Black Widow Baby [RoleplayMaster x Frogger]


Jun 26, 2013
Peter Parker took a deep breath, looking at the door in front of him. Maria Hill had just escorted him and five other kids around his age through the SHIELD Helicarrier. They were to be a part of the Junior Avengers Initiative, a young team of Superheroes to provide back-up to the original team if necessary, or to help out other threats in the world if the original team is busy. It was exciting, and he was looking forward to it.

He was told that they would be paired with a member of the original team in order to learn from the best. They were paired through their different powers and how they can act in the field, so Peter was curious as to who he was paired with. Looking at the door in front of him, he finally braced himself and entered.

The room was empty, at least in terms of other people. But from the various items around the apartment, he could guess who he was to train with. No forms of experimental technology, so that eliminated Toni Stark. No chemicals or other science experiments, so Barbara Banner was not his teacher either. He had no clue what Thor would have for her room, except maybe a mantel for her hammer, but he didn't believe she was in this room either. Stacy Rogers would have a record player or other old technology in here, or maybe some old newspaper clippings, so she wasn't here either. That left either Natasha Romanoff, or Clarissa Barton. Well.. there were various weapons on display, yet no bows... Just as he was coming up with his idea on his teacher, the door opened behind him...
“I am not a babysitter.”

Peter Parker, AKA Spiderman. A new initiate of the Junior Avengers, he shows promise in the years to come… provided he undergoes the proper training. As a member of the Avengers herself, it is Natasha’s duty to train him in whatever areas he is lacking, not only that, but to guide him. It is a necessary evil, as some may say. As Barbara Banner put it, she should see it as an opportunity to ‘help the future in the present’, or something along those lines. Natasha isn’t looking forward to babysitting a young, reckless hero, or having a shadow out in the field who will only get in the way.

A small scowl set into place upon her lips, Natasha zeroed in on the door as if it did her a personal injustice. The door slid open with a quiet hiss, revealing the youth and the endless responsibilities that will be weighing down on her shoulders for the next… wait, how long is this going to last? Dark grey coming to focus on him, she entered the room, the door closing right behind her.

In her usual black leather uniform, which leaves nothing to the imagination, Natasha looks every bit the special agent she is. Tall and slender, there is a certain strength to her small frame few men can guess at, but many have felt over the years. Dark red framed her pale features, soft waves that contradicts the fierce, strict look somewhat. “Peter Parker,” Natasha spoke up finally. “Known to possess superhuman strength, reflexes, and gifted with an enhanced molecular structure, no less. You are young, but you show a lot of promise… or so they say.” Placing both hands on her hips, Natasha studied ‘Spiderman’ from head to toe.

“Do you have any other skills I need to know about?”
Peter jumped in surprise as his name was announced. Turning on the spot, he soon found Natasha Romanoff standing in front of him. His new teacher. It was a bit of a surprise, as he definitely could have seen himself with the Iron Woman, or even Clarrisa or Barbara. But Natasha could also make sense, as his powers could have a stealth element if applied correctly.

She did not seem too impressed with him, and from what he heard about her, that seemed about right. It would take a lot to impress the woman in front of him, but Spider-Man was always up to the challenge.

"Other than what you listed, I'm also fairly acrobatic, and possess the ability to climb walls. Finally, I created my own web-shooters, which shoot a strong webbing I use to swing around or stop enemies. Oh, and I have a preference for spider-themed gadgets and clothing." He smirked at the last line, but it quickly disappeared.
Amused despite herself, Natasha Romanoff lifted a brow while a coy smile curved her lips. “Oh really? I had absolutely no idea that you have a preference for those sort of gadgets,” she relayed, rich sarcasm dripping from the words. The smile only gaining more confidence, her dark grey eyes assessed him while she absorbed the information. “It seems as though you have a few abilities you can be proud of,” she finally told him, a finger tapping along the curve of her hip. “How well you fight, however, remains to be seen. Are you tired from the trip?” Dark red reflecting and refracting the light, not to mention framing her features just so, Natasha came closer, every step echoing off the floor. There are a number of stories about the notorious Spiderman: though how much is fact, and how much is fiction, she cannot be sure as of yet.

