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Last Movie You Saw...

Last movie I watched was Elemental with my son. It was an adorable story. I liked it a lot and the animation was beautiful!
Spy - Susan Cooper! It was actually a pretty fun and enjoyable movie! And I liked Jason Statham character there unlike his other movies he's goofy and pretty funny there and judging by his performance he enjoyed the role there too!
Godzilla (2014) -- Better than I expected, but the complaints about the lack of monster vs. monster action until the end are extremely valid. And I knew Bryan Cranston was going to die but I'm still surprised it happened. The subplot with his son was just dead in the water without him. Godzilla plot armor was nutty as fuck, too, but not nearly as nutty as Kong's.

Kong: Skull Island -- Samuel Jackson is wasted on a cliche role, but he killed it anyway. Kong should've died four times in the last 20 minutes of the film alone. The last big monster fight was garbage and the believability of that thing killing two grown kong's is dramatically decreased when Kong himself was beating the hell out of it so easily. This film is just below mid imo.

Oooon to the Monarch show~
Dune Part 2 (as well).

As a movie, I quite enjoyed it.

As a part of the Dune franchise, it...made a few changes that the overall story will have difficulty bearing.
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