Black Widow Baby [RoleplayMaster x Frogger]

Her lips curving into an amused smile, Natasha picked up a bottle and squeezed a generous amount of shampoo into the palm of her hand. “That’s great. I think you might prove to be… a good student.” It is a compliment, though a thickly veiled one. Red obscured by white, bubbles began streaming down the length of her back before very long… emphasizing her legs, her curves, anything and everything. “Is there anything you’re looking forward to most?” Natasha asked next, twisting towards him even with the wall between him and her. “Oh, and I believe food does not qualify as your ‘favor’, or the shower.” Why is it so much fun to mess with Peter?
A hand against the wall to support him, his hand was moving at a slightly faster pace, with soft suctions sounds mostly muffled by the water as his hand reached the top of his erection. Her voice was soft and beautiful, and it was strange to think that he was jerking off to that, so instead he thought of the times where she had actually touched him.

At the question of what he was looking forward to most, he shrugged, before remembering that he couldn't be seen. "Just... making a difference on a more global scale. I started in my neighbourhood, then expanded more and more until I was helping all of New York. Now I'm growing yet again, able to help even in foreign countries." He explained with a small smile, which quickly dropped as she told him that she still owed him a favour. "And what you suggest I redeem it for?" he replied, wanting to get an idea on her thought process.
An eye closed against the waterfall of heat falling from above, the other darted over his way once again. “Is that so?” Natasha murmured. “How noble. Not very many heroes would feel that way, especially at your age.” Her fingers delving into red, she dipped her head back and washed the shampoo from her hair. “It’s up to you, what you redeem your favor for.” Natasha was positive he can come up with a few ideas on his own, so she doesn’t need to supply him with any.

“I would say, though…” Letting her words drift off, Natasha also made it to where her tone dipped, adopting a more sultry note, “ask for a service only I can provide. How does that sound?” Water cascading down the curves of her body, she bent to retrieve the conditioner, moving on to lathering this in her hair.
No matter how much he was trying, he couldn't cum. His wrist growing sore and his hand cramping up, it made it a lot more difficult to get pleasure. It was then that he was reminded that he could redeem his favour, and for a service that only she could provide. Blushing deeply at the offer, he debated his options before finally coming out with his request. This would either end well, or end with him being fired from the Junior Avengers Initiative.

"Um... well... in training, you uh.. took advantage of some aspects of my body that I possess as a male." he began, darting around any specific words to try and not be as embarrassed. "And uh.. reactions occurred." he proceeded, swallowing deeply. "Now um... I've been trying to take care of it, but I sprained my wrist from landing on it badly earlier." He trailed off, hoping she would understand what he needed without coming out and saying it. His voice had been growing softer and stuttered more the longer he spoke.
“You’re not being very direct.” Trails of white going down over her shoulders, Natasha ran her fingers through dark red, all the while listening to him fumble through his request. A thin film of white suds traveled over her shoulders, down the long, sensual curve of her back, and down further still. All swirled down the drain seconds later. Dark, smoky grey eyes flicked in his general direction, amusement lurking in their depths… and also curving her lips into a smile.

Peter Parker is cute, surprisingly so. Natasha let her fingers trail along the curve of her throat… ever so quietly walking towards where he is washing off the sweat of their little sparring session. “You have to put it in words adequately… so that there is no misunderstanding…” More than tempted to steal a sneak peek at him, Natasha waited to see what he had to say on the matter. Will he say that he wants her to stroke his cock, make him cum? Or no?
Taking a deep breath, he couldn't believe he was about to say this out loud. But he had.. urges, that he couldn't satisfy right now. He hoped this didn't earn him a black eye, or even worse, a one-way ticket out of the helicarrier. But from her tone of voice, he felt as if she knew what he needed, but wanted to hear him actually say it.

"I... I badly need to cum. I don't care how you do it, whether it's with your hand or anything else you desire, but you got me really hard and I can't take care of it." He told her. Peter's voice sounded somewhat panicked and hushed, as if worried he would be overheard.
Every syllable was thrown out, one tumbling over the other, but Natasha could pick out the meaning easily enough. A deep, throaty laugh escaped her lips. “There you go,” Natasha replied, coming into view, arms folded underneath her breasts, a finger tapping on a bicep. Ropes of muscle can be seen beneath the skin, lean and powerful, yet, in a way, seductive, too. Natasha tilted her head, a wave of dark, wet red lying against a cheek.