Perhaps Barbara did have a point. If this Peter Parker is anything to go by, he might actually prove to be a valuable part of the team… someday. Imagining him and Tony Stark getting into some kind of technical mischief, she nearly sighed. With her luck, Natasha will have to babysit not only him, but Iron-Man in the days to come...

“What do you say about a little spar?” Natasha threw out there, looking to him for an answer. “We can always make it interesting, too…” A little wager never hurts, though what he could possibly want, she has no idea. “Whoever wins can demand any one thing from the loser. Deal?” It is slightly risky, however Natasha is confident in her combat skills. From what little she knows, Peter Parker relies on his webs and rarely engaged in hand-to-hand… which she will use to her advantage.
"A little tired, but nothing I don't deal with on a daily basis" Being a student and a crime-fighter weighed hard on his ability to stay 100% awake, but he was used to it by now, so it didn't affect him as much. His tone of voice was a little suspicious, knowing the comment was leading somewhere.

The proposed arrangement was interesting at the very least, yet his limited experience with Gwen and Mary Jane made him know that 'any one thing' did not literally translate into any one thing. If he was to win, he doubted he could ask for anything he wanted from the beautiful redheaded spy.

"Okay, but a few questions first. I'm guessing no gadgets? Also what determines a win or loss? Submission, knock out? Something else?" He was definitely interested, as he loved testing his abilities whenever he could. What he had failed to mention to the Black Widow was what he liked to call his 'Spider Sense', an ability that allowed him to anticipate things that may bring him harm. While he may not be on the same turf as his opponent in skill, he would be able to outmatch her in abilities.

"Oh, and we're not doing it here, are we? Seems a little cluttered and small for a proper spar." He added, looking around the room.
“No gadgets,” Natasha clarified with a nod of her head. Arms crossed, the black leather struggled to confine the fleshy globes of her breasts, doing so successfully… but meanwhile, emphasizing their shape very well. Having detected the note of suspicion in Peter’s voice, she flashed him a coy smile… one that has seduced many men throughout the years, and then some. A low chuckle rumbled deep in the back of her throat.

Natasha cracked open an eye, light playing over dark grey and revealing veins of brown. “What determines a win or loss is submission,” she decided right then and there. “I must be forced to concede for the fight to be declared yours, and vice versa. There is a gym further down the Helicarrier. I am not going to have you breaking my things.” Lifting a brow, Natasha let her hands fall back onto her hips. Given the expression Peter just had on his face… that, and his line of questioning, he has something suggestive on his mind for when he wins.

If he wins, that is. “Are you going to need a few minutes, or are you ready to follow me?” Natasha threw out there, a husky chuckle tumbling forward on the heels of her words. Dark red waves falling forward, gracing the curve of her jawline and in doing so, framing her face just so, the young woman brushed these aside with a careless wave of her hand.
Peter nodded at the rules. He had never been put in a situation where a villain or target needed to be put in a submission, but he had watched wresting every now and then. Maybe a chokehold would work, especially with his strength... He just had to ensure he got close enough to do that.

Following her with a small laugh, Peter looked around the helicarrier as they walked toward the gym. It was an impressive piece of machinery, so it was hard not to be curious at everything around him.

It was not long until they reached the gym. While there were many different weights and other pieces of equipment around the place, there was a soft mat in the middle, perfect for sparring. Walking onto what could clearly be one of two designated spots for a spar, Peter stood and watched Natasha get into place. Being the jokester that he is, the human spider pretended to do a karate-like movement, waving his arms around and getting in a long stance. With one hand out toward Natasha, he gestured for her to come at him, with a wink and a grin. Knowing this position could be exploited in a number of ways, Peter quickly rose into a much better position, waiting for her approach.
What in the-? Natasha lifted a brow at the goofy, karate-like movement the protege managed to pull off, only to let out a chuckle under her breath seconds later. In place, she rolled her shoulders and fell into a natural fighting stance. Dark red tumbled forward to rest over an eye, but this did not bother her any. It will not get in the way, either. No, everything she was fixing to do, she already has planned out.

Their eyes met, a challenge lingering in hers… a curiosity in his, it seems. The moment stretched on to eternity, until… the thin thread snapped, time speeding forward until no one can keep track of it.

