Suits: Rachel Zane (Celebstars & Manofyourdream)

The professor invited his student into his room, though he had no reason to keep her away. He would have if he had a t-shirt that he could put on but whatever he had, he had given it to her. "It's not a problem Rachel. You're going to excuse me..." he said as he dried his wet hair with a towel and then gently let it sit on his shoulders, still keeping the middle chest bare. "I don't have a dry shirt or a t-shirt. You seem to look better in it than me." He explained and complimented at the same time.

Watching the young girl move to the bed and take a seat, she looked too cute for him to not notice. Walking over to the night stand, he sort of towered of her as he flipped on TV, "It does, doesn't it? Having hot cheese melt against your should be up here anytime now." He said and flipped a few channels to put on weather channel so they can keep tabs.

She moved quickly, almost like a child, when a knock came, finding the room service, she invited the young boy into their room. The look he gave her and then him, the professor knew exactly what he must be thinking. Probably even jealous but there was nothing like that, only if he could explain to him. No need to, he was no body and just like that, he was out of their room and Mathew combed his hair with his fingers, trying his best to give himself his usual look.

Walking to the table to get a slice for himself, he bent down and smiled at her, "I actually don't but I would love to get to know you." He just couldn't help but make such a comment, drawing his gaze back to his plate so he wouldn't come off as a pervert. Though, he couldn't help but wipe her chin with his finger, " got something there. Cheese I think." He said and picked it up, smiling softly at her before he leaned against the night table, watching TV, "I think it was a good call we made. Thanks...stupid me, I would have continued to drive off in that bad weather." He said to her as his first slice went by quickly and not wanting to overdo it, he grabbed a few fries before setting aside his plate and walked over to the bathroom to wash his hands.

Once it became quite again, he nodded at her, "So what do you think of our case?" he said, not thinking through that the topic would bring out the memory of prison, something which she was trying to avoid. " don't have to talk about it." He quickly added, as it was too late to take back what he just asked her.
"Ha thanks" was a simple reply to his compliment of his t-shirt looking better on her. Although peering at his chest, the shirt would have been much better on him. Looking down at herself, she could hardly even see her breasts bulge out, making her look more flat than anything.

"Oh I have?" Rachel was about to clean her own chin when the professor wiped it for her. "Thanks..." Still wiping the grease off, she used her own palm before grabbing some fries. They were a little salty, but it was good, she had to lick her lips more than once, giving them a nice shine.

"If you do want to get to know me, all you have to do is ask, although you know a lot about me already I think."

Rachel went to lay on the bed as the TV was on. It was some show about looking for antiques in the most obscure places. She had seen it before when flicking through the stations at home. "The case?" Her head turned to the bathroom, looking at him. The way she answered him was as though she had completely forgotten about it.

"You don't have to apologize about talking about it. We are going to have to anyway. I will try not to let my personal life affect me. I'm sorry I have been unprofessional. It won't happen again." With her back up against the headboard, her legs were crossed and her hands were in her lap. After what she just said, feeling a little upset was not the best thing and she didn't want her professor to see.

"Anyway, I should get to me room. Thank you for the food."

Quickly standing up, her long black hair was used as a curtain to hide her face. Going through the door, it closed pretty quickly. Her body language had already shown the man she was upset.
The sight of her tight frame being covered in his loose large T-shirt started to haunt him, making him admire her form even more. It wasn’t so that she only looked pretty when dressed in some tight skirt and all decked up but even when she wasn’t. Without any make up on, standing there with her wet hair look and all fragile. He didn’t want to compliment her more to make her feel uneasy.

Smiling softly, he cleaned her chin and nodded, “You’re welcome Miss Zane.” Trying to keep some professionalism between the two, now that they were in a place where a professor and his student shouldn’t be. She seemed so childish watching her clean the grease off her chin and grab a few fries before biting on them. He could just sit back and watch her eat but then he would come off as a pervert….since he was much older than her.

And when she licked her own lips, he felt his heart skip a beat but he managed to not drool over her. “Oh I am sure there’s so much to know about you. Believe me, I don’t know a lot about you…so I am asking.” He couldn’t help but want to be friends with his student, and even more than he let on. But for now, friends is just fine. Watching her lay on the bed, he wondered if she deliberately was trying to tease her or she was just that naïve.

It seemed as if they were lovers; Rachel laying on his bed wearing his large T-shirt while he’s in bathroom cleaning his hands now. Anyone in the world would think that’s the case should they happen to peek into their room. “Yeah…our case.” Recalling how uneasy she was, he apologized to her but she seemed okay with it. Or at least, she did a good job at making it seem okay as he decided to walk out of the bathroom, wiping his hands on the towel that he had around his shoulders, still bare chested.

