Suits: Rachel Zane (Celebstars & Manofyourdream)


Apr 28, 2012
New York, a great place, lots of buildings, lots of people and a lot of parks. Thank god for parks. Rachel loved them, especially sitting down on a bench and just relaxing, having time to herself to reflect on her life, her decisions and what the future would hold.

With her legs closed she sat with her hands in her lap, holding a coffee from Starbucks. Her dark eyes would scan the businessmen and woman who would walk past, wondering if they had problems like she did. "Don't I know you from somewhere?" Said one guy, catching Rachel off guard and making her look over her shoulder. "I don't think so." Weakly smiling she sipped at her coffee hoping he would leave her alone. "Your the girl who got with the fraud huh?" Almost coughing up her hot drink and spilling it, she managed to remain stain free and stood up on to her heels. "Hey what's the matter?"

"Leave me alone!" Rachel blasted, picking up her papers and holding them in her hand while her handbag was resting on her shoulder. Throwing her coffee away she proceeded to make her way to class where she was finally making her dreams come true of becoming a lawyer.

With Mike away in Prison, the light skinned beauty felt so lonely. Work was piling up on her also, she was falling behind on her class and at Pearson Spectre Litt the partners were on her case. It was a miracle how she hadn't crumbled so far.

Walking in to the class room in a beige colored top. She looked as fierce as ever when having to do these debates. Simulated court trials where the tutor would act as Judge. Looking as elegant as ever with her straightened, Rachel also wore a black pencil skirt with black heels. She looked far more sophisticated than the rest of the students who were casually dressed.
Days, months and years pass by, students comes and they leave, a few dreams becomes a reality while some are shattered…and that is called tough life. For some, basic law is just enough and some, go on to specialize in something. Mathew Gilbert, initially a lawyer but a professor by profession, have been with Columbia University ever since he could remember. At the age of 50, when he passes by the football stadium, he still remembers his class of graduation, class of 1990. That was the day he graduated with a degree in law, proud to have come this far and today, he’s twice as proud to have come this far, giving back to the place which made him. He was one of the lucky few who had gotten a scholarship with his excellent grades and even landed an internship at a prestigious firm.

Mathew practiced law for a few years, got his feet wet and came back to the university to pass on what he knew, helping the next generation. Once every few years, there’s always some student who has the potential to do some good work, go that extra step beyond than the rest of the students and he sees to it that they do so, bringing out the very potential out of them. He had given his life to teaching and didn’t even realize when things had gotten so busy. He was married once, but not anymore. It ended few years after he joined the faculty. Though, it wasn’t entirely his fault but also hers, that their marriage had ended. It was a mutual decision to separate and walk away from each other. They both made decent money and that was plenty.

Like any other day, he sat in the class room, playing judge for a simulated court. These practices were mere examples, a training to a means so when they graduate and go out into the real world, they know what to expect. The scenario may not be similar but tackling strategy would be the same. It would be up to them as to how to put their knowledge to use because there’s so much he can do from here. They’d just started the class and hence, the court when Ms. Zane entered the classroom. All eyes turned towards her, including Mathew’s. Now, there’s a student who has a lot of potential and he knew it. The way she carries herself, confidently, she’s born to jump into the ring and fight. He knew it the first day he’d seen her a while back in another class. At last, she was in his class and whilst she did great in the first week, last two weeks have been a disappointment.

He wasn’t oblivious to the news about her boyfriend and he could imagine what she must be going through. But, she’s got to move on to concentrate on other things in her life that were just as much important, such as this class. He couldn’t help but notice her beige colored top and her pencil skirt, the black heels clicking as she made her way to a chair and sat down. That was the end of it. He drew his attention, along with everyone, back to the two students who were presenting a case. The class was full of bright students, almost 60 to 70 student bodies, eager to learn and let the knowledge soak into them. The class ended shortly after the mock trial ended, with him handing out the quiz that was given at the end of last week. Yet another disappointment as he wondered if he was wrong about her. He walked past her, handing her her graded quiz paper. A big letter ‘C’ sat right on top of front page. Once the class ended, he had other classes to prepare for and so he quickly made his way out of the building and marched towards his office. He didn’t get to eat earlier that day and so, he grabbed an apple that was sitting on top of his desk and took a bite. He went on about catching up his emails as he not only was a professor but a department head, a big responsibility.
Sitting at her seat, today's class wasn't really important to her as it was to the other students. Rachel had been in real courts and the real world at her firm, she had vast amounts of experience compared to these fresh looking kids. Therefore it was expected of her to be at the top and sail through law school. However, with the what felt like the world crumbling around her, the beauty was finding things hard. This was confirmed by the results of the quiz.

Seeing the teacher walk around and finally get to her, Rachel was about to talk when the sheet of paper landed in her hands. To some, a 'C' would of been a great result, especially this early in the semester. But Rachel wanted A's, she had to be at the top of her game. Especially if she still wanted to work with Harvey and Jessica. Looking shocked, her mouth opened wide at the result graded in red marker pen. Seeming emotional, she had lost track of her surroundings as the class was making it's way out of the room.

Looking up she saw the back of the Professor leaving the doorway and head in to the corridor full of students. Quickly picking up her bag she went after the man. "Sorry...sorry.." Rachel apologized to some members of the university while she pushed past them. Seeing the direction he went in she knew he was heading to his office, so upon knowing his location and whereabouts Ms. Zane slowed down to a walking pace and headed for the same route.

A few minutes later, Rachel reached the section of offices belonging to the Professors. Looking on the doors, she saw the name of 'M. Gilbert' and knocked on the surface lightly with her delicate fingers. Turning the handle, she stepped inside and turned her back, showing off her tight rear in her skirt as she closed the door behind her. Now facing the man, the student smiled weakly and falsely.

