Betrayal of Dumbledore [RoleplayMaster x Frogger]

“It looks great.” Hermione looked over in his direction, only for her heart to flip over as he stepped closer. Darker pink washed over the light, delicate pink that had lingered across the girl’s cheeks. A hand lifted… patting her hair down. It was a soft, gentle gesture… one which had just an undercurrent of sensuality. Then again, it could all be just a figment of her imagination. No, there is no doubt about it. Hermione has to be imagining this moment. “Th-Thanks,” she replied, offering a wane smile in turn. Taking a seat, she waited until he sat down before making a move to eat. “This all looks really good,” Hermione reiterated, blushing darker still. There she goes, repeating herself.

Noticing his fingers, she decided not to say anything… yet. “I have a question for you,” Hermione spoke up, breaking the silence that had fallen like a gossamer veil. “This… is great. This is our first step away from Ron, and Professor Dumbledore, and their plans for us… but what next? Where do we go from here? I don’t want us to be without an idea.” Hermione set down her fork, whipping out her wand and, with a flick, healed the burns on his fingers. “Is that better?” she asked in a gentler tone, giving him another smile.
Smiling at the double compliment of it looking good, Harry replied with a simple thanks, not used to compliments about his cooking. Beginning to eat, the question posed gave him pause. He wished that it was Harry asking Hermione, as long term plans were not his specialty. He was better at the plans made up on the spot for the immediate future, but who knows how long this fight against Dumbledore and the Weasleys will last.

Remembering Fred, George, and Mr. Weasley's reactions as they apparated away from Diagon Alley, Harry realised their first step. "We can't fight this war alone. We need allies. The twins and Arthur could be a good help for us, with various items to fight with from the twins and Arthur giving as a source inside the Ministry. We also need to see people inside the Order of the Phoenix and inside Hogwarts for help. Professor Lupin... Remus, will help definitely. Those inside Dumbledore's Army will likely help too, but that name definitely needs a change." He sighed, rubbing his eyes behind his glasses. "Any ideas from you, either on steps we need to take, or how to contact those people?"
Intrigue rippling over her features, Hermione tilted her head while tapping a finger against her chin. “Let me see…” Allies are a necessity, even she can’t deny that fact. Arthur Weasley could provide them with inside information, perhaps even go so far as to distract his younger children. If they could get word to the Order of the Phoenix, let them know what is going on, that would be amazing. Problem is, Professor Dumbledore is the one who brought the witches and wizards together for an important purpose. How do they tell them the truth without him finding out? How can they reach Professor Lupin, too? Dumbledore’s Army would be more than willing to fight, as well… Oh! If only they can distract Professor Dumbledore… send him away, or something! Frustration building inside her chest, Hermione let out a groan a minute or two later.

“The only thing I can think of is… the Room of Requirement,” Hermione confessed. “If we could somehow sneak into Hogwarts, we’ll be able to meet everyone in Dumbledore’s Army there. If we use the coins, though, Ginny and Ron will know something is up… unless they’ve gotten rid of them? There is a lot of uncertainties here…” Hermione’s words trailed off, doubt taking root in the pit of her stomach. What if they can’t find any allies? What if they are on their own in this war? What then? Taking a bit of salad, Hermione used this moment to gather her scrambled thoughts together. “Dumbledore will be at Hogwarts here soon enough,” she pointed out. “Perhaps we can go to Sirius’ place, contact the Order of the Phoenix and go from there?”
Sighing softly as he thought over what they could do, he nodded slowly as he listened to Hermione speak. "We can't go to Grimmauld Place, Dumbledore runs the Order. If we can contact Lupin, then he can tell us when the coast is clear. Then we can lock the place down, perhaps with a different fidelius charm. That way only those that we trust can enter." he suggested. "I should be able to do that too since I believe the house would pass down to me from Sirius passing.." Harry paused briefly, wanting to ignore that for the moment.

"I'm sure we can trust Neville and Luna... We need to wait until a Hogsmeade visit and then ambush them to tell them what is going on. Perhaps making a communication device so we can tell them what to do while they're at Hogwarts." Harry added with a small smile. Finally, a plan was coming together. "So... Get an owl to Lupin, establish home base at Grimmauld Place, contact Neville and Luna, and enlist the help of Dumbledore's Army. Anything else?" he asked, yawning quietly as he finished his dinner. "Actually.. I feel like going to bed." He admitted.
“Not only Lupin needs to know what is going on, but others, too,” Hermione pointed out. “I think it might be a good idea to contact Professor Moody, since he is an Auror. He might be able to provide a little insight as to what we can do next.” Dumbledore may very well have infiltrated the Ministry, even, but the chances of him having accomplished such a feat is slim, practically nonexistent. Hermione knows it is a risk, however… it will have to be a calculated risk, just like all the others. “I will write a letter for Professor Lupin tomorrow, once we’ve gotten a little sleep.”