Fast as lightning, Natasha closed the distance between him and her, a hand colliding rather harshly with his chest. The other hand, index and middle finger extended, hit several vital points… and when he gasped, she used her strength to flip him over onto his back. An agent must always be prepared for the unexpected… though to be honest, she expected more from him.
Feeling hit after hit connect, the agent was a lot faster 'and stronger' than he expected. Falling to the ground, he used the momentum to roll backwards and back to his feet. Approaching the agent, he attempted a few punches, all of them being dodged, before she volleyed punches back in his direction.

For whatever reason, his spidey-sense did not kick in earlier, but it seemed to be working now, allowing Peter to move out of the way of every punch and kick thrown at him. After the initial part, Natasha failed to connect a single blow. Seeing her grow a little frustrated, a hard punch was thrown out by her, and her opponent helped push that momentum. Peter grabbed Natasha's wrist and pulled it in the same direction that she punched, moving his body out of the way to bring her body lurching forward. Combined with his raised foot, and Natasha soon fell to her stomach. Dropping to the ground himself, the usually-masked superhero pulled Natasha's left arm behind her back in a chicken-wing submission hold, bringing pain to her shoulder. A knee rested on her lower back, holding her body in place in case she attempted to roll out of it.
How humiliating. There must be another ability Peter Parker neglected to mention, because there is no way this rookie can avoid every one of her punches as easily as he has. Temper flashing in dark grey, Natasha drew in a deep breath to calm down… and like that, she could focus. Her left shoulder may be throbbing in protest, but she can ignore that. Threads of red fell against pale skin, pooling on the dark blue mat this little spar is taking place on. Pulling in another breath… Natasha placed her right palm down, and rolled.

Peter may have anticipated her to roll, but not towards him. Having been taken by surprise, he slid off… and while she did hurt the elbow of her left arm, it was not so much where she can’t fight back. Natasha was on her feet in seconds, poised and ready for attack. This Peter Parker is proving to be more than just a teenager with special abilities, she will admit that much. The Avengers need more heroes such as him. Her eyes narrowed slightly, Natasha assessed the situation before making another move. Leaping forward, she put her weight on his chest, pinning both of his arms down with her knees. A hand pressed on his throat, not so much where his life is in danger or that he can’t breathe… but just enough.
Natasha got out of his submission hold, which was quite disappointing. While the fight was fun, he did find the act of fighting the woman meant to be his teacher to be a little nerve-wracking... or maybe that was because she was a trained assassin? Either way, he wanted this to end fast.

Feeling the full weight of his female teacher fall onto his chest, Peter hit the ground hard, unable to lift himself away from the Black Widow. Hands against the ground, Peter lifted his body up, feeling the pressure of the hand against his throat. With one strong push, the boy lifted Natasha off of him and stood, allowing for some more sparring to take place - or at least, allowing Natasha to throw more and more punches that were dodged.

Managing to get close to her once again, Peter hooked his arm around her outstretched arm which was in the middle of a punch. Twisting around behind her, Peter hooked his other arm around her other arm, pulling back and aggravating her hurting shoulder. Falling back (onto him, so he didn't hurt her), Peter hit the ground and rolled them over, so her stomach was on the ground, and his teenage body was pressed against hers. His legs moved down to hook around Natasha's legs too, to ensure she wouldn't be able to stand. With her face pressed against the mat, she might notice a boner pressing against her body.
Peter Parker, AKA Spiderman, hit the ground hard underneath her weight. Using his hands, he lifted his body up… and with a strong push, got her off his chest. Literally. Natasha landed on her feet easily enough, dark red falling over her shoulders while she studied him. As an old, wise man once said: “Appearances can be deceiving”. This seems to be the case with this particular hero. At first glance, he does not look like much of a threat… but his incredible strength and fast reflexes makes up for it. Pleased to have a challenge, Natasha rolled her shoulders and threw another punch in his direction.

Each and every individual punch was dodged, as she expected. Their proximity closing, Peter hooked an arm around one of hers, twisting it around behind… and did the same with the other. Falling back, Natasha landed on his chest, but that did not last very long. In an instant he rolled them both over, so he was pinning her down rather than vice versa. Peter’s legs tangled with hers, to ensure she wouldn’t be able to stand. Infuriated and mortified, Natasha was fixing to retaliate somehow or another, when she noticed a hard length pressing against the curve of her ass. Grey eyes widened slightly.