He still stood far, watching her speak but now her back was turned towards him and before he could add more, she stood up and started to walk through the door that connected the two rooms. He did take a few steps in her direction, a bit off track to cut her off before she could walk away but she was quick. Besides, he didn’t want to make a big deal out of if it she hadn’t. Having no idea that she had tears running down her cheeks, her face hidden behind her hair curtain, he felt helpless as he couldn’t take any other role than her professor’s.

Anything else would be ethically wrong. The door closed shut behind her but it was still unlocked. It took her a minute or so to gather enough courage to do the right thing. And that was to be there for the lady who was in dire need. Besides, no one else was here and he wasn’t trying to take any advantage of her but just whisper a few words to provide his support. He moved swiftly towards the door and knocked like a gentleman before entering a lady’s room, “Rachel…?” He said and continued, “Are you okay? Look I know it’s kind of touch and I think I’ve made a big mistake by bringing you along with me…” The professor moved and placed his hand on her shoulder, feeling the warmth of her body in his palm, moving to the side to gently pull back her hair and tug them behind her ears, “Hey…tears don’t suit your face.” He did mean it and such a strong and confident looking woman, she didn’t look good when crying like that.
Rachel was standing in the middle of her room, a hand over her face. She felt so pathetic and stupid, running away from her Professor. He must have thought she wouldn't make it as a lawyer if she couldn't stomach it. Hearing a knock, she turned around, the long black hair flew behind her while she looked at her teacher coming in.

"No..I'm not Okay" she said, her hands were by her waist, playing with her fingers, that cute face stained with tears. " had to come, I am just vulnerable right now, I have no one with Mike gone." Then his hand touched her shoulder, trying to comfort her. "I don't really have any friends, work takes up my entire life, I have no free time, all I ever think about is my fiance in prison. I get judged by my colleagues for going out with a fraud, I just can't take it. I'm lonely, scared, I doubt myself now."

Looking up to his taller frame, her beautiful brown eyes watched him as he pulled some hair behind her ear.
Mathew’s eyes settled on her frame from behind, barely making out any of her curves in his sweat pants and Tee that he was wearing. Being a man, without his shirt on, he managed with only his pants for now in her presence. He would have loved to strip his pants off because they were damp from the rain but it was a luxury he couldn’t afford at the moment.

Watching her turn around, he couldn’t help but move closer and place his hand on her shoulder and ask a question that was bothering him at the moment. He kind of blamed him for her tears, “I can see that. Sorry I asked. I meant to apologize to you for bringing it up again. Should have let you just eat.” He said to himself but also in general as he felt bad to see her in that situation.

Standing tall before her, he looked down at her when she replied, “And I totally understand it. It slipped my mind, I don’t know how. I should have known better.” The professor said and continued, “This life can get busy but shhhh. Shhh”

He stepped even closer, pulling her in for a hug as if to provide his support to her, “You are not alone. Last thing you should feel is lonely. Don’t be scared and never doubt yourself.” He said as he tucked at her head from behind, patting her to comfort her. It was in that moment, his towel had slipped off of his shoulders, leaving him topless. And he didn’t even care in that moment how they two looked in that moment. Appropriate or not.
Consoling her, his 'shhh's' did make her feel a little easy. The hug he welcomed her in to was nice, his bigger frame tucked her in to his body. Rachel didn't wrap her hands around him, instead they were pressed against his chest, palms flat. Warm breaths of air left her mouth and hit his skin. Tears soon dried and then when she was reassured she wasn't alone and the last thing she should ever feel was loneliness.

The way he spoke made her interpret something. Looking up at him once more and being told not to be scared or to doubt herself, the situation she found herself in made her feel weak and start to think about certain things. As the towel fell off his shoulders, she looked down and could see he looked after himself some. Lifting a hand, her index finger traced some of his skin, it felt soft and warm, something opposite to the harsh cold storm outside.

Looking up to him once more, almost as if to question something or look for approval, Rachel lowered her lips to his chest and kissed just above his nipple. She then moved up, her lips forming a trail of kisses towards his neck. Pulling back, wanting to see his reaction, she scrunched her fingers up in to fists as they rested on his chest.

If he stayed silent to long, she knew it was a mistake. Had she just made a fool of herself again?
Matthew didn’t know what else he could do to make this pretty girl back to normal again. He could understand her dilemma as one thing was obvious; she did work really hard to get where she was today. Working as a paralegal as a prestigious firm, for many it’s enough. But, not for Rachel Zane. She had this fire inside her as if she wanted to prove to someone, may it be herself, her father or her mentors.