“Now, how did I make you hard?” Playfully asking him this, Natasha stalked closer… waiting for him to open his eyes, to look her over like any other teenage boy would. A hand reached out, the tips of her fingers touching first his chest… and then venture down south, waiting for a reaction this time.
Her voice was closer now, as if she had approached his shower stall. Reluctantly, as if fighting off the idea of this behaviour, Peter's eyes flickered open, shocked to find a fully nude Natasha Romanova in front of him. Every curve was perfection, but he already knew that from her skin-tight body suit. But the little details, such as skin tone, the colour of her nipples, and just her behaviour (and lack of modesty) while naked were things the teen acutely picked up on.

Natasha's hand slowly ran along his skin as she asked how she got him hard. The playful nature of her approach made him smile and blush, though he felt embarrassed that she was forcing him to continue talking. "You're um... movements on my body felt good. And the thoughts that were inspired by those movements were very arousing." He stammered. He thought about closing his eyes once again, but knew he wanted to stare at her instead.
“Is that right?” Natasha had to admit, this is a little more… entertaining than she could have possibly anticipated. Maybe it has something to do with Parker’s reactions… In any case, she didn’t plan on pulling away anytime soon. “I had absolutely no idea I was having that sort of effect on you…” Natasha purred, leaning in so that every word could brush against his ear in heat. The hand ventured south, admiring and exploring the ripples of muscle just beneath his skin. Most Avengers are heavily built with muscle, but he… is lean, slim, quietly strong without being overly so. It was sort of arousing, in a way.

Their bodies close, with just a handful of inches separating the two, the atmosphere had kicked it up a couple notches… making sweat bead on not only her skin, but his, too. Natasha had her fingertips play over his left hip first, and then his right, before dipping down between both. “Let me guess… You were entertaining ideas about me, too, weren’t you?” she asked next, already knowing the answer. Peter had to have, considering how hard he was.
He felt like she was lying when she said she had no idea she had that sort of effect on him. After all, she was probably the most attractive woman he had ever met. She would have this sort of effect on everyone, not just him... right? Despite her words, the slight purr to her voice told him that she enjoyed the idea of him thinking of her in that way.

At the question of whether he thought about her too, he gave a small nod. "Y-You uh.." he stumbled over his words, the work her fingers were doing over his skin was a little distracting. "You look really good... it's difficult not to think of you.. uh.. like that." He replied. His fingers twitched slightly, as if itching to move over to her body, yet restraint prevented him from going through with it. Black Widow's teasing made everything excruciating, yet he didn't want it to stop, instead wanting her to continue but going further than she had yet. He doubted that would happen though. After all, he was like half her age...
It is sort of… cute, how he stumbles over his words. A playful little smile graced her lips, mischief crackling around the edges. “Oh? ‘It’s difficult not to think of you like that’?” Natasha repeated, the words no louder than a whisper… as if this was a secret, just between him and her. Actually… it sort of is, now that she thinks about it. None of the other Avengers can know. This could ruin her reputation…and who knows what else.

“What sort of… ideas are you having?” Natasha felt obligated to ask, eyes bright with mischief, with amusement… and a third element, too, one of which she could not bring herself to name. “Hm? Tell me. I feel that it’s only fair…” The tips of her fingers were brushing the inside of his thighs… painfully close to his arousal, teasing him. Their bodies were close… close enough to where he could touch her, if he felt so obliged. Natasha let the water hit her, the heat sinking into her bones… drops of water clinging onto her skin.
He hated this. The feeling of not knowing what was to come. Completely at the mercy of Natasha's games. Sure, she was giving him an eyeful, but would this lead onto something? Or was she just giving him blueballs for the hell of it? Her whispered words sounded incredibly erotic, despite her simply repeating his words.

Peter was asked to voice the ideas he had, and he wanted to say no. But what if he continued? What if he kept playing her game, and something came of it? Knowing he had to keep playing, he swallowed deeply and stuttered out another response.