Well, he is a teenager. A smirk pulling at her lips, the female assassin decided to take advantage of his… momentary weakness. Natasha thrust her hips up, earning a moan from the fledgling superhero. With his attention elsewhere, she then yanked her arms free from his grip and placed both hands on the mat. “What’s the matter?” she purred, stealing a glance over her shoulder at him. A low chuckle rumbling deep in the back of her throat, Natasha stole a hand of his, having the palm press against her breast… and then threw it over her shoulder, him flying over her bent body.
Groaning softly as pressure was applied to his 'package', the distraction was enough for Natasha to break free. It had felt good, her body against his own, but he had to think of the fight, and not his growing physical attraction to her. His hand soon was moved to her breast, succeeding in distracting him for a second time, before he hit the mat once more. Looking up, he noticed Natasha standing over him as he hit the ground. Gripping her ankles, his strength helped in pushing them back and making her faceplant right on top of his body, her head falling close to his bulge.

Before she had the time to do anything more to sexually distract him, Peter moved her body down, so her feet were close to his head. Stretching and twisting, he put the woman in an ankle lock, his legs pinning her hands to her sides. Possibly cheating somewhat, Peter used his heightened strength to put more pressure on her ankle, making it even more painful. "C'mon, just give up." he grinned.
“‘Give up’? Me? Never,” Natasha shot back, not very pleased with this new position. This is definitely an unusual way of pinning a girl down… not that it will do him any good. “Please. Do you really think this will work?” Using her own incredible strength, she bent her knees… giving the young man an admirable view of her derriere as she forced her arms to do the same. Kneeling at this point, Natasha debated over her next move. There is always the option of using his raging hormones against him… but how much fun could that possibly be? Yes, it has earned her a slight advantage… perhaps it might prove to earn another distraction or two?

Natasha wrenched an arm from his leg, and with a low chuckle, trailed her fingertips along the inside of his thigh. “Why? Are you having trouble pinning me down?” Finding the bulge underneath the fabric of his pants, the fingers that have hurt so many stroked along its length to earn yet another moan of pleasure. “Why don’t you give up?” Natasha asked in a low, nearly seductive murmur.
Peter moaned softly as her hand gripped his cock, trying to ignore it. "Is that a usual tactic you use?" He asked softly. "I thought this would be the sort of sparring that simulates real life fighting." He suggested, grabbing her hand from his crotch and pulling it away. Peter wrapped her arm around her body, and gripped it in the hand of the arm that was choking her. Due to the pressure applied from his super strength, she would either have to give up now, or fall unconscious from suffocation.
A chuckle filled the silence that fell between him and her. "Expect the unexpected," Natasha decided to share with the young hero, "that way, you are never taken advantage of or by surprise." Pulled into yet another submissive hold, she let out another laugh under her breath. "Enough. You have proven yourself... capable." Not really impressed or worried, Natasha waited for him to let her go, pleased with herself at his reaction. It isn't often that she gets free rein of... messing with a male such as him.
Slowly releasing her, Peter considered asking if he had won, but then remembered that whoever won got to ask something of the loser. Not knowing what he'd ask (or knowing what he wanted but knowing he couldn't say it), he fell silent.

"So, what is next? More training?" The man asked, standing up and offering her a hand. He was still letting his mind wander over the various sexual acts Natasha committed during their spar, leaving the boy rock hard and even more obviously aroused by his bulge. She already knew about it though, so he did not bothered hiding.
Grey eyes the color of twilight, of stormy skies and winter waters, Natasha glanced over her shoulder at him with a raised brow. “No… No, not exactly.” Why bother? Why push him so far? There is always tomorrow, and besides: he and his fellow proteges should rest while they can. Peter Parker and the others have only just arrived. Tomorrow is a new day, and then… he can really start training. Natasha rolled her shoulders, trying to ignore the ache spreading through one like wildfire. He is stronger than he looks, she’ll admit that much. Noticing the proffered hand, Natasha slipped her hand into his, climbing up onto her feet.