"Professor, I wanted to talk to you about some things, maybe starting with this?" Standing in front of his solid oak desk, the room looked quite old but in great condition. Dropping the quiz on to the furniture it slid a few inches before coming to a halt. "Is there anyway I can improve on this grade please?" Standing tall, back straight, her arm carried her handbag and her hand was limp, showing her feminine side.
He did wanted to speak to Rachel and inquire why her grades had dropped. Though, it was too early to even say that they’d dropped. At least a B grade would have been fine and then the tardiness to the classes. He knew his students, at least the ones he kept tabs on, not in a creepy way. Few students just stands out in his classes, so it’s always easy to keep track of them and see how they’re doing.

He did notice the shock on her face but he continued on. Perhaps, it was best that he avoid her and let her figure things out. Last thing Mathew wanted was to be pointed fingers at him for favoring one student over another. Of course, her being pretty would also be remarked and render him a pervert in many people’s eyes. He had a good reputation and he wouldn’t do anything to ruin it.

Once the class was over, he made his way into his office and replied to an email. It was around then, he heard someone knock on the door and he looked past his computer, noticing Rachel, “Ms. Zane!” He said instantly enough to surprise her that he knew her by her name. “Come in please.” He said and pushed his chair to the side so he could look at her. First thing he noticed was how that thin fabric of her skirt hugged her bottoms. It was perfect, almost too perfect.

He managed to dart his gaze back to his computer to make it seem that he wasn’t checking her rear. He listened to her speak as he came forward and placed the paper on his desk. “Ahh the last quiz.” He said and paid attention to her. “Please, have a seat Ms. Zane. I think we need to talk…” he said and smiled to help her calm down, “Improve your grade? Yes you can. But I believe you will be back in a week or two, asking to improve your grades again.” He said and leaned forward, “I don’t mean to be disrespectful. You’re one of my best students. Your grades in first week was excellent. It almost surprised me as much as this.” He placed his finger on the paper in front of him, “Is everything alright? I mean, you’re obviously distracted and all.” He asked her since he cared for her, believe it or not.
"Oh thank you" taking a seat he had offered her, she sat down and crossed one leg over the other while putting her bag down on the floor. Sitting up, she interlocked her fingers and rested her palms on her knee which was atop of the other leg. His smile was warm and did calm her, the man seemed approachable and kind. Whether she would have described him like that if she knew he had just checked out her rear would be another story.

"Great" looking pleased, she felt fortunate that she could improve her grade. "I was thinking, just give me it again and I will study harder and then give it back to you. I know it isn't exactly...legit but I mean Professor bend rules. As they saw, you can bend the law, but you can't break it."

"Distracted? What gave you that idea?" A nervous expression fell over her face. Obviously it was the grade. "I just have a lot on my mind. I have a fiance who is locked up, things aren't going well at work. We have no associates at all, all but three of the partners walked out." Just then, her phone rang. "Sorry, it might be Mike" going through her bag, she pulled out her iPhone and saw it was Harvey. Sighing she put her cell on the desk, allowing the man to see it was the great Harvey Spectre calling her. "Just ignore it, it isn't important.

Scratching at her leg, she had to lean down to get the itch causing her blouse to hang from her chest, giving the man a view of her black bra holding her petite breasts. Of course Rachel didn't know this as she pulled all of her black hair to the side and let it drop over her front. "I just need help, I need to get an extension on this course, a bit of breathing space. Maybe even extra tuition. I don't know." Looking agitated Rachel sat back up and turned her head away to look at the wall where she started to choke up and her eyes began to water.
Mathew decided to pay full attention to the girl who was in his office now. It wasn’t new to him that students always came by at times, in the classroom or his office, asking for an extension or an extra grade assignments. Matter of fact that only showed how willing the students were to learn and to give their best to the class. It wasn’t for him but for their own good. The fact that she took a seat and that it was some distance between his desk and the chair, he was able to see most of her, except knees down.

Boy, she seemed fine. He knew that Rachel was pretty, having seen her around but this was probably the first time he was able to see her so close up. All that he liked about her only added more details in the image he had in his mind for her. The way she interlocked her fingers and rest her palms, she seemed a bit nervous but starting to relax around his presence. There were professors who were ass and students wouldn’t feel comfortable talking to them, knowing they would get some rude reply. No, he was welcoming and had always told his students to come to him if they had questions or concerns.

He thought for a second as he looked at the magazines he had on his desk. There were also some cases that he usually works on the sides. He was a lawyer after all and helping people who needed his help, he never backed out from it. “Let me think over what to give you for a make-up grade.” He said and leaned forward as he’d mentioned that he did notice that she was distracted and had to inquire. He tilt his head in question, “Isn’t it obvious?” He said as she asked him what gave him that idea.

He encouraged her to talk freely, “I am not the one to judge. Please continue.” He said and listened as she spoke about her problems. That’s when the phone rang and when she placed it on his desk, he almost felt jealous of Harvey. Sure he knew that nothing was going on there as she has a boyfriend, he wondered how that was going since Mike was in jail. He couldn’t help but notice a little peek into her top, noticing her outline of her black bra that held her pert breasts when she leaned down to scratch an itch. He quickly darted his gaze away from her and grabbed an article on one of the topics that would help her. He pushed the article towards her, “Why don’t you read this over. I have a busy day but I usually spend my evenings at a café on Madison and Rockefeller Avenue, the Barista.” He said and added, “I live down the block from there so it’s convenient. Why don’t you come by there and I shall give you the quiz on that article, I'd like you to take it front of me.” He said and looked over at her. He wondered if she’d back out from the challenge. “Tuition? I mean it seems like you are a smart person. You already seemed to ahead of than most of the students here. But, let’s see. If you have something that you want to learn about, I am always open to it. Even if it’s outside of the topic of our class.” He said and looked at her curiously, eager to know if she’ll take the deal.
Looking at what he pushed over to her, Rachel grabbed it as it neared her. While scanning it with her eyes, she listened to the man continue to talk. "Madison and Rockefeller? I know that. Oh I have seen that café never been inside there though." Rachel pulled an expression of uncertainty when thinking about that particular business. It had a unique look about it which made her walk past and never visit it.