"I uh.. want to touch you. A-And uh... you to touch me." he weakly said. But as the words left his mouth, he knew they would not be enough. "I keep getting thoughts in my mind of you uh... o-on your knees, and uh... y-you know." He mumbled the last few words, but slightly gestured to his erect penis, clearly insinuating that he had ideas of getting a blowjob from her.
If she isn't mistaken, Peter wanted to say no. Natasha can sort of understand. If she was in his position, if their roles were reversed... she might turn it down, too. It is hard to say. A long silence following her question, Natasha was immensely surprised when he spoke up at long last.

Soft laughter echoed off the tile. Natasha tilted her head, giving him a coy little smile... just to mess with his head. "Uh huh..." Ever so slowly, the Avenger got down on her knees, gripping onto the back of his for balance purposes. "You mean... like this?" Natasha asked in a purr, lifting a brow. The tip of her tongue made an appearance, teasing the tip of his cock.
Shocked, his eyes followed Natasha as she descended to the ground. Cock growing harder in her presence, Peter silently watched the tongue dart out, teasing the tip of his cock. To his horror, it seemed like Natasha's teasing had done more than simply annoy Peter and give him blue balls. The moment he felt the warm, wet tongue snake along his tip briefly, his cock began to convulse, shooting a hot, sticky liquid across Natasha's face. She was close enough that it was mostly just her mouth that was plastered in cum, but some ran down her neck and her breasts.

Peter was embarrassed for two reasons. The first, obviously, was the embarrassment of prematurely ejaculating, especially with someone like Natasha. The second reason was related to his premature finish though - now that he had come, she likely wouldn't touch him again. The boy-spider suffered through all that build up, and got next to no benefits. He was still clearly hard, so hopefully she would simply laugh it up and continue...
Unexpectedly, a hot, sticky liquid shot across Natasha’s face. Most of it ended up in her mouth, but the rest plastered onto her chin, neck… and was slowly trickling down between her breasts. Natasha blinked, taken by surprise at this sudden development. It was not long before she chuckled, however, a finger dipping into the white. “I guess you kept a lot of it in, huh?” Natasha teased, tasting the cum off her finger. “It does make me wonder, though… if you’ve got more…” Dark brown eyes lifted, a playful little smile gracing her lips. “What do you say? Should I find out for myself?” Leaving that question unanswered, Natasha leaned in… having her tongue play with the tip of his cock all over again.

It was not long until she began to suck on it… only to slowly take his entire cock into her mouth. Natasha swirled her tongue all around it… waiting to see his reaction, to hear him moan and groan, as men often do in this situation.
His embarrassment lasted a while, even after the relief settled in of hearing Natasha laugh. It was good that she wanted to continue, giving a small nod at the question she posed, before groaning softly as her tongue moved along the tip once again. He wasn't a big fan of just the tip being played with, wanting the full package to get attention, so it was nice to watch as she slowly swallowed him whole. "Ohhhh." He moaned softly, wanting to close his eyes and enjoy the sensations. But he kept watching, because if this was going to be his only time with her, he wanted something for the wank bank. "Feels so good." Peter groaned quietly, and it wasn't quite clear if he was talking to himself or encouraging Natasha.
Occupied with… other tasks, Natasha couldn’t exactly reply, not without putting a stop to all this. Besides, his words are reward enough… for now. Natasha did, however, smile. Her fingers wrapped around the base, every once in a while squeezing… all while she continued to lick and suck. His eyes are on her, that much she knew for sure… and his cum is all over her face, her breasts, her neck. It felt sticky on her skin. Natasha pulled back enough to lick over his cock, only to take the whole length back into her mouth.
Peter's breath became shallow once more, his balls tightening against her chin. He did not have the presence of mind to warn Natasha, as soon a second load of cum shot out from his cock, hitting the back of the heroine's throat and slowly sliding down to her stomach. "So good." He breathed, repeating himself as he tried to recover. His cock was still hard, but there was a question on if he'd give another load or not, if given the proper motivation. Peter was a little unsure, but with how the day had progressed so far, he felt that it would be an easy task for Natasha if she so desired.
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