The professor damn well admired that quality of her and knew that she deserved more than just sadness and those tears. Consoling her, he was glad that she felt reassured by him, standing there in his tall form while hugging the girl into his chest. Finding her looking into his eyes as he spoke to her, he continued to treate her as his student and no way near to want to make a move on her.

With his towel off, he could feel how cold her room was opposed to his. She sure felt warm leaning into his chest like that, exhaling some warm air before she managed to trail her index on his firm chest. For his age, he looked quite fit, always managing to find some time to work out early in the morning, knowing the rest of the day he’s usually gets busy.

Finding her look up at him once more with a look in them, asking for some approval, followed by her leaning in to actually kiss his chest. A shiver ran down his spine as he froze in that moment. His heart skipped a beat when she started to leave a trail of kisses up his neck, he couldn’t help but find his hand snake around her lower back. Another hand moved up to cup her cheek as he felt drawn to her pert lips, leaning down to press his lips to hers. It happened so quick that he gave her lips a gentle suckle and pulled back, almost as if wanting her to push him off of her and to smack some sense into him for pulling off a stunt like that. It was a kiss that he wouldn’t regret even if she did decide to push him away. His heart raced in that split second as he watched for her reaction.
Rachel's body grew tighter against her mentor when he squeezed his arm around her lower back. Her eyes continued to scan his after she had given him a few pecks across his body. Moments later, her soft lips met with his as a gentle suckle occurred for a few seconds. Nerves surrounded the paralegal, she knew it was wrong, not because she was with Mike, he actually never even entered her mind. She thought it was wrong because of the professional relationship that had with one another.

But the woman didn't care, in that moment Rachel made sure his gentle suckle of her lips were a one off as she wanted her tongue inside of his mouth. A hand rested palm side against his neck while the other ran over a shoulder. By the way she was kissing him, with the pace and energy she put in to it, she was eager for some type of attention from a male. How fair was it for her to go without since her man had been put away?
The older gentleman couldn't help but feel the need to show some sort of ownership. It was nothing crazy but he wrapped his arm around her as if not wanting to leave her. Something came over him when her eyes continued gaze into his, asking a silent question or some sort. It was the way her lips felt against his, he was starting to feel ungentlemanly towards her, wanting to just throw her on the bed and rip his t-shirt off of her, not even pull it off of her head as he could feel the urgency clouding his judgement.

The man cared as to what she thought about her on going relationship with her boyfriend and could care less about his professional relationship with the girl. It was odd because his career had always come first but when around her, his world seems to turn upside down. And this wasn't the first time he had felt it. He just never acted on it.

Bending down was making this experience a little uncomfortable and that's why, he reached down the curves of her pert but with both hands and to the inner thighs before lifting her up into his arm. His hands continued to move further down her thighs to part them so they can be wrapped around his waist. Surprisingly, she was very light weight and he did keep himself fit, his toned chest was very well proof of his fitness. With her hands on his neck and his shoulder, he turned around to kick the door in between the two room, forcing it to shut, indicating that he was here to stay and wouldn't leave her side, not when she needed him. Though, he also needed her in that moment, pushing her against the closed down now as he pinned her against it, his hips moving in to lock her in place and it was then, he moved his hand to her waist and up her sides, slowly creeping upwards while he continued to kiss her passionately. "God! You are beautiful!" he murmured into the kiss but didn't stop enjoying her pert lips as her upturned nose pressed into him while he enjoyed her intoxicating scent.
Rachel Zane, the paralegal who everyone liked, who everyone saw as the good girl, hard working and reliable, was shacked up in a motel with her teacher. Gasping when he lifted her up, those magnificently smooth long legs parted and clung to his waist. The door which joined their rooms slammed shut, clicking in to place. The sign of an exit disappearing, meaning things were going to be taken further. Pinned against the door, the surface helped support her, as his hands roamed her body.

Kissing him some more, her tongue flickered past his lips and started to make out with the man. Hot breaths hit her face and the lust was fast growing now.

Pulling back, she bit her bottom lip, those dark eyes sparkled. "I want your cock...." she stated, feeling hot, horny and sexually frustrated.
Even the professor thought she was a good girl, she still is to him. Though, seeing such fire inside the young paralegal, he wanted more of it, to find more where it all came from. Sure, there was something taboo about this situation, him being her teacher and how they were making out, it was wrong on some level but on another, it was much more exciting!

Lifting her up in air and then pinning her against the door, he’s secured their stay in her room now. The doubts he had about this were cleared when she didn’t fight him off or tried to make him see this was wrong. It seemed as if she also wanted this. His hands were free now, roaming along the curves of her frame, down her sides, onto her waist and under her T-shirt. Her skin felt warm, soft and so smooth that he wanted to rip the fabric off of her in rush. Though, he wanted to also take his sweet time. Contemplated in his thoughts, he continued to kiss her sweet lips and let her tongue flick his lips before letting his come forward to mesh with hers.