Her lips curved into a faint smile. Bed sounds like heaven right about now, after everything they’ve gone through the past few weeks. Hermione lifted from her seat, collecting the plates. “Here, I’ll wash the dishes. You cooked dinner, so it’s the least I can do. You’re probably ready to fall out of that chair, anyway. Why not take a shower before heading to bed?” Hermione twisted to face the sink, letting some hot water run over it all.
Thinking it over, Harry nodded. "I believe Tonks mentioned once that Moody was her mentor. But he may not appreciate what we have to say about Dumbledore, since they either are or were friends. Maybe contact Lupin and give him Moody's letter, so he can judge a good time to give it to him?" Harry suggested.

Harry was about to object to Hermione doing dishes, but the idea of a hot shower and then sleep sounded perfect. Giving a nod, Harry stood, only now realising how tired he really was. Slowly, his legs dragged toward the bathroom area of the tent. It merely acted as a wall against one corner of the enclosure. This meant it lacked a lot of privacy. Should Hermione head to bed while he still showered, she would no doubt get a glimpse of his naked body.

Trying not to take too long, the magically hot spray felt amazing on his aching skin, tight from the stress he held. But at long last, he finished, summoning some clothes from the bedroom to get dressed. Now in a shirt and tracksuit, the boy headed to bed. He normally didn't wear so much under the covers, but he would feel weird wearing just his undies while sleeping with his friend.
All the dishes off the table and in hand, Hermione began to run hot water over the pile. Ironically enough, just this mundane, everyday task is somewhat… calming after the long, emotionally draining day they’ve both just gone through. Eyes downcast, Hermione dived in, using a generous amount of soap and allowing her thoughts to drift away, to disintegrate into nothingness.

Ten minutes later, give or take, every piece of silverware was put away, every dish up in a cupboard. Hermione wiped her hands off on a towel, a new thought sinking in… one which released butterflies into the pit of her stomach. Trying to give him another minute or two, just in case, she lingered in the dining room, the living room… and then, finally, into the bedroom. Harry was already in bed, covers pulled up to his chest. “I’m going to jump in the shower real quick,” Hermione told him, flushing pink and fiddling with the tips of her hair.

It was exactly what she needed. Hermione could feel the tension ebbing from her shoulders, swirling down the drain along with the hot water. Threads of curly dark brown plastered against pink skin, she came out wearing an oversized shirt and shorts, which can barely be seen underneath. Licking her lips nervously, Hermione debated on climbing on the bed, crawling under the covers, or a mixture of both. There is one thing, though… which side does he prefer sleeping on?
Seeing Hermione head to the shower, the head of the bed provided the perfect view to watch her. Blushing heavily, Harry quickly summoned a spare blanket and threw it at the doorway of the bathroom area. "Wingardium Leviosa." He spoke, his mind going back to their first charms lesson. Slowly, the sheet rose, until it rests like a curtain, providing privacy to his friend.

Soon enough, Hermione approached the bedroom area, dressed in what seemed to be just a large shirt and nothing else. But she stretched, and Harry saw a glimpse of some very short shorts. She seemed unsure of herself, reflecting Harry's own feelings, but he knew he needed to make the first move. Scooting backward, Harry opened the blankets for her, on his left side. "I don't bite." He promised teasingly. When she eventually entered the bed, Harry rolled onto his back and closed his eyes, trying to control his emotions and urges.
In a low murmur, Hermione caught wind of a spell being cast... and far too late, she realized one of two things: that there was absolutely no privacy whatsoever, and that he could see absolutely... everything. Luckily Harry was a gentleman, otherwise she'd die of embarrassment. Flushed with a heat that was slowly ebbing away, Hermione stood at the bed minutes later, feeling a bit... lost. This is all so... oh, what's the word for it? Unnerving. Yes, but that doesn't completely, accurately, cover the situation in of itself. Nerves fluttering about inside the pit of her stomach, Hermione wavered, torn, confused, as if she was standing on the edge of a precipice.