"Right...take it in front of you? Yeah sure..." Nodding her head as she spoke, she seemed more than happy with this arrangement. Standing up, the girl grabbed her things, wanting to start on the article right away. Not grasping what he fully said about the tuition, Rachel just smiled and said "I will see you this evening Professor." Turning around, her firm ass swayed in the pencil skirt until she reached the door. With her back to him, he wouldn't have seen the smile on her face about improving her grade.

The rest of the day, Rachel was at home going over the papers she was given. Notes were taken in her pad, scribble marks, underlines of key points, the woman worked as hard as she could.

Looking at her iPhone, she saw the time and decided to get ready. Putting her heels back on and fixing her hair in the mirror, Rachel picked up her bag and keys and headed out. It was convenient for her also as she lived not to far away from this cafe. As she appeared outside the establishment, the woman pushed open the door to the sound of a ringing bell. Looking around, she saw her professor at a table and put up a hand to say hi to him.
Mathew wasn't trying to challenge her or anything but he was keen on finding out how much she actually knew as a law student and having worked for a prestigious firm for almost 7 years. That's quite a long time working as a paralegal, not that he kept tabs on her but she was indeed a bit famous because of her boyfriend or ex-boyfriend, whatever their status was.

It wasn't his concern because he was here to teach and not get into personal matters. She was grateful it seemed, that he has given her a chance to better her grades, any great student who cared enough would be. Besides, she seems to be an excellent student, considering how she performed on her quiz and mock trial in the first week. He always did that in the first week to get an idea about his students, the level of their knowledge so he could decide whether to scratch the surface of a given subject or go in depth.

He shifted his head to the side as his eye lit up, "You do? Yeah, it's pretty lovely. You will see once you get there. A cozy little place, reminds me of a cafe I visited when I went to Paris." He told her and got to the topic at hand, nodding when she accepted taking the quiz in front of him. He wasn't giving her enough time because the article was a bit complicated and this would tell him how quick she can research the topics at hand and understand them. When she stood up, he looked back to his laptop, getting back to whatever he was doing before she came in. Though, once she turned around, he looked at her and saw how her pert as sticks out under that tight skirt of her. He didn't want to get caught as it does brings out some carnal desires inside him, "Have a good rest of the day Ms. Zane."

For a while after she left, he bathed in her peachy scent that she'd left behind as he leaned back and closed his eyes. The image of her leaning forward came to his mind, where he was able to get a peek at her fancy bra inside her top and instantly, he could feel a twitch in his groin. It harden but he pain no mind and it went back to its usual state, having had tasks he needed to finish not just for classes but a case he was working on.

He usually spent time later in the evening, after grabbing what seemed like an early dinner, he made his way from his apartment complex to the cafe around the block. He was dressed in a less formal shirt and khakis, sitting in a corner as he sipped on his coffee that seemed to have been served almost 30 minutes before as he was half way through it. He was expecting Ms. Zane but he was too busy to keep staring at the door for her arrival. Though, he eventually looked up just in time to find her entering the cafe.

He waved back and gestured her to come over to where he was sitting. It was a table in the corner with 4ft tall partitions to give each customers their privacy. There were other tables laid out across the center and near the window. He smiled at her, "Hope you find this place alright?" he asked and extended his hand before standing up politely. He waved at the waitress to call her over, "Betty..." an old lady in her 50s marched towards the table with a smile on her face, "I will have the same thing again but a bit strong this time and whatever this lovely young girl wants." He said and took a blank piece of paper, jotting down three questions from top of his head, "Ms. Zane, I hope you read that article because I have a few tough questions for you." He slid the paper towards her, smiling softly as he was only messing with her. But, they weren't easy suffice to say. "You can glance back at the article or your notes for next ten minutes if you want, then start it. No time limit." He added to see just how long she would take even though there was no time limit. He would want to just sit and chat about normal stuff but that would seem odd. But, that would come later as he seemed to enjoy her company. Besides, she was not only a pleasant sight, all of his senses sensed her presence, except touch.
Walking through the cafe, Rachel weaved in and out of the tables and chairs after he gestured for her to come over. Finally approaching the booth, she ran her hands down the back of her legs so her skirt wouldn't crease and remain straight. Sitting her pert ass down on the cushioned seat a smile left her face. "Yeah it was fine finding it, I don't live too far away."

A lovely lady came over and took the man's order once more before gazing at the beautiful girl in his company. "Just a coffee for me please" with folded arms on the table, the waitress left the pair alone. Looking down, at the paper he was jotting down on, three questions were written, the words looking familiar with her as she had just spent hours reading an article.

"Umm no need" she said, holding the sheet up and re-reading the questions. "I know the answers, it's just writing them that's all" Writing down her answers, she started with the first question as Betty came back over. Setting down the orders, the woman went on to tend to other customers.

"Thank you so much." Without looking up and concentrating on what she was writing Rachel was very grateful. Fifteen minutes had passed since she begun answering the first question and now all three were done. Dropping the pen on the surface of the table, those dark eyes scanned left to right as she went over her work. "Done, submitting to you for grading" sliding it across the table those arms went back to their folded position and rested on the edge of the table. Finally she could start her coffee to which had cooled down by now.

"Are you going to give me a grade now or do I find out when I have your class next? Lifting the mug to her lips, the drink was refreshing and welcome.
Watching her shift left and right, paving her way through the tables and chairs, he was able to catch a good look at her rear as well as her chest from a side view. It was amazing how her frame was sculpted, truly a god’s creation as he must have panned all the curves out, for sure. He doubted the young beauty had time to put hours and hours into the gym, trying to mold her frame into what it was. It was nothing but natural.

The aura of coffee quickly mixed with her fine perfume as he moved to sit in the small booth, watching her smile and he couldn’t be a bit nosy, “Oh? I thought I lived nearby. How far are you? I am guessing then you walked to here?” He asked her as he gave her the chance to settle down. Watching her fold her arms on the table, he looked at her face while she looked down at the paper on which he’d written three questions.