He looked right into her piercing eyes as she pulled back and bit her lip. The words that followed surprised him, the blood gushing into his manhood and hardening it fully as he didn’t bother asking her this time around. There was a mutual understanding between them, it seemed, letting her feet tough the ground now and he brought his hand to rest on her shoulders. He wasn’t pushing her to go down, just simply letting her run her own course from there. He looked down at his bulge and then back at her, taking her right hand to guide to his manhood, “It is all yours Rachel.”
Her feet landed on the floor and she suddenly became shorter than him once more. Kissing his mouth, she liked making out with him in fact, it was an act she enjoyed quite a lot with any of her lovers. Feeling the added weight of his hands on her shoulders, she knew what he was implying and what he wanted. A bashful smirk fell upon her lips with a hint of excitement. That sparkle in those dark brown eyes accompanied another bite of her bottom lip.

Slowly falling down on to her knees, Rachel had his bulge in her grasp. Removing his boxers, she had his white cock in front of her now. The contrast in their skin tones seemed more evident with his dick in her palm. Flicking some hair back, she started to lick his meat while looking up at him. "I had better pass my classes now I'm licking your cock Professor" She teased. Rachel was only playing, she would want to earn her achievements fairly. This was just some fun.

After a few minutes of constant licking and kissing, Rachel started to take him in to her mouth, bobbing her head up and down only going as far as halfway. With one hand on the base, the other was on his thigh but slowly it moved around to feel his ass.

Behind her, on the bedside table, her phone had lit up. With the device on silent and the vibration turned off, she had no idea it was ringing as she sucked a man's cock. She would also have no idea it was Mike calling. But her Professor would have. "Mmm you taste so good." A smile came over her.
He couldn’t peel his lips off of her kissable lips, her sharp gaze looking up at him as he set her down on once again, standing tall over her frame but keeping her close. The young girl sure knew how to kiss, losing himself into it as well as her deep gaze with which she looked up at him, searching for something.

With her having a need for his cock and him having a need for something special, he started to guide her down. Being the smart girl, she started lowering herself down. He was a bit surprised that it only took one gesture for her to understand what he was implying. He was certain that she may lead things in certain way, more traditional way of hooking up which would lead to sex. But no, she was willing to go down to her knees, taking a turn for the untraditional.

Seeing such a classy girl on her knees, he felt a shiver run down his spine. “Oh um…” he moaned when she grasped his bulge and started to remove his boxers. Soon, his girthy and lengthy manhood was revealed to her, contrasting against her skin that was a few shades darker. He looked down at her amusedly as his hand moved to cup her cheek. Watching her flick her hair back, he twirled her tresses around his fingers and held it back, moving his long fingers into her hair and gently let her move on her own.

For a reason, he was looking forward to her skills that she may be hiding. “It’s not too good for a little girl to demand her superior…” he cocked his brows at her, replying to her silly comment as part of a joke. He knew she was too smart and didn’t need a grade bump. He watched her lick and kiss the shaft for a few minutes, the view she was providing was amazing. A few drops of precum leaked and smeared over her pert lips and when she started to take him into her mouth, he watched his cock disappearing into her mouth, “Oh Rachel…” he hissed and continued, “You’re a terrific woman.” He called her a woman, not a girl.

In near distance, her phone lit up and could see it was the Penitentiary they had just visited, knowing it was Mike who was calling, her almost paused and moved his gaze down to her and then to the phone. He wondered what to do, looking down, he couldn’t help but smile at her claims, he exhaled forcefully, “The deeper you take it the better it tastes.” He winked down at her, cradling her head and moved it back towards the tip, “Let’s see you take more…perhaps all of it? If you do, this might just compensate for your poor performance in class.” He said and looked down at her curiously.
To be a fly on the wall during that moment in time. Most of the associates would have loved to of been there in that room. Even if it wasn't having their own cock's sucked just to see the beauty that was Rachel on her knees with her head bobbing up and down was all of their fantasies. A smile formed upon her lips when she took him out of her mouth. She loved hearing him moan while she was pleasuring him. It was a compliment and praise for her work.

Sucking half of his cock, her hand stayed at the base. He tasted so good, it was really enjoyable for her. Now he wanted to see her take all of it. Pushing herself down, taking him in further, she choked a little bit and her hands on his thighs squeezed a little. This was highly unprofessional of both of them. No student should be on her knees trying to deepthroat her professor, but it was hot.

Pushing further and further, the gagging noises got more frequent and louder. Finally his balls were touching her chin and her nose was pressed against his abdomen. Looking up, her brown eyes had a sparkle in them still but judging by the facial expression, she was struggling to take him.
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