his own food that he managed to eat quite politely despite being, as many would say in such a case, 'just a pokemon'. He was at least smart enough for that, and soon enough done and going off for a second plate... just for someone else to come along in the meantime. "This seat taken?" the man, clearly having just been in the pool and being about as fit as the man before, albeit with darker hair, asked shortly after the Lucario left, putting on his best manner of charming smile.
Sienna looked down again and saw yet another peice being offered "You are far too kind Arthur, don't let me go stealling all of your food though" she took it not to be rude. His paw caught her shoulder as she gave a little smile in return as both continued with thier own foods, eating them neatly but without looking stuck up. Her tastebuds were tingling with the various fruits and berries she had picked uplong with the soft, salty taste of the Sinnoh bass. The Lucario seemed to get up for more as she giggled, he sure had been hungry but hey he was allowed to do what he wanted on his little holiday too.

Sienna looked up as a male voice spoke, a rather attractive male as she gave a gentle nod "I'm afraid I have a friend sitting here, but if you like you can sit on mine with me" she pulled a lever as it flattened to form a type of bench. "Not to be rude, just my friends not been out too much in recent years and I didn't want to just shove him off". With a tiny giggle she moved up a little for the male to sit "I'm Sienna Rosewood" she raised her hand to him.
One part of him knew he should never have gotten up and left her alone, but it was a bit too late now. Grumbling slightly to himself as he spotted that man from over by the tables, the Lucario hurried his endeavors a little, grabbing a few more things here and there to make sure he'd be good for a little while, and had a reasonably stacked plate in general. Speeding up his walk, he headed back off in the direction of their chairs, hoping at least to make it before anything happened.

"Don't mind if I do," the man replied to the offer with a little nod, starting to make his way around the front of the chairs to move over to hers. "I'm Robe..." he started, before he was sent slightly stumbling by the passing Lucario's hip bumping somewhat aggressively into his. Letting out a little noise that was halfway between a grumble and a growl, Arthur moved himself back to his seat, casting a rather pointed glare toward the now somewhat nervous-looking man. "Maybe... some other time. When that's not around..." he suggested, starting to slowly turn and walk off just for the Lucario to let out a satisfied little huff.
Sienna brushed her hair back a little as the gentleman moved to sit with her, but her expression changed as he fell. She knelt next to him "My goodness are you ok?". Arthur had done this, even if she didn't see him do it he was stood right where the guy fell making some rather deep intimidating noises whilst glaring at him. She was speechless, Arthur had never done such a thing before. He always came across as a calm pokemon with his moments of meditation and friendliness.

"I'm sorry" she called to the man before sitting and letting out a gentle sigh, her deep eyes looking over to the Lucario as he let out a huff "Hey what was that about?" She asked "We were just talking, and I even made him not take your seat". The woman laid back with another sigh, thinking to herself and trying to work out Arthurs behaviour...still the guy seemed a little rude to Arthur even if the Lucario had started the incident.
Grumbling slightly to himself, the Lucario once again found himself wishing he could speak. If only... then all of this would be a whole lot easier. Maybe there wasn't even a point in the first place, but he liked the woman, and this was the first time he'd be spending an extended period with her, just the two of them together rather than him off doing whatever he did around the house, and her the same.

So, failing being able to speak, he could only sort of answer in his own way. Shifting a little to lean his shoulder a bit against hers, Arthur moved his tail over to rest it along her lap for now, a light sigh escaping him as he shot Sienna a momentary, apologetic look. Starting to eat a little again for now, he rose his plate a little and tilted his head some as he glanced over to the woman, doing his best to basically state that he was sharing it.
The woman relaxed a little to compose her thoughts over the incident. For a moment she was still a little angry at Lucario for interfering but then felt his shoulder rest on hers and the gentle touch of his tail on her leg. She opened her eyes to look at him, making direct eye contact as he gave her his apologetic look. Bless him, he's probably been cooped up in the house for so long he's a little on the anti-social side...maybe I should suggest the family get another pokemon for him to play with? Or I could take a little more time out from cleaning and cooking to look after Arthur more