He wasn’t going to sit down and write MCQs for her. Instead, he chose to keep it an opened ended question where she’d have to describe the content of the article in a different fashion. The topic was certainly a bit harder and something that he hasn’t taught in the class so far. He cocked his brows when she opted to take the test than to scan over the material before her quiz.

“Very well then.” He said and tapped at the paper before passing it towards her, “Good luck.” He said as he went back to working on his own project. Matter of fact, the subject of the article and the project/case he was working shared a similar subject. When the waitress came back with their order, he simply smiled and grabbed his, lightly pushing hers towards her.

She seemed into it and that’s when he raised his cup of coffee to his lips, eyes on her pretty face as it slowly trailed down to her chest and top button that was undone. He couldn’t seem much but he was satisfied. Her pert nose and how the end slightly pointed up, her dark eyes stared at the paper with intent while her hand just scribbled her thoughts out. Such a magnificent woman she was.

He chuckled and pulled his head back to read the paper that she proudly passed towards him, after exclaiming that she was done. He glanced up at her, watching her enjoy her coffee, and then back down to her paper. He shook his head and smiled softly, “Interesting. You amuse me Ms. Zane.” He said and sipped on his coffee after putting her paper back down and then tapped at the folder that was laid out across him, a few papers on sides and some research material. “You know what this is?” He asked her and sipped on his coffee again, then putting it aside as he was about to get serious.

“I know you have potential. I am not going to lie Ms. Zane. But I was worried that you were slacking off. And I can understand why. But, you must concentrate on your school work as well.” He didn’t try to take over her life but simply told her that this was also important. He then added, “If you are planning to dedicate some time to me, I mean this…” he pushed the folder towards her and in it, she’ll find the Innocence project he was working on. An inmate who was on a death row. “I would love your help if you are interested in doing an extracurricular activity. Your grades won’t change in this class but you will learn a lot from me and this. This is just one project and I have plenty others. We will be busy if you accompany me. This test…” he said and smiled, writing with a red pen, ‘A’. “You did well, par excellence and that was just me trying you out. If I am looking for a student who can step up her game, I would want her to be like you. No…” he chuckled and added, “Let me correct that, I want it to be YOU.” He said and pointed to her before leaning back, saying his speech, he now waited to hear her input.
Those sparkling eyes watched in anticipation as he scanned the paper she just handed to him. When he looked up at her, she seemed to sit up further until he rested his gaze upon the answers once more. "I amuse you? Not the response I was looking for or expecting" chuckling to herself as the mug lifted up, she sipped at the drink.

"No, what is it?" Looking down at a folder he was tapping.

"I'm not slacking off. I've just been preoccupied, with Mike, Pearson Spectre Litt...." Stopping short of her words, she listened to the man continue. Receiving the folder she opened it up to see an Innocence project. "An inmate on Death row? That is huge. It is a matter of life and death. You think I am capable of something like this?" Watching his pen mark 'A' on the paper she handed to him, Rachel smiled and she looked at him after putting her cup down. She seemed excited and smiled at the man with her teeth biting her bottom lip.

"I'll do it. It might help me take my mind of things. A healthy distraction and some good could come of it." She probably hadn't looked so excited and happy since he had met her.

Feeling grateful, she pulled her hair over to one side exposing her neck. "Thank you Professor. It means a lot you have so much faith in me. Maybe more than my bosses do at work. I'm honoured to work with you on this."
Matthew didn’t need to take a lot of time because she didn’t go around writing unnecessary details but the most important one. He’d seen many students write a whole page worth of an answer when they would have finished it in just a paragraph. Of course, it was a tactic to use unnecessary material to distract the reader and into thinking that the writer is very knowledgeable but the truth is that they’re just hiding behind the fact that they don’t know the real answer and end up writing an answer that just spins in circles.

With Ms. Zane, he knew that wasn’t true and he was pleased with her answers. He did look up at her and smiled, “Take it Ms. Zane. It’s a compliment.” He chuckled and sipped his coffee before tapping at af folder before pushing it her way.

When she spoke, he leaned back and listened to her. His eyes lingered on her face, capturing hers into a hold as he smiled, “I wouldn’t ask you if I didn’t you were. And whatever you are lacking, I am here to fill it. You won’t be working on it along but helping me on it. I could use a sharp mind.” He said to her while he scribbled an ‘A’ on her paper without looking at her.

There was a light about her face after hearing him speak, clearly excited it seemed as she bit her bottom lip. He couldn’t help but smile back, putting his cup down after another sip, “Very well then. I am glad it may help you serve as a distraction. Though, I want it to mean something for you because it’s someone’s life we are playing with here.” His expressions were that of a serious man before nodding, “You are welcome. We will need to setup the times when we can work on it together. Do know, I am usually busy during days and this is a side project for me so I usually use my free spare time to work on it.” He said as it was truth, instead of wasting his free time, he did dedicate behind such cases. He told her and sipped the rest of his coffee and set the mug aside. “You can take the file tonight so you can read up and we can start working on it at your earliest convenience. That sound okay?” He said as he pulled out a book from his bag and opened it to where he had bookmarked, “You can hang back if you want unless you have something else to do, you can leave.” He said and smiled.
"Well, I might as well finish this coffee, would be rude of me not to I think." A warm glow filled her cheeks and her eyes were full of life again, something that was missing from the young sexy woman after her fiance was put behind bars. Opening the file which the professor gave her, Rachel opened it up and saw a picture of a man on the left hand side. He certainly looked like someone who had done a crime, but she wasn't to judge, moving her eyes to the right, she went over the notes.

"Justin Malone, murder of a man in the summer of 2004." Drinking her beverage, she gulped the coffee down as it was cooler. "It all seems above order? He was there at the scene of the crime, he was seen leaving with blood on his hands. On what grounds could we reopen his case?"