Harry flipped the sheets over, inviting her with the promise that he ‘doesn’t bite’. Almost immediately, Hermione flushed a light, delicate pink, and couldn’t help but laugh under her breath. “I-I know that,” she replied, taking a step forward to join him. The blankets were silky, cool… but also warm where he was just moments ago. Hermione buried that particular thought, rolling over onto her back, though looking at him. “I… Ah… Goodnight?” she offered, a helpless little shrug rolling through her shoulders. “I will see you in the morning…”
Grinning at her, Harry nodded and replied with a goodnight of his own, before rolling away from her and falling asleep soon after. Throughout the night, Harry's body would move back and forth, almost as if he was trying to get comfortable. Yet there was a pained expression on his face from the visions in his scar. Surprisingly, it soon stopped when his body found Hermione's, spooning her petite frame. Despite being asleep, he felt relaxed thanks to the feelings and smells Harry experienced while holding her. His hand snaked in front of her, grasping her breast, while his crotch rested against her ass. While that wasn't too bad now, he regularly had morning wood. His hold on her was gentle, but any fighting against it would force Harry to pull her tighter against him.
“Mm…” At one point or another, Hermione realized that she was enveloped in heat… gentle, yet firm, but not once did she stir because of it. A soft sigh left her lips. Hours passed by in sweet, blissful silence… Hermione is not one to toss back and forth in her sleep, and didn’t do so now. Every so often, the girl stretched… and because of it, she ended up being pulled up against him tighter. By the time morning rolled around, Hermione is nice and tight, his hand having found its way into her oversized shirt, and there was something hard pressing between her ass cheeks. Rays of gold fell into the tent, banishing the darkness. Hermione finally stirred, a groan falling from her lips this time. “Mm… Good morning…” Hermione murmured, back arching in a languid stretch.
Harry seemed to be a deep sleeper, almost as if clutching Hermione for dear life as he slept. Nuzzling his nose into her neck, his hips gently thrust forward a little bit, the head of his cock slowly rubbing against her ass hole. "Mm, baby." he mumbled in his sleep, apparently having a sex dream. That fact was made even more obvious by the fact that a few moments later, Hermione's ass was completely plastered with a thick, sticky substance. Yet Harry slept on, even as his cock twitched from its orgasm.
Hermione brought a fist up, rubbing at first one sleepy eye, then the other. Dark brown blinked open, taking offense at the intrusion of light. A nuzzle at her neck caught Hermione's attention... and a gentle thrust against... Realizing just what, exactly, is going on, Hermione blushed red, heart racing faster... and faster... and faster, to the point where it felt like it was going to fly right out of her rib cage. "H-Harry? What are you-?" A gasp tore itself free from her throat, mortification sinking in. Hands raised high, Hermione could not think... could not speak, much less move, for that matter. "Harry, please wake up..." she found the words to say after a long moment. "Harry. Harry."
"Mione" Harry mumbled softly, slowly waking up. He felt warm and happy, and surprisingly at ease. But all those feelings soon disappeared as Harry became aware of their situation. The moment Harry became clear of what was happening was fairly obviously, what with him bolting out of the bed and landing painfully on his back in embarrassment. "S-Sorry! I was uh.. was sleeping. Didn't know." He stumbled over his apology. "I'll um.. shower. Yeah, shower." he said, running out of the bedroom and into the bathroom, blushing wildly. The one thing that didn't occur to him was that now that he was in the shower, Hermione would have to wait with his cum all over her ass, while he washed up.

Eventually, Harry was done, stroking one out while he washed himself. Turning the water off and summoning some clothes, Harry went to the kitchen to begin cooking for Hermione, hoping the food would serve well as an apology.
Did he really just-? Horrified, Hermione had absolutely no idea what to think… much less what to say. Never has she thought to be in this sort of situation… and with Harry, of all people! Face bright red, heart racing fast and skipping vital beats every now and then, Hermione thought about moving, yet she was reluctant to do so. It felt so… sticky. Lips twisting into an expression not easily put into words, Hermione waited until the shower was free before she actually followed through with the thought. Brown curls fell over her shoulders, framing a pair of dark brown eyes and face blushing darkly. Hermione rushed into the shower, nearly tripping over herself meanwhile. The hot water was amazing... washing away not only… that, but everything else as well. A sigh leaving her lips, Hermione turned off the water and swept her wand, summoning more clothes… ones that aren’t covered in sticky white.

In a pair of dark blue shorts, a purple tank top, and nothing else, Hermione finally made an appearance in the kitchen… though she didn’t really want to. “Um… Hey…” she spoke up, feeling awkward all of a sudden. “Do you need help with breakfast?”
As Hermione returned from her shower, the setting felt very awkward, but thankfully she did not say a word about previous events. Shaking his head at the offer, Harry soon set the table with a large helping of toast, bacon, eggs, and various breakfast drinks. Whatever they did not eat, could be put under a preserving spell for next time. "Just um... just sit down, and we can eat." Harry said, still embarrassed at what had happened. "So... What's the plan for today?" Harry asked Hermione, seeking a change in subject, as well as being momentarily forgetful about what was planned.
“Ah, yes.” Fully aware of just how awkward this situation has become, Hermione sat down, just as fully aware of the blush that is nearly hot enough to melt the skin off. “I...I suppose the plan is to… contact Professor Lupin,” Hermione, somehow or another, found the words to say. “I would initially contact the Order of the Phoenix… but that is not an option, because of Professor Dumbledore. I think we also need to figure out how, exactly, to get word from ‘Dumbledore’s Army’...” Words drifting off, Hermione’s thoughts veered in a different direction… one that involved tangled sheets, hearing her name in a hoarse, sultry whisper. Beet red at this point, Hermione quickly brushed those thoughts aside, and instead drank her orange juice. In the end, she nearly choked on it. “I was… considering Hogsmeade?” It would be a huge risk, no, a monumental risk... however, it could very well be their only choice in contacting any of Hogwarts' students.
"Out of our options, Lupin seems a bit safer, simply because Dumbledore should be staying at Hogwarts now. He can talk to him about everything, then maybe he can give his opinion on finding Dumbledore's Army through Hogsmeade or a safer way." Harry suggested, looking down at his food and eating slowly. He still could not look Hermione in the eyes.
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