“No, I’ve decided that I will grant you one little… favor, wish, however you want to put it,” Natasha told him finally. “You did a lot better than I expected you to. So. What do you want, Peter Parker? Or… should I call you Spiderman?” Twisting around to face him, Natasha placed a finger under his chin, lifting his head so that their eyes met. A seductive, sly smile curved her lips.
A soft blush came to his cheeks at the closeness between him and his teacher, the gentle touch of her finger under his chin. Forced to look up into her eyes, it was clear how ensure of himself he was. He had many dirty thoughts for that 'favour', but knew something else needed to be said. Just as the silence began to run for too long, his stomach rumbled, giving him an easy out. "Food. I need food." He replied softly. "Maybe a shower too, but mostly food." He added softly, realising now just how sweaty he was, and no doubt how smelly that sweat would get.
“Food?” Natasha repeated, lifting a brow. “Really?” The soft blush that had suddenly washed over his cheeks indicated that his thoughts were on… other matters, yet he chose food as part of his favor? How odd. Dark red tumbling about, the rich waves framing her features and pale skin, Natasha let her hand fall away. “Dinner will be served in an hour or two,” she spoke up, tilting her head. “I can provide you with the shower, though. Go ahead, unless…” Letting her words trail off, Natasha leaned in, her lips brushing his ear, “you want me to join you?”
The offer was tempting, yet seemed like a trap. Despite this, her voice was sensual and soft, and he had to see if there was some possibility of this being true. "I... uh..." he stumbled over his words. "The showers here are um.. u-unisex and shared, so um.. I'll have my shower. You're welcome to have yours um.. at the s-same time." He stuttered, face bright red.

Getting nervous, he grabbed his stuff and practically ran off to the bathrooms, unable to handle Natasha's expert teasing.
Aw. How cute. Natasha let loose a laugh, amusement and mirth perfuming the air. Is he really that inexperienced when it comes to teasing, to sexual exploits? It is almost… adorable. “I might as well,” Natasha said into the empty space, lifting her arms high in a lazy stretch. “I didn’t think I would exert myself this much.” Her grey eyes swept through the room, and then she opened the dresser to grab herself a new change of clothes, a towel, shampoo and everything else she will need.

In the community bathroom, white tile was from wall to wall, floor to ceiling. Natasha strolled in without a care, deciding to take residence in one nearby. “Hello, Peter,” she called out.
When Peter entered the bathroom, it was nice and empty, thank god. It was a beautiful place, as was every room on the Helicarrier. Some showers had stalls for privacy, while others were out in the open. Quickly entering a stall, as if they would suddenly disappear in a few seconds if he didn't, Peter began to wash.

It was just as he was rubbing his genitals with soap that he heard a familiar female voice, causing him to blush and instantly go hard in his hands. "H-Hello, Miss Romanoff" He stuttered nervously, looking down and noticing her foot at the bottom of their shared stall wall. Trying to ignore the thoughts he had of how she was now completely naked, he continued with washing up.
“What do you think of everything so far?” Natasha shed the leather, casting it aside and bathing in the glow only a fight provides. Along the wall were stalls for privacy, for those who are self-conscious, and others were out in the open. Having no such issues, Natasha usually forgoes the stalls, only using the wall to hang her things. “Is it everything you were hoping for and more?”

Light dancing along pale skin, generous curves and long, slender legs, Natasha turned on the water with a quick twist of her wrist. “By the way, call me Natasha. ‘Miss’ is for old women,” she threw out there, dipping her head under the warm current. It felt good on her skin. With a groan, Natasha turned around, letting the water hit her shoulders and travel down the length of her back.
"Yes ma'am" Peter replied a little cheekily, allowing his humorous side to appear briefly, before being serious. "So far, I'm having a blast. Definitely happy with everything I've experienced, and happy about who I got as my teacher." He answered, allowing a small compliment to make it's way into his answer. Sighing softly as he looked at his erection, his eyes wandered from it to the wall separating student from teacher. He definitely needed to take care of this, but would she notice? Nervously grabbing a hold of his erection, he began to stroke himself, finding the added risk to be a huge turn on. The soap and water worked well as a lube for him.
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