Reading further on she seemed shocked, her mouth was open. "There was a witness who failed to show at the trial? How...why? They could hold key information." Speaking the way she did, it was easy for anyone to see she was full of passion. "We have to track this person down." Taking a deep breath, she ran her fingers through her long black hair and sighed. "I want to meet this man, talk to him, see what he has to say." Staring down at his picture once more, was she looking at an innocent man?

"I don't have to be at work until later in the afternoon, so I will stay up late tonight and read more thoroughly." Standing up, her slim frame came in to view. "I had better go as it is a long night ahead of me" she chuckled.
Matthew simply nodded at the pretty girl, watching her take her cup of coffee to sip on it. There was a different glow about her face that wasn't present when she entered the coffee shoppe. He couldn't pinpoint it to be exact but he was sure that it was because of the project he asked her to work on with him. Her eyes lit up and her lips stretched into a soft smile, the rush in her eyes was also noticed and the way she sat on the edge of her seat.

He wondered just what was going through her mind, how she functioned and what ticked her on about things. She certainly looked motivated and after a brief moment, she spoke about the man on death row. She had gather up the facts, saying out loud and he couldn't help but just watch her take the charge. While she said things out loud but soft enough so it won't fall onto other's ears, he studied her face in a friendly manner. He didn't continue to stare at her but he'd have his moment. And he certainly had his moments staring at her pretty chest in that tight blouse of hers.

"Read on Ms. will learn more" he simply said as he sipped on his beverage, barely taking his eyes off of her while she was distracted by the case. He was sure that she'd have many questions and some of which even he may not have an answer for. Which is why he asked her, seeing her enthusiasm in the class, he could definitely see this case benefitting if she worked on it with him. He needed someone like her to work on even when he can't, as he ends up being busy with mundane coursework.

"That's reassuring Ms. Zane. But do keep in mind, the longer we take out here, the longer he's there. Inside the jail and behind bars, where he doesn't belong. Oh and yes, we do have to go see him. Matter of fact, I do need a few signatures from him so I was thinking of going by tomorrow evening at 6. But, it seems you have work?" He inquired and started to pull out another folder to work on sine he was planning to be here for another hour or so. The when and how of the trip would be soon decided if she's going to join him. If she'd tell him that she can't go with him then he'll just go on his own. Though, he'd like her to accompany him on this trip but he wouldn't just want to put it away for another day because his mind is clouded by this fog that she's created in his mind.
"Umm, I should be able to make it. An evening visit? Is that allowed?" Rachel had just always figured visits were only allowed during the day. "Sure we can go at that time. I look forward to it." Just then, the slightest little tremble appeared in her bottom lip. Eyes began to water and suddenly a tear came down her cheek. Whilst standing up in front of him she turned her back to the man to stop him from seeing her tearing up. Showing off her beautiful rear, Rachel composed herself and then turned to him once more.

"I'm sorry about that. The whole prison thing and my fiance....just hit me there for a second."

Taking a deep breath, she smiled weakly with a chuckle. "I'm going to go home, I don't live to far away anyway." Holding what folders he had given her, Rachel said her goodbyes with the paperwork pressed against her chest. Swerving in and out of the tables the girl had one of the best rears at Pearson Spectre Litt. On to the street she went and she was lost from view.

Knowing that she was no longer in sight, the tears came flooding back. There was no way she could let the Professor see her like this. He would have thought she wasn't up to the task of helping him with the case. Crying to herself as she went home, Rachel planned on having some wine reading the notes in the folder.
He continued sit there and sip on his coffee, admiring her beauty very discreetly and without coming off as a pervert, because he wasn’t one. He just admired her because she was worth admiring. He hadn’t come across someone so beautiful so it was indeed overwhelming at times. He smiled at her question, “It is allowed when you have good contacts in right places. Besides, we are going to give him a ray of hope so I don’t think it should be delayed.” He looked at her and nodded when she seemed to be on same page and even agreed to go with him. “That’s great news. I figured you probably have to stay late at work. I would love to have you around, and you get to meet him.” He’d met the guy once but didn’t promise anything. He only said that he’d look over his case and get back to him.

He wondered what happened that she turned herself around to hide her from him. It was in that moment, taking a second or two to notice her fine ass in that tight skirt of her. She always dressed nice and seem presentable, liking that quality about her. He scooted to the side so he can reach with ease, leaning forward to grab her hand, “I understand and couldn’t imagine what you must be going through. If there’s anything I can do, let me know. And you really don’t have to come if it only brings bad memories to surface?” He questioned her but it was more of a suggestion that if she wasn’t comfortable, she didn’t have to go with him.

She composed herself well and even though she smiled weakly, he could tell that she was distracted by it. He would have offered to walk her home but he didn’t want to come on too hard. “You do that and Rachel…” he used her first name, “Try and get some rest too. No need to beat yourself over it.” He offered a soft smile before once she’d be on her way out of the café, he discreetly watched her buttocks move in that skirt as her hair swung back and forth across her back. Her scent still lingered around for a while which he continued to breathe in, taking in deep breaths to enjoy while that lasted.

Once it was time, an hours and half later, he decided to wrap up things and go back to his place across the street. He was tired and soon, he called it a day.

Next day, he spent his day conducting his classes and then spent the afternoon working on project that he was preparing for another class. When it was time, he left his office and jumped in his car, texting Rachel that he’d reach Pearson Specter Litt in less than 20 minutes, asking her to be down there since he’d set up a time for a meet at the prison.

Matthew had just pulled in front of a cab, in front of the building after reaching there, he texted her, ‘Ms. Zane, I am right outside’. She wouldn’t have a clue which one was his car so he lowered his window so she can recognize him inside it. He waited patiently, keeping a look out for her as he was dressed in a light blue button down shirt and khaki pants, a bit casual than professional.
The beauty was in her office at work when she received a notification on her phone. It buzzed on the glass desk and 'dinged' with a loud noise, alerting her and making her gaze at it. Picking the device up, she swiped it open on the touch screen and read the text from her professor. In the next five minutes, Rachel had tidied up her desk, collected what she needed in her bag and notified Harvey that she was leaving the building.