Her thoughts snapped away though as she saw Arthur hold up his plate of food to share with her, she smiled in response "Thank you". As a way of showing the apology was accepted she out an arm round him and gave a gentle hug before taking another strawberry from the plate "Your a good guy really aren't you?". For a moment she looked to the pool as a smirk came across her face "Fancy a dip once we've had a little rest after eating?"
Blinking in some surprise as that arm wrapped around him, the Lucario was only too happy to snuggle up to the woman a little within the hug. Giving a little grin to that question, he nodded in response, letting himself just rest a little against Sienna for now as he continued to pick off this or that from his plate. For a moment, his head tilted in curiosity as he wondered what that smirk was about, and he looked somewhat hesitantly out to the pool -- swimming never really had been his thing, but... maybe. For a bit. And if she was going to go anyway, he couldn't not go with her, or he'd probably have to deal with some other guy sidling up to her.

With that thought in mind, he gave a nod in response, contently helping finish off the rest of the food on his plate for the moment. Once that was gone, Arthur carefully set it to the side on the chair before picking himself easily up to his feet with a little stretch. Moving over a bit, he offered a hand to help Sienna up before they could go to the pool... or wherever exactly she wanted to go, he supposed. He'd just follow her lead for now.
He was doing it again, the lucario was showing gentle signs of affection towards her. She knew riolus evolved with a high bond to thier owner but Arthur seemed to be showing a high bond with her. Plus he felt quite soft so it felt nice just to cuddle him. She noted his look to the pool and figured he wouldn't be up for it, water types loved thier natural habitat and some other types enjoyed splashing around and swimming...but lucario didn't seem like much of a swimmer. To her surprise though he seemed willing to. Was he doing it just for her? Or did he just want to try something new on thier little getaway?

She finished what was left on her plate before stretching out on the lounger and removing her sarong so her red and white clothing could be seen fitting her form nicely. Then there was a warm feeling in her hand, Arthur was offering to help her up, pretty nice of him to do so. She accepted but got up with the majority of her own accord whilst giving him another beaming smile "Well im not going to run and dive. We'll just sit on the edge and get used to the water then Im thinking of just slipping in after a few minutes"
For just a moment when that sarong came off, the Lucario's eyes wandered the woman's form a bit, taking in even more of it now that that was out of the way. Very nice-looking, he mused to himself; he could hardly wait to see more, but he could be patient. Granting a little nod at her statement, he let Sienna lead the way for now, just to shift himself down to a seat at the edge of the pool and slip his legs in the water once she seemed to pick a spot. It wasn't so bad, he had to admit; taking in a bit of the feeling of the water, glancing around a little at some of the other folks here and there in the pool, resting his head a little against the woman's shoulder, his paw only just coming to rest at the edge of her thigh... in a way, stating to other folks around that she was his, and they could back off.

After those few stated minutes, though, he slipped himself down into the water first, thankful they weren't so far that he couldn't still stand on the bottom. Turning to face Sienna, Arthur gave a little grin as he held his arms up out of the water, as if ready to catch her so she could easily jump in... a fact that being born without a chest spike made a bit more convenient, one could easily say.
Sienna walked over as she too dipped her legs into the pool, by now some of the children had calmed down or were getting some food. He lay on her and placed his paw on her thigh again...it was sweet but it somewhat felt different than normal. Sienna didn't say anything though or it would just make this feel arkward. Instead she just gave him an affectionate stroke on his head "Arthur you must feel lucky to be the cutest fighting AND steel type I have ever seen".

As Arthur got into the pool she knew despite his strength it would seem a little comedic to have her just lower into his arms. So she held his paws and slipped into the water with her feet on the teal crystal tiles at the bottom of the pool. "Ahhhhh feels so nice to be in the water now" she sighed happily before lowering herself more into the water, now at eye level with the Lucario "How are you finding it Arthur?"
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