Waiting for the elevator, the woman stepped in to it once it had opened and took herself down to the ground floor. Along the marble floor, her heels clapped against the hard surface while people were coming and going around her. Finally exiting through the door, she looked around until she saw Mathew sitting in his car.

Walking over to him, Rachel opened the door and sat inside the passenger seat. "Hey" she said, getting comfortable, pulling the seat belt over her and buckling it in to place. A hand reached over her head to pull her long black hair over so it rested all on one side. It left her neck exposed facing the man.

"How far is the prison?"

Along the journey to their destination, her gorgeous brown eyes peered out of the window as she yawned. She was up all night studying the files she was given yesterday by the professor. Crossing her legs, the skirt moved up her thigh, exposing more of her light brown skin and meaty thigh.
Matthew patiently waited in his car, parking it next to the curb but right in front of her work building. He couldn’t help but wonder how she would be dressed and how her scent would be filled in his car. This weren’t healthy thoughts coming from an old professor towards his student but he just couldn’t help. Though, he was very good at being professional about this and be able to hide it well as well.

He occasionally glanced up at the building’s entrance, waiting for Rachel to emerge and wanting to catch that sight of hers so he can admire her form from far, just because it’s hard to stare without being noticed once she’s in close proximity. And then there she was, amidst all the people who were walking on that path, his eyes just blocked everyone else but her. Those few moments were of bliss as he admired the young girl march down towards his car, exuding nothing but confidence and the more he looked at her, the more he was drawn towards her.

Her white top and her skirt seemed to compliment the tone of her skin well and her heels also added to her looks. How she manages to look her best is something he had no idea of but he was pleased and couldn’t help but flash a smile when she opened the door and sat in the passenger seat. He didn’t want her sweating and wanted to provide the comfort she deserved, “Hey…” she said and upped the AC a bit, “Pretty hot outside.” He watched her fasten her belt and as she ran her hand through her hair pretty hair. How he would give anything to actually have his hand run through her hair, perhaps even have his lips wander her exposed neck there.

“It’s quite far and you may want to get a bit comfortable Ms. Zane.” He said and put on his dark shades so actually he can look at her without getting noticed. Watching how her skirt rode up when she crossed her legs, taking a moment to pull out onto the busy streets of New York. The prison was located right outside of New York, in New Haven, Connecticut. “Without traffic? An hour and half. But you should know better with the city traffic.” He chuckled as he drove on. From the corner of his eyes, he stole a glance at her slender neck and then her creamy thigh.

The drive wasn’t so bad and once they were on a highway, the ride was much smoother as he managed to carry on a conversation without a problem, stealing looks at her without needing to hide. Eventually, they’d arrive at the facility and they’d go past the security checks and towards the private rooms where they waited for their convict to show up. The quiet seems too odd and looking at her, he noticed how she was awfully quiet as soon as they entered the place. Placing his hand over her shoulders, he nudged her, “Everything okay?” He asked her with worry.
Once they arrived at the prison, Rachel looked out of the window and she had a nervous feeling about going inside. Seeing towers on every corner with armed guards and barbed wired fending around the whole facility made her aware of what her fiance Mike was going through. It was even tougher when they went inside. Despite them being lawyers, or a trainee lawyer in her case and not criminals, the guards still treated them as such, frisking them, going through their belongings and giving them a hard time.

Finally as they made their way through a corridor, Rachel started to stress out. Being put in to an interview room she sat down and her professor could see there was something wrong. With hands on her shoulders, Rachel looked over at him. "Seeing this place just makes me think of Mike and what he must be going through, how he must be being treated." Going in to her bag, she pulled out some tissue and patted her eyes with it, trying to soak up her tears.

Ten or so minutes later, with Rachel composed, or rather holding it all in, Leonard Bailey finally showed up in his orange outfit. A guard fixed his cuffs to the table and then left all three of them alone.

It was explained to the man that his case was presented to them and they wanted to help him. Questions were asked, they wanted to know who this key witness was and where she disappeared to. Mr. Bailey didn't know either. "I was set up I tell you...I didn't kill nobody, they were already there, I tried to help them and that's when the cops came. They just tackled me to the ground and then threw away the key. I've been in here twenty years just because I tried to help!"
It wasn't until they entered the prison, Mathew made the connection as to why she seemed worried or out of it. The place seemed to creep up on her, remind her of something she doesn't want to be reminded or even fill her mind with worries. They went through the usual protocols and checks before they were cleared and ushered to a private room where they waited for their client to arrive.

Taking that time, he glanced at her and couldn't help but ask her if she was okay. When she looked at him and explained to her why she looked stressed out. It was this place, the prison. Just by being here, it reminded her of Mike and he couldn't help but feel helpless that he couldn't do anything. He almost wanted to pull her in for a hug but he knew that would be inappropriate.

It wasn't his place but he did caress her shoulder and consoled her, "I am sure he is okay. You are worried for no obvious reason Rachel." He said and addressed her by her first name this time. When she moved to pick out some tissue from her purse, he gave her some space and that's when their client was brought in.

Even though this was the moment they were waiting for, he couldn't help but feel how he wanted to wrap up things and get out of this place. Anything he could do to help ease her mind, he would do. The case was just as much important so he wouldn't do unjustified to it either. They went ahead and discussed a lot of things, allowing Bailey to tell his side of the story. It was exactly what they needed, a confirmation of his innocence. Sometimes you just have to go by your gut feeling and Rachel had to work that in to be able to judge her clients in future.

When Mr. Bailey told them that he was set up, Mathew looked over to Rachel and noticed that even she was just as much convinced as he was. "We will look into this key witness and see if we can find something on her. All we can do is keep our fingers crossed. We will get your case to reopen in front of the court and the jury. Ms. Zane here has years of experience and is going to help me. We can use all the help we can get Mr. Bailey. Trust us. We are working hard and will get back to you as soon as we have something on this case." Mathew professionally consoled the man and then stood up to shake this hand. Waiting for Rachel by the door, he held it open for her and then ushering her with his hand resting on the small of her back, they made their way out of there and soon, they were collecting their belongings again at the exit.

Walking ahead of her, he shook his head, "I feared this might happen. It was starting to get cloudy earlier." He said nodding to outside and if she'd look to the door that was end of this long corridor, she'd see that it was pouring outside. "That's why I tried to do this earlier so we can be back home before the weather worsened." He said and nudged his head, "Come on, let's go. I hope we can still make it, yeah?" he said to her and guided her to he exit. He asked her to wait there so he can go pick up his car. He was pretty wet by the time he got to his car and then made his way right the entrance. "Jesus! Here...use these napkins," he offered them to her once she joined him in his car and let her settle in. He also took a moment to wipe his face and then set the GPS on the dashboard.

"If we are lucky, we may just get home in less than three hours." He said to her and smiled. During the next 20 minutes of their drive, they'd notice how the visibility was almost zero from time to time. It was pouring non stop but he managed to drive safely to some extent. Amidst all of that, one of the wipers came loose and flew off, making it even harder for them to see, "Fuck..." he said but then quickly apologized, "Sorry. I didn't mean to curse." He was trying to be sincere with her present there. "Do me a favor Ms. Zane. Try and see in your phone, if there are any massive traffic or road blocks along our route. I am going to pull over into a gas station since I need to fill up. Besides, I need to fix that darn wiper back in its place. Hope it's still good." He said and pulled into a gas station where a small roof did very little to stop the rain from getting him all wet.
Rachel was just as convinced that this man was innocent. He could easily have been lying to try and get off death row, but the way he spoke, the calmness about him and the way he come across like he had given up on hope persuaded her to fight for this male with much more motivation. She too shook Mr. Bailey's hand and then walked past her Professor in to the corridor. Walking in her heels, they echoed throughout the long narrow pathway, looking to her left she could see inmates through the glass coming out of their cells, some eyeing up her like she was a piece of meat to be had.

It was chucking it down outside when they reached the exit after collecting some belongings. Seeing him rush over to his car, the girl waited patiently, until he pulled up. Opening the passenger door, Rachel climbed in and was wet, but not as wet as the male next to her. Taking the napkins, she wiped her chest and face, drying off as best she could.

Looking ahead, the wipers over the windshield did nothing to clear the visibility. Rachel was amazed at how the man was driving still. Gasping when the wiper came loose, the wannabe lawyer sat back in her seat and looked shaken. Pulling in to a gas station, the roof overhead kept them dry, Rachel got out, the weather was quite chilly and she moved around to try and get a good signal. "I don't see any signs of blocks, but I really don't feel comfortable travelling in this weather." Running a hand through her hair the woman paced a little then got back in the car.

Swiping her phone in various ways, looking at information coming up on the screen, she noticed a motel a few hundred meters up the road. "Do you mind stopping at a motel for the night? Until the storm passes? I can pay for it? I don't mean to put you out, I don't think it is safe to be driving in this. Plus we seem to be the only ones out here driving. Everyone else is parked up here standing in the store waiting."
Mathew knew deep down that the placed crept upon the young woman and deep down, he knew he had to do something. Wrapping up quickly back at the prison, he gathered enough information so they can be on their way back. He knew of the rain but not the intensity with which it was going to pour, something he didn't take into consideration when switching his plans from making this early in the day trip to later in the day, for Rachel. Though, it was worth it because it was important that even she met with the man on death row and be convinced as it was important for him to know what she thought of the case.

The would have more chat on the topic but for now, it was getting out of that place and he wasted no time in waiting for the rain to slow down. Running to his car, the old but fit man made his way in without actually getting all wet. Of course, when Rachel entered the car, he noticed that the rain didn't spare her either even though it was a small distance from the entrance to his car. In no time, they were on the road, assuming they can hustle it through the rain and make it home before the weather worsens.

The rain was pouring so hard that the visibility was less than 25 percent, despite his wipers working to its fullest. And the darn thing had to clip off, making the passenger side wiper wobbly but glad that it didn't just fall off the car. He took an exit and pulled into a nearest gas station where he went ahead and filled his tank, looking at Rachel step out to try and get a good signal, "Rachel, stay inside. You'll get wet. We don't want you getting sick." He shouted over the heavy rain as he finished filling the gas tank.

Her heard her alright but he didn't want to drag the conversation when she was outside of the car. It would only make her want to stay out and chat. Instead, he finished up and jumped back into the car, wiping his face with his wet sleeves before looking at her, "Yeah, I was just going to say the same thing. It would be better if we stay the night. It would be a wise thing to do. Of course, only if you don't mind." He asked for her permission again, even though she had said the same not too long ago.

Looking at her once again, smiling, "Look at us. And we don't even have a change of clothes." He laughed, couldn't help but move his hand to take few wet locks and tug them behind her ear. She looked even more beautiful in that wet look of hers. He put the car into park to avoid that awkward moment, "I will...I will just move on so we can find a hotel." He said and drove down the street for a short distance, looking back at her, "Oh...I may be wrong. I may have an extra pair of clothes in my trunk." He made a thoughtful face as he entered the parking lot of a decent looking hotel. Normally, he would look for a proper hotel but it wasn't worth it in this weather. He quickly parked the car up front and stepped out, "Wait right here. Keep the heater running. It getting colder out here." He said as if he really cared for her, and deep down, he did. He was gone for about 15 minutes before he came back and drove to the backside of the hotel where their rooms were located on the Fifth floor.

"Good thing we stopped by. Only a few rooms are left. We got the two adjacent ones." The professor said and found a parking right near the entrance. Once they gathered everything, they made a run for it and then into an elevator to the fifth floor. "Here you go Rachel. This one's more bigger the clerk said." He wanted her to be comfortable and soon, they made their way to the door, watching her walk past his as he pushed his open. Putting his bag, he called out to her, "Wait..." he said to her and skipped his way to her, "Take this. There's some sweatpants in there and maybe a T-shirt that you may be able to fit in. Don't put back on wet clothes. Freshen up and we will figure out what we're going to eat." He said and walked back to his door and into his room. Hers was in the corner and his was right next to her. What the clerk forgot to say to him was how there was a door in between the rooms from the inside, that could be opened from the inside of her room, should she wants to. He didn't notice it as he made his way right into the shower to freshen up.
In the elevator, the woman was shaking due to the cold and being wet. She wasn't as soaked as the man though, yet she didn't seem him trembling as much. Watching the lights on the buttons, it went from 1.....2......3......4......and finally 5. A 'Ding' signaled the doors would soon open and a few seconds later they finally did. The corridor had red carpet with beige designs over it, it looked quite old fashioned but kept well cleaned. The walls were white, well maintained and various pictures were scattered between the rooms.

Being escorted to her room by the man as he knew where they were staying, he offered her the bigger one. "It makes no difference to me really." Holding on to her arms with her hands and her bag hanging in the air, Rachel was about to enter when he offered her some spare clothing. "Thanks...." Appreciating the gesture, she entered her room and closed the door behind her.

Looking around the room, there was a closet on the left along with a TV on a wooden unit. To the right was a bed and a door next to it. The bathroom was straight ahead.

Going to shower, she stripped herself off her clothing until she was naked. Her fine perky small breasts hung firmly on her chest and the dark nipples complimented her light brown skin tone. Below towards her groin area and just above her pussy was a natural look of pubic hair which was short. It had obviously been shaved before but was growing back. Her lack of sex with Mike behind bars meant her maintenance of it had fallen. Turning the knobs in the shower, warm water came spraying out and Rachel took full advantage of it. Her mood and attitude soon relaxed while running her hands over her body. She stayed in the shower for over twenty minutes, soaking up the warm delightful liquid before getting out.

A cream coloured towel absorbed the water until she was dry. That gorgeous long black hair had a shine to it but the ends had gone a little frizzy at the bottom. It made her look cute.

Changing in to the clothing he had offered, the light grey sweatpants hugged her waist tightly, it showed off her ass well before going baggy around her legs. As for the t-shirt, it was white and to big for her, not showing off her curves at all. Clearly it was designed for a male. Looking through her bag, Rachel reached in for her iPhone and saw there was no signal. The weather was frustrating her. Checking the time, she new Mike could call soon and she started to panic that she wouldn't be able to answer.

Looking stressed once more, she looked around the room to the door next to her bed. Judging by the layout, it must of been a door to her professor's room, meaning they didn't have to go in to the corridor. Knocking on it lightly, she opened it and poked her head through. "Professor?"
Mathew did notice the girl shiver but him touching her, not only it would seem awkward but he would get her wet because he was wetter than she was. Luckily, his slacks weren’t as much soaked as his shirt was. He didn’t tremble because he wasn’t cold, just wet. He was a man after all, one not needing protecting but giving to her. Before they knew, they were moving out of the elevator and towards their rooms.

Water dropped from all the places, feeling it seep through his shirt and into his slacks and even his boxers. It was best to move quickly to remove his slacks to prevent them from getting wet. Especially since he have his only pair of spare clothing to her. He couldn’t even ask back for it. “I insist Rachel,” he said to her when she told him she didn’t need a bigger room.

Soon, they split off and he quickly moved inside his room. First thing that he did was turn up the heating and stripped. Taking his slacks, he placed it across the heater so it would dry off in few minutes if possible. He then moved into the bathroom and stripped everything off before jumping into the shower. He took a good few minutes to work out his exhaustion, finally stepping out to see what was dry.

Realizing that other than his slacks, everything was wet, even his boxers. Slack were a bit damp but it would do and as much as it felt odd to wear them without wearing anything under them, he had no other option. He went back to the bathroom after putting his slacks on, doing his hair and then grabbing a dry towel, he walked back out to the room.

Knowing how everything was going to be closed soon, he did went ahead and ordered two items that was on the hotel’s kitchen menu. It was nothing crazy but salad, pizzas and fries. He didn’t know what Rachel would like but knew that she must be hungry. When he saw a bottle of wine, he couldn’t help but pour a glass of himself, standing there topless as he heard a knock. Almost surprised, he turned around, thanking that he wasn’t roaming naked when he saw Rachel peek her head into his room. “Oh come in…Rachel. I didn’t know it that there.” He said to her and smiled, “You feeling okay? You’re not cold are you?” He asked her and sipped on his glass of wine, nudging his head towards his room, “Come in and take a seat. I ordered something. It should be up here anytime. If you want anything else, there’s a menu on the bed,” he said and went over to the window, opening the curtain to see many grey shaded clouds and heavy rain all over the place.
"Oh sorry" Rachel saw the man topless, thinking he was getting changed. She was about to leave when he told her to come in. Her eyes roamed his chest, thinking it may be a little inappropriate to see her educator and teacher like that. Turning her gaze, she saw his room was almost the same as hers, but everything was the opposite way around.

"I feel better now, warm. Thank you for the clothing." Pulling on the t-shirt, she then let it go as it hung loosely off her. The only seat she could really find was the bed, so she walked over to it and sat on the edge of it. Picking up the menu, the woman gazed over at it and looked at the many options. "Pizza does sound nice for a time like this. Just comfort food." Her fingers then ran through her long black hair.

Finally a knock came on the door. Rachel stood up, walked barefooted along the carpet and invited the man in who had a tray in his hands. He walked with his back straight, looking smart in his uniform before heading out and closing the door behind him. Uncovering the lids on top of the plates, she saw fries, a pizza and a side order of salad. "Seems like you know me well enough to order pizza" A smile came over her and she picked up a slice, getting excited whilst watching the cheese breakaway from the other pieces.

"Mmmmm that is good!" Holding a hand underneath her mouth to catch anything that might fall. "You should try some